Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger talks signings, Chamakh, Bendtner & Walcott

It looks as though the proposed exits of Marouane Chamakh and Nicklas Bendtner will go down to the wire with Arsene Wenger confirming that neither striker has found a new club.

Having spent the entire summer nonchalantly dilly-dallying over offers from several continental suitors the Greatest Striker That Ever Lived is thought to be freaking out in an Italian hotel as Serie A clubs force him do the funky chicken in return for a contract. He’s being made to wait his turn though, the likes of Fernando Llorente, Dimitar Berbatov, Didier Drogba, Kaba Diawara and an inanimate carbon rod are currently in the queue ahead of him.

Asked about the future of Bendtner, Wenger remarked, “There is a chance he is leaving. Where is not decided at the moment (it depends on his dancing).”

Confirming that Marouane Chamakh was in the same boat, he continued, “Again, we haven’t made an agreement with any club (it depends on his dancing).”

Speaking ahead of Sunday’s clash with Liverpool, the boss also confirmed that he was still in the market for new faces but for the millionth time stressed that he’d only spend money on players deemed worthy of a place in his squad.

“We are active but we don’t want to bring average players in. I am relaxed…if we find a top, top, top player we will do it. We are working hard.”

One player who looks as though he will be staying is Theo Walcott. Despite rumours to the contrary just 48 hours ago, the boss has made clear that the England winger will not be sold and revealed that money is not the reason for his delay in signing a new deal.

“Theo has one year to go. We want to extend his contract. I think Theo loves the club.

“He is not obsessed by money, there is just a little difference [in the negotiations].”

Arseblog News is almost certain that both Bendtner and Chamakh will shake, shake, shake their respective booties out of the Emirates, but is increasingly concerned at the likelihood of new faces being added to the squad. Of course, anything can happen in the next 35 hours or so…


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Our squad is going to be very thin when the usual injury crisis hits. We need a new striker, midfielder, defender, goalkeeper. But we’ll probably end up with just one of those. Cant believe we let this shit happen every year…

I’m happy with the way the defence is looking under Bouldy, but our attack is looking very poor. Need a world class striker… Llorente any one? Come on Arsene its not like we dont have the fucking money! We’ve sold our best players for the past 2 years and spent fuck all!


hey james,

there’s talk of Dzeko!


never gonna happen, why would mancini wanna sell?

getting kind of worried with the transfers, there aren’t even any good rumors going around.

gnarly charlie

but exchange for Theo… unless they want either of Bendtner or Chamakh it’s probably not happing


With Aguero injured Mancini would be crazy to sell any of his strikers right now. As for the Theo exchange…. when was the last time we did one of those swaps? Last I remembered was Batista. I wish I could forget that.


Was Gallas part of the Cole deal?


Anyone else think the difference in contract negotiations with Theo will be assurances he gets to play up front? I say we put Theo up front against the scouser cunts… With Santiago munez I mean cazorlas creativity all Theo needs to do is run fast! We know the lad can finish from his goals last season so let’s give him a shot! He’s not wearing the #14 for nothing…


please see article re squad rules… we can’t bring in an army of Llorentes because we’d figure out very soon that we’d have to pay some off them just to sit at home and watch re runs of the world cup all season long.


Our squad will be no thinner than anyone else’s. every club plays under the same 25 man rule in the premier league and those in the champions league play under the same A & B rules. This is why in a way we need to work on a 23 man squad as 2 of our players jenkinson and ox whilst being u21 and not counting in the premier league 25 unfortunately count as a listers in the champions league as they have not been at the club long enough to count as b listers.

Cygan's Left Foot

Why complaining ….

Wait now this French Fool will come with this a new one, and listen to this ….

Headless sprinter Theo is a LANS!!!!!!!!!!!!.

So what do you need more here is an extra player everyone thought we lost.

Bodyguard Joz

Please learn the English language before posting you moron

Cygan's left foot

Is that all you have got to say in a football forum??? Ok, please Mr Joz tell me what do you think about Squad, Chamakh, Park and Arsha being in our 25 squad and not contributing much to the team. What would you do if you were a football manager to rectify this???

Now I am waiting for “Bodyguard Joz” who never attended a football match in his sad little life to enlighten me with his opinion about football!!!!.


“There is a chance he is leaving” that sounds pretty ominous …. sounds like nicky boy will be with us for a little while longer 🙂

50 Shades of Ramsey

I hear stoke are after him. They must be, he is TALL.

Gunsen Gunner

Surely we must be bringing a striker in if the aforementioned are set to leave?


I actually think its the other way around, one of them will leave the other will remain, as our back up striker.
I can’t make up my mind as to which of the two is better. Ability wise they seem to be on the same level but confidence wise, one seemed to have lost all his to the other (rather than Robin). So we have one thinking he is much better than what he really is & another the opp.

Doesn’t look like Arsenal will get to choose which we keep & which we sell.


Bendtner staying is impossible. He has publicly stated this. If someone stays it will have to be Chamakh. If they both go then I hope we go out and buy a replacement.. in the next 35 hrs. Only problem is that Bendtner + Chamakh won’t fetch much. We’re talking the Emile Heskey equivalent in the French 2nd division at that price.

Fairly recent Gooner

I don’t think we’ll be signing a new striker, I’m betting that the reason Theo’s contract talks have stalled is because he wants to play striker (he’s made no secret of it). Arsene has probably promised him he’ll get his shot in the former Carling Cup, if he’s successful there is our new striker! Just like Henry.

the only sam is nelson

Grant Holt still on the cards, according to my inside source

That and a double “out of contract” swoop for Heskey and Owen

League title – done.

Dick Swiveller

You’re never going to give up on Holt, are you?

Personally, I’d prefer Danny Graham, wrap him and Dyer up and we’d have the new Theo-RvP combo done.

the only sam is nelson

Danny Graham is a *lethal* finisher, he’s up there with Bobby Zamora as one of the best in the last 20 years.

Both pale in comparison with big Grant Holt though. The man came to the Grove last season and taught our midfield and backline what it means to play against a traditional English forward – according to my source it’s what drove Song to Barcelona, being bossed like that. Added to that he’s got the pace of Chamberlain (Mark) and the finishing skills of Henry (Karl) – what’s not to love?

Le Boss

Can Danny Graham be the new RvP ? Well he has great physical strength but lacks little in technique,finishing,speed,sharpness,passing but he has great mental strength and could cost the ‘right’ price.

Are we going to bid for him ? I don’t want to comment on speculation.


Cameron Jerome!! He Scores When He Wants!! (i.e., once every now and again)


walcott not leaving… the most disappointing transfer news of the summer, more so than RvP leaving


What about Ched Evans? He scores when he wants….even if they say no!!


Oh wow. New low. My congratulations, Sir.


“Theo has one year to go. We want to extend his
contract. I think Theo loves the club.”

Okay now wenger, lower your expectations, don’t you to get your his heart broken.
Rvp loved the club too remember? And so did…….and….and.

Onto new signings it’s clear wenger does it early in the transfer window before anyone pounces and late in the window after everyone else is done. Cool, Just bring in one or two.


“Okay now wenger, lower your expectations,
don’t you to get your his heart broken.”
Wtf! Am I writing?. I hate myself.

the only sam is nelson

stl mks mr sns thn sm hr lol lol lol

if you know what i mean and all that

Le Boss

Walcott will play for us, he loves this club. Does he love it as much as van Persie, Fabregas and Nasri? I don’t want to comment on speculation.


LoL … spoken like a guy whos been truly broken 😉


Well Wenger has played in him in most of the matches in the hope he wil sign a new contract or may be for him to get better.I dont know about Arsene but if i was in his place after getting back stabbed by everyone i would have straight put theo up for sale.Why should we develop a player who can go out for free next summer? playing him in the starting line up till the january window in the hope he signs a contract and if he doesnt we make him rot in reserves but for how long 3… Read more »

the only sam is nelson

i can only imagine that the faith wenger shows in his players is one of the trump cards drawing talent like podolski, giroud and carzola to the arsenal

although showing a bit of steel (as in the case of song) doesn’t go amiss either

although of course with song there was a buying club with £££, which doesn’t seem to be the case with theo – in which case wenger is simply soft soaping the poor boy so he doesn’t feel unloved. he’s a fucking genius sometimes.


i am assuming it’s wenger’s way of telling theo.
look i know you’re young and you want to play and learn from me.i also know you’re representatives are cunts.both of us know you’re loss is nothing compared to RVP’s and u can fuck off if you want to.but i will give you one last chance cuz im arsen wenga and not jose mourinho.

poor theo bottled under pressure.


given that the sale of fringe players wont necessarily see any more money invested in the 1st team squad, do we really care that much if the club cant rid themselves of potentially useful squad members (bendtner) ?

were fans after all, not accountants

the only sam is nelson

unfortunately we have to pay their wages, and as they’re millionaires several times over (largely because of the wages we pay) this does place something of an uneccessary burden on other aspects of the club, like buying in other players or negotiating decent contracts etc


1. Arsenal do not declare any dividends on shares. ALL profits remain with the club.

2. While I would much prefer for us to sign a couple of players, if we don’t that money’s not going to go anywhere.


I’m resigned to thinking this is it until January. Putting all doom and hyperbole aside it’s actually a decent squad on paper, although the apparent reliance on returning players (Wilshere, Sagna, Rosicky, to a lesser extent Frimpong) and those we have currently staying fit (well, just Diaby really…) is a little troubling.

If we shift Chamakh, Bendtner and Park then one more striker might just be the ticket.


I’m resigned to thinking this is it until January. Putting all doom and hyperbole aside it’s actually a decent squad on paper, although the apparent reliance on returning players (Wilshere, Sagna, Rosicky, to a lesser extent Frimpong) and those we have currently staying fit (well, just Diaby really…) is a little troubling.

If we shift Chamakh, Bendtner and Park then one more striker might just be the ticket. Llorente would be the dream, but I just can’t see it.


Perhaps Llorente is that step up from “top, top class” to “top, top, top class”?


he said ‘top’ three times.
so is he going to replace chamakh,TGSTEL and park?


i agree with you arseblog – the word shake should always come in three!


I’m glad we’re not buying anymore average players as I feel confident saying that we have a decent squad, something I’ve not felt in a few years, well at least not at the start of a season, so I think Wenger is doing the right thing.. however I do hope we do splash a little cash and do add one more quality player as I think we need to in order to have a good squad as opposed to a decent one. Clearly the new players are taking a bit of time to gel in, the understanding between them is… Read more »


“I am relaxed…if we find a top, top, top player we will do it. We are working hard.” I just have to learn that trick! Being relaxed while working very hard! Sounds like something from TV SHOP


Loving the Simpson’s references. If Park, Bendtner and Chamakh do all leave, who gets the Capital One games? Will I be introduced to youngsters I previously knew nothing about, think the World of them and then have then join Sociedad years later. I don’t know.

Merlin's Panini

C’mon inanimate carbon Rod. I had hoped we’d sign him ahead of Juventus, but judging by his Youtube highlights he’s solid but does have a tendency to just stand around doing nothing instead of tracking back.

North Bank Gooner

conducts himself well, can be very flexible


A real diamond when put under pressure too.


If i want to be positive on the incoming transfer, then Wenger statement mean that we won’t see a player with a caliber like Park, Squillaci, and Silvestre. The big if is of course if there will be incoming to our squad. Really hope Arsene got the top, top, top players to our squad.


Don’t know about Park, but I wouldn’t call Silvestre and Squilachi “average” 🙂


Well I wouldn’t mind a loic remy.
Good striker and an awesome finisher…..

Robbie Kahlow

Don’t fret comrades. If we can offload Bendtner, Park and Cham, we will sign another striker. If not, we still have plenty of talented attackers – Giroud, Podolski, Arsahvin, Theo, Ox, Santi, all more than capable if they’re in the mood.

Le Boss

I would also like to state that my players have top quality, exceptional character & an outstanding attitude. They drop little bit physically in the second half but have great mental strength.
Don’t worry about transfers, if we find a player of super quality at the right price we will buy.


add … ‘thinking of removing their handbrakes’


“… top, top, top player”?
Well, there you have it lads! Our transfer dealings are officially done and dusted for the summer. I Wish the boys all the best for the season.
** holds face in hands and shakes head**


Reports out of Italy that Juve have agreed for Bendtner. Believe it when I see it… then I will dance with joy!

“We are active” means there’s a ton of players we’re looking at but can do fuck all until we sell a few players first!


Every summer, without fail, I’ll hear at least one Gooner say we’ll end up  signing Jack Shitt, who I assume is some German lad from the Bundesliga.

And does he ever arrive? Does he fuck.

Sack the board, Dick Law P.I. and the tea-lady for all I care. It’s a fuckin disgrace.


We already signed the German lad from the Bundesliga last year. Two of them in fact.

Also: What the hell are you blathering on about?

the only sam is nelson

Sign Jack Shidtt? I thought our problem was we couldn’t *sell* Jaques Chite???

I’m confused

the only sam is nelson

It’s the Korean holding midfielder Noe Wun who we’re always going to sign yet never land, that’s the one that annoys me, Mooro

Noe and Jack would be the new Paddy and Manu


We’re also being linked with Fa K’hall yet again mate. Decent Turkish boy there.

the only sam is nelson

It’s the Spanish tiki-taka genius, Buga Raul – he’s the one they said we’d sign, year after year. And STILL he didn’t come.

Norn Iron Gooner

Think you got it wrong blogs . Surely the inanimate carbon rod, rather than being just ahead of, is actually firmly rooted up TGSTEL’s arse?

How else could he have become so ‘aloof’.


Aaaaaw, they were about to show some close-ups of the Rod

Park's left bollock

it almost seems as the longer the club waits to do a transfer, the more desperate fans get and the lower the expectations. We are so desperate for any sign of positive news, that come tomorrow I’d be happy with almost anyone, regardless of quality, price or reputation


*Sigh*…While this isn’t the same as last season it’s still frustrating as a fan who wants this team to challenge for the title. It seems we still haven’t fully learned our lesson.


Are you suggesting that the club signs additional players just in case we have last minute requests to leave??


I’m suggesting that this should have been worked out well before now

Antek Vest

Would that be the same Inanimate Carbon Rod that won Employee of the Week at Springfield Nuclear Power Plant? Great reference!

Norn Iron Gooner

’tis. It also prevented near imminent catastrophic failure, by selflessly jamming the heatshield door closed, during earth re-entery when Homer was an astronaut. It even got its own ticker tape parade.

Bendtner must have been fuming when he rocked up in Italy and seen the ‘Rod’.

[…] 来源:[Arseblog] […]


Top top player quote again eh. That does amuse me bearing in mind we signed park last year.

Finsbury Park Gooner

Once more, we’ve been sold a lie. The squad’s barely improved when we take into account the departures.. what looked like a squad able to challenge for trophies looks almost as thin as it did this time last season (“2 or 3 players short”, how many times have we said that in the last 5 years?!). I am SO SICK of hearing Arsenal fans telling everyone what great business we’re doing.. I hate to burst everyones bubble, but selling off the majority of your goals is NOT GREAT BUSINESS. Winning is great business, and as long as we keep selling… Read more »


I have to ask has anyone thinking like me ? My thought on wenger transfer plans is that if chamakh and bedtner are sold wenger will go for top quality player that must be jesus navas , why ? because he is a perfect right winger and theo will be also a backup to the striker he will be tested this year as a striker an he will be rotated a lot when navas is tired or when we need a speed on the right wing or as a striker so we will have good backup giroud podolski and walcott… Read more »

A N Other

We need loads of goals and all we have is string of unwanted strikers, Chamakh, Park and Bredtner. If you add Ashravin and Squliiaci, we have loads of deadwood hanging about.

What a waste of Money?

arsene's bottle of water

Out of which Arshavin made a real impact immediately. So you can’t fault Wenger for that.

Hell, you guys give the Russian a hard time but I’d choose him ahead of Gervinho Yao Kouassi or Theodore any time.

I’d pick him ahead of Ramsey twice every Sunday…

Thank fuck for that.

Theo is England and Arsenal’s best player. Extending his contract would be our best signing for years. And in relation to English footballer fees, he’s worth around 100 million, even with a just a year left. Oh, and should easily be our best- paid player considering marketability etc.


Is that you Theo? If so, get back to the negotiating table and don’t swear (it will ruin your clean cut image)


In that pic, Wenger looks like he’s just realised that he’s just sharted

Celebrity Serb

Arsene Wenger start looking like George Osborn. Green shoots of economy are coming soon and great days of Arsenal are just around corner. Listening same tune every single year. The way I see it that things are getting worse. Thanks to RVP we somehow managed to qualify for Champion Leuge. Just. At one stage AW tried to convince us that that was equal to winning trophies Some even believed him! Lets be honest.This team is by far weakest Arsenal team for at least 20 years. I understand we cant compete with likes of Chelsea and Manchester clubs financially but still… Read more »

Pétur Jónasson

Well, if we win our game in hand we’re only 4 points behind, but you’re right. Making up a 4 point gap in only 35 games is a difficult task for the best of sides, let alone a football club like ours which has never ever ever ever ever ad inifinitum managed to come back after a shaky start.


Vintage Arsene
“the boss also confirmed that he was still in the market for new faces but for the millionth time stressed that he’d only spend money on players deemed worthy of a place in his squad”
Players deemed worthy are those accepting 80k and below per week
We finished well last season at # 3
Bt Wat if we had our targets …..
Hazard – Chelsea now
Sahin – Liverpool Now
Mirallas – Everton Now
And park the bus as defence …..


I wish RVP cud tell us wat he discussed with wenger and concluded that the ambition is not there. Maybe we are waiting for the wind in the name of Big name transfers before deadline day.


Hazard – Had the option, went to Chelski. We don’t need another player prone to fucking off elsewhere for more cash. Sahin – Great if we could have got the buy clause. You can’t build around someone who’s definately buggering off elsewhere next year. Just ‘cos Litterpool have a revolving door on their dressing room doesn’t mean we have to. Mirallas – So best-thing-since-sliced-bread that Everton can grab him with their transfer budget and without any of the bigger clubs trying to hijack the deal with a cheeky bid of 50 quid. Got anyone we might actually fucking want in… Read more »


Do u think hazard really go for money? Chelski on top of table


And why are they top of the table (after only three games, mind)? ‘Cause they’ve spent £1 billion in the last ten years. Of course he’s there because of the money. They whole of Chelski fuckin’ FC is only there because of the money.


You want a player that is so good that he’s not represented by one of world football’s top agents, that none of the other top teams in Europe want and is prepared to take a weekly wage half of what he could expect from a team that he would definitely be good enough to play for were he not dedicated to the Arsenal?

I’m sure we can manage that before Friday…

Midfield Corporal

I assume the’little difference’ Arsene refers to is that Theo feels hurt that he hasn’t been given the opportunity to besmirch the captaincy like those before him before he buggers off. Frankly I’m tired of giving the club my money and them just waving the white flag and showing no ambition in return. The three signings were promising but the two departures mean we take a step backwards again. I have no expectations for any new signings as the season tickets/membership renewals have been sorted for the season. We break even this transfer window, last year we sold £70m worth… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

I assume the’little difference’ Arsene refers to is that Theo feels hurt that he hasn’t been given the opportunity to besmirch the captaincy like those before him before he buggers off. Frankly I’m tired of giving the club my money and them just waving the white flag and showing no ambition in return. The three signings were promising but the two departures mean we take a step backwards again. I have no expectations for any new signings as the season tickets/membership renewals have been sorted for the season. We break even this transfer window, last year we sold £70m worth… Read more »

Celebrity Serb

Problem is that we start this season with such low expectations.
You know times are bad when our best players are leaving us and go to our direct rivals.
They said that RVP is by signing for Man U is no longer considered legend at Arsenal.
He might not be,but if Arsenal were able to attract some bigger players he would probably stay.
Now we are stacked with Rosicki,Theo, Diaby and Co. and we expect different results.

Merlin's Panini

So the latest rumour is Bendtner to Juventus on loan for £1million with an option to buy at the end of the season for £5 million.
Can’t we please just sell the stupid cock?
He’d better have a fucking good season otherwise we’d have to do the same shit again next summer. If this is true, of course.

Midfield Corporal

Is Bendtner so deluded he thinks we really believe there is a list of Europes top clubs fighting for his signature, it’s just a case of who he chooses?
I think he is a candidate for ‘Biggest Bellend Ever to Play for The Arsenal’, which is saying sething when you’re up against Ashley Cole and Emmanuel Addbayor.


From the quotes I’ve seen attributed to him, I think your answer is: yup, he actually is that deluded.


I can’t believe what Wenger has done with Walcott. He should have sold him weeks ago when it became clear that he didn’t want to sign a new contract. Now, like Arseblogger says today, Walcott is holding all the cards. My guess now is that useless little prick will force the club to offer him a contract well in excess of 100k a week knowing that he can get even more if he signed for Liverpool or City on a free. So now he will get even more money for turning up every fourth game. What a joke. PS: let’s… Read more »

Celebrity Serb

With our luck we will get Barcelona Again…and then be kind of OK when we get out..cos it is well ..Barcelona..and not Dinamo Zagreb or something…

Merlin's Panini

we can’t get Barcelona in the groups. They are in pot 1 with us. Wouldn’t be surprised if we ended up with them in the knockouts as fucking usual though.

Cygan's left foot

I agree, I mean we sell RVP to stop him going for free next year and keep the Headless sprinter!!!!.

This French Fool is getting more stupid by the minute.


I know this is probably old news already, but we’re seeded in the CL. We’re the only team who havent won the competition who are seeded. While it’s quite sad that we havent won it, still being seeded even though we havent won it made me smile like a mother fucker. Even though things don’t seem to be at their peak for us right now, I couldnt be happier or prouder to be a gooner, and will die as one. I’ma take it up the arse for life.

Red and White Stripey Socks

Hasn’t AW a masters in Econimics? I love him, I really do, but again I do wonder what has happened this summer!…………………and it all started with such promise.
Crazy rumours of a Cesc return……………I guess we can dream.


Red and White Stripey Socks

Economics even……………..sorry !!

Vincent O'Carroll

I remember back in 94 when God signed for us….no Internet then saw it on telly text and nearly wet myself… that was a top,top signing and to be honest I think having him in the team was just as important as having Arsene in charge, when we look back at the success we had……We need another marque signing to replace the goals lost by Robin Van Stapleton…..if we go into the season as is and to be honest I expect we will…..then 4th is what we are fighting for… everyone feels about that needs to be expressed, fact is… Read more »


We have fuckin numpties running our club. Fact.


unfortunately, I agree…

Midfield Corporal

That’s an insult to numpties my friend


Bang on corp. we have plenty of money but no excuses for not spending it. This squad badly needs strengthening. We now have a de motivated un happy theo to go with the already inconsistent one we already had. The way it’s been handled yet again is a farce. We won’t buy any more new players despite the need I just can’t beleive we keep falling for it every year. It’s all made worse because we have plenty of money to spend if we go but what was said and sold last year let alone this seasons sales despite what… Read more »

Midfield Corporal

Volders, Maybe the fans need to actually boycott a game to show the board how we feel. If only 10,000 turn up it would cause huge embarassment. It’s the only way the Kronke will take notice.


Disillusionment is ripe around here
I don’t understand why Arsenal don’t spend some money, take a risk by spending more than you have in the hopes that a higher league position and/or trophy will boost revenues directly and through increased popularity, merchandise sales and sponsorships. What we have is a team making money form transfers, is there even a transfer budget?

I guess the failure to sell players has hampered recruitment. Why are we burdened with this floatsam?


If you have three strikers who you don’t want than you try to get someone to buy them from you. If no one will, and you still don’t want them, than sell them to a team for nothing and get them off the books. Don’t pay players you don’t want. In the end this is the cheaper more prudent way to go.

Mrs Bendtner's Greatest Son That Ever Lived

My boy is The Greatest Dancer That Ever Lived.


What happens when Arteta gets injured? What is going to happen when Diaby goes down? Is Collequin a better midfielder than M’Villa? Will Ramsey’s performances best his displays from last season?

Inquiring minds want to know…

(Sod off Pires Morgan!)

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