Saturday, July 27, 2024

Man U 2-1 Arsenal: By the Numbers

21.6 – Tackles per game average by Arsenal this season
10 – Tackles attempted by Arsenal v. Man U today (9 successful!)
22 – Tackles per game average by Man U this season
22 – Tackles attempted by Man U v. Arsenal today (17 successful)
16.9 – Interceptions per game average by Arsenal  this season
12 – Interceptions by Arsenal v. Man U today
11.6 – Interceptions per game average by Man U  this season
20 – Interceptions by Man U v. Arsenal today

5 – Number of times Cazorla was dispossessed²
2 – Number of times each of Evra and Young were dispossessed³
4 – Number of times Giroud turned the ball over² (he was also dispossessed 4 times!)
2 – Number of times each of Young and Evra turned the ball over³

79 – Passes completed by Arsenal in the Man U final third
75 – Passes completed by Man U in the Arsenal final third
134 – Arsenal season average passes in opposition final third
26 – Percent of Arsenal’s passes this season that have been in the opposition final third
13 – Percent of Arsenal’s passes v. Man U that were in the final third
14 – Percent of Arteta’s passes that were in the Man U final third
9 – Passes attempted by Mikel Arteta in the Man U final third

Shots Addendum:

10 – Minute of Arsenal’s first shot (Andre Santos, nearly hits corner flag)
54 – Minute of Arsenal’s second shot (Giroud, hits post)
76 – Minute of Arsenal’s third shot (Theo Walcott, hit someone in row Z)
88 – Minute of Arsenal’s fourth shot (Giroud, blocked)
92 – Minute of Arsenal’s fifth shot and first shot on goal (Giroud, saved)
95 – Minute of Arsenal’s sixth shot (Cazorla, blocked)
95 – Minute of Arsenal’s seventh shot (Cazorla, goal)

6 – Interceptions by Michael Carrick²
5 – Interceptions by Wayne Rooney
4 – Interceptions by Mikel Arteta³
2 – Tackles by each of Sagna, Podolski, and Santos (6 total of 7 attempts)³
4 – Tackles by Wayne Rooney (of 4 attempts)²
0 – Tackles by Mikel Arteta
0 – Tackles by Wilshere
3 – Fouls by Wilshere
54 – Minute that Wenger should have subbed Wilshere off for Coquelin, moved Arteta forward, and let Rooney man mark Le Coq instead
90.6 – Passes per game average by Mikel Arteta¹
65 – Passes attempted by Mikel Arteta v. Man U today40 – Percent of Arteta’s passes that were forward
60 – Percent of Arteta’s passes that were backward or square
101 – Passes attempted by Per Mertesacker v. Man U²
57.1 – Passes per game average by Per Mertesacker
63 – Passes attempted by Mikel Arteta v. Chelsea on 29 September 2012²

All stats via Opta, ESPN, Premier League, or my personal database


Follow Tim on twitter @7amkickoff and at

¹Best in the League in this category
²Lead both teams in this category
³Lead just his team in this category

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Crushing numbers. Owch.


I’m lying here in bed contemplating the goings on of today and how dark our future seems and then there is light and the end of puke and shut filled tunnel when things could be worse much worse,yes my friends we could be 5ur


Arse hit wrong button mention to say 5pur2


Looking at those numbers,ball i can say is I’m sorry. Sorry for you. Sold your best players and replaced them with such avg ones that my own stats are better. Poor wenger, your board is killing him you guys

Runcorn Gooner

Number of players called Vermaelen who should still be captain. 0

Runcorn Gooner

Can’t stand shrek but unfortunately he stuck to his task of man marking Arteta
and the players around could not compensate.
Am I one of the few who felt reasonably comfortable with Mannone in goal?


Shameful, utterly shameful

ramseys back pass

Ramsey had a very good game again. If only we could get a stats comparison between him and Pires


Ofc he is offended when the referee calls him footballer.. Because thats not true

Proud Gooner NK

Regardless of the circumstances, we should always support the players in the glorious Arsnl t-shirt so let’s not slag off Santos, eh? *rolls eyes*

Andre's recently hired chauffeur

Not funny.

But seriously guys, let’s all support our players no matter what. Until they leave for money ofc.

H. P. Arsecraft

No lets not.

Professional Pride

Apart from Arteta, I don’t trust any single one of these players. In the past we had Van Persie, Emmanuel Adebayor, Cesc Fabregas, Samir Nasri and Jack Wilshere. That should be our attacking core. Can you imagine what a team we could’ve had. ‘Could have’ the operating phrase. Now we’re stuck with Giroud, Podolski and Ramsey. Each one competes every match to be worse than the other.
Currently I have zero faith in this team.

Van Persie and Fabregas were pure class.

Runcorn Gooner

Love it.Dean of course is wrong as usual

Andre's recently hired chauffeur

Guys like you make me feel like I am a ManUtd fan. I thougt we were better than this.


It would have been okey to lose this game, if we would have knew that our players gaved everything but they didn´t do that. And that is so fucking disturbing, if they cannot motivate themselfs in a game against one of our worst rivals than they shouldn´t play for this club at all…..

Proud Gooner NK

Better luck next time, eh? Let’s jus get behimd our team n hope for the best. At least we got the CoC in the bag…!

Malcolm, AFC

I have no intention of getting behind players, or a team, that cannot get behind themselves. The only time they are behind themselves is on the receiving end of a through ball or pass.


Here guys, ad this up. 24 for Rvp, 16 for song, 7 for clichy, 30 for cesc, 20 for Nasri. What’s that equal? Yup, you’re correct. It equals 6 th place. Pathetic.


They won’t sack Wenger so we’re stuck with him and his tactical cluelessness. We can’t get rid off the board so we’re stuck with them too and their utter lack of passion for Arsenal.

Just one thing we can do. Boycott home games


We need Gibbs and Ox back, plus (somehow) theo to sign, plus Jack at 100%. Simple as. Clear we won’t win the league this year but I do think we have an extra gear to kick in to.


This needs to stop. We need to get our pride back.

I miss the days when we wear feared 🙁

Arteta's Hair Stylist

Yeah me too. It was almost too easy for United yesterday.


On a side note, to defend Giroud he constantly had to hold up the ball with no support, waiting for someone to lay it off to. I thought he worked hard for most of the game, and our system is just not suited to him. He’s obviously not the kind of player to create things out of nothing, and the last few games we havent been creating that many chances for him (or for anyone else!)


Spot on. Felt quite bad for Giroud today. He’s clearly got more to his game than either this system can get out of him, or the surrounding players can. I’ve always been impressed with his work rate and attitude, so let’s stop calling him Chamakh 2.0, shall we?


yes, giroud and mannone were blameless yesterday.

any time giroud got the ball he had 2 or 3 defenders on him and no support or options.


It’s that low number of shots on target that’s really worrying me. It’s the key statistic, and explained about 2/3 of the variation in league points last season. Taking CL into account, we have actually only created an average of 4,6 shots on target per game this season. I would love to see the Opta stats on big chances created as well. I suspect they are equally damning, if not more. We are really struggling to create clear-cut chances. We are only playing in front of the opposition, and hardly threatening to get in behind at all.

Mohd Isa

Before the game I had the phobia that Arsenal will lose.Since 2004 ,the gunners have lost ,imho,80% of the games to MU home and away. The rot started in 2005 ,nay 2009.In the cl qf/sf 2009,Arsenal met red faced. His remarks were he knew how the gunners play/played.All out attack leaving big gaps at the back. Is its any wonder Ronaldo and the ugly Brit bulldog found it so easy to score. Wenger has nt’ fixed the defence. All teams aspiring to win games must have atop notch gk someone like Czech/Friedel,Casillas,etc . The gunners gk for the last 8… Read more »

Malcolm, AFC

to confirm, out of 21 games against Manchester United (since our last EPL Trophy) – Arsenal have only won 3. Quite pathetic.

donal doherty

WE WANT OUR ARSENAL BACK!!!!!Fucking loved Pires (swoon),Fabregas (pie in your face Fergie),Vieira (REAL FUCKING LEADER) and Thierry……Jesus I miss Thierry.and Dennis…..and Overmars……and Ray Parlour…….I just miss being the best

Homer's End

times change, the world moves on. deal with it.
otherwise you sound like some whinging child.

Offside Goal

There is no mention of van per$ie being offside from the shot that won them the corner they scored the 2nd goal from.

Gooner Al

That’s clutching at straws I’m afraid mate. We deserved nothing from the game. As much as I hate to say it.


2- The number of years until we turn into Liverpool. I’m being serious, what I’ve learned is that once you’ve fallen out that top 4 bracket then you it’s hard climb back upwards. When Benetiz sold Alonso, the team got progressively worse until he was sacked. I fear that this is what Wenger has done, selling far too many great players and replacing them with mediocrity. We lack consistency and it’s sad because on our day we’re better than this. I know Wenger is rebuilding this team but due to so many departures it will take a longer time. January… Read more »


im pretty sure that £35m we’ve got sitting in the bank is the CL contingency plan


And next seasons CL contingency?………………… Bye Jack!


I don’t think Liverpool is a fair comparison. There’s something to be said for consistency, and their revolving door of managers–and downsizing of academy–has been a severe hindrance to them. With Wenger we’re probably going to be punching above our weight in large part because he’s got the experience to get us into the top four, as he has done for over 15 seasons now, despite our rivals vastly outspending us year in and year out.

We’re a better run club. Simple. I’m quietly confident of fourth, just as I’m supremely confident that the top three have already been decided.


I don’t think it was a lack of effort, we just didn’t get any momentum going; teams know how to neuter us now – stick someone on Arteta. All of the play goes through him so if he’s harried, our forward play never gets going. We need to buy a real winger, preferably two. If we can’t go down the centre, we need to go down the flanks. Teams know our game plan and we don’t have the personnel to change it. If the opposition are scared of our flanks, then they cede the centre. Right now, they pack the… Read more »


It would be nice to think our players are intelligent enough, let alone our manager, to see when the opposing teams tacticssate stopping our fluidity and gameplan. If arteta is marked out the game, try something else. Even if wengers not telling them, surely they can figure out that every time they pass to arteta he’s closed down so go another route

H. P. Arsecraft

Not a lack of effort? Get real for fuck sake, they were beaten before the game. Probably in the dressing room after Wengers pep talk and didn`t bother to show up. Not a lack of effort my arse.


Maybe playing cazorla on the right wing would lead to defenders fearing our wings and free up our center for wilshere/ramsey/ox?

Sol Goodman

The whole team should be strapped in like Alex out of a clockwork orange and force to watch Barcelona tapes.


None. January time Wenger should spend reasonably and not by his normal standards. What players do you wanna see come?

None. Our injured players will be back by then. They will be like new signings.


And when those players come back we’ll get injuries to other players because our squad is sadly very injury-prone, therefore you can’t rely on this current squad . I’m not being rude but that’s the way it is for Arsenal.


Spurs, city and everton dropping points is a plus tho. Could’ve been much worse. At the moment it’s hard to see this team go on a winning run. Just as we think things are looking up and they show some of that fabled “mental strength”, we fuck it all up…and not even go down fighting

H. P. Arsecraft

It cant be fucking worse. The team act like cunts hugging that dutch bastard and smiling and kissing then his BFF “Verminator” (hahahaha what a joke he is) hands united the viktory inside three minutes. He even tries to hand them a second so we are sure to loose.
The rest of the team is just scared shitless of that ugly, fucking troll thats running around and are doing their best to find somewhere to hide. No pride, no passion, no desire, no effort nothing and the nothing. This is rock fucking bottom.


Were you not around for the Bruce Rioch era? It can be worse…


UPDATE*** spurs shitty chelsea all dropped pts and guess what JUVENTUS LOST exactly 49 undefeated streak! (just thought it would cheer us up)


Wenger and the whole board should go, we’ve enough of their nonsense
There is no way that they can bring us to next level, hope he doesn’t renew his contract and leave us forever

mediocre Manager for 14 years is definitely too long and unbearable

Go Wenger Go, leave us and give us a break please

Arsene's Mental Character

Hello Piers


Wenger needs to go but if he’s to go then the board must go,.. But this won’t happen it would also leave us with an owner that doesn’t know his arse from his elbow…. I’ll tell ya one person that will go within the next 2 years… Jack cos he will want to win something and that’s not gonna happen to us… Unless they start giving trophies for CL qualification.. I’m sad today sad sore and sorry …. 🙁

donal doherty

Listen pigsinspace,you start a comment “wenger needs to go” … need to go,we miss having a good squad,but we still have a good manager.and of interest,who’s your replacement……”well Steve bould transformed the defence give him the job”.shut up and fuck off because you’re not helping anyone.sorry for the language


Uh, maybe you haven’t noticed, but we’ve gotten progressively worse for the past 7 FUCKING YEARS. It’s time for a change. Arsene wenger is a legend who deserves to have a statue infront of the emirates. He will leave a hero with records that will never be broken or equaled. As far as I’m concerned, he also always has a job at the club upstairs.

With that said; it’s time for him to step down. We need a breath of fresh air.


You say we’ve been getting progressively worse for 7 years. Why do you think Wenger is responsible? Clearly you haven’t been looking at our net expenditure and clued into the fact that’s directly related to servicing the debt of a stadium while our rivals simultaneously keep spending like there’s no tomorrow.

If you’re going to be critical, then just say you’re against a self-sustaining model. There’s no point blaming Wenger for a problem that stems from a business model he has no control over.


I don’t think the business model affects the tactics. By wengers own admission he does not change his game plan for the opposition, we are painfully one dimensional and most fans can predict the time of subs, and who is subbed, with great accuracy. Webger built an unbalanced team and does not seem willing to try something new


While a business model may not affect tactics, it does affect squad quality, and you can see that up and down the league. Arsenal are no exception in that regard. But also, your point about Wenger’s predictability is simply not true. He’s tried many different styles of teams and formations in his time, and that continues today. His subs, by the way, are as predictable and unpredictable as any other manager. If you’ve been a United fan throughout the Ferguson era, you know pretty much the players who will come on at the 70th minute depending on th scoreline. It’s… Read more »


He sold song to barcelona for a quick couple of quid. He said we have may options in midfield. He actually thought we could rely on diaby and rosicky. We have one recognized cf and chamakh. Our captain is our fourth best cb. Ramsey starts on the wing. Gervinho.

None of this has anything to do with a fucking business model. He’s lost the plot.


Bemoaning the loss of Song is really not on. He was only universally adored by Gooners for about one or two seasons, after which he cut a frustrating figure; his final year with us was marked by a lack of discipline that hurt us in a number of games. I think Arteta is the better player for that position. Nonetheless, your point about relying on players like Ramsey and Diaby is well taken, and yes, that’s a weakness of Wenger’s. It may be time for a change. I hate to say it, because I’ve been defending Wenger for years, but…… Read more »


I agree arteta is a better option than song. My point was sin was a better option than an always injured diaby or rosicky or Ramsey. Selling him made no sense in football terms. It was just easy money and were paying for it plus a ton of interst now. Our midfield was completely over run by united. That wouldn’t have happened had we been playing with arteta and song as apposed to Ramsey. shit move the really cost us. 1 of many.


I wonder how many fans were around before wenger, or if he is all they know. The reason ours standards are so high now are because of what he did for us. If people can’t see the real reason for us losing ground is the cheating going on with billionaire owners then that’s fine. I agree wenger does make curious decisions, and now we actually have money we should invest it. But at the same time everyone loses sight of the amazing job he actually has done on limited funds. Seriously, who out of man utd, man city and chelsea… Read more »


“the goals we conceded today were from a mistake and a set piece”. Hahah that sounds a wee bit familiar. Same shit for the past how many seasons? How come united doesn’t lose because of mistakes and set pieces every time the going gets tough.


It’s not been when the going gets tough, it’s all the time. Clearly our zonal system doesn’t work. I’ve said this before a few weeks ago but pretty much every goal we’ve conceded this season has been from a personal mistake, a penalty, or a poorly defended set piece. Not really any immense pieces of skill or ridiculous long range bullets. If, and I say if with some trepidation, we can stop shooting ourselves in the foot we are halfway to avoiding a lot of these results. That’s not to say us not creating chances isn’t a problem, but that’s… Read more »


We’ll pick it up soon and Mr. Frog will be no where to be found.

Come on Gooners


Nice to meet you rob, but I’ve been calling like I see it for quite awhile now. So piss of now lad.


Frog legs are edible.


Sorry but to say we were all happy after Reading is a gross exaggeration…….. Yes we were very relieved and it was a great comeback but to go 4 down to a struggling Reading team was very worrying and shows that our defensive frailties have not gone away. We are still making a lot of basic errors especially at the back and while I agree that the board have to take a lot of the blame for a lack of ambition and investment, Arsene has to hold up his hands and admit to making quite a few tactical errors over… Read more »


don vito

jenk mert djor sagna


theo eisfield santi

giroud arshavin

thats our form team at the moment and they could rip it up, Looks full of goals, We would have a couple of good ones on the bench to

o’shea verm kos wiltshire coq poldi ramsey
we will only get swamped if we aren;t swamping them


Nice to read some positivity amongst the tide of negativity. We are supporters of arsenal, through thick and thin, so let’s support them. We can moan all we like, it doesn’t get us anywhere

Wenger's Glasses

I think we got enough quality in the players department, but the strategy & the tactics are questionable. Or do we even have a strategy going into the game? Sometimes I wonder.

And why can’t the players communicate better on the pitch? I saw Man Utd players always talk to each other to make sure everybody is doin’ what they should, while our players relying on telephatic understanding which they clearly haven’t got, at least not yet.


I agree, I think we could see sometimes with cazorla, giroud and podolski, they were making runs and passes which were often slightly off or confused. We forget it’s not that long they’ve been in England, let alone playing together. They need time. It’s just unfortunate that our team as a whole hasn’t played together for very long when u add them up. Compare to united who tend to add 1 or 2 a season, the rest have had at least a few years playing time as a team


when the team is not thinking on its feet the manager should shout at them until they get it if they never get it yank them off and shout at them some more and on sunday make them sprint all day while you shout at them and on monday show them a video of how shit they were and shout at them some more and on tuesday shout at them again tell them where to stand where to run who to kick it to and if they dont listen yank them off and really shout at them. make sure the… Read more »


I am willing to cut the process short for you, weed. Just fark off.

Bould's Hair dryer

This isn’t funny anymore. No more excuses, the gap between us and the top 3 is unthinkable.
And speaking of mental strength, our mental strength sucks ~!

ramseys back pass

We definately need the ox back. Rosicky too. Plus proper wingers in january. Players ready to deliver (on the arteta, BFG, santi level). Players the ox and co. Can learn from. Enough gambling on potential. We all know once they start realising that then they will be off because they are playing with “the ones for the future”. At this stage last season fans were calling for theo to be dropped. (we had people like yosi waiting for a game anyway). It’s funny how quickly a team can decline. We used to out score our opponents, now we can’t create… Read more »


We have 0 penetration in this current team! Left wing : Podolski doesn’t like playing with santos and we have to wait for gibbs to come back Right wing : Ramsey is out of position and he just can’t create chances by himself.. he was doing ok when the left wing was functional but not now when something is needed from the wings think that is too much pressure on a player who is out of position.. so we have to wait for Ox to come back or maybe switch cazorla to right until then to change the dynamics a… Read more »


missed ROSICKY!! he would be a major boost too

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typical tantrums!

i think another attack minded midfielder will do us good in jan, after this season rosicky will have one year left on his contract. arshavin(again, one year on his contract too!*rolls eyes*) could have a go centrally, but wenger might never use him there, an established attacking mid would push cazorla more towards the wings n hopefully he will deliver some crosses wen everything else goes downside. the problem that we’re facing the most is the lack of another creative player in the middle who could pass his way out of trouble with awareness and confidance, currently that position is… Read more »


Please let Ramsey be central no one’s getting benifited , sagna is solid defensively and his main attacking strength unlike santos is not making run inwards but linking up with the one on the flank and getting crosses in but that couldnt happen yesterday and what happened was left wing got more forward leaving space behind Podolski didnt have a good game if he is carrying a knock please rest him he is a good player. I just question myself who the hell am i questioning my idol’s tactics but its becoming more evident now or may be it was… Read more »

Arsene's Nose

Still can’t get over what Santos did with that Scumy Cunt at HT…I Hate that Gay


Was not able to see the game but followed it through the liveblog. It’s very maddening, depressing but………we need to believe and stay strong…..for we are the Arsenal! I do not know about guys but I will continue to fight for the red and white no matter what!


4th – Position we’ll finish again. Apart from everything else, its just so boring and predictable. The club will be happy, we won’t. Then it’ll be same again next year.

[…] Report – By the numbers – Player ratings – […]


It looks like the players are completely bought into just finishing fourth. Don’t bother against top 3 as it won’t make any difference in the league and then try to stroll it against the lower half of league believing they just have to turn up to win and eventually get fourth. This won’t change as long as the moneymen believe 4th is a trophy. I mean why would they change a plan that’s worked 16 times or so. This is what the double crossing Dutch Skunk realised and had confirmed to him. And why Mata, Hazard and co were never… Read more »


Santos can fuck off. i am suprised he wasnt hugging RVcuntfacewhen he scored. As an Arsenal fan living ing manchester and being surrounded by manure fans (not too different from living in london then) most of them were worried about our attacking down the right as they see evra as half the footballer he was, and evans in there as a cb clearly not there 1st choice. But we create nothing but what do you expect us to create when we dont have any pace there. Bet that twat evra was rubbing his hands together when he saw who he… Read more »


sanots just isnt good enough. ramsey isnt consistent enough for the 1st team, i still believe that he had/has the potential, but at the moment he’s too unreliable. vermalen is a good player, but something isnt right with him, he’s making too many disastrous mistakes. i dont know if its the pressure of captaincy but he’s trying too hard to be superman and failing at the basics. time to give kos a run. i dont know why we could play jenks and bac on the left, or verm. other teams seem to cope well enough with players out of position.… Read more »

Absentia Rose

How is it possible that Arteta got 0 tackles when I clearly remember one successfull where he sweep the ball out of valencias or rafaels feets. Though does it really matter? Manure keep their playing so simple. I still feel our midfield should really out played theirs because I don’t think either carrick or cleverley would be starters in any other top four teams. But they just keep doing those little flick ons which just amaze me how come our more technical gifted central midfielders couldn’t do those. It’s also worth mention that during the european championships Wenger critisized Spain… Read more »

[…] you watched the game then you don’t even need stats to back up my assertion that Arsenal put in the most gutless perform…. You could have literally just watched the first 45 minutes of the game and seen that Arsenal were […]

David O'Leary's Dad

We’re in a shit place now and have been for a few years. Probably wont get much better for a few years yet – and it’s all about cash. The lack of ambition shown by selling our best players year after year is bound to rub off on the players – and the manager. If the money train started by Chelski and Citeh had never happened we would be neck and neck with Manure like we used to be. But we are the Arsenal, longest serving continuous top division team of anyone. We will be back once this financial shitstorm… Read more »

Martin Keown is my hero

We can go on about money and quality of players etc. forever. But the fact is the players that took to the field on Saturday (and in previous games) are not so bad that they can’t put in a more credible effort. We had some very talented players on the park on Saturday (Arteta, Cazorla, Jack, Sagna) and some good experienced players (Merts, Santos, Rambo, Giroud, Verm) that are regular internationals. There is no reason these players cannot AT LEAST have a proper go during ANY game. As I have said before, the problem with us is that we have… Read more »

[…] were some damning statistics (check 7am Kick-Off’s Numbers Column) but none more so than this: Arsenal attempted only 6 take-ons (dribbles that attempt to beat a […]

Kofi Nkansah

Ok folks,so we had a reasonably good start that filled most of us with a little optimism..a fantastic display at Anfield quickly comes to memory and the game at the Etihad we prolly should have won.Then there was Chelsea,a game we didn’t deserve to lose and the perfect response after with the trip to Upton Park..but right from that point,I mean after the international break..we’ve been horrible.I have seen games as Arsenal fan that broke my heart and almost killed me but that game at Carrow Road was just pitiful from an Arsenal point of view.Then that tame submission to… Read more »

[…] were some damning statistics (check 7am Kick-Off’s Numbers Column) but none more so than this: Arsenal attempted only 6 take-ons (dribbles that attempt to beat a […]

[…] a very good and full report, I recommend this article posted by Arseblog. Also this and […]

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