Sunday, September 8, 2024

Arsenal pocket €31.4 million from UCL run

UEFA have released details of the revenue earned by all 32 clubs who participated in the 2012/13 Champions League competition (group stage onwards) with Arsenal pocketing €31.4 million for their run to the round of 16.

The Gunners total, which represents 3.47% of the entire €904.6 million pot divvied out by European football’s ruling body, is based on participation, performance and cash from the TV pool (more details here). It’s worth figures don’t include any revenue from ticket sales or additional merchandising.

Bayern Munich, who won the competition with a 2-1 victory over Dortmund at Wembley in May, picked up a combined €55m in payments.

Manchester United (€35.5m) earned just over €4 million more than the Gunners, despite being eliminated at the same stage, while Manchester City (€28.8m) and Chelsea (€30.8m) earned just under. Thanks to their success in the Europa League, the Blues did though pocket an extra €10.7m. For the sake of comparison, Spurs only picked up €5.4 million for their continental pursuits.

The figures certainly underline the importance of Arsenal’s late charge for a top-four position last term and again highlight the necessity of qualifying from August’s qualification double-header. Thankfully things are in our hands, unlike at White Hart Lane…

What’s the score at St James Park?


Click on the respective link for further details of the Champions League and Europa League payments.

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Yeah, thank goodness for that income. It will look nice in our transfer war chest.


Is this the same “war chest” that Arsenal have been bleating on about for the last eight years ?


Arsenal have never used the words “war chest.” We don’t have one. Instead, we have a “tool chest” tucked away near the boardroom, and when you open it, Nicklas Bendtner pops out in a turtle-neck and offers you a shot of Peppermint Schnapps.


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Enough to give Diaby a lifetime contract.


Phew! That covers the Sanogo deal! I was getting worried we’d end up with a positive net expenditure this summer for the first time in decades.

On my next Arsenal shirt, I’m going to get “Self-Sustainable” written on the back instead of name. I mean, that’s what we truly support now, isn’t it? A business model?


You must mean the boards’ pocket in dividends

Dr Baptiste

The dividends they don’t take?

Manchester Gooner

Perhaps, we were waiting for this money to come before we could seriously bid for some outcasts.


But how much of that money has been put back into the team ? by my last reckoning zero pounds and zero pence which simply illustrates the problem at Arsenal. You have parasites like Kroenke leaching every penny out of the club combined with a washed up, unambitious manager like Wenger and the two together spells bad things ahead for Arsenal – only a moron would believe the garbage that qualifies as transfer news, there is more chance of Jacko making a comeback than there is of Suarez and Higuain signing for Arsenal…


Mafeking relieved.


Thing is though, we really need a new David Dein behind the scenes again because Wenger isn’t used to splashing this much money by himself. Last year when Bayern Spend 40mil on Javi Martinez, everyone must of thought thats over the top, but they knew what they wanted and they paid over the odds to fill in a weakness in the team, I just don’t see Wenger doing that.


That’s the problem. You always hear that Wenger does not budge from his valuation of a player, Wenger probably thinks Higuan is not worth more than 23M and Saurez not more than 30M, now he’s just waiting for the other team to meet his valuation. The sad thing is how many targets are being snapped up by the other clubs while Arsenal (and United this year) sit back and watch their targets disappear. If Higuan goes to Napoli and RM blow us out of the water for Saurez, there are few little choices left. We were weak on the left… Read more »


The sad thing is how many targets are being snapped up by the other clubs while Arsenal (and United this year) sit back and watch their targets disappear

Who exactly?


You’re right. We need a guy as CEO who sits and watches while United build a marketing machine which makes them a fortune a season and then manipulates the hard of thinking by making populist statements while hiding the fact he was laying in a sunbed developing his lovely tan while United were building a business.


What facts do you have that say Kroenke is leaching funds? Show me in the fiscal accounts.


Every time someone dares to have a pop at stan someone comes out with the same old shit about dividends blah blah blah. Its true no dividends are paid at he moment because we are paying off he stadium debt. We have financed player purchases buy selling our best players. As soon as the debt is cleared then stan as the majority owner will alter he rules and will take dividends. Ffs wake up. Even at last years Agm the question of taking dividends was asked and the answere was non committal to say the least. When we are debt… Read more »

Dr Baptiste

More like every time someone uses incorrect information to make a point they come out with the same old shit about dividends. It’s not like it’s a secret, the accounts are made public every year.


Correct information now yes. But the debt is being payed off. When the debt is cleared do you seriously think stan is going to spend all his profits on the team ?
Seriously why do you think stan is involved in arsenal. He clearly loves to attend games? He has a historic love of the club. Wake up ffs


Until he starts raping the club the rest is speculation. I agree that Arsenal has not been managed in a risky or competitive way, but who knows if that is Stans influence, or Gazidis, or Wenger, or all of them? He does not need to make dividends to make money, the big money comes when he sells the clubs for 100s of millions more than he bought it, and the chances of that are better if the club is winning trophies.

Dr Baptiste

But if he runs it in to profit and then sells it, he,’ll probably make more. I swear that people always get angry about something they hope to happen at the club just so they can get more angry about it.


I have heard the same arguments so many times about if we are are successfull he can sell for more. Yes that’s probably true, but we have never won the champions league and won nil for 8 years yet we are still one of the richest clubs in the world. Tv money is going up hugely this year. Sponsorship is increasing hugely all despite us not winning a trophy. We are going like the American footabll model. Less reliant on fan income and more on tv revenue and sponsorship. We do not need to win trophies to be a success… Read more »

Juve Gooner

I know this is an Arsenal site but just to point out;

i) They sell out their new stadium
ii) They’re aiming for a 3rd straight league title

iii) When the fuck was football about the fans?
iv) Capitalism bad. Nostalgia good. : (

Arsenal were never a team that won every year, enjoy the game and don’t become so entitled.


Sorry but the fact remains that not a penny has been taken out. If you have superior knowledge best you report it to the FCA as this will mean the directors have misrepresented and the auditors have either fucked up or been complicit in fraud. If you don’t have such evidence either find it, or accept the fact that you are wrong. You may have poor knowledge of finance which is not a crime. But you can’t accuse people of wrong doing if you have no idea of the things of which you are accusing them. Take the time to… Read more »


Clockendrider. Where in anything I wrote did I say he was taking money out from the club now? Let alone wrong doing.
You use nice words mate and are clearly very articulate but read the post first before you try to be to clever next time with your passive aggression.
As you say. Take time to gain the understanding. ie. read the post first.

Henry's Almighty Tallywacker

It’s “leech” ffs!!!!

This is all emotional reasoning and prediction. Let’s look at the facts and be logical. Have any dividends been taken out? No. Is Stan in this to make money: yes. How will he make the money? We don’t know; either dividends or selling the club. But to speculate doesn’t give any answers. Right now we’re safe.


Didn’t know we got Cazorla on a free. Now that’s a masterstroke.


Or maybe they used the money from the rvp and song sale ? And not from stans pocket or funds readily available from within the club.


Well the next story by blogger is gonna blow your mind Voldy


Bidding is the easy part goonr. If we sign him il be happy to have been proved wrong. But we won’t sign him.


You know that “leaching” money out of the club is illegal. He can’t just take the money and run.


You know that “leaching” money out of the club is illegal. He can’t just take the money and run.




I just love picturing you yelling this on the street over and over again, and really drawing out the “ehhh” at the end.

Arsene's Nose

Forever in Our shadow spuds..

Manchester Gooner

When we have the last laugh, it’s a joy. But this is getting scarier and scarier after each season. If you keeping a bull terrier right behind you, then sooner or later it will bite your arse.

Merlin's Panini

good thing Sp*rs are a lame poodle with one leg missing then isn’t it.

Merlin's Panini

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha hahahhahahahahahahaha ahahahhahahahhahahahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahaha…

ahahhahahahahahahahahaha… Sp*rs


‘for the sake of comparison….’. heh!


nothing like Thursday night football at WHL 😀


‘Pocket’ being the operative word


So 100 million? Or this 30 million is included in the 70m?


100 million because we had the 70 from before and we just added the 30 million


I don’t think the 70 million claim would have been made without assuming it included UCL money. Even if the figure was just released now, it’s not like the money was a surprise. I say 70 million, not 100 million (assuming the figure ever could have been trusted in the first place)


Yeah, that’s my assumption as well.

But I’m sure we’ll never know. Not much of it is available for transfers, as is becoming increasingly clear.

Andy Mack

I’m pretty certain all 70m is available for the ‘Right Transfers’,and that’s where the problem is.
We could blow all 70m on a deal for Joey the twat (aka barton) and I’m sure some feeble minded supporters would think that’s a sign of intent, but most of us want the best players at the right price.
I’m disappointed that the Higuain deal looks to have fallen through but will not know if Napoli were correct to pay so much for another couple of seasons….


Nice income for our transfer busin…….never mind.


Of course this won’t add to our “war chest” as it’s not coming as a surprise to the club…

A N Other

Does that mean we know have extra £7million to bid for Higuain now?


extra 7 hours maybe


At least it’s a second-place finish.


“I’d rather have a cup than finish in the Top 4”

Dr Baptiste

I’m pretty sure that’s what Liverpool fans said and now look at them. Clamouring to get even near the top 4


So when do they start spending on top, top, top quality signings?
I personally don’t buy the excuse that there arnt any available.

Duke of Silva

1-1 at Newcastle

You’re fired. (You cunt).


It’s sickening to think that Spurs are splashing the cash despite us having the better numbers. Sums up this summer really.


Stop complaining about your diamond shoes being too tight for once(if you have dared to compare arsenal with spurs).they spend same way every year but always end up in our shadows and this balance of power is not shifting in north london at all.


They’ve signed two players (I think). While that’s good for them, it’s not exactly groundbreaking.


never ever ever be jealous of the Spurs…..18 years and countin’….18 years and countin’….la la la la


Paulinho looks a decent buy, but they’re not exactly making a big splash in the transfer market, unless you think Chadli represents a big-name signing.

Don’t forget they got rejected by David Villa! Hahaha!


It’s so great to hear that the club has loads of money to not spend and get 20-year-old injury-prone players for free from Ligue 2 teams while our manager finds ways to make our transfer targets sign with other clubs and say we can afford Wayne Rooney’s wages and Suarez’s transfer fee but not actually pay them. On the other hand, filthy rich clubs like City and Chelsea are using oil money to buy every player the press links them to, Spurs are not selling Bale and still strengthening their squad and Liverpool are also buying new players. Villa went… Read more »

seanie oshea

Now watch Wenger trot out the same old line “We want quality but its all over-valued”…


We already got the “there are only players worth 10M or 50M” line trotted out.


I think we are saving up for a new stadium. Just hasn’t been announced yet. Maybe it will have heated seats!

Unyoke The Ox

Don’t quite get how Montpellier earned more than us???

Then again, I hardly broke a sweat doing research into it.

g clake

Don’t understand why the pretend supporters sending in here don’t just move on ift if anyone would want them


Nice money now lets spend it Mr Wenger iv always been a fan of yours but if we don’t spend big this year im joining the Wenger out brigade you and the board asked to be patient over the last number of years and we have been now its time to deliver no more broken promises


Wow….€30 million… More fuckin money that we ain’t gonna fuckin spend… If fab goes to manure wenger should resign… All that father figure stuff, only arsenal, etc… Every other club are signing players and wenger sits on his hands… Can hear it now, not enough quality, over priced, blah, blah fuckin blah…. Sort it or fuck off….


Barn door. If fab goes to Man U I swear I would never step foot over the arsenal again. having been going for over 35 years that really would be the last straw for me. Hand em the title once is bad enough but to do it twice knowing we could sign him, I just don’t think I could handle it. I love arsenal the history the colours, the memories with mates etc but Bollox to stan and gazidis. And if arsene wants to be complicit in what’s going on at the club then he’s no better than them in… Read more »

Andy Mack

I’m ashamed to say that for a moment I wanted Cesc to move to Manure then.
Just to get rid of you.
35 years… that’s only a couple less than me but you seem to forget how far the club has moved on since then.


I agree with your sentiments, but if Fab wants to go to United there is not much Arsenal could do about it.

I would not blame Arsenal, but I would be seriously disillusioned with football.


Totally agree mate. And thats the only thing that would change my Mind. If cesc chooses them over us then fair enough I would accept that. But if we fail to bid and then it comes out that he wanted to come back to us then I don’t think I would be able to forgive the people that run the club.


That’s the deciding factor mate…. If we don’t bid…. Wenger ums and ahs and cesc is gone before we’ve even found out if he wants to come back… Wouldn’t surprise me….


we have the first refusal due to the contract clause of his, that means that if he goes anywhere, arsenal did fail to bid. so in my eyes, cesc’s ‘choosing’ anyone doesn’t come into play here


If all players are over valued all the time Wenger…..

Maybe that is their value?…


Except Carroll, fuck that was one huge waste of cash


Eclipsed only by Torres, worst Chelsea buy since Shevshenko. But both were top players.


People forget that we have one of the highest wage bills as well as the fact we have to pay the stadium debt off. CL and prem revenue pretty much covers this (a well as the emirates sponsorship deal which is now coming to an end). Our transfer kitty will now come from future sponsorship deals.

Rad Carrot

So, I was thinking – and hear me out on this one, because I’ve had a bad day and I’m kinda desperate for some good news – instead of us spending our massive wads of cash, couldn’t we just, I dunno, mush the money into some semblance of a human form and strike it with lightning?

We could call him Baron Greenbacks, play him up front… I dunno. I’m kinda reaching here.


The club just doesn’t get that the market determines a price – not us. Of course we decide whether to pay it (ha!) or not. But if Jovetic is worth £22m at one end and Cavani at £55m at the other, doesn’t £30m-£32m seem reasonable for Higuain? And so what if Madrid may have ‘agreed’ a price? That’s now gone so forget it. It’s no good throwing our toys out over it and maybe, just maybe, if we’d offered a bit more, this’d be done. Higuain is by far the best striking option left in this window for us and… Read more »


We put Dick Law in a waving contest with Madrid?! I like our unique approach to transfers

jack jack jack

It started off as more of a greeting than a contest but you know what those Spaniards are like. Competitive bastards.


I think RM have only been stalling Hugain’s transfer to Arsenal as they needed to capture Suarez. They would not want to be left with neither. So our offer of 40m for Suarez is now either a desperate move or just for show. RM must now believe Suarez is coming to them. We’ll be the ones left with neither and it will not be because of the so popular ‘Wenger refuses to spend’. It will be due to sluggish/naive/inexperienced negotiations which wouldn’t be the first time. Whoever is in charge of those, is not doing the job well


Why do people assume this is profit? Obviously putting on Champions League games requires a fair bit of expenditure on the club’s part. Now if only we could find some transfer expenditure…


this figure doesn’t include gate tickets. gate ticket revenue less game operating costs = game day profit. The article clearly states that this prize money does not include tickets (and therefore game-day costs)

when did critical reading become so fucking hard to come by ?


Personally I think some of that cash should be spent decorating the warchest. I’m thinking some nice new brass hinges , a nice faux suede interior in rich deep red and maybe a nice oak wax stain to the outside.

On completion , we can put the warchest back in its dungeon, in the disused volcano situated west , north west of dead man’s island.


we need to move to a new war chest and all of the requisite penny-pinching that will involve. Brilliant sir !


it needs a new and secure number lock. the current padlock is rusty – someone might just get in and spend the money inside!


So that’s the money for Diaby’s contract renewal sorted.

The only way this club will progress is if Kronke sells and Wenger resigns. Once those two things happen we’ll have our football club back.

Oz Gooner

Instead of buying players in the hope we win the league, can we just buy a country and win their national league every year? I hear Greece is going cheap at the moment


Ah excellent. i have a strange feeling were going to keep bendtner (we won’t play him… will we? WILL WE?) and not sign another striker. Perhaps we can use this money to bring back Francis Jeffers in a player/coach role to aid TGSTEL?

Tapscotts testicles

What is the fucking point…? We might just as well earned 5m euros, like the spuds. Perhaps then we could have spent 35m on players instead of hiding it under Arsene’s bed which coincidentally must now be bigger than the princesses bed from the fairy tale, The Princess & The Pea…..


More money……..excellent (in a mr burns voice)

Arshavin's Dietician

That is bullshit that a club who finished bottom of the group without a single win earned more than us.

Why did Juve get more than Bayern, joke


Juventus = cheating, classless attitude, corruption.

Juve Gooner

Italy CL revenue was only split between two teams, Juve got further.


Yeah. Holy shit. 44.8 million from market pool. AC Milan got 36.3 million. Champions League must really be ‘like a trophy’ in Italy.


eh..! so what to do with that money??? lets go to KFC and celebrate….


I read the title ‘pocket’ 31 million thought omg we have bought a world class players, lol I mean :0 (

New Arse

I appreciate that I’m probably in a minority of one at this stage or maybe three weeks of sunshine in Ireland has finally fried my brain but I still think we’ll spend big before this transfer window closes. Wenger is not a fool. The team needs strengthening. The money is there to do it. It will be done.


i honestly, truly wished I could share your optimism.



Arsenal have launched 42 million bid for Suarez :-O at this cost we could have got higuain+ Ashley Williams… I don’t understand y the board is considering Suarez so special ahead of higuain though he can’t play first 6 games


Maybe, just maybe, Wenger thinks Giroud is going to absolutely blast goals in for fun next season.

He is just going to buy Suarez to put him in stocks and throw big black dildos at him all season.

Hell we have money to burn you know!


Brilliant, we can use that to buy absolutely no one at all then talk about how much more powerful we are in the transfer market because we have all this money that we don’t use. For the love of god just pay real what they want for higuain, and pay him what he wants to. Then have him. He’s the right player, let’s get him. I looked at the record transfers the other day and saw Rio ferdinand for 30 mil. Ferguson didn’t think he was worth 30 mil, he just knew that’s what he had to pay to get… Read more »

Dial square

Maybe Napoli offered him more in wages than we were prepared to-surely not!!!


we wont know which club Higuian prefers until we actually have a bid accepted by Real.

Tapscotts testicles

I’m sure he understands the value of 7 million pounds per anum.


@voldermort. Mate, with you on that… Reckon it could be the straw that breaks the camels back to be honest…. I know wenger/arsenal are always quiet on the transfer front but ffs…. I pray that we’ve got something going on but it is, oh so quiet… And as for cesc… Give me fucking strength if he goes to manure….


Opinions are like arseholes, everyone’s got one. The mere reference to Arsenal income is enough for arseholes to start emitting.

The chip on Levy's shoulder

Any truth in the rumour that Gazidis is heading off on holiday soon? No chance of a direct flight to London and saving the summer, then. Sigh!


The UCL money helps to pay Bendtner, Park. Chamakh, Girvinho, Coquelin, Djourou, Diaby , Stan’s ranch, and and Arsenes 7 million salary. Last years ECL money helped pay for Arshavin, Squilacci and to pay off Santos and Denilson.


Pathetic garbage.


Oz Gooner?

How far off New Zealand are you?

This guys doing my nut in


Can we spend some money now?

SOS save our summer

Can’t be all bad. Ivan us off on his hols soon


Dial square

If Cesc goes to Man Utd of course it’s Wengers fault, it’s his fault for repeatedly failing year after year to strengthen the squad, we’ve watched us go from the invincables to scrapping for fourth place.
He probably got fed up of the same old shit and broken promises.


That ought to cover the amount we’d have to pay a club to take Bendtner off our hands.


Why dont we make a bid for cesc? He is concidering his future and had publically said he would only play for barc and arsenal. Why not make a bigger bid for cesc than united? And sign suarez to we wil b a lot stronger.


The only reason is because he’s a former player? We need defensive cover more than anything. Just because Cesc SAID it, doesn’t mean he wouldn’t change his mind, United are a very successful club.


Strengthening Cesc’s position isn’t a isn’t a priority this year. Unless someone else has a bid accepted – at which time Arsenal can use the first-option clause – there is no need to bid this season when that money would be better spent elsewhere*.

* assuming it is spent at all.


The cheque hasn’t cleared yet..

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