Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Sagna reveals silence that confirmed bad news

Bacary Sagna has revealed that he wasn’t immediately aware of the seriousness of his latest leg break until his x-ray results were met with silence by the Arsenal medical team.

Having had a metal plate inserted in his leg following a break in October against Spurs, the French international suffered a similar blow in the final home game of the season against Norwich after a challenge by Bradley Johnson.

Speaking to The Sun about the injury, which he later claimed had been inflicted deliberately, Sagna made clear that he initially thought he might be able to continue playing until physio Colin Lewin insisted he leave the field.

“I didn’t know my injury was going to be as bad as it was at the time.

“I felt a big kick when I was on the floor and when I stood up the ball came back to me and as soon as it touched my foot I felt a crack again.

“I thought it was a muscle or a tendon that had detached itself. I wanted to play again but the physios told me I was out so I went off the pitch to have an X-ray.

“I knew it wasn’t good at all because they were looking at each other without talking to me. That made me even more worried because all of my family were at the game.”

Ruled out of the European Championships because of the injury, Sagna’s confirmed his sole focus is on recovering fitness so that he can once again take his place on the right-side of Arsenal’s defence.

“It’s a huge blow to miss the Euros but I wasn’t thinking about that straight away because I didn’t know it was as bad as it was.

“As soon as they told me it was broken, all I could think about was getting back to playing football.

“I’m really sad to be missing the Euros and playing against England but I play for an amazing team and I’m looking forward to coming back and achieving a great season next year.

“My recovery is going well. There is no swelling and hopefully I can start walking again with crutches soon.

“I’m looking forward to going to the rehab centre. I will go there and come back fresh.”

It remains to be seen whether Bac will play any part in pre-season, although given the length of time he was sidelined last time it seems unlikely. Fingers crossed he won’t miss too much, if any, of the start of next term – there’s not a Gooner in the world who doesn’t recognise and appreciate his importance to the team.

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Missing me yet?

Merlin's Panini

like a hole in the head.


Sagna is freaking insane, “I thought maybe a tendon or a muscle had detached itself, but I wanted to keep playing”
Sanga is the definition of man


New signing or what?

Arshavin 23

Shut up Eboue…


I’d like to thank you for not pelting me with batteries.


Yeah i miss you, mostly when you rush to take a throw in only to the send it right to the opponent. Good times.


Feck off Tim!


Like you fucked of to galatasary, sure.


Not really, but you are still freaking funny.


best wishes for a speedy recovery.team needs you bac


Get Well soon Bac. We need you next season!


He will come back again to destroy the filthy enemy!


fuck the euros, I play for an amazing team. Epic!


Great spirit from the Bac!

Rad Carrot

Quite possibly one of the greatest players we currently have. I love Bac to pieces – he rarely puts a foot wrong.

I also attribute that goal he thumped in against the dirty spuds as the defining (and changing) point of our season.

Get well soon Bac.

Trex d' Gunner

Sagna is the epitome of manliness and a true arsenal player to the core. Get well Bac.


I want you Bac
Yes I do now
I want you Bac
Ooh ooh Sagna

Borneo Gooner

Best right back in the world! In the 2010-2011 season, he was criticized much on his crossing but in 2011-2012, he improved so much on it. Come Bac stronger!


it’s one thing that this blog is quite funny but the fans contributing in the comments deserve a trophy…for being consistent in patches,being mentally strong and most of all for loving arsenal.


*please like my comment*

It is what it is

He could teach the guy in front of him something about being consistent all the time. Our best right back ever…..Cafu and Thuram are the only other right backs I’ve ever enjoyed watching as much…..Lauren was cool too.

It is what it is

Oh, Strong tackle Backary Sagna


“I’m really sad to be missing the Euros and playing against England but I play for an amazing team and I’m looking forward to coming back and achieving a great season next year.

is it possible to love him any more than all of us already do, it would seem so but statements like these just seem to endear him even more to all of us, what a player, what a man.


If all of our players had the same mental strength, passion and ability as Bac we would win the League. No doubt about it. The man’s a machine.

Merlin's Panini

would be great to have ol’ bac sag in for the start of the season.


“but I play for an amazing team and I’m looking forward to coming back and achieving a great season next year.”

*wipes tear from eye*
An attribute called commitment, something which sadly a lot of footballers dont have today. The likes of Cesc and Nasri could learn a thing or two from this guy. Extremely proud that football today has people like Sagna! Even more proud that he’s a gooner!

Trex d' Gunner

Whoever thumbed down Isayed’s post must be a spuds fan. Fu*k off

Rad Carrot

Slightly off topic, but I’m off work sick today and I’ve actually spent an hour looking on a Spurs fan forum to cheer me up. Is that bad of me? Watching the posts turn from “HA HA MIND THE GAP WOOLWICH!” in January, to, “Oh fuck,” in February, then “SHIT!” in March, followed by “…we’re really not as good as Gary Neville said we was” in May, has really made me feel better. There are some seriously gloomy people on there. I didn’t lower myself to make a comment, but has anyone else done this recently? It’s actually kinda fun,… Read more »


Aww, you should have trolled them. That’s half the fun of visiting a site like that.

Rad Carrot

I did see that someone had posted this on there – either a very good natured spud fan (if such a thing exists) or a troll.


Well worth a look, it’s hilarious, even if these are slightly overdone now.


Wanna hear something funny? I feel that Arsenal players are more vulnerable to injuries compared to other teams.

Rad Carrot

That’s ridiculous. Next you’ll be saying Arsene never spends big money and that John Terry is a racist cunt.


A load of “fans” behind me at the Norwich game, in between spitting on me during their rants, couldn’t wait for Jenkinson to come on instead of “useless” Sagna. Sigh.


With Santos about the place oozing positivity and feel good vibes I’d imagine it hard for anyone at Arsenal to be downbeat.


This is when we definitely get another solid RB, I for one would love Van Der Weil regardless if Chelsea wants him or not. It’s worth a shot plus he’s RVP’s international team mate that i’m sure he wouldn’t mind going him at Arsenal…


he has more loyalty than RVP…………….. Get well soon Bac!!!! we are a far poorer side without you.


From the headline , I thought it was about RVP finally decided. Geez


Sagna has been talking the talk recently, but I’m just not convinced he can currently walk the walk.


Taxi for HR. Sad. Very, very sad


HR, you really are stupid, its confirmed, damn stupid!!


Lol it seems not everyone can understand my superior, more intelligent sense of humour – but that’s ok, because Sagnas got my Bac.

What's the point

United agreed a deal for Kagawa 🙁 We’re seriously being left behind. Chelsea, United and City just throw money at every problem and theres nothing we can do about it. FFP won’t do shit to stop it. Depressing Maybe we should ask to play in the championship, more our spending level. Or meet with other prem clubs and flat refuse to play in a league with those 3 big spending bohemoths. If 17 clubs refuse to play for a season then something would have to change. I’d support it for one. One year without footy for the greater good would… Read more »

What's the point

17M on a player with 1 year left on his contract, it’s mental.
Clearly Red nose heard about our interest so blew us out the water – again.

why is my name required

and chelsea spend £80m on a mercenary who will use them as a stepping stone to move to Spain in a couple of seasons. that’s even more retarded. and this is the same team who spent £50 on someone not worth mentioning

Merlin's Panini

Kagawa is a United fan. He’s said so before in interviews in the last couple of years. No big surprise. Completely obvious transfer. He is a good player but meh. If he wants to play for United he’d only end up screwing us over later on anyway.
Podolski was a good start. This window has just begun. Way too early for the dread to set in (although I understand the concern going by previous experiences).



We flogged the sheiks to the tune of £25M for a prat with one year left on his contract.

We would have flogged the Catalonians for even more, but Cesc didn’t want to play along.

gooner from bangladesh

Ridiculous! Arsenal already signed Podolski before any of the two clubs. By the end of next season, Podolski’s stats are gonna look far better than Hazard and Kagawa’s, mark my words. Podolski goes unsung because let’s be honest, he does not have Hazard’s attention seeking tendencies. And I’m a little skeptic on Kagawa, he has that traitor instinct in him.

Being a fan of Germany for over 10 years now, and having watched their games regularly, I can vouch for Podolski and his class.


How on earth do you get to the conclusion Kagawa is a traitor? Because you wanted him?

gooner from bangladesh

I never said Kagawa IS a traitor, I said he seems to be someone who might be in the future. It was nothing more than an opinion and to be quite honest I’d actually welcome him to Arsenal if he decides to come here instead of the Utd scums.

But let’s look at the scenario, he has one year left on his contract and won’t sign a new one and wants to play somewhere else. Isn’t that exactly what Na$ri did?


Kagawa: Arsenal didn’t bid for him THEREFORE traitor.


gooner from bangladesh

Read the post above yours.



My mistake. Lemme readjust…

Kagawa: Arsenal didn’t bid for him THEREFORE might be traitor in the future (based on some undefined bullshit you’ve pulled from nowhere).


gooner from bangladesh

“But let’s look at the scenario, he has one year left on his contract and won’t sign a new one and wants to play somewhere else. Isn’t that exactly what Na$ri did?”

Seriously bro. At this point, you sound as stupid as those Sp*rs fans.


Yep, now that ManC, ManU and Chelsea are tossing their wads around, they will all win the EPL, FA, Champions League and the Carling next year. How can any of them lose anything?
We should toss our collective wads also. That is a dead cert way to ensure we win everything too!

gunn cabinet

the irony seems to have been lost MAllen; but i do get u. only one team will win; even when we all spend gazzillions on players.

the only sam is nelson

how right you are, other clubs ruining everything with their reckless spending whilst the arsenal sit on their hands the thing that irked me most was that club who splashed out €12m on a 26 yr old international with 70+ caps and dozens of international goals, a forward about to hit the peak years of his career. taking actual skill and technique, rather than mere potential and promise, and cruelly using their vast pile of money to keep it away from smaller, lesser resourced teams oh wait no that was us in other news southampton have blown their ox dosh… Read more »

Master Bates

Southampton have signed jay rodriguez ? AAAARGH!!!!!! sack the board ,sack Wenger!!!!!! now we will probably finish below them

Naija Gunner

This what all Arsenal player should be saying and be feeling for this great club of ours, I dole my cap for you, you are really a true gunner. Thanks for all the 100% love for the team and the club.

Mental Strength

You could try doffing your cap as well, unless you’ve decided to make it redundant by going bare-headed…..

NornIron Gooner

Maybe his cap lives in Liverpool…..

why is my name required

Bac should change the color of his dreadlocks to red and white


Come back stronger bac. Oh jeez! If it weren’t for this untimely injuries we would surely be sticking it up with big boys I tells ya. A spun of 4 years we’ve had 5 leg breaks!.
It’s like were almost guaranteed a leg break every damn season. Just hope this cycle ends with sagna………

knock knock
Who’s there?
Arsenal glory days.


ooh noo.I will however like to recommend u sagna to be motivating the players in the changing room in every match we play.I really like this Guy’s attitude. n his hair too.


I tell you what, if every member of our squad had bac’s mentality we would be in a better place. I’m not taking anything away from our squad but I’m sure you know what I mean…

Doc Brody

You are all such suckers for Sagna’s comments. Let’s see what sort of things he says when there is less than a year left on his contract and City’s people are whispering in his ear at night. Frankly, I think too many of you expect a level of loyalty from players that is undeserved. Clubs rarely show loyalty toward a player who struggles. Arsenal – van Persie are the exception that proves the rule. It’s even more rare to see fans stay loyal to a player that falls out of form. Look at how everyone has treated Ramsey of late.… Read more »

Rad Carrot

There are still some loyal players in the game. If I started believing that every player solely wants to play for the people with the biggest wages, I’d actually stop watching the game altogether.

I personally still think Ramsey is quality, and was simply given too much too soon. He’ll come good. I do understand what you’re saying, but I think you’re generalising things far too much.

Besides, we’ve all had a bit of a rough season, so it’s nice to have a little positivity here.


What about Diaby?


Good lord someone had to bring up diaby…again!.

The name diaby and sagna shouldn’t be in the same page.
One’s a rock, one’s a glass. Seriously let’s stop this.


Wait what?! I wasn’t comparing the two. I was replying to the comment that Arsenal never stands by its players with the fact that Arsene has kept faith in Diaby despite his career ruining injuries. You make no sense.


“Yes, I promise you that.”

– Jack Wilshere when asked if he would play for Arsenal for life.

What was that about loyalty again?

Mental Strength

These players earn more in a week than most of us earn in a year.
It must be a real struggle for them to eke out an existence once their playing days are over.

Doc Brody

I’m not saying they should earn even more. I’m just pointing out that as fans we demand loyalty to the club… but fans and clubs are seldom loyal to players. The players know this, and therefore I don’t really resent them cashing in when they can, especially given how short their footballing careers are. They know they could get injured or replaced by someone better at any moment. There is not much we can do about the state of modern football. We can’t really control how managers manage. We can’t really control what owners will pay for players. But it… Read more »

Rad Carrot

I’d agree with you there Doc, people should lay off Ramsey, but most of the vitriol I’ve seen is just fans blowing off steam and picking the easiest target. It’s been a very frustrating season for all of us and I can understand why many people wish to assign blame to anyone they can for some under-par results. Not trying to say it’s justified in any way at all, but it’s football – we fans aren’t ever experts, so sometimes some will just have to throw around accusations when things don’t go their way. I would love to see more… Read more »

Obanogun ovie

Sagna am in tears to hear words vabrating from ur mental strenght am touched get well soom bac

obanogun ovie

How i wish i can see him and touch him with my hands ooh sagna i pray for u every day to see u back in field, lord will heal u amen

obanogun ovie

How i wish i can see him and touch him with my hands ooh sagna i pray for u every day to see u back in field, d lord will heal u amen

NornIron Gooner

Twice? Really? Slightly creepy now……


I love how everyone slates the likes of Chelsea or City because of the way they throw money around. How do you think Arsenal became so big in the 30’s? We done exactly the same thing. Its all a part of the game, always has been always will be. But soon we will be in a debt free position and will have more of a financial impact and will be able to challenge more.


That’s a pretty unfair comparison. Pretty sure the lack of a quality youth talent pool in the UK forced clubs to spend more on players rather than cultivate youngsters from their academies in the 1930s.

That isn’t the case now.


Surely you’re joking?
Where is the talent in the ‘UK youth pool’ now?
The England football team is awful


Take care of yourself, Bac! We’ll see you in August. And for crying out lout, take your calcium supplement.


Hasn’t football become fucking depressing? Thirty-four years ago, when I first started watching the game, I would never, ever have believed that it would all come to this. Big business and big money has totally ruined our favourite sport. Next season, the Premier League will be won by either the comercially biggest club in the world, or a side funded by an owner with a bottomless pit of petro-dollars. No other club, even ours, has a hope in hell of getting anywhere near them. It fucking stinks. The game has become a sick joke when a promising 21-year-old who has… Read more »

Mills N7

Fatgooner, you get slated on here loads (mostly for being unnecessarily provocative), but that is a great post! The problem with free market capitalism is that it is a game, but what do you do when the game gets skewed? But it is a wider problem. The elite stay elite and nobody can touch them (including Arsenal, in the second-tier elite). The problem I have is that if Arsenal drop out of the Champions League spots and then don’t get back in within 12 months, the pressure on Kronke to sell up to Usmanov will be too great to resist,… Read more »


Well, to be fair, he gets slammed here not for having intelligent views (sometimes he does, like right now), but rather for failing to come to the conclusion that if it’s madness to spend 35 million of a transfer fee and give an unproven player a $200,000 per week salary, then Arsenal probably shouldn’t engage in it and Arsene shouldn’t get accused of having no ambition for not signing Hazard. In other words, he gets slammed for concentrating on a problem that doesn’t exist (Wenger) when he knows full well what the problem is (economics). At least he shows some… Read more »

Rad Carrot

Agree with you Fatgooner, although there are a couple of upsides. 1 – When the giant killing does take place, it’s even more satisfying. 2 – We support the most financially secure club that isn’t sucking on a sugardaddy’s teat, so we can be fucking proud of our team. I do see a number of years of us and other teams in our position struggling to gain anything, but I don’t think it will last forever. If football does become like this, then support for other clubs will drop, leading to a mass wave of disinterest, which will in turn… Read more »


Football is getting frustrating. Chelsea winning the CPL, the most prestigious cup in club football in that manner, Arsenal defending… I might give up football and just watch Cold Play entertain at the Emirates stadium just for memories after take a peek at women’s volley ball at the London Olympics, and see how they play with balls 😮 ..


Not true in my opinion. The wells will run dry at those clubs eventually and they’ll be left in a hole. The way I see it is if jack comes back healthy, szcz pulls his head out his arse and the ox properly replaces arshavin, we can compete and beat any of those other sides. People act as if city and Chelsea are miles ahead of us. They’re not. Chelsea isn’t even any good. We just need to avoid the shitty start this year and we can win it. *all of this is dependent on rvp staying. If he goes,… Read more »

Eric Irish gunner

Well said agree totally


Some minor points: – If Adebayor was so concerned with cash, would he be angling for a permanent move to Tottenham of all clubs? Likewise, surely Tevez would have spent the last two seasons putting a shift in at City rather than publicly angling for a move back to that famous money paradise Argentina. – Aguero and Silva were pretty clever signings. And as much as it makes me want to die, I have a grudging respect for how Chelsea played Barcelona like a cheap piano using… great tactics! – Where you’re absolutely, incontrovertibly correct however is when you say… Read more »

Comedian from watchmen

I just wonder why doesnt back always go in for the corners? He is a good header of ball and attacks it very well.

onyeabor gabriel

Thank you boy, we wish you a quick recovery, for pre-season don’t worry for position is made for you.

JvL Gooner

Get better Sagna, we’re gonna need you Bac!


why the fuck was he thumbed down.i reckon it’s a spud

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There’s no right back in the world i’d change Sagna for. Brilliant player, brilliant personality, true Gooner


It felt weird giving a thumbs up to Fatgooner just now, but grats. You earned it today.


Interesting how hazard claims his move was going to be decided by what position he’ll play in and how many games he’s gonna start. Then he signs for a club who are still unsure who there manager will be next season! Another nasri here !!!


Phew, from the headline I thought Sagna’s injury was even worse than the 4 months that had already been said. I was expecting “Doctors have said that Sagna won’t play for 6-8 months”. He should still be fit for the start of the season, maybe miss a handful of games. No need for another right back.


i hope he recovers quick, we may need to buy or loan a new RB for the 2012/13 season


He deserves what he got he is a filthy ape who needs another one because he is a dirty fat usless player


you, sir, are a moron. fuck off.




Piss off!

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