Saturday, July 27, 2024

Wenger: Rosicky back in full training

Arsene Wenger has confirmed a double fitness boost revealing Tomas Rosicky is back in full training and that Alexis Sanchez is progressing well and should be available against Stoke.

The Gunners will have to do without the pair for Wednesday’s trip to Anfield, although brothers Mesut Ozil and Mathieu Flamini will be recalled having sat out the FA Cup win over Sunderland.

Speaking on Monday morning, Wenger told press: “We should have Ozil and Flamini available. We have to test Ospina [groin], Rosicky is back in full training.”

“[For] Sanchez, the Liverpool game will come to soon, he should be okay for Stoke, he’s developing very well.

“We try to be cautious, but with a muscular injury you never know. He’s very close. If you look at him training, he’s very, very close.”

It’s good to hear Tomas is close to returning to first team action. The 35-year-old Czech international hasn’t played since May after picking up a knee injury on international duty in the summer.

We’re not saying he’s necessarily going to be a regular in the second half of the season but his experience in and around the camp will be most welcome.


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Jay Song

Rozza will definitely score winning goal at White Hart Lane in 2nd half of the season.
Welcome back!!


Love his goal at White Hart Lane, a few seasons back.

Lept off my seat when he cuntted that one in.

Welcome back Mozart.


I went to the fa cup 3rd round against them two years ago. My first and (so far) only NLD. Love super Tom, and him making Rose look like the twat he is and then putting us on our way to two (three?) consecutive FA cups is my favourite moment at the Emirates.

Juan Cornetto

A friend of mine who is a Tottenham fan went to the Lane for the first time that day. At least he got to see a moment of real quality which he is presumably yet to experience again.


Fucking love Rozzer, so happy is back. Hopefully he can be a big player for us in the run in, it would be an unbelievable send off for him if we win the title.

A proper Arsenal hero for me.


That’s what he does.

Wenger the fashion icon

Much needed boost!!! C’mon Gunners!!!!!


Sanchez has been “very close” for what seems like ages. Always supposedly back for the next game, and then the next game. Worrying.


This is the painful arsenal inception ceremony. You can’t be a gooner without undergoing this ceremony.

Nasri's missing chinbone

I think for once Arsene has the luxury of depth to cover for alexis and therefore he is trying to reintegrate him as slowly and gently as possible. He is going to be key for us in the run in.


I hope Wenger will have the courage to play him considering the congested fixtures. Even when he’s fit I often get the feelers from the bench that he’s too old to play, get his creativity and energy level speaks for itself.


You’re supposed to count his football age

Rohith J

Rosicky can do Ozil duties during the FA Cup and Santi duties in the league. Having his quality on the bench at this time would be fantastic!


This is what irritates me the most when talking about Rosicky’s situation . Sure he is 35 and players usually tend to decline after their 30’s. But Rosicky has not shown any sign of declining yet.He is still one of the paciest player in the squad, he is exceptionally good on controlling game’s tempo and he is atleast a much better player than Wilshire, Ox, Arteta, flamini and Walcott. I am not saying he should automatically start but he should atleast be given a fair chance based on his performance(not by his age) like the other players. I usually worry… Read more »

David Sn

GET IIIIIIN! Come on Tomas, you beauty!


It would seem that the injury gods have had Rosicky as the captain of their fantasy team since ages

sanogo's missed kick

This comment almost got me fired, I laughed while my boss was walking past my desk. Luckily managed to pull up an emergency spreadsheet just in time.
But yeah, Rozzer has had a tough go of it. Which is actually kinda sad since he is so immensely talented but I guess we shouldn’t be too surprised, he is called roSICKy, afterall – sorry for the bad joke but I couldn’t help myself.

True Red

The “joke” doesn’t work as Tommy’s surname isn’t pronounced as it’s spelt


That reminds me: I hope all fans in the Emirates will learn to pronounce the ö in Özil by the end of the season…


Good news indeed. He’s back again to boss the FA Cup games again. I think he would have fared well against Sunderland as CAM.
Good for him, good for Arsenal.

Sanchez should not, I repeat, should not be rushed! Let him come back fully fit please. ‘Winter is coming’…


My absolute favourite player in the squad! Absolutely love his work rate, his vision and technique! If it wasn´t for his injuries I am convinced that he would have been regarded as one of the greatest midfielders in the PL era. Nonetheless, the way he puts in an immense shift every time his services are called upon should be an inspiration to all the other players in our squad.

John C

If he had the end product i would agree with you, however thats always been the major problem that i’ve had with him is that he never scored or created enough.


I think he has scored some memorable goals over the years. Why, he scored two lovely goals against Spurs in the 2013-14 season itself. Made Danny Rose look like the chump that he is, in the FA Cup and then that screamer later on in the League. Oof! What a player!

John C

Quantity not quality, he’s scored 28 goals in 245 games for us which is terrible for an attacking player.

I’m of the opinion that if he had been fit that whole time he would be widely criticised because a 1 in 9 average just isn’t top quality.

JJ's Bender

You just don’t understand football do you John?

1 in 9 is more than respectable for someone who was always returning to match sharpness and or coming on for the last 10 minutes to help boost fitness. He’s just been incredibly unfortunate.

Injury’s reported since he arrived at THOF

I for one love our Rosey and can’t wait to see him dick another one of them down the lane

John C

No, you don’t understand football.

Tomas Rosicky had an average of 1 goal in 7.5 games for Borussia Dortmund too, so he’s never been prolific, unless he was always coming back from injury for them too, which wouldn’t surprise me.

If you think a career average of 1 goal every 7.7 games is as good as he could of been even with the injuries that’s your business but i think he had the talent to be better than that, again irrespective of injuries.

Lightening Pace

Surely the role(s) which he has played for us (magnificently I must add) doesn’t warrant bagging as many goals as physically possible, I do believe he is a provider of goals, a manipulator of of how Arsenal like to run the game from midfield and he is the footballing brain when he’s out there on the turf. So you kinda want quality rather than quantity when your analyzing that role in the team. Do you get me John? We are immensely lucky to have seen the quality of SuperTom over the years, sporadically I agree, but his moments of brilliance… Read more »

John C

Hi Lightening Pace, sorry i’m not a mindless sheep where everything i see regarding Arsenal is solid gold and above criticism. I haven’t been personal regarding Rosicky, i’ve constructively said for me, in my opinion for a player of his quality and position on the pitch his goal and assist stats should be higher. I’ve even provided stats. I understand where you’re coming from regarding his role in the team, and whilst i agree in parts i don’t think goals should be sacrificed. Rosicky replaced Robert Pires in the team, both in position and shirt number, and Pires provided, ran… Read more »


Oh give it up, John C. There’s reason why Rosicky is such an established fan favourite. We actually watch him play, and we can see with our eyes what he gives to the team, in quality as well as energy. Wenger knows. “If you love football, you love Rosicky.”

I for one am ecstatic. He is my favorite Arsenal player since the Invincibles. Sanchez, Özil or Ramsey could be in a couple of yeas, but for now it’s Rosicky well out in front.

John C

You’re entitled to your opinion Uche, Wenger can’t rate him that highly either as he was fit for most of last season and could hardly get a game.


John C, you forget that Rosicky is an orchestrator of team play, not a striker, and most fans acknowledge that. If you fault his chance conversion rate then we’ll listen to you.
Football is a team sport and the sort of narrative you are putting forth is exactly what encourages selfish play; trying by all means to score when you have a team mate that is better positioned to convert the chance.

John C

Laurie, i’m talking about goals and assists. has Rosicky on 13 assists in 158 league and champions league games since the start of the 2009 season. Rosicky’s talents should have yielded more than that don’t you think?

Rosicky’s lack of tangible input for the team has made him easy to drop. The same thing’s happening to Oxlade-Chamberlian, another player who looks good and is clearly talented but doesn’t influence the goals for column which is why Campbell has taken his place in the team.

Parisian Weetabix

Mate, Oezil is master of the assist, but Rosicky is master of the pre-assist. Perhaps his end product is lacking, but his middle product is consistently conducive to goals.

John C

Pre-assist is the most ridiculous made up term in football, above footballistally and bouncbackability.

Pre-assist otherwise known as a pass to normal people.



True Red

I’m sure you dis Coquelin equally. He hasn’t scored a single goal for us so what does he do? Tommy is much more than his statistics. Every time I’ve seen him play, he’s the one that sets the tempo for the team. Quick incisive passing, fantastic dribbling, movement off the ball. He’s got everything a midfielder should have. If he’d had any luck with injuries, goals would have been more regular and numerous. I’m sure you didn’t get Mesut as first either. Stop looking at the statistics and start listening to other fans. I’m not saying you’re not entitled to… Read more »

John C

No Coquelin plays defensive midfield i couldn’t careless if he scores, i’m not too bothered that Cazorla hasn’t scored either this season as he’s playing deeper.

Rosicky occupies a position in the top third of the pitch, therefore he needs to score and/or create in my opinion, i’ve always found him to be busy with not enough end product. Again maybe I do him a disservice by comparing him to his predecessors like Pires and Ljungberg who both controlled the game and had end product, but i’m not prepared to lower my standards as you appeared to have done.


John C, you’re taking a beating here, but I agree with your assessment. Everybody (you and I included) loves him, but he’s not even going to replace, say, Ramsey adequately, let alone raise the level of the team. The frequency of injury is an attribute of a player as much as stamina or technical ability, and Rosicky’s record on this score has to be weighed. He’s a virtuoso when fit and on top of his game, but really, how often has that been? There was a time when I saw the pregame lineup and knew we were in trouble if… Read more »

John C

I’m absolutely not taking a beating as no one has made a coherent argument as to why i’m wrong, mainly because i’m right.

I’m sure if you asked either Rosicky or Wenger both would say he should have scored and created more.


Wolfgang,you’re spot-on on Rosicky.His energy and technique are second to none in the team.Considering his age he’s immense.


I imagine just the influence and presence of his talent on the training ground will already be a big boost to our squad. To see what injuries have done to the career of one of the most talented midfielders I’ve ever seen…If this is to be his last season with us let’s send him packing with a medal or three!


Oh, how I’ve missed Rosicky!

Nacho Cheese Kalevra

Aboot Damn Time!!!!!

Edu's Braces

Not to be a conspiracy theory wanker but I genuinely think if a young player played to the level Rosicky does they would get more game time. He always gives you a performance but it seems he’s easiest to drop. Glad he’s back.


Rozza Rozza RoZza….Welcome back

chidi mbabie



I love Rosicky.

Little Mozart

This brought a smile to my face. Rosicky has been vital in the previous two FA Cup campaigns.




Best news ive heard all season. Fucking love rosicky. Hope he gets a decent run in the squad


Get the ball turn turn dribble then pass the ball then get it back then turn and dribble then pass it, get it back and BANG! that’s the rosicky way. I really missed it


love me some ROZZAY
I know mesut ozil will read this…But truth be told,Rosisky is my favourite Arsenal player


Welcome back!The dressing room needs Heavy Metal.


Missed you Rozza! Missed how you whizz around like sonic the hedgehog and zip that ball around like a ping pong ball. Welcome back!


The last time i was this happy was when we thumped the shit out of those twats from Manchester.
It is absolutely thrilling to simply realise the truth that Rozza is back!


“He changed the destiny of the club. He arrived when football in England was changing and was the first big star to arrive at this club. I think he contributed to transforming the way we play football here. He was class, intelligent and he had that quality which is a big loss today: loyalty – so I think he deserves special treatment.” – Arsene Wenger

John C

This quote is about Bergkamp isn’t it?

Juan Cornetto


master floda

Good to habe him back. He is our most natural backup to Özil

John C



Just hope he can get a chance to play some matches with how hard I know he is working to get back, but it will be tough to get into the squad ahead of Sanchez, Walcott, Chamberlin and Campbell whom are the top four choices at wing right now, but maybe he could play some role in the middle (like the Ramsey/Carzola position). With so few cup matches left by the time he returns and just league and CL matches don’t see how Wenger will be able to get him much, probably will just see time as a sub.

Andy Mack

He’s an attacking midfielder who can play as a winger or No 10.
So he’s competing with the Midfielders rather than the forwarda for a spot.


It’s Cazorla, not Carzola. Ca-fucking ZOR-la. How many times do you need to be told?

Easy as JVC

When there’s 20 mins left, you’re chasing a goal and the team looks flat. There is no-one I love to see more than Tommy come on and take the game to the opposition. Always possitive, always trying to make something happen. Inspires those around him. Only regret is that we never saw more of him. Welcome back TR7



I love Rosicky, but his career makes me a bit sad. Just watch a TR goals for Arsenal vid on YT and dream about what might have been…

MrBrain + Ozil's vision

I could remember back then in Nigeria when we first captured him from Dortmund almost unexpectedly, the leading daily sports daily Newspaper back here in Nigeria captured an intriguing head line, ‘Arsenal captured a BIG FISH’. I was so excited, so over the moon. That headline always remained in my memory that I hardly mentioned Rosicky by name but ‘My Big Fish’.

Welcome back BIG. FISH.




I really hope he gets on the pitch for at least the minimum amount of games required to get his PL medal.


As mentioned, whatever addition coming into midfield will be weighed against players coming back into the squad. Elneny for 5m represents a decent punt since Arteta is back to cover Flamini. The incoming player as such is not just there in worst case scenario should Arteta get another ‘set back’ but also in it to cover Ramsey (or Ozil should they get knocked before Rosicky can come into play. To think Elneny can instantly assimilate and hold fort for us is indeed the height of dillusion. He will need adequete time to adapt to the team and the PL. Meanwhile,… Read more »

Timothy Lumsden

Scoring gainst the spuds.priceless
Fuckin hell 7 months. Seems so long.fear he may be off but help us win the league you Czech beauty.

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