Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Sagna: we have to fight

As sure as night follows day, grass is green, sky is blue and John Terry is history’s greatest monster, there will always be an Arsenal player talking about how they’re going to react in the wake of a bad result.

To be fair, most of the time they’re asked direction questions and the answer really can’t be “I dunno, I reckon we’re a bit fucked but sure we’ll go out and give it a lash and see what happens.”

There is only one response – the one in which they say they’ll keep going, keep fighting, having belief in themselves and, of course, to try and make it up to the fans. In recent times it has been Johan Djourou who has been the default go to guy in situation like this. Maybe that’s why his form is in the toilet, he knows that if we lose he has do the ‘fight, believe, fans’ schtick.

This time, however, it’s Bacary Sagna. Speaking to Arsenal Player he outlined the reaction needed ahead of the derby this Sunday.

“We have to keep our heads up, work hard and think about the Premier League because we have a derby next weekend against Tottenham.

“We need to do it for us and for the fans as well. We have to react. We can’t play like this against Tottenham otherwise we will lose.

“We have one week to get ready for the game, to question ourselves, to work and to talk to each other. We are professional and we have to fight until the end. Personally I want to do it and everyone else wants to do it as well.”

And he had a message for the fans who traveled to Milan and Sunderland, the fashion capitals of Europe

“We just want to thank them one more time even if we didn’t get the result. It is not easy for us and for them as well. We are just thankful for the support that they give us and we’ll try to win next weekend.

“We have to look forwards. We are fourth in the Premier League and we can’t let it go like this.”

And while we’ve heard it all plenty of times before, I love Bacary Sagna and if he’s hurting, we’re hurting and I believe he knows we’re hurting which hurts him even more.

Plus he’s got some unfinished business having had his leg broken during our last game against Sp*rs. In conclusion: Sagna for president!

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The Gun

Atleast you can see that he really cares in the interview. He’s been out for a long period of time. Can’t really blame him for not being 100% yet. Go Bac!!


Why you encouraging him?
Stay bac stay!!!

The Gun

Go like in come on!

Runcorn Gooner

Tongue stuck firmly in cheek.
AFC are going for an award for the
number of players who will win certificates for stating the Bloody obvious
The club are running out of credible
players to give out the same message.

The Gun

Yes, but what else can the players say? Maybe they shoudln’t say anything anymore?


same old story after every loss. i wonder what they’ll say if we lose to the scum on sunday


Come on Gunners, we lost two important games, let’s make sure we don’t make it a hat-trick.

Time to send ‘Arry crying to White Hart Lane 🙂

Runcorn Gooner

Despite all the doom and gloom of the past week lets not forget
we are still 4th in the league.
Let’s go out and cement that position and get 3 points closer to the


He’s right about one thing…..we will lose. Again. It’s not a case of trying harder, they are just shit.


Ya it’s pretty hard to through any shit on this dude. He’s one of two players in our squad who actually ARE world class. Id be ok if we sold everyone except bac, rvp, jack and koscielny. The rest…………. Adios


kepp TV5 also. he’s decent when he passes the ball forward and when he shoots at goal


Get rid of Szcz too?? Surely not!

Wes Mantooth

A squad without Coq would be hard to swallow…


I haven’t read any arsenal blog or seen any highlights since the 0-2 defeat. So hard to swallow. Come on arsenal… turn this around!


Best not to read anything!!


Victory this weekend will be all the sweeter after all the shit this season.


Bacary Sagna is useless. The problem is too many of you gooners dont have enough footballing nous to realise. He tracks back very lethargically and hates to tackle. He cant block a cross to save his life all in all he is mediocre and has no fighting spirit . Another mercenary who doesnt play for the badge. Coquelin has more spirit in his little toe and Yennaris more ability. Looks like a muppet and plays like one.


HAHAHAHA, fuck off. Go support sp*rs or something.


That may be the single most retarded comment I’ve ever read. And I read my own comments after I submit them, so that’s saying a lot.




Trollingham Shitspur. TURD ALERT. Be gone.


Seriously alan huton, get off Arsenal blogs and try something else for a change, like taking lessons on football. Arsene will never sign you.
And if i am wrong and it isn’t you then i’ll be shocked.

Runcorn Gooner

Well at least we know it’s not Arry.Because he can’t spell.


Sounds more like Patrice Evra to me.

Naija Gunner

It seems the only thing they are good at is to preach to us on how bad and hard they all worked to make things happen but personally am tired and sick of it all, I’ve stopped watching live Arsenal matches and news too. I only follow the matches via the net, coz I don’t want to die young.

Wenger is stubborn,some of the players are shits amd the board are fucks. Anyone can give me a million thumb downs I don’t care. God I love Arsenal FC but not these losers!


I suppose someone has to front the media, but I really wish for this week our players didn’t say anything. We’ve heard it all before and the fans are sick of the same old lines and too many poor results. The only thing any of us want to see or hear is a win against Spuds. I don’t care who plays, or even how we play, as long as the players/management get the result for Arsenal and its fans. Forget about last week or next week, who’s injured, who’s leaving or might be coming… bloody focus 100% on giving everything… Read more »

Thierry Henry

“Milan and Sunderland, the fashion capitals of Europe”



many of our squad r average. rvp, sagna, kos, verm, song, mert, wilshere r not. that they play average is coaching problem. they r briliant today, poor tomorow. beter coach wuld get beter results from this team consistently.


Please do recommend a coach then…


I’m old enough to have witnessed the highs and lows over the past thirty odd years, and yes, it really hurts right now pretty damn hard because the world and his pet goat have seen this decline coming, but bloody hell Gooners we’ve got to ride this out. This weekend we need blood sweat and tears , hopefully of joy, and a thorough beating of that mob from the wrong end of Seven Sisters. Always Red, Always Arsenal.


Vice captain: bac

Ian allinson's tache

I ve got a feeling we ll beat the spuds but then go on an unbeaten run till the end of the season? No me neither- our squads not up to it, what happens if rvp gets injured? Wenger doesn t trust chamach or arshavin or park as it is to come of the bench- we re in trouble maybe the penny will finally drop for arsene and the muppets

Ian allinson's tache

On the board


Then stop moaning as well, that would also help. Feel sorry for you though. No live football for you? Or you just blacked out the Arsenal and watch the rest? If so just know they are more shits amd fucks


Oops, that was meant to be a reply to
“Naija Gunner
FEBRUARY 20, 2012 AT 11:43


The only good thing I can say about Spurms is that there pitch actually looks decent (no where near ours though) so if we do lose (PLEASE GOD NO!) we wont have the pitch excuse. We have 1 full week, 1 week with the players we have now. We have one short bus ride across North London, not a plane trip, we will actually play on a good pitch, plus van Persie, Gervinho, Ox, Sagna, Vermaelan, Gibbs, Arteta, Rosicky etc. are fit. There is no excuse now. Arsenal need to go out there and play the Arsenal way. The way… Read more »


It’s at our gaff mate.

I know people say as a team we’re going in the wrong direction, but it’s not that bad.



Runcorn Gooner

After 3 games on ploughed fields can the lads show that they really
can play on grass?
I hope so because a defeat to Spuds with an away game against the
scousers to follow will certainally bring out the boo boys.
I think we can do it.If we all focus on Bale,midget modric and the AFC/Man C
reject having nightmare games it can be done.


Just show some spirit for once wil do me. I can forgive losing. It’s the lack of effort and fight to win the ball that fucks me off.
Feel spurs is now so crucial. Not so much for the win but the spirit and to get the fans back on side. Lose and it’s going to get nasty.


If only we can replace our squad with 300 Spartans.


Fuck this team, but not for the reasons that the trolls constantly whinge about. Fuck them for making me actually care about what they do and what they don’t. For that incensing rage or absolute joy (or relief more like) that You can’t replicate anywhere else, i feel so alive for that 90 odd minutes every week its crazy sonething im so far from can have such an effect on me (i live in aus) But fuck supporting anyone else, gunners for life. Let’s get the result boys, finish this shit heap of a season and come back fresh next… Read more »


I love Bac, one of my favourite players, but there’s one thing that winds me up about him.. His cross. Why is it so inconsistent!? His effort is amazing, probably runs more than anyone in the team, defensively solid, good decision making, but his crosses are a let down most of the time.

Consider the diving knob that is Danny Alves, his assists from crosses are mad, I rate Sagna much more than him and yet his assists are no where as good. If Sagna can sort that out, he’ll become one of the best in the world.


I agree with you, but it’s not just Sagna that is to blame for this. Whenever he puts in a delicious ball, albeit a rarity, there is no one on the end of it. No one pushing for that crucial header. A cross is only as good as the person who makes the effort to meet it.


too right, when we had ade, he’d be on the end of those crosses. this is where i think wenger needs to get chamakh back to his best, headers. he focuses too much on hold up play, and its not really his fault cus when he did play, the bulk of it was a lone striker role so holding up the play is a crucial part in that set up. we got some solid wingers now, the ox, gervinho, theo (when he plays well) and they should focus on whipping in those balls for the likes of chamakh, rvp, etc… Read more »

jim jimminy

I want to see a fight. I can’t remember the last time Arsenal players got into a scrap on the pitch. There was the one where RVP took on Bolton’s back 4 and when Walcott took on the ref. But i’d like to see some others getting involved. I’m talking Szcez running up the pitch. I wouldn’t condone anything like this normally, but i want to see some passion and balls for a change.

If they can’t get fired up for a NLD we’re all screwed.


That’s a very good point. Maybe we can bring jens back for one game and he could just punch the shit out of adabayor. That should get us fired up.


That would have to be one hell of an impressive punch.
After all, Adebayor is full of shit.

[…] gone into lock-down mode on the media side of things. The only snippet we got was poor old Bacary Sagna being rolled out to do the ‘We’ll keep fighting, do it for the fans’ line which was previously […]

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