Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: Ramsey and Wilshere are alright

Arsene Wenger has revealed that both Jack Wilshere and Aaron Ramsey are fit for this weekend’s North London derby.

There were worries when Ramsey left the pitch before the end of the game with a groin strain and when Fenerbahce repeatedly tried to kick Wilshere’s ankles off.

However, the midfield pair are in the squad and should start on Sunday. Laurent Koscielny is back to full fitness and is likely to come back in the team with Bacary Sagna shifting across to right back again.

Other than that there are no new worries for the Arsenal manager who can also call on the newly re-signed Mathieu Flamini if required. Describing the signing as a ‘no-brainer’ the boss stressed the ex-Gunner was ready both mentally and physically for the season ahead.

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both to score this weekend


Both to break down soon unless we buy enough players to give these guys a rest when they need it.
We can’t keep pushing players to the limit like last season just to save money.


While i agree with the point you are making, with Arteta and Flamini the midfield should be fine numberwise.

Dont think Ramsey or Jack will be overplayed but im worried about Santi as he is now forced to be a winger.

We desperately need winger or a striker. pleaaaseee

Black Hei

Santi is forced to play as a winger because Rosicky is just that good.


He’s gonna do that ’cause Ox and Poldy are out and The Forhead is gone.


I think he is waiting for RM to get Bale before moving for KB, MO and Di M


i doubt we have a chance to get even 1 of them let alone 3. last i checked they lost higauin and havnt brought a striker in yet. they dont look like they will. benzema and callejon will play up top with support from ronaldo, bale, ozil and di maria. they dont really need to sell anybody. and nobody wants to leave. thats that. why on earth would they want to come to a un-replenished side such as us that are yet to spend any fucking money. a side that doesnt have any proper backup in numbers to fight for… Read more »

Toby C

After forking out for Bale, Real will need to recoup some money. They tend to play with only one striker up front and I’ve heard young Morata is ready for the step up. (Callejon has already gone to Napoli) There’s no way they can accommodate Bale, Di Maria, Ozil, Ronaldo and Benzema in attack and they’ll want to sell at least one to get some money in. My money’s on Di Maria has he’s most likely to miss out. The trouble is Spurs know this and are dragging it out which might not leave us enough time to get someone.… Read more »


Last i checked they also didnt have callejon 🙂


my bad. but replace Callejon with Morata then. they got 2 strikers. and 4 wingers, 2 for each wing. i dont see that as too many players. they’d want to have cover for the front three if they want to compete for more than 2 trophies against barca who hav a big squad


Are we sure about that? Don’t know if I can believe anything that man says


We’re not going to sign anyone other than Flamini and Sanogo. I have resigned myself to this and regret having spent so much time on Twitter and Googling hourly news on Arsenal.

There’s no word for what I (we?) all feel. Exasperated is good, but I feel this situation needs a neologism in order to adequately convey how things have ended up.


Is it just me, or does it actually feel like this summer went worse than the last two even with quality players leaving then as opposed to only deadwood leaving now. (maybe we dont have any top top top quality players left) The one thing I’d wish our fans would address is this – Wenger and Gazidis have been telling us that we’re in the hunt for trophies and this season’s business would reflect that. That we were serious about fighting for 4 trophies. Can somebody please ask them how they plan to do that with the state of the… Read more »


What a f*cking disaster of a transfer window. Never in my wildest dreams could I have thought it was ever going to be on this scale of clusterf*ckery.

“The chance for him to leave now is very small. If he comes back well and gets fit, I will use him.” (NB52)

Could have had Higuain or Suarez and we are stuck with TGSTEL.


Lack of signings hurts, yes….buuuut, here’s something to make you feel better.


How about FUBAR?

The Alsacien

Sp*ds are not dragging their feet for nothing.

They are waiting for sunday so that we can’t get the Real players in before the game.

I’ve heard from a reliable source that our transfers are going to be big. I can only guess that it means we’re getting some Real players then. Anyway, no need to panic.


I wouldn’t be surprised if spuds dragged their feet until Monday night, 10.58pm to be more precise to make sure Real wouldn’t be able to sell any of their players anyway.

The Alsacien

I wouldn’t put it past these inglorious basterds. But there’s a contingency plan. Trust me. You don’t go boasting about a 70m kitty and then not spend a dime.

You just don’t do it.

Keep calm.


Hello Ivan


I really really hope there is a contingency plan but at this stage I just don’t have a clue anymore.


If they are dragging their feet it is probably to make the whole transfer fail, not to just protect themselves for the NLD. I guess the players cannot be registered until Monday anyway, unless they are signed today.

No need to panic? I hope you’re right.


Agreed If we’re to sign any of the players that are rumoured todepart madrid. (dimaria, benzema et all) they could potentially cause a threat against the sp*rs this weekend. So coz of this, it’s no surprise the bale deal is stalling at the moment….. I suspect they will sanction it just before the NLD (little to get in our signings in time for the match or even after the NLD)

Filthy filthy sp*rs!


And did u just say no real need to panic? after Arsene starts to entertain the idea of having bendtner back in playing for us?? all this after seeing Higuain, jovetic et all slip from our grasp? after

no real need to panic?? ppffft!

The Alsacien

What would you like him to do…shoot him?….errr, wait a minute


I fucking hope you are right!


They might be ‘big’ but not in this window unfortunately.


The time has passed to go on about why Arsene hasn’t bought anyone yet with a couple days left, it’s getting a bit boring – He said a week ago he’d bring a few more players in, so just wait til it closes, if not then we can all let out our anger, however we have those deluded lot from Seven Sisters this weekend, with I think is a fairly strong squad, so obviously we’ve got to be behind the boys this weekend. Going on about who we’ve missed out every day won’t help the situation, he won’t hear you;… Read more »


Good to hear Jack survived the assassination attempt, this is a key game for Ramsey, if he can prove his worth against S***s then he’ll probably have his place secured in the first team, at least for this season. Excited to see Flamini play for us again, I always remember him being a strong, reliable midfield/defensive player.


I can’t stand all this get behind the boys pontificating. No one said a thing about not getting behind the boys. AW is the problem. It is precisely because we feel the boys have given everything and deserve a little help, something to bolster their confidence that we are going on about signings. Arsenal have a threadbare squad incapable of competing. What ‘good’ manager of a club the size of Arsenal allows that to happen. Why do our players get more injuries? Because they are knackered.

Black Hei

There IS a reason why we fare relatively worse at home. Whatever the case is let that reason NOT be because we, the fans, are pricks.

Hank Scorpio

James you’re a masochist. Perhaps Bipolar Transfer Disorder will do. The patient (invariably an arsenal supporter) is gripped by a euphoria on the false belief that ‘top top quality’ players will be signed and delusions of title challenges before crashing down into severe negative mood when reality hits and no such players are signed and delusions of winning trophies are founded on unrealistic fantasy. Unfortunately the condition is chronic with no cure and can last a decade ir more


Moyes united are not better than us in d trsf market actually. Something is really wrong in this window that none of us can explain. We really did bid for players early enuf, bender, Grenier, higuain, Suarez, cabaye, and a couple of others we don’t know. The problem is that we have not been able to close any deal. That is what makes me so upset. Is it down to conspiracy, ineptitude or a lack of will. We have cleared our house of baggage but it has left us bare. The real fear for me is can we trust these… Read more »

Adekunle Adio Luk mon

but is dat suppose to be so, dis is arsenal we are talking here, d unbeating run club.

Bendtner sexy chest

You say there is only one striker. But don’t forget that when that French striker hobbles off.
I Will prove i am the GSTEL!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bendtner could be our new Cr7 you know *winks*

Adekunle Adio Luk mon

we shall see wat will happen btw today and monday night. let just keep our fingers cross.

Hank Scorpio

GREAT NEWS!!!!! Arsene has stated its unlikely that Bendtner will find a new home and that if that’s the case, once he’s fit he’ll he used. So that’s sorted, TGSTEL is LANS. No need to buy another striker then. No I’m not trolling either by the way.

Adekunle Adio Luk mon

are u sure it is wise to sign bendtner back to arsenal, bendtner is not who we need.


This is good news, Ramsey is our best player right now.

Hank Scorpio

Just passing on what I read about bringing the great man back into the squad. If it was up to me I’d leave him in the reserves and train him as a keeper (that’s what I do to players I hate in football manager).

robin van payslip

Congratulations….you Danish prick


If he is still here Tuesday might as well use him as a bench warmer after all theirs fuck all else

oh robin

are they fit or are they forced to be fit? 😐 makes me wonder 🙁


Im sorry but with a groin injury no matter how slight Ramsey will not be fit he will be on the bench and in will come Rosisky and Flamini dont risk Rambo got a good feeling for sunday 3-1 to the gooners


Sanogo, Flamini & TGSTEL…out top top top quality players


I live in Vancouver, Canada. Seriously getting tired of getting up at 4:30 saturday/sunday mornings to watch Arsenal. That leaves me looking like shit for the rest of the afternoon. Need to consider getting season tickets for Vancouver Whitecaps or Seattle Sounders. Not as exciting as Arsenal but will make up for nice family outings and lower expectations. Don’t really think Arsenal’s management is completely unmindful of the fact that this drama is alienating fans instead. Haven’t seen too many “new” Arsenal ‘fans’ in the last little while, while those for teams like Chelsea, ManU, even Man City are popping… Read more »


I really hope these two come through this game. Moving forward it is looking increasingly likely that jack and Rambo wll be our pivot. As long as they decide between them that one or the other will primarily sit and mop I think we will be ok. All the doom mongers are despairing at Dortmund and Napoli.. I say fuck the both of them. We have enough in us regardless of our injuries to come out of this group unscathed. I know I have been very positive… I believe we have 16-17 good players in our squad at present. I’m… Read more »


Arrs, think the game’s on at 8am in California–does Vancouver have it’s own magic time zone?


It seems aw wants to use his academy graduates much more this season or something. Maybe he’s seeing some very good promise and wants to throw them into the deep end now.

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