Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gazidis: Plans in place to strengthen this summer

It hardly comes as a surprise but yesterday’s ‘success’ at St James Park has triggered the sending of thousands of membership and season ticket renewal reminders.

Good business sense in all honesty, although the move from Ivan Gazidis to back up the barrage of emails with the annual ‘we want to win trophies and are ambitious’ message does seem somewhat more cynical than necessary.

Supporters don’t so much want to be told there are big plans afoot; we just want to see them implemented. Also we’re not as dumb as we look when we’re in the stadium dressed in t-shirts made of plastic, supping expensive watered down beer and doing manic hand gestures in the proximity of young children.

Anyway, here’s the CEO making clear that he and Arsene are already working on strengthening the squad, presumably before we announce the signing of the lad from Ligue 2 with a banjaxed groin. You big troll Ivan…

“It is important to reiterate that for everyone at the Club, qualification for the Champions League is not our ultimate ambition,” Gazidis told

“Our majority owner Mr Kroenke has made it clear that while it’s an achievement to make the Champions League our ultimate objective is to win the major trophies.

“We all share that clear ambition and will be driving the Club forward to achieve it. Arsène and I have already been planning what we need to do to strengthen so we are better placed next season.

“One thing is certain. The Club is in a very strong position to move forward and our form of losing just one of our last 16 Premier League matches shows that we have a solid foundation on which to build for success.”

Arseblog News is certainly pleased we got this version of Ivan’s little pep talk and not the one that ended with, ‘if it weren’t for Howard Webb giving Newcastle those five dodgy penalties and that c*nt Bale’…

That being said, questions do remain. When exactly did Stan Kroenke make it ‘clear’ that he isn’t happy with the club plodding along surviving off Champions League football. A private meeting perhaps, as there’s been something of a deafening silence from him since…well forever.

Also, is this all the usual guff or are we going to see the type of concerted action we need to turn ourselves into serious contenders for silverware?

The summer will no doubt provide us with some answers…

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It has been the same story year after year. This time around though it feels a bit different. We might not win the premier league next year but we will surely compete.


arsene has no tough competition…no fergie no mancini..moyes might be sort of like a noob when it comes to managing a massive club.So if we strengthen the squad this summer, get some match winners\talisman…we might get to the level we were exactly 10 yrs ago… 2013-14 invincibles again!!…we ended this season like invincibles…hope we pick up where we left off next season…COYG!!

gooner from India

in case if you have forgotten, arsene does not play football, he only makes the bench all the time though,… and the ones who play football is nowhere close to challenge for trophies and no hope in incomings too (sanoge),… dont dream..

Mikel Artekkers

Ah “this time will be different” the mantra of Arsenal fans for the last three years. Somehow I’m still cynical. Remember how we competed for the first half of the 2010-11 season, only to capitulate at Wembley to Birmingers, then stumble to fourth place in the league? The only thing which is different now is our financial footing, yet the board have been saying for years that Wenger’s had the money just not wanted to spend it. If they were lying then great, if not, then who’s to say Wenger will go hard in the transfer market now?

Dick Swiveller

Tbf, there is a difference between ‘having money to spend’ and having MONEY to spend, I’ve seen enough false dawns to not actually believe things are going to be different but it feels like we’re going to do *something* for a change.


Heh, Is there a difference in john terry is a cunt and john terry is a CUNT?


Ask Wayne Bridge whether he thinks there’s a difference.


per kos arteta ramsey wilshere cazorla, yeah were in good shape :p must strengthen though, no excuse will be good enough, really have to draw a line in the sand and say if the deal isnt agreed by this date, pay asking price, anything to avoid missing out

Fred Flintsteine

Agreed. It definitely feels different. We are going to sign at least 3 world class players this summer.


Might do. Jovetic or Higuain, Pizczchzcek, Cesar, with Sanogo supplementing the forward ranks. It could happen.


That’s really positive. I guess that question is, how impressive our signings will be. Hopefully the Gervinho-Park-Santos-Giroud line was just the result of difficult decisions, and we will see more Cazorlas and Monreals.

I have my faith in Wenger, for the last time, he deserves this huge chance to crown his legacy here, and finish as an ultimate Legend, which he deserves so much.


Don’t put Giroud alongside those 3 🙂


the owners, gazdiz and the other people at the top share an excellent relationship with wenger…. they are also satisfied with the continous UCL qualification sice 2005 in the wake of the financial restriction…….. if wenger manges to win a trophy or two this coming season…….. don’t be surprised to see his contract renewed……….. and giroud has been the most useful signing after cazorla this season………


People sure have short memories these days. Writing off Giroud already in his first year? Judging Monreal’s ability after 4 months? After the Carling Cup final of 2011, there were so many people wanting to put Koscielny’s head on a spike. Who knew he would turn out to be our most important player in the 2nd half of this season? Same with Mertesacker last year. The abuse and criticism that guy got after his first season borders on the inane. You would think that the German national team is managed by a bunch of retards by giving him so many… Read more »


Rhroughout the season, I’ve wanted to know where you think we should improve throughout the team, blogs? And also, sensible names of who you would want? Not Messi, Falcao, and Hummels!


I just never asked. And *Throughout

Henry's beard

Wilfried Bony would be my first choice. 31 goals in something like 24 league appearances for Vitesse and is reportedly valued at approximately £10m. He’s also built like a brick shithouse.


It’s the Dutch leage, though. That must be taken into consideration.


Its a consideration, but that didn’t stop Suarez


Yeah, we’ve never had any good players from the Dutch league…
*face palm*



I didn’t notice Ajax won the CL again. Scoring 33 goals in the Dutch league is not the biggest achievement, of course it doesn’t make good players worse, but it’s more difficult to pick who is going to be a hit here.

petits handbag

Didn’t stop Dirk Kuyt either…..or Mateja Kezman. So Beware the Dutch League!!!!


@progmano you typed and submitted before reasoning didn’t you?


Decent point Luke De Jong was the star in dutch league season before went to Gladbach for around 15 mill and struggled with them. Is lewandoski out of our reach?


Didn’t stop horse face that went to Man U either.


Lots of people kind of missing the point here. Yes there have been many successful players from the Dutch league, as many leagues. But you ignore the fact that there have been many failures as well. No one is saying that his scoring record there is not an indicator of quality, just that it can be misleading to a greater extent than in the ‘stronger’ leagues


Personally I would love to see Jovetic in our colours after all the speculation, and Yaya Sanogo clever idea for potential up front. Also fancy seeing Micah Richards, maybe (IF Bacary leaves us), to go with a solid defensive midfielder (Not sure who, Viera mould though) a creative midfielder OR winger, and finally a GK and CB, but I’m not too sure?

Leaving us to replace who is sold i.e. Arshavin? and most importantly, chainsaw the deadwood.

Adam H

Can anyone explain to me why this has been given so many thumbs down? what has he said wrong here?


Because he wants (at least) 5/6 first team players – championship manager talk. unrealistic in terms of finance, being able to negotiate so many reasonably high profile deals, and squad gelling


Err, Micah Richards? Always deserves a thumbs down 😀


I’m from Czech Republic where Bony played before his move to Vitesse. He played for arch-rivals of my club and every game he was the most dangerous player on the pitch. He even stepped his game up in Netherlands. However I’m not sure if he is good enough for PL. As a squad player he would be a very good option and maybe after a year of adaptation he can be good at Arsenal. But i doubt he would have the immediate impact that we need at the moment.


No thanks. Not this level, watched him week in week out.


I’d honestly like to see Benteke and McManaman given a good look at, based on proven PL quality and price. With all the deadwood departing, it would also be great if Miyauchi and Campbell were brought into the fold. After that an older keeper and a really good DM like Felliani would do nicely.


Benteke certainly has a striker’s nose for goal.


Maybe swap Gervinho for James Rodriguez or Nico Gaitan. Also could bring Benat from Betis as he can play in the Arteta role.

Johnny Jensen's Bender

Don’t we already have someone in the Arteta role??


A technical striker to complement Giroud (Villa, Jovetic)
A creative attacking player that can play wings or centrally (Muniain, Hamsik, Eriksen, Draxler would have been ideal had he not re-signed)
Another good passing DM (Gonalons, Bender x2, Matuidi (maybe not so realistic), M’Vila (Just Kidding))
A veteran keeper on the cheap (Julio Cesar, Al Habsi, anyone but Reina)
Depth at CB (Sakho, Kouyate, Dragovic)

I think we’re alright at RB if they promote Bellerin, though an out of favor guy like van der Wiel might help. Thoughts?


gary medal deserves a shout too


no to van der wiel still can’t get over how rubbish he was in the Euro’s.


You obviously haven’t been reading much then.. I believe it has been said almost every other day in the blog that he thinks we’ve needed another striker. And when has he ever talked about targets like that?

Arsene's Nose

We are the Arsenal..we know where we’ve been, what we’ve been through and where we going, and the future definately looks bright and to think that someone whom I thought was a complete muppet in Gary Neville gets it rather than some ‘fans’..

Up yours Piers Cunt Morgan

Johnny Jensen's Bender

Well said.

It was a sad day when I realised Gary has more sense than a lot of my fellow ‘fans’

I hated that man so much in a Manc kit but in all fairness he is the only pundit I have any time for.

Quality round up after the game, putting Spuds back in their places.


Wake me up on the first day of the season.


This time I believe we will see a bullish, aggressive Arsenal in the market. At the moment, a Sanogo or a Bony would be good ‘squad’ additions as long as they are supplemented with more established quality with experience in the top leagues.


This seems like a copy/paste move by Ivan. Could someone check for overlap with messages from the last 3-4-5 seasons?

A lot less talk, and a whole lot more action!


Kronke doesn’t give a shit about winning things, he likes owning sports clubs which slowly gain value. Simple as that. Having a top 4 football club in one of the most lucrative leagues on the world is probably the limit of his ambition. I think if you look at his other ‘investments’ there isn’t a precident of massive investment OR trophy winning. I think…

The BearMan

Cavani for me! But the club will plead poverty. I only anticipate players from the French League!!!


Glazidis sure knows what the fans want to hear. Now try to fulfil your commitments for a change. Priorities should be-
1. A world class striker
2. Retain/replace sagna.
3. A gk.
4. A winger (if the rumours regarding gervinho are true.)
The target for next season should be to finish with 80 pts atleast and end this trophy ‘drought’.


a big gaping hole n your shopping list mate, the dm role, yes arteta has been amazing, but a genuine dm will let us utilise arteta in other roles

Rad Carrot

Believe it when I see it. As always at our club, actions speak louder than words. Lost faith in the club to adequately strengthen each summer, so if they somehow manage it this time around, I’ll be amazed. Don’t necessarily need big marquee signings, but we can’t be left with a squad that faced the chavs earlier this year, where we didn’t have a player who’d scored more than one goal on our bench. We also must – MUST – strengthen early. Waiting till August, while it might save us halfpence, will lead us massively behind all the clubs we’re… Read more »

North Bank Gooner

The Playing staffed have stepped up and delivered, as have the coaches and management.

Now its time for the upstairs crew to do their thing. Ivan, dont be found wanting!!


It’s impossible not to feel optimistic about this summer. For once looks like everyone sees what Arsene is trying to do here and will gladly stay (sagna? Oh okay) Re-building and so far so good. You look at the bench for saturday.and the difference it had from the previous years is there to see. Quality. The transition is nearly complete, afew top notch additions this summer and we won’t ever have to worry about the sp*rs, the evertons. Heck United, city better watch out!

Rad Carrot

I’m not optimistic at all. Most of us aren’t. Don’t get sucked in by words.


Well be optimistic.
1. We are not In for another agony of selling any of our top players.
2. Squad as it has proved to be good enough and with some few 2_3 additions we should be set.
3. We’ve tied up major deals this year, emirates, puma, indonesia plus the £25 m windfall of finishing 4th.
4. Wenger after the agony he and his team been thru this year has assured us of good additions.

Gazidis? Meh. He talks outta his arse abunch of times I stopped listening.

Rad Carrot

But deals and money mean nothing at Arsenal. We’ve heard this all before, and yet we still start each season earning money instead of spending it. Wenger assured us of investment last year, and the year before that. I remember it vividly because I believed it. But Wenger’s form of ‘investment’ is to make more money on players out than players in. A canny strategy, but one that will eventually end with us outside the top four, if it continues. I’m not optimistic, nor are a lot of Arsenal fans I know. But that’s not to say I’m absolutely certain… Read more »

8 Year Itch Needs scratching

I hope we lump some major coin on two strikers and a centre back. I’m talking 100 million here.

Lets go for it. The time of change at both Manchester clubs and a change at Chelsea, this is our chance to make a dash for the top IMO

Get shot of Giroud and Gervinho, not good enough IMO.

Come on the Arsenal!


Giroud is good enough. Just not versatile and that’s probably why everyone and his dog here wants a new striker to compliment the abilities he lacks!.

Gervinho.? Yeah he’s not good enough. But still….

johnny bud

Nothing less than 2 out of 3 of Bentake, Jovetic and Higuain will impress me. Sign a backup keeper and keep Bacary, put two real strikers up there and we’re as good as anyone


id be impressed and reasonably happy with 1 world class striker plus sanogo as depth. 1 v good dm, 18-25mill mark re sign fabianski or get a cover gk on the plus side of 30, and get a competition dr for jenks (move sagna to dc) anything extra is a bonus, but the striking and the defensive mid are the big areas that need money, 50-70m be enough


Fabianski or Mannone will be gone, so Julio Cesar on a free transfer looks like good business.

den ice berg kamp

Would love to see this lineup next year

Jenks mert kos gibbs

Arteta. Wanyama

Walcot. Carzola. Jovetec


Bench: shez , vermalen , moneral , ramsey , wiltshire , rosicky , giroud

I guy can dream eh !
I think this team would challange for hounours next year look at the bench fs.

Been promised big changes before I just hope we take the oppertunity to strengthing the team instead of replacing our top players , COYG


It’s fine to dream, just not through spelling class. [Winkythingi’mtoodumbtoknowhowtoadd].


What language are you speaking there mate?

damien joyce

worst spelling…………………EVER!!!!!!!!!!!

There are lost people in AW's coat

Who gives a shit if his spelling is bad? Mabey he’s not a good speller, what are you a teacher?


…and it’s not as though he made no effort is it?


Falcao for me and before I get accused of dreaming…… You’re telling me we cant afford a £40m outlay which would be paid in installments as are all transfers these days. £200k a week is realistic and achievable with likes of Arshavin, Bendtner, Chamakh and Denilson of the books and what a marketing gem he would be with the number of shirts he could shift. It’s just a case of selling Arsenal to the lad….. STILL a great manager, state of the art stadium in one of the greatest cities in the world, CL qualification…..


I wish I didn’t always get the feeling Gazidis is managing the fans, rather than just talking to them. Surely he’s wise enough to know that people are intuitive, and there are always consequences.


In my opinion we should sign jovetic/higuain for up front. For DM we should sign capoue/wanyama. For GK begovic/adler and from what’s been said by arsene and board I believe they will have deals done as soon as window opens! (Or hope)




What a fucking bummer once stan’s name was mentioned I lost the will to live.
If he had mentioned this then I might of belived it but I have zero faith that this clown has anything other that filling his wallet at our expense!!!
Stan if you are seious that you want Arsenal to achieve trophy’s then speak up and back the manager and don’t hide behind your fucking Ignorence of the game we love… Grow some balls and support the team you invested in or fuck off back to the USA


From 2012: Ivan Gazidis insists the Club is doing everything in its power to ensure that Arsenal compete for trophies next season. Following a difficult start to the 2011/12 campaign that saw the Gunners drop to 17th place in September, Arsène Wenger’s side responded strongly to finish in third and secure a place in the Champions League. The Chief Executive was delighted with that revival and he expects a productive summer as Arsenal look to maintain their late-season momentum. “My message to our fans is that we are doing everything in our power to make sure that Arsenal can… Read more »


Has everyone conveniently forgotten that since last summer we have agreed commercial deals worth 50 million pounds a year? That’s sustainable, guaranteed income – exactly what a responsible, intelligent organization would base a change in philosophy upon. Couple that with increased tv money, a fairly significant clear out of the wage bill, and instability in management at every club above us, it’s obvious this is the time to invest. If I can see this so will Wenger and Gazidis. If I’m wrong and the club pockets this extra money instead of spending a large portion of it I’ll be very… Read more »

Rad Carrot

Prepare to be disappointed.


To keep it simple of my hopes and it may seem a big list, but think we need bulking out rather than the full make over and you can agree or disagree: Julio Cesar in, Mannone out, Fabianski 50/50, Szczesny kept, Martinez loan. Sagna out, Jenkinson kept, A.N.Other in, Bellerin loan/league cup. Monreal & Gibbs perfect!! Mertesacker & Koscielny stay first choice, Vermaelen hopefully kept but if someone of standing, Sakho if he’s still unhappy. Competition to usurp Arteta is needed, Gonalons or Capoue maybe, Capoue would give us what we miss without Diaby, Gonalons is a better ball player.… Read more »

damien joyce

I was quite liking ur post until i saw Di Maria, he is fucking awful, he really is, a one trick pony who is on a flat track bully course, I can’t stand him, wouldn’t want him anywhere near our team


I tried to think of someone else but couldn’t.. and didn’t think Dortmund would sell Reus after losing Gotze? But I was thinking about a game changer who would run at defenders.. only have to look at the occasional damage done by the likes of Nani, McManaman and Townsend.. we have Walcott, but it’s so sporadic it’s depressing..


If we have anywhere near £70M to invest and can also get players off the wage bill (Chamakh, Santos, Arshavin, Bendtner, Gervinho, Denilson, Squillaci, Djourou, Diaby, JY Park), then you’d hope we could compete for at east one big name. Obviously Lewandowski would be a dream but I’d settle for Dzeko. Jovetic would be great but we really need a top finisher. I’d also like to see us go for Anthony Martial of Olympic Lyon. Though he’s one for the future, he’ll certainly be a top, top player, who will only get further out of our reach with time. Lastly… Read more »


Dzeko?!! Nah, City can keep that overrated donkey….


Look at Dzeko’s record for Wolfsburg & what he’s done for Citeh with so few starting opportunities. He can play as a lone striker, hold the ball up & make chances for more creative players. Sure he’s not a fast mobile player like Suarez but in an ideal world you’d buy an out-and-out goal scorer as well. My only reservation is that he’s very similar to Giroud, only better – a lot better.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

I really think that this should be the business we should be doing – OUT – _____ Fabianski – I hear his contract is up and neither party is keen on renewing. However if this is not the case then he should stay by all means. Djourou – I think it is an obvious one. I am sure he doesn’t want to spend another season on the bench or reserves. Personally I would love him to stay, but I feel the player may force the club’s hand and leave to be able to play. Arshavin – Shame, real shame how… Read more »


Didn’t have the time to read what was probably the longest post in the history of Arseblog, but thumbed up for effort regardless! :p


If you can’t read that then you probably read this arseblog post in full aswell.

Rad Carrot

Lampard and Rooney?!

Nope. Just, nope.


This is the time when year after year the odious and inept little son a a kebab shop scumbag lies to arsenal fans about the club s grossly exaggerated spending plans. His whole salary and bonus is predicated on little else than selling as many top players as possible , buying as few as possible and lying to fans about doing the reverse. Problem is there is no one at club able to fire the little twat, especially not the eton boy buggerring hill wood, nor the wig man from Denver. I wish they had all died instead of fizsman,… Read more »

Oguntuase Amos

Somebody also would wish you too were dead. Stupid man

den ice berg kamp

Fuck rooney

North Bank Gooner

With a molten spike of glass impregnated with mach 3 razor blades.

And polonium.


We need to bolster the attack!

next season blog summary

we are already getting the idea of this dickhead’s plan for summer in the form of sanoge, and other barca youngsters,….. here is the deal, are we gonna sign a 30-35 mil striker? NO, are we gonna bring back fabregas (don’t think its impossible, with little tempting and a break in wage structure will suffice)- NO, we might sign one or two 10-15 mil avg (avg means top top talent) players and sell 5-6 below avg players. for this we will be discussing this matter in length the whole summer as if arsene cares, i’ll be abusing the board for… Read more »

8 Year Itch Needs scratching

Wouldn’t mind seeing AW have a bash at a cheeky bid for Michu. Think he would come?

Champo league, well hopefully we get a good draw, Michu could come….Nobody is seeming to be mentioning him going anywhere.

Jamesy Boy

Rough figures, but:
Piczsek to replace Sagna – £15 mil.
Lewandowski – £30 mil.
Fellaini – £25 mil.
That’s a good way to spend our £70 mil budget me thinks??


it’ll do


I’d go and support Gillingham if Fellaini is let anywhere near our club.. good at winning headers and headbutting Shawcross but he can’t pass, can’t shot, can’t dribble.. how would he fit in at Arsenal??

Rad Carrot

But that’s the thing – we DON’T have £70m to spend. With wages and the way the club works, we’ve got around £30m to spend, if that. We simply will not spend much money this season.

It’s possible we could make some shrewd signings, a la Santi, but don’t think that we’re going to get two or three signings over £10m each. We don’t have the cash for that.

8 Year Itch Needs scratching

Sutton and Shearer……The S.A.S

Giroud and Gervinho…..The G.A.G

Oguntuase Amos

Must every football club owner be as lousy and crazy like Abramovic? The idea of not being interested in winning trophies by Stan is a mere figment of imagination by some fans who think everybody must be noisy like Chelsea owner. Until otherwise proved,fans must believe the statement of Gazidis because it is only the board that knowsthe direction the club is going. I hate to hear Arsenal being compared to Chelsea or City. City is yet to build a team or have a clear cut identity and goal. Massive expenditure with failure in Europe and inability to maintain the… Read more »

Der Springer

I think the difference between the rhetoric we are hearing from both Gazidis and Wenger this year compared to previous years is that the emphasis it is not on “the self-sustaining model”. I get the feeling (maybe just hopeful thinking) that we are moving past the “laying the foundation” phase to a more pro-active era. I don’t expect them to spend like drunken sailors but that the funds available are substantially more than what we have seen in the post-Highbury years.


Take the quotes off the word success, smartarse.


We should put in an official bid (£50m) for Bale stating quite clearly we can give him Champions League Football.

(We know they would turn it down) But It would be funny, rubs it into the cocks and shows the premier league our intent to strengthen.


But would they turn it down? Bale has reportedly just signed a new contract with a 50m release clause. Perhaps a 45m bid? But then we’d be shown up by our reluctance to pay the 50.. back to the drawing board


I like us to sign Julio Cesar, James Mccarthy, a right back, Forward, Striker.

Couldn’t care less if the last three cost £2.50 as long as they are quality.


I believe that for years after the invincibles Arsenal lived in a false superiority dream world despite the empty trophy cabinet. Fans pored scorn on the successes of Manure Chelsea and Citeh claiming we playey better quality football. For several seasons we speculated wildly ending up with total failures, injury crocks or bought useless shirt sellers. To fund all this failed speculation we ended up selling our best players. We even extended contracts to injury crocs. Since 2011 things have improved markedly. Mertasacker and Arteta have been followed by Santi, Poldi and Giroud none of whom have become deadwood, an… Read more »


Arsenal ins:

Leandro Damiao/Higuain.

Lucas piszcek.

Rui patricio.

Nemanja Matic

Arsenal outs:



Chamakh/squillaci/Denilson/Bendtner {I put them all together coz they are all a pile of shit}

With a possible lineup of

Rui patricio




Get in everyone the bus is leaving.


I’m from Brazil, and my name-fellow Leandro Damiao is not even close to the finished product yet. We need a more proven front man. I’d take the out of favor Mario Gomez or Higuain as you mentioned instead, but I think we need even better.

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@leandro understably though! it’s name-sake. Given you’re from his native i’ll agree with you about damiao, maybe he’s not yet fully developed but we said the same about oscar and look what the boys doing now. This Arsenal teams needs abit more flair upfront. Someone who can carve out chances for himself and brazilians have always been god at this. I used to love a certain ronaldo. Simply superb. Any chance he could fit in (pun intended) the red and white and do a job? Paulinho? Edinho? Damiao? Borges? I just want a brazilian here, the two we have well… Read more »


Ohhh, Oscar was from my brazilian team Best striker in Brazil today is Fred (ex-Lyon) and Luis Fabiano (ex-Sevilla).


Dammit, submitted before I was done: Oscar is from my Brazilian team’s academy (Sao Paulo), having watched him grow I never doubted he would be good! Same with Lucas (PSG). I think Paulinho from Corinthians is great too, but Arsenal doesn’t need his position. Best strikers in Brazil today are Fred (ex-Lyon, amazing here but not sure if Premier League material) and Luis Fabiano (ex-Sevilla, too hot headed). Pato is still unproven (being benched a lot, bad sign). Damiao can surely develop into a great striker, but he needs more time, the guy was playing non-professional football until he was… Read more »


Less talk more action.

Jack Jumblies

I absolutely love Giroud, but his ceiling looks to be a complimentary striker, not the main marksman. If we got someone like Jovetic, the HFB would be awesome to have come off the bench, especially protecting a lead. His hold up play and cultured flicks means there would still be chances to score, and defensively he’s like another CB when defending corners.

My wishlist

Jack Jumblies

DM to share the load with Arteta
GK if Fabianski leaves

Now if TV is willing to be 3rd CB, cover FB and DM Ii bet he’d find his name on the teamsheet a lot, especially in cups. But would he?


The cannon is loaded, Wenger and Ivan just need to light the wick..

*Arsene at the end of his contract (will want to win to renew)
*Club in good financial position
*PUMA deal
*Champions League $ and lure
*No cunts on the transfer teeter-totter
*Young players starting to finally come good


@leandro. Good bit of info there. I agree about fred not being particularly suited to the premier league. I saw the brazil england and I just know he would struggle with the pace/intensity of the EPL. Oscar how did we lose out on this boy?, imo he will only get better. Devastating at full potential. Ganso? Whatever happened to him. Fabiano had glorious days in a sevilla shirt and I don’t think he’s up to the task with a top epl team like arsenal. Somethings clear here though brazil like you said are lacking in the c.f dept. P/s I… Read more »


Haha, I don’t know if Brazil are gonna cut it either. With us hosting the World Cup, I’m anticipating heads will roll in the outcome of a not-so-great performance. But who knows, home advantage is a big deal. As for Ganso, he was marred by injuries and never fully recovered. He’s very creative but not very mobile, doesn’t press, easily marked, plays like a withering 35 year old maestro. Struggling to find a place in Sao Paulo with Jadson (ex-Shakhtar) playing well in his position. And of course I did not mention Neymar before, because he’s a winger, not the… Read more »

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