Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gremio pessimistic about Santos extension

Brazilian side Gremio have revealed they aren’t optimistic about extending Andre Santos’ loan deal when it expires in July despite wanting to keep the player until December.

The left-back signed a six-month contract with Vanderlei Luxemburgo’s side in January but is due to return to London in two months with Arsenal eager to offload the 30-year-old on a permanent basis during the summer transfer window.

Talking about negotiations with the Gunners, Gremio’s director of football, Rui Costa, told Fox Sports Brazil that it had been difficult enough securing Santos the first time round and that a new deal will depend on renegotiation.

“The condition of the loan was six months. We are talking but it’s hard,” he concluded.

Gremio aren’t the only Brazilian club that Arsenal will play poker with this summer. Denilson’s loan with Sao Paulo also ends in July with a permanent deal the only option Arsenal are willing to consider.

At the tail end of last month Sao Paulo’s vice-president Joao Paulo de Jesus Lopes told ESPN Brasil:

“There are still more than 60 days left on his contract, so there are a couple of points to take into consideration.

“The first point is that we are interested in the player and the second point is that we must deal with this situation closer to the end of the deal.

“If we do it too early, it will end up costing us more money.”

With the likes of Ju-Young Park, Marouane Chamakh, Nicklas Bendtner and Johan Djourou all due back from their respective loans in the coming weeks and Andrei Arshavin and Sebastien Squillaci also on the look out for pastures new, there’s the potential for a real clear-out this summer. Perhaps the ruthlessness shown at Academy level is a sign of things to come…


Thanks to @SiuFay for the heads up.

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O Luzhny

Just take him and Denilson on a package deal we’ll throw in a Bendtner too


We should just do a whole load of buy one get one free deals: Santos + Denilson, Gervinho + Coq although I would like to see coq come back if he does turn out good after a lot of game time, Chamakh + Squid, Bendtner + Djourou, although I expect some money for those 2. Maybe Park + Miyaichi, although I expect Ryo to come good if he overcomes his injuries and secures regular play somehwere. Mannone + Frimpong, Frimpong has talent, but just injury prone, maybe another year at Fulham. Surely that will free up a lot of wages… Read more »


jizzzz mmm

Rad Carrot

So fed up with ‘loans’. That’s all we seem to do with our unwanted players.

Surely we can find someone to pass them on to permanently. If we have to, let’s take a hit and get what we can for them, as opposed to having to deal with them again every six months/year. Really symptomatic of our club and it’s hesitance to make a loss. Don’t get me wrong, I admire them trying to get a good deal, but we can’t just keep these players on the books like this.


The thing is, our deadwood are so reknowned as being bad I don’t think any other club are willing to risk long term moves for such players (heck, Bordeaux, who would love to have Chamakh back, won’t even run the risk of offering a transfer free beyond £0). I do agree though. Arsenal should accept a loss if it means no long-term wage pinches. Rather accept an expensive fling than pay off a bad marriage. But it’s just not realistic. That, or we need a) better scouts, so we don’t end up with dead wood players (fringe players I can… Read more »

Rad Carrot

Well that’s just it; we need to be able to accept that some players are not as good as we want them to be. If we have to let them go for free, then so be it – we’re not losing any more money through wages, and we won’t have to pay them anything for them to go. By doing that, we make sure they’re gone for good, and won’t be sitting around all summer earning wages for doing nothing. I’m certain that the majority of our loanees’ wages aren’t fully covered by the loaner club, so we’re still making… Read more »


Contracts work both ways I’m afraid mate. If a player is under contract he can choose to chill, not play, and get paid. We can go for mutual termination to get them off the books, but that means paying them off, which costs. The best solution is to convice the players they need to go and play, and we transfer them for nothing, but without interested parties we are obliged to pay their wages. We’re not just holding on to them out on loan in case! 😉


Presumably bob’s right. Clubs just do not want to contract some of these players, it’s cheaper just to pay part of their wages. Even if some other club would pay all their wages, unless the player prefers to go there it’s just not in their interest. Come to think of it, I wonder if clubs sometimes offer inducements to players to get them on a part-wage-paying basis?

Rad Carrot

Completely understand that, but surely we must be able to get rid of players if need be. Even if we have to sign some players on shorter contracts or – heaven forbid – break our socialist wage structure so the fringe/unproven players aren’t earning a stack of 64 diamonds a week, it needs to be done. Just seems like we spend an eternity each summer trying to sort these players out, and all we do is finally send them out on loan. Look at Djourou – we gave him a new contract even when his form was off, instead of… Read more »

Bould's Eyeliner

Until this summer this is the first large transfer window we will have with money to spend. That still doesn’t mean, take a loss of a few million, in the form of cutting players. We save money while they are on loan, and we maintain contacts with promising clubs that might possibly have players for us to look into. It makes absolutely no sense to just offload players and pay for it, when we can simply let them go on a free slowly, with less wages appropriated. We have a good 3 months of transfers, let’s see what happens.

Rad Carrot

But we wouldn’t pay for it at all if we offloaded them – quite the opposite. And the wages some of these guys are on… they’ll earn more for training for one week at Colney than we would in a year, and yet they’ll never play for Arsenal again.

Massive, massive no-brainer.

Zorro in the box

I think the problem is also the fact that the players are earning wages that are too high for other clubs to pay and the players themselves aren’t willing to take a paycut. Given that they’re not the most stellar footballers, I can see why. Their reputations aren’t likely to keep them warm (as they’re known to be “deadwood”) so they may as well make as much money as they can now. The few that’s not true for we have no problem shifting (Carlos Vela for example). Do need to clear the decks. Would rather our fringe was promising youth… Read more »

2013-2014 = 2003-2004

The terminology used by Blogs “ruthlessness” is exactly what we need at this point. Bayern Munich are where they are because EVERY player in their squad is world-class. Hope we clear out the deadwood in one swift go, even it it means flipping the bill for 80% of salary for remainder of contract.

Dick Swiveller

World class? Really?

They have a lot of talent sure, but a lot of their success comes down to being willing to work and having ‘good’ backup, not world class but good players willing to do their part. That’s what we need, rather than chasing a team of galacticos.

That does mean getting rid of deadwood though.

Parisian Weetabix

QPR tried to get a team full of “flair” players who could “change a game” because those are the sorts of players who are considered world class. It took them far too long that it would be Clint Hill and Shaun Derry who would save them from relegation, not Taraabt, Remy and Granero. Maybe that point is a bit far removed, but the point is that hard workers are vital. Hard work is immensely undervalued in life in general, and the same is applied to football. Think about it; a naturally talented footballer is exceptional in the one area of… Read more »


I won’t really call Dante, Jerome Boateng and David Alaba world-class just yet, despite their appearing a lot for Bayern this season.

It doesn’t really make sense to only maintain a team full of world-class players, since what you’d usually need is a mix of layers instead. Always need up-and-coming players to play alongside the world-class ones so that they are ready by the time the more senior players retire, no?

Wasn’t it always one of the complaints, that our young team had too little experience in it to understudy?


It is time the club took a clear stand on its future objectives. No shifting players around the globe temporarily. If any player is not in the manager’s plans then they need to be sold. I hope Arsenal and Wenger acts decisively this summer.


Little confused by this statement – isn’t the article basically saying that Gremio dont think that they will be able to extend the loan deal because Arsenal want to sell him instead?


I hope you’re excluding youth players in your strategy proposal?


Recently boss Wenger said that all the players he wants are staying. A general statement, no details in fact it could mean anything. Here is what I think the boss really means. The players Arsene wants gone yesterday are Fabianski, Squilacci, Santos, Djourou, Ashavin,Denilson, Bendtner, Park, Frimpong Chamakh and Girvinho.Those who Arsene will let go as soon as a decent bid comes in are Sagna, Vermaelen, Podolski, Mannone, Coquelin, and Rosicky. The only players Arsene really wants to hang on to are, Szczesny, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Monreal, Gibbs, Arteta, Wilshire, Ramsey, Cazorla, Walcott, Giroud, and the two youngsters Jenkinson and Ox.… Read more »


I don’t agree that the hatred would be the same. There hasn’t been any farsical will he/won’t he sign. Demands for wages above their station or apathetic ‘fuck it I’ll get gifted a trophy instead’.


You are referring to the fantastic Robin Van Persie of course. Last I looked Robin Van Persie had scored 26 Premier league goals for the champions Manchester United and won the golden boot award. last season Van Persie won the golden boot award when playing for Arsenal and single handedly saved Arsenal from dropping into the Europa league. Next time I check perhaps Robin Van Persie will be Manchester United player of the year. Perhaps the great Robin Van Persie will be in the running for player of the Premier league as well. He totally deserves all the plaudits coming… Read more »


I’m surprised you have such an in depth knowledge of what Arsene is thinking!


Do you try and outdo yourself when it comes to commenting stupidity???


So Wenger wants to sell Rosicky and Podolski? Would accept 20 mil bids for Wilshere Cazorla or Walcott?

Come on Davo, think about what you’re writing mate..!!

Arsene's Zip

How do you get through life being such a complete cretin?


Sometimes Wenger is in a lose-lose situation when it comes to our players.. Last summer, a certain Dutch striker made it patently clear that he wanted to leave. I am fairly certain that Arsenal didn’t want him to go but he made it virtually impossible so we got as much as we could for him. I agree that ManUre was not the best place for him to go football-wise but could they have been the only sensible offer that came in? And if he had been forced to stay then every game he didn’t put in 200% the anti wenger… Read more »


Yeah, I mean, Adebayor’s form clearly dipped the year after he flirted with Milan. We were just lucky that Mark Hughes somehow decided he was still worth 20 million pounds and took him off our hands. If we’d kept RVP, he would’ve been in poor form and we’d have lost out on the money – lose-lose situation as you said.

Rad Carrot

Don’t agree with what Davon says, but let’s not get at each other during what should be a fairly optimistic time for the club.

New Arse

Ha ha ha. Poor Davo. At least one bad idea every day.


Most people have avoided addressing your points directly and understandably so – it’s so horribly braindead it’s hard to figure out where to begin.

But to address your final thought, no, they won’t be hated as van Persie, unless they agitated for a transfer when the club still needed them and after the club nurtured their talent from a young age despite all the injuries.

Can you at least do some analysis and think before you formulate opinions?


If we could sell fans to other clubs, I believe Arsenal would let you go for nothing.



Eoin Fleming

Anybody else sick of writing the word ‘bendtner’ and ‘ fuck off’ in a sentence?


thats very negative thinking considering what the club our coming out and saying. your assumption on what Wenger really meant has no foundation. Wenger wants to get of rosicky? why? Complete bollocks!


If i were Gremio i’d be pessimistic too. Santos is an entertainer not a footballer let alone a LEFT BACK!


Santos was good but not Arsenal good. I don’t see how United sell players like Bebe/Obertan and we can’t even shift Bendtner. Now I know TGSTEL is awful but he’s not as bad as them two clowns!


United haven’t sold Bebe – he’s still out on loan. Even Man City – the richest club in England – have had trouble getting rid of players. They still have Wayne Bridge and Roque Santa Cruz on contract!


The constant moderation in this site me sick as it has many of you i believe……




. My comment just above @hitmans was moderated for close to 3hrs. Look and that comment and tell me if there’s anything wrong.with it. Sort that out!

And its not just the first time.


Sometimes words within comments trigger the moderation, it’s nothing personal, we don’t have time to monitor comments by the second.


LMAO @ blogs I think the news hound fell asleep today with his big fat paw on the moderation button… Love it 😉


‘Me sick moderation site believe I you’ … that is how you sound.

queensland reds

what annoys me is the boss going on about only signing quality player or even exceptional players. every cent these shite players cost the club should come out of the bosses salary.


@ Queensland reds
In a sort of way it does as it comes from his budget and reflects in the way he can purchase new players or give pay rises out. I know it doesn’t come directly out of his pocket but when a manager is so intertwined into the very fabrics of the club then it does feel like its his own investment.

[…] On our boys from Brazil […]


The frustrating thing is that, yet again, we are at a crossroads where we can genuinely push on, but probably won’t. With our three main competitors all changing managers this summer there is a real chance that we might do something. But only if we are bold enough (or should that be Bould enough?) to go out there and spend big. The problem is Arsene Wenger. I can see us buying a half-decent French striker, like Reme, a new goalie and an average defensive midfielder. Then Wenger will say: “We have enough here already.” But, of course, we won’t. So… Read more »

New Arse

Just have a feeling Fatgooner, that this year will be different. We have money , the stadium debt is under control, there is no reason not to reinforce in a major way. The opportunity to go for glory this year is there with United Chelsea and City all a bit unsettled. For once , we are the settled side , the side in form. I’m sure Wenger knows that even patient fans such as I will start to lose faith if he doesnt strike now when the iron is hot. I’m sure Arsene himself is sick of these trophyless years.… Read more »


Jesus well wake me up in 2014. I am pretty pissed off that you have ruined next seasons finale for me – there is no point in watching now as i know what will happen.

can you not put a *spoiler alert* on your post

will we win a cup?

anyway you are right, Arsene Wenger is a problem. I mean we have one of the greatest coaches of all time working for us and we can’t get rid of him?


I do agree with FG. I’d love to be proven completely wrong, I’d love to say that we’re going to strengthen properly, but I just can’t see it happening. Semi-average striker, an average midfielder of sorts, maybe a back-up goalie and some past-it defender. Some bright young player or two who we spend the most on, who will sit in the reserves for two or three years. Wenger will smile, wink, and say that we’re fine. Meanwhile, Bendtner, Park, Djourou and Santos will be sent out on loan again as we cover their wages. We’ll sell two or three players… Read more »



Oh here you are I was wondering where you were! Got stuck under that rock did you fattie?


Hmmm… your track record for predictions has been pretty shit. Weren’t it a definite, foregone conclusion that we’d fall off the top 4 in the season just past for you?

Arsene's Zip

If it’s been so horrible for you all this time, why do you still “support” the greatest football club on earth? I mean, if it makes you so depressed, just stop watching football.. or do what that dutch cunt did last year (obviously without the massive pay cheque!).

Arsene's Zip

(@Fatgooner, sorry)


He got back on the wagon fast enough once we got that run going.


It’s funny, we’re all thinking he’s going to spend and kick on, mass clear out at last and that no player will leave, but we all know deep down there’s going to be a “It has always been my dream to play for xxxx. I am a gooner and will always be an Arsenal fan but I want to win trophies” type thing this summer….Laurent to Bayern would be my guess. It’s going to come, dont fight it!

I know, I know…’Fuck off’ Thumbs Down. Sigh.


Put your money where your mouth is and put down a wager, eh?


I can’t see kos leaving this year, not because I have some I depth knowledge of what’s going on in his head (I’m no Davonewzealand) but because he is under contract and we are now in a position where we don’t need to sell. If nothing else the new sponsorship deals should help us keep talent at the club, that is the priority followed closely by quality additions to the squad.


I am fed up with transfer story’s already and it’s not even June!!!
Come on Arsene just get what we need ASAP and let us enjoy the rest of the summer without all this crap going about the net.


Our old friend Pulis is still trying to have a dig at us. In the local paper he is licking ass and says ” who can forget the first win against Aston villa, not to mention the victories against a certain team from north London? ”
Total dick and where did all his hard work get him? The fucking sack because his teams are all shit kicker cunts and he still thinks its 1991 with his stupid cap… Prick


Awaiting moderation… Really??? And that was one of my nicer comments 😉


News hound I will save you some time
Revised version below

Our old friend Pulis is still trying to have a dig at us. In the local paper he is licking butt and says ” who can forget the first win against Aston villa, not to mention the victories against a certain team from north London? ”
Total tool and where did all his hard work get him? The sack because his teams are all shit kickers and he still thinks its 1991 with his stupid cap


Ok I give up its not even that interesting… Just delete it… Or maybe you want to keep it for yourself ???

We’ll never get rid of him. It depresses the fuck out of me this guy, Bendtkob and Denilson are still on our books.

I know we gotta flash the cash to get them onboard and it’s a risk worth taking but fuck me.

I love Wenger and I will support him blindly no matter what because the alternative is hell. But… I just know what’s gonna happen this summer. We’ll be desperate for new signings, but for some reason I can’t fathom he’s downgraded his expectation. He knows EXACTLY what he wants; don’t buy these stories of “We tried”, etc, etc. EVERY TIME WE HAVE EVER *NEEDED* A PLAYER WE BOUGHT THEM IMMEDIATELY. Rosicky when Pires went BAM! Nacho when Gibbs was injured BAM! I don’t get it because Wenger is clearly so intelligent. But as I said, i think I know what’s… Read more »


I agree with most of it but I won’t support someone blindly even if its Arsene… He will have my support as long as we keep in the right direction and this summer has to be in an up word direction


Nearly two effing months:

(a) with no football to speak of
(b) with ratarse rumours at every turn

Just like last summer and the ones before that.

It’s all bollocks. Or like buying shoes. Or maybe both.

the only sam is nelson

buying shoes *and* bollocks?

that’s not a shop i want to visit


If anyone is using the Arsenal news now site is it making you crazy?
I have just bared myself from looking at it as its the same thing over and over for days and then when you think a story is dead it pops up again 🙁

the only sam is nelson


Yay! Brian Talbot will add the necessary work-rate and bite to go alongside Chippy’s craft and Rixy’s wingplay

etc etc and so on


Andre could be a great signing for some teams out there. Arsenal will have a to take a pill so perhaps he could be bought for £5M or less. That is a great price for a player who Arsene once thought would be able to compete with the likes of Kieran Gibbs and was a Brazil international. He has good composure on the ball but perhaps would suit LM or LW better. He has a good positive attitude and frankly the VP shirt malarkey was a misunderstanding and unfortunate for him. Best of luck Andre, I’m sorry it didn’t work… Read more »

nii amartey

I am of the opinion that the way we finished this season especially with the defensive side of things means this team will go very far in the cup competitions the problem is and will always be whether we have a big enough squad.


We all, Arsene included would love to show the same ruthlessness as we’ve done with the youth team players, but the fact is this is a very different situation. But the cold truth is nearly every professional club has players they want to shift but can’t and if a player’s on a contract there’s not much you can do except put them in the shop window (loan) and hope. Buying players in the real world isn’t like playing FM, you don’t just look up their stats. Fact is we’ve got one the best managers in the world for picking talent,… Read more »

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