Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Bendter display draws Wenger acclaim

Having not started a game for Arsenal since March 2011, Nicklas Bendtner’s performance in the Capital One Cup drew some praise from manager Arsene Wenger.

The Dane, looking like a wilderness forager who had been living on raw bear flesh (and lots of it), put in a good shift up front and created Arsenal’s only goal of the night with a slide-rule pass to Thomas Eisfeld in the second half.

Although his place in the team came down more to circumstance than anything else, Wenger spoke highly of the man who is currently the second highest overall goalscorer at the club and suggested there might be more to come from him.

“Overall I think he had a good game for a guy who has not played for such a long time on his own up front,” he told the press after the game.

“He did very well. I believe for Nicklas Bendtner the most important thing is to stay fit physically and after that he has the talent. In England you know him well. For him it’s important that he’s consistently present and he works hard physically because he has the top qualities.”

Despite some contentious times over the last few seasons, Bendtner got a warm reception from the travelling fans who sang his name throughout and Wenger said, “The fans were absolutely fantastic. Even when West Brom came back to 1-1 they encouraged us and they encouraged Nicklas.”

Bendtner himself took to Instagram to post another ludicrously hilarious picture and said, “Very emotional return, but what better way than with a win! Fans was absolutely incredible throughout the game and help us in difficult periods.

“For myself I was very moved by my reception and hearing my song again made my heart skip! Young players did ever so well and kept there [sic] cool in a difficult penalty shootout. Respect!”

Whatever else you might say about TGSTEL, he’s not dull.

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Flamini hadn’t played for us since 2008… the longer you stay away for us, the better you return?


Let’s get Bergkamp back up front!

A N Other

and Henry!


And Cliff Bastin.


That’s nice.



I hope he does well, this really is a good chance for him to prove his worth.

As long as his an Arsenal player i will support him 100%

Arsène Wenger

Perhaps if he plays well enough to redeem himself we can give him a new contract and he will be little bit new signing for an undisclosed fee of super top top quality


Gotta love him tho, I was honestly rooting for him to do good. However, was it just me that saw his massive 1-on-1 with the keeper miss or what? Why’s nobody mentioning that, just strange. Unfortunately he needs A LOT of playing time and I dont see him getting much of that in the first team. But who knows, Wenger has balls of steel when it comes to helping guys that he likes, and he likes Bendtner!


Because 1 on 1 misses happen and to criticize a player who has barely played for a long while is myopic, nitpicky and meaningless.


If it was Gervinho who missed that 1on1 you would be ribbing him mercilessly. Don’t understand these double standards. The guy has convictions for drink driving and a couple of other stupid things. He had an ok game, but for someone earning 52k per week and a very senior player I expect more from him. We shouldn’t over praise him and let him off the hook so easily when Arshavin and Gervinho were treated so terribly by the fans yet put the effort in and were never arrested unlike Nicky. Seriously that 1on1 miss was terrible. I want to see… Read more »


Arsharvin put the effort in? Are you sure mate?
Maybe in the first part of his Arsenal career after that the only effort he seemed to put in was making sure he was the first to the buffet!


His only defence was that Bendtner hasn’t played competitively for a very long time, not humility, not effort, not talent. How do you accuse him of double standards though if you do not have his post history? You can’t possibly have tracked all his posts on Arseblog News to conclude he ‘ribbed’ on Gervinho whenever he missed anything.

Please don’t have double standards judging individuals, not stereotypes.


I think in a few weeks time and with a few more games if Bendtner doesn’t convert that 1 on 1 with a keeper then I’ll be questioning him.

Harish P

He literally LOOKS like a different man.


Is it me or does he look like Johnny Depp?


it’s you.


So nobody’s mentioning Vermaeleen who from the picture looks like Arnold schwarzenegger from the movie Terminator.

[the part where he goes to a guy naked and says “give me your cloths!”]


To wash the fucking dishes???

Silverstre for the Ballon d'OR

That made me laugh out loud in the office.


Speaking of split resemblances to celebrities, is it just me or does Aaron Ramsey look a bit like Kieria Knightley??


With tits.


Harry Bendtner


on Bendtner’s confidence…
“One thing you don’t question too much with him is his confidence.”

on being surprised that a German missed a penalty…
“No, but I know you are.”
Source: Official Club Website.

I love our boss. Lé Boss.


It’s almost poetic


worked hard , moved around very well , didnt waste passes, defensive work was excellent not just winning headers but even tracking back. The first team players including bendtner had the stamina last the whole game (even the extra time) like the late Jenkinson run who was lively yesterday. Ryo and Gnabry will have to build up more stamina to get into first team.


i feel weirdly sentimental seeing him play and smile in that photo, its like seeing an old friend who i have fallen out with and havent spoken to for years, my only feelings were of resentment and dismissal … but seeing him huffing and puffing in the yellow and blue, making a goal for eisfeld, score a penalty and celebrate the win … i feel a slight tear in my eye and a feeling of “aw, come here you big lug and give us a hug”

Cesc Appeal

Having gone into this one somewhat pessimistically, I couldn’t be happier with the way the young men played. Sure we were not as dominant against a strong Albion outfit but I couldn’t point a finger at anyone. I also thought up until 70 odd minutes Bendtner was fantastic as Mr Bloggs said the ball stuck he found hes teamates and put in a defensive shift to boot. Something special happening this season……….feel it in my bones


I hope he finds his feet again at arsenal. Like you said hes our second highest scorer, and to be fair I remember alot of those goals being quite special finishes.

I think his hold up play is far more effective than poldis and should be our 2nd choice regardless. Poldi is far more effective on the wing too. Welcome back niklas! Monoply man glasses and all.


And he plays a bit like Giroud but is faster, the teamates doesnt have too play to differently from giroud to TGSTEL, but poldi is far more to effective on the wing i think.



God help us…

Silverstre for the Ballon d'OR

Looking at this picture, I’m pretty sure I saw Bendtner on Birck Lane last Sunday. I wasn’t so sure then, (thought he’d be taller for some reason)

Goon Squad

Taller? Bendtner clears 6’4 1/2!


I heard if he stays next seasons away shit will be this: http://www.ebay.com/bhp/yellow-black-plaid-shirt with a he will be allowed to wear his personality glasses on the pitch as well.


Fair play to him. First game back you don’t expect to be playing 120 mins!! He must have been shattered after 60!! Shame about the 1 on 1 but when it came to the shootout he took his penalty very well.


Zlatan…….is that you??


Spot on, I am not alone, its only the glasses though. It was Ibrahamovic y’day with the hair in bun and some strange deranged type last night. Needs a shave and a short back and sides


What’s this about him being the second highest overall goal scorer???

Nicky B's no Butt

He’s the second highest overall goal scorer.


*In the team currently. Not Arsenal’s second highest goal-scorer of all time. That would be Ian Wright.

Arsenal-induced Heart Attack Survivor

Behind Henry. Never has a no. 14 been worn with greater élan before or since.


He looks like a nordic prince of the stone-age-era. I love those movies with vikings and all. Good game, u may yet be TGSTEL. COYGs


Bendtner The Shogun

Denilson's back pass


(I’m sorry, someone had to. Flame on)


Bendtner, Giroud and Podolski is not a bad strikeforce. Add Suárez in January and it looks great.

Jayesh Sinha

I do not want that racist, biting, diving cunt at Arsenal, not January not ever.

Arsenal-induced Heart Attack Survivor

There was this bloke called Matias Suarez linked to us a few windows ago, maybe that’s the reference here.

Peter the cat

I will always like him for the winning heading against spurs. He jumped so high. He’d leave a hole in the ground doing that again!


Nice specs

Educated By YouTube

Getting a little sentimental here too. Bendtner, please don’t screw it up all over again. No booze, no driving fast cars, no banging faux-princesses.

Bendtner: “Say again, why did I spend my entire youth trying to become a pro footballer”?


He’s a Nick after all…


Love the new look btw 😀


Nice guy. Welcome back Nick.


I think he will try to produce his best performance this season. It will earn him a more lucrative move ( I think he is better than crystal palace). I don’t think his ego will allow him to be a 3rd choice striker for us. Ahh we all have a soft spot for TGSTEL.


fortune has shined on young nicklas,
he’s got a golden opportunity here to turn his life and footballing career around
and by the looks of yesterdays match he might well go on to grasp that chance to become the striker he’s always had the potential to become
come on nick, time to show us what you got!


Totally Obiwan Kenobi



A cùnt for £100m? What a waste of money

Was nick some kind of an’Aragon’, i thought his costume was awfully hillarious.. Hey nick, stick ur ass in ur behind, ur feet on the ground, and play, thats how a man does, just lèt the costume be.


Wenger deserves huge praise for resisting the urge to say that Bendtner “lacked a little bit of sharpness”. And he went the whole summer without once saying “LANS”, despite Rosicky and Wilshere having full pre-seasons for the first time in ages. Either he reads Arseblog or Bould bet him he couldn’t do it.


what does LANS stand for?

Jack Jumblies

Same thing as LMGTFY.


He might be a bit of a nutter, but he’s our kid 🙂


Rosicky is back! That’s all that matters right now.


Perhaps he can cover Theo as Gnabry and Ryo dont look ready.

here comes

I love the comedy glasses blogs drew on tgsl

Edu's fake passport

Don’t understand why everyone is wishing him all the best.

He is a class A cunt, who “never wanted to wear the Arsenal shirt again”.

Due to ineptitude by Wenger we & he are forced to come to a compromise. He will leave on a free at the end of season, that is all.

He will play in shit cup games & when Giroud is injured/tired, that is all.


Because he is playing for Arsenal. So if he does well, Arsenal does well. Pretty simple to understand actually. (Or do you wish he gets injured/miss an open goal during the match?)

Yes, he will be a back-up for Giroud. Thanks for clearing that up.

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