Monday, February 17, 2025

Wenger hails Arsenal grit

Arsene Wenger praised his side’s determination after a gritty 1-0 win at Wigan. The Gunners claimed victory in a scrappy encounter thanks to Mikel Arteta’s second half penalty but had to withstand a nailbiting last ten minutes to secure the points.

Urging his squad to take confidence from the clean sheet, the boss stated:

“It’s good but not enough. We want more. I hope that gives us a bit more belief and confidence and that we can play with a much more positive environment.

“We had to show nerve and we did it. Overall, it gives us a week to prepare [for] the next game and hopefully at home we can continue to win our games.

“Away from home, our record is quite good. We have only lost two games – at Man United and Norwich – since the beginning of the season. It’s an important part of the season now.

“It was a very different game [from Reading]. They stopped us from playing and they did that very well – especially in the middle of the park. We didn’t find the same fluency going forward.

“It was much more a win because we really wanted a result more than because we dominated the game. We had chances, but, especially in the final part of the game [it] was difficult to come out at the back and master possession.

“They had a lot of possession in the end but we really wanted it. It’s good because [we showed] more determination than domination in the final part of the game.”

Arsenal’s Boxing Day clash with West Ham United has been postponed meaning the Gunners get a weeklong break at a time when the games usually come thick and fast.

With an opportunity to rest tired legs over the Christmas period, we pick up again against Newcastle in the final game of 2012.

We’re also up to third in the table again, albeit miles off United and City, but after three wins in a row in the League we’re at least above Spurs again. A small comfort while you enjoy your turkey on Tuesday…

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I also hail it.

big balls

We all some grit – the snow is coming



Runcorn Gooner

Arsene Knows

Proud Gooner NK

In Arsène We Still Trust

big balls

In Arsene we still trust……. to make a big profit, to finish 4th and to win nothing


Spud cunt!!!


0-0 vs Stoke.At home .Fuck off big balls,I’m smelling a spud…


Sir, sir…….please don’t let me stop you from minding the gap.


Will you guys stop answering that Cunt. ignore it and it will go away and crawl back under the rock


Exactly. Do not feed the troll. Just like that Rvp troll. He doesn’t post anymore.


Its probably the same cunt, not too many people in the UK that sad.


BIG BALLS, what time is it?
I’ll tell you, it’s 5 past 2!


Today was about grit not the usual neat.
Determination not domination.

Three points still!

Proud Gooner NK

ManUre always bounce back and fight, ALWAYS ending up 1st or 2nd; Arsenal always bounce back a fight too …- the difference is: we fight for 3rd or 4th


3rd place? Spud in your face? And i say u better start minding the fucking gap now!!


Too right. We have four players with more than five goals a piece up front – Gervinho, Giroud, Walcott and Podolski. We know we have some money and are going to strengthen the squad. Sp*rs drew and we are above them and Merry Fucking Christmas!


hey, remember how we “minded the gap” last season after being 9 points behind the Spuds at one moment?

we’re that many points behind Man City

just sayin’…


Yeah. But Tottenham ain’t exactly Manchester city.


We’ve got a team that play for the team and not to get noticed so that they can fuck off to another team. We make a couple of quality signings we could catch Shity and Manure, placing Arsenal where we rightly belong!


Well i think the tube could be a blessing in disguise giving the team a whole week off before next game.If there is anyway we are gonna help this squad maintain the consistency we demand of is to go and buy players and should be done in the early part of jan, because of huge fixture list in jan.


I genuinely believe that we are making a huge mistake by not playing coquelin game in, game out. I’d not seen an adequate replacement for flamini until this guy came along, but I think he is the real deal: he can literally do everything and is so versatile that we should be making the most of this. It says something that after he came on, he attempted 3 slide tackles and made all of them, compared to the rest of the team which made like 5 in the whole second half (coq excluded). So just slightly worried that if he… Read more »


Amazing! how few wins can change the landscape! This time last week it was all dooms! the end of the arsenal world! Manager must go! Now it seem all our problems far away. Just remember next time when we loose we can also win it again.

Red and White Stripey Socks

Well I’m happy, 3rd the week before Christmas. It’s not been a great season so far but the team seems to be getting it together. Have to win ugly in this league, today proved this…….a week off will be a good think too!


Great result. Still a team like wigan stopped us from playing easily, better teams can do that and will punish us. I just hope the 3 wins on the bounce dont give aw the excuse he wants to not invest in jan


What makes me happy today is the fact that Arsenal can still hold our fort. Clean sheet is no joke. Defending is not as flimsy it was before. This game is much more significant than Vs Reading because it showed true grit and determination of the Gooners. And the fact that there’s solid shots on target must not be dismissed, I’ll have to give credit to Wigan keeper, he worked his ass to keep the tally low. And I miss Giroud, I think he’s a bit more productive than Walcott


anyone else becoming anti-walcott..? Criticising him, every mistake you swear him out, just pissed at the guy..? Sorry but this has happen too much to us before.. Dont blame the player cos some might argue he has valid reasons or whatever.. But because of our recent history with this shit.. I dont give a fuck anymore.. He can fuck off.. Get some quality that wants to play for us.. Because honestly if we keep on a good run now till transfer season.. Wont we as The Arsenal have the money and stance to once again attract star players..? COYG.. Grind… Read more »


We will finish fourth again yippee fucking doo….so glad I pay £1200 for my
Home season ticke cos getting knocked out in champions last 32 every yer is very important to me. Don’t want to challenge ever again I hope we sell all our best players cos Kronkes bank balance makes me smile. 4th is a big trophy


It annoys me that this comment would’ve had 50 likes had Kone scored at the end. Instead everyone praises our determination for winning and you get thumbed down for sticking to your opinion


4th is like a trophy guys look at my record better then anyone else’s I get to champions league every year when I’m gone you won’t know what your missing… answer getting knocked out in the last 32….spend some of our money you greedy bastards so typical to do well just before the window opens…..we won’t need new players as we have super super talent already…..


You are a spud and you know it! The Champions League doesn’t have a last 32. It has a last 16. Maybe you are thinking Europa League. I m sure you spuds have plenty of experience in the last 32 of the Europa League. Get your facts right spud face! 😉


last 32? Busted spud will always remain in our shadow.


Don’t renew if you have a problem with it. We were always aware that the building of the stadium was going to constrain us for about ten years. Kroenke is not taking money out of the club, it is going towards clearing debt. The club will be much stronger in the long run but some fans can’t grasp this and want instant gratification. Things will change, be patient or give up your season ticket.

Andy R

Do some research before talking complete and utter crap. Additional income does not go towards clearing stadium debt as stadium debt is ringfenced from the transfer budget or any other club income. There are financial penalties for repaying stadium debt early and besides the debt repayments are pretty low (£20m pa) and easily affordable over the long-term. As if to prove my point, the club’s annual report (if you’re intelligent enough to read it) shows gross debt at £253m but cash reserves of £154m. So a huge proportion of the debt could be wiped if the club chooses to, but… Read more »


.I quote you, “the club’s annual report (if you’re intelligent enough to read it) shows gross debt at £253m but cash reserves of £154m” You realize that ALL the corporations in the world keep a cash reserve because you know, sometimes, the economy goes down the toilet. Like 2007-2008, 2001-2002, 1997-1998…etc. The cash reserve is never intended to be used UNLESS a catastrophe falls…let’s say for example a huge infrastructural issue renders the emirates unavailable, then the cash reserve would be used to rent another stadium or for repairs. Also, there are no financial penalties for paying the debt early.… Read more »

wengers furrowed brow

@ finance gooner
Well said,sir! But if these fans had any ideas about contigency funds, TVM or Time Value of Money, Reserve funds, Taxation or financial equilibrium. 90% of ‘wenger out’ brigade would be missing .


I like football. When you wankers are done jabbering about bullshit, let’s talk about how we’re going to smash those jordie twats next weekend. Thanks. A gooner who likes football.


*geordie. Fucking iPhone. Can we get an edit button please bloggs?

Andy R

I didn’t say ALL of the cash reserves could be used to pay debt, but if the club thought cutting debt was a major priority they could use a huge chunk of that cash reserve. Man Utd’s debt is double that of Arsenal, yet their cash reserves are £25.6m. So basically, you’re talking out your arse.

Rectum Spectrum



Cash Reserves as of Jun 30, 2012 —> 70.6 million pounds
Debt as of Jun 30, 2012 —> 421 million pounds

Cash Reserves as of May 31, 2012 —> 153 million
Debt as of May 31, 2012 —> roughly 410 million pounds.

Same debt but Arsenal has a stronger financial position than Manure in the long run and a brand new stadium.

And a lot of class.

And a lack of despicable cunts.

Andy R

You haven’t a fucking clue what you’re talking about. Gross debt is £253 million. Once cash balances of £154 million are deducted, net debt is £99m. Fuck knows where you get £410m from. Twat.

Try reading the accounts instead of making crap up out of thin air.


Arsenal Holdings plc Annual report for year ended May 31, 2012
Balance Sheet, Page 38

wengers furrowed brow

ain’t these fans adorable like 5 year old spoilt brat

arsenal wins- beat them with same old ‘greedy board and non spending wenger’stick.


guys! little tired of this antic of yours.why don’t you people come up with something new & refreshing



our GK sczsz should pass the ball the defender when we are under pressure rather these long ball,because we need retain possession.


I live in Nigeria, n v supported Arsenal since I was 12 when all we had in school was just bbc radio n game highlights on saturday…I am not a ‘SEASON TICKET HOLDER’ but Lord knows I’l give anything to watch a home game against Spurs or a Top 4 team…
Pisses me the fuck off when I see folks think they v earned the exclusive right to diss the club cos they v a season ticket…if u really hate the way the club is that much pls, sell ur ticket..loads of people on the waiting list….AWB


Amen to that mate. As a child some of my fondest memories were of my dad taking me to highbury to watch the arse. Most times we didn’t even have a seat. We stood. It was magic. Now as an adult, life has taken me to the states and I only make it home once or twice a year and I’m lucky if I can catch a match at the emirates. Hearing these twats bitch about how their ” season ticket” won’t be renewed makes me cringe. They can go, I’ll gladly fill there seat any chance I get, because… Read more »


Im an arsenal supporter so much so that life wouldnt let me leave this country bcos of arsenal. some supporter you are!


Pfffftt. What are you 10 years old?

Loop A Hole

I was honestly worried we will lose Walcott and some other team might play him as a striker and reap the rewards. Walcott might still go, but I’m not worried anymore. He showed that as a striker, he can never be as devastating as he can be on the wing. If he leaves, he will leave without a question of ‘What If?’
We’ll get someone who knows what it means to play for Arsenal, Demba Ba maybe?


What the fuck does demba ba know about what it means to play for arsenal? What he’s doing to Newcastle rite now is exactly what Nasri did to us. He’s going to leave them for another club that will pay him more. He’s a footballer. That’s what they do. They take the job that offers the most coin.

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Amen loads of people on season waiting list so we they can charge what they want. This site is only one way you get called a spud for having a opinion. I could all you spuds who support this board as all you r doing is supporting mediocrity. Also having a season for twenty five years and go to 50% of away games so I think it’s fair to say I ain’t a spud. Funny the last away game I was at with hardcore fans at reading after a 5-2 win the banner came out thanks for the memories Arsene… Read more »


I dunno why everyone moans about the home ticket prices? my ticket costs 985 so works out at 37 and a few pence per match. i have been every away match this season and not once have i paid under 40. no one ever seems to moan about the away prices yet they are more?


Mate, use punctuation and hit return twice to start a new paragraph. I think you’re getting so many thumbs down because your post is impossible to read, not its content.


Sorry Dave. Couldn’t be bothered to read your post past the bit where you said Ramsey wouldn’t get into a top two side. Didn’t he reject United when he joined Arsenal? If Ramsey went to united he would be showed some respect by the moron section of the fan base and allowed to learn his role. Get your facts straight and give the lad a brake. Never know he might get some confidence if he doesn’t get booed every time he touched the ball.


completely agree re walcott. its wengers decision indont know why hes trying to deflect it to the board. he runs the club after all. no other manager interviewsnhis boss like he did with gazidis i just hope he signs what we need in jan. we need a dm desperately. coq is good but we need a proven star there. arteta is too slow cant recover and can be caught in possession in dangerous positions. its a specialist role after all whats happening with diaby? our fantastic medical team said it would be a matter of weeks when he was first… Read more »

Rectum Spectrum

“When Walcott plays we struggle to score………give him what he wants”


[…] Arsene said: They had a lot of possession in the end but we really wanted it. It’s good because [we showed] […]

Too Drunk To Be Offside

Sry but yeah we will finish 3rd or 4th again at best…thats not much sry.


Andy R I have a job an better things to do than pore over the Arsenal accounts you sad little man. The club is run responsibly and it will pay dividends in the future you abusive fuckwit.

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