Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal seek Gabriel ban reduction

The Guardian report this afternoon that Arsenal will seek to have Gabriel’s automatic three game ban reduced after the Brazilian was sent off on Saturday against Chelsea.

The club will reportedly cite the example of Nemanja Matic who had his ban reduced by a game after a red card against Burnley last season, but the hopes of leniency from the game’s authorities might be dashed by the former Villarreal man’s reaction.

Having been shown red by Mike Dean, he failed to leave the pitch and continued to remonstrate, pushing and shoving with a number of Chelsea players – although that saw him grabbed around the throat by Chelsea goalscorer Kurt Zouma who escaped unpunished for that.

That alone may make the FA less likely to reduce the automatic three match ban, although perhaps they may take into consideration how non-violent the violent conduct was.

Speaking of Zouma, he may find himself in hot water at Chelsea’s training ground after publicly calling teammate Diego Cost a cheat.

Interviewed by beIN Sport, he said, “Everyone knows Diego and this guy likes to cheat a lot and put the opponent out of his game.”

If the comments of Arsene Wenger could put pressure on officials refereeing Costa in the future, this too could make his life more difficult.

Fingers crossed, he deserves it.

Listen to more on Gabriel, Costa, Mike Dean and more on this week’s Arsecast Extra

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Good boy Zouma now hand in that request and come partner Gabriel forming one mean defence for years to come….hope this happens.


God damn, this weekend. I have never felt so empty inside after a defeat like that.

It actually felt like us against the world.


For the duration of the game, sure. But afterwards most neutrals were disgusted by Costa’s antics. The problem is that this is precisely what Mourinho thrives on. He needs to build a siege mentality, and frankly is very good at it. His players know that they’re playing for him and each other, and it makes it that much harder to beat them.

Let me be clear, I hate the fucking lot, but I recognize their tactics.


I’m one of those neutrals with some time to kill. Costa is vermin – utter scum. He is one of the many reasons that football is being dragged into the gutter. Mourinho has the audacity to think they’re is nothing wrong with it. Idiots like Shearer go on MOTD saying they like the way he plays. Costa walks onto a field to cheat first and play football second. He knows that he can win a game by targeting a player with his underhand tactics. (Let’s face it he is one of the most overrated players in the PL.) Mourinho will… Read more »

Corona X

I would’ve given you a thumbs up if it wasn’t for this sentence:
“Step forward Gabriel, clearly one of the most stupid people ever to walk onto a football pitch.”
Dude, ffs, some perspective please!


How often do players in a crucial match get sent off over an incident that has nothing to do with them? So his stupidity for me is. 1. Carry on a feud from another year in another league. 2. Do it away from home (i.e. home teams tend to get the decisions) in a crucial game against opponents who are there for the taking. 3. Initially get booked meaning you are now walking a tightrope. 4. Pat Costa on the chest to rile him some more. 5. Follow him all the way to the halfway line. 6. When all the… Read more »


For me, it’s always us against the world…


Me too. It wasn’t even anger, either. I hope it’s just down to the start of this season being a bit meh, but things like this and the bullshit the papers peddle and the journos constantly asking dull and repetitive or irrelevent and inflammatory questions has really dampened my enjoyment of football. I’m too young to know anything other than the Premier league but I can see a lot of people falling out of love with it if this nonsense and the win at all costs mentality that disugsting, hideous human beings like Costa get commended for employing continues.


Yeah, more resignation than anger. Oddly it’s moments like this that make me realize how sad it is that my day can be ruined from watching a bunch of millionaires kick a ball around.

Arshavin's fake moustache

I hope it gives us a kick-start and we can use the negativity to our advantage


Yep, Diego is a fucking cunt


The reduction, should it be appealed must follow the lines with which Matics red was rescinded to 1 match for lashing out after “dangerous tackle” .

Going by this logic and F.A’s reputation towards the Arsenal i reckon Gabriel will be given a 25 match ban and or perhaps extradited between that time.


Man Manny

Not raising my hopes. His ban means he will miss the COC, Leicester and United. Mert is fit so the damage is not that severe. Chambers came in against the Cheats and put in a good shift. We’ll be fine even if they don’t reduce the ban.


You always want your best players to play. Gab had just found his feet and was playing some decent football. Hope the ban is only for 1 game. Not holding my breath though.

Man Manny

Not like he will be redundant within this period. There is the CL against Olympiakos next week. He can pair with Mert so that Kos can have a breather if need be. It’s probably the best time for this little set back to his arsenal career. No collateral damage done.
Meanwhile, I am quite excited by him. He will have a huge career with us. All the noise about our defence being poor has disappeared.


I agree, we’re still in good stead for CB’s, but to me it still really must be reduced purely on principle.
But I’m not holding my breath either.

I hope they successfully make the case Costa should already have been sent off the field not allowing this to happen in the first place and he struck everyone more violently than any arsenal players.

Man Manny

Costa has just been charged for violent conduct. He has till tomorrow evening to respond. Sadly, Gabriel has been charged too! for not running out of the field after the red card. You wonder if these guys in the FA have ever had a sense of injustice before. Shocking decision. To add salt to injury, our amiable captain on the day, Cazorla was warned for getting 2 yellow cards; you wonder what they are smoking down there.


Fuck this I’m still not over it. Fuck Chelsea, Costa, Mourinho, Mike Dean and the fucking Barca reject. If any gooner still thinks Cesc is a legend or a true Gooner I will literally explode. Get his bloody poster off the bridge already FFS

Arsenes Banter

I’m not happy with the red card, But my personal silver lining (other may disagree) is that Gabriel didn’t take no sh*t from that disgrace of a footballer Costa. And I for one like a bit of fight in a central defender


Gabriel is a bit of a nasty bastard which is a good thing to have. We haven’t really had one since Keown and Vieira. That’s my main criticism of Mert is that he is too much of a nice guy. In Gabriel and probably our Coq too we have players with a nasty streak.

SoCal Gooner

Let’s be honest, as long as Wenger is in charge we’re always going to be a more more “glorified” Tottenham.

Arsene's zip

The fuck has any of this got to do with Wenger?
Never miss an opportunity for some Wenger bashing,eh?


Sound the alarm…Wenger and Scum word in one sentense.


Wow. Fuck off.


Just fuck off

SoCal Gooner's Mother

So sad, I failed at raising you

A Yank in King Arsene's West Stand

I feel so embarrassed for you that you made this comment. Do you even watch football?


Do not ever describe yourself as “Gooner” again. “SoCal Fucking Idiot Moron” would be a better moniker.

Better yet, do not ever come on this website again.


Blogs, your assumption that video would help refs in seeing all the evidence assumes they want that. When you earn £2k per week and your charges earn 100 times that, if your ability to interpret events as you alone see them is taken away then so does your value to those wishing to influence the game. If the refs association wanted an honest game they would have voted for TV long ago, like rugby and cricket. Only reason not to is the value of the back handers they must be receiving for ‘their’ interpretation.


Gabriel will probably get an increased ban for a frivolous appeal…..and because he plays for Arsenal, of course.

shwooooz caprooooz

its kinda funny how most pundits and arsenal fans alike have been crying out for years for a player who doesnt get bullied by opposition teams and yet when we do get one in Gabriel, aka Costa-Slayer, aka Gabriel-Take-No-Shit-From-NoBody Paulista, everyone say that Arsenal lack disciple. Make up your mind people.

The only regret i have from the game is that Gabriel didnt smack that cunt, gouge his eyeballs and kick them into the net and celebrate like he had scored the winning goal for Brazil in WC finals.

Bah Wah

Never felt so down and cheated off like the game with chelsea on Saturday. It felt like a blow on the left shoulder. How embarrassing it was with Costa and his attitude. I support Gabriel 100%


My preferred XI against spuds in COC.
Debuchy Chambers Kos Gibbs
Arteta Flamini/Belik
Ox Rambo Iwobi

Per may not be fit yet, moreover a perchambers combo would be incredibly fast*
Ozil and Alexis need rest.


My preferred XI for the next time we play Chel$hit:

The Incredible Hulk
The Thing – Alien – Predator – The Medusa
Al Capone – Ted Bundy
The Borg – a nest of rattlesnakes – Jack The Ripper
Darth Vader

Bench – seven Imperial Stormtroopers

Tazmanian Jesus

I didnt see the match myself, as I was watching my brother play instad.
But during the match I got messages from mates whos fans of Leeds and Totnum, saying what a disgrace Costa is, and they were both hoping we beat the chavs bad.
That of course, didnt happen.


Setting up a Kickstarter campaign to have Costa kneecapped, feel free to donate.

If we reach more than enough we’ll have that Thunderbird looking git Mourinho’s strings snipped too. Starting with his banjo.


I was proud of Gabriel. Glad to see some fighting spirit.
Just such a shame none of the others slammed Costa in second half. I would’ve greated that with standing ovations.


Well if the FA turns it down, it’s just another piece of evidence in the file suggesting favoritism. We should also really be making a formal deal out of this Mike Dean problem. My apologies for repeating this from another thread, but in 7AM’s breakdown, not only is our win % lower beyond any margin of error, but the numbers also add up to showing that Mike Dean has been assigned to 21/60 or 35% of our matches against the Top 4 opposition + Shit since 2009. This should not be possible. I’m going to go full-on Conspiracy and say… Read more »


*win% lower in matches with Dean refereeing.


It’s @ times as this I wished we had Vidal……we fucking need fighters! pretty sure no costa in all the galaxies would wanna have Gabriel, Coq and Vidal breathing down his neck


That was not a game of football, ruined my whole weekend. It’s vengeance I seek for the home game against these fucking cunting cheats.


I get up ‘erry day, go to da toilet and pee the enamel off the toilet and think to myself: It’s gonna be an awesome day cos I’m not a chelski fan.

The FA can suck it, that little puta even a longer one.

Gabriel has my back and I got his. I loved every bit of it (as wrong as it was for us).

It’s September – a long way for 3rd season syndrome to topple that *spit at the floor* biatch. Fookin’ Arsenal till I die – ’86 and going strong.


If you are an Arsenal fan and you don’t love Gabriel, got to hell. It’s time we had a player who is not willing to take shit from anybody, and gives whatever he get…kinda like Paddy Veiera #COYAngelGabriel


Even if he costs the club 3 points against a close rival?

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