Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chamakh stay possibly dependent on Van Persie

Marouane Chamakh’s future at Arsenal may not be as clearly unclear as once thought.

The probable arrival of Olivier Giroud in addition to Lukas Podolski will certainly intensify competition for places up front, however a representative of Chamakh’s seems to think he might still have a future at the club:

The priority is Arsenal. If Van Persie leaves, he wants to stay. If Van Persie stays, he should certainly look elsewhere. If they take Giroud, he will be competing with him.

Gilles Grimandi then popped up on the scene to say this:

There will be a discussion between him and the coach about how he sees things. If he feels he can fight for a spot, there will be no problem to keep him with us. If he demands more playing time, it will be different. This is a discussion that he must have with Arsene.

Things have been awfully quiet on the Chamakh transfer front. Whilst Montpellier rejected outright the inclusion of Chamakh in the Giroud deal, there is now talk of them taking him on loan.

They’ve signed young Gaëtan Charbonnier from Ligue 2 as Giroud’s eventual replacement, but his lack of experience at the top level means they could probably use the services of a consistent Ligue 1 performer like Chamakh for a year. They’ve also got the Champions League to play in next season and will be looking to expand their squad a bit.

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Jordan Byrne

So lets all pray that RVP stays then!


Exactly. More reason for RvP to stay now.

why is my name required

For his own good he will have a good career by playing somewhere else


Maybe to him, good only means wages..


it’s very simple we can expect van persie to fully take charge next season. walcott to finally get rid of his patches and then we have giroud and podolski the new boys who have a lot to prove. gervinho and ox who are gonna fight it out with these guys with one or 2 reserve strikers(afobe/campbell) it’s all covered up arsene has basically moved in the transfer market to cover the front 3 in midfield we have song,arteta and rosicky providing experience.all of them have a point to prove. also jack,ramsey,possibly m’villa and coquelan bring youthfulness and competition to the… Read more »


Please go chamackh, i’m sick of spelling your name and wondering where the “h” comes in. If he stays and giroud comes in, i’m afraid he might catch the ‘chamackh syndrome’.(good first season then fucking fades away). Please go and let us shift your wages to a more handsome guy hopefully with more goals.

Merlin's Panini

wow, it’s even written in the headline and you put an extra “C” in his name.


Merlin’s pa….what what?.
Anyway thats the whole point……names like
Ozy….ah fuck it!
Chama…..ah deng it!.


I would actually be okay with him staying if Robin leaves. Chamakh played decently when he was actually given a run of games, and only became the sorry sight he is now when Robin came back. Once Robin defined the role of striker in our formation as a deep-dropping link-up player, Chamakh couldn’t be counted on to fill in reliably anymore, because that’s too far from his style. If Robin left, Wenger would presumably have to alter our tactics to better suit Giroud, and any changes towards having a target striker who holds up the ball should also help Chamakh.… Read more »


I must be about the only person who thinks that if RVP does leave, it wouldn’t be such a bad thing for Chamakh to stay. Maybe I’m way off the mark but.. just a feeling, I think he would play quite well with Podolski. We don’t know how well Giroud is going to do, we don’t know if he’s going to be able to come straight from Ligue 1 and play a full season over here (unlikely) and if RVP does leave.. we’re going to be very very reliant on 2 players who are new to the club and league.… Read more »


When I saw the headline I assumed it meant Van Persie was giving him a lift to the airport!


If RvP stays and Giroud’s comming in, the club don’t need costs for Chamakhs wage.

RvP/Podolski/Giroud/Gervinho would make some firepower supported by a healthy Jack, à hungry Walcott, Arteta and Song.
Just read earlier that Denilson is comming back. And he isn’t free from wages  encumbing the squad.

Also hope the club can get some cash for Nikki Dane, Chamakh, Vela, Arsjavin and Diaby.


Oh yes indeed. 100% right. Also, Chamack leaving sends clear message to other senior players that you get moved on if you don’t up to scratch.


Chamakh will stay because he is on fucking good money, and nobody else will match it.

Yet another overpaid burden on the club’s wage bill.


He is not over overpaid, he came on a free transfer so he’s wage will be a bit high. Morover he did all the scoring while rvp was on the treatment table, he only lost form when rvp came back.


I remember it being reported at the time as £50k p/w by one journalist. Let’s just all be thankful that Arsene decided against spending £8m on him in the previous transfer window as so many fans were demanding.

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

Fatgonad… much is he being paid exactly? What are his benefits and other compensation costs? Don’t know do you…right, go stick your fat head into your fat ass where you usually store it.


And he will stay because podolski was always bought as rvps replacement. The club know he’s leaving.
We go from having just one decent forward in rvp last year to now having 3 if rvp stayed. Very un arsenal like. Sadly rvp is leaving.


Another typically pessimistic fan, you know no more than the rest of us in relation to rvp staying/going, so don’t act like you do.

Domhuaille MacMathghamhna

Moldyfart……….are you Fatgonad’s twin brother? You both share the same small brain so I guess its not your day to use it…..RVP is going to stay for at least one more season as AW will not let him go and can enforce his contract, even at the risk of losing him next summer on a free. He’ll be 30 then and more injury prone, perhaps less valuable in the market as he certainly is now after the Dutch team’s pitiful performance at the Euros. That wasn’t his fault but he is already being tarred and feathered as the perpetrator of… Read more »

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Mr. G

Even when he was playing well he didnt convince me. He was always afraid to shoot from outside the box, or shoot in general actually. I always though Bendtner was the better option.


He’ll go whether or not van Persie stays. And I think that’s the right thing for him and us.


What a shit attitude from Chamakh. He should’ve been battling for his place in the team, not meekly accepting that RVP is king and sulking on the bench. Truth is, he’s had chances (albeit few and far between) – its up to him to grab them with both hands and make an impact. When he was given a game last season, his attitude never looked right. He should’ve been battling to make a name for himself and prove his worth in the team. I for one don’t want a player in our team that’s happy to settle for second best.… Read more »

Cygan's Right Foot

How do you know he wasn’t battling for his position? Do you train the forwards at Arsenal or are you just another fan who’s guessing? Which striker in the world would have taken RvP’s place with the form he was in. No one, that’s who.
Also, when has he ever sulked? He is another squad player who knows to keep his mouth shut and just get on with it but then that wouldn’t be in keeping with your anti-chamakh rant.


Not sure you actually read my comment. It wasn’t an anti Chamakh rant, just an opinion based on a/ his recent performances on the pitch (which no-one can deny have been substandard) and b/ the news story which suggests he’ll only stay if RVP leaves. I don’t think his mental attitude is strong enough, and believe Arsenal and Chamakh would both be better off if he moved elsewhere. This is my opinion, not an attack on Chamakh. I find it interesting how people are quick to take the moral high ground whilst conveniently ignoring the fact that he has not… Read more »



But if I go, I take shisha pipe with me!


And Squillaci, too!


And Denilson.


And na$ris chin.


And your hair brush too. We need you to be well groomed, don’t scare our kids please.


Chamakh pls go brush ur hair somewhere else….


If we want to be genuine title contenders, then players like Chamakh simply have to leave. Chamakh doesn’t have the mentality to be a top club player. Yes he did well during that spell when RVP was injured, but when RVP came back and he was benched, he simply wrecked his own confidence and went back into his shell.

I want players with a mental fortitude who wouldn’t mind fighting for a place while coming off from the bench. Not players like Fabianski and Chamakh who lose all hope at the slightest hint of competition.


He doesn’t need to brush his hair. He has so much grease in it he only does it every half year.


Chamakh is in Vegas right now trying his luck at the roulette wheel. Seems like a very nice guy, friendly and happy to talk to people. I for one wish him well and hope that he can turn his form around where ever he plays next season.


“If he feels he can fight for a spot, there will be no problem to keep him with us. ”

I don’t know whether this quotes is 100% true, but IN CASE it is, that’s the biggest rubbish I have heard from the club this summer.

He eats up wages, he is rewarded with a quite nice wage I believe, for nothing. We reward mediocritiy, and lack of ambition. Chamakh doesn’t even look like a striker who wants to score on the pitch, yet we would be happy to keep him as long as he doesn’t complain.


It seems the transfer market is focusing on either the very top players, or the most promising youngsters. The “nearly men” like Bendtner, Vela, Chamakh and even Denilson, who could be good in the right team but are being ignored, or only wanted on loan. This sucks for Arsenal as we lose our best players to richer clubs; pay over the odds for youngsters and end up tripling their wages after a year to keep them at the club; and get left with a load of dead wood of players who could be good, but nobody wants, as their price… Read more »


Agreed. If I was that new bloke at Swansea, I’d be taking a close at Bendtner and Chamackh. But what do I know.

Lord Teddy Ears

Its a shame I really like the guy but I think a move away will help him and I wish him the best of luck.

Unlike horse face !!!

Sunny Patel

Why is this the case, yet Bendtner is definitely off. When Bendtner has shown more consistency in the Premier League and also shown at the Euro’s that he is a good Plan B forward?!

Nick's ego

Bendtner is simply too good for a club like Arsenal. He is the greatest striker in history and therefore must be at somewhere like Real Madrid or Barcelona.
Why can’t you see this?

Cygan's Right Foot

because Bendtner was given a run of games and so could build up some consistency. Coming off the bench every once in a while in the hope that something clicks, never works.
He was given a run of games at the beginning and scored 11, was dropped and had to make do with sub appearances here and there which made it impossible to build any momentum.


Here is a scenario chamakh goes to montpellier for a season links up with his good friend belhanda and the pair bang in goals left right and centre then both come to arsenal the season after. arsenal also sell them squillaci in part ex for yanga-mbwia with diaby trading places with belhanda the season after.


Lose their most valuable and promising players for castaways totally devoid of confidence, you say? Why *wouldn’t* Montpellier do this?


Merlin’s pa….what what?.
Anyway thats the whole point……names like
Ozy….ah fuck it!
Chama…..ah deng it!.


This is great news. If RVP leaves we can still have Chamakh. Just let me go ahead and pack RVP’s bags so we can keep the Moroccan. Wait…


People forgot so easily when he had a terrific run while RVP was crocked. I’d like him to stay. I can bet my Paddy Power boxers on the fact that RVP will not be the same next season.

I’d rather get big bucks for RVP now than to go for free at 30.


@kops. It’s an opinion mate not a statement of fact. No one can no for sure I agree but the way this club works of late the signs are that rvp is going. Happy to be proved wrong.


Not impressed with Mvila


They were all shite……… Apart from Kos. He didn’t put a foot wrong! Good news for the season ahead.


At the corner flag, koss misses ball, hits torres in the nuts instead. That would be something……..oh well.


clichy was at fault for the first goal, i’ve heard man city fans say he’s a good defender, but they’ve only been following football for two years so its understandable.


At least Kos can hit the beach for a couple of weeks now…& Na$ri too.Although I’d rather the latter hit something REALLY hard with his horsey/girly face obviously.


The French look like they have suffered yet another internal meltdown. Their players clearly weren’t interested in playing for either the manager or each other.


At least our French players – the ones we own, and the ones we are about to buy – can now get a good rest before pre-season training starts.



Id rather keep bendtner than chamkh


RVP will leave, the money being offered by Man C and the prospect of trophies will be irresistable to RVP. He maybe has 4 good years to get some trophies, its now or never. Arsenal have forever to get trophies, with or without wenger

[…] in order to make the deal happen. I think it’s well and truly over for Chamakh at Arsenal and talk of him staying to ‘compete’ if van Persie left is off the mark. Player and club should know what’s best for both and for […]

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