Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Cazorla happy to keep learning

Santi Cazorla says that although there are some minor frustrations he’s enjoying life at Arsenal and keen to learn more from a footballing point of view.

Speaking to Miguel Delaney in tonight’s match day programme, the Spanish international said he had to take the chance to join a ‘big club’ like Arsenal and that he’s glad he did so.

“I have to say it’s been a great step in my career., to have the luck to play for a club as big as Arsenal. Every day I’m learning more. When I play there are never tough moments.

“I enjoy myself, I’m doing what I love. I have the luck to be in a great team, to enjoy that and never think of anything else.”

And on the training ground he admits to being frustrated that his lack of English prevents him from joining in with the joking that goes on. (Notice how we didn’t use the word ‘banter’).

“I’m someone who loves to get involved,” he said, “to have jokes, to enjoy that good spirit a team has. Obviously, at the moment, with so many conversations going on, I don’t understand what is said and that can be frustrating, but with a bit of time I will. I’m advancing.

“I get on well with all of them. The Germans are phenomenal, joking all day and creating an atmosphere in the dressing room.”

Thankfully, Cazorla can do his talking with his feet and until his English improves that’ll do. A repeat of his goalscoring against Liverpool tonight would be nice too.

Read the full interview with Santi Cazorla in the programme, which is also available on iPad right now.

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Ohhhhhh santi cazorlaaa

Los Polandos

Wish that he repeated the one-twos with Poldi that ripped anfield in august (or was it september already?).


The germans have a sense of humour? That should be a headline in itself!

Kidding – great to hear the team spirit is high, the longer we keep this group together the more chance they’ll have to translate that understanding onto the pitch…

Unyoke The Ox
Wrighty's Gold Tooth



You guys got that giroud dance gif? I need it for my digital arsenal collection 🙂


apparently poldi is the biggest joker now that the comedy king position was available after eboue’s departure.. im sure he can use cazorla as a supporting act. saying that their footballing partnership is beginning to flourish too so good things are ahead 🙂


Ivory Coast team mates on Eboue…


Love that vid.

Unyoke The Ox

Poor Gervinho getting ridiculed for his looks. Then he strangely touches Kalou’s bits (WTF?!) at 0:43.


That last question is brilliant.
Who has the worst haircut?
Then Kolo just goes for it.

Vic Viniger

That was an evil last question asking who has the worst hair, he may as well have asked who is the biggest diver, there could be only one answer.

jack jack jack

He reminds me a bit of ol’ Dennis. Joker in the dressing room, Iceman on the pitch.

Unyoke The Ox

Has he dressed like a tiger (for no reason) or put wotsits up his nose (for no reason)? I very much doubt that Pod could match the comedic genius that was Eboue.

Great to hear that they have a laugh though

Unyoke The Ox

Touche Paulos

Tiger based hilarity too.


Cannot believe we got Cazorla last summer. Always seems to be smiling on every picture as well!

Santi Claws

“I get on well with all of them. The Germans are phenomenal, joking all day and creating an atmosphere in the dressing room.”

Funny, personable Germans? Next thing you know there’ll be dogs playing the piano..


…surprisingly melancholy. I’m tearing up.


Beethoven’s seventh symphony….I’ll get me coat.


Thaks Bloggs. This was brilliant.

When are you going to teach The Arseblog Basset Hound 2.0 to do that.
I’d like some Katie Melua please.

Vic Viniger

That could easily be in David Lynch’s next movie soundtrack, vocals and all.


Just 1 worldclass striker wenger. January not difficult if willing to spend. Osco, lewandoski etc


who the fuck is osco and why would dormund sell their best striker in january while try catching bayern in league and still in champions league


Agreed. I think he meant Isco for whatever it’s worth.

Built like an Ox

Cazorla seems to have a great attitude and (this is only speculation) seems to be good for morale.

He just appears to be a genuinely happy guy

Vic Viniger

If i had to pick a song that sums up Santi’s happy head, it would be safety dance by men without hats, not just because there’s a midgit in the video. Its just so upbeat and the lyrics fit pretty well too “we can act like we come from out of this world leave the real one far behind”

Gunsen gunner

Go on santi,give David a nudge in our direction 😉


It’s refreshing to see Cazorla, a so called ‘foreigner’ try and integrate himself into the team as quickly as possible. If only other international players had his dedication.

I know from previous experience of living in another country that didn’t speak English how frustrated and isolated you can feel. The only thing you can do is get out there and make mistakes and look like a fool but you’ll quickly learn.


Just letting you know: I thumb up almost every one of your comments just because of your alias 🙂

Do you know that they’re gonna play at the Emirates this year?


I just love podolski aswell, I bet he’s like a breath of fresh air in the trainning ground. The guy is always smiling, he along with Santi ofcourse.

“Podolski smiling holding up his thumb to pose for a photo” Now who hasn’t seen this photo amillion times, really great to see. On to Giroud, ah no words.

Best trio sigings in a while.


Always knew Per and Poldi were goofballs. Jogi Löw won’t stand for that shit though, only Italy and Spain are allowed to pull jokes on the German NT


Breathe of fresh air is our Santi. Nice to know that not all premier league footballers are self-centered, egotistical, hype believing, agent infested, poo bum heads.

Merlin's Panini

I mainly thumbed you up for “poo bum heads”.

Bend it Like Bendtner

Santi no habla Ingles? No problemo mate! Santi does speak fluent Spanish though. I hope he kicks the boot into Luis Suarez’s arse tonight then tells him how much of a cock he is.

Piers Morgan's punchable face

I hoping everyone on the pitch does that regardless of them speaking Spanish 😉

Merlin's Panini

Would love to see that, and then see the ref just spit on him and say “cunt”.

Lady Eowyn

Cazorla is great. I love how he’s always smiling and laughing in the training photos.

Vic Viniger

He is probably one of the few footballers who seem to realize how brilliant their life really is, you get paid insane amounts of money for doing the thing you love most, retire at 33 and spend the rest of your days on a yacht getting blow jobs from super models, dry your fucking eyes footballers!


Livpool away is still my favourite match of this season for so many different reasons (our 1st 2goals of the season, scored by our new guys, the excellent defending, Diabys*/Gibbs/Cazorlas performance and a win at Anfield still feels me with a lot of pride) ie. a perfect all round performance. I hope its my 2nd favourite by the end of the night


@ Lobster: You hope it’s your “2nd favourite result”?
I’d rather see the “best performance of the season” tonight and that The Arsenal keep a clean sheet.
And more of the same next game.


Given the uneven start we have had this year maybe a more sober approach would be better for the team results wise. Maybe a little more attention to honing skills and tactics would lead to a better defence. You hear from departed players of their surprise at the intensity of practise sessions at there new clubs. If we do actually have good coaches maybe they should demand more focused training sessions which may in turn lead to less defensive mistakes and more points. Guys you are not bang on it so bend your backs a bit save the piss taking… Read more »


Santi has been excellent to date, he had a little dip in form as most players do, probably down to new league and being constantly played. We should see an even better Cazorla next season but we can really do with him having another 10-15 cracking games now chipping in with goals and assists.

As a side note if we get any free kicks tonight in shooting distance it should only be Cazorla or Poldi. They both tend to hit the target as a minimum.

3 points please lads…

King Toby

U mean to tell me where not buying anyone this window? Wenger said he was going to buy players what a joke. Hahah we will learn the hard way trust me!He acts like its his personal money.I pray for the day he goes wenger out!


this little Spaniard is always in a good mood and with a smile on this face. 🙂 #TopLad

A N Other

with all the frustration i have with Wenger..i think he has done well and bought three great players in for little more than 35 million. Same costs as that ball boy kicking moron.


Great player, so nice to have a player of his abillity in the team. We need 2 more of the same calibre.

I was wondering guys, why is Liverpool called ‘mugsmashers’ ? Anyone?
I’m just hoping we smash them mugs tonight, i’ll be watching.
Aaaand also, is that ‘Oooohhh Santi Cazoooorla’ tune inveted by Arsenal fans? Cuz yesterday watching QPR – Shitty i heard QPR fans sing it to Zamora, i was like DAFUQ IS THIS SHIT??? -_-‘

Up the Arsenal ! Oohh how i love this club
Lets get ’em boys

Fergie the Gooner

Read this morning’s blog. It’s a reference to blogs’ Liverpool supporting brother who had a mug smashing incident when they were kids.

King Toby

And the stupid suck wenger dick fans on here give me thumb down typical!

Dial Square


Sometimes you just have to take what Wenger does on the chin, and get behind the team…

Captain chris

Nice to see the lads getting on, hope ye link up well tonight, and wenger buy someone will ya

King Toby

get behind the team twit ahahahha


Tony fucking adams.. Legendary.. Captain of captains..!!

Eric Irish gunner

3-1 to the gunners come on

[…] Read More Here: Cazorla happy to keep learning […]


Great to see we’ve started off in real arsenal fashion. What a fucking shambles that was. Might aswell just beg Liverpool with that sort of shithouse defending

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