Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 0-2 Man City: by the numbers (Arteta injury special)

375 – Passes attempted by Arsenal (season low in the League)
210 – Passes forward attempted by Arsenal (season low in the League)
140 – Passes forward completed by Arsenal (season low in the League)
24 – Passes forward by Jack Wilshere³
18 – Passes forward by Santi Cazorla
67 – Percent of Arsenal’s forward passes they completed (season low in the League)
76 – Percent of passes Arsenal completed v. Man City
73 – Percent of passes completed by Abou Diaby
86 – Percent of passes Arsenal complete on average this season
93 – Percent of passes Arteta completes on average this season¹
32 – Interceptions by Arsenal v. Man City
17 – Interceptions per game average by Arsenal this season
12 – Tackles by Arsenal v. City
20 – Tackles per game average by Arsenal this season
2 – Tackles by Arsenal in the first half (of 3)
9 – Tackles by Arsenal in the second half (of 9)
24 – Goals Arsenal have allowed in League play (3rd best defense in the League)
15 – Goals Arsenal have allowed at home in League play (6th worst record in the League)
7 – Number of times City fouled Jack Wilshere
9 – Number of times Aaron Ramsey has been fouled this season
27 – Number of times Jack Wilshere has been fouled this season
2.5 – Average fouls per game Jack Wilshere suffers (2nd in the League)

Walcott v. Giroud
90 – Minutes played by Theo Walcott
33 – Minutes played by Olivier Giroud
18 – Touches by Walcott
21 – Touches by Giroud
8 – Passes completed by Walcott (of 10)
3 – Passes completed by Giroud (of 11)
2 – Shots by Walcott
3 – Shots by Giroud³
1 – Aerial duels won by Walcott
5 – Aerial duels won by Giroud³
3 – Offsides by Walcott²
0 – Offsides by Giroud

Diaby v. Ramsey
61 – Minutes played by Abou Diaby
29 – Minutes played by Aaron Ramsey
51 – Touches by Diaby
31 – Touches by Ramsey
22 – Passes completed by Diaby (of 30)
24 – Passes completed by Ramsey (of 24)
11 – Passes forward by Diaby (of 16)
13 – Passes forward by Ramsey (of 14)
1 – Key passes by each of Diaby and Ramsey
0 – Through balls attempted by Diaby
1 – Magnificent through ball by Ramsey which was wasted by Walcott²
73 – Percent of passes Diaby completed
89 – Percent of passes Ramsey completed³
2 – Times Diaby was dispossessed³
0 – Times Ramsey was dispossessed
3 – Successful dribbles by Diaby (of 6)
0 – Dribbles by Ramsey
0 – Tackles by Diaby
1 – Tackles by Ramsey
9 – Interceptions by Diaby
0 – Interceptions by Ramsey

Kieran Gibbs v. James Milner
79 – Touches Gibbs³
66 – Touches Milner
71 – Completed passes percent Gibbs
67 – Completed passes percent Milner
25 – Passes completed Gibbs
29 – Passes completed Milner
6 – Passes completed by Gibbs in the City final third
15 – Passes completed by Milner in the Arsenal final third
4 – Turnovers by Gibbs²
1 – Turnovers by Milner
4 – Aerial duels won Gibbs (of 6)
2 – Aerial duels won Milner (of 6)
11 – Interceptions Gibbs²
2 – Interceptions Milner
5 – Clearances by Gibbs²
2 – Key Passes by Gibbs³
4 – Key Passes by Milner²
1 – Accurate cross by Gibbs³ (of 3)
3 – Accurate crosses by Milner² (of 6)
1 – Shot by Gibbs
3 – Shots by Milner²
1 – Goals by Milner²

Mikel Arteta injury

Arteta went down injured after playing on 9th January 2012.
Arteta has gone down injured again after playing on 13th January 2013.
Arteta went down injured for 20 days in January 2012.
Arteta is expected to be out for 21 days.
The game before his injury in 2012 was an FA Cup Match against Leeds.
The game before his injury in 2013 was an FA Cup match against Swansea.
Arteta played 2277 minutes before his January injury in 2012.
Arteta played 2340 minutes befor his January injury in 2013.
Arteta played 26 games in all competitions before his injury in 2012.
Arteta played 26 games in all competitions before his injury in 2013.


All numbers today via Opta or my personal database

Follow Tim on twitter @7amkickoff and at

¹Best in the League in this category
²Lead both teams in this category
³Lead just his team in this category

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Give us a break, we played f

Runcorn Gooner

Stats don’t lie.Walcott can’t influence a game as a striker unless the Oppo are

5pur2 dr00L


Which is why I’m gonna feel so ill when Arsene pats himself and the club on the back for keeping Theo. (As if that is a show of strength, or something, when it’s really that no other club will pay him what he’s asking for or play him as a central striker.)


I recently read a quote I really liked; “Stats are like a bikini. What they show is important, but what they hide is vital.”


Give us a break we played with ten men for 1 hour…. If course the stats will be down

Ninad Kuchekar

Yea right, as if with 11 men THIS team would’ve killed City!!
Look at recent results against Swansea, Soton.
I don’t want to hear another “We have a balanced and exceptional squad”.

Deadwood Gooner

So with 11 men the stats would be the same?

Ninad Kuchekar

Ok, you tell me that this wouldn’t have been the case? Can Arsene Wenger state that I bet my life that we WILL win the next match, that’s ambition. Saying, “We have a good squad, and their mentality is good. We have to impose ourselves and we can win it”, does not guarantee anything. This is how the diplomats talk when they want to assure you that everything is for you, but really nothing’s going to happen. I am surprised with how can this stance, such stubbornness cannot be frustrating?

Ninad Kuchekar

For the record I am not from the “I want Arsene’s head” brigade. It’s baffling to see how a manager who created “The Invincibles” would even say such things? How can he not want to be winning all the trophies. I admit the shift to Emirates has weighed down heavily on the finances, but we could at least target one single trophy each season. By now, after all the “Invincibles” saga, we should have been armed with a team ready to challenge on every single trophy we play for.


Give us a break we played with ten men for 1 hour…. Of course the stats will be down

Besides from Rambo who was quite decent


I enjoyed the suspense of scrolling down the page to see a slightly longer version of your post each time. 😉


It was like watching a Hitchcock movie.


That city team was not that good – milner had his best game of the year, dzeko, javi Garcia are not that good and they had an inexperienced centre back (nastajic) and we have players who could hurt them –
Walcott wilshere santi poldi ox etc

remember the invincibles, because we aren't good anymore

Ramsey’s stats look better than Diaby’s overall. Ramsey is a decent player at times; his through ball was magnificent as you rightly pointed out. But at this point he’s no Wilshere. Let’s wait to see if Ramsey can do it consistently and just hope he turns into the player we want him to be. No point in singing his praises for one good pass when he could equally give it away in the opposition third and set up a goal for them. I’ve noticed Juan Mata and Ramsey have a similar touch at times. Is it possible to do comparison… Read more »

Because we’d most likely not sign a replacement. Because you know, in the January window it’s so hard to find top top quality.

Master Bates

*top top top quality

There I fixed that for you

Yup. Theo’s clearly not as good as he thinks he is, and he’s playing more to prove a personal point than he is for the team, quite evidently.

And replace theo with who? And his fourteen goals by who? Fuck sake have people learnt nothing, arsene probably wouldn’t replace theo if sold and if he did it would be with some fucking idiot to go with the rest of the dead wood idiots he’s bought. Theo is shit a lot of the time but then so is arsenal as a whole. The fact that we need theo to stay is a sign of just how poor arsenal are at the moment and how poorly our club is run. Time to stop blaming players and blame the fucking management… Read more »

Ninad Kuchekar

C’mon, give Arsene some credit. He said that he has 2 players for each position…like last year we had RVP and Chamakh, the season before that we had RVP and erm…Arshavin?
We have Koscielny/Mertesacker, Vermaelen/Squillaci, Gibbs/Santos, Szczesny/Mannone, Jack/Beanstalk Diaby, Arteta/Song…m sorry he’s already sold last season we had Song playing in the defense as well!
Who would’nt want such a balanced and exceptional squad. I am sorry but how come we don’t have 2 people vying for Wenger’s position. What did you say? Bould??…next…


yeah, idiots he brought like poldi, giroud, and santi.


@ _ Or idiots like chamakh, denilson, squillaci , Gervinho, park etc etc. all managers make bad signings but these and more are all current arsenal players under contract and that would happen only under wenger at arsenal.
And even the three you so cleverly mentioned are not exactly pulling up trees at the moment.
You can be an apologist for wenger and the board as much as you like but the results speak for themselves and someone is to blame.


voldemort, I ‘cleverly’ mentioned the last three signings. As far as I understand it, new contracts are almost by default for 4 years, so I wonder, what do you do when the player is flop? As you said, every team has those, so isn’t it just that you don’t give a fuck which players are benched at other clubs so it seems only arsenal has those?

Because we’ll either not replace him or sign an even worse player, & play even worse next season.
Hasn’t history taught you anything?

That name alone gives you my thumbs up great comedy.


Was just a matter of (apparently predictable) time before Arteta got injured. Glad he gets a break, but I hope he’s back soon.


Since Arsene is not buying its upto the same crop of players to pick them up and fight for next 20 days.
Also: A part of me dies, every time I see RVP score for United.


Same here. I’ve already died about three and a half times since his move.


That’s because he was never replaced. When Henry left Ade scored some to ease the pain. When Ade left persie stayed fit and scored lots.
If we had a stricker banging them in for fun you wouldn’t feel a thing about persie.

We have fallen so low we now no longer expect our players to deliver. We are ok if they do fuck all as long as they “put in a good shift” if i can only get to know what that is. It’s so sad but that’s how liverpool went down that road. Slowly by slowly


I really can’t believe you’re still alive. So tell me how many parts you’ve got???


i don’t understand has squillaci convinced rosicky to join him in that dark room at the training ground? And Ramsey looked really good when he came on, Wenger play him in midfield not on the wing!


That’s embarrassing , look at the stats of Walcott vs giroud . And the guy wants 110 k and a central striker role .


I just wish Giroud would pass the ball better.


Lets buy a ref this transfer window…….anyone????

89 Anfield..... It's up for grabs now

Hard to find a top, top, top quality ref in January!

Master Bates

No big team will sell the best ref in January .


so get some cut-price unknown…simples

Los Polandos

That’s why Wenger opted for some young linesman from ligue 2. He’s apparently very talented and determined to help arsenal win their games, should we ever go to Grenoble, that is.


“We are in the market. To find refs of a calibre of Mike Dean, available in January, I wish you good luck. We try very hard, believe me. We have a team around me who analyse everything. We select targets, I watch them, but it’s difficult to speak about any names”.


When are we going to repair the leak at left back, Gibbs is poor, need someone that can defend propefly, he is always caught out, he is too small, couldn’t even out jump Milner, his speed sometimes gets him out of Tribble, or westbrom, last game last season, but that was because he got caught out again, it’s a shame as he seems a good pro, and decent lad

Wenger's Glasses

I love Arteta, but I prefer Jack-Abou-Santi combination in the midfield, they all got above average skill & very creative as an offensive force. Too bad for the early red card, it ruins the balance of things. But I think they’re doin’ alright. Don’t get me wrong, I think Arteta is very creative player as well, but his position now as a DM kinda screw him a bit.

I’m a Ramsey supporter now, his movement without the ball is brilliant, always been, I think he only needs to work on his confidence while he got the ball on his feet.


Why single out Theo? He didn’t ‘waste’ Ramsey’s through ball. It was going in, and Lescott cleared wonderfully. Give credit where it’s due.

Glory Hunter

I actually think it’d be wise if Theo left cos if he signs an extension & has a bad game, it’ll be ‘100k a week for this dross’
It might be a valid point but for our own sanity it might be best he leaves!!!
Then we can at least blame the board & management.


Yeah, agree, wasted is an unfair description, whether you think he played well or not or is any good or not, he goes through he beats the keeper and the defender gets back to clear it off the line. Giroud who I like by the way ‘wasted’ a chance with a free header from 6 years out bang in front of the goal.

bob loblaw

I think we need more rotation of players. Let Arteta and Cazorla and some other first teamers rest against the likes of Reading etc. Of course every team is tough, but since many of the squad players are not getting game time at all, when a first team regular gets injured, they are suddenly expected to slot in and light the world on fire. The problem with both Ramsey and Diaby is that they are inconsistent; Ramsey in his performances (many of which have been out of position) and Diaby in his ability to stay fit. Both are definitely good… Read more »


Why are we singling out players? Did anyone play particularly well yesterday barring Jack? Where was Santi? He’s been underperforming for a number of games now. Giroud was brainless and clumsy after coming on too. We played with ten men against the champions, no point reading too much into this.


Poldi attacked well (but didn’t defend) before he went off early again, but apart from that I entirely agree.


2- the number of players AW should sign to save us.
I wonder what will happen to our defense if anything happens to mert or verm now that kos is suspended. Squid huh?… And now we can see the obvious lack of attacking options. + i hope and pray diaby stays fit longer than the time for an orgasm. AND le coq needs to be the mæn

Wenger's Zipper

I didn’t expect that kind of game at all. I get so irritated with the team’s mentality. We lacked so many things that January Transfer Window can’t cure.

Look at the replay of the first goal. Switching off is an understatement.


Think ramsey, wilshere and carzola/rosicky a chance in midfield.. Seemed like ramsey enjoyed it in the middle.. He and jacky look good together..


He enjoyed it in the middle because that’s his position. No coincidence really when players are played in their favoured postion they tend to play better, theo the exception of course.
Just someone needs to tell wenger that it works like that.


He’s the type to get the ball, take his time and pick out a good pass/make a good decision from a plethora of options. Not the type who gets the ball and with a dummy then a burst of speed sprints down the wing with it… no wonder he played well today!

To see Wenger (or not just him) envisioning Walcott and The Ox down the middle and Ramsey, Podolski etc down the wing is just baffling


i definitely want to see jack and ramsey pairing in the middle, they did it when we won a game againts man.united in 2011


Here’s our squad – CB – Kos,Per,Verm,Squid Full-backs – Jenks,Sagna,Gibbs,Santos Mid – Diaby,Rosicky,Ox, Jack,Santi,Coq,Ramsey,Arteta Fwd – Giroud,Poldi,Theo We are loaded in mid and can easily rest our “top top” players. BUT, since AW will always prefer a 4-3-3, it means our Forwards don’t get a rest and one of the mid men has to be on the wings. AW prefers wdth but that hasn’t exactly worked for us this season. Why doesn’t he mix it up a bit and go 4-1-3-2 ala Chelsea? Against Swans in FA cup, I hope he starts coq,ramsey,rosicky and jack in mid with giroud and… Read more »


Santi is already broken. He’s been mediocre for MONTHS.


We don’t change!

Judgement day (once more)

Bit of an anti-climax that was. Prior to the game I had overcome a horrific hangover, gotten drunk on champagne and orange juice AND done my laundry. I was so pumped for this game and then Kos decided to be shit at defending..

I would love a rant, but no one listens to me anyway.

Mach III

One only gets a calf injury from being over played.
It was bound to happen sooner or later…
Playing an out of form Abou Diaby in such a big match?

Koscielny let us down.

Look at the City bench, look at their strikers… Tevez, Aguero, Balotelli, all of them are superior to our strikers. One mistake and they don’t play again for 3 weeks.
They are another level and we continue to fall behind…

We need change. Another premier league season succumbed to struggling, injuries, boring, boring, boring.
Emirates is wasting their name sponsoring this disillusioned crew running the club!

Robin Van Persie

Sorry i abandoned you gays…

Master Bates

don’t feed the troll

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[…] Match report – By the numbers – Player ratings – Video […]

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N8N Cape Town Gunner

Struggling like this to get the right results can’t be good for the players confidence…Wenger please open your eyes and DO something! I beg you…! Its torture watching us deteriorate like this…


I may be alone on this but we should really change our formation. Honestly, do we even have any wingers? We’ve been playing guys like Arshavin and,Ramsey out there for years now when they’re not even wingers. The Ox may be the closest one but even then, he’s not really a true winger is he? Giroud and Walcott up front, give it a go because we all know it is very difficult for Walcott to wi any of his own balls. and we really have nothing to lose at this point.


We have one true winger. And he’s such a cock gobbler that his own ego has misled him into thinking hes a center forward.

Ninad Kuchekar

Is this an Arsenal fan in the video? I doubt…


Despite selling our top players, the wage-bill at Arsenal Football Club is GBP150mm. What the hell are we spending all that money on when our lack of depth precludes us from rotating exhausted regulars like Arteta/Cazorla/Wilshere even when we have 5 games in three weeks?!?!

A fresh Coqeulin is better than an exhausted Arteta.
A fresh Jenkinson is better than an exhausted Sagna.
A fresh Arshavin is better than an exhausted Cazorla.
A fresh Rosicky is better than an exhausted Wilshere.
And Serge Gnabry is better than Theo Walcott, full stop… let the fooker leave.


Incredible to see the similarities with Arteta’s injury 2012-2013. Perhaps it is completely bollocks, he’s not injured at all but is having a break, the injury is made up to give Arsene an excuse NOT to buy in the january window, “if i buy now i will kill Arteta, who will be LANS”

Or maybe he is like a car where the cambelt will go every 120,000 miles if you don’t change it. Either way its uncanny…

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The stats about how many games Arteta played this year and last before he got injured is really interested. The only thing to say is that he is being overplayed, and that’s such a shame. I think we only won a couple of matches without him last season (?).

[…] Wenger made the proclamation that despite the loss of Arsenal’s most important midfielder (Mikel Arteta) to his now annual January three-week injury layoff Arsenal were not really in the market for a midfielder because “If you think there are any […]

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