Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Arsenal vs Aston Villa – player ratings

After a bad week, a win…not a victory swathed in beauty, but success nonetheless. Here are the player ratings, they’re not shabby unless you happen to have a complicated Polish name.

Wojciech Szczesny: 4/10 – Oh dear. Decent stop in the first half from N’Zgobia (although he again failed to tip the ball around the post) followed by second half disaster letting Weimann’s speculative drive slip through his fingers.

Carl Jenkinson: 7/10 – Much improved from his rusty showing against Sunderland. Bombed up and down the right wing, won plenty of ball and threw a couple of decent crosses into the box.

Nacho Monreal: 8/10 – Great to see him ordering defensive cohorts around in the first half and secured his first assist for the club with a fine pull back for Cazorla to bag the winner. Looks a very promising addition to the squad.

Thomas Vermaelen: 7/10 – Far more comfortable in the centre of defence, his distribution was neat and he dealt well with the threat of compatriot Benteke.

Per Mertesacker: 7/10 – Read the game well and unlike Tuesday returned to making simple passes to Arteta. Helped Vermaelen snuff out threat of Benteke but like the Belgian was caught chasing after Weimann for the goal having gone forward for a corner.

Abou Diaby: 6/10 – Far from spectacular and having picked up an injury early in the second period you can’t help but wonder whether he’ll now enter the usual 2-3 week sidelined twilight zone.

Mikel Arteta: 7/10 – A couple of stray passes in the first period (can we put that down to his new boots?) was followed by a far more dynamic and energetic final half hour. Won plenty of ball and spread play well.

Jack Wilshere: 8/10 – Drove at the Villa defence in the build-up to Cazorla’s first before providing a delightful chipped pass which freed Monreal to tee-up the winner. A couple of moments of real quality on a quieter day.

Santi Cazorla: 9/10 – Two goals scored with clinical finishes from each foot. The diminutive Spaniard was back to his best with an impish performance that bamboozled Villa throughout. Not only a threat in the box he repeatedly wriggled free of his markers to provide much needed momentum.

Olivier Giroud: 7/10 – A little bit of good, a little bit of bad…but naturally none of the ugly (too handsome for that). He held the ball up well throughout the game but the decisive finishing displayed in January appears to have deserted him. Did hit the bar with a header but probably should have converted the chance.

Theo Walcott: 6/10 – Struggled to assert himself on the game and often decided to tuck inside when his width might have been useful. Obviously doesn’t have the same connection with Jenkinson as he does Sagna. All in all pretty quiet.


Aaron Ramsey: 7/10 – Another encouraging performance from the Welshman. On early in the second half for Diaby he didn’t put a foot wrong in midfield before slotting in as an auxiliary right-back when Jenkinson was sacrificed for Podolski. Dare we say Grimandi-esque in his versatility.

Lukas Podolski: 5/10 – Didn’t look too interested when he came on despite us chasing the game. Was nowhere near two crosses which flashed across the six-yard box and appeared pretty lackadaisical in his attitude to tracking back.

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Ramsey has already played this season as an attacking midfield,defensive midfielder,left wing,right wing and now as a full back.And looking at Chesney keep you can’t rule out him as a keeper. Hope he starts in the game against the spuds

Goon Army

Was very happy with the three points, but did anyone see Poldi? He seemed disinterested and looked the same during the Bayern game, he came on yesterday and didn’t look like he gave a shit, then at the final whistle went down the tunnel as quickly as he could…


what about Gervinho and Chamberlain’s reaction when Santi scored the second goal?

I know we shouldn’t make a big deal of it but you think scoring a late winner would get some evoke some kind of reaction from the players.Just look Jenkison in the background

Big Chief from Antarctica


Jenkinson’s reaction.

Top Gooner!


@goonarmy I think Poldi is a bit disenchanted and the moment, what with not starting many, and getting hauled off early when he does. Must be frustrating for a German international with 100+ caps


Gotta love Jenkinson’s reaction, but we know he’s a real gooner.

As far as the others I am not so sure we can read much more into it than:

‘I’m stuck here rather than out there, my bums gone numb after sitting here for an hour and a half and I’m so fucking cold I can’t move’

Ernest Reed

There is a very good reason for Podolski seeing less and less of the pitch. He’s been lazy for a while now. Never comes back to cover for the left back and often is found sulking when he’s not the center piece. He’s had some fantastic play at times, but lately he does look rather disinterested, as pointed out by Goon Army.

it (used to be) by FAR the greatest team....

Actually, if you watch footage on MOTD you’ll notice that seconds before this shot of Kos & Chambo looking disinterested, they glanced at each other with a cheeky smile and a MASSIVE sigh of relief. So they do care. Jenks just chooses to be more extraverted about it.

As for Poldi, yes he lacked the sharpness about him but don’t think it’s because he doesn’t care. Remember the way he single-handedly destroyed West Ham at Emirates last month in a game we HAD to win? Just wondering why he’s been rested so often recently…


So if Ramsey conceds a goal , does that mean someone comes back to life ?


Got to admit it i was guilty of jumping on the Ramsey is shit bandwagon, i think he is a great squad member and that British core thing thats happening at Arsenal makes his presence the more better.

But the poor kid will always be in Wilshere’s shadow or better Wilshere’s sidekick.


Maybe, but at least he is now forging himself a role of his own. Last season he was pushed into the advanced role a lot which just meant he was a -not quite as good- Wilshere.

He definitely seems more at home in the more withdrawn position (when not playing Right wing, right back, or wherever else Wenger needs him)


Agree with what Rufusstan said, and to add the post, by the looks of it, Ramsey isn’t in it to be a superstar figure (not sure Jack is either, just that he’s become as much), but rather to get down and get on with it, do a job and do it well. One of the reasons I like him a lot. His hard work is finally paying off.

it (used to be) by FAR the greatest team....

Versatile players like Ramsey will allow us to SLIM DOWN the number of ‘first team’ players (from 33 to 22) and PUMP UP the average-wages (ideally an AVERAGE of GBP100k-a-week.

Our wage GBP148mm annual wage-bill is absolutely shocking. Spend the same amount on 22 QUALITY players, ROTATE them properly, and we can seriously compete for four trophies.

Runcorn Gooner

Chessers spends most of the Pre match training saving shots like that and then
misses the ball in the match.Lack of concentration?

Ernest Reed

More like Chezzer is suffering from a lack of confidence. He looks terribly out of sorts. He needs competition to keep him honest.

Dr. Love

I’ve never really understood the competition for a goalkeeper argument. It seems like all great keepers have never had great understudies. Look at Seaman, Kahn and Casillas.

I think it’s more important for a keeper to know he’s number one choice, otherwise they can try too hard to impress or freakout. I mean, if Chezzer is suffering from a lack of confidence, bringing in a new keeper will only make that worse.

I agree we need a better replacement for when he’s injured though. So I guess my point is moot.

Loop A Hole

That’s because they never came in at 20 and right away became the number one keepers in their teams. Szcz is young, promising and he badly needs a moulding. That’s the argument for an experienced keeper.


Casilles was first choice keeper at Real Madrid at 18 yrs old


Check out jack wilshere. He’s indeed the chosen one.

Goon Goon Goon

Awesome picture lol


I think that’s what happens when Dennis says “Come on Jack”.


AHAHA its so true tho he is the chosen one.


I say he is, and I should know, I’ve followed a few.


Mate a dirty fan of the Spuds must be on this site my comment has a dislike. 🙁

OMG i care sooo much about being liked online I forget it's more important to be liked in real life.

boo hoo


I googled a better versiom of this picture and made it my screensaver xD

Eric Irish gunner

Monreal looking like a solid defender it’s good there’s competition for left back slot, we need a second keeper to rival szez so he knows he won’t be playing every week even if he plays bad, jack is just a fucking legend

Malaysian Gooner

Maybe we can get Cesar when QPR eventually get relegated.


Like it. He’s a top, top, top, top top, top.. what was I saying again?

Eric Irish gunner

Agree mentioned it on previous blog would be great signing


Yes, let’s take the ‘keeper from a team with a -24 goal difference. What could possibly fucking go wrong there?

Even better, how about Guzan with that table-topping -26 under his belt?


Abou “down the tunnel” diaby.
2 – 3 wenger weeks?

Goon Army

Diaby posted on Twitter later saying he just felt a slight pain in his thigh or something, and that it was simply a precaution.



Toure Motors

Ok so… What day is the funeral?!

Ernest Reed

The word “fragile” comes to mind when I think of Diaby. It looks like its never going to go his way when it comes to staying healthy. Real shame.


We all had such high hopes for Diaby, but he’s either injured or playing “with the handbrake on” due to his fears of injury. We cannot keep carrying someone in such an important position in the middle of the park.

If we do end up with a new manager at the end of this, or next season, then I have a feeling he’ll be one of the first getting shipped out. However, while Arsene is manager, I can see the club continuing to play him when he’s “fit”.


That’s the saddest thing about the Diaby situation. Its never been for lack of effort or his attitude towards the game, he just seems to be made of glass. I mean we need him to put in a solid string of games without getting injured in some way or another.


he’s not made of glass, he had his snapped by a Sunderland cunt


Why do we make it hard for ourselves


We need it for the penetration.




This current Arsenal squad thrives on confidence. Just for that, I’ll give Santi a straight 10/10 for being the match-winner in a much needed confidence booster victory.


Glad for the win, loved the effort and dominance. Yet two sources of constant, mind-numbing frustration from this season came out in force again today: 1. Olivier Giroud displaying excellent movement and missing easy chances. Okay, this wasn’t as bad as usual, but he has to score that goddamn header, like he has to score the last 27 chances he’s been presented with. 2. The opposition being more likely to score from Arsenal corner kicks than Arsenal. Our impotence from corners is infuriating to begin with, and that this is at least 90% the fault of the delivery is all… Read more »


Team full of midgets means that someone should pull their head outta their booty and money-ball our best practices on set pieces; hey here’s a novel idea…on corners put two of our short guys (Theo/Santi/Jack) and play it short for god sake. The havoc it causes would be best and it pulls at least 2-3 defenders out of the box and allows a closer, high-percentage cross. Barca do it for a reason, god know’s how many times we’ve been caught out on counters following s*&t corners…


Ratings too kind on another poor defensive performance. But for some crap Villa finishing we’d have been in trouble.

7 for Giroud??

Some nice little flicks and lay-offs, but he’s paid to find the net.


I don’t think that is what he’s paid to do. Would like to see more goals in his game for sure, but he’s not van Persie, scoring hundreds of goals on his own. Giroud, Podolski, Walcott and Cazorla are all into double figures for the season with the goals being spread around the team.

Part of that is because Giroud brings the players behind him into play which as much what he’s paid to do as finding the net himself I’d say…


Oh really? I wouldn’t care at all if he finished a season with, say, 50 assists and zero goals; you should sort this out.


Very accurate ratings I would perhaps have given Theo a 5 yesterday I believe we would have scored more if he had provided more width , there are times when he should act as a second striker and others where providing width would benefit the team more Feo needs to get the balance right and always think of the teams needs first .


Think you’re being generous with a 5 for Walcott. Back to the Forrest Gump performances we saw prior to this season, I thought….,,

it (used to be) by FAR the greatest team....

Watched the Carling Cup final last night and couldn’t help asking myself: “Wouldn’t a straight swap of Theo Walcott for Nathan Dyer make sense?”

Ernest Reed

The ratings are overly generous to a squad that, for whatever reason, took its foot off the pedal after scoring the first goal. The remainder of the match was an exhibition in frustration as they really never got it going and were beaten to many balls by a much faster Villa squad. Take the 3 points for sure, but it was anything but convincing in how they achieved it. Full credit to Villa…they came to play and could have just as easily went home with not one, but three points. Arsenal are going through a crisis of confidence right now,… Read more »

Novi sad

Have we sent HIM home to gardening leave yet?


Ratings a bit inflated if you ask me. We weren’t that good and Wilshere in particular looked a bit dodgy at times.

Pak Gooner

Perfect ratings, but it would have been nice for Jenko to be an 8..he was fantastic in comparison to an earlier display. He played his heart out, love the guy


I really love that his performance today was his reaction to his disaster at Reading. Says a lot about the guy.

Arsene Wenger

I look at you not because you spread misinformation. I do not know if you spread information; Jenkinson was sent off against Sunderland. Such misinformation has only one purpose; to harm.


Arteta was hopeless, he left his defensive midfield role and allowed the Villa attackers to attack the CBs all the time. Very dangerous against a better quality team. Sze not good enough at this level. Reached his peak, already!! Giruoud looks to be a blubering striker. No real skill nor instincts of a goal poacher. His only strength is his workrate. He does not attack the ball when ball is cut across Wilshire, Cazorla, Nacho a were thegreat performers, yesterday. They will be the ones to save our seasonDiaby starting to get into the groove, but injured again. I fel… Read more »

Mikel Artekkers

1. Diaby played the defensive midfield role.
2. If you think Szczesny has peaked as a goalkeeper at age 22 then you clearly no nothing about football and/or are a shit soothsayer.
3. Giroud is having a tough time at the moment, as is the whole team. He’s showed his goalscoring instinct before, but the not attacking cutbacks and crosses thing is an issue in the team in general.


Great to see Jenks getting excited and passionate about being in that Arsenal shirt without killing the opposition, lol.


Bale is a mad mad cunt.


– mad mad

+ huge, monkey looking


Don’t hold back mate; tell us what you really feel 🙂

I want my Mummy back!

You really like him, don’t you?


Yes I like him. If that involves taking his head off and shitting dowm his throat.


Funny to hear him talking about the Derby two days before they go to Upton Park. Would be a right laugh if Fat Sam’s lot stuffed them and Bale got a clattering in the process


He is certainly full of shit.

Merlin's Panini

We’re only one point behind his lot and two behind Chelsea.
It’s funny, we’re having our worst season in 16 years yet we’re only a point behind Sp*rs who are having their best. Tells you a lot doesn’t it?


I love Poldi but I have this feeling he may go down the Arshavin route. I am wrong, I hope.


well I think he’s a player suited to attack , too bad this current arsenal team , the way we play he is required to run back and defend more than he should. I think that really frustrates him.
Looking at Cazorla when played left almost never provides any cover for the left back and given the freedom to cut in through the middle more than he should.
We really have different standards when critizing Poldi and Cazorla.


Jenki was very good.
May be we should play sagna with verm centrally.
Nacho n gibbs. No complaints whatsoever.


We must sack the manager. There are no three ways about it.


And replace him with??????….



You would say that, anything to divert attention away from your career at Barca’s reserves. Did they buy you to clean the toilets?

a Gooner in Manchester

Song, did you mean your Farca manager?

Emannuel Eboue

Me. Replace him with me.


How to replace him with? Jupp Heynckes, or Juande Ramos. No five ways about it.


Heh. Juande Ramos. Hahah


Apologies for the tacky Internet meme, but the main reason I am sick of this, is because the argument always seems to be

1: Sack Wenger
2: ?????????
3: Profit


I agree. We should sack him, sharpish.

Herr Klopp

Yes, when summer comes, I may consider a move to England.


Honestly dont know what to make of poldi….after the many goals he has scored, his celebration have always been full of passion and joy for the club. Then one time (like yesterday) he’s subbed on when we are chasing a game and doesn’t look interested in the slightest.

I guess his desire and passion are inconsistent but i’ll keep the faith and hope he grows to love the club and fights for our cause like Jack.


He seemed happy when we scored the winner. He is probably a bit confused himself a few weeks ago he was playing really well since then he has hardly played.

a Gooner in Manchester

a bit harsh. Everyone has his own way to express his feeling. That he doesn’t look shouting explosive all the time doesn’t necessarily mean he is not interested. I think it was a bit of understanding that we missed. Our left wingers are consistent with their crossing and thinking. That makes it easier for team-mates in the middle to read, to anticipate and time their run into and around the box. It’s a bit inconsistent and difficult to predict on the right side. Walcott’s mindset is key for this. His tactical play (or lack of discipline) so far has been… Read more »


The defence looks good. One or two more of the midfield need to make more of an effort to help out defensively though I feel. It helps when Ramsey is on as he makes the effort.

Malaysian Gooner

Agree. Too many times yesterday there were huge gaps between our midfield and defence.

The Villa players had so much room to run at our defence it was scary.

a Gooner in Manchester

we were desperate for a win yesterday after all what happened last week. So, I don’t complain about it.

We have a week to take stock and fire up for the most important game in the season run-in.

I want my Arsenal back!

I know it was 3 points but I think the ratings may be a little generous. Games like this should be over by half time. I hate knocking the team but as JW said after the game its the players who need to take responsibility as its them that’s in the pitch!


Did any of you see Jack Wilshere yet again talking after the game?

Hes the only Arsenal player than will come out publicly and take some of the blame and will defend Wenger to the hills.

Hes a little hero and needs to be captain.

a Gooner in Manchester

he’s too young for the captain. He needs experience of winning and dealing with muddy situations first. Have you seen the picture showing him broken to tear after Bayern game?

Don’t put that extra weight on his shoulders for now.


He cried. Only shows his passion for the club.
He’s ready. He’s been the driving force n leader this season certainly.
Give him the armband next season. He was born ready. Leader!!!


Wasn’t fabregas made captain at around his age?


I too was disappointed when I saw the Ox’ indifferent facial expression after our winner. Surely you support the club you play for! Seems that we need a better all round club spirit. More Jack & Santi’s please!

El productoh

Maybe you should mention Arteta’s boots again?

a Gooner in Manchester

If you Arseblog could arrange a clear-the-air meeting between Jenkinson and Walcott, it’d be good for everyone.

It seems Jenkinson’s “F-off” retort on that day at the Hole Trafford is still ringing in Walcott’s ears


7 for jenks is very kind. He still looked uncomfortable dealing with their wingers and was culpable for a poor clearance in the equaliser. Hopefully he gets back to his form at the start of the season, otherwise I’d rather see some of the utility players like Ramsey/Coquelin filling in at RB.

a Gooner in Manchester

Don’t be that harsh on a young player. He took some initiatives yesterday, confidently running across the field, into the box, and keeping balls from going out to maintain out the attack.


You didn’t see the game. Did you?
Jenki was excellent. Almost as good as he was during the start of the season.

it (used to be) by FAR the greatest team....

Agreed, Jenks shouldn’ve been 8/10 however minus-one for producing a poor header which lead to the Weimann goal = 7/10.

Let’s stop all this nonsense about Le Coq at LB… we all saw how (in)effective that was against Blackburn.

Having Ramsey capable of playing there (temporariliry) is a great option to have during a match.


I agree that Chamberline and Gervinho showed no lack of passion! Really pissed me off. Chamberline has had his chances this year and hasnt perform at all. But dont blast Kosicleny. He was celebrating, but the two other wasnt celebrating. We need that same team spirit as Barca. No wonder they are such a great team. Players who sit on he bench for 7 games straight, celebrate like they scored the goal. I also was disappointed in that, but saw the replay and he was celebrating. He went out of his chair..

Proud Gooner NK

Hopefully, Rosicky was being rested all these weeks so that he could actually START against Sp*rs n do what he likes to do – bully them like last yr


I don’t see where he’ll fit in. We’ll use him as a super sub. Take off cazorla or walcott in case they have one of their bad days. N they can have really bad days. Poldi at left sub with ox or gervinho. Gervinho does make direct runs, just needs a bit of luck with the final ball. N ox needs to build his confidence first. Not ready for the spurs game. Still, he’s capable of producing sparks. So, gerv, ox is a more or less same deal. Poldi should start at left. Walcott right. Giroud cf. Caz, wilshere, arteta… Read more »


Actually think we’ll need a wilshere, rambo, arteta trio, or a caz rambo wilshere trio, just to add that extra bit of protection and cover for spurs’ pacy wingers.

I’m probably giving the shit down the road too much credit.


Way too generous giving Girroud 7/10. Poor movement, how many times was the ball put across Villas box and he was nowhere near it. He tried to copy Kanus goal v Chelsea and lumped the ball wide. We desperately need a quality forward. I would of given him 4/10. Great game from Jack once more.


Love people that give thumbs down with no comments. Makes you wonder if that person actually went to the game. I was there and trust me Girroud played a stinker.

a Gooner in Manchester

knowing that our team need confidence to finish this season off and us fans are living with hope, your negativity is smelling good either.

a Gooner in Manchester

+ not


Not really just giving my opinion from Arseblogs ratings. I am season ticket holder and will remain one but giving thumbs down purely because I have criticised one player is too sensitive reaction and pretty negative. Please make point why Girroud deserves 7/10.

a Gooner in Manchester

his tasks are a) to hold up play, b) to finish chances and c) to help defending set pieces.

He got a header and a range finish on goal, held up play pretty well despite being crowded out and getting a few knocks. We did not face many set plays, so c) is a minor point.

If he scored a goal, he would be 8, 9/10 or even 10/10 if it was an important one. So, 7/10 is not that generous.

it (used to be) by FAR the greatest team....

Sure, Giroud’s dozen-or-so missed chances is frustrating as fuck. However, his cute little ‘one-twos’ with Santi/Jack/Diaby/Theo were very encouraging to watch, and the neutral might even think they were watching Barcelona.

Obviously the boys practiced this in training after the Bayern disaster. I think it’s the right thing to do because those quick ‘one-twos’ just inside the penalty area is the best way to penetrate when the opponent ‘parks the bus’.

Giroud was central to this with his cute little ‘flicks’ and I believe this is why Blogs gave him a ‘7/10’.

a Gooner in Manchester

And, with Arseblog News’ public flirtation towards the HFB, generosity is a given


To finish chances you have to be inside the box. He was awol whenever a decent ball was put across. He had one good header at goal but against this type of opposition he should be more of a threat. His distribution was clumsy and was slow when we broke forward. That’s my opinion but I also respect yours. I still believe we need a quality striker and like Girroud but do not have faith that he has the skill to be VPS permanent replacement.


Yes. I would love to see Giroud just stay in the box and wait for passes and crosses, if any.


Poldi was a joke. Abou had a solid performance but will never get the proper recognition bc he’s black. Jenkinson had a solid game, but his lack of clearance/indecision led to the Villa goal. He gets so many plaudits for having improved so much. This is the Prem. Improve on your own time


Yeah, Arsenal fans have never really given black players proper recognition…



@ truegun: You sir, are a fucking idiot.


You expect to be taken seriously with a comment like that?

Oh, and Thierry Henry. Patrick Viera. And…oh why bother. Idiot.

RSA Gooner

WTF @TrueGun!! I live in RSA and the country has struggled with this kind of attitude for a very very long time! Its this reason why people like you can not move forward and grow as a nation. Sorry I am rambling…. @TrueGun wake the fuck up


what an idiot you are truegun
and henry, vieira , wright , sagna , rocky , big sol , go plenty of it (and the list can easily get bigger)
stop finding racism everywhere, you life will get better
Diaby is half the time injured, when he isnt, he play half time shit,thats why people dont really like him,nothing to do with him been black

Alex Cutter

These ratings are accurate only if you added two points to everyone’s score for getting the victory.


So, despite loads of diving, Chelsea have lost to City. Great result for us as Chelsea are now catchable. A win over 5pur2 and we will be in a great position to get third.

Lovely goal from Toure too. You can only be envious that City have him…..


to be fair we DID have him… for one game. Couldn’t keep him because of the work permit problems.


And look how they lost as well!!

That will serious knock the confidence out of Lampard and Chelsea i can see them taking a dip in form now.

You just have to look at their Manager and we we have a very good chance of overtaking them.


Very true. One thing Chelsea are really good at is slumps in form. Let’s hope they have another one now.

It will be hilarious if they get rid of Rafa before the end of the season and then get another manager next season too! One thing’s for sure, Klopp wouldn’t touch ’em with a barge pole.

it (used to be) by FAR the greatest team....

C’mon boys, after a depressing week, cheer us up with another ‘5-2’ at White Hart Lane this weekend! And stick a few bananas up Gareth Bale’s arse while you’re at it!


Alex song left for $15MM , underappreciated and WAY undervalued. Now plays for the best Team in the world. Theo Walcott has 19 goals this season and most of the people on this blog have been TRASHING that guy until recently (I know u band wagon jumpers will deny it) Sagna has been the best r back in the league for several years running and the poor bastard had to go public w/ the lack of interest Arsenal have shown in renewing his contract. Not to mention everyone being critical of his “drop in form” Jenkinson is hailed as this… Read more »


You’re the joke dumbitch.
Jenki was shit last season.
But, he’s like this totally new player this season.
Solid. Fast. Confident.
N that red. Second yellow. Ok, a bit naive but was unlucky as well with the mistimed challenge.


I missed one..
Good on the ball.


Are you all Girroud lovers watching Swans win? Sad the whole lot of you so unambitious. Buy a fucking striker. Let’s face it Girroud is good in slow paced game and is a handsome fucker but like Theo not good enough to bring trophies. Sad but true.


Got to say seeing how easily Swansea won today really makes me regret what could of been.

a Gooner in Manchester

is that us being thrashed 5-0 by Swansea what you are thinking about?

Yes, what a shame


The thing is, he puts his heart to the game. N you ger this soft spot for him in your heart. I’m not sure if he’s good enough. But, he’s certainly been better than the likes of bendtner and chamakh.

N walcott’s better than any of the player swans have. They were just drilled better. N I’m having one of those days of my life.


Is unambitious a word?


Why is a gooner in Manchester anyway? My advice would be to come back home they are all cunts up there. We are the real red army. Fuck van Persie and Nasri both cunts. Maybe its because I’m a Londoner blaa blaa fucking blaa


There’s probably a handful of gooners in Manchester. There are probably 100,000 plastic mancs down here in London sadly.


We had Cesc fabregas, we had Cesc fabregas, we had Cesc fabregas, we had Cesc fabregas…………….forfuckssake!



I saw a game at Baca a year and a half ago, the guy in front of me kept singing ‘we’ve got cesc fabregas’. I wanted to kick his Barca dna teeth out


a wins a win a win


The thing is, he puts his heart to the game. N you ger this soft spot for him in your heart. I’m not sure if he’s good enough. But, he’s certainly been better than the likes of bendtner and chamakh.


Great performance from Carzola. We show some grits in the last few league game. Look back of the 4 games recently, two league games with Villa and Sunderland, Blackburn and Bayern, I saw this Arsenal team lack the consistency mentally. There are always time when we don’t play well, but we need to show the grits and be mentally prepared to break team in more attempts and try till the last second.

There are deadwoods in the team who has the skill and technique but their mind not with Arsenal where they don’t give all.


Giroud is unfortunately looking more like the striker who played in Sept and Oct. He does alot of good things in terms of holding up the ball, little lay offs, good defensive headers ect . . . but it just seems like he does everything but score! He puts himself in great positions so the instinct is there but the finishing is quite poor compared to top quality strikers. I want him to come good but how much better would things be if we had a more clinical striker starting most big games with Giroud as an option on the… Read more »

Die Hard Gunner

Arsenal is my heart


the excuses are marvellous but the team are still mediocre

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