Saturday, July 27, 2024

Squillaci linked with Olympiacos move

Not for the first time this summer, Sebastian Squillaci is being linked with a move to Olympiacos.

Having just sold Olof Mellberg to Villarreal the Greek side are looking for a replacement and Squillaci has been earmarked as such. Last week Arsene Wenger confirmed his countryman was set to leave Arsenal after a disappointing two year spell at the club.

He signed from Sevilla in the summer of 2010 and appeared to be a good fit, but failed to establish himself as a first team regular and spent most of last season on the fringes of the squad.

Despite that he’s never complained or mouthed off in public and hopefully a move to another club and a different league can restore some of his confidence. Squillaci did not travel to Germany with the rest of the squad and looks set to end his Arsenal nightmare.

Talks are reportedly at an ‘advanced’ stage with a fee of around £1m suggested. Good business if true.

Meanwhile, Gerard Pique has become the latest Barcelona player to talk about the potential signing of Alex Song. After Busquets and Iniesta both sang Songs of praise, Pique has reportedly said, “I have followed his career and he has become a very good player He is physically very strong and is good with the ball at his feet.

“We are open to his arrival. If he comes, and from what I have read he could do, we would love to have him.”

Make of that what you will.

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Dammit Arsene, when will it end? We are not a selling club! Nobody will take us seriously if we keep selling our most-experienced players!


£15m or no deal. We’ve got to show we won’t be pushed around anymore!


15? that’s all? surely he’s worth 20-25. He’s 24 and he’s a mainstay in THE ARSENAL midfield. Not some fringe player. Don’t sell him on the cheap i say!

Midfield Corporal

Unless Hucks is talking about Squillachi.


Ya, we’ve got to keep experienced players like squallaci around to pick up cones and such. We can’t keep redeveloping our ball boys every year and selling them as soon as their at their peak!


Of course I’m talking about Squillaci! He’s an integral part of the team. He runs about the place, kicks the ball sometimes… does headers and that. Yeah £15m sounds about right.

Eric Irish gunner

Fuck off and no deal

Runcorn Gooner

On the same theme this morning Piqué says Song will be ideal for Barcelona
Rooney says Van Persie will be ideal for United and AW says Messi will be ideal for Arsenal (ok I made the first 2 up)


Wow you guys are really upset over Squillachi going.


I thought it was really funny until I noticed it wasn’t about him…

Persie out, arsenal lives

Squid is 32 tommorow. Wow!, what a legend. After his stint at olympiakos I expect him to join henry at NYRB and help them to the bottom of the league.

John Terry Ate My Wife

Fuck… we’re not selling Squillaci are we?

John Terry Ate My Wife

How long will it be before the first RVP comment is made on this one?

oppps… sorry.


Is mention of RvP a football corollary to Godwin’s Law?



/ caps off.

Merlin's Panini

you know what I make of that? I make that Pique is an absolute 100% bonafide cunt.

the only sam is nelson

a total prique in fact

Van done runner

One of the those spanish papers should ask CESC what he thinks about the “potential” SONG signing.
I´d like to think after all those years with THE ARSENAL his words would be a bit more nuanced .
Unlike his team mates, bigmouth cata-cunts

Cygan's Left Foot

They did and his answer was as classy as his play…..

“I’d rather not talk about possible trades, out of respect to Arsenal, a club that I love,”

The JD Flick!!



I think we would have been much more solid with him at the heart of defence.


Yeah I was at that Fulham game, certainly didn’t help my Arsenal temper. You know, that we’ve lost hump that doesn’t really leave you till Saturday.

Midfield Corporal

Its not saying much Blogs when the only compliment you can give him is he wasn’t good enough to play so can’t be blame, true as it is. 🙂

If he needs a lift to the airport i can pick him up in 10 minutes.

Dr Baptiste

I think it’s the opposite. He would have been the rock we needed last season. We conceded a record number of goals and Seb wasn’t involved. Coincidence? I don’t think so.


As to that comment about Squillaci not playing and us conceding, I didn’t play for Arsenal last season and we conceded a lot of goals – therefore I have to play in the Arsenal squad. If it’s not coincidence, tell us why. Anyway, I was thinking about the Squillaci jokes being made everywhere, and I’m starting to think they’re a bit out of line. As are the Park jokes and the Chamakh jokes. Sure we can be glad that some of them are going, and I would argue that we haven’t actually seen much of Park to judge. Okay, maybe… Read more »

gun powder

His crime was that he occupied AW’s mind.


That’s all the ambition rvp needs. Now sign.


£1m for Squillaci would be the best piece of business since Bentley to Pompey/Sp*rs.


– Pompey

+ Blackburn.

50 Shades of Ramsey
Merlin's Panini

so what’s happening with Park? I assume he’s got a club to go to after his rather mediocre Olympics. Apparently if they win the bronze medal against Japan the S.Korea players will never have to do the compulsory military duty, so I reckon it might be a game worth watching.
Also, can’t say I’m overly enthused by the possible link with signing Ki Sung Yeung, especially not after he made a racist gesture towards Japan in the Asia Cup (there are videos on Youtube). Don’t want that sort of person at the Arsenal.

Midfield Corporal

Give him a break Merlin……he’s only Yeung!!!!

(I’d thumbs down that one myself if I could)


Shameful shopping there. Doctoring a photo and then leaving the photo credit on – I’ll just add that to my Daily Mail Are Scummy Fuckfaces file.

MacFarlane could and should sue them for that.

Merlin's Panini

I was tricked! I feel so dirty.


Squillaci: your season is over without me, and you know it


These barca players are like 4 year old girls talking about which dolls they want to add to their collection…’so this one does this, n i want it, but i want it, but i really really want it’….

Merlin's Panini

they probably just want to play with his hair.


Apparently Messi has found him “the most prettiest dress.”


don’t you just hate it when barca players start opening their mouths in public? makes my blood boil!…… in fact don’t you just hate barcelona?!


I cant really make up my mind, who is/was worse? Silvestre or Squillaci?

Dr Baptiste

Silvestre was given a chance and was shit. I’m pretty sure he peaked at the age of 12 and got steadily worse until we took him for his retirement dinner where we gave him a clock.
Squillaci was given a number of games, blamed for everything, never settled in England and lost all confidence.

Both as bad as each other but i’d say Squillaci is slightly better overall but that’s not saying much

Pedantic Dave


Eric Irish gunner

He made yorke look like fucking pele

Midfield Corporal

Interesting quandary- its a bit like being asked would you rather have Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s.


With Parkinson’s you’ll be shaking constantly shaking you fist at the current Arsenal, Alzhemimer’s you won’t remember the good times or bad, Hmm?


Perhaps if the team put in more collective effort in defence then they would have fared better. Hence we keep leaking goals regardless of the personel at the back. Hopefully Bould will be able to help sort out the issue.

John Terry Ate My Wife

This is all well and good, but someone should really tell Alisher Usmanov that he is borderline fat, and should consider a healthier diet.

I would also recommend he seek a diabetes test and some kind of supportive chin strap to avoid prolonged drooping.

Just a thought.

Alisher Usmanov

I’m really a nice guy once you get to know me.
Free shisha for everyonewho likes this comment! not you chamakh.


I want a russian speedboat with russian girls who have no self esteem.
Can you have that arranged alisher?


Sebastien Squillaci bought from Seville 27-08-2010 for £3.3 M …./ 4M euros


So I went to sleep on August 9th and woke up on Christmas? I’ll be beyond excited to offload the squid.

BTW, an ITK on twitter said a very, very reliable source expected news on Sahin within the next 5 hours. We’ll wait and see…..


If it was @waleedabunada, then there wasn’t much news in it. More of a summary of everything we already knew.


In theory Squillaci was a sound buy. And like all new arrivals you hope for the best.

The killer for me was the Cup Match at Brisbane Road. In the opening 30 minutes he looked like a fish up a tree. And he came from a top Spanish side and was a French International. But over here he couldn’t handle Leyton Orient !!

He must be a whole lot better than he’s shown us. Expensive mistake though. £5 million fee, plus wages which must be at least half that. Let’s hope the Greek sunshine appeals to him.

John Terry Ate My Wife

In theory Adolf Hitler was a very successful motivational speaker, but he turned out to be a right cunt.


He was actually a good motivational speaker though.

John Terry Ate My Wife

Fair point, well made.


In his defence, Leyton Orient are boss.



Squilaci must stay! After actually signing three quality players, we have to make sure that the overall standard of the squad is maintained. Park, Chamakh, Flappyhandski, Bendtner and Charlton’s reserve full-back must NOT be allowed to go.

Wenger must be allowed to show what a genius he is by finishing fourth with “not the strongest squad in the Premier League”. That way he gets to keep earning seven million quid a year for winning nothing.

Lifetime Gooner

Your just fat and thats why your mad and taking it out on arsene all the time. Go eat a pie

John Terry Ate My Wife

Are you Alisher Usmanov?

Have a diabetes test, and sort that chin out… it’s very droopy.

Dr Baptiste

Or Piers Morgan….


Sort Piers Morgan out? Defo! I’m not sure that he’s that droopy though. Maybe after he’s been sorted-out…..


I prefer Usmanov to Piers Morgan, if only because Usmanov doesn’t appear on TV in the U.S.


I think usmanovi is on cinemax. Doing some fat russian tycoon porn where john terry is the “pizza delivery ugly girl”

Midfield Corporal

Fatgooner, you don’t seem to get any joy or excitement from supporting The Arsenal, has it ever occurred to you that you don’t actually support Arsenal but just don’t realise it, maybe your Dad told you you did when you were a nipper, when in reality your a Barnet fan but you just don’t know it?

John Terry Ate My Wife

I cry for Fat Gooner.

Merlin's Panini

how do you do the face palm emoticon?


Fatmo: I gave you a thumbs-up because I know you’re just trying to be funny. Also to keep it from disappearing under the rain of thumbs-down.


Say what you want about fat… Flappyhandski is the funniest name ever


Dont know how he migh have played last season if he got his chance, but he is the only player can shake up the Koss.


so Cazorla will get a decent number in 18 im guessing?? and 1 million for a player we never use is good who wants Park and Chamakh

Fergie the Gooner

For what it’s worth Santi is training with the number 30…


What is a decent number?

John Terry Ate My Wife

69 is very indecent number.

John Terry Ate My Wife

668 is the neighbour of the Devil!

John Terry Ate My Wife

and any number that provokes the thought of a massive pair of tits is dreadfully rude.

John Terry Ate My Wife

… and spunk.

[…] 来源:[Arseblog News] […]

Lifetime Gooner

Sorry, dont normally express myself as such, but Pique is the biggest cunt of them all. TWAT!!


I like Pique. He’s nobbing Shakira. He deserves all of our respect and admiration.

Dr Baptiste

Surely that should have read: I hate Pique. He’s nobbing Shakira. He deserves none of our respect or admiration

John Terry Ate My Wife

Is Shakira one of the Thundercats?

Nick the greek

Anyone who thinks song is worth over 15 mill is either dumb or didnt watch arsenal last season. Yes we set up some goals for van p but no1 speaks about the other 150 chip balls he didnt land and the third goal against Norwich last year was just a joke. At a time when u most need your “holding mid” to just keep the ball and be smart.imo we would be lucky to get 12-15 mill


1) Not a holding mid.
2) No-one speaks about these “150 chip balls” because you’re full of shit.
3) Where are all these players with 100% completion rates in the final third? We should buy them.

Dr Baptiste

3) Francis Jeffers?

Runcorn Gooner

Purely as a matter of interest Francis (fox in the box) Jeffers is training at Tranmere Rovers but got injured in his first friendly.
As he is now 57 he is still doing quite well though more of a “very sly old fox somewhere near the box if he can get there in time”

what's it worth

don’t get fooled, I believe he would be sold for 15m very easily; just think about it – barca is not _that_ interested in players worth 4m…
selling him for 20m now would be very questionable IMO, for 15m it would be plainly silly, maybe with one year left on his contract – if he didn’t get any better, that is.


Ok boys. It was nice playing for you. I would say my sweet goodbyes but in football you never know when you’ll be back. Sol, jens, henry. Who knows? Wenger keeps signing ’em older.
Off to greece for two years then like my old mate sqwaz used to say, “al be right back.”


Au revoir, my bench buddy!


I fucking hated squillaci. My last memory of him is coming on as a sub and playing volleyball in the six yard box before setting zamora up for a goal…..defo in Arsene’s top 10 worst signings…..any thoughts on who else should be in the hall of fame???


Hall of Lame ……
Gus Caesar
Igor Stepanovs
To start the ball rolling …

Eric Irish gunner

Hilliar and morrow

Fergie the Gooner

Cygan, Park, Jeffers, Stepanovs, Silvestre…

Midfield Corporal

Rami Shabaan, Fabian Cabellero, Alberto Mendez, jimmy carter, lee chapman.

Merlin's Panini

Kaba Diawara, Christopher Wreh, Louis Boa Morte, Richard Wright.

John Terry Ate My Wife

Don’t be too mean to Jimmy Carter, he was the fucking President after all!

Midfield Corporal

Christopher Wreh? Have to disagree purely on the vital goals he scored in the run in to the 98 double, against Bolton and wolves I think. After that he was crap thought.


Though not a signing, I thought Tom Cruise was one of the worst fullbacks I’ve ever seen play for the club.


Jimmy Carter sucked as a president also…

Lifetime Gooner

Helder, Kiwomya, Jensen pre Arsene era

Midfield Corporal

Helder and kiwomya, they were terrible weren’t they, think Georgie got sacked about a week later.


Don’t hate anyone. As a wise Buddhist monk once said, “Hating someone is like drinking poison and expecting the other guy to die.”

Midfield Corporal

I bloody hate Buddhist monks, they’re so bloody smug with their wise sayings.

big black clock

Can we please complain about all the public tapping up of our players? Now Shrek-face is talking about RVP as well. Fucking ogre cunt.

And the Song saga is just basically Cesc part 2. I won’t be surprised if Xavi comes out tmr and says when Song was a baby they broke into the hospital and injected him with a serum containing Barca DNA so he rightfully should be theirs. Cunts all of them.


well said.

Armchair gooner

What are the rules on tapping up?

This seems like it?

Make a bid or fuck off . . . .


The rules on tapping up a player: If you’re UEFA’s little darlings Man United or Barcelone you’re allowed to do whatever you wish with no chance of reprecussions. If you’re any other team you get in trouble.


Looking forward to seeing Man Ure and Barca going down shit creek due to financial issues in the near future! 🙂


As an american i can take pride in knowing one of us is taking man united to the shit hole

John Terry Ate My Wife



Fergie the Gooner

RvP’s a cunt… There you go, happy now?


pretty sure you just did! Well played sir


“Bendtner, Squillaci and Park will be on their way to go somewhere … “, so said Arsene Wenger back in July. However, we’re swapping Squillaci for Kyle Bartley – don’t forget that. Not for someone we can get actually excited about. Can Bartley be as bad? Of course he can … he can even be worse. Though that doesn’t bear thinking about. (Deep breaths, be positive.) As for the Rooney/Pique lovefest. … Meh, meh, and meh. Much more exciting is the MUNU New York Stock Exchange floatation, this afternoon. (14:30 start – I think.) Background: MANU are screwed financially. MANU… Read more »


I predict the Manure stock sales to plummet worse than Facebook’s IPO. I hope it fails miserably and old bacon faces nose gets so red you can see it from space


didn’t Curiosity just tweet a picture?

Die Hard Gunner

PRIQUE IS A cock. lol!!!


And I like arseblog. But so do 213258658 other people.

Midfield Corporal

Can someone explain why I get what looks like a comment but it’s in Chinese every now and then when looking at Arseblog news on my phone? My grasp of Chinese is patchy at best but I’m intrigued as to what it means.

John Terry Ate My Wife



It means a Chinese team is interested in RvP.

John Terry Ate My Wife


John Terry Ate My Wife

Might be underwear

Midfield Corporal

Think it’s Menswear- someone trying to sell me some beige slacks with an elasticated waistband, they do look comfy.


Minus Squillaci, minus Vela, how much? Plus 100k/week in wage budget?

Lord Teddy Ears

Dear Mr Barcelona,
On behalf of the Arsenal board, team and fans we thank you for the tapping up but we would like you to all fuck off and pop your collective cruciate ligaments.


Lord Teddy Ears

PS We would also like to state for the record that John Terry is a cunt


Let’s not forget Tomas Danilevicius bought from Lausanne Sports 13/12/2000 for £1M


Anyone else notice that the #18 shirt is cursed? The last three players to have it were Cygan, Silvestre, and Squillaci! Who will be next?


Bet replica shirt manufacturers have a shittload (should that be shirtload?) of #18 jerseys they can’t move!

[…] Sebastian Squillaci could be on his way to Olympiacos in a £1m deal. Obviously things have not worked out for the Squid at Arsenal but it is quite funny […]

[…] up the rambling, Sébastian Squillaci, is being linked with a move to Olympiakos of Greece for a reported fee of £1 million.  If that’s true, get the money in a […]

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