Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chamakh and Park axed

Ju Young Park and Marouane Chamakh have been dropped by South Korea and Morocco respectively ahead of forthcoming World Cup 2014 qualifying matches.

The latest news comes as a further blow to the two ‘strikers’ after a season at the Emirates which has seen them barely feature, despite being the only back-up to club captain Robin van Persie.

According to Supersport, Morocco coach Eric Gerets appears to have opted against selecting Chamakh in his 26-man squad solely for football reasons after the player scored only a single goal all season at the Emirates. While on the surface the decision may seem unsurprising to Gunners fans, it’s a startling turnaround for the former Bordeaux man who used to be a talismanic presence for the Lions of Atlas.

Park meanwhile looks to be paying the price for delaying his military service. Initially suggesting that he’d return to Korea to undertake the mandatory duty, the 26-year-old, who until recently captained his nation, has since secured a delay after being granted a 10-year residency visa by the authorities in Monaco, the principality in which he used to play his football.

“I think he should publicise his thoughts clearly,” coach Choi Kang-Hee told journalists after a backlash by supporters confused by the striker’s decision.

“A national team must take into account not only an individual player’s capability but the atmosphere of the whole team.”

Admitting he had agonised over whether to select Park or not, he continued:

“What is important is whether a player is willing to sacrifice for the team and whether he has pride in his team.”

It’s pretty obvious that Park and Chamakh need to get their careers back on track as soon as possible. Despite their initial enthusiasm at joining the club, being at Arsenal has not worked out for either of them. Hopefully for all concerned, ties can be severed amicably and clinically in the coming months. Failing that perhaps we can just send them to Anfield, they’ll take anyone these days.

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Could/should encourage both to seek out new pastures this summer.


Lets hope so! I think both can do well in League 1 on teams they are in the starting 11 for. I wish them both luck.

damien joyce

Things don’t appear to be going to well wiv RVP, we may well end up keeping one of them, to be honest if he goes then so be it, nothing we can do about it, but if Arsenal board allow him to go any other Premier League club for the sake of extra few million then they need to go, simple as that, we can accept him looking for new challenge abroad but after saying “I’ll always be a Gooner” and “i’ll always love this club” for him to play for another EPL team will be beyond the pale. There… Read more »


Agree, but don’t get worked up about something that hasn’t even happened yet!

damien joyce

fair point, ur prob right highberry

Tom Wallace

I didn’t realise you were privy to the internal discussions between the club and RVP’s representatives, or perhaps you’ve just been reading the back pages…..

damien joyce

Yes Tom Wallace, back pages do cause what is probably unnecessary woe to the situation, but no need to be so pedantic. My feelings come from the fact back in January I felt sure he would stay but the longer it drags on the less confident I am, but all this “I Love” shit that we as Gooners hear more than any other set of fans gets to me, blogs often says rightly that no player will ever in all likelihood have the same affection as we do, so if recent history is the precedent then we have to accept… Read more »


Best news possible, means they will want to leave in order to get back into international football, instead of sitting on their complacent arses. Also means Park might be called back for military service!


Chamakh, Park, Squillacci, Almunia, Dennilson- they all remind me of those thousands & thousands of benefit scroungers in the UK.


I’m a massive Arsenal fan, season ticket holder etc.

Who are these people, again?



Joey LaCorte

Regardless of how much Park has played this year im pretty sure hes still probably a top 2 choice for South Korea as far as their strikers go…


Same for Chamakh. I don’t understand this.

Gus The Fox


RVP's Right Foot

The hadline gave me a MASSIVE false hope for a second. I thought they’d been shownthe door already.


aye, headline is definitely link-bait-y


I know – me too. Wishful thinking!


Van Persie, Chamakh, Park out. Podolski in. Oh dear. Poor Podolski, bet he didn’t think he’d have to carry the whole team. He failed horribly at Bayern but at least they gave him a team to play with.


very worrying with a game this weekend and all…


I didn’t think it was possible, but your trolling is getting progressively worse, Adma.


haha chill out. you know it’s true. wenger will not do enough and Arsenal will score less goals next season and concede more. instead of burying your head in the sand and having a go at me, why not be men for once and face up to things?


A lot of ‘Men’ have predicted that the world is ending/would have ended by now. I have to admit it has provided a lot of good comic relief.

To be honest if the alternative to ‘burying your head in the sand’ is having a mindset like yours, that sand looks pretty appealing now!

Troll grade for Adma – 10/10 or since Arseblogger is in the mood to grade our season Adma would get an A+ for trolling.


An A+?
Sure, but the grades should come with a little note for his mum: “a negative influence on the class; does not play well with others”


Heh Camilla or maybe the note could also say ‘always wants to play a different game to what everybody is playing and believes that he knows more than the rest of the children’ 🙂

either way I doubt it’s going to have any effect on anyone..troll or otherwise.


I think Adam is just mixed up !


Gotta say I do feel quite sorry for Park. Going from being captain of his national side to being dropped. Must’ve played a huge part not being in our squad. Not saying I blame Wenger tho, as if he were good enough then he’d have been picked. Strange situation


I feel for both of them to be honest.

Chamakh proved he could do a job in the prem before RVP got fit and then never really got a look in again and Park, well….. no idea what that was all about but he lost a year of his footballing career and is now some kind of politcal pawn in his own country.

The sooner they find new clubs, the better for everyone


Could probably get 35 million for Chamackh from Liverpoor, he is as “good” as Carroll


Nah, they pay by the inch and Carroll’s taller.
Look how much they shelled for that long streak of piss Downing!

Gus The Fox

Downing’s 5’11…. hardly a long streak a’piss, sonny.

Goon Mate

I still don’t understand why Wenger signed Park.. He rarely even made the bench


shirt sales for this summer’s trip to seoul. shame it backfired.


Are people still going on about this? Clearly, the wages are not nearly justified by shirt sales.

Tom C

Cos if RVP picked up an injury this season we only had Chamackh as backup.


Chamakh started off brightly….much better than Gervinho managed to this season. But after RVP got fit, he hardly got any game time.

You can blame him for hardly starting games and scoring just one goal. Chamakh was not given the opportunities!!

I remember during the first half of 2010 season many fans claimed / exclaimed that Chamakh was the signing of the season.

Most gunners dont have a clue how quickly their thoughts about a player change. Same with song, same with Ramsey.

Cygan's Right Foot

But he showed no desire to wrestle the lone striker position from RvP and he didn’t take the opportunities he was given or clearly didn’t even put the effort in during training to make Wenger think “well, we could play a little differently or here’s plan B”. If he really wanted to fight for it, when he made the 19 appearances this season then he should have been working his ass off to get a goal/assist or work to get some confidence back but he didn’t. He just seems happy sitting on the bench picking up a cheque each week,… Read more »


Sorry, but I absolutely detest the “desire” argument. How on earth do you know he showed no desire to wrestle the lone striker position? For all you know, the guy was fetching the cones for morning practice just to get into Wenger’s good books! Also, just think about having to try displace RVP, the talisman of the club and the one who pretty much gets picked regardless as long as he’s fit. Furthermore, at least in my opinion, Chamakh started having some decent games towards the end, really linking up play well and genuinely ‘showing the desire’. I’d probably me… Read more »


This argument is ridiculous. No “desire”? What is he supposed to do, sub himself on and manhandle Van Persie off the pitch?


thank god,it was chamakh.
bendtner would have kicked RVP in the training or would have made a secret deal with squilachi to start a game.

RVP's Right Foot

I disagree. When he did come on, all he’d do when people pass him the ball (him, THE CENTRE FORWARD) was laying the ball off and make a 3 yard backpass for somebody ELSE to shoot- even when he’s in the box and almost SYSTEMATICALLY. He seems to be afraid to shoot. For all his faults, TGSTEL at least has a striekr’s instinct. Maybe Chamakh did have the desire, but he just didn’t show it. When a mildfielder passes you the ball, think of doing something else with it rather than laying it off 95% of the time. He was… Read more »

RVP's Right Foot

I would be genuinely interested in nowing why people disagree with my statement regarding Chamakh’s tendency to lay off and not take his chances . I thought it had been accepted as a fact. Or does this criticism imply something else that I am not aware of?


Chamakh has never been the swashbuckling headline grabber striker you seem to want him to be in your criticism of him. Even when his reputation was burgeoning at Bordeaux, it was his assist rate that caught the eye, as he set up shot after shot for then player of the year Yohan Gourcuff. I still stand by my opinion that he would have brought out 2 or more good years out of Fat Lamps over at chelsea (seeing as Drogba can’t be bothered to lay on shots for any late arrivers anymore) I think he stopped getting a look-in because… Read more »


Bye Park and Chamack, we barely knew you. It’s not right for us to be annoyed at them, Park didn’t even seem to be given a chance. They should be frustrated at the club, it’s too hard for anyone but RVP to be the out and out central striker because of our formation. That’s why I’m excited about Podolski, he looks very versatile in his attacking positioning.

Andrew H

“…for football reasons”.

Love it.


I am Park.

Merlin's Panini



My condolences


To be honest, if we change or formation, god forbid we would do somehting that drastically (dont get me wrong, id like that), I could see a future for at least Chamakh at Arsenal. With 2 strikers up front. However can Theo and Gervinho be played as midfielders rather than wing forwards….


Feel really sorry for these two blokes… I don’t think we really play to Chamakh strength, which was scoring from header. Our crosses and set-pieces delivery are, to put it politely, mediocre at best. While not slating him in anyway, he’s probably more suited for Stoke than us. Park’s situation is even more puzzling. Based on the international matches that he played for Korea, he does look like a striker who knows how to put the ball in the back of the net. As the captain of Korea, he should at least be half-decent. Hardly getting any games for us… Read more »


My money is on he being bought for merchandising reasons, and Wenger refusing to play him for ethical ones. Since the ownership change of hands the board has been a bit too Gung Ho in expanding our marketability


very misleading headline…


Nope, you just expected it to be regarding Arsenal.


Yes, because it was misleading.


And a misleading picture. I was expecting Chamakh to have been looking at a smiling Park with an axe jagged in the back of his head.


It cannot be misleading, unless you assume something based on the wishes of many (The duo leaving Arsenal). Besides the transfer window havent opened, so there is little to support your arguement. Especially when considering the fact that big tournaments are approaching both this year and in two years time.


Wrong thread sweetie, I’m not feygooner.

In any case, this is an Arsenal website, not a website for the Moroccan/Korean national teams or even fansites for either of them. And as such, it’s only natural to expect news to be directly related to Arsenal.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

I understand how Chamakh may have struggled in the EPL and there are many good players who didn’t make it here but have had success elsewhere. Ligue 1 is not the easiest league in the world and a player who boasted a good goalscoring record there can’t exactly be the worst player in the world.

Its had to picture Morocco bustling with strikers better than Chamakh. Sure there Mounir El Hamdoui, but thats all…….Chamakh can’t be so bad that he can’t even get in the Morocco squad, let alone the playing eleven.

Taiwo Ajayi

Feel sori 4 park but he is stil ther best striker


I fear you’re probably right. I suppose that, even if he’s skilled and all, they’d just prefer someone who’s had regular playing time all season.


I think chamakh was a good football player when he joined the club, and I still think he is. The main problem is that he dosent fit into this arsenal team. He’s a very competant targetman, but we don’t really use that do we. If Van Persie were asked to be a box player, win flick ons and collekt long passes from defence, he would struggle to. (he would propely still score a huge amount of goals because he’s awesome, but you get the point). The Chamakh problem is IMO simular to Bendtners problems. Tall and strong players without brilliant… Read more »


Don’t think Chamakh has EVER showed a lack of commitment whenever he’s been on the pitch, on the contrary I think he’s genuinely tried. What I don’t understand is why he wasn’t given a run out when, say, we were 4-1 or 5-1 up against Blackburn. As for Park, I’m reasonably sure there’s more to the whole saga than him not being good enough. How do you decide in a six starts if he’s not good enough?! :S He DID score a very nicely-taken goal against Bolton(from an Arshavin assist too!) and he pretty much scores every time he plays… Read more »


Although being Arsenal we’re never quite “cruising” no matter what lead we have, but you know what I mean


Spot on. Everyone near me (being Korean) saw that goal against Bolton and thought, “Wow, things will be looking up!” And then he flopped against Lyon, I think, but then I thought we all have some bad days at the office. Sure, there’s been a lot of things about Park which meant he hasn’t gone on: Banfield saying he hasn’t adjusted to the team, and all, but if so how do we account for his scoring record in the Reserves? He’s trying, and hasn’t been given much game time yet. Before we get into any negativity about Park, we should… Read more »

Andy Barr

This has happened a few times now…seen an Arseblog News link on newsnow and it being misrepresentative or misleading in regards to the content. Whilst I agree the title for this piece is ambiguous (and accurate) enough there is no doubt it is bait. Arseblog was always proudly anti-link-whoring and built a loyal readership based partly on that ethos, it kept the trolls, hotheads and simpletons away…please, please, please don’t let these principles slip too far. As for the subject: A shame for the players, not their fault at all. A shame for the club as it has played its… Read more »


How is it misleading? The term ‘axed’ is very rarely used in regard to players being sold, this is exactly the article I thought it would be!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Blogs doesn’t actually need to trick people into reading the stories in the Arseblog News does he? I thought this place was the most popular and well-thought-of Arsenal Blog around. I would suggest that the titles aren’t trying to bait anybody, or cheat/trick/fool anyone. They’re having a little fun with us. Surely you must have noticed the strong thread of humour that connects everything that gets written here? Try this on for size… If you see an article from Arseblog think, “Is that meant to be humorous”? before you read it. Then, if it is, you won’t feel that desperate… Read more »

Andy Barr

What are you going on about?! I am not lured to this site, I have been following it since it’s creation about eight years ago and visit everyday, especially since this very fine News page was added.

I won’t bother reiterating my concerns as I have expressed them eloquently enough above.

‘Try this on for size’ – how condescending do you want to be?! Unreal. Anyway, please excuse me, I have to return to manning the ‘I am desperate to blow a blogger’ helpline.

Andy Barr

Please ignore that last paragraph, was a bit narked, apologies.


Can’t agree this has happened a few times. I take your point re: this headline but as others have said it was more of a gag than any kind of hit-whoring. We don’t need to do that. Still, all constructive comment is taken on board, cheers.


Great to see you taking constructive criticism rather than being unnecessarily defensive about it 🙂 Thanks.

Andy Barr

Its all the same thing, I think, from my comments, Gutbukkits and yours too…a protection of the high standards of journalistic integrity you have installed here. I would hate to see it go as it is in short supply elsewhere. My tu’pence…much obliged.


Well it might have been a bit condescending but that last point is actually spot on Andy Barr. And since you say youve been reading arseblog for that long I’d have thought you would be well versed in Blogs wit seen in many a headline and article.


Oh, and I replied b4 i saw ur apology so fair play to you. U did seem bit defensive.

Andy Barr

Simple test, which gets more clicks from non Arseblog readers, and the reason this might be:

‘Chamakh and Park Axed’ or ‘Chamakh and Park axed from International Teams’?

I keep being told its a gag, I will accept that…Blogs said he doesn’t need to hit-whore and I BELIEVE that…hence my original comment. I am not here trolling or insulting anybody…I am here because of a standard, I commented in regards to it. It was aimed at Blogs, he answered…re-sheath those keyboards, holster those phones, kids…Blogs is safe, it’s ok.


heh. And cheers Andy.


Both Players should go back to France
They are not suited for the PL


Chamakh is scared to shoot

RVP's Right Foot

Too bad he’s a centre forward. I see more desire to shoot from Vermaelen.

the only sam is nelson


so chamakh is good in the air and can pass the ball to his own team mate nearby without giving it away or over-elaborating… tv5 likes to bomb forward and shoot…

could it really be *that* simple?


Oh my GOOOOOOOODDDDDD. You’re literally a genius.


Chamakh is suited to the premier league. BUT he isn’t suited to Arsenal’s current setup as its evolved around a RVP type of player. The team has shown its unable to adapt to different styles and explains why Polodski who has similar attributes to RVP has been signed.

If we gave Chammy a run of games and played to his strengths he will score goals his cv proves it.


Everytime I’ve seen Chmakh play he seems to have no confidence in shooting with his feet. Never even stepped up to take any penalties!

He does have good heading ability but it is not enough.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

You started watching Arsenal this season then? 😉 Chamakh had no chance of replacing our Captain in the team as long as our Captain was scoring at a good rate. He never stood a chance of getting regular playing time and thus of staying match fit and confident as long as our Captain stayed fit and scored when he wanted. Don’t blame Chamakh for being the backup to our Captain who has had a team and it’s entire playing style built around him. It’s not Chamakh’s fault that his very occasional ten minute cameo trying to play as the focal… Read more »


How can Chamakh be suited for the PL when he has openly admitted he finds the PL pace very difificult

I’ve even seen him coughing up on the pitch in one game this season.


Well Chamakh wasn’t bought for pace. He was bought because for whatever reason, Wenger decided we needed to play like a Sam Allardyce team for a while.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

THEREISBEARCUM, the traditional football tactic of a winger or wide man crossing to a centre forward to head the ball into the net has fuck all to do with any tactic Sam Lard-arse’s teams ever use.

Chamakh is not a target man for long balls out of defence, he is a proper centre forward. Arsenal haven’t played a game to suit one of those for twenty years or more.


a proper centre forward should not be afraid to shoot


What i dont understand is why people dont inderstand why chamalh and park hardly played thos season and also hardly scored. one reason – robin van persie! if rvp had been his usual self i.e in and out of team wiyh niggling injuries then our 2nd and third chpice strikers would have played more matches it is so simple. when you play a system with only one centre forward and that centre forward is fit and scoring regular then the 2 back up strikers basically wait for that to change. It didnt change so they didnt play. Arsenal played 38… Read more »


I’m not a fan of stats …I judge players by watching them play

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

So then, by your own standards of judgement Theo Walcott is brilliant, no he’s shit, no he’s excellent, no he’s crap, no he’s good, no he’s rubbish, no…



yeah, Walcott is incosistent


But only in patches… ;0)

Ezigbo onyearse

Walcot have sent chamakh park-ing,we know he has the most assist and still developing his body less his brain..Its a pity after choosing us,a proven striker IMHO

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RVP did keep these guys out but when these guys have come on they have failed to impress or take their chances. Look at Henry showing Chamakh how to finish in the Leeds game!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Just so long as you don’t try to use his game against Sunderland as proof of that too. As we all now know Thierry Henry didn’t score in that game, which means he must have been rubbish that day.


I have more confidence of over the hill Henry shooting inside or outside the box of scoring than Chamakh. Even Wenger knows this or why would he bring in Henry on loan?


*I have more confidence in an over the hill Henry shooting from inside or outside the box and scoring than Chamakh. Even Wenger knows this or why would he bring in Henry on loan?


I’m confident they’ll be sold soon, along with Nicklas. Why? Because Wenger is buying Grant Holt and Michael Owen, just to get back at all the people that complain about him buying young players.

No, seriously. This is totally happening. Totally.


no one is complaining about young players..we just want quality strikers that can score goals!


Oh no, I totally get that. I was just referring to all the people outside of here that do nothing but complain about us having a bunch of kids. They have a point, but it gets a bit annoying.

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