Saturday, July 27, 2024

Dixon backs Vermaelen to stay and learn

Former Gunner Lee Dixon has backed Thomas Vermaelen to stay at the club next season, and urged him to learn from Steve Bould to improve his performances.

The Belgian found himself benched after an indifferent season and watched on as Per Mertesacker and Laurent Koscielny formed a sold end of season partnership to help Arsenal in the top four.

But Dixon believes that even with a World Cup coming at next summer, Vermaelen would be better staying with the Gunners than seeking pastures new.

“I think he should stay and fight for his place,” he told Sky Sports News. “The fruits of Steve Bould’s work over the season we’re now starting to see.

“We were a lot more solid towards the end of the season and I think he can benefit from that. He’s a great defender but as a team defender he’s got things to learn and that’s where Steve’s knowledge will be utilised.”

Dixon also backed the signing of Gonzalo Higuain, saying the Argentine would prove a hit in London if Arsenal can finalise the long-rumoured deal.

“If it comes off from an Arsenal point of view, he’s quality through and through, he will score goals, there’s no doubt about that.

“He’ll get chances because Arsenal play his type of game, I feel, so I feel he’ll fit in really well.”

Madrid’s official appointment of Carlo Ancelotti may speed things up, and with Arsenal representatives reportedly in Spain to complete the deal, let’s hope something happens sooner rather than later.

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Keeping the steely-eyed Belgian is in our best interest. 3 great CB’s are a must if we expect to challenge on all fronts this year. I’d be willing to bet he rounds into form this year. COYG.


Form can be easily lost but quality is more lasting (some even say it’s permanent). He’ll bounce back next season if he stays and fights like Koz did when he was left out at the start of the season…you’ll see.


He maybe took the captaincy to much to heart and tried to do too much. He needs to get back to basics and concentrate on his defensive positioning next season.


All this ‘will he won’t he?’…all this ‘when’s he joining?’ and the general uncertainty with the Spanish lad is bringing my dear old Nan to mind, and I can’t for the life of me think why…. Many’s a Sunday evening when I was a boy, we’d sit and share some cockles and then some Battenburg cake for tea, before Bullseye came on the telly, and she’d tell me all about the War and life in London at the time. The air raids, the underground shelters etc. Then I’d beg her to sing me her favourite war-time song. She had such… Read more »


Agreed. I just wish that they would fucking get on with it and sign the man. And then go out and buy the three other quality players that we will need in order to challenge for the title this season. What’s happening about Fellani?

jack jack jack

Here, have a pasty.


Fellaini is currently chatting up English-Cypriot girls in a Spanish resort, presumably a precursor to buying a semi in Wood Greek.

Patience chubby one, patience.


This is the kind of interview I like to read from ex-players, not the negative ones Robson and even Tony Adams usually produce. We are going to do very well with the squad growing together and starting out with a lot of confidence given by the new players and our run-in.

Rad Carrot

You know what I love?

Dixon says “We”, rather than “they”.

Arsenal through and through.


in contrast over at ManUtd “We” means “Me and the little boy inside me”


We need to keep Vermaelen and Sagna. Our defense knows how to play together now and a settled defense will mean a more confident Szczesny. Our team has gelled in general as well as stayed together and I can’t wait to see their improvement. We are definitely going to have a much better start to the season this time. The 3 new managers at City United and Chelsea mean it will take a bit longer for those teams to find form. If you then add in 3 top quality signings, then Arsenal are definitely title contenders


I have just read a tweet from Guilleme Ballague (who knows a thing or two when it comes to spanish football) saying the both us and Juventus have agreed personal terms with Higuain and it’s now an all out bidding war. Can/Will we outbid a club like Juve? We’d better or all this talk from Gazidis will have meant nothing.


Balague is an arse. Arsenal can easily outbid Juventus. Higuain also prefers to go to Arsenal instead of Serie A. Juventus offered him slightly more money but they still aren’t as attractive as they used to be. This is the club that settled for Bendtner on loan.
They don’t have much cash availible right now.
I will be pissed if Higuain went there. Arsenal should seal the deal pretty soon, fingers crossed.


…..didnt they just win the league?


Meh, Serie A.

They’ve never even played in the Premier League, and they’ve never won the FA Cup.

They’re just a poor mans Notts County.

Johnny Jensen's Bender

Chill. Juve are close to signing Tevez and they can’t afford both.


By most sources we have considerably more money than Juventus. They were definitely interested in RvP last year but ended up taking Bendtner on loan, then getting Llorente on a Bosman. A few papers said that they offerd to pay Madrid in installments while we offered everything in one go right now.

So yeah, we can and probably will outbid them.


Juve have just agreed terms with man city for Carlos Tevez. Time for us to pull our finger out and get Higuain deal sorted now.


They’ve just signed Teves. They knew they’d lose to us for Higuan, so they settled for a 29 year old Argentine instead of a 25 year old one.

Trust me, Higuan is in the bag.

Let’s just hope Higuan won’t be the only buy of the season


Nice positive quotes there from Dixon. Re: Higuain, don’t want to get carried away, however Juventus seem to be behaving in a defeated way at the moment. Looks like they’re close to a deal for The Hunchback of Manchester. Everything crossed…

ack ack ack

“He’s a great defender but as a team defender he’s got things to learn and that’s where Steve’s knowledge will be utilised.” – probably the best summary of verm’s strengths and weaknesses i’ve heard. sounds like we just need one more decent squad centre back for the full complement. let’s get to work on the rest of the squad, transfer-team!

I want to boff Giroud and I'm not even gay

I love the way Lee always refers to us as “we”. I fucking love Dicko, I think time travel should be invented to get him back in at right back for The Reds.


A legitimate off topic post in that Sky Sports just broke that Quasimodo is on his way to the Old Lady subject to a medical.

Please Gonzalo. Can I call you Gonzalo?

I really think this could be the start of something special should we land him.

In other news, the hippo that couldn’t stop laughing was quickly put to death.


Over on Untold Arsenal they reporting that a lot of Italian clubs (Juventus included) are being investigated for money laundering and match fixing.
Do you think Higuain will want to sign up with them now?



Lee Dixon cannot just ignore the fact that the world cup is not a problem.

Most of the players are wise to know that the more you play, the better chances of making their respective international squad.


@Arseblonews please dont ever get that ‘Disqus’ enabled comment section/website. Its rather irritating not seeing comments. They seem to be quite the rage lately so I trust u know what I’m talking about.

Re: Vermanator – he should remain club captain despite not having his starting spot secure. Its a good culture to have the Captaincy extending beyond the field, if that makes sense.

Gooner Power

Teves is going Juventus!! What does that mean guys??


Higuain going to city?


i am scared about that prospect. they tried to sign him last season

gooner odst

i swear i will kick Man City in the balls if they do that. Assuming they have balls or indeed if Man City is a person.


Sad as it is it might well be Man City is a person.

Harish P

I still think we could do with a world class defender, but I have faith that Wenger will build towards getting one in next year’s window. Until then, I’m happy seeing the Verminator stay.


TV5 should stay and fight for his place. Competing for places is a must if chasing trophies.

Arsenal Rising

Is it true about tevez to juve? Please say it is!? Anyone know anything?

Arsene's handkerchief

Fee agreed between Abu Dhabi and the tax evading league buying poor mans Notts County……Hopefully this is a good omen in bringing Higuain to the Arsenal. I have every bit of faith and confidence Arsene and lads will do us proud. C’mon Arsenal!

Harish P

I’m concerned about City selling Tevez. It’s good that Juventus is off our back, but does that mean that they will now be looking for a replacement? And don’t they, like Chelski, have a habit of looking at our assets and interests? Higuain is no doubt considered a top striker, and he is also reasonably cheap…


When I seen this on sky sports that juve signed tevez, 🙂 this is very interesting news…… hiGUNin Oh ya


Not worried about juve at all. This is a club that could only offer 8mil for rvp and had to settle for bentdener and anelka. They are also getting llorente and tevez. Cant see them compete with us.

red giant

Seems that the old-slapper has just signed Tevez, the cheap cunts. Higuain is ours fellas.
Never in doubt 😉

Sorry blogs. Unrelated to the article but we all know it’s all about Higuain!


To win the Premier league let alone the ECL we need two top quality players in every position. Players need rest, players get injured . We need four quality CB’s. Vermaelen has great talent. He could be one of the worlds best.
But does he want to? Vermaelen is a highly paid celebrity. He has played Premier league and Champions league. He is an established Belgian international squad member. Vermaelen can cruise to a luxury retirement or fight like a warrior for titles. Time will tell.


Please dont let man city gazump our deal. Heard theres a last second double your money deal for madrid! Shiittttt!!!!


He will rise as a machine again, next season.

@Verminator, Rise of the Machine.

john leach

Higuain will probly go two city two fuck it all up for us

john leach

Unless they try to get rooney which probly wont happen nothing goes right for us arsenal fans there will be a twist to it I can feel it


Love Verminator he always was my favourite gunner, and still is today……….. The goals he got was like any good striker

john leach

Own goals yh

john leach

Thierry henry is my legend and always will be 🙂

[…] 来源:[Arseblog News] […]

[…] of defenders, another former Gunner Lee Dixon has been talking about one of them, but not Kos or Per, but in fact our out-of-form captain Thomas Vermaelen, he […]


good to see Dixon saying “we”. Top man!

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