Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal draw Coventry City in FA Cup

Arsenal have been drawn against Coventry City in the FA Cup.

The teams haven’t met in the cup for some years, the last time being 1976/77 when the Gunners won 3-1 at Highbury.

The previous seasons, a 1-1 draw away from home meant a replay at home, which Arsenal won 3-0.

The clubs last met in the Capital One Cup last season, a game which resulted in a 6-1 win.

The game will take place at the Emirates on the weekend of the 25th/26th of January.

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good tie!great chance to give our players a breather before the big games start to come in


Hah, you get these up quick.
Nice to get a good draw, it’ll be a really welcome chance to rotate amid fixture congestion no doubt!

Big Chief from Antarctica

and finally Zelalem to get a chance to show his talents. Can’t wait.


would have taken anyone at home so very happy with this draw especially with the games we have around the weekend this tie will be played! opportunity to rotate.

Daft Aider

Ooh, a big team,
well I say a big team when what I mean is a bigger team then sp*rs.


Finally a real challenge.

No offense sp*rs

Jack Jumblies

Hope Coventry field their strongest possible eleven so we see some proper football.

Not that insipid weakened team Sp*ds sent out. The FA needs to investigate THAT travesty.

Jack's Right Foot

Excellent draw! Should Gnab ourselves a place in the next round.


brilliant tie lets win this cup


Will be a notch higher than the previous draw,but it could’ve been worse.

the ghost of LANS

finally, a proper challenge. i’m all for the beauty of the cup but it does make it a bit boring when you see top clubs like arsenal hammer tiny clubs like sp*rs in the early rounds.

p.s tim sherwoods a gooner


Finally, the Gods have been kind…


After the group of death in the CL followed by the holders and the best team in the world in the knockouts, two Premier League clubs in the Milk Cup and then another, albeit terrible, Premier League club in the FA Cup, them being kind would’ve been giving us a bye into the next round.


No offense to Coventry City, but a mid-table team two leagues below you is (hypothetically at least–we all remember Bradford City last year) about as close as it comes to a bye.


Hopefully we’ll beat them 2-0 like we just beat Spurs 2-0 knocking them out of the cup 2-0.


Gnabry, Ryo and Zelalem should all start. Park and Akpom may even get a shout.

Jack's Right Foot



Park should be sent parking.


Not necessarily, because if he was that incompetent, he wouldn’t have made the bench against spurs, obvious jokes aside. Maybe a start in a knock-out game is still too much, but the opposition team being one that plays a couple of leagues below us, its not as out out of the question as you suggest. Especially, since we are already short on striking options and have to play Southampton a couple of days later.

Opus Fluke

Yeah, he can’t be THAT incompetent, or surely he would not have been signed, jokes aside, Wenger must have seen something he liked (not the haircut he had when he signed, that was bad). Plus, his finish (singular) against Bolton was tasty.

Don Cazorleone

Good draw but let’s keep our heads cool. One game at a time.


While that’s an admirable sentiment for the team and manager, I can go completely bonkers and dream! 2-0 FOR EVA!!


Another small team win a trip to the Emirates then.


Hope the OX comes back soon he looked so good in the start of the season then he gets injured for a couple of months ….. at least we got the depth to make sure that position is covered. Do not see any way that we are gonna be knocked out by any team in the cup this team we got a different aura to us after that bayern game COYG!!


Here’s hoping he pulls a Ramsey and comes back with god mode initiated


Are we going to see Park Chu Young?

Jack's Right Foot

I’ll Park my Chu in your Yong if you’re not more careful.


I assume he’ll be desperate to get a loan deal in January if he has any outside chance of playing in the World Cup.

Harry Shambles

Finally the fixture gods have smiled upon us! Good opportunity for a few of the young guns such as Gnabry and Zelalem to break through…


Thank God. We can rest a few players for this game. Hopefully Zelalem can make an appearance too.


BLACKBURN + BRADFORD!!! Cannot take this as lightly as you are making out – get the win then rest the big players, not bring them off the bench after 70 minutes when you are chasing the game


We started almost our strongest team against Bradford.


While I agree with your sentiment I however also feel that this squad has come a long since that night against Bradford, in terms of being able to finish off teams and being more clinical.

I hope we start at most two or three youngsters depending on nearby fixtures and injuries we may have at that time. I would definitely prefer if we saw the likes of Zelalem and Gnabry no matter what in that game.


Who did Spurs get?……oh….


the same team man united drew …


We can play our second team and beat them ,Fantastic draw


I really want Frimpong to get a break at some point, this could be a good start

Top Gunner

I agree Hoogy, Frimmy should feature in this game, he needs some game time to salvage his Arsenal career

Igor Stepanov's career

His Arsenal career is like James Avery, not quite making it to 2014.


Let’s not forget the Bradford and Blackburn debacles… We should play a strong(ish) team for this game, for a massive confidence boosting win! We haven’t really trounced anyone yet this season, so this is a good opportunity. The FA Cup is our best chance at winning something this season, let’s not throw it away to blood all the youngsters! I see this as a great opportunity for Giroud to build some confidence that he’s lost…


Viviano, jenks, Vermaelen, kos, yennaris, frimpong, Flamini, Eisfeld, ryo, park, gnabry….then.

Wrighty's Gold Tooth

Yennaris who is out on loan at Bournemouth you mean?


Reintroduction of Ramsey after his injury… Possibly integration of a new signing…


Blogs was nearly right. He said a team starting with the letter C. Great draw! COYG

Virginia Goon

I’m telling you I heard the emirates all the way from metropolitan Washington DC yesterday. Friggin perfect result! Love the togetherness. Didn’t matter who, or where the draw came to be. This team is hitting its stride at the perfect time. We keep backing the boys, and giving them belief they will be rewarding us come April. CÖYG!!

Merlin's Panini

If we go into this game with a strong bench i’d like to see some of the youngsters start. I’d like to see Sanogo or Akpom up front, Ryo, Zelalem and Gnabry behind, midfield two of Frimpong and Ox and a solid defence behind to avoid any nasty surprises.


Suspecting a much more difficult match compared to the garbage we just faced


A tougher game than Sp*rs

Bruno Esede

Another good game to help move forward


Nice. This will be a better challenge than Spurs. I’m still glowing from yesterday.


Good draw, Gnabry will take care of this


jenks kos verm monreal

flamini zelem
gnarby rosicky the ox

id like to see a similar line up to this , good mix of experence and youth , gnarby should definitly start and the likes of zelem back from injury and the ox back in training should be a perfect time to get 90 mins under therr belt. The likes of ramsey ryo gibbs and bentender (if fit) could all make the bench. It will give us a good chance to rest the first team as we have a pretty hectic schedule in feb ! COYG


Zelalem plays in the AMC/Özil role no? although against coventry he probably could play DM without trouble, but I feel like a youngsters first taste of first team football shouldn’t be out of position.

Lol me

Viviano,monreal,koscielny,mertesacker,sagna,Ramsey,flamini,zelelaem,gnabry,bentdner(if bak from injury), the ox


I agree with you that we should be able to beat Coventry with ten players, but let’s put eleven on the pitch anyway.


Should be tougher than Spurs

Infidel Castro

Not sure why everyone is choosing the starting eleven already when the game is a few weeks away. Alot can happen from now till then in regards to injuries/confidence/form of the team and players. Would love to see some of the youngsters but we have squad players knocking on the door who are unlucky not to be starting every week but due to the form of others thats not the case.


I don’t see this one as easy, we should take it very serious I expect a mixture of youth and experience, if we win FA and the league this yr, all our haters will pocket there mouths!


Jenko – Mert – Verm – Nacho
Zelalem – Arteta
Gnabry – Eisfeld – Chambo

Bentdner if hes fit by then instead of Akpom maybe? Think it’d be a decent blend of youth and experience as well as players who are up for rotation. Also, Coventry could sit deep and look for a draw so attacking players are essential me thinks. Just an idea.


Maybe even Frimpong for Arteta? As long as we’ve got a solid back four to clean up in case of any mistakes from the younger lads I think we should be fine.


Coventry have one of the worst defensive records on League 1. If we don’t score at least five then we might as well give up.

Oh yes.

All the big favourites have had a pretty kind draw this time. Could build up to some tasty quarter/semi finals down the road.

Harish P

Would be nice to see a part for youngsters to play, like Zelalem, Gnabry, Miyaichi, Sanogo and/or Toral, Olssen. Potential returns for Ox, Ram, and Bendtner, mixed with our depth of all round good first teamers – I won’t pick a team so early, but we should do well regardless. A nice choice at the gun store, Wenger has. I can’t believe this is a team still in transition, not quite the formidable world beating team we have planned to own by the summer of 2015. We’re such a great squad and a club in a great position at the… Read more »

Tamil Tiger

Well it’s not a surprise that as you progess in the cups you face bigger and better teams


Ahh well….I didn’t think we would get someone as charitable to us as the spurs what with them showering those coins on poor walcott bless them.


In years past I’d be worried about an upset but we just seem like a different animal altogether this season, delighted with how things are going so far, hope the lads keep it up!


Man Ure are out! Somewhere in Salford, a little boy has put himself up for adoption.


When you see just how shit Man United are it’s now so annoying that they beat us earlier this season. For me, that was the most disappointing performance and result by us this season – even worst than the Villa and City defeats. We just didn’t turn up at Old Trafford, and allowed ourselves to be beaten by an extremely average side.

Still, we shouldn’t complain: it’s great fun watching RVP, Moyes and a million glory-hunters all suffer, isn’t it?


Rooney was immense for them that game. A one-man wrecking crew.

Imagine if Rooney and RVP leave Manure in the coming months–who would ever want to go play with Danny Welback and Tom Cleverly under the reign of David Moyes?


An interesting thought.. Manure to fire Moyes and without any adequate replacement lined up, gets old red nose as an interim manager until summer.

Its not completely impossible; Moyes shows no sign of improvement and is due for axe sooner or later. Once burnt and all that, they might not want a quick replacement and I belive red nose is not completely ditached from their setup.



I wonder what the little boy in RvP is telling him now ?


My team for the game- Providing we have a fully fit squad by then.

Jenko Koscielny Verm Monreal

Zelalem Flamini

Gnabry Rosicky Oxlade






Shii! Tougher than our last draw. Was really hoping for a smaller team, say Shitty;)


We’re due some luck in the cup draws after the easy runs our cunty rivals have had over the years.


Why do we get to play this tie at home? I thought it depends in the previous time that the two sides met, who ever had home advantage will play away?

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