Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger gives Ozil a brand new classification

We all know the words to describe creative players. Playmaker; provider; creator; Assisty O’Toole.

But at his press conference today, Arsene Wenger put Mesut Ozil into a brand new category, saying of the German, “Players who can make you score are very difficult to find and have something special on the vision front and on the technical quality.”

Players who can make you score. I love it. The idea that the chances he lays on are so good that even if you wanted to you couldn’t not score [ed – think about inserting an ‘ironic’ Olivier Giroud joke here].

Wenger continued, “Ozil is the main provider in our team and in the league. That is what Mesut is about. But he is also about, and people forget this many times, in his way [he is] an exceptional fighter. He runs much more and covers the distances during the game.

“He has added runs into the box now. You watch how many times he’s in the box compared to what he did before. I think he has become an absolutely unbelievable player.”

And at 27 his best years are still ahead of him.


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Wenger is so articulate!


Whereas Mourinho is so despicable and unemployed… Again…


He gets up to £40m pay-off for being a (bigger than usual) tool for half a season, having signed a 4 year contract at the start of the season. I can’t feel sorry, given he’ll get another job soon enough.

I was enjoying the Chelsea and Mourinho pain, would have preferred it to continue. Though hopefully Juande Ramos is the new man.

bobby chapman

Good news! He ‘only’ got about 8 million as he only got paid until the end of the season. Take the small victories where we get them.


Apparently he “only” gets what’s left on this seasons contract, about 12m


Oops, too late and too wrong


Its happened again, Its haaaapppened aaaaagggain, Jose Mourinho, its happened again.

David C

a specialist in failure – fired by the same club twice!!!



Gutbukket Deffrolla

A specialist in getting out of contracts early, collecting the remaining moolah, AND getting a new job almost immediately. I think he does this deliberately. It’s a plan, not a coincidence. Anybody who puts him on a contract longer than 2 years is an idiot.


Mourinho hasn’t been the same since Wenger laid hands on him.

Podolski Sklep

Arsene is protected by ancient voodoo spirits. Anyone who disses him comes a cropper – see Andre ‘downward spiral’ Villas-Boas for further evidence.

Naija Gunner

hahahahaha…lmao, what are you insinuating….That our Asene has some kind of vudoo?

If so, serve him(morinho) right


I can see him being United manager before the end of the season though, sadly..

John C

If they’re clever they’ll get him now as he could probably still win the league for them this season given a transfer window.


The only thing he’d win is another sack race. Oh, wait a second, he could win an award by starting a mega dust up in the Manure dressing room in which someone permanently rearranges Rooney’s cow face.


The Fired One


Now I understand the meaning, ‘Xmas has come early’. Happy holidays everyone.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

I’m not calling this a victory until they appoint Tim Sherwood.

Lightening Pace

I’m plumping for David Moyes 🙂

Cazorla smile

YAYY FOR THAT!! the despicable cunt that he is… I hope he doesn’t find a job in any of the top leagues in Europe and ends up plying his trade in Uzbekistan (no offence to any Uzbek gunners out there).

I haven’t had such a good laugh for a while.. so freaking over the moon.. COYG get that win over Citeh to cap of a brilliant week!!


Pam said it best though.


Off Topic: He is fired!

A very small regret – didn’t get smashed by us.

Me So Hornsey

I think it’s only right that Arseblog dedicates an Arseblog News article to the sacking of the ‘Special One’.

It’s quite obvious this excellent news has rounded off a quite superb 10 days for us and we are all desperate to discuss about how Special he is?

So come on Arseblog, just this once, a non-Arsenal related post about a non-Arsenal cunt, we want it, we need it, don’t let us suffer.

Arsene's zip

I’m not sure if it’s excellent news… Now they’ll get a competent manager in and might start winning.

Was hoping he’d stay all season and they’d get relegated!


My thoughts exactly, the players had stopped playing for HIM, they may start turning up and improve 🙁 was hoping for relegation


Jay Jay Okocha – so good, they named him twice!
Jose Mourinho – so bad, they fired him twice! 🙂


Any Mourinho misfortune is never an off topic


Yet. Hasn’t been smashed by us yet.


Another small regret: We don’t get to call him ‘the relegated one’


We smashed him in the Community Shield, a trophy game. Repays the 2007 League Cup final loss

The Unemployed One

I am the special one in blogging. Move over..


Thumbs up for the Archer reference!

Sanogo for Ballon D'Or

Mouninho sacked *splooge*


What does Wenger know? I’m going to listen to the likes of Danny Mills for his excellent evaluation of the best playmaker over the past 5 years.

Also, Mourinho… HAH! Specialist in cunty behaviour.


Absolutely thrilled that Mourinho got himself fired over at Chelsea. A golden opportunity for Wenger to get back at Mourinho but we all know AW has too much class.


No Wenger wouldn’t!

He chose to ignore that low life when he was spewing shit.

Wenger is too decent hit a man when he down.

Also I think unlike his run-ins with Fergi which lifted both men and respective clubs to new heights, Wenger probably has decided any run-in with this low life will only lower him as well.


Arsene’s reply to Sky journalist – Maureenwho?


Did Arseblog put this article just so that we can rejoice about that cunt getting sacked in the comment section?


They posted this article so that definitely Arsenal fans stop whining about not having Fabregas back instead of Özil !


It’s a conspiracy!


Mourinho is really a specialist in getting sacked…

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Just so long as nobody calls him a specialist in the sack.

Lord Bendtner

Mourinho just felt the effects of that push/shove today, he’s been pushed off his chair


you mean sploosh?

The Gaffer

Another few months of watching Ozil rip up the league and he’ll have reached the stage were I’ll make the tea for him while he’s banging my missus upstairs


Yet another assist for Ozil…

Gutbukket Deffrolla

We’d all like to see that

(Ozil ripping up the league, ya pervs)


That one made me laugh like an idiot…?


Ha ha, very good


Mourinho has been…… LET ME FINISH! sacked. See, You ruined it.


i love Ozil and Wenger more than i love my wife. She knows though so its ok…


This thread is no longer about Mesut clearly.


Except if you think that Mourinho was a huge tool in Mesut’s development in Madrid before Arsène finished the job, so to speak. 😉


What’s the connection?
Yes Mesut did develop at Real and yes Mourinho is a huge tool, but where’s the link between these two facts?


I thought it’d be clear: Arsène praising Mesut the day Mesut’s Pygmalion is fired… + Arsène and Mou’s endless fights… there are many connections, leave alone Fabregas betraying Arsenal for Chelsea with Arsenal getting Özil out of Mou’s hands from Real and so on. But yes, maybe i was too subtile for some.




Get your facts right and stop shouting man. He left us, remember?


(1) You’re wrong. He betrayed Arsenal when he left.
(2) There’s no need to shout.

Mesut Ohno

Leaving a club is hardly betrayal!!

Fàbregas was a mere boy when he joined us. He spent 8 years with us and wanted a new challenge.

Once it was evident that things weren’t working at Barcelona, he tried to engineer a move back but unfortunately we were fully stocked at the time.


I agree with blogs. I was saddened to hear mourinho being sacked. As much as it pleases me that he got sacked it doesn’t remove the knowledge that he probably would have relegated the team if he had stayed. Imagine the joy it would be to see him do something truly special; get the reining champions relegated


If they get Brandan Rodgers, They will.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Because billionaires do not get glory from owning a Championship team. If they got relegated Abramovic might have sold them and demanded all his loans back.


Ehm…….Am I on the Same article I just read?…….

Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding

Not only does Ego Mourinho have a massive black mark on his CV, but John Terry will be crying tonight. That makes it even more enjoyable.


C’mon guys. Arseblog wouldn’t start a thread titled ‘Mourinho sacked!’ Or ‘they just fired and imbecile ‘ .. That will be glorifying mediocrity, man. The best way of kicking off a Mourinho bashing session is to start a topic about our wizard then take away from there


Oh no, oh no!
They sacked Mourinho!
Go on and take a punt,
Where next for the ‘special c**t’?

Who is to lead Chelski to relegation?
If it is not the unemployed one?
While Arsenal win the league at the expense of Manure..
Isn’t it ironic that our manager is the ‘Specialist in Failure’?


Bad attitude gets you nowhere, perhaps no one had told this to Mourinho. His karma took hold and this despicable fellow got sacked again. He will soon go to a club that spunks cash for fun. I’ll guess it will be PSG in the summer..

Scott P

PSG will beat Chelsea in the CL this year and then when Mourinho goes there, he’ll start going off about how his new club does things ‘properly, unlike his old club’…

Mexican Gunner

Haha! Would be funny because of David Luiz who ran away from him


By the way Maurinho is still a cunt!

Die Hard Gooner

Damn , I was hoping they would let that cunt manage the classless club the whole season and they would get relegated. Deluded brendan for the chelsea job and send them back to where they where before russian money.


Ozil better than Tinder?


Fuck Jose


No matter how great Mesut is, I still doubt his ability would have “made” Gervinho score… How about that instead of your ironic Giroud joke??

Gutbukket Deffrolla

Gervinho has 17 goals in 68 appearances for Roma and some of them have been pretty important goals. Ironic Giroud jokes are much funnier (because we all know it’s bollocks and love that he is scoring regularly now)


Ozil awesome!!!!

A big laugh at the unemployed one too.

Big smile!


Mourinho successes somewhat made him arrogant even to his own players. Now steadily he is beginning to realise that you might be the “special one” at Coaching and all that other stuff but Class will always prevail longterm. Something Mourinho desperately lacks and now his players (classless themselves!) must hate his guts.

/mind you he has fallen out at least in each and every club he has been.

Ex-Priest Tobin

Fuck off Piers Morgan.

chidi mbabie

mourinho wasn’t sacked, he was shoved in the back.

Gutbukket Deffrolla

…by a parked bus


Just saw a bbc poll where 60+ percent of chav fans thought Maureen should NOT have been sacked – what a bunch of myopic morons

Why do you ask my name? It is beyond understanding

Mourinho and Chelsea fans deserve each other. Like bubbling coughed up phlegm and warm eggy diarrhoea deserve each other.

Andy Mack

I think you’d find that the 60% are non chav supporters wanting him to continue dragging the team down!


Flamini with his revolutionary company got named in the list for NME for People of the Year 2015!


I’m a die hard Gooner like most on this site but I didn’t want Mouh to get the sack. Chelsea results and Mouh post game interviews have been comedy gold this season. I was hoping for it to continue long into the new year!
Ozil is a gem.


Shame, I was enjoyingthe cunts unravelling, still him and Costas reps in the bin will suffice I spose, still feel a bit jipped though as this could have gone on longer, full nuclear fuckup for those blue cunts.


Piers Morgan might a million miles away jerking off to Mourinhos post match commentary but he can still feel right up your arse with tweets/comments like that.


Even Giroud would have done a greater job if given the opportunity to manage Chelsea… I bet 60% of the fans will want him too.

Nigerian Kanu

The rot in Chelsea will continue.Merry Christmas Gooners!


Now that Mou no longer in west london, we can start defeating chelsea….

Andy Mack

yes, If the officials let us!


🙂 was reading a very funny joke on another site but I had to laugh on this blog.

All thanks to Jose


shh. please, nobody tell Mesut that a flashy new title is just a ploy to dodge giving a raise.


Remember back in 2014 when Sam Allardyce was managing West Ham? They went to Chel$ki, played a 10-0-0 formation, got outshot 39-1 and escaped with a 0-0 draw. Moronho said “That was 19th century football.” Do you remember Big Sam’s response?

“When you play 19th century football and get a result, it keeps you in a job. If you play 21st century football and keep losing, you’re out of a job.”


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