Saturday, July 27, 2024

Match Report: Arsenal 0-2 Manchester City

Arsenal struggled to recover from an early Laurent Koscielny red card as Manchester City scored twice in the first half to seal their first win away against the Gunners since 1975. James Milner and Edin Dzeko did the damage for the visitors after the latter had had an early penalty well saved by Wojciech Szczesny.

Despite a spirited showing and raucous support from the Emirates crowd Arsene Wenger’s side couldn’t find a way to break down a stubborn City defence even when referee Mike Dean gave Vincent Kompany his marching orders with ten minutes to go.

The big pre-game team news centred on Abou Diaby’s inclusion in the starting line-up after Mikel Arteta picked up an injury in training yesterday. At the back Thomas Vermaelen returned to the side in place of Per Mertesacker, Theo Walcott started up front and Olivier Giroud took a seat on the bench after a late fitness test on his gashed knee. The above wasn’t particularly relevant for long.

A fine block from Vermaelen deflected a David Silva effort over the bar as City asserted themselves on the game early before Mike Dean made the visitors’ job a lot easier by sending off Laurent Koscielny for an innocuous coming together with Edin Dzeko in the box on 8 minutes.

At first you couldn’t tell what the referee had blown for as Szczesny punched the ball off Tevez’s head to clear the danger. Subsequent replays showed the Frenchman grappling the Bosnian striker to the floor denying him a clear goal scoring opportunity. The card, the fifth in the last six meetings between the sides, was probably fair although it didn’t stop us complaining vehemently.

Amazingly Szczesny pulled off a remarkable double save from the resulting penalty. First he used his legs to deflect Dzeko’s strike onto the post then the Pole managed to grab the ball as it raced across the goal line. The Emirates erupted with defiant roars.

Unfortunately, the reprieve was only temporary. Chamberlain was immediately sacrificed for Mertesacker as Wenger shuffled the pack but our players looked dazed and confused. At a time when we needed to keep our heads we did anything but.

It was annoyingly unsurprising when we finally conceded and although Dean played his part – blowing for a silly foul by Podolski – we really brought about our own downfall. Rather than organise the defence Vermaelen turned his back on the game after his complaints fell on deaf ears. Seeing a gap in the centre of our defence Barry acted quickly by slipping the ball to Silva who in turn found Tevez and finally Milner who slapped home a vicious strike off Szczesny’s post and in. 1-0.

We really struggled to make any headway in the final third in the first half hour as we battled a City side marshalled by the impressive Vincent Kompany. Walcott did fire high and wide from a corner on 16 minutes, but his effort was representative of his performance as a whole.

He wasn’t the only one not performing to the necessary standards; 50-50 challenges were lost all over the pitch one of which, between Zabaleta and Gibbs, directly led to City’s second. The Argentine crunched into a challenge, fed James Milner and the England man drove a wicked ball across the box which Tevez tapped goalwards. Szczesny did well to stop the initial shot but could only watch helplessly as Dzeko tucked home the rebound from a yard. 2-0.

Diaby and Podolski both had efforts of varying quality as we ralied, but in truth as the half-time whistle approached we were lucky not to be further behind. Only Wilshere’s header off the line prevented Dzeko getting his second while a frustrated Vermaelen picked up a yellow for a cynical challenge on the physical striker.

Dzeko and Milner continued to cause havoc after the break, the Bosnian again close to adding to his tally with a header, before the crowd was given a lift by a driving run by Wilshere, a blocked Gibbs effort and Giroud replacing the ineffective Podolski.

Having struggled to maintain defensive discipline at 0-0 it was predictable that gaps appeared at the back as we became increasingly desperate and gung-ho going forward. City seemed happy enough to pick us off on the break and on more than one occasion it took desperate last ditch challenges to stop killer City balls reaching their intended target in and around the six-yard box. When Tevez did get free one-on-one with Szczesny he was denied by some fantastic goalkeeping.

Milner, Wilshere and Zabaleta picked up bookings and Ramsey entered the fray in place of the tiring Diaby but we didn’t really test Joe Hart despite trying to hit long balls to Giroud. The Frenchman had a fantastic chance to reduce the deficit with 18 minutes remaining but he could only head over from when the goal was beckoning.

With 16 minutes remaining the catcalls from the Emirates crowd finally paid off as Mike Dean cracked under pressure and sent off Kompany for what was deemed a two-footed challenge on Wilshere. It was free-kick, maybe a booking but not a red.

The question was whether Arsenal could get a quick goal to set up a tense last ten minutes. Mertesacker was deployed as an auxiliary striker as the tactics book (if there was one being used) went out of the window. Unfortunately, despite winning the ball time after time our lofted passes into the penalty area met with little success. It was as spirited as it was exasperating from the Gunners.

In the final minute Walcott finally got free behind the City defence but even though his low drive beat Hart it was cleared off the line by a City defender. It was the last action of merit as the visitors played out five minutes of injury-time with a lengthy period of possession football. A bad day at the office all in all and although the team played with heart in the second period, it was the fact they didn’t play with their heads in the first which has done the damage.

We’ve five more games in the next 17 days so there’s no time to feel sorry for ourselves.

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Another home defeat. RVP scores yet another goal for Man Utd , we are now a staggering 21 points behind them, and its only January.

P.S. Koscielny should be playing Rugby, that was a wonderful tackle.


can’t believe this got any thumbs down, it’s bang on.



Cant fault the spirit though. If swansea beat us then you can critisize………or still don’t!. Coyg


Selling RVP to Man Utd, was the worst decision in Premier League history.


Good-Bloke, it’s because Sir Balls is Clive Allen using an assumed name that reflects the contents of his skull.
The League Cup Semi FInal of 1987 still cuts deep.


I think we should offer this guy the contract he deservesand nothing more
Theo “drift completely out of game” Walnut.


Selling RvP to Man Utd is unforgivable. Man Utd thinks twice about selling us garbage. Delusional to think that we’re at their levels with decisions like that.

Runcorn Gooner

TW14.When the chips are down he is as much use as a chocolate teapot


Sir Wilshere, you now have my undivided attention.
Mertestriker is not the answer.


So we gained 24 million pounds by selling rvpto united… Yet in doing so have probably cost us a place in the champions league along with the tv revenue of what? 30mill? So looks like were out of pocket 6 mill, have no world class players left and no champs league. Good work dickheads.

Deadwood Gooner


That is the true tragedy of it. Even leaving on a free at the end of the season, he would have given us more value than the transfer fee…


Oh yeah….. and atleast we have Djourou and song to replace either vermaelen or mertersacker if they get injured in this next 3 game hectic fixture pile up.



Red card for professional foul = One game ban… Just saying. you’re other point is stll bang on. I hope we sign a defender fast because I can’t stomach Squid. Metaphorically and literally.


Few things I’d like to say: 1)Wenger has lost his mind. As much as I like Diaby and Ramsey there was no place for them today. The first one has just returned from the injury (48th of this season), the second at the moment is giving nothing to the team. Plus his absence of action on the transfer market is terrifying. Arsenal needs DM (because as much as I like Arteta he’s no DM) and a striker. And his reluctance to play Rosicky also raises questions. 1,5)Walcott as a striker is good for Reading and tired Newcastle. As far as… Read more »


We need to focus on another game.

Happy hunting!

Giroud's perfectly chiseled face

Are you joking? Ramsey played fine given the circumstances.

Also thought I should say, Vermaelen was excellent in the second half. In fact, our team effort in the second half was very good given the situation. Hope we can build from this tough loss.


Ramsey was in the pitch for 30 minutes and provided one sweet pass to walcott that almost led to a goal. I think that alone should tell you to lay off him.


Agreed Giroud. I think a lot of players played well today given the circumstances. Szczesny, Vermaelen, Gibbs, Wilshere, Ramsey, Podolski and Giroud all were commendable. It’s games like drawing Southampton and Swansea that are unacceptable. Fundamentally it’s at managerial and board level that we’re getting ruined – players being run to the ground, not being played in the right positions, funds being withheld, 0 transparency, highest ticket prices in the league for a 4th place scrap.

Mikel Artekkers

Dont know why so many people thumb this down. Other than the frankly perennial Ramsey bashing this is spot on. It’s simply deluded to continue burying your heads in the sand and shouting Arsène Knows because he simply doesn’t have a clue in the transfer market or tactically.

Dog Eat Arse

Giroud’s perfectly chiseled face,

Verm was shit in the first half and gave away the first goal. He was ok in the second but the damage was done by then as it often is when hes around.


Yeah, no place for Ramsey or Diaby. Who the fuck should have been there instead? A fucking plastic cone? Bollocks.

I say this was the pristine opportunity for Abou to whip out his wang when he was about to be taken off. Go out with a bang to fuck with the little wankers of Citeh.


So many more obvious and glaring problems YET still the first thing you do is criticise Ramsey. This is beyond a joke now, he’s a young lad that ALWAYS puts in an effort whether good or bad. Today he had a positive impact on our attack and didn’t do anything wrong. Focus on the real problems instead of just insulting a player who’s confidence I suspect is already rock bottom.


I have to admit I was unfair to Ramsey but what I was trying to say is that playing him is a 50/50. You can’t be sure if this is going to be Ramsey that knows what he’s doing and he’s doing it right or the one that tries pointless backheels and slows down every single attack or just passes the ball to the opponent. Today was his good day, I admit that. @Bunburyist You made my day 😉 @Giroud’s perfectly chiseled face Vermaelen was excellent in the second half? Wouldn’t call it excellent, rather an OK performance but still… Read more »

Vancouver Gooner

Wenger from what I can tell has spent more time trying to fix the zipper on his puffy jacket than he has in the transfer market and strengthening this team. I say start the puffy jacket in the midfield.


Ramsey’s responsibility
Both goals of course and the red card too


“Yeah, no place for Ramsey or Diaby. Who the fuck should have been there instead? A fucking plastic cone? Bollocks.”

TOMAS FUCKING ROSICKY. I rest my case. One class player, puts on a top showing against Marseille, rested after HT, resting ever since. I hate what Wenger is doing with him, seriously.


Wilshere is my king. The guy draws fouls unlike any other player I have ever seen. He is the heart.and soul of this team. Always puts in nothing but 100%. I wish we had 3 or 4 more of his kind at the arse it’s clear he does not love to loss. What a lad.

P/s fuck van persie…*see that’s positivity!!!!


Who’s up for another round of woka woka woka sign da ting sign da ting???

Eh? Eh?


I’ll play the piano!

Arsene's Nose

Match was really painfull to watch…only positive was wilshere.. He didn’t deserve to play that hard and still be in the losing team..


You’re joking, that was a fine game. I always thought we had a chance. It was fast paced and full of passion.



errr…. what?

flying dutchmen


With him as ref we have won 1, drawn 7 and lost 8.

That must say something..


And once again, United get Howard Webb.


I think there are two points to be made here.
1. Yes its a penalty, he’s clearly got his arms around dzeko and is holding him, but i don’t think its a red, only a yellow as i think the keeper was going to get there.

2. Things like this happen every game off corners and freekicks when the defender is clearly holding the attacker or vice versa and yet they RARELY get called. 90% of them go unnoticed, so its a bit dubious.


Agreed Des. If Koscielny gets sent off for that, then we would see Stoke games abandoned due to them having fewer than 7 men remaining on the pitch

Deadwood Gooner

@ Des

Keepers don’t count as “last men (man)”. Anyway, the rule is “denied a clear goal-scoring opportunity”. It was a red.

wengers furrowed brows

P.S. Koscielny should be playing Rugby, that was a wonderful tackle. thats BS…most of the defenders do worse then what Kos did. Just because Dean decided to grow a pair and red card him harshly doesn’t give any fans the right to criticize our player for play acting rugby tackles. It happens everywhere in PL and will continue to happen. Its just a matter of question if referees can still produce red card for such defending acts. IMHO, Kos was just doing what every defenders does in this country and never gets penalised. He was just unfortunate enough to be… Read more »


Absolute bollocks! It was a certain foul and Red card. That refs don’t often give them is no defence whatsoever, if anything, you should be complementing Dean on a brave but correct decision. Kos too often tries to play the man and not the ball. Think City away & for Torres at home earlier in the season. It’s costing us goals every other time he’s in the team. Don’t get me started on Vermalen, he’s no worse than the bloke we’ve just sent to Germany only more prone to reckless, unconscious defending. We should have bought Lescott at the beginning… Read more »


I think it was a stonewall penalty, and we can’t really have any complaints about the red card, to be honest – You’d want it given if it was one of our players being fouled like that at the other end. It was a stupid, poor decision from a player who should know better. There’s a difference between the sort of tugging you see in a game and wrapping your arms around someone and hauling them to the ground, which is what Kos did. We can argue all day and all night about whether or not a red card was… Read more »

Dog Eat Arse

Kosh and Verm have been complete and utter shit this season.




Diaby shouldnt have started, period. Blame Wenger.


I love Rosicky but the guy can’t stay fit. Where was he today? Very hard to compare those two unless you’re comparing who’s more fragile. I’d say your analysis is spot on if you’re saying that Diaby is a lot more fragile than Rosicky. Glass >>>>>>> Diaby.


Rosicky’s been fit for weeks now. He’s not here because of Wenger’s growing ideological stubbornness where the means (developing young players) increasingly take precedence over the ends (win games).

The means (socialist wages) take precedence over the ends (attracting and keeping good players).

And just as throughout the past century, while ideologically driven chaos rages over this side of the Atlantic, cash quietly flows over to America (Kroenke)


@SimSima Comparison was on the basis of class and not about glass. Rosicky was the best Arsenal player in the 2nd half of 2011-12 season and the only match he played this year.


Human nature: Blame everyone or someone. RVP scored today and is bossing the EPL. RVP wanted to leave Arsenal. He undermined the club and the team, and as Captain he could not stay. He was a prick with ambition and we need to get use to it. As you all can see, it does not affect him in anyway; shape or form; so get over yourselves and deal with it. ARSENE: Your team is not complete ( 1) Diaby is weak and thin and slow and not the answer ( 2) You need defensive backup (3) Santi runs around like… Read more »


Dzeko’s goal was difficult, just ask gervinho


Sad that you feel the need to be on an arsenal site to comment one minute after the article is posted.
Now that you’ve successfully had one comment not hidden for too many dislikes do you feel like taking your troll ass back across the seven sisters road where it belongs?


It hurts so much! I hope my friend Alcohol will help me. I’m afraid ill become an alcoholic by the end of the season or even worse by the end of the month.


i thought you will vote by your feet.



Thank God for alcohol.

£oyalty for $ale

1. Someone should have told LK6 that the sport if football- not the American one, and that the referee is Mike fucking Dean, who shows cards for looking at someone the wrong way
2. If Sagna will cross another ball into the man that is marking him, I will blow my fucking head off.
3. Time to curl up to the fetal position and wait for Wednesday.

Judgement day (once more)

I always figured that the crossing into the first defender was sort of our thing. Maybe a way to scare them off?


Really disappointed in Koscielny. Great defender but he should’ve known better than to grab Dzeko so blatantly like that.


Koscielny has a habit of fucking up in big games.

Stupid move. Thought we could have surprised City today, but that went out the window at 10 minutes.

Gooner Al

I’ve had enough of Kos’s mistakes in big games. It’s a shame we didn’t start with Mert’s today. If I’m honest I’ve never felt comfortable with Kos. He’s quick and has a good last ditch tackle in him. But my God the mistakes out weigh any of that. I feel so sorry for djourou. If it wasn’t for being deployed as right back last season I’m pretty sure he’d be the one in rotation with Verm and Merts. This was a game we could have won today. I felt confident. It took 10 minutes and we pressed the self destruct… Read more »


He did the same against Chelsea with Torres. The only difference is that torres scored despite this.


No matter what happened today.. I’m so proud of arsenal squad.. They really fought hard !! I hope that referee dies !! && I hope wenger now understand why we need more players !!! We need a good fucking striker& DM !!!!!!


You hope Wenger understands we need more players?

Haven’t you heard? Diaby is back, and Bendtner is soon to follow!



Double signing! And Bedntner is for the summer since he can’t play till then.


I think you were watching a slightly different game Sir. What Kos did was a def red card.
Wilshere, Sagna and Szczesny were the only people IMHO who tried.


I don’t care how much he costs, we need to sign that Mike Dean that Citeh had out there today.

He’s a proper game changer.


Is he? So…what would you expect him to do about Koscielny rugby tackling Dzeko in the 18-yard box and in a clear goalscoring opportunity?

Dean is no friend of Gooners, but that was probably the right call.


Let him off on the basis that Dzeko is a fuckin donkey and would’ve missed?

Only saw it once at the ground. Really looking forward to seeing the game again later. Not.

Runcorn Gooner

It was the right call but if Dean had not been in direct line he would not have seen it and couldn’t have given it.Those type of holds happen regularly and whilst not defending Kos he was unlucky to be seen.
Dean then started to dig a bigger and bigger hole for himself.
Praise for AW who left the pitch at HT and FT and didn’t do a Sir Alex Red Nose and confront Dean and the officials


bollocks he was unlucky to be seen, he had his arms fully round the bloke, he was never going to get away with it. Proper fucking idiot.

aussie gooner

First half effort was horrible. Got to say I am impressed with the spirit shown by the lads in the second half. A few players still look uninterested. Walcott only cares about proving he can be a CF. Wenger only cares about proving he can be successful with his policy, Vermaelen sets a horrible example of a captain by feeling sorry for him self because of poor refereeing instead of marking miler and l the rest just love having flashy article titles on like “ This is perfect time for tough run”. This mess needs to be sorted out.… Read more »


Not the sole reason, yet one cannot deny that Dean still threw his farthing’s worth in.

aussie gooner

but i think towards the end, the players and fans just blamed him to throw the blame away form themselves


of course, AG, it’s easy to point toward the ref…in this case, he did his best to hobble both teams.
Fergie would have been laughing into his vino.


I am fucking baffled as to what Wenger will say at the end of the season if (when) we drop out of the top four, if (when) spurs finish above us. What will the board do? A declining club isn’t exactly an asset that’s increasing in value, even if you are asset-stripping. The fans’ anger will be overwhelming, there could even be riots. Fucking baffling.


It would be a crap riot, though. A percentage would turn up after it had started, laden down with Riot Burgers and The Official Riot Programme, then drift away 15 minutes later to find a toilet and then find more food, then watch a bit of the riot via a screen instead of re-joining the live rioting experience. Then the same percentage would leave the riot ten minutes before the end to beat the dedicated rioters to the station platform.


I’m hoping that at the end of this season Wenger simply says “goodbye”.


The fans anger.

sounds good…!


Wilshere isn’t my man of the match. He’s more than that. He’s my god of the match. Exceptional. Next game please…this isn’t one to remember for me

aussie gooner

just hope he stays for his career. I know he is an arsenal lad through and through, but maybe at one point he will have enough.


Entirely up to the club to build a winning team around Jack. He’s an exceptional player, but if the club doesn’t surround him with a team that can win, he’ll leave. No doubt. I swear the board need to take this ‘4th place is a trophy’ mantra and shove it up the proverbial already. We’re supposedly finally getting out of the financial constraints of the the stadium move – Great. But if the club doesn’t show ambition to WIN, from top to bottom, from NOW, we’ll stay in this state of limbo, kidding ourselves that barely scraping 3rd place coz… Read more »


‘an innocuous coming together ‘

Fuck me that’s some good ostriching.


– stupid by Koscienly

– heart by jack

– lol at Mertasacker striker, im sorry Wenger go and buy a real striker Mertasacker is not the next henry

I’m so angry and I don’t care if he had nothing to do with it but Gervinho out!


We went into the game not strong enough. We were “happy” on our side of the pitch. Bad defending again.
Where the hell we lost Rosicky???


lets hope he’s not in the “two to three week” wilderness. Strange though, this game was perfect for him


21 points behind manure with only half the season gone is just unbelievable.


Why is it unbelievable? They do what is necessary to win football matches in England. They replace players that can’t cut it, they play with heart and they adjust tactics when it’s not working for them.

When we can do any of the above three things, we can start to look forward to also doing the other two. Untill then, the gap will widen.

P.S. theo Walcott can fuck off.


Easy to believe. We sold them the best striker in the prem. The only thing unbelievable is how ridiculous the owners and manager of this club have become.

Asian Guunneer



Mike Dean is a member of the Cheshire County Football Association. Does this surprise anyone?

Mike Dean

It’s not often i get the opportunity to damage two of United’s rivals at the same time, so I just HAD to do it.
That should mean the end of season all – expenses paid holiday to Loch Lomond with the family is already taken care of.

jammy jamey

:'( AAAAAARGGGH!!!!!!!


Sad day…. But jack wilshere gives me hope, sheer class.
Ref’s a confused man.

Rad Carrot

Wenger must resign by tonight, this is a joke now.

21 points behind salford with only half the season gone?! We’ll struggle to make 6th, and yet we’ve got millions sitting in the bank.


Mark Flatts' Flat

What worries me most is that there are still some fellow goons that don’t believe these sentiments.

Arsene Knows Best Clan please pull your heads out of the sand. Our club is slowly dying under this regime.


i dont wanna see how far are we off 4th place but nearly 20 points off leaders just shows how incompetent our squad is. Been the case for years but no excuse this time round fucking go and buy additions. Cant wait the whole month for walcott to let him announce at end of window he is not gnna sign or some shit. We just have one cf in our squad and its giroud who is an injury or suspension away.get the fucking season back on track with signings because this is frustrating.


Wenger sort it out, you have at least £30 million to spend. Fucking use it, a striker is needed the fact Mertesacker had to play up front the last 10 mins shows how desperate we’ve become. Diaby shouldn’t have started today, I’d rather we seen Coquelin. This over-reliance on Diaby is killing our team, sell him or keep him as a squad player but he shouldn’t be used in big games like this. I know some Diaby fans will say he’s been out 3 months and he hasn’t got consistency, but the thing is. HE’S ALWAYS OUT. Ramsey and Wilshere… Read more »


P.S Wenger should use the best of his resources, why wasn’t Rosicky on the bench, he was all over City last season in our 1-0 win. Hell even Arshavin could of contributed, poor Cazorla has lost his spark due to LACK OF SQUAD DEPTH AND ROTATION.


Dont get me started about Cazorla, seems he refuses to play wing. He wanders all over the field and forces my boy Sagna to work twice as hard. By the way Bacary..MOTM. He is tireless…..Sign this man Pleeaaase!!!


I agree that Diaby shouldnt have started, for me he was responsible for not tracking milner in the first goal, and he gave the ball at least a half-dozen times. Really had no impact in the match, but hey he doesnt pick the best 11.


Any Arsenal fan that slates Diaby for his performance today can naff right off. Not his fault Wenger chose to pin his hopes for the season on a long term injury prone player albeit of great potential. Not his fault the squad we didnt strengthen the DM’ish position we’ve needed to strengthen since 541 BC when we still had Song and we’re STILL short. He’s is barely match fit, hasn’t played in ages is rusty as fuck. Shouldn’t have been picked for a game this size, so soon. The man played his first game back for the reserves mid week… Read more »


30 million yeah right im waiting for the excuse that Stephen hawking has created another blackhole that has sucked up all our money.








Or we will not make top half let alone finish above Tottenham and in a top four position. I’m talking about the the rip off merchants that make up the board these days. They are going to see more and more empty seats in that over priced ground.


Only won 1 out of 16 games with mike dean as ref!! It was man $ity with 13 men next to our 10 for most of the first half!!


Has Rosicky been screwing Mrs Wenger?


Maybe he’s in the way of Ramsey’s development ?


Would have liked to have seen Rosicky getting some action, but also thought Rambo was one of our better players when he came on.


Surely Cazorla deserves a rest and this is the only position where we have proven reliable cover aka Rosicky. Hopefully he will start against Swans in FA cup replay with Cazorla having a day off unless AW wants Cazorla and Arteta together in the treatment room.


Wilshere needs to be captain.


this fucking hurts.

loose cannon

surprised walcott didn’t take all the freekicks and corners. a match to forget.


I thought AW showed admirable calm and restraint in not approaching Dean and letting fly with a volley of verbal abuse in front of the crowd, players and other match officials.
He would have been well within his rights to do that without fear of sanction or punishment, as a precedent has already been set by one of his managerial colleagues this season.
Hang on, you’re telling me there’s different rules of conduct for different managers?


Am I the only one who sees an awesome player in Jack Wilshere? I thought the lad played his heart out today. He was everyone always trying to make things happen. MOTM IMO. If only Wenger would sign afew more classy players so the poor boy doesn’t get frustrated.


You really think you’re the only one? Hahah.

Wilshere is super hyped as the savior of Arsenal and the English NT. And all of us love him and think he’ll soon be a world beater of course!


Something changed during this game, after we went 2-0 down Walcot didn’t take a single free kick it was all Wiltshire. For me it was clear to take Walcot out and put somebody in midfield, Wenger kissing Theo’s as*. And in he end Theo was invisible and he played like sh*t, almost like we played with 9 men against 11.


played better than santi still but leave that out


Santi played i think every game for us, he needs a rest.


You cant blame walcott, he had no service. Its difficult to judge his CF performance based on this game. I thought he worked hard, he led the counter attacks and his speed was a factor against the slow city backline.


That was sad. No idea what koz was up to, stupid red. Stupid rule, but I don’t think we can blame Dean for that one. However, he let citeh get away with a lot of shit before sending off Kompany for what looked like a yellow at worst. Still a class-A cunt though. Jack was excellent, Giroud and Ramsey were decent. Theo was anonymous – we can only assume his contract and pay rise are sorted. sigh. Sagna gets almost no cover nowadays. Diaby probably shouldn’t have started (use Ramsey!) as he lost the ball way too much, even after… Read more »


Kompany’s not a cunt, he speaks highly about Arsenal on Match of the Day.


Sheikh mansoor: hello ivan, that jack lad is exactly the player we need to take our midfield to the next level and win a shit load of trophies. How much for him?
Gazidis: 40 mill, although i would like to point out he plays has quite the understanding with cazorla. Buying one without the other is like buying a car without keys really…
Sheikh mansoor : ok…hmmm. I’ll give you 20 for both.
Gazidis : done! You wont regret it! , have you heard about gnabry and eisfield? No? You should really send your scouts over…


Yep Ivan is simply terrible for arsenal.


Sign Micheal Zorc as sporting director…


I’m crying. God why I’m in love with Arsenal. Love hurts!


Well, that was mighty frustrating. Going to work very hard to eradicate that from my memory.

Pretty please can we sign three classy footballers, then we may just finish top four.

The Arsenal faithful were brilliant today!


We missed Gervais and Chamack today.


Hah. That’s the spirit!

wengers furrowed brows

Mike Dean just opened a huge Pandora Box by red carding Kos. Penalty? Yes! Yellow Card? Yes! Red Card? Harsh! Debate might continue for days and weeks and months… Jack Wilshere made me feel very very proud today. In fact I have never been so proud of Arsenal like today. The second half performance was absolute fantastic. I feel proud to be a gooner today. I applaud the team for their performance. They at least didn’t roll over like spuds and got steam rolled. 10 men against the champions is never easy and we tried our best to get back… Read more »

Enormous Dave

Was it me or where they trying to kick Jack into intensive care but I am sorry Arsene hand in the pocket pay the going rate and buy some players.

Enormous Dave

I am really depressed tonight by the way 🙁


Don’t understand why he put mertesacker on the bench, he as been our best CD this season by far.


Our best CD? Do you mean our best Compact Disc, or Cross Dresser? Sounds like we’ll need Eboue back to organise that particular party…


Probably ‘Central Defender’.


good point man of the match at the etihad.

Dial Square

At least we’ve got Johan Djourou as cover…oh wait….


we have squillachi! yay


Don’t worry, by the end of the month we will sign some nobodies, who need to get some rythm and match fitness for 5 weeks and will make an impact in the final stages of the season. In the meanwhile theo will sign da thing, another overpaid liabilty who can’t carry the attack against quality opposition. Frustrating.


we wont sign anyone come on, as aw stated this is the bet squad hes had, clearly evident today again! time to go


innocuos coming together? jesus take the goggles off, more stupidity from an arsenal player. no individual responsibility at all

didnt make hart have one save till that pass back at the end from giroud, poor again. but hey great character, cant fault this team….. i bet the players laugh at the shit he comes out with now


Too much asked of Diaby to come straight in for this match. Ramsey not a huge offensive game changer and not so popular right now, but at least he wouldn’t have been creaking and misplacing passes.

Red card shackled us, but still shouldn’t have conceded the goals we did. Defeated by ourselves as opposed to anything of particular quality.

Can “Theo fucking Walcott” (© arseblog) stop taking our set pieces? Can we get a break from Mike fucking Dean (© me)?

Eboue Fanboy

Koscielny + Vermaelen = too agressive, both go for the ball like headless chickens when they’re on the field. Mertesacker balances shit out and you could evidently see he had a positive effect on Vermaelen who was probably our second best today after Jack. Looks like Kos will miss the Chelsea game, so no own goals that’s for sure!

Gooner til I die

Won’t Kozza miss the Swansea game?

wengers furrowed brows

that is pretty harsh for Kos. Kos plays with his heart and soul for arsenal. Just because he was harshly red carded, I don’t think arsenal fans need to get on his back.


nothing harsh about it, I’d have given the red.


My thoughts on today’s game: Whatever.

The squad needs to show as much heart as they showed in the second half today when facing teams lesser than Man City. I want to seem them busting a gut for the cause and pissed off that they are not yet up 1-0, from the first whistle.

Looking ahead, what happened to Santi Cazorla, and how can it be undone?


Thoughts…. 1. Koscielny seriously? That is not even schoolboy level sh!t. 2. Koscielny you the entire team a serious apology, the last thing we needed with this fixture list is to play 80 minutes a man down. 3. Did somebody kidnap Thomas Rosicky? 4. Theo Walcott offers less than little as a lone striker especially against squads with strong center halfs. Crossing the football from wide is a waste of energy. 5. Wenger if you plan on sticking with this odyssey of 14 through the middle, you had better go to 4-4-2 asap. 6. Arteta being out sucks huge, Diaby… Read more »


I couldnt agree with you more, Cazorla has sucked for a while but everyone was too busy praising his spanish arse to notice. And thank you for the Sagna shout-out, this man is our rock!!


I usualy stand by arsene, but today I just cannot. If giroud was fit enough to be on the bench to come on after 50 mins, why the hell not start him? Wallcott is yet to be the kind of striker that will trouble a defender like kompany. And the opposite applies to diaby. This is not the kind of fixture you expect to have an easy hour to get your fitness back. Either start ramsey or start coquelin, ( ramsey came on and due to sheer fitness alone was able to cover more ground ) Why is theo taking… Read more »

Highbury Ghost

Too many players go missing in games….fair enough they played better in the second half…but, am i the only one that thinks Cazorla should be putting more of a shift in an arsenal shirt….Jack was everywhere compared.

btw we are never making top four….i wish but , unless we spend,say goodbye to the champs league.

Feel very sad about our prospects

Also cant believe Wenger is looking for ‘Exceptional Quality’ when there are plenty of players to improve us…smells of complete BS, more excuses not to buy anyone.

off to get pissed

Just a membership number

Wenger looked resigned, wish he wpuld

Mark Flatts' Flat

You’re not the only one. I’d say 50% of the fanbase want him out now.

Loop A Hole

Wilshere out.

Loop A Hole

I see my sarcasm, and I raise it by a face palm.


Just another exasperated comment. Some of the fans need to remember our history- the 60’s and the 80’s trophy drought. Patience is well rewarded and Arsenal has always moved upwards and onwards since the beginning.

In Arsenal we trust- though it may drive us crazy and leave our heads banging on the wall sometimes. Also, Ramsey you keep your recovery in form up, bit by bit.

Up the Arse.


You are deluded.

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