Saturday, July 27, 2024

Signing! Flamini rejoins on 3 year deal

Arsenal have confirmed that Mathieu Flamini has rejoined the club.

The midfielder left in contentious circumstances in 2008, and after a spell at AC Milan, has signed a deal as a free agent, on what is believed to be a 3 year deal.

Flamini provides cover in midfield and in both full back positions, allowing Arsene Wenger to continue to use his best right back as an emergency centre-half.

The capture of the former Marseille man has taken Arsene Wenger’s spending this summer to a whopping £0.00p, and the manager said, “We’re very pleased Mathieu has agreed to re-join us. He is a player of real quality, with a fantastic work rate and great mentality.

“As we know, Mathieu is a strong midfielder, but is also is comfortable playing in defence too. He is a very good addition to our squad.”

To be fair, he’s a good player on his day and even if he’s not the kind of signing most people were hoping for, he’s better than nobody at all. Which, in itself, says a lot, we suppose.

Flamini is now in contention for a place in Sunday’s squad for the game against Sp*rs. His last appearance in the North London derby came in December 2007 when TGSTEL came on and scored that header with his first touch.

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Arsene “Ambition is price- LESS”

Master Bates

wait untill you’ll get your chance(probably won’t)


“It’s two or three signings actually, because Flamini has the versatility to play in several positions”
Arsene Wenger, diary entry 29/8/13.


And it’s good that he knows what it means to play in NLD against sp*rs, unlike all those wonkers who have signed for that lot.


you’re disgraceful!!


Haha. You have to laugh really, fuck the alternatives


Who Arsene?


Last line on the write up reads “… subject to regulatory processes”. Gave me a heart-attack.


To say Arsene has the final say on how much money is to be spent is the biggest nonsense I have read on a lot of blogs and articles. Arsenal FC is not your corner shop, it is a big company. To give him that role is to say he is the Financial Director of AFC as well as the team manager, absolute nonsense. I am not a part of the organisation but I have an idea how things will possibly work in such an organisation. He identifies targets, he has professional valuers who value the transfer price of the… Read more »

Sorry mate but every single team in the Prem has spent more money than us. I don’t care if the tea lady is responsible for prizing open our moth-eaten wallet, for a club as big as us, to not spend is pathetic and laughable. There is no excuse. And Wenger is the manager.


Did you at least read what he says? Why do we need to behave like every other club in the league?


“we are abit light at the moment and we are looking to add “top top quality

so why tell us this then go hide behind the boring untrue “difficult market, not the right players etc statements”

So you reckon sp*rs’ avb, chelseas mourinho didn’t have a say in the signings they’ve made. dont be fickle.

Point is….. The manager has a say in the signings or the lack of ….in this case


Not that I’m saying Wenger’s right, but your argument is invalid because the two statements you give are not contradictory at all.

You can aim for “top, top quality” and still have a “difficult market”


Bullshit! Arsene is given a budget and then he decides who to buy. Ivan Gazidis went on the record that Arsene has the budget to spend. He isn’t spending it. It’s his decision. Live with it. Get your head out of the sand.


Arsene may not be the only one who has a say on how the budget is to be spent but I believe it is his job to push through transfers that could have brought us great players that we actually need (e.g. Luis Suarez, Wayne Rooney) if we overspent a few million pounds according to whosoever doing the “valuing players” job.


Why arsene brought Flamini back: “Because he knows how we play football. He knows the Club. He had a huge desire to come back. He was available because he was out of contract and he’s a quality player” I would have liked quality to be first word and at least before “out of contract”


I’ve always believed in recycling.
I was sorry to see him go.
Welcome home Mathieu

He ditched us for more money when he had an amazing partnership with Fabregas. I like him but he’s a mercenary of epic proportions. Well at least he won something.


Three-year contract to take him past 30! Who says Arsene does not change?

Yes, yes, he’s not the first, but it does go against a stereotype.


Top top quality = French and Free.




Thank god this one didn’t drag on till the Transfer Deadline Day or it would have really shown our inability to sign ANYONE


It’s a good signing – experience.


To be fair, if he still has the engine he had back then… playing with Ramsey and a fit Wilshere, we will have one hell of an engine in midfield…. Wenger says he is in perfect shape so fingers crossed

Gervinho's barber

Does anyone think this could be a ploy by Wenger to get Cesc back home, I mean Flamini was his best friend when they played together before he left. Might not happen but I can dream…

Hamburg Gooner

Well, I thought the same. And Darren Dein is the Agent for both of them …


Yaa and when Cesc is going out of contract?

They're building a Bendtner

Flaminimal Spending still

That is some top, top quality punning.


Signed in just to agree.


To be fair he’s a more experienced Rambo without all the Iniesta (Passing, vision) qualities that Rambo seems to have rebuilt over the last couple of months. And can cover left back and right back. Better for squad games as cover for Mikel or Aaron and can see out CL games too.


i think good for times like the last 20 mins of the fener game where u know u cant lose and the other team is gonna kick ur people around in frustration.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

He’ll kick back


He is free…why not? Glad to have him on board. Now let’s spend some money.

Remember the invincibles because we aren't good anymore

On a fucking striker and a centre half and a goalkeeper. Actually if Sagna is a fantastic centre half(as wenger claims), then ill take a goalie and a striker. But sign someone quickly. There’s only 4 days left and which each passing day I start to pull more hair out.


Flamini is a good signing purely on the basis that frimpong no longer can occupy a space of the bench. I get angry just seeing his name in the squad

Curtis Harris



because he’s an overpaid prick who keeps going on about how he had one good game for arsenal and how he shouted at nasri.


oh and also because he spends his money on shit like this


Not exactly free because he will cost 60,000 quid a week for three years. 9.5 million quid whether he plays or not.

Gooner Gary

Last time I checked all players look for payment for kicking the ball around a bit… for buying sweets and stuff



gooner odst



Like A New Signing…………………perhaps you are new 😉


Like an old signing, or of course a landlocked country in Southeast Asia, bordered by Burma and China to the northwest, Vietnam to the east, Cambodia to the south, and Thailand to the west.

gooner odst

You misunderstood the question.


Flammiinniiii, Flammiiinniii.. he’ll always join you on a freeeeee

Arsene's stylist

This MUST be sung at the stadium!




Welcome home Mathieu,let’s do this!


How old is he now?

santi cazorlas coming to town



He’s 29.


In Kanu years or Rosicky’s footballing years?

gooner odst

26 in ‘Kanu years’


More like 15 in Kanu years


Top top top top top top top top top top top top Quality players 🙂


He started in midfield for Milan in 13 of their last 17 games last season. They won 9 and drew 4 of those games, and ended up finishing 3rd. If we were paying 15 million for him, the fans would be thrilled.

He is a brilliant signing for free.


If he is that good, why is he free?


What a brilliant signing. pulled this one right out of the hat Arsene didn’t you? He’s most certainly “better than what we have”

Can’t wait for hleb then.


Which Hleb?

The Arsenal ‘get tired in the last 20mins and can’t pass or shoot for s**t’ Hleb, or the Birmingham City ‘this guy is so bad I can’t believe he played for Arsenal’ Hleb?

Randy Pan the Arsenal Fan

At least we’d see the return of the pre-assist. No-one like Hleb for that.

Rad Carrot

Welcome back, I guess. You’re in the red and white again.

Good utility player. This doesn’t count, though, Arsene – don’t you dare use him as an example of your ‘successful’ transfer window.


The floodgates are open now!

santi cazorlas coming to town

doesn’t matter what anybody says. Flamini is an excellent squad player to have. he’s extremely versatile and tenacious and he ‘s won things. the young lads can hopefully learn a thing or 2. Now…where are the other 3 signings we need….come on!


“doesn’t matter what anybody says”

Ok then.


I guess there will be a lot less Wilshere kicking now. Have no problem with this, if this signing is accompanied with some other quality additions.

Emannuel Eboue

He could be a good squad player. But there will be more players, I am sure. I think. Maybe. Someone please hold me.

Arsene's Zip

Hold you Mr Eboue? Only if you’re wearing your tiger costume and dancing.


Hahaha, I think Arseblog had this piece written before the announcement happened 😉


Could do a job for us, hopefully he’s not the only one but gives a bit more depth in midfield. He knows the club, league and has plenty of experience. Decent signing, if not the ones us fans are wanting.


Before judging this people should keep in mind that he was an important player for Milan in the 2nd half of the season and they offered him a new 2 year contract. He might have been a free agent but this isn’t some washed up reject, good squad addition for sure.

Why not

I agree and don’t really see why we should spend money on random 22 year olds that are unproven in the Premier League.

Because the youtube highlights showing them doing a job, doesn’t mean they do it consistently or even at all once they are signed up. Flamini was a good player and clearly still is. At least we know what we are getting and I have to say Id rather have flamini in the team than most of the other DM we have been linked with.

For me, a clever signing.

Frank de Boer

A useful, and more importantly, healthy player for free is good business but under the circumstances this only makes me angrier.


I’ll give you the thumbs up for the honesty.


Finally I can get back to work, a signing, fuck off that’s a cop out, do some negotiating and sign someone who will help us batter the shit out of those cunts down the road!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Never seen Flamini play Spurs then?


Why not Alex Song

Toby C

Flamini’s better than Song if you ask me. Much more diligent/disciplined in midfield and provides cover at full-back. Not the world-class superstar we were hoping for but a good addition to the squad.


Flamini is better than Alex Song? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

James Abalawiaye

You’re sister is a virgin? Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha


At least provide an argument.


lolol way to make yourself look foolish

Toby C

You might remember we got to a Champions League Final with Flamini in the squad. IMHO, he and Cesc were the best midfield partnership we’ve ever had. Although Ramsey and Wilshere look like they may take that crown!

9ja gooner

1 down, 4 to go. This should set the ball rolling. Onto the next one.




Not a bad purchase to be honest. Good experienced player who will be good backup for Arteta/Ramsey.

Looks like Arsene and Ivan have fallen to Plan B (which is actually Wenger’s Plan A):

*No big signings
*Free signings
*Small-medium budget signings
*Save the cash reserve for another season

Another season of scraping top four mediocrity I’m afraid. Unless Wenger can prove us wrong and sign some ‘super, exceptional talent’ before the window closes. Not putting any money on that though.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Super Exceptional Talent says Nooooo.


I though we had seen the last of Darren Dein. Lord knows, what more evil he is going to unleash!


i hate Darren Dien


There you go, Cesc. Rosicky and Flamini. You can come back and reunite your little boy band. You know it makes sense.


Aah.. So next season we’ll sign the last member of the boyband! The Brathers!


Re-sign vs resign.


I can’t wait to see the return of Stepanovs at the back and Kaba Diawara to bolster our front line!

Borneo Gooner

Not sure if like a new signing or like an old signing.

Lifetime Gooner

Doesn’t even feel like a signing. What is going on?


Like An Old Signing!


It is not fair to say we signed him for free. Obviously, we have to pay him some sign-on fee, which would be more than normal sign-on fee(as we are not paying any thing to other club).


Kinda like what Mourinho did with Essien last year at Real Madrid.

Edu's fake passport

No, Essien was on loan to Madrid from Chelsea, was not a signing.


It’s good that we’ve actually got a (hopefully fit) extra body in. We need some squad players. Last time around Flamini was an excellent player whom we should not have let go. Let’s hope he still has some of his mojo.

But we still need some top-quality talent. Especially a striker now that Poldolski is out.


Lets hope he’s on the phone to Cesc right now then..


Did anyone one hear what his weekly salary will be? Signing on bonus?….love having him back as he can slot in to a few positions…I got a feelling he will turn out to be one of the best signings of the summer comsidering the price. Flamini – a shroud businessman and a great utility player.

the ghost of LANS


gooner odst

If happen to be a cat in a box, then both

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Go outside. Take all your clothes off. Lie on the pavement. If the police arrive and throw a blanket over you then you’re dead. If they spray teargas in your face and taser you, you’re alive. If you don’t react to the teargas or tasering I was right first time and you are dead.


He is Flamini
He is French
He is Free
He left Free
And back Free
He is Flamini, French and Free


So our first signing has been announced, but this site is still claiming the truth.

Rad Carrot

Second signing, mate.

And we haven’t spent any money – he’s a free signing.


Top quality. I cannot really say any more, but we are looking for top top top quality players. But it is difficult. I really cannot bring myself to pay Tottenham money for players when I can get someone as good as any of their £30m signings for free or for a small fee, though they will need a little work to settle in and build up such as Sanogo. And Flamini, well, he is top quality, maybe not top top quality, but he is top quality and i have only a small store of superlatives but if I repeat one… Read more »


Did anyone one hear what his weekly salary will be? Signing on bonus?….love having him back as he can slot in to a few positions…I got a feelling he will turn out to be one of the best signings of the summer comsidering the price. Flamini – a shroud businessman and a great utility player. A couple more please Wenger

Finsbury Park Gooner

What is Shroud Businessman?

Randy Pan the Arsenal Fan

Get your grave wear here madam,
you can show those other corpses how it’s done,
make a lasting impression…

10 shekels a pair and that’s my final offer!


Good effort.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Randy, we’ve got an eater!!


Something to do with the shroud of Milan I think; not so famous as the Turin one as it just turned out to be one of Balotelli’s dirty sheets! C’est la vie……


I read somewhere 40K/week.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I love that game. I have a small and cheap, but loyal, Imperial Guard army, and my son has three different Space Marine armies, an Ork Horde, A Chaos Warband, a Renegade Space Marine army and some Dark Eldar. He’s the Citeh of 40K to my Arsenal. Praise the Emperor and Pass the Ammunition.


I guess this means no panicabaye


AW said that sanogo


Sooo underwhelmed right now, and that’s an understatement!


Why? He is exactly what the team needs right now…….. If you cannot see that then you do not watch every Arsenal game…

Steve R

This will be it – no more transfer window incomings for us.
Sad but true!


Wenger is out of touch, miserable, contrary, self – delusional. I think we’ll do well to finish above sp*rs this year…why are we suffering it?


i think you will be another in the long list of people saying that every now and then and then having to eat their hat

Silent Stan


Gutbukkit Deffrolla

That was noisy!!!!


No, he is not free, probably gets a high wage that could be spend on a world class player. Top top top top quality player that is better then we already have and add something to the squad? Nope, Alex Song was twice the DMF than he is. Couldn’t get to Milan first XI (nowdays it’s one of the worst Milan team in history) and is about to strengthen us? Chelsea gets Willian, Van Ginkel, De Bruyne, Schurle, and Eto’o soon. Man City gets Negredo, Navas, Fernandinho, Jovetic. Spurs gets Paulinho, Lamela, Capoue, Soldado, soon gets Eriksen. Liverpool keeps Suarez.… Read more »

Arsene's Zip

I think you’ll find it’s you who is the laughing stock.

Our first XI is an outstanding team; nobody can match our passing speed and skill. We need players to bulk out the squad, but if you’re really that desperate to see big names that underwhelm, go support Man Shitty or Chelsea.


Our first XI *without injuries, suspensions, fatigue, and dips in form* is an outstanding team. If you can guarantee those four conditions to me I will bet my testicles on a plate that we will win the EPL. But as it stands, the chances of those conditions being fulfilled are just as slight as you munching on my testicles.


Don’t mean to nitpick, but because you’re betting your balls for his meals if that criteria is met, then it follows that:

Probability of your balls being munched = Probability of that criteria being met.

Therefore, your last sentence is completely unnecassary.

On the other hand, you might just have really meant to say that both probabilities are “slight”, which is fine. It’s the equating of the two probabilities, which should be obvious, that’s the redundant bit.

Monkey Nuts

Our first 11 is good but not outstanding. The squad is what determines how you do in a season. Last seasons squad finished 4th, not far off second but miles off first. Last seasons squad is better than this seasons, because of the few players that played a part but that have been let go. Therefore for the squad to improve needs 4 or 5 very good additions.

The fact that other teams have strengthened their squads means that we also have to strengthen to compete.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

I’ll see your Squillaci and raise you a Flamini.


and yet Man City lost against Cardiff. Spending £100M and losing against a newly promoted side (without the ref’s help unlike Arsenal) is something to be laughed about. as for Spurs – well let’s see. if it was FIFA it would be a great squad. But life doesnt always work like on FIFA. as for Liverpool – well. No comment really. don’t write us off as yet. he’s probably way smarter than both of us, and as you could see on his Flamini interview he works hard to make things happen. (he looks knackered) He’s still got 4 days. Money… Read more »


About FIFA and Spurs – looking forward to those wankers not having Bale in FIFA14….bloody bunch of quitters…

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Has it been made yet. Would like to think Bale will still be with Spurs. Can you see the little munchkins not using him? They’ll use him and cry while they do it when playing their beloved team?


While I’m not entirely happy with our squad at the moment myself, don’t you think you’re just being too much of a whingeing bastart right now?

I mean, you can only see negative aspects of everything. Look at the big picture and it’s not as apocalyptic as you think, even though more improvements are needed.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Man United keeps Rooney, and you think that makes US a laughing stock?


Welcome home son


Great player, always liked him.

Let’s hope he kicks the shit out of sp*ds at the weekend.

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