Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bellerin pleased to board the Arsenal train

Hector Bellerin says he’s glad he took the controversial decision to swap Barcelona for Arsenal as the gamble has paid off.

The Camp Nou outfit were furious when Arsene Wenger swooped for Bellerin – and fellow prospect Jon Toral – four years ago with then president Sandro Rosell labelling the deal, ‘legal but immoral’. 

The carrot dangled by the Gunners – aside from not having to hang out with hideous cunts like Dani Alves – was the prospect of following in the footsteps of Cesc Fabregas; a path that the defender has since undertaken with trademark pace.

Reflecting on his rise from highly-rated academy prospect to first choice right-back in the space of a year, Bellerin told Sky Sport’s Revista de La Liga: 

“It has paid off. I am very happy with the decision I made. It was hard, but I always say the train comes just once and you either take it or you don’t.

“I took it and I am very happy with the opportunity Arsenal have given me and very happy to be in the position I am in today.

“I’ve always said the reason I came to Arsenal is because I want to stay here and I am not thinking about going anywhere else.”

Looking back on the philosophy instilled in him at Barcelona’s famed La Masia academy, the defender added:

“Barcelona is an academy where you are taught to play the Barcelona way, all the players can play the ball well and it’s all the same philosophy since you are young to playing in the first team.

“That’s very important, even young players when they come into the first team they know what to do because they have been doing it for years.”

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I’m glad he took the train!

I think our investment in youth (forced or otherwise) during the last few years is starting to bearing fruit. Bellarin and Coq are prime examples of players who would have other wise easily cost us £10 – £15 M more.

There are more in the wings like Gnabry.


I can’t possibly name my son ‘Bellerin’ but I will surely name my daughter ‘Bella’. I love Hector that much..

Cliff Bastin

She’s going to suffer a lifetime of terrible twilight references.

Flirty Sanchez

She won’t because the people who have watched twilight will have all been killed in the genocide of the tasteless…


You could name him Hector…

Just a thought..


My Little boy is Hector…

aka Hector babylin


Noted. I’ll stick to Bella though.


Really improving defensively with every game. And with The Corporal to come back next season, we are really strong at full-back.
I see a lot of Lahm in Bellerin. Does that mean he could play holding midfield at some point? Hmmmm?


He is nothing like Lahm.

His future is as a powerful fast wing striker ala bale or ronaldo but faster and lest wankery.
or maybe as an henry.

he can play fullback but he will be wasted there, wenger is teaching him discipline. He would not be a good holding midfielder as that would be like putting Bergkamp at left back – sure he’d do well but he would do so much better elsewhere.

I can’t wait to see him develop – i see a balon d’or in this boy


Not sure about Ballon d’Or and all that but I feel you might be onto something here. I wouldn’t go completely crazy if I saw Bellerin start as a right winger in place of Ramsey or Ox with Debuchy as the right back. Certainly provides us with good width and has the discipline and recovery pace to do his defensive duties. This, aside from the fact that he’s very good with his touches, can pass and can certainly cross.


I hope so. But maybe calm don’t a bit?

Early days…


The only true DM is me.

rossi88 very good RB, more a winger in truth

Pass debuchy from the left hand side

Hector Baellerin.

Jim Gordon

So is this the start of the bellerin wants to return to his “real” home bullshit from the media.

Man Manny

There is a great difference between this guy and Fabregas – He sounds more mature mentally. He seems to be more aware of the dynamics of life than Fab ever was.
With him, I don’t think we neef to worry about some DNA or something.
The fact that his english is british speaks volumes about his personality.
In a related development, it seems Debuchy has become just a stop-gap purchase. Jenkinson had another good game for West Ham on Saturday. I see him and Bellerin fighting it out ftom next season.

Social Pariah

Fabregas’ footsteps can be followed all the way to Cuntria, a vile place to end up.
Hector please be guided by Fleetwood Mac and “Go Your Own Way”.
I want to live in Hector’s House.


I thought that Cesc finally severed all connections with Arsenal and its supporters when he ran up to the ref, I use that term generously, to get Gabriel sent off for his outrageous violence.

Eduardo Stark

once he left us, he went full cunt that nobody like him


That’s actually very accurate. Barcelona fans booed him off the pitch, the fucking rent boys only pretend to like him to add to their pathetic list of “one over the Arsenal”, and Gooners everywhere despise him more and more by the day. Nobody likes Cesc anymore, and long may it continue. The fucker.


Mike Dean is a Fucking Cunt.
Sorry, just needed to be said.


You can tell he is settled in England . “The train comes just once and you have to get on it”
He clearly commutes to London Colney

the only sam is nelson

Is it me or is Blogs using some kind of contextual ad serving tech which means that every time somebody calls Costa a cunt, a Spanish tourist authority ad for the costa del sol is displayed?

malgorythms and all that


Interesting to hear what he says about La Mastia’s training methods for kids. I bet the methods were totally steered towards technical skills and ball control just as in France, Italy, Germany and South America. It seems in stark contrast to the training of kids in the UK. I took my 5 year old boy to his first ever football training the other day and to my surprise (and disappointment) the coach, instead of focus on basic touch and control, got the kids to run around the pitch 3 times then made them play a competitive football match. This despite… Read more »


I inquired 3 times online about coaching courses in the Notts area with the FA…and, of course, got F.A reply. They couldn.t care less

broken heart of Dein

not long before he too figures out he needs another team to match his ambitions, all the money at banks, the ticket prices we pay are highest in Britain, for a club who not only hasnt delivered for more than a decade but doesnt even try doing so, Gazidis more or less just admitted to having no ambition to do any better than we have already….but then who cares as long as long Ivan, stan and the rest of the board keep there pockets lined!….No Premier league club has had sustained success under American ownership, if anything they have gone… Read more »


Seems to me ManU did pretty well for a while there, didn’t they? Just remember those ‘American’ business ideals started well before any Americans had significant shares. Rumor has it London has a bit of banking and finance history of its own. In fact, I’m not quite sure what running it like a business has to do with ‘American’ at all. Don’t mistake this for being pro-Stan or pro-run-it-like-a-business because that’s here nor there to me, but like it or not this is a global club with a few of us American Gooners about, so please think about it before… Read more »

broken heart of Dein

I think whats happening to our beloved club is already enough proof, after the materialising phase of the stadium exchange, Dein (who always used to handle everything one way or another for Wengers Arsenal) took side with others like Usmanov, saying someone of that kind of wealth would not only refuse to pocket clubs resources but also would be large aid to the club in that terrifying post-Highbury period. exactly the opposite of what an American board would do, and look if things turned out differently…. it’s not about bad mouthing a country, I too am going to your country… Read more »


Unrelated I know but there is a petition circulating to get mike dean banned from officiating arsenal games just google mike dean petition and it will come up. Probably won’t make a difference but you never know.

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