Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Arsenal 4-0 Villa: By the Numbers

Just a quick post because I know you’re all celebrating like mad but I wanted to highlight a few stats from today’s game.


Playing the deepest I’ve seen all season, so deep that at times he was behind the last center back, Cazorla still found a way to dictate play today as he went 12/12 with his long passes. These passes showed the full range of his technique: some hit like a frozen rope, others hit soft as cotton wool. He also led Arsenal in total passes and hit them with 94% accuracy. And just like the Italian master, Pirlo, Cazorla was so perfect he was able to paint the pitch with 3 key passes and an assist.

Coquelin Grows Up?


With Cazorla often deep, Coquelin actually had more to do offensively. Coq was also perfect in the long pass, hitting 7/7 long passes, but more impressive he was able to recover the ball in defense and beat the immediate pressure of Delph with a deft dribble. He did that 3 times today!

Coquelin is a surprisingly good dribbler. He only attempted 25 dribbles this season, but he was successful 21 times. Which is good because you don’t want your defensive midfielder giving away the ball.

Szczesny Punch Perfect

Was I the only one who thought Szczesny’s punch early in the first half was brilliant? You can almost see him visualizing his father’s head as he punched through the ball with all his might.

By full time, Szczesny actually didn’t have much to do. Villa took just two shots in the entire 90 minutes and neither shot even made it into the 18 yard box.

Instead of saves, Szczesny’s job was to collect high balls and punch away danger. With Ospina in the sticks, Arsenal have been susceptible to crosses hit in the air to the far post. And so when Villa tried the same tactic, Szczesny was ready. He claimed all 3 high balls hit near him and was successful on one of the two punches he tried. Szczesny “dominated his area” so well that Villa were forced to hit crosses further away from the penalty spot as the game went on.

Those crosses were then dealt with by Mertesacker and Koscielny who each won 3 defensive headers against Benteke.

Oh and Mertesacker looked aggressive in the air. Getting his big schnoz in danger’s way defensively and also scoring that header!


Arsenal’s swarming defense stripped the ball away from Villa any time they attacked. Then Arsenal turned to attack and if they beat their man, Villa fouled.

Arsenal dominated possession but still matched Villa for tackles (18 – 20), had more interceptions (11-7), and Villa finished the game with 15 fouls and 5 yellow cards. They probably could have had more yellow cards but referee Jon Moss was lenient throughout.

Sanchez was fouled 5 times, Cazorla 4, and Coquelin 3.

3 fouls and 3 dribbles? Coquelin is going Hollywood on us!

What Ozil Sees

Ozil finished the game with 3 key passes, the same number as Cazorla, but he probably could have had a dozen key passes but for the wastefulness of some of his teammates.

That backheel through ball for Walcott? Stay on side son! Same for several other passes to Walcott, who strayed off 4 times.

But what won’t show up on the stat-sheet were some of his long attempts. Ozil is best in these kinds of open games where he has the run of the midfield and can pick out a pass that switches play or sets off a man on a counter. Think about his long ball to Theo Walcott.. that 40 yard ball, on the ground, curling around the defender, whew… that was hot.

Sanchez Turnover Machine

Alexis was dispossessed 3 times and involuntarily coughed the ball up another 4 times. He only completed 2/4 dribbles and misplaced 10 of his 50 passes.


Oh wait… he assisted Walcott’s goal? And he scored the second? The second being a candidate for goal of the season?


With his 6th final win and his second back to back final win in his career, Arsene Wenger is now tied with George Ramsay for most number of FA Cup wins.

Ramsay managed Aston Villa and won his 6 cups over a 33 year span from 1886-1920. Ramsay stayed on as manager for another 6 years after his last cup win finally ending a 42 year managerial career in 1926.  His 6 cup wins was a record that many thought would be impossible to match in the modern football era. This is, after all, a time when Carlo Ancelotti is fired the season after winning the Champions League.

But Wenger and Arsenal aren’t like other clubs and despite the lean years during the Arsenal stadium project and the dismantling of his team by oil barons, tundra barons, and a couple of turncoats who couldn’t wait to go play for the old enemies, Wenger has managed to rebuild his team into a group that wins trophies.

Oh and this trophy is Arsenal’s 12th FA Cup, more than any other club in England.

Not bad for a “specialist in failure.”


All stats from WhoScored.com today

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Those calling for Wenger to resign after the Spurs and Monaco games looking foolish now.


The worst was “Get out while you can!”

What a bunch of idiots.


Now they say the same thing. Re-sign.


Okay but Monaco was still a bad defeat however you look at it… We definitely need to improve our European form next season.

Pleasantly surprised at how effect Carzola has been operating from this deeper role – same range of passing as Pirlo but a lot more zippy and mobile with his footwork.

Can’t help but feel that Arteta will have a very hard time getting back into this team now that both Coq and Cazola is ahead of him in his position.


Fantastic win last night ! COYG get in !

Just an addition to the areas where we can improve – we have to improve our performance against the top 6/7 teams. In that mini-table our position isn’t as high as we’d like/expect. Also, gotta convert those disappointing one-off losses to the lesser teams into draws or wins.

But we’re improving and with the financial restraints behind us, hopefully we’ll reach that level where we’re able to give Chelshit and Man City a real challenge next year, and avoid big disappointments like Monaco etc.

Thierry Bergkamp

Down voted you like I do everybody who still spells “Carzorla”, after so many years


They already looked foolish at that time.


On the train home from Wembley yesterday some bloody idiot informed me that Wenger was a shit manager and should be sacked. Feel free to down vote in honour of the stupidity of his comment.


Englise is not my mather tangue but i have learn some neuw words this season.
1. Mourinho = Cunt
2. John Terry = Chief Cunt
3. Michael Own = TV Cunt
4. Spurs = Sh*t
5. Chelsea = that ting between a woman’s legs.
6. Wenger = that guy at Arsenal the call “Specialist in failure”

Someone add to my vocabulary.
Proud to be a gunner!!!

Az Ahmed

Alan Shearer – bald ass
Danny Murphy – monotonous prick (is this what our tv licence goes on?)


Can anyone tell me if AW is the only Manager to win back to back FA cups twice? Cos I’m in gooner heaven today. Laughing my ass off at maureen and his moaning and the rats who deserted a ship they thought was sinking. Had to watch the game on Gerry telly yesterday with no commentary but hey it was the best footie I’ve ever seen on the telly and didn’t HRH look depressed? The Prof got his team selection right, his tactics spot on and the only criticism I’ve got is that Mrs Blogs should have done the live… Read more »


I like Cazirlo.


No disrespect to Pirlo but I kind of like Santi better. Way better. than Cazirlo. or Cazinho. or Santinho.

Santi is just pure magic 😀


And its only now some realise you cannot trust penguins.


I hate penguins really I do

Man Manny

Next season is worth looking forward to. I have a feeling we are on the cusp of Something special; very special.


And can’t see anything wrong with these stats!:D Worth noting as well Giroud ends this season on limited appearances at 52% goals per games played which is on par with Benzema and Benteke. And Ospina is at 80.7% the best save per shots in the league. Had we not let in so many goals from corners and set pieces out wide which suggest we were bereft of a Cback first half of season, we could have also been more competitive for the title this season. On Ozil, it has to be those eyes. Its evolution or mutation or something. he… Read more »


Ozil is definitely Marty Feldman’s German-Turkish love-child…


Perhaps a young Peter Lorre?


I love how you wrote that “specialist in failure” get out you haters. Ohh, and get the fuck off you mourinho(did called wenger a failure)


Metersecker is a rock.

Who needs speed when you are already there?

Rohith J

This should be on Mert’s statue. 😀


I am really stunned for words. So much was written about the Benetke threat. To be fair he did not get any service and when he did he was effectively neutralized. The Arsenal defence di d their job well. I wish to thank Sanchex for the wonder goal. It was from outside the box. I has expected the gunners to pass and pass times 100 but no the little magician hit a thunderbolt worthy to win any big game. Hopefully the gunners can finally begin to challenge for the epl. I am not convinced the two goalies we have can… Read more »

gooner bank

Where is Benteke ?


Did you check Per’s pocket ?

Runcorn Gooner

On the subject of Villa is that Randy Lerner the most miserable looking person ever or was it because Prince William wouldn’t buy the Club?


And give us the amount of goals we have scored this season.

Clearly we are in need of a ‘world class’ striker.;)


It feels a bit surreal not dreading a summer transfer window. In a good way, of course…


Still wondering…. I read on your post yesterday, arteta said the club might have an announcement to be made after the fa cup final. Wondering what….. I hope it’s a good one for us…… Nerve wrecking


It will probably just be an announcement about him signing a new contract…


This team is not far from dominating.

Parisian Weetabix

Mertesacker’s “header”. heh.

Red Cannon

And his reaction after the header… Double heh.

Coq Au Vin

That was fucking excellent!

Sean Doherty

Mourinho is a horrible cunt pure and simple cog

Yankee Gooner

“You can almost see him visualizing his father’s head as he punched through the ball with all his might.”

I reckon Szcz punched that clearance farther than Ospina can kick it.

And I’m always happy with a few offsides against the central striker; usually means he’s going to run really free a couple of times (if stats don’t pack that up, I don’t want to know.)


Biggest threat for Arse was Szcz itself.
Even at 3-0 up with balls coming high I get nervous.
People dont just agree with watever this blog is telling you, think for yourselfs.
There seems to be a push to get some of these non performers back into the Gooners good graces.
I say the likes of Oezil & Sanchez deserve better. Dont let them die a slow arshavin death.

Mark Hughes

What are you talking about? I literally have no idea where your rant was going. Ospina, is that you?

Rambo's Thai retreat

What the hell are you talking about?? Who be these non-performers?

Dick Swiveller

Never understood why people seem to think that their nerves somehow show players to be bad, I felt pretty fricking calm at 3-0 up, even when Szczsny was punching the ball out; that is something he can acually do well, after all.

Az Ahmed

What a shit match, Alexis goal was the worst, I could do that with a cabbage and one leg.


I’ve noticed Coq’s dribbling as well (easy there, fellas). He’s actually excellent transitioning from defence to attack and much closer to the “Mythical DM” then some people let on. Not sure what he has to do to prove himself to some people. Also LOL at Owen still thinking Sterling is better than Ozil!

Dick Swiveller

He said it again? Does he not know that living off your one success will only lead to being left behind? He needs something new, Townsend better than Sanchez, maybe?


I don’t think he said it again but saying it twice before is bad enough! And he’s never taken it back!!!

True Red

Andy Townsend? Can’t think of any other players with that name

Brian Mendoza

Koscielny about to drop his next rap album on us


Existentialist rap? Anarchist rap? Are those both redundant concepts?


They showed up – the players en? Now let’s launch an assault on the league next season.


Haha great picture. Watching it the 1st time on replay I thought Kos was celebrating!!!


Arsenal have now won 9% of all FA Cup competitions.
Arsene Wenger has now won 4.5% of all FA Cup competitions.


I don’t see the humor in the photo. Kos clearly needs TP for his bunghole.


There you have it Carragher.. We’re taking selfies in the changing room WITH A TROPHY! …and liverpool continue to be a halarious shite


*Hilarious goddammit…

Sean Thum

I suppose you can say Wenger is a…#SpecialistInTheFACup


When Koscielny got that shirt pulled over his head, i thought, “blogs is surely not going to let this funny moment go to waste. He will surely add it to the match report or the ratings or the BtN.”

Mboya Vanda Fat

Am I the only one who feels that football was a magnificent escape for Kos? Could have been equally dangerous, but on the street


Glad I wasn’t imagining it that i’ve thought Coquelin has really developed a sense for a quick dribble to safe space and the Smart Pass. Perfect DM technique and especially on the day.



Coquelin is such a great dribbler, just look at his games as a fullback in the past years. To be a world class DM, he only needs to be more clever and wiser with his passing.

Diaby's Glassware

I love it when AW goes specializing on failing. Love everything about the progress we’re all seeing. I just wonder how hard it is for these dumb skysports geniuses to see what is brewing in our RED horizon. She actually wore a yellow ribbon.

bendtners mum

Early this season i claimed “cazorla is looking a shell of his former self, echoes of the end of arshavins career” and it got a lot of green thumbs up. Im so glad hes proven me wrong, sorry santi.


The class of masters: Cazirlo,HardCoq,EyeZil,Rambo,Bellerina,GeneralKos,Metalsacker,SuperMonreal,TheoBolt,Alexinium! SMOKING GUNNERS!

Chris B

Not to sound too clichè but this was such a team victory. Just about everyone in the squad has, at some stage at least, played a massively important part in the road to this victory. We’re looking at players who know how to win together!


Clearly Sherwood’s plan was to disrupt the play and foul us whenever we were looking dangerous. This time we didn’t react, but got on with the job instead and Villa got what they deserved, apart from 2 more yellow cards.

So impressed with the whole performance. So much more enjoyable than last year too.


Thanks 7AM for the added bonus of statistical post match Analysis that is hot on the heels of your sterling liveblog performance covering for Bloggs!


That first punch out by Szcz in the 13th minute pretty much set the tone for the rest of the game.

Stringer Bell

Was at the game and watched it again last night. Can only report that Ozil was simply sublime. A joy to watch him play football. On a different planet. You don’t see it though when you watch on TV. He still looked good but nothing like how good he was. When you watch the game you don’t see Mesut Ozil, when you watch Mesut Ozil you see the whole game.

emir of emirates

When you watch the game you don’t see Mesut Ozil, when you watch Mesut Ozil you see the whole game” Deep! And I concur my good sire! #FACupFinal #FACupchampions

Rambo's Thai retreat



thanks for your comment. I wasn’t (sadly, frustratingly) at the game but I’ve never wished I’d got a ticket more, and Ozil was a big part of that.

Less rambly Pete

Yep, he is ace. And while Michael Owen is still a cunt it was nice to hear Danny Murphy break ranks and offer up a little tentative praise for him.
Murphy is actually warming on me.went with Santi as MOTM instead of Alexis (right call in my mind though the goal would have swung many an opinion) which then meant we got treated to one of my favorite post match interviews ever, no?

Policeman's Bangers 'N' Mash

7 AM your articles are just A grade mate I love everything about them they make me feel all warm inside.

kano gooner

And Sagna who left to win “trophies” did not win any this season!


Ozil makes passing a thing of art. His passes always seem to caress the turf as they gently roll to a players shoelaces.


That Szczesny punch you’re refeering to caused the loudest outbreak of cheers in the pub until Theo scored. There was none of the cynical spirit of twatter, just togetherness and standing behind every single player on the pitch. How I love this club. And how amazing was the Wembley crowd?

Woolwich Peripatetic

The commentators picked up on that quite quickly, that Arsenal were not going to fanny around when dealing with long balls into the box. It’s not going to work against a team that varies it’s approach but when every ball into the box is aimed at Benteke you can get away with it.
To be fair, you could do the same thing against Hoefbal United and their Belgian battering ram. Bonus points for accidentally punching him in the head (it’s okay, the fro will act as a shock absorber).

Thierry Bergkamp

Alexis says he wants to be the worlds best. Until he stops losing the ball so much, he’ll never be quite there

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