Saturday, July 27, 2024

Szczesny: I’m not going anywhere

Wojciech Szczesny has promised he’ll work hard next year to put right the wrongs of this season and insists he’s no intention of leaving the Emirates any time soon.


The Polish international has been given limited game time since losing his status as Arsene Wenger’s first choice keeper in January but was given a start in yesterday’s FA Cup final success over Aston Villa.

Building on comments he made on the eve of the Gunners’ Wembley triumph, Szczesny took to Facebook to thank the fans, his teammates and the coaching staff for giving him the support he needed to get through a tough campaign.

“What a day! Thank you for coming and celebrating with us! Its [sic] been a long season for me but I promise to work my socks off to make it better next season and make all The Gunners around the world proud again!

“Also a massive Thank You to my team mates and the coaching staff at Arsenal FC for their incredible support during difficult times.

“And a big well done to the media who almost managed to convince people that I could acctually leave my home and the people I love! Well, you’re gonna have to put up with me for many many years.”

Two days ago Szczesny used social media to slap down his dad, Maciej, who’d been hyper critical of Arsene Wenger in the Polish press.

The Gunners have been heavily linked with a move for Chelsea’s Petr Cech in recent weeks; it remains to be seen whether that speculation turns into concrete interest. And if it does, what it means for the Pole and fellow keepers David Ospina and Emiliano Martinez.

Anyway, nice to see Wojciech is in a chipper mood. An FA Cup win will do that to a man.

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I love nothing more than a bit of loyalty from players – a rare thing these days. Massive respect if he stays and fights – players are often too quick to give up and take the easy option of leaving. Love his attitude.


Spot on. He made a mistake, accepted that he did, hasn’t fussed or agitated, kept his down and worked hard, and when he got his chance (in a final no less), he has shown everyone why everyone was raving about him in the first place. Maybe this negative experience will make him a better player. He has it all- height, distribution, shot-stopping ability, anticipation, even the cockiness that the best players have….. it was interesting to see that he didn’t try anything crazy yesterday, didn’t try to take on outfield players. His attitude has certainly improved. Arsenal is home for… Read more »


I rate him but let’s not get carried away. He doesn’t have it all. He can’t see a pass beyond the first open man. He doesn’t think whether the person he passes to has an option to pass to. This has cost us so many times and is frustrating to watch.
If he resolves this, he’ll be a much better keeper.


Well said. I feel more comfortable with an in-form Sczcz between the sticks. Hope the lessons learnt this season helps him hold on to the No 1 jersey next season.

Anonymous Physicist

It seems we now have a whole squad with this attitude. It’s brilliant to see. Also, I know we want to improve and stuff, but I cannot think of anyone in the squad right now I’d want to leave. And I don’t think we should get any more depth either (as in: I think we should let as many players leave as we get in). If this was my FIFA savegame I’d keep the transfer money and blow it on ice cream. (I’m not saying I don’t think we can improve, or I don’t think we should sign anyone. I’m… Read more »


i agree for the most part, though the Top Lad Flamini is a bit harder to make a case for in terms of being replaceable by better quality. He was a no-brainer sale for me on FIFA, but fifa’s bullshit anyway. there’s no GoodCoq or GoodBellerin


Untrue. Flamini is not as bad a player as many imagine. Most of our goals were conceded bc we had an unfamiliar defense. We leaked goals from mainly corners, crosses and set pieces from wide areas. Chambers and MOnreal were more culpable bc of inepxerience than Flamini. Had Coqueline played in the set up, he would have struggled. The return of Meterscielny was crucial to us as much as Santi was a surprise success next to Coquelin at around the same time after Christmas. Flamini is good for another season. If we bring in another asset who can add what… Read more »


As Consuela would say……no

Dick Swiveller

He’s not as bad as some imagine, but bear in mind that Piers Morgan exists so maybe we shouldn’t put too much stock in what others think, Flamini is very replaceable and I do think he won’t get an extension (he is out of contract, right?). I agree with much of what you said, but the Coq, Arteta and even Rambo are probably ahead of him in that position now, and with Chambers’ versatility Flamini’s ability to play at fullback isn’t needed, he is surplus to requirements.


I was having a pretty good day until some bastard reminded me that Piers Morgan exists….


I love Flamini, Rosicky, and Arteta, but football clubs can’t afford too much sentiment. Which of those three is going to be better next season? And this season they got very little playing time. Let the Little Mozart have a glory year at Sparta Prague. Flamini can leave with our thanks. Arteta can stick around another year for his influence, and eventually join the coaching staff. They’ve got to go just to allow Ox, Wilshere, and Walcott (if he’s a midfielder) some time. If we pick up a top class DM, we’ll keep Coquelin as insurance and his playing time… Read more »


Stay where you are Szczesny.

Having said that, I’d welcome Cech as our new number one.


To share his golden glove with him?Oh wait that already happened.


Poor deluded media.

Szsc is going nowhere.

It was as clear as daylight. Its as plain as English. Even if you spelt it out to them, they would not believe it.

They will have to peddle their silly theory that Arsenal needs to be improved with a goalkeeper.

Nobody-else needs a keeper not least say United when De Gea goes.

Meanwhile, goalkeeping is a real pressing problem for us since Ospina has the highest save per shots ratio this season at 80.7% and Szsc is a fast developing YOUNG keeper.

The punditry and its idiocy knows no bounds.


The media are how the are because stories of a steady ship don’t sell papers
We’re the most settled I’ve seen us in a long long time, there are no rotten apples, nobody upsetting the morale in camp.
Anyone we bring in has to meet these criteria almost as much as they must have the quality to wear the shirt.
Exciting times ahead

Luis Boa Muerte

Arsenal have plenty of first teamers who can be improved upon. If we didn’t, why did we finish 3rd and go out to Monaco? Ospina/Szcz are just 2 of those players. Accepting that doesn’t mean you can’t like them, get behind them, or believe they are good. But if you don’t think Cech is a far better keeper than what we have you are crazy wrong. I won’t back that up with anything substantive because there is so much I could mention it would dominate this entire comment! There are several other *possibly* attainable keepers who would likely be an… Read more »


His best years are to come. Already an International, Golden Gloves last season, great height, from goalkeeping stock.

I think he can become a great, with a bit of luck and maturity. And the latter is coming, given how he has dealt with his dad.


And he played behind a dodgy defence early this season with no Coq. Easier to look good when you don’t have many/any shots to save, like yesterday.

Third Plebeian

I fell back in love with Szczesny when he came out for that cross in the first half and absolutely levelled that Villa forward in the process of catching it. Champion!


I got the impression that somewhere it had been worked out that Benteke couldn’t handle being charged down by a big ‘keeper when going for a cross.

It looked like a deliberate strategy and seemed effective.


Great news. Criticism of Woj has been overblown – I for one still anticipate him as our longterm #1


Can’t help but think of Wolf of Wall Street.

Yorkshire gunner

I ain’t fucking leaving


I believe he is as good or maybe even better than Courtois. Szczesny has been playing for a team that believes in playing entertaining football which also happens to be an open game that allows the opponent to have more chances at our goal than say a Chelsea or an Atletico Madrid who base their football on defensive organisation, Chelsea take that one to ridiculous levels of pragmatism though. I don’t understand the need to sign Cech, who had last year’s joint most clean sheets , to replace the young man he shared this accolade with. I feel like this… Read more »


“I believe he is as good or maybe even better than Courtois.” heh, he punches the ball 4 times in a cup final and he’s the best thing since sliced bread. SZCZ was good yesterday, did everything he was asked to do but let’s not get carried away, ay. As for the title challenge thing, it is all subjective, we definitely challenged for the title last season but I don’t think we can claim to have mounted one this year. Let’s cross our fingers and open we can start the news season like we started last season and finish it… Read more »


Better than Courtois?

Mate, you are absolutely, totally and unequivocally off your bloody well rocker if genuinely think that.


There seems to be a lot of delusional arsenal fans on here who will not take any kind of constructive criticism about players. Szczesny has potential to be a very good keeper and I feel a loan move for him next year to a good European team could help his progress but to say he’s as good as courtois is absurd.


Stay and fight the good fight!


I wonder, realistically, how many goalkeepers there are out there that are better than him and that would truly be worth the king’s ransom it would take to buy them? Are they that much better than him that it would be worth the enormous hit? I like Cech, but I’m not convinced he’s the answer, although I’ll happily be proven wrong should he (or anyone else) come, mind. But it’s always nice to see a player come through the ranks and succeed, so hopefully Szszesny can do it; if he can get his head together, he should go far. It… Read more »


It’s the same with the strikers, but if that’s to be done, for some reason I would much prefer spending 50m on aguero than on de gea.


Completely agree. I’m all for bringing in quality, and if that treads on people’s toes then so be it; football is the ultimate meritocracy, and while that can be brutal, it also means that if you have the talent and put the work in, you will succeed. I have a sneaking suspicion that we’ll see an attacking signing this summer. Not basing it on anything in particular, just a hunch. However, I concede that that will probably also have a lot to do with Walcott and whether he stays or goes, and whether or not Arsene does actually see him… Read more »


Ya Gunners Ya!!!!

Buy me, I'm a CB

The lad’s potential is unquestionable. Some youthful exuberance aside, the maturity to accept the fight to regain your place is a sign of (dare I say it?) mental strength. Here’s hoping he does a Ramsey soon.


Yeah, I for one would love to see a 15 goal season from Szszesny – that would be truly spectacular! ; )
Bad jokes aside, great player, great potential, fingers crossed he can step up and be our number 1 for years to come

kos the boss

What joke ? Wouldn’t mind at all if he only concedes 15 goals


Big fan of Woj. The only floor in his game is his temperament seems to tick the boss off now and again. Grow up fast can be number 1 for many years.


For all the talk about signing Cech, I think he’s too old to be a long-term option. I personally think we should go for one of the young German goalkeepers – they’re all almost world class already. My personal favorite is Bernd Leno of Bayer Leverkeusen.


It would make me and the rest of the fans really happy if szczesny can step up and be the goalkeeper most of the us are yearning for. But for that he has to be consistent and not repeat his mistakes both on and off the field.

Having said that he would have to convince a lot of fans and most importantly wenger. As wenger knows his situation better than any of us and can judge if he give szczesny another chance or go for a replacement in the transfer market.


He can still turn out to be the biggest thing with time. Scz needs to sit up and not take his selection for granted. If he sirs up, he can be the best in the world. He is
a talented kid.


Arsenal already have three, yes (3), very good goalkeepers. People jumping on pathetic media bandwagon and their idiotic attempts to mess with the confidence of the players. With continued improvement in the defensive side of Arsenal’s game a new goalkeeper is the least of Arsenal’s worries……

Dick Swiveller

I count two good keepers, unless we’re considering a decent run in the Championship as qualification to be ‘very good’? I like the guys we’ve got, and Szczesny still has potential to be brilliant if he can recapture some of his form from last year, but let’s not be as silly as those that claim they’re all shit by claiming they’re all brilliant, eh? Leave the idiocy to people who are paid for that kind of thing.


Arsene Wenger said ‘three world-class goalkeepers’…

Dick Swiveller

And he also said that he had never heard of Santi a few days before we signed him from Malaga.


Indeed. I don’t know why people listen to Wenger on transfers. His public statements are mostly there to throw off opposition trying to work out who Arsenal might bid for.


Szczesny is my favourite Gunners’ goalkeeper and he is still one. But he has disappointed me with his antics against his father on the eve of the FA Cup final. His usage of the word “idiotic” against his biological father and his paternity is not gratifying but most unbecoming of Szczesny as he publicly sacrificed his father love and care for him on the alter of a start for Arsenal in the FA Cup final. I know his father has twice or thrice inadvertently interfered with his professionalism at Arsenal on the media. But even then Szczesny should have settle… Read more »


He was right to speak down his dad in public. Because people often view families voices as a proxy for the player like agents. He was right to separate as clearly as possible his voice from his idiot dad’s.

Rozza the samourai

Nobody is a slave of his or her dad or mom, imo.

Sorry but if my dad’s being a cunt, I’m going to tell him.


Hi Samuel, I quite understand what you’re trying to say as a proper Yoruba man. However, this is not Africa. Scez is from Poland and not from Nigeria. if his father exceed his parental boundary, He’s to be put to his place.
Cheers Mate.

Rozza the samourai

Wenger never going to sell Szczesny. To the worst, a loan deal that allows him more experience. To the best, he gets his No 1 position back in August.


Good on ya lad! Never listen to the twats that wanted you gone.


Szczesny is my favourite Gunners’ goalkeeper and he is still one. But he has disappointed me with his antics against his father on the eve of the FA Cup final. His usage of the word “idiotic” against his biological father and his paternity is not gratifying but most unbecoming of Szczesny as he publicly sacrificed his father love and care for him on the alter of a start for Arsenal in the FA Cup final. I know his father has twice or thrice inadvertently interfered with his professionalism at Arsenal on the media. But even then Szczesny should have settled… Read more »


Szczesny is my favourite Gunners’ goalkeeper and he is still one. But he has disappointed me with his antics against his father on the eve of the FA Cup final. His usage of the word “idiotic” against his biological father and his paternity is not gratifying but most unbecoming of Szczesny as he publicly sacrificed his father love and care for him on the alter of a start for Arsenal in the FA Cup final. I know his father has twice or thrice inadvertently interfered with his professionalism at Arsenal on the media. But even then Szczesny should have settled… Read more »


Cech would be a solid signing for a couple of seasons, and all our keepers will benefit from having him around I reckon. Szczesny still has plenty to learn, but I do think we should be happy to have him.


I wonder how many people realize that Szczesny is two years younger now than what Seaman was when he joined Arsenal, anyone who says Szczesny can not progress and become truly world class is deluded. I would also ask a simple question in regards to cech, – could Arsenal have played the same goalie tactics as we did yesterday with cech in goal, in other words would Cech have got to those crosses aimed at Benteke, as its never been part of his game, and ever since his head injury it is completely out of the question. Winning the FA… Read more »


Fair point. Chech has been a fabulous keeper for a good part of last decade. But can he come for crosses like our other keepers do?remember this is a guy who still wears that protective helmet for psychological reasons than any medical ones.

Arctic Troll

Simple fact is that if Mourinho is prepared to sell Cech to us it automatically means that Cech is not good enough for us. Mourinho wouldn’t strengthen a direct league rival.

Man Utd selling us Silvester was the same deal


Good Lad !!!


Still a mystery why Wenger didn’t play Szczesny against west brom considering he played the final. Do not feel Osprina would of dealt with Benteke quite as efficient but love both keepers. The competition between them will be healthy for next season. I rate them both highly and although Cech is one of the greatest feel we can be title contenders with the pair we have. For me we are not far off in terms of quality in the squad and without many injuries;which hit us in the first part of the campaign, can be genuine contenders with just 1… Read more »


sczez, jxt focus on working ur gloves off and leave the socks for Sanchez to do justice to.


We should always improve but I will take a group of players who appreciate the club and the fans over a group of mercenaries any day. Well done boys


Love that he referred Arsenal as “my home”


It sounded like Walcott was going to stay when he was interviewed at the parade today. Maybe this success has him a bit more willing to accept what he is offered so that he can continue to enjoy our success.

John Griffiths

I still think he has the potential to be one the great Arsenal goalies.


So sad that no one mention Ospina like as if he is non-existant!! What has Ospina done to deserve this?


Just imagine how much Chelsea and City paid for certain players. Recently against WBA, Lescott cost 22m quid.

We paid 15m for the man with the hat trick Walcott

Getso gunner

Good decision.. Stay and give Ospina a tough competition

Mboya Vanda Fat

Do they sell that medication they used to give Messi when he was not growing? Oh-spinner would be the best with a few mpre inches of height


Nice to hear. I certainly hope Tomas comes out with a similar statement of intent….I have a feeling it’s not going to happen though….sniff sniff…..PLEASE STAY TR7!!!!!!!


Wenger said his contract was almost signed.

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