Saturday, July 27, 2024

Vermaelen provides defensive boost

Thomas Vermaelen is in contention for Saturday’s FA Cup tie against Blackburn, handing Arsene Wenger a timely boost as the Gunners head into a crucial period of the season.

With Andre Santos loaned to Gremio and new boy Nacho Monreal inelgible for the Champions League, Vermaelen is the next best option for the left back spot, but the skipper has been struggling with an ankle injury.

However, he confirmed on an Arsenal Twitter takeover today that he’s been in full training and feeling good, while Arsene Wenger told the official site, “He is looking quite good and is possibly back for Saturday. He should be in the squad.”

The boss also confirmed that Laurent Koscielny is still struggling with a calf problem and would undergo tests, like Jack Wilshere.

“Jack is looking better. He is still a doubt for Saturday. He’s got a kick on the thigh. We have two short-term problems, with Koscielny and Wilshere, while Gibbs is out. That is it.”

It’s probably going to be a risk-free environment on Saturday with the Champions League coming so soon, so Arseblog News wouldn’t put too much money on either of them being available for Blackburn, but you’d like to think we have enough to beat the Championship side without them

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Thank goodness, we really, really, really, really needed to have some quality on the left side. Hopefully Jack and Koz will be around for the Bayern game


“but you’d like to think we have enough to beat the Championship side without them”…….yep…’d think…………


And so Thomas, go forth to do battle again. The Orc army has been defeated but a new enemy is on the horizon. A grotesque spectacle indeed; the King of the Orcs makes way for our home land to do battle! And we shall meet him in the field in the red of Arsenal!

Whisper it quietly, *frank ribery*


How long is Gibbs out for?
Not in time for Bayern?

Poliver Girolski

He should be fit for the return match against Bayern.

master floda

i guess somewhere “about three weeks”… but no, he won’t be fit for bayern and with nacho cup tied we need vermaelen as left back.


Just hope the focus isn’t entirely on Tuesday as still think our only realistic chance of winning anything this year is the FA Cup.


I’d rather get to the final (or even semi-final) of the champions league than win the FA Cup.

Merlin's Panini


Glory Hunter

I’d happily take the FA cup even if it means we get thrashed home & away by Bayern!


I would rather wait until the Bayern game to have a fully fit TV. A brief run out against Blackburn as a substitute wouldn’t hurt though..

master floda

agree. while the FA cup is our best chance to win a trophy this year but we really should be able to beat blackburn with miquel instead of vermaelen.


how do you guys see us lining up for this match?

fair few bodies missing defensively

Well, Errrr...

This makes sense. Nacho can take care of Blackburn, leaving TV an extra couple of days to get fitter. If he needs to blow off a few cobwebs, give him 15-20 mins tomorrow. Sorted.


The Verminator is back yes pls

Bould's Eyeliner

I can’t imagine Wilshere allowing his body to be injured for the Bayern game. As for Vermaelen, somehow news that he’s had anti-inflammatory injections and that he’s in full training within the time-space of one week is frightening to me… Hope he remains very careful, and that Wenger does not play him until he’s fully ready, same with Wilshere. As much as I would love for us to destroy Blackburn and rock Bayern, we should have enough quality to win without them against Blackburn, and the Bayern games are still in two legs. Although we need every advantage we can… Read more »

bring on the Germans

Just wondering, is the ghost of Gervinho back from AFCON yet? Ivory Coast exited the competition in the quarterfinals so he should’ve been back for over a week now but no mention of him.

Gervinho if you do play, please don’t “do a Bradford City” against Blackburn. Make sure you practice “how to score sitters from 2 yards” dozens of times in the warm-up!


Play a strong side against Blackburn…FA Cup is the one we can win….a replay would be bad news.


I’d still rest Santi and Jack for the Bayern match and instead start Rosicky and Diaby/Ramsey in the central midfield against the Rovers, assuming they are all fit to play. They should and better be good enough to play and win against the like of Championship Blackburn.


Great News. Lets hope Jack is up and running come next week COYG!!!!


I kinda like the fact everyone has written off our chances against bayern, whet the spotlight is not on us we usually end up doing well. I personally think ova 2 legs we can beat the Germans …….just!

Rectum Spectrum

i don’t think there’s any point in including vermalen, jack or kos on saturday if its going to be a last minute fitness test. the priority is tuesdays champions league clash. surely this is a game for miquel to step up, along with diaby, rosiscky, gervinho. isn’t that what squad players are for? i’d like to see santi, podolski, theo benched in favour of gervinho, ox, rosicky. keep them fresh for the germans.


God save us,all am whishing 4 is 4 boscielny to be back 4 bayern, hopefully Giroud will score on saturday..

Merlin's Panini

is it really so hard to type “for”?

Rectum Spectrum

i’d also expect a tiny bit of rotation after the bayern game when we host villa, as the game against spurs is a biggy. they are away to lyon, then away to west ham just 4 days later. then play us with 2 days less rest. That is the moment we may overtake them for the rest of the season. and with chelsea having a run in of city away (4 days after a europa league game), spurs, pool (away) united (away) then everton last game of the season. so we’ll be taking thirs an all, and the quicker and… Read more »

Tenacious Defence

Nice analysis, Rectum… *badum-tish*

Shebby Singh is KING

Hi, just here to say “wotcha” for our match on saturday! Good luck chaps, we have nuno gomes!


Should really give Meade a try on Saturday as the LB and then if he does well, give him the nod against Bayern.


Meade is ok for a meaningless game in Greece but against a team that reached the CL Final last year and has lost one league game this season we will need someone at little more experienced at left-back.

FA really need to start helping out English clubs. No reason we couldn’t be playing tomorrow night against Blackburn.
Wolfburg v Bayern Muncih has been rescheduled for then.

Shebby Singh is KING

Google dimi petratos guys. He’s starting up front against you on saturday. Got him for free from sydney fc we did.


I’m a Sydney FC fan and despite being pretty quick he’s really not that good..scored a couple of good goals but couldn’t get enough playing time in a team low on strikers. Basically if he plays as your striker on Saturday, we could blay Bouldy and Banfeild at the back and still win..


Hopefully Paul Robinson will help us with the scoreline.

Steve kean

If your unhappy with arsene wenger. I’ll give it a crack.


Cluck off.


Wilshire is out with a kick? funny how it was strapped up before he got kicked. Ye i always point straight to the bench when I’ve been kicked in the thigh. After all the injury trouble we went through with him, they started a kid who was carrying an injury. It’s only a ‘short term problem’ because we’re so desperate to play him that we’ll bring him back while he’s still carrying the injury.


Agree with Meade being played against Blackburn although he is definitely not ready for Munich! Arsene should rest the likes of Arteta, santi, theo, pod and not risk kos, jack, or TV5. Chance for the ox and gervinho to prove their worth against Blackburn, but it is crucial they are not overlooked – they have dangerous players such as Rhodes Gomes best etc

Chris Leebowski

dont forget, itll be coq o clock


We will win one of the Wenger trophies 3rd or 4th in the league.
The FA cup we can definitely win. Champions league win would be a miracle
but where there is life there is hope.

Chris Leebowski

ill be sat at emirates having haunting flashbacks to people saying “id 8-2 be a gooner, they should give their tickets away 4-3”

[…] some good news in terms of injury. Thomas Vermaelen should be fit for the weekend, and assuming he comes through that game without any problems, that should be the […]

[…] some good news in terms of injury. Thomas Vermaelen should be fit for the weekend, and assuming he comes through that game without any problems, that should be the […]

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