Saturday, July 27, 2024

Video: Artistry of Arteta

Another cracker from Culann Davies – follow him on Twitter and YouTube

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Smithy the Gooner

Arsenal Captain 13/14, please.

Also, fantastic video. I used the first one from last season whenever some mug talked shit about Arteta.

jacob mechumo

video too good to wish it away.the tackles and chippings are fantastic.thanx.


Awesome video yet again.. I want Arteta to lift some trophies for us in the next 2 years

mare nel sol

I hope you are not even thinking of making a video of cazorla. Might take years to compile 😉

higgs boson

There’s a challenge right there Cullan.


He really is the heart of our team. So diciplined, loyal, unselfish and consistent. I love him!

Jim Jimminy

Anyone got a link for the three man juggling between wilshere, cazorla and arteta? I think i might watch that for an hour or two.

Pete The Gun

I love him…. That’s the real captain there. Awesome vid to


+ “o” at the end there.


Blogs, you should consider uploading this video to the site, an absolutely excellent video of God, uploaded today. Well worth a watch –

Donut Maestro

Seconded. God needs to be worshipped. You are missing out on something if you have not seen it yet.


I knew that would hurt. All these beautiful Bergkamp compilations around should be banned on humanitarian grounds until at least after we’ve won another major trophy. The guy had (no doubt still has) an outrageous amount of class. Just taking his goals alone, I’ve never seen anyone get anywhere near the imaginative variety, all performed with stunning technique.


I should add that I’m someone who makes a conscious effort to avoid having heroes (I hate false sentiment) but Bergkamp just takes the piss.


That man has probably chipped the ball over more keepers than any player I’ve seen.

#1 reason most GKs felt like idiots – Dennis Bergkamp.


Such a sound bloke, really do rate him as a defensive mid too. He may not have wanted this role but his professional and selfless attitude has benefited the the team greatly. I just cant come to terms with the fact that he hasnt been given a single opportunity to represent his country. It must be horribly crushing for him. I hope he has a part to play in a successful upcoming season


He’s married to a Miss Spain. I reckon they figure “what more can one do for their country?”. I’m out


What can i say .. Him being 4th player of the season is a joke. Right behins Santi if you ask me.

However weird it might feel towards Vermaelen, who i still like and want him to push his form, i really want Arteta to captain our side.


Best video yet. For me Arteta was our player of the season he brings so much to the team in terms of discipline and leadership. For him to go from an attacking midfielder (sometimes playing wide) for everton to a DM in 2 seasons tells you all you need to know about his level of professionalism. We’ve needed someone of his character for some time and though very much a case of better late than never i shudder to think where we would be had we not bought him. If we can now build on our new financial power and… Read more »


Such class. He is a model professional player. I hope he plays until he is 35-36 and retires with Arsenal. He will be an excellent influence and mentor for younger players

Bleed Red & White

Why aren’t we buying Thiago from Barca??? $17MM Buy-Out Clause…..just as good, if not better, than Cesc, poised to replace Xavi, or Iniesta…what am I missing?!?!


Carries too much baggage with him, i think. Fans there love him. If he turns out to be any good elsewhere, you wouldn’t hear the end of it until they forced one of their muppets in charge to buy him back. Just my opinion

Cyril Washbrook

“what am I missing?!?!”

You answered that in your own post when you said that he was “poised to replace Xavi, or Iniesta”. Even if we assumed that these (no doubt Twitter-fuelled) rumours about release clauses or whatever were accurate, why would he want to leave?


Alcantara is good.. Butvreally not what we need. I followed the entire euros u21s.. He is more like xavi than iniesta.. A passer.. He will suffer in the epl.. He is weak when rushed.. Loses the ball under pressure too much.. I’ll prefer isco. Brilliant prospect. Even their DM was good but no thanx for Thiago. Just my opinion

Bendtner's Ego

Utterly criminal that he can’t get a national cap.

But the selfish part of me is happy because that means he gets some rest on the international breaks so he’s ready to go for us.


I’m happy only wih Higuain. But if we have to buy one from barcelona i’d choose Alexis Sanchez. For 14.50M, no more 🙂

Quixotic Diaby

Thanks for putting the video up. Gives the lie to the idea that Arteta’s pass completion rate is due mainly simple sideways passing! A model professional – if we can complement his role with others same commitment and consistency, we’ll be laughing!


To be fair most of the passes Arteta makes in this video are from side to side 🙂


I hate when people say that about him. Every team needs someone who can recycle possession and hes excellent at that. None of the haters ever acknowledge his forward passes.
I love the guy to bits


By seasons end Arsenal had no more than 12 outfield players who could play any where near the level we need. Arteta, Cazorla, BFG ,Sagna , and Theo are our only proven top quality players. 5 players that’s all. Arteta and Sagna are 30 plus so are nearing the end, while cazorla was run into the ground. We need at least six more top quality players to be truly competitive over the entire season. A top quality striker four top quality midfielders ( one of whom is a genuine winger and one of whom is a a DM,) and another… Read more »


Arteta was schooled as a DM (Spanish pivot) as a child and played in that position in his early career. Moyes moved him forward because he had superior technique to most of the Everton players and preferred a ‘hard man/hacker’ type for the DM position.

Neil Barnes

I think Mikel has been the unsung hero of the club since Cesc left -we might have really gone to pieces without him. I second the call for him to finish his career here – he seems to have a lot to offer the young players as an example of professionalism.
I also have a sneaking suspicion that his obvious intelligence, study of the game and frustration at never having made it internationally means he’s got the makings of an excellent manager in the future.


I love him….

Edu's Braces

This doesnt show all the misplaced passes though. There was four of them.


He just made tackles and interceptiions sexy.


Artistry is a completely appropriate word. A model professional, and would walk into the England side which says everything about the depth of talent Spain has. So enjoy watching him play and so pleased it’s for us.




Interesting hearing him talk about studying other players in his position. Such a professional, makes you realise how important personality is at this level. We have a squad of actually quite nice blokes now and it feels good supporting them. Seems to be a deliberate strategy, one of the reasons I don’t think we were ever in for someone like Rooney.

mr man

great guy. proper team player


Outstanding player and individual, and entirely deserving of the captain’s armband. My only regret is that we didn’t sign him earlier.


Come on… We know who the real captain is
Tommy we love you, but you have nothing Arteta, he’s sublime

Goon Goon Goon

Loving these videos. Really increases your appreciation for the players as well. He took playing a different role on the chin for the sake of the team and didn’t spit his dummy out. Should be captain until Wilshere is ready to pick up the reigns


Arsene knows, Arteta’s signing shows


Awesome video!

It actually made me appreciate Arteta even more. While it’s great to showcase passes/tackles/assists and a few goals, the little clips of him organising and motivating team mates shows more than just his technical ability. We rarely get to see this, and it’s so undervalued in team sports like football nowadays. Having a reliable dependable leader, a rock in the heart of midfield is important in any team, something for the younger players to look up to.

I don’t think Wenger gets enough credit for this signing.

Easy choice for captain for next year!


No look.

Captain for next season please, Mr Wenger.

Unyoke The Ox

Well done Culann Davies. Another goodun

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