Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Arsenal 2-2 Liverpool

Arsenal will feel they dropped two points against Liverpool after a 2-2 draw at the Emirates this evening.

Arsene Wenger made changes, bringing back first choice defenders Thomas Vermaelen, Bacary Sagna and Kieran Gibbs into the defence, while there were also starts for Jack Wilshere, Santi Cazorla and Theo Walcott after they were rested against Brighton.

And the vistitors took an early lead after some comical, except not that funny Arsenal defending. Bacary Sagna slipped allowing Glen Johnson to run on into the box. He crossed, Vermaelen miskicked, it fell to Sturridge, he shot, Szczesny saved, it rebounded off Ramsey’s heel, fell to Downing who fed Suarez and his shot deflected in. 1-0.

Daniel Sturridge could have put Liverpool further ahead when played in by Suarez, but dragged a shot wide. He was then nearly gifted a goal immediately when Szczesny played silly tricks in the area but eventually the Pole got it clear. Crazy stuff. And by crazy I mean fucking dense.

Arsenal created the next chance after working it well down the left hand side, Lukas Podolski pulled it back for Olivier Giroud but he put a first time shot wide with his right foot.

The Gunners put some pressure on with another Giroud shot deflecting out for a corner and when a Vermaelen shot was blocked, it fell for Theo Walcott whose curler was tipped around the post by Pepe Reina.

Another fantastic Arsenal move involving Ramsey, Wilshere and Cazorla saw the ball spread out to Lukas Podolski on the left. He might have shot but chose to cross and saw it deflect just over.

But it was Liverpool who might have gone ahead when a careless Mertesacker pass saw the visitors win a corner. From the resulting set-piece Szczesny came, missed it, and only Lukas Podolski on the line stopped Daniel Agger’s header going in. Then Suarez shot just wide as Arsenal’s defence was all over the place again.

Arsenal suffered a blow when Kieran Gibbs pulled up with injury and was replaced by Andre Santos in the 37th minute. Giroud tested Reina with a header after a good Arsenal move but it was easy enough for the Spanish baldy.

Liverpool had another good chance when a long ball down the left saw Szczesny come, realise he wasn’t going to make it, then stand looking as Henderson lobbed it over the bar. Probably his big foot. Arsenal failed to break down Liverpool’s defensive set-up before the end of the half.

Liverpool started the second half brightly, looking for handball against Thomas Vermaelen in the box before Sturridge dragged a shot wide from close range. At the other end Podolski also claimed a penalty, going down under a challenge from Wisdom but nothing was given.

Theo Walcott should have equalised in the 53rd minute when a Lukas Podolski cross found him at the back post but he headed over from close range. The German then hit the wall from a free kick before blasting the rebound into the belly of Jamie Carragher after which play was stopped for a while.

Then Liverpool went further ahead after a weak Mertesacker challenge saw Henderson through on goal with Santos on his shoulder. A touch and he’d have gone down for the penalty (and a possible red card from this cunt of a ref) but he took it on, his toe poke rebounded off Santos into his path and with Szczesny out of position he had a tap in to make it 0-2.

Aaron Ramsey shot over the bar and Podolski just wide Arsenal tried to get back into it, before Olivier Giroud got his 5th goal in a week. Jack Wilshere clipped in a free kick from teh right hand side, the Frenchman rose above Daniel Agger and planted a header into the bottom corner. 1-2

Amazingly, Arsenal were level just minutes later. Santi Cazorla played a pass into Giroud, he laid it off first time and Walcott hammered it home from a tight angle to equalise. 2-2.

The winger then almost put Arsenal ahead, curling a left footed shot just wide of the post with Reina stretching, before a Per Mertesacker header from a Cazorla free kick flew just over the near top corner of the Liverpool goal. The Spaniard then drilled a cross along the 6 yard box which went wide of the far post after eluding Giroud in the middle.

A great break from a Liverpool corner saw Arsenal move it from Cazorla to Walcott to Giroud, and Reina was forced into a good save. Giroud then headed over from the subsequent corner and then miscued a brilliant chance to win the game after Podolski’s strong cross came in from the left hand side.

Suarez could have won it for Liverpool in injury time when his goalbound shot was saved by Szczesny after Santos had given away possession in midfield.

In the end it was an enthralling encouter, Arsenal showed real desire to get back into it, but can’t look beyond the poor defending as the reason they dropped points.

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The thought of having to play Santos for any length of time is beyond terrifying…


Worst individual performance I’ve seen in a long time.


Ridiculous deffending by any standard.

Thats 5 points from a possible 15 points in January.

Gibbs is out – Santos is in.

No new signings with £153 million in bank.

The club is run by money hungry fools.


Sir Balls where are you getting that figure from?


I got that figure from the Financial Times newspaper, a few days ago.

The board and Wenger are con men – there is £153 million cash in the bank.

All this shit about finding “top top top top top top super players” is all bullshit – their agenda is to finish 4th spending the minimum amount of money.

They are only interested in PROFITS, and increasing the clubs value.


Got to half agree with Sir Balls here. Don’t agree with the fee but the way some people go on you would think we were finacially the poorest team in the premier league. We need a couple of signings.


I got this from the official 2012 Annual Report (Arsenal Holdings PLC)


Football – 235.3
Property – 7.7
Group – 243.0

Wage Costs – 143.4

Operating Profit (excluding player trading, exceptional
items and depreciation)

Football – 32.3
Property – 2.2
Group – 34.5

Profit on player sales – 65.5

Group profit before tax – 36.6


Cash – 153.6
Debt – (252.5)
Net Debt – (98.9)


We had those bastards. Woeful, Benny Hill style defending aside, we missed at least three more clear cut chances than they did to win that game. santos acts like he doesn’t give a shit, he is not a top, top player and he doesn’t belong in a top four team even as back up. Everton, Sp*urs and Liverpool have all made acquisitions this transfer window and we are stuck with the Greek tragedy stylings of Arshavin and Santos despite being by far the wealthiest club.


Sir Balls, while I am not going to say we don’t have a lot of cash in the bank (and we have to according to the rules of our loans), the £154 mil figure is misleading.

It was brought up by the Swiss Ramble back in October (which the FT seems to have used for their article), who went on to point out that number comes from May when everyone has just paid their season tickets,

We could spend all £154 mil, but it would be like drawing out your salary on payday and heading to Vegas for the weekend.


@Sir Balls:

That ‘cash’ is part of the debt figure of £252.5m. What the figures actually tell us is we had (at that point in time) negative £98.9m, so none of that money is technically (or realistically) ours to freely use as it belong to the bank, or whoever.

A N Other

Our defence has gone from bad to worse..not one of them including goalkeeper looked like a PL player.


Funny how no one noticed where the first goal came from. If Theo had tracked back and marked his man in Johnson and avoided the cross, we wouldn’t concede. How many attackers should Sagna be dealing with? 100K-a-week for not giving a shit.


His name on the team sheet is terrifying, especially after that near gift to Suarez.

93rd minute, 2-2 and he makes a pass like that. It boggles the mind

Remember the invincibles because we aren't good anymore

What is up with that. If ever you wanted to watch the Arsenal of the recent past ths is the match, rubbish till the 65th minute conceding sloppy goals. Then we take off and score 2. Then we go back to being for the rest of the half


I blame it on the ghost of Eboue…


I think everyone would be wise to watch the match again – ALL Arsenal players gifted passes and some quite dangerous. Give Verm stick for that stupid whiff in front of goal or Mertesacker for his lumbering mistakes – everyone had their issues throughout the match. Now – go back and open your eyes to some of the defending that Santos DID do correct and you will wonder how he even did that. People should really watch before they speak – did Santos mess up? Ya, but his was the 3rd worse mistake of the game – not the first.… Read more »


@TRob13… Santos was certainly *not* defending well for liverpool’s second goal. His shin-bounce assist was unfortunate, yes, but he was not defending well besides that. He let his man walk right by him in the build-up play, and then tried to bump and poke from the wrong side (he should get goal side). Ramsey was sliding in to save him, and almost did.


@TRob13 – what fucking game were you watching?! Santos looked like someone plucked him out of the crowd to defend. Take the damn blinders off


I’m praying to any sort of deity that will listen.


Hypothetically, if i wanted to order a hit on a footballer, where would i look and how much would it cost?

Rad Carrot

I’ll do it for a fiver and a bag of chips.

Only problem is I’d do my back in carrying his fat arse to the river.


Rad Carrot – that’s a price I’m willing to pay (fiver, chips and some physio for your back).


Ignorant comment.

Everton Need The Money

Vokes/Jake/Rad Carrot – my three children would like to thank you they still have a father. Before I had a laugh reading your ‘hit man’ comments I was about to:
1) Gorge out my eyeballs out with this BIC blue-ink pen
2) Staple my nipples together, and
3) Strangle myself with ths phone cord.
4) Pour this hot mug of coffee down my underpants
5) Stick my finger in the electrical socket hoping it cooks me alive so Andre Santos can have his breakfast.


woeful defender


Don’t know why Wenger does not immediately send Verm out left and bring in Kos to central defence. It is what he will do eventually anyway.

Seems a combination of bad luck and comic defending are afflicting Arsenal these days. That said, some of the football was scintillating and I thought Walcott looked good throughout, even tracking back and breaking up play at one point.

What I would give for Baines….


Only problem with that is vermaelin is an absolute shit left back. We’re fucked.


My vote is sagna on the left jenkinson on the right, pray for a miracle. 6th p’ace is ours for the takIng!!!!


Verm out left sounds better but then we are one centre half injury away from being Squillacied. As woeful as we are at the back now it’s not funny.


Trouble with that approach is that Miquel has looked far more at home at left back when he’s played there than Vermaelen has…..and I’d be quite worried at having Miquel as first choice.

This is a position where we really, really do need a purchase. Gibbs is a great player, but too fragile to be relied upon to be available for every game.


Mertasacker played worse :/ except for that nice piece of skill for him lol

Suarez scoring was inevitable, but Arsenal conceding to an individual solo run by the rubbish Henderson is just depressing and shows how we are not switched on at all…it would be like Gervinho dribbling his way through and scoring in his post ACN form.

Midfield Solid, Attack Solid, Defence Shit.

Runcorn Gooner

How many times are we going to throw away a goal in the first few minutes by
totally comical defending.
Chessers is going to have to buck his ideas up.His errors continue to multiply.
Don’t even mention Santos.
Plus side good fight back and Ramsey looking even more confident.


sorry blogs, looks like i’m the only one that got the joke 🙂


Don’t blame it on the sunshine,
don’t blame it on the moonlight,
don’t blame it on the good times,
blame it on Eboué!

phil collins

michael jackson’s crap…i’m the shit

Eric Irish gunner

He should not play for arsenal again at least until he’s fucking fit, he came on with 7 minutes to go in the first half and is bolloxed in the second, we need a new Keeper to put pressure on szczesny because he’ll never get dropped even when plays bad, I wish sanga could cross the ball like Jenks, jack was brilliant again driving the team forward and giroud ran his heart out, why don’t we start games like we fucking finish them and we’d be easily beating shit like Liverpool


Everyone’s having a go at Santos, but he wasn’t on the pitch for the first goal, which is about as comedic a goal as you’ll ever see conceded by a group of supposedly professional defenders (ok, well, Mannone’s Olympiakos effort is number one). Don’t get me wrong: Santos was terrible, and the thought of him playing for the next 3 weeks (read months) makes my mouth fill with sick, but there are so many problems generally with our defending that I don’t even know where to begin. Wenger, of course, thinks this squad is good enough as is. He must… Read more »


Who’s the lad Meade got subbed for in the Olympiakos game? Since Meade is injured, I think we should give the other kid a chance because, well, he’s not Santos. AS11 is just not defensively minded… Not that you could tell the rest of the defensive line were either after tonight’s game.


He’s so bad fucking hell


can someone tell mr wenger that we are looking for a real bf since the cl final of 06 ! shit it’s 7 years almost without a proper back four. arsenal i hate you so much that i love you!!! are we cursed?


Either bouldy ain’t doing his job or wenger just won’t let him, either way it can’t go on like this, we were a shambles at times at the back yet again.
Thank fuck for Walcott, motm tonight with jack and Ramsey close behind.
Say goodbye to the cl next year unless this performing in only 1 half a game gets sorted.


I’d have gone for Giroud as my MOTM choice. Always active and got a goal and assist.
Frustrating miss for the winner near the end though.


done nothing first half


I think it’s more to do with the fact that he didn’t get much of the ball in the first half, what with us barely being able to get it past the halfway line.


If you notice there was a huge deflection on the cross which took the ball behind him, can’t blame him for missing that one.


Come on …it had got to be Poldi.
Did anyone catch Santos panting towards the end, couldnt catch up to the player? Geez thats like me playing football.
Fucked up defence, should have just scored an own goal and got on with it. Get it out of your system.
Someday Theo is gonna have to square the ball…someday it will happen.

Alex Cutter

Are you joking? He should have had at least four goals today with the chances he had.

No wonder Theo is loathe to give him the ball.


I can’t believe Giroud got accused of diving – his foot clearly clips and rebounds backwards as his foot comes to the floor, hence the fall.

Agger is a cunt.

Also the BBC commentator is thoughtless. I argued and slow-mo’d that for my dad, even he saw the light in the end.


Walcott was abysmal for the first 60 minutes I thought. Santi was really off the pace tonight 🙁


In the first 60 minutes I can clearly remember Cazorla making incredible passes basically to Walcott after great runs by Theo. Reminded me slightly of the whole Song-Van Persie thing last season. (Except of course that The didn’t score either.)
There was also that business with his blistering run down the right. Ended in a poor pass, but Walcott definitely tried.


“…basically to Walcott’s foot” I meant to say


I don’t remember Theo doing anything of note before he scored… it was looking like another game where he went missing, but fair play to him for turning it around. Santi looked very tired to me, well below the high standards he’s set for himself. Moments of magic, yes, but overall he looked a shadow of the player we know he can be. To be fair Liverpool did their best to stop him playing too.


Thumbs up if your PISSED OFF!!



K. Soze

Watching our Arsenal play nowadays is like being in a bad relationship. I love you, no I hate you, but then I still love you, I can’t control you, you control me, piss off, no please come back … you get the point.

Deadwood Gooner

You love them and can’t give up on them but you know they are cheating on you


No. You have a security issue


Is anyone really surprised?

Forget all your expectations with this new Arsenal.

it is 100,000 times easier to follow without any expectations.

Rad Carrot

So, let’s play “Guess Arsene’s excuse!”

a) “It showed great mental strength to come back from 2-0 down”
b) “We didn’t buy in the transfer window because we’re only after tip-top-bippity-bop quality!”
c) “The referee gave us nothing”
d) “We deserved to win that, we were unlucky”
e) All of the above


To be fair, the ref was a complete and utter cunt

Rad Carrot

Didn’t cause us to let in those two ultra-sloppy goals, nor did it stop us from missing half a dozen gilt-edged chances.


No, but he’s still a cunt.

Rad Carrot

Well, this is true.


Although depressed I had to snigger at your blog.I cracked a smile for a second or two. The answer is:

(e) All of the above.
Yeah I won,
What have I won?
A season ticket at last years price watching last years players!

LANS calendar

Last years players … minus one of the best in the world, actually


What a game. We really should have won this. Fuck.

Tenacious Defence

Yeah, very entertaining, but this calamitous defending continues to undermine the progress being made in attack. Should have won this with the number of chances we carved out.

And Vermaelen’s air swing for the first goal… we’re seeing way to many of these by our defenders. School ground stuff.


I don’t wanna jump on the bandwagon, but Santos is a fucking liablity! Would’ve surely cost us the points at the end had Shez not saved from Suarez!


So – Verm maybe DID cost us points with the whiff – 2 pts.
Where’s your comment on that?

I do not think Santos is our answer at LB, but people need to stop ALWAYS singling him out – other factors are at play. – long game.


defenders are utter shit

sell fucking everyone except gibbs and jenks


and I’m fucking sorry for every single time I defended santos
I don’t want to see him ever again


Kos and Vermaelen could stay.. 🙁

I would like a blumpkin

Need some new defenders asap. Sad to see Sagna playing so badly


To be fair for all, Cazorla’s pass was off the mark quite often tonight, and I couldn’t find his usual crispness. Mertesacker slows down everything with him and made some poor passing. Szcesney’s overconfidence seems misplaced. Sagna’s form is questionable, and I can’t blame Wenger’s reluctance to hand him a long term contract at this point in time. Love our man Giroud but he did squander some really good chances. Wenger’s unwillingness to utilize other players besides our regular XI frustrates me. Granted, substitutions in general are not always required, proper substitutions at right moments is a required in-game managerial… Read more »

Tenacious Defence

Wait… that WAS further elaboration.


Why does it take going behind by 1, 2, 3, or even 4 goals for us to wake the fuck up all the time, elated and really frustrated at the same time.


Also, mirroring some similar comments, what the fuck has happened to Sagna? Scary loss of defensive form, just didn’t look interested sometimes.


I’m sure he’ll find it again, but I seriously have no idea what has to happen for Jenkinson to come back in. Couple games on the trot and then try Sagna again, I do not see how that could hurt. It’s pretty much our one position we have capable backups and yet nothing changes even for a couple games.


Sagna’s contract is almost up and still there haven’t been talks to renew it, we could be seeing the last of him.

Deadwood Gooner

Did everyone miss the bit at the start where Sagna one three hard as fuck headers including nutting Johnson?


Giroud’s really coming into his own.

Fuckin love it


He scores when he wants!


Yu can add Wilshire to that list.


That point i will take. But at the back we need to tighten up. This silly mistakes are costing us. Thanks Giroud, you played your part!


Plenty of attacking options ay Wenger but not one single attacking substitution? He can only blame himself for Januarys nightmare. What’s that 4 points all month?
And fuck me Santos is a nightmare waiting to happen.


I love ramseys work rate and he was solid today, but by god when you’ve got Jacky boy and santi standing at 5″6 each, you’ve got to add some steel and size to the squad.


A while back I predicted 4 pts and out of the FA cup for January, so now I’m pretty happy because we are still in the cup, you just need to lower your expectations.

Mongo slade

He’s having a mare at moment.


We need a traditional LB asap, a compulsive purchase or not.


How about a non-whiffing CB?
Hey – I just keeping everyone honest here – Santos was not our worst player on the pitch. Then who you say? Maybe you should re-watch the match.



Big Chief from Antarctica

This bipolar form is getting ridiculous.

ps. Throw Santos into the Amazon.


Dear Ivan, can I please have one of your new 2nd half season tickets at half the frozen price?

OR, can we spend some fuckin money and improve this squad?

Love Mooro.


We played with 10 men after Santos came in. I don’t ever want to see him in Arsenal shirt!!!!


Another game of two halves. Dunno if theyre handing out red bull at the break. Another must win, not one.

Time is ticking, 4th is slipping.




Can we end the meme about Mertesacker being our best central defender?

A truly appalling footballer.


Ridiculously harsh on the man.


No? I would look fucking beyond mertersacker. None of the goals were his fault, about 4 other defenders fucked up before he did with the first goal. Second goal Santos fish and chips for breaky obviously played its part


He was at fault for both goals (although not alone in this). An effeminate attempted block for the first, and so easily skinned by Jordan fucking Henderson for the second.

He’s made so many schoolboy errors in the past 6 weeks. We all know that he’s slow, and a bit weak, but he’s supposed to compensate for this with his positioning, tackling, and organisational skills. But it’s a myth. He’s just a mediocre player.


I didn’t think he was that bad today, and I generally love him, but you do have to admit Suarez should’ve scored because of an awful tackle by Mertesacker. Luckily, Vermaelen was there to block the shot.


mert was at fault for second turned inside out. it happened tonight more than once and all season long. shite. lets elevate above average shite players

Deadwood Gooner

Can’t agree. He was totally skinned by Henderson for the second and should have stuck out a boot for the first rather than attempting a delicate pirouette.


Mertesacker had a shocker, there’s no two ways about it. He’s been a bit weaker the past couple games, but this was the first game I’ve seen where he really looked poor. Not sure if the knock he took on his ankle early on affected his play? If that’s why he couldn’t move properly he should have come off for Koscielny.

Also, it makes me sad that the idea of Koscielny coming on makes me so nervous. He was developing into an excellent defender last year, but now he’s back to shaky and error prone. You never know at CB.

Cyril Washbrook

Oh, for crying out loud. I mean, seriously. This happens every time there’s a disappointing result: absurdly over-the-top reactions where some joker decides, on a whim, to completely write off a good or solid performer and dismiss them as mediocre and hopeless purely because they had a sub-par game. After the Chelsea game, we got a steady stream of comments on the blog and on the news site, stating that Giroud was not good enough for this level, that he couldn’t finish to save his life, that he had no skills. Quite frankly, those people are looking like absolute morons… Read more »


““Truly appalling footballers” tend not to win 85 caps for one of the best national teams in the world”

Dirk Kuyt?


Big credit to the boys for coming back from 2 down. Just wish Wenger would get us that player that could make the difference in these games. Back on the day Henry would have win this for us…….you’ve done it before boss, please do it again!!

Jim Jimminy

I shall say only this:


Thanis Lim

we really need a better left back. despite gibbs good form, he’s too injury prone and santos is an accident waiting to happen. our defence needs to look at themselves for all the problems created. YOU don’t win things with that defense.


2 points dropped, no ga,e changing substitutions.Just shows 1st team players are just an injury away to get the reserves playing. If there were two players for each position then we wouldnt have to stretch the same squad for whole 90 mins.


The first 55 mins i just shouted at my telly. Defened terribly all game. Santos wouldnt even get in my local pub team. Did you see him catch his breath when he fucked up?? He was only on the pitch 10mins.
Im not using him as a scapegoat. Whole defense just shocking!
We got back to 2-2(just)….well done. Now, for the cavalry….oh wait, no striker on the bench!?!? WTF does Arsene think.

Eric Irish gunner

Ye he was like a fucking old man, you know things have to change when we make that fucking werewolf Henderson look good


Santos is like that guy that always comes with you to play footy who always plays badly. But he’s your mate, so you can’t just tell him to stop coming.

As nice and friendly as I think he is, and he does seem a proper lad, I just feel embarrassed and frustrated seeing him out on the pitch. How many mistakes did he make today? We’re lucky only one of them ended in a Liverpool goal.

Here’s to hoping he can get back to playing the way he did when he first joined, or finds a new club.

Eric Irish gunner

Ye but you can normally fuck that mate into goal, he’s fucking bad every time he got the ball I broke into a sweat


Correction to match report…

“But it was Liverpool who might have gone further ahead” rather than “But it was Liverpool who might have gone ahead”…. they were already 1-0 up…

magic hat

Shambolic defending for both goals bould is obviously not being allowed to coach the defence! We can say goodbye to champions lge next season Santos is a cunt sell him before the window closes or give him away!


Could have used Rosicky or Diaby in the last 10 minutes. : (


Clearly no options that are reliable on the bench


In order to deal with the fact that Santos is still in an Arsenal shirt, I’ve decided to develop a crippling drinking habit. I’m not laying the mediocrity of the defensive play at his feet by any means, and our problems are a lot bigger than any one man. This is just my coping mechanism.


but knowing wenger it will be
and we will continue being as stable at the back as a leaf on a windy day…

damien joyce

We played a huge disadvantage (was gonna say handicap, but didn’t want a barrage of santos jokes) there, did someone decide before the game we weren’t allowed to use subs???? Santos mega excluded!!!

Can’t help but think some fresh legs from Ox, Rosicky (especially him) or Diaby (ha ha!!) for tired Caz could have proved the unlocking

damien joyce

when i say handicap i mean in betting terms, not insulting terms

damien joyce

gibbs out wenger 3 weeks, so could be real 5-6weeks!!!!!


Some teams need a kick up the arse at half time-this fucking lot,especially our dozy defence need one BEFORE kick off.
Good fightback,but for fucks sake why can’t we start playing well before we’re behind??!


Seriously, why the fuck can’t we start play the fucking games when they start? why is it always the same? A terrible first half is followed by a good 2nd. We can’t win games if we’r gonna play like shit for 45 mins every game.


Still won’t buy me


Sagna, Mertesacker, Vermaelen, Santos – all absolute shit. And now that’s our back line! Wenger this is a fucking joke. You knew Gibbs was injury prone and now look where we are. Get him the fuck out


Good comeback but the first hour was appaling. “No more conceding 2 goal leads”. Arsenal players must write that 100 times with their blood.
Or learn how to clear the ball.


Santos has to be a spy for Spurs, there’s no way you can be that bad. I refuse to believe that a premier league player is that poor.


Amusingly Spuds drew at Norwich and Reading have just equalised against Chavski!!

Rad Carrot

But that makes this all the worse – we’d have caught up on them both had we finished our chances.

Saleem Sinai

It definitely doesn’t make it worse, still just about in the face for 4th. Won’t get it making mistakes and relying for a month on Santos though, a man whose only suitable quality for the left back position is that he is left footed.


santos. mert is shit too. worse id say. varmintor ha. kos needs a run

K. Soze

Chamberlain on and we edge that match IMO. No reaction = No Result.


but we had plenty of chances towards the end of the game, it’s not like we were struggling to create chances. i was actually glad he didnt make any changes, you cant exactly legislate for giroud missing from two yards

K. Soze

No. You can’t but chamberlain’s fresh legs, trickery and speed would have opened them up further methinks. You’re right it’s a not a given we would have won and you cant legislate for that but it would have given us more chances and a larger glove with which to smother the enemy.


About the only joy I get from this game is both Giroud and Walcott proved their goalscoring prowess. Offensively we were way better than the Mugsmasher, but yet again our defense was utter shame. Santos should be exited, a real shame. Hope Gibbs is all okay, I hate to see Santos on the pitch again


If only we didn’t have to wait till the opposing team scores to start playing…


It’s embarrasing to watch the goals we conceded, we have no problem with scoring but my god what a shitty titty defence!

Verm > santos
Koscienly > verm. Enough of santos.


Well played Giroud!

Also just noticed there was a huge deflection on Podolski’s cross for Giroud’s late chance, can’t blame him at all for missing that.


Week after week its the same old story. There is something seriously wrong for this team to defend the way they have and why do we have to give teams a head start. We seriously needed signings this window to give everyone a lift. Im afraid 4th this season is a distant dream.

K. Soze

To be fair the ball did break for them a lot in that match but in all honesty a bit of extra sharpness and we would have played the percentages and hoofed it into the clear.


fuck you wenger! Your defense sucks! And all of our back four are fucking shits!!! You’re gonna see ur self end up in mid table unless you buy some class defending players!! Fucking none sense!!!

Saleem Sinai

Don’t panic everyone, this guy’s got it sorted.

Just a membership number

Im gonna get to bed, we have got 24hrs of no transfers to keep an eye on tomorrow


Dear Arsenal,

Fuck off!
p.s. I love you.


Meh. Draw-shmaw. Why is it we are always just hanging on by the skin of our teeth?? Santos is beyond redemption and a joke – that’s obvious to all. But it bemuses me even more the fans that rate Mertersacker. He’s better than he was last season (well, he did spend much of it fallen over on his arse) but the amount of times this season he has been out of position and let goals in is a joke. If you don’t believe me, keep an eye on him specifically during the next few matches and you’ll see what I… Read more »


totally sick of this… buy players wenger ffs

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