Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 1-3 Aston Villa: player ratings

The first ratings of a new season and it’s not the happy, cheery, isn’t everything great situation we would have all liked. Oh well.

Here we go.

Wojciech Szczesny: 4/10 – Can’t really blame him for the penalty, but looked at sixes and sevens afterwards. His Almunia impression was simply not funny.

Bacary Sagna: 6/10 – Did his best, shunted over to left back when Gibbs went off, nearly broke his neck for the cause.

Per Mertesacker: 5/10 – Tall.

Laurent Koscielny: 4/10 – Unlucky to be sent off and while the penalty decision was harsh, if you leave any room for doubt when sliding in in the box you’re asking for trouble.

Kieran Gibbs: 5/10 – Fine but only lasted 28 minutes before leaving with a cut head.

Jack Wilshere: 5/10 – Good to see him get 90 minutes under his belt but had little impact on the game and was careless in possession in dangerous areas.

Aaron Ramsey: 6/10 – Worked hard as always, ended up at centre-half which speaks volumes about the state of the squad.

Tomas Rosicky: 5/10 – Tried to make things happen at least, but his lack of end product is costly. Guzan made a smart save from one chance, but a player of his quality/experience blazing over the bar with the goal at his mercy … not good enough.

Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain: 6/10 – Excellent set-up for Giroud’s goal, a willing runner, until a hospital pass saw him clatter into the Villa man and ultimately injure himself (reports this morning say it could be 3 months or longer, let’s hope not).

Theo Walcott: 4/10 – Not his best game.

Olivier Giroud: 5/10 – Excellent early goal, but while he lacked service, it was frustrating to see the ball bounce off him when played into feet with his back to goal.


Santi Cazorla: 3/10 – Just not ready to play yet, it seemed an odd decision to use him ahead of Podolski.

Carl Jenkinson: 5/10 – Ok, but his final ball as we got forward was uncharacteristically poor.

Lukas Podolski: n/a – Not on long enough to rate

Feel free to debate and discuss in the comments, but please read the comment policy first and don’t get angry with each other, or me, about imaginary points.

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Pascal Cygan

We weren’t THAT bad, I mean sure Szcz made a few howlers, but we walked all over them really. The ref didn’t give us a chance after the second penalty and the sending off.


The result says otherwise, that Szcz howler rates among them, how kos thought he could get away with lunging tackles after getting booked…jeez. Rather just switch off till wednesday unless theres transfer news…


That was a ref howler. Koscielny doesn’t even touch Weimann but when Vlaar took out Rosicky the ref let it slide.


Rosicky 5? Did you post this right after his miss? Best fucking player on the pitch. Good part in the goal. Even made the chance for Santi with a clever header which hit the post.

5 is just ridiculous for one bad miss. In that sense Torres should get 1 for the rest of his life for his miss against United.


I think Rosicky was our best player but it’s true he needs to improve his finishing. I still think he deserved more than 5 though. The ref was very poor overall and seemed to favour Villa with the free kicks. I think Rosicky may have been looking for that free kick though, if you look closely he seems to be going down before any contact. I really hope Sagna is ok, I felt sick watching the replay…and I hope that’s not true about the OX being out for 3 months. As if we didn’t know already but Arteta is massive… Read more »


Another panic buys waiting to happen


Referee Anthony Taylor: just jump off a cliff, you worthless Stoke-supporting easily-bribed cunt. Or sell both your fucking kidneys.


It wasn’t too bad a game by the players though I thought, especially in the first half. Even when down to 10 men and playing under a hostile atmosphere, they created many 1-on-1 chances even under the laws of that mafia-bribed referee, which is much better than what you can say for the November-period last season when we couldn’t create anything at all. Not their fault the only world-class reinforcement we could bring on was the jetlagged Santi, and fuck all else.


Did anyone see Capoue debut for the Spuds today? He looked every inch the player we needed.

Broke up play, linked up well, looked excellent going forward and holding back. He cost £9m.

So Arsene: there’s no one available in this transfer market? We could have had him over Spuds any day of the week. I honestly think he has lost his mind… So disappointing.

damien joyce

You didn’t feel there was long enough to rate Podolski.

These people did:-


If that doesn’t represent how pissed the fans are…nothing will..


That’s actually hilarious. I hope give the MOM to Podolski

Tom J

Really? After the effort I seen TR7 put in yesterday. I can understand the frustration and anger but Rosicky tried his heart out right to the end


Says alot really, loosing 3-1 to a villa side when we were not “that bad”
i’d hate to watch us when we are really poor…


actually last year we play far more worst than that and still get point or even win


I know. And 5 for Rosicky is bull shit. I mean, he was our best fucking player on the pitch, two amazing one twos with Giroud to create openings. Second was almost impossible to score as Guzan was right up to his face.

Yeah he should’ve scored the first. But shit happens. Doesn’t mean should downgrade his performance in the rest of the match to a 5.

He was the only one who worked his ass off to try get something done. Not cool man, not cool.


yet if Ramsey or Wilshere had as good a game as Rosicky had yesterday (the miss aside) Blogs would be over the moon with the praise. on the main. blog today you talk about the good work by wilshere in the buildup to the goal. no mention on the good work (hardest part in my opinion) when rosicky twisted, turned and sent the Ox through.

for me 9.5/10 for the best player at the club

Canon Fodder

Blogs, you are totally wrong regarding Tomas. I was there, I saw his guile, attacking prowess and energy that kept us moving. Perhaps you need to calm down after a game somewhat before posting player ratings that do not reflect the overall game.


Absolutely spot on, gooner.

Rosicky is hugely underrated everywhere. I love Ramsey, but when he misses chances, they are overlooked due to his ever hardworking nature, and Wilshere, because, well he’s Wilshere.

This can very well turn out to be Rosicky’s season, I hope his name is right up there in the assists column with Cazorla, Mata, and Silva. We’ll be in for a treat if he can stick around without injuries.


Ok there was no excuse for missing the first chance but he had no choice but to take a 2nd touch for the second chance and was closed down quickly by some excellent goalkeeping. Could not be faulted for that


this blog is not cool anymore. too much venom ……. what happened to you man? snap out of it quick!


yeah there was a really fantastic spirit and the team showed their mental strength. don’t be conned. accept the fact that the manager, the chief executive and the owner must all go. once you accept that you’ll find it a loss less painful and somewhat liberating.


That’s what you call a walking over? Jeez, I’d love to see your interpretation of a bad game.


If we don’t qualify for the champions league, Wenger should fall on his sword and leave the club with a tiny shread of dignity.
If we don’t qualify and he doesn’t go by his own hand, he should be sacked. This is all his own doing and as it stands, the Spurs squad is miles stronger than ours, there wont be a fight for fourth place this season because they will walk it!

All we can hope for is Bale to go, the club to spend and change manager if necessar, and MAYBE we can still scrape 4th again.

German Gunner

Rosicky was our best player by miles, how anybody can rate Ramsey higher is beyond belief, make no mistake, he is a massive part of our problems, tries hard but is a very limited player. So much of our play goes through him, he played several high balls to Walcott who was shit btw, but at least he is capable some days given the right service. Don’t know what to make of Jack, think he is trying way to hard to make up for the likes of Ramsey.

Brian GG

Um Jack was piss poor yesterday, Ramsey has looked much better through the end of last season and pre-season. The same can be said for yesterday.

Der Springer

@Brian GG – I’m glad that you said that because Jack was indeed piss poor. Normally we would be able to ease him into the season and watch his performance improve but, due to managerial incompetency that defies belief, it looks like we have no choice now but to play him.


Ramsey thinks he’s Xabi Alonso…..

German Gunner

Xabi Alonso’s granny would do better

Lightning Pace

@R18 so you’re clairvoyant, that’s excellent, if you know what Ramsey is thinking perhaps you can tell us all what the hell the manager is thinking. Do go on…

Eu Boat

I have always stood for Wenger, there comes a time in life when u are no longer operating at your best and I think for Wenger that time is now, is this one man more sensible than all the fans who pay money day-in-day-out to cheer the team? Words cannot describe how i feel towards this man, but to put it mildly, ‘i hate him’, F**K him!!! Why did Gazidis say at the end of last season that we have money to spend? He by that acknowledged that we needed reinforcements and that st*pid Wenger has just refused to buy!… Read more »


piss off mate. seriously. you hate wenger? never thought id see the day where arsenal fans would dare say such things about the manager who brought their football club to a whole different level. you are pathetic.

Eu Boat

Why did Gazidis say at the end of last season that we have money to spend? He by that acknowledged that we needed reinforcements and that st*pid Wenger has just refused to buy! Why?!! Why?!! Barcelona won the spanish league, and they have ended up buying Neyma to reinforce, look at Bayern, they won every cup yet they have found players that can reinforce their team, PSG won the french league they brought in reinforcement, what is this SH*T about not getting players better than what we have? Mr Wenger u are a disappointment to say the least! The team… Read more »


Wilshere is really starting to piss me off , not cause hes bad because he chooses to moan and complain like a bitch instead of playing the game. he just doesnt seem to have his head in the game and hes good enough to carry the team . i think a lot of players just let their heads down when we went a man down and didnt really try. the only players that really tried for me where giroud, sagna and rosicky the rest didnt do shit


Honestly, I felt all the ratings were more than a bit harsh. We had a bad day. They happen, and this isn’t losing to Man U by seven goals (or however many it was, I’ve slept since then). I honestly was impressed by the fight and fire in players like Rosicky and Giroud (who the ref seemed to see as a big bully). I honestly don’t know if the addition of Higuain or Suarez (who wouldn’t have played anyway) would have made anything better. The referee was that bad, and his decisions, consistently throughout the game, were that one-sided.


oh but they dont want to talk about that do they?…the narrative is to attack wenger….such great fans we have.


I Love Wenger, but this isnt about the loss to Villa. This is having to go through a season with a weak ass squad. Suspensions and injuries were going to happen, they happen every year. Now we could be going to Turkey with jenkinson and per as the only defenders with real experience. That is all on the Manager.


opposition tactics – disrupt arsenal rhythm – con ref, fake injuries. slow everything down – ref bought it, no advantages played. we never got a chance second half. we were much better than villa, they got the rub of the green (the ref) otherwise I think we’d have won. our frustration cost us, villa stayed composed as everything went their way. I didn’t realise we’d miss arteta that much – if transfer window closes before super quality arrives we are doomed – but who’s gonna fire wenger when he is arsenal? desperate times.


Arsene Wenger: 0/10
Ivan Gazidis: 0/10
Stan Kroenke: 0/10


Toure Motors

Its time for a change. AW uses the press all summer to bullshit us fans about `super quality` signings and then tries to shift the blame on the press for yesterdays shambles. Sadly he`s become an embarrassment


fans like you are the real embarassment.

gooner for liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiife

Arsene Wenger -2/10. meaning he has hurt this team. I truly love him as our manager, dont know if I would prefer anyone else in his position, but I think even before the game it was pretty obvious that wenger has truly hurt Arsenal football club this summer.


Have a look at this and if it doesn’t make you sad then I don’t know what would

Finnish Hit

The angry fan seems to have the heart and brains of the legendary Tony Adams…


It’s not Kroenke’s fault we don’t sign players. It is simply not his job, and not his authority anyways. He is the owner, not the CEO, neither the Director of Football.

Although he is the majority owner, he doesn’t actually run the business on a daily basis.

People should get off the guy, however careless he might be about football, he hasn’t taken money out of the club yet, and that’s all we can look for from an owner.


Of course it’s his fault. If he rang up Ivan and Arsene and said “Arrange the words’either you buy some good players or you’re fucking sacked’ into a common phrase or saying. And then do it.” then I strongly suspect that whichever one of them is the problem here would sign some players.


Well even if we had 10 defenders in the squad we’d usually only have one or maximum two on the bench, so with two injuries and a red card we’d have to play someone else (Ramsey) at centre half anyway…


There are no other fit centre halves at the club. In normal (hah) circumstances we’d have at least one on the bench.

Outside of the Foot

Really thought Rosicky put in a performance and tried to make things happen. Connected nicely with Giroud. Should’ve scored with the first one. Sagna was ok. Giroud took his chance with a nice goal and had a couple of nice one-twos. The rest were utter shite. Fuckin’ scared of wednesday night.


He played brilliant but those 2 chances have to be put away! For some reason us and Liverpool seem incapable of finishing chances ehh


Fenerbahce lost to a newly promoted side, that’s newly promoted in the Turkish League.


As pointed out by blogs, Giroud was poor with the ball played to his feet a number of times and series of flaccid headers off target. He is not good enough. Wilshere, for all the hype, is not good enough. The Ox should never have slid in, was never a yellow card for the villa player and managed to injure himself as well. I love Koscielny and thought the penalty was harsh, but he is a good bet to be sent off as he seems to collect yellow cards for fun. How Wenger can think we don’t need cover at… Read more »


heh heh….you said “flaccid”


Fire Wenger while we still have time and hire Laudrup! Young, experienced and great network. He will propbably manage to get more quality in the next 14 days than Wenger anyway and he will have a season to make his mark before next season!


The only three managers I’d take over Wenger even right now are unavailable. One retired from Man U and won’t be coming back, one will probably stay at Borussia Moenchengladbach until all his best players are at Bayern Munich, and one just took the Bayern Munich job.


shoot, I meant Borussia Dortmund

Finnish Hit

Well said, Troy. Wenger critics rarely offer realistic names and the best ones aren’t available. Someone once mentioned Kenny Dalglish or Graeme Souness.

Laudrup is one of the better ones, but he has had seasons of failure in Spain. Last year he was able to surprise many because he was in a new league. This is a normal when you have an attacking philosophy, but the opposition learns the tricks soon. Laudrup is one for the future, certainly, but a panic buy for Arsenal.


I was genuinely excited for this game. Because of my timezone I either have to stay up late and watch the game or watch it the next morning. I chose the former and I don’t know if I feel like shit because of tiredness or the way the boys played, I feel let down, like someone cheated me.

And I can’t help but think all these injuries are going to result in some crazy transfer market frenzy were we sign 10 players. But I hope the Ox is not gone for more than a month.

Get your shit together Wenger!


What game was Pascal watching?

Dave the Minion

To be honest I think you’ve been too generous with your ratings!


A bit harsh on Giroud I believe. He set up Rosicky brilliantly two times. Excellent in the air.

Loop A Hole

Disagree .. We tend to over rate our players .. Any striker with the size of Giroud could have held up the ball, nearly every premier league striker does. Apart from the goal and some link ups, as the blogs pointed out, the ball does bounce off him quite a lot, getting it under control a clear issue, along with low agility for a strker. Forget other big name players, did you see the service Agbonlahor was providing and receiving? We’ve sadly become a make-do club who maximize with what we’ve got. Credit for that, but most of our players… Read more »


There was one passage of play where Sagna was caught out at left back, and the player bursting his balls to get back to cover for him was Giroud. Brilliant work rate, great commitment. the team could do with more like him. Oh, and the boardroom too.

Wenger's Glasses

I wouldn’t give the players less than 9/10 tbh, well, aside from Sczc. They played their ass off yesterday, some were still knackered after the internationals, clearly not 100% fit, some played out of their original positions, etc.

It’s the lack of squad depth that got us fucked (& that stupid ref). Come on, Arsene.. Get yourself together, mate!

Queensland Reds

with our track record of injuries, suspensions and international duty we need back ups for the back ups.

Max Bettridge

Totally disagree with Rosicky! He was influential for the first goal! And our best attacking players! He never has been known for his goals! And Mr Walcott is consistently average and does nothing but hurts our team


Rosicky is complete garbage, neither scores or creates, he gives the impression of doing things, runs around a lot and has lots of possession but absolutely no end product, he should have been one of the first out of the door this summer. Walcott on the other hand, whilst not looking as busy, scored and created more last season than Rosicky has in his entire Arsenal career!!

The Ox, The Ram, Willy and Wally

Theo, we know it’s you.


thought ox was our best player early in the game and rosicky even with the misses was probably our best over all. can’t believe that we are damn near thin enough to just forfeit games it’s so sad and depressing…


I think the players have lost faith in Wenger! Remember all the players calling for new faces? Have you ever seen so many players inn a club go out in the media like that? Hanging up pictures of higuains wife in the dressingroom?
When Wenger says this team can compete, I don’t thing the players belive him. I think they stand baffeled over the summer!


I really thought Rosicky was dazzling. Seeing him link up with Giroud for the two or three great chances that we made in the second half. Should be given 7 Blogs (My opinion)


Arsene has a plan and so he must continue with it. He has invested total belief in the 19 EPL quality players we have, plus Sanogo, Frimpong, two or three signings, and one or two from the youth squad. A maximum of 27 players. It is a very high risk game he has played by delaying his purchases especially with so many players injured pre season and more from Saturday. I now hope he stays with his plan though and does not start panic buying. It is what it is and I am prepared to give him until Christmas to… Read more »


that’s the problem. we keep giving him till the end of the window/christmas/opening of the window/end of the season/opening of the window and nothing changes.

Sam Spade

Its all well and good saying that hes playing a high risk game and defending him but surely that risk has to be balanced with the possibility of reward, please, tell me, where the hell is the reward, how could this possibly be good for us as a club?

Noel Payne

Feel very worried about Wednesday could be an awful night for us. The arsenal of old would Plough on and grind out a result but this arsenal, I’m not so sure. Was excited about villa match after watching whole of pre season but seems like nothing has changed.we need more quality, end of. Industrious wins you nothing.


For me, Wilshere had a really bad game. Lost possesion all the time and was too long on the ball. Was moaning at ref rather to consentrate on his game. You could see that we missed arteta badly. Some expirience in midfield is vital.

I saw the game where luis gustavo played. He was a calm possesion keeping midfielder. Pass rate of 98%. He helped the team to stabslise. At the end they won 4-0. And wolfsburg is not a big team. So why the fuck didnt we go for him!?


When Ramsey was claimed the better one, I prefered Wilsher to Ramsey. But now I think Jack has to step up clean his mind, lower his ego and play his game with humility. Otherwise he will be remembered like a talented but injuryprone and overhyped player.


Absolutely spot on. With a Gustavo/Capoue/Kondogbia type of player, there would have been balance in midfield, and the penalty situation because of Agbonlahor galloping through would most likely never have arisen.

That’s what bothered me the most, without Arteta in the team there’s no positional discipline whatsoever, it was a typical gung-ho Arsenal performance. Shitty ref or not. So in that sense you can blame Wenger for not going after a DM.

Finnish Hit

“So why the fuck didnt we go for him!?” (Luiz Gustavo)

Easy. He didn’t want to come to Arsenal because

1) He was worried about his playing time alongside Arteta, Wilshere, Ramsey, Rosicky and Cazorla. He has the World Cup2014 in his home country as the main goal.

2) He didn’t want to change the country and the league he is used to.

3) He didn’t want to come to England where the media and fickle fans “kill” players.


3) He didn’t want to come to England where the media and fickle fans “kill” players.



Very fickle fans!!! One bad game they crumble! Like we will never lose a game badly, ever really now, fickle fans!


Arsene Wenger: -10 – Shambolic and disastrous management.

The Original Arsene's Nose

Like many I’ve long harboured doubts about M. Wenger but when asking myself who would be a superior replacement, the honest answer was ‘I don’t know’.
Yesterday (and the way we have conducted ourselves this summer) was the ‘line in the sand’ moment for me, the straw that broke the camel’s back, the absolute tipping point, call it what you will but it was the point at which my love for Arsenal Football Club meant that I now feel obliged to start calling for a replacement because Wenger is no longer a capable or worthy custodian of OUR Arsenal.


Exact same for me . Line in the sand . Its appalling that he is still talking about lack of options in the market. His talking down to fans is just pathetic. Please, atleast some honesty Arsene.

Lord theo

Walcott was poor today but then again so was the team.

Glen Helders soul-glo

But Theo was clearly our worst player today, complete lack of interest.

Begovic for £10m seems like a bargain now.


Wenger has become that chronic fever that won’t just go away. Its simply weird.


I think Rosicky was the best player out there for arsenal. He was the only one who seemed to want to do something about the fact we were down 2-1. At least he created and was direct. The others didn’t seem to know how to chase a game.

Frank Stubbs

Come on guys. Stop voting Podolski man of the match on Someone might actually see it. I’m trying to keep my job here. you know!?


I’m afraid it’s all beginning to look to me as though all the dead wood discarded during the close season was just this years way to maintain the profit figures.
I really, really hate to say it, but bad results against Fulham, the Turks and the Pikeys and Wenger is all but gone.


Sagna deserved better, anyone who can walk off after that sort of a fall deserves better.


“Arsene knows” is now “Arsene never learns” . Que to 5 panick buys before the window closes like 2 years ago. No more excuses Arsene just do your job. He has lost his appetite or lost his mind.


Oh Arsene…


Rosicky 5 rating? Blog stop typing while the game is playing pls, because that boy was the MOM for me.

Kevin Weaver

Message for Davidnewzealand. Wenger’s strategy isn’t risky it’s stupid. We may well be out of the CL before the end of next week let alone Christmas. Becuase Uefa want more teams from the lesser countries, the qualifier is now more difficult, but the group stages easier. To have left reinforcing a lightweight squad that needed numbers and a lift until after that tie, is reckless. Remember, Wenger earns £7.5m a year, success is a condition of a salary that large!


Message for Kevin Weaver: there’s a fucking reply button. If you can’t figure out that much, why on earth would anyone credit your opinion about Arsenal’s chances?


For his next press conference don’t listen to arsene, he spews the same shit over and over nothing changes. I’m sure this guy can induce insanity…


It feels like AW is caught between 2 types of management. Either promoting and nurturing young players (which he’s done for the past 7 years) or going all out with the cheque book ( Chelski, PSG, and other market changing oligarches). The second option is not necessary the answer ( remember Nasti/Adebawhore and others for Citeh, Torres and all for the Chavs, most of Totts players). The cash rich are also inflating the market ( sorry 37 mils for Higuain? ) Please, Read Wenger has to wait for the Cashrich to stop distributing their cash on anything that moves… Read more »


another apologist. you’re talking nonsense.

puns are such a clichy

Not nonsense but unrealistic

It would be logical to wait until FFP kicked in as we would be in an incredibly strong position to buy quality players for a decent price.

However either its never going to be properly enforced, or we won’t be in a position by that time to properly compete for players in terms of the clubs attractiveness to them


Rosicky deserves atleast a 7. He played his heart out even though he missed a sitter. He tried extremely hard for our cause. Walcott on the other hand did his best dissapearing act. Wenger shouldnt have brought on Santi. He looked off pace and its easy to see why. Why bring on podolski only as a replacement for sagna. We really fucked it up this time.


I agree, that Podolski should be the one being subbed in instead of Cazorla.

But of cuz, i only know that after Santi came on.

puns are such a clichy

I think this is the first time I’ve woken up after a game in Wenger Out mode. Occasionally after a bad result I’ve felt like that but I’ve always excused him on the basis he was doing a great job with the limited resources at his disposal. I don’t think anyone who took this same line this was being deluded (as some will claim), as it’s clearly obvious that AW has done a tremendous job when taking into account the clubs net spend. It has created a brilliant platform to move forward and means that we as fans don’t have… Read more »

Der Springer

Well said.
I think if the decision is taken to fire Wenger that he is given the option to resign. It could be a more dignified exit and, given all he has done for Arsenal in the past, he deserves it.


What did I just watch?!! :O
Please duds, if you havent watched Wengers post match conference, then dont! Its just too much to take!! 🙁
You’ll hate him (if you dont already…)


PS thats really generous rating, Aside from Mozart (who deserves better) BTW what did our keeper do right to earn those 4 points? :/

Steve wood

Do any of you one eyed twats realise there was another team on the pitch!!! A team that worked harder at stopping the home team playing. A team with better forwards a more combative midfield, you really are a bunch of arseholes.
It’s a pity that 40000 were missing to boo winger at the end.
You lot have it too good for years, now you haven’t, suck it up and get used to it.


Adam, Watford

No, Steve wood, I shan’t be feeding you , no matter how hungry you appear to be.

However, would you like directions to the nearest bridge, to sit under ?

I can do that for you, no problem.

German Gunner

Yea, that’s why they will be fighting relegation as usual

Adam, Watford

Hi German Gunner !!!!!


This is a classic case of ‘ obvious troll is obvious ! ‘,

It’s for the good of everyone here, trust me !


Steve wood

That’s right ! Typical arse supporter, bury your head in the sand when the shit hits.

Man-up and admit you we’re beaten by a better side

Oh my god!!! Did I say man-up to an arse fan?

I must be really pissed to think you lot could give an opposing team some credit.


I truly feel sad on out first Match. The refereeing do play a part, but it’s our on field play and our off field non-movement that is hurting more. This is the year that I feel we are feeling the effect of not delivering silverware for as long as we know. We are able to attract players, higuain, Gustavo, capuoe and the previous targets like Mata. I seriously do not know long more we can keep supporting Wenger blindly or not

Norfolk gooner

Can we talk about ‘captain’ after that display?? Utter shit!! Went missing after Kos red card, needed him to command the defence but he disappeared big time. We know he’s slow and finds it hard to read the ball at times but yesterday was a new low for me!! No way on this earth would Adams have gone walkabout when we needed a leader out there!!


Rosicky was outstanding bar the miss and has an ability to drive the team forward – 7 at least. Rest of them – Sagna a pass mark, possibly Ramsay – everyone else on detention. Beating Indonesia and Vietnam is one thing …

Parson's nose

Shee-ite! Blogs almost almost came out and said it!

He was there, it was on the tip of his tongue…
I’ll finish what he was saying: “Wenger out!”


Whatever koscienly mouthed off to that stupid cunt of a ref he probably deserved it and more. you enter a football pitch knowing the quality you have will be decisive only for one man with a whistle and a stupid bald head to influence the result.

it’s no excuse for going 3 down though and not scoring enough goals!


“the penalty decision was harsh, if you leave any room for doubt when sliding in in the box you’re asking for trouble.”

Retard comment. It was the referee’s fault after a perfect tackle. And Kos was asking for trouble for this tackle because he didn’t think the referee is a blind fucktwit.

arteta's perfect hair

Did you see Koscielny as soon as he conceded the penalty. He knew that the ref was having a shocker and so could do nothing but laugh it off.

Petit's Handbag

I’m no Ramsey hater but there’s no way any Arsenal player deserved a 6 out of 10 out there yesterday. A 6 is an average display, not one Arsenal player was average or above yesterday.
The manager’s tactics deserve a zero though. Lambert clearly prepared for a team who looked devoid of motivation, and the way we played was so obvious. The manager needs to be held responsible. The third goal may well be the worst Arsenal goal I’ve ever seen conceded. Schoolboy errors. And Podolski coming on in the 93rd minute. Fuck off Wenger, not good enough.


Where’s all the people this morning who thought we had a really good team and we,d be ok without any signings


I do think that we have a reasonable team, but we all know that. You don’t get 4th with a bunch of rubbish. The thing is we all want more than that and we equally know that this side will not challenge for the title. Games like this won’t be won and you simply can’t lose games like this and win the league.


Yo numbnuts: there’s 37 games left, so no reason to panic, but if you want to jump off the train now we won’t miss you.


We can all keep saying we out played villa & the ref. Made some controversial calls, the truth is to be a champion you must at all times make your chances count & dont give room for decisions made by any bald headed (fill in as you please) affect your game that much & most importantly make your home (Emirates) a fotress


Firstly – Rosicky deserved a higher marking.

Secondly – In the cold light of day, Higuain for £40 million, Gustavo for £25 million and Williams for £15 million would have been good business.

Denilson's back pass

I’m over this shit. I love Wenger, and I have massive respect for what he’s done for The Arsenal, but what the fuck has he been doing for the last 3 seasons?

Yes we’ve managed Champions League football, but that should be a given from a club like Arsenal. We should be challenging for titles, trophies, not scrapping for 4th place season after season.

Look at AVB at Tottenham Fuckspurs, he went ahead and spent money on good players. Proactively.

Why can’t we do that.

White Russian haiku disciple

Someone build a costa coffee next the emirates so when they wake …. Well you know the rest. To be exposed to the punditry of shearer and him almost having a point that is a new low couple with allowing Brendan Rodgers to get the upper hand means we are nowhere. Still think there is a mental weakness in this team and they are too protected. When arsene got medieval on their arses at the end of last season we got results. It’s not just new players its a new ethos.

Adam, Watford

Match of the Day is a bankrupt and redenudant programme these days. In terms of our own interests, the highlights didn’t show any sort of context, but then again, they never do for anyone, even United, I’m sure. However, when people like Shearer and Lineker are able to editorialise in the way they do, anybody who didn’t see the match in question is left with less than half the picture. In fact, it is like state sponsored news in terms of what they choose to hush-up. harsh perhaps but I am using broad strokes. When will they give an honest… Read more »


Arsenal fan TV- 10



The fans on there are saying it exactly how it is.

Hopefully the board/ Arsene see it. Will they care ? Debatable .


Most successful Arsenal coach ever. No one disputes this. One of his greatest talents was to recognise when a player’s best days were behind him. He knew when it was time to move them on. Why is it then that we cannot take a page out of his book and use some of his insight to see that Arsene has seen his best days. 1996 to 2005, brilliant… now eight years of sub par performance.. we can all appreciate what he has done for the club and call him one of the greats just like we do for bergkamp, henry… Read more »


I cannot believe 5 for Rosicky. I don’t mean to question your eyesight, but right now, I’d say it’s about on par with Anthony Taylor (sp) who it would be quite appropriate to see brought under criminal charges for yesterday.

Giving Rosicky – who created basically everything we had single-handedly – a 5. Manslaughter.

I love Tomas Rosicky. Only he and Ramsay deserved to wear that shirt yesterday.


“His Almunia impression was simply not funny.”
Yes, it was :D.

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