Saturday, July 27, 2024

SIGNING: Yaya Sanogo completes Arsenal move

A full six weeks since Arsene Wenger confirmed serious talks with Yaya Sanogo, Arsenal have finally confirmed the capture of the 20-year-old striker from Auxerre.

The French under-20 international has signed a long-term contract and arrives on a free although a compensation payment will need to be paid to the French outfit in line with the Bosman ruling.

A classic Wenger rough diamond, Sanogo has played only a handful of games in Ligue 2 since making his debut on the eve of his 17th birthday and readily admits that he came close to retiring last year following a series of serious injuries including a broken leg and knee ligament damage.

Having finally got his man, the wait extended by Sanogo’s recent participation in the under-20 World Cup, Arsene Wenger sounded pleased with his first summer signing:

“Sanogo is a good young signing for us. He has shown that he has potential with his recent performances for Auxerre and also for the France Under-20 side. We are looking forward to Yaya joining us and continuing his promising development.”

Sanogo’s shirt number will be announced in due course, and he becomes the third player after Abou Diaby and Bacary Sagna to move from Auxerre to Arsenal.

Update – According to Sky Sports, Arsenal will pay €450,000 in compensation to Auxerre or three weeks of Higuain’s wages as we like to think… [insert winking / grimacing emoticon here]

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Fed Up

that was fast!

some dumb american

Fast like Sanogo’s hopefully not-so-brittle-as-reported knees!


One injury is not a sign of Brittle…


expecting more about world class top top player…


perhaps one day!!!!!!!!!!!! maybe this week???????

some dumb american

It’s like a new signing! Because, well … it is a new signing!


So he’s ANS?

Henry's Almighty Tallywacker

No, he’s an ARSE [A Real Signing … Enjoy].

I hate forehead

We have a new Diaby ! Now we can shift the older one on..

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

He’s an understudy. We have to keep our experienced players so that they can hand on what they have learned to the new guys. Diaby will stay until the end of his contract so that the baton will be passed smoothly in the medical centre.

All joking aside, I would love to see a full season of Sanogo, and [New Experienced Striker] putting away Diaby Assists.




It fits everything to be the new Bischoff.

Just joking, welcome to the club Yaya, I truly believe he’s going to be in the first team much sooner everyone seems to think.


seems a decent talent- one big injury shouldn’t ruin him….. even at this age, I rate him the same as Olivier and NickyB.. we need someone who isn’t incompetent in buildup play

not that handsome french bloke



Didn’t see this one coming…

Rad Carrot

Hooray! Well, that’s our Summer over, let the season begin!


In all seriousness, welcome to Arsenal, Yaya. We wish you a long and fruitful stay.


Who doesn’t love when a promising youngster turns good? Provided his injury problems are a thing of the past I am extremely excited about this guy.


GTFI… We’re gonna win the league!


5 minutes after Arsenal announce it! Something tells me Blogs had this post written up and ready to go.

Welcome to Arsenal, Yaya. I hope you have a long and healthy career with us.


Let the flood gates open……who cares to wager we’ll have Higuain and Lars signed by the end of the week? No-one?! Yea me neither…..


yeah, yeah, its a go go.

Let’s see some real action now please.

If we end up with Rooney, Torres and… let’s say Jon Obi Mikel, I’ll cry.


I’l cry if we get Torres too. For a different reason.


So does he get to play for the first team, reserve or he goes out on loan? Considering we are about to land Higuain


he flits between next gen reserves and first team for cups or god forbid, injuries. If he does well he may break into the first team properly, like Ox did. A good start


Yep exacte, as most of our reserve players have left the club this summer, we actually do need to invest in youth and prospect, no matter how Wenger-cliched that is.


Good joke buddy!


Yaya Sayesgo. Sorry

jack jack jack

You should be.


Honestly, it sounded way better in my head. Still does.

jack jack jack

I don’t think you did yourself any favours with the delivery to be fair.


Wake me up Yaya Sanogo………..


“Score a goal, Yaya Sanogo, I know you’re better than that cunt from Togo”


and let the yaya chants begin!


Who needs Rooney when we can have Sonogo.


believe me that’s the Arsenal Drogba.. am excited.


We didn’t pay a fee? Damn penny pinching Wenger. Not even trying.


Agree completely! We should have went to Auxerre screaming “Take our hard earned money!”


Welcome Yaya Sanago, now let’s go go and get a Gonzalo and a couple more super duper top top quality players please Arsenal.

Then we’ll be in with a shout! LOUD NOISES!

Arsene's handkerchief

1st July, 1st signing made, keep up the good work, there is still a long way to go in this window, and we seem to be doing the business of moving players on that were surplus to requirement. Confident the staff are working hard to push through deals that are best for the club. C’mon Arsene and c’mon Arsenal.


Another way to look at it is, all the dead wood we have shifted together cos in 1 weeks wages, the entire cost in compensation for Sanogo


the poor man’s Neymar

Song Long Dilver

Neymar is the poor man’s Neymar.


Heard this chant on the twitter: Wake me up, Yaya Sanogo, We hope you’re better than that cunt from Togo


This is brilliant.


Hand shakes and cigars all around gentlemen.

A free striker! FREE.


I am NOT shaking hands with you..


Tue – Cesar
Wed – Higuain
Thur – Fellaini
Fri – Cesc

gooner odst

Sat – Arsenal fans spontaneously combust in joy


The Saints Say Amen.


Oh we can dream

Song Long Dilver

Saturday – Wake up


Lets hope he does not become Ya Ya Sa no goals

K.solo arsenal

Welcome to arsenal fc, yaya sanogo. We are a family here. We love u already. O yaya sa-no-go

gooner odst

Certainly has an eye for goal, and also having had a taste of lower league football in France, he should remain humble but determined. a la a certain Bosscielny.

His injury proneness needs to be carefully managed though. If we can fix van cunty then we can mend Yaya too.


Better than that, we fixed Rosicky who’d been written off by everyone. Better still that was done with actual medical science too, not a horse placenta to be seen.
Even better than that, he didn’t immediately rub our noses in it by fucking off to somewhere else for a potload of cash.


One down, 3 more to go. (Higuain Cesar and Fellaini, I still want Cesc back also)

I have a feeling that we will announce Higuain on July 4th. A full year since Robin Van Persie questioned our ambition.


Mind you if we had signed Higuain a year ago RVP would still be here and we probably would have won something last season. However if we do sign Higuain on the 4th I will be asking you to give me this weeks Lotto numbers 🙂

Cyril Washbrook

I think he’ll sign on 4 July too, but the primary symbolism is that it will be the 1177th anniversary of the signing of the heralded armistice between the Duchy of Naples and the Prince of Benevento.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Napoli signed Benevento? Why didn’t Arsene sign him. Bloody typical!!!! WENGER OUT!!!!


I like how you put SIGNING in capital letters arseblog, almost like you want me to get excited.


Way to go, Yaya Sanogo!

Welcome to the Arsenal !





Sanogo is an exciting signing. Ok his injury record is a disaster but he survived the U20 tournament so that’s positive. Long term deal too. Waiting for Sanogo to score a spectacular goal or get stretchered off should be value for money entertainment. Hopefully he will make it past preseason. Yayasagogo will be a cult hero what ever happens I am sure. Welcome to the club lad. PS break a leg, make that two 🙂

Glasgow Gunner

It’s a great start. A deal done on the 1st day deserves a lot of credit. I’m hoping this will be a signal toward the end of our drama with overheated fax machines at 11:55


A fantastic talent! He was quality at the U20s.

P.S. I lost some weight, gained a sense of humor, and am no longer a cunt.

Johnny Jensen's Bender


I really like the look of him too and bloggers pics aren’t really doing him justice.. He looks like a tank these days.

But I’m already wincing every time he jumps/runs/moves

Mayor of the Woolwich

By saying way ‘to go’, I hope by any means you did not mean TOGO? With respect to a certain ol’ cunt?

Ozzy the III

Kind of an anticlimax, I have to say. I’m horribly disappointed. WENGER OUT!!!! . . . . . . . .

Ok. I change my mind. I Say No Go.


Diaby’s new best mate in the treatment room.


Your so funny

Parisian Weetabix

You’re so grammatically correct.

Parisian Weetabix

You’re such a Grammar Nazi.

Parisian Weetabix

You’re replying to your own posts?

Parisian Weetabix

You’re asking rhetorical questions?



Grammar Brigade

hi. can we talk outside?

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

His so funny what?


An Injury prone, u-21 player from the french league

wow what a suprise! such a great signing! We are totally proving our ambition!


Good read about Sanogo’s injury problems and why we shouldn’t be too concerned …

Silent Stanley

I hope you fans believe I am not that Silent anymore. I have heard your cry and I have put Ivan and Dick Law & Order to work.

It’s only the first day of the window. Watch out!


I spend money on international roaming charges whilst on holiday. And this is the only signing we have announced? please arsenal just announce the rest already I can’t take the phone bill!


Spurs sign Paulinho we sign Sanogo…… and people wonder how they’ve caught up.


I couldn’t give a fuck if Spurs signed Messi, that club is still a pile of shit.


Caught up? Last time I checked, we’ll be playing in the CL this new season and they are in whatever the other competition’s name is? Take the chill pill matey…hold on to your rant until 1 Sept if we still haven’t made some top signings then, which I seriously doubt will be the case.


Last time I checked we still had to win a qualifier for playing CL this new season

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

They better hope they got the right one. There are loads of Brazilian Paulinhos about, but there’s only one Sanago at The Arsenal.


Dick’s Alive!!!


If in a worse cast scenario we don’t get Bender who would you like us to get, I think Blaise Maltuidi would be a good buy.

Gandalf's Kebab

Not at PSG prices

Ugandan Gooner

Typical Arsene signing….previously unknown, totally unheard of in the transfer gossip columns and all of a sudden Arsene springs a suprise. Did this appear on Arseblog NEWS?!!! Welcome Yaya. Hope u score bucketloads of goals for us.
Ps: Avoid the cunt character known as Nik 52!!!

Gandalf's Kebab

If his provenance is anything to go by he should have the tekkers of Diaby and the fortitude of Sagna.


He’s young, inexperienced, French, and inexpensive. What’s that Einstein quote about insanity… “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.” Or something similar.

Song Long Dilver

Good thing the results have been pretty decent.


Yeah, he’s definately going to be crap, just like Kos…. Oh.

And yet idiots like you keep repeating that quote over and over, expecting to get a different reaction. What was that about insanity? 😉


Ad hominem attacks already. I didn’t even call anyone a cunt. Hopefully Sanogo proves me wrong. Hopefully he brings more glory and super quality than Warmuz, Sunu, Armand Traore, Coquelin, Nasri, Diaby, Lass Diarra, Clichy, Giroud, Grondin, Aliadiere, Flamini, and Anelka. And even more experienced players like Silvestre, Gallas, Grimandi, Garde, and Cygan. Can I use French more elastically to include Francophone players like Djourou, Diawarra, and Adebayor? Of course you have me with Kos, Henry, Pires, Petit, and Vieira. I think I can be forgiven for being pessimistic and skeptical rather than personally insulted.

Johnny Jensen's Bender

Did you just put Super Giles in the same group as Gallas and Silvestre?!

Wash you mouth out boy! That man is a legend.

Merlin's Panini

Grimandi may be a legend but he wasn’t exactly a gifted player was he?
He put in a lot of effort, which didn’t go unnoticed, but I do remember I used to get the willies whenever he came on. He was probably the dirtiest player we’ve ever had! If anyone was likely to give away a freekick in a bad position or get sent off it was him.


Another day goes by and Higuain still hasnt signed for us 🙁

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

or anybody else.

rj gooner

I’m sure he will do well but i really want (NEED) to hear of a proven heavy weight joining the Arsenal revolution soon! The refresh button is getting finger blasted at the minute

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Fat Frank? Heskey? Nah, you don’t want any proven heavyweight players. Better get a fit quick one instead.


Sanogo in Higuain out. Welcome boy

Entre Dans La

So hopefully we will sign a few more players before Blogs reports that Yaya Sanogo has been loaned out to FC Augsburg or Rayo Vallecano.


Sanogo’s shelf life may be measured in minutes so he should be played as soon and as often as possible. Who knows six EPL goals and a couple in the ECL could be crucial. If we are gonna lose him to injury lets do it in a game that counts rather than in the reserves or at Bolton. He should be used as a 70th min sub when the sting has gone out of the game. If he is any good the French national team will come knocking as well. Sigh 🙂

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