Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Arsenal 1-0 Norwich (inc goal clip)

Arsenal: Cech, Bellerin, Mertesacker, Koscielny, Monreal, Elneny, Ramsey, Ozil, Alexis, Iwobi, Giroud

Subs: Ospina, Gabriel, Coquelin, Cazorla, Wilshere, Walcott, Welbeck

A goal from substitute Danny Welbeck proved to be the winner as Arsenal ran out 1-0 winners against Norwich at the Emirates this evening. For the third successive game, the Gunners were unchanged meaning Olivier Giroud kept his place up front. Santi Cazorla returned to the bench in place of Joel Campbell who dropped out of the squad.

The visitors, in desperate need of points, sat very deep as Arsenal had plenty of early possession but had the first real attempt on goal when Redmond’s low shot forced Cech into a save with his feet.  At the other end nice combination play between Iwobi and Giroud saw the Gunners first opening, but he couldn’t get any purchase on the shot.

On the 12th minute some people held up their homemade signs, there was reproachment from some around them and some boos, and then a rousing chorus of ‘One Arsene Wenger’.

Alexis saw a shot from close range blocked, but there wasn’t much threat from Arsenal. Norwich defended well and vigorously, and in truth it was a poor game. Elneny saw a 33rd minute shot deflect wide, Koscielny thumped a header wide from a corner, but again we had Cech to thank for making a good save from Redmond after the Norwich man found space in our box.

Gary O’Neill had a chance after he ghosted past Koscielny but shot over, and before the break Redmond fired wide, and Per Mertesacker headed an Ozil cross behind. Certainly they had the best chances in the first period as Arsenal struggled again.

There were no changes at half-time from either side, but Arsene Wenger was forced into one after just 5 minutes of the second period when Mertesacker pulled a hamstring and was replaced by Gabriel.

Five minutes later there was another change when Danny Welbeck replaced Alex Iwobi, a decision that was met with some dismay from sections of the crowd. In truth though, he had been on the periphery of the game but many obviously expected the ineffective Giroud to be the one to come off.

The manager’s decision paid off though, as the substitute and the Frenchman combined to open the scoring. Arsenal crossed it from the right, Giroud rose high to nod it down into the path of Welbeck, and he fizzed the ball into the bottom corner with the team’s first shot on target. 1-0.

That prompted a Norwich change with Hoolahan making way for Mbokani, and the striker was denied a goal by a fantastic Gabriel tackle as he bore down on goal. An incredible Ozil pass to Alexis deserved better than a shot straight at the keeper, so the German had a go himself, firing over from outside the box.

The visitors made another change, bringing on Naismith for Brady in the 78th minute. Elneny forced Ruddy into a good save with a shot using the outside of his foot, before Arsenal made their final change as Alexis came off for Francis Coquelin in the 84th minute.

Ozil eventually picked up a yellow card for a high boot and then walking away from the referee for ages. Norwich threw everyone forward to try and get something from the game, even the keeper at one stage but in the end Arsenal hung on and took what could prove to be a very important three points.

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raron aamsey

We definitely deserved to lose that. Bleurgh.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

At least there cud still be St. Totteringham’s Day this season


The humour in your name always makes me chuckle. Thank you Sir.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

Thumbed UP 😀

dr Strange

Well, we won.

Crash Fistfight


Third Plebeian

I feel…pleasant.


A substitution at 55 minutes! Whatever next? Oh a goal!


There’s been very little discussion of that freak occurrence. We were sat in the stands, and suddenly realised that a tactical substitution had been made with more than 30 minutes on the clock. Is that the first time this season?

Bob Davis

I thought it was going to be one of those days. Well done to Giroud for his assist.

I was scratching my head when Iwobi came off instead of Giroud.

Cech showed why he’s one of our best players with a couple of great saves.

Ozil’s pass to Sanchez was probably one of the best I’ve seen in a long time. Pity Sanchez couldn’t finish it.

A great 3 points. Bring on City!



That pass, spur of the moment, off his weaker foot no less. That was a thing of beauty.


What? Ozil pass? I thought he is a left footed….? Did he use right foot?


Nope. My failing memory.
Thought he did, but the clip proved I was incorrect.

It was still a thing of beauty


Good result, bad game. Most of these guys are clearly on vacation.

Third Plebeian

I don’t know if Giroud is on vacation, but he certainly needs one. Feel really bad for him, because I think he is trying. It’s just that he keeps…uh…falling over. Other positives: Welbeck worked so hard when he came on. Gabriel made a spectacular tackle to deny a certain goal. Ozil made one of those passes that make you go ‘aaaaaahhhhhhh’ and shiver a bit. Elneny is all over the place in a good way. Everything goes through him now. In a good way. And yes, you have to give Wenger some credit. You just know he knew how the… Read more »


^^^^^^^^^^^Arsene and the team please look at this (and the “thumbs”) …let’s go Spud hunting!!!…


You feel bad for Giroud? Why?
The argument against slating off Giroud was that “we know he isn’t world class but he’s a good striker”.
1 goal in 20 games, playing in front of Mesut assist king Ozil, he’s not a good striker.
I dare say he’s now in the territory of useless lamp post.

Third Plebeian

I thought it was obvious: I feel sorry for him because he’s trying and nothing’s working.


Well Giroud gave the assist this game and it’s been a while since Ozil had one. Not entirely his fault and not particularly Giroud’s fault either.

I feel Sanchez should have given Ramsey the ball (after the Özil pass)

Whenever Giroud plays, we must pour in crosses else he’ll keep bouncing around useless.



Wenger: It would have been 4-0 if wasn’t for those pesky home fans (who pay my wages).


spinning the same broken record on here every week. get a new job,


There may be people that have different opinions to you. Perhaps you should respect that.


Funny to hear the word ‘respect’ from a poster who clearly doesn’t show any himself towards our legendary manager.


Yes, I completely agree he is our legendary manager but that doesn’t make him immune from any criticism. He messed up this season, let’s not deny that.

PS I very much doubt that Arsene Wenger reads the comments on this website so don’t worry I haven’t hurt his feelings.

Clock-End Mike

Yeah, I guess you expect Le Prof to score the goals himself. It’s not his fault Alexis et al missed their chances.


If the believers on here are not finally brought to anger by Wenger pushing the failed league challenge onto the fans then I guess you have an unbreachable divide We failed in the league due to: -Crappy preparation and tactics -Failing to invest in obvious areas -Baffling pecking order line ups In my humble opinion he does not care about the fans or the club and only cares about himself and protecting his status and income I will never forget the joy he bought to this club, but the last 12 years has been an inexorable consistent slide in competitiveness,… Read more »


“In my humble opinion he does not care about the fans or the club and only cares about himself and protecting his status and income”

Come on mate, do you really believe Arsene doesn’t care about Arsenal?
Furthermore, you also think he needs to “protect his income” – I rekon he was set for life financially a good few years back!

If he cared about “protecting his status” he would have spent loads on players we all wanted that have gone to other clubs and been shit in many cases.

Rant over.


Last 12 years? Thought we won a cup back to back. Wenger will leave in due time. Don’t yell at a manager and become a Liverpool or even United who are more ordinary having invested more in their squad than Arsenal have

I do blame Wenger for tactical lapses but I am not a manager and I respect what he has built in his time at the club.

Özil Please Don't Leave

Why do all ‘Pundits’ and Refs hate Arsenal .. This has got my head in knots. One Pundit after the full time “This is not a fair result, Norwich deserved something”


I’m lucky to watch the games in California where we get Lee Dixon as our expert commentator. I love hearing his view and he is usually subtly (in my subjective opinion 🙂 ) biased in our favor. He was that way today. But for the first time ever he had a couple of pops at Wenger – one for picking Giroud and then another for sub’ing Iwobi instead of Giroud. That said, Lee’s commentary at least made a pretty shitty game a little more enjoyable. I’m so pleased I don’t have t listen to the arseholes like Owen, Lineker and… Read more »


I’m an American; one night in a bar I met a chap from Norwich and I asked him the same,

“Why do all English pundits have a bias against Arense and Aresneal?”

He said it’s because Arsene is French and because of the success Arsenal had early-on.

I guess it made sense at the time. I was drunk.


I thought the fans were excellent!

Crash Fistfight

People should plan a protest every game!


*not the protestor/s


The home fans sent a strong message today. Loud and clear.

Today at the stadium my faith was restored in that the crazy and the miserable were booed and essentially ridiculed by the majority’s emphatic response – One Arsene Wenger.

John C

Hands up if you think we’ll win the league next year?


WHats your point?

John C

This is a discussion board and i’m asking a question, i thought that was the point.


How did your ..protest (lol) go? Happy?

John C

Because thats what’s important isn’t it, not the success of the team


I don’t know fella you tell me. After all you’re the ones who’ve turned nasty and trying to divide and polarise people with your negativity.

John C

I don’t pick the team, train them, prepare them or play, so the crap results have nothing to do with me


I think we will have a good chance.


After all my frustration at Wenger it felt horrible to watch him stand with those signs behind him. We’re fighting for 2nd/3rd place in the best league on the planet. Yes we could’ve done better, but now more than ever I believe that the Wenger out crowd just comes across as spoiled brats. For the great success and continued stability we have enjoyed (look at what joke seasons MUFC, CFC, LFC have had to endure) I don’t want him booted. It was so so so wrong to see those type of protests at our ground. Ugh.

Tony Hall

I don’t want to see him booted either, I just him to strengthen the team properly this summer, get rid of the dead wood and stop having favourites.

Joel Carter

Absolutely pathetic protest from the supposed “fans”.


you can’t decide who is and who isn’t a fan. Don’t fight hate with hate.

Joel Carter

I’ve had enough of this nonsense. He is unquestionably our greatest ever manager and he’s only staying for one more season. Get some perspective your idiots.

As much as I love Arsenal and watching them play I think some people need to take a step back and realise that football is a game of 22 men kicking a ball round a field. You’re life isn’t going to end if Arsenal don’t win the league even if it is incredibly frustrating. Some supposed “fans” need to seriously grow up.


Even the protest was a bottle job. Fans bottled it much like the players have this season

Unyoke The Ox

I think it’s more of a case of not many actually agree with the protest.

John C

Not judging by all the empty seats


They can stay away and still not lose money by giving their seats for others who might…you know.. want to support. Win -win situation, no?


is the virtual (online, media etc) dissent and protest stronger than physical (season ticket holders those on the waiting list etc )dissent and protest , apparently we’re all angry.


Despite the desperate attempts to say it wasn’t happening, I thought it was pretty impressive, both inside and outside the ground. Just because not everyone joined in, doesn’t mean they didn’t see the point. Plainly there are some who were opposed. But they didn’t seem any more numerous than those who joined in.

The blunt truth is the fan base at the stadium is divided. And that isn’t going to change now or next season. The crunch will come if Wenger is offer a further three years beyond 2017.


Arsenal supporters are divided into 2 sections. A group want change because they think Wenger can’t carry us forward anymore. The other group doesn’t want change because they are not sure the replacement would be better. Tbh every Arsenal fans know that Arsene cannot improve the club anymore.


Grass is always greener on the other side I suppose. Oh wait, is it?


……”Tbh every Arsenal fans know that Arsene cannot improve the club anymore.”
Thanks for the information gooner but “Tbh” I missed that survey! 😉


I’m not wenger fan at the moment, but I think the protest and the dived fans could only do a harm to our players you can see in the game today that had a huge impact on the pleayers.


Naaa same old Luke warm shit as previous few weeks, no impact from protest whatsoever


Puppy’s are often born colour blind.
Could this explain why our beloved Alexis gives the ball to the opposing team so much??


Alexis holds the ball for too long, after that absolutely majestic Ozil pass Alexis should have slipped the ball to the Arsenal man on his right (I think Welbeck).


4th place secure?


actually.. 2nd, 3rd and 4th place are still up for grabs. Just a FYI

John C

And 5th and 6th

someone's something

You keep boycotting, we keep winning!


After all my frustration at Wenger it felt horrible to watch him stand with those signs behind him. We’re fighting for 2nd/3rd place in the best league on the planet. Yes we could’ve done better, but now more than ever I believe that the protesters in the crowd just comes across as spoiled brats. For the great success and continued stability we have enjoyed (look at what joke seasons MUFC, CFC, LFC have had to endure) I don’t want him booted. It was so so so wrong to see those type of protests at our ground. Ugh.

Steve Bould watches you sleep

Poo emoji

Dale Cooper

I swear so little people participated in the second “protest” that they had to show the same section of fans they cut to during the first one.


Now, whats the best thing to go with this top 4 trophy of ours? Finish above Spurs. Cmon u Arsenal

JJs Bender

Welbeck for Iwobi!?!! What does the ‘old man’ know?!

Glad the true gooners drowned out the self entitled f*ckwits with a raucous chorus of ONE ARSENE WENGER, they truly bring shame to our club


Jimmy's a Rimmer

Was praying for the whistle at the end. It’s come to that.

Boilermaker Gunner

I interpret the timid protests as a sign that most are supporting the current state of things. I understand getting behind the team but this was the last telivised home game. I saw them on TV so I might be wrong.
Giroud was very disappointing. In Sunderland and this game, he was caught offside for no reason. Later in the half (79minute) he wasted a counter by being offside and Ramsey had a word with him
What a sublime ground pass by ozil!
I hope he stays but his reactions imply something else.


Giroud is an average striker. He isn’t consistent enough and has a rather high opinion of himself.
Anyone who can’t score 20 with the midfield we have is something else. This is the guy who people said Benzema and Higuain weren’t upgrades on. The same guy who wenger said was world class alongside welbeck and walcott.


so much for the claims that the majority of home fans have become wenger out


I think its just the keyboard warriors and a handful of Arsenal Fan Tv whiners who want Wenger out. I am just waiting to see if ‘our fans’ rent a plane and attach a banner anytime soon.


Giroud out


What on earth has Joel Campbell done to annoy Wenger?


He doesn’t have a good enough hairstyle or beard obviously


he needs some ink apparently. it isn’t about working your ass off, its about being pretty.


Gutted about what has happened to Cambell. The boy deserves better. Arsene should sell him and use the proceeds to fund a world class player he fancies.

Given his performances this year, Arsenal can potentially get above 10 million, which would be a 10x profit from the amount spent on Campell 4 years ago.


We stand a chance of losing him to another club if this continues.


Unfortunately (imo) it seems losing him to another club is what the manager wants.
I can see him coming back to haunt us, and if he does, well done him!
Joel has put a shift in for Arsenal. x


Ozil is overrated…. the pass was incredible, really, Blogs?

Incredible pass was that of Campbell against Olympiacos…


I’m not against wenger out fans or against wenger fans, but this game was really painful to watch. To see the fans of mu beloved Arsenal divided like that and taking exchanges on the stands like one pair away fans bulling each other. Really painful game to watch, glad we won and it’s over could easily finished 1-1.


I just came here to read the coments


So why post a miss-spelt comment then? 😉


So you also came here to read comments


I come here a lot. It’s a nice place usually.


“What’s a matter you, it’s a nicer place, oh shut …” 😉

Arsene-al fan

Will help stop you misspelling while criticising a misspelt comment.


The best way to protest is with your money/attendance.

John C

That probably why there were so many empty seats


No matter how toxic the atmosphere becomes, I will always support the team and get behind them. I love the arsenal and will always do. COYG!! Let’s all support the team until the end of the season and then think about other options, right now the team and the manager need a positive atmosphere.


There’s this whole myth that Wenger transformed the club into what it is today. This is not true. Before the Ferguson/Wenger era, we were on course to be the most successful club in the country. To say that he is responsible for the stadium move is frankly wrong. WE the fans are responsible for the stadium move, via the exorbitant ticket prices we pay. Its easy to show “loyalty”, as he puts it, when you’re the highest paid manager in world football. Be clear fellow gooners, winning has never been and never will be his priority. The bottom line clearly… Read more »

Dale Cooper

Did you read that on Arsenal’s wikipedia page?


What you’ve written here is called historical revisionism, and it’s usually committed by people with extreme agendas.


Large periods of absolute crap, Sanchez might be causing more harm than good out there, build up play like a herd of turtles.

But we won.

If we can do the same to City then 3rd should be ours.


If we play the same way against city we will get embarrassed.


Different set up mate, they won’t park the bus…COYG!

David C

Big win. We need a few more results like that to guarantee 3rd place.

Fan protest was pretty tame. I’d still like to see Wenger go out on high in the next couple of seasons. Hopefully he just goes for it with some signings this summer. Go out with a bang ole Professor.


I would be happy if he just considered that he needs to change things up depending on the opponent. You could sit down with him tomorrow watch matches and he could tell what every losing side needed to do in order to win. I just wish he would apply that knowledge for the matches the Arsenal plays. If Welbeck is more suited than Giroud against a certain defense than Welbeck should play. If both should play, then that needs to happen. Sticking with guys until they get hurt doesn’t work. Letting the players figure it out on their own doesn’t… Read more »


A “few more” here having the meaning of “another two”?

dr Strange

Just have to say that I do like Ramsey but he’s a shadow of what he could and should be. Watched him at his debut with Cardiff and you could see that he was a special talent. I was really glad when we signed him. He had what people call a “purple patch” two seasons ago but I say he can be that good consistently. He would be if it wasn’t for a manager that played him until he broke. He was poor today and has been for some time but I say he’s poorly managed by Wenger. He’s a… Read more »

Stringer Bell

It’s reached another level now some are blaming Wenger for how average Ramsey actually is. If Wenger is to blame it’s for his insistence on playing him in the middle. No surprise we are creating so much less again after our brief revival with elneny and coq in there


Giroud should never start again for this club. If we go into next season with the same set of strikers, then Wenger must be deluded.
Credit to him for the sub, but why didn’t he start Welbeck instead?
Ozil and Alexis frustrations are starting to get visible.
3 points is all that matters I guess.
Oh and Coq needs to get back into the team for the city game. Don’t trust Ramsey – Elneny for that one.
Can’t wait for this season to end.


Let’s support the team till the end that’s the only thing we us supporters can do. Proud of the fans who didn’t protest but worried about the body language of both ozil and Sanchez but whatever happens players come and go but the only things that’s constant is us the fans and the love we have for the arsenal

steveafc forever

Well that was shite but we won


The seventies were cool. If you won, you were happy, if you lost you were sad. No big, self-inflated, over analytical opinions that don’t mean SHIT. The title happened or it didn’t. I liked the seventies.


Really don’t understand the decision to persist with Giroud when he’s so far off form. If he was going to play himself back, surely it would have happened by now? Instead, he just seems to be losing confidence before our eyes. I also don’t understand why Campbell has been so consistently overlooked. It’s truly baffling.


Joel Campbell is simply a “victim” of Arsene’s decision to largely be loyal to, and to stick with,
his established pecking order.

It’s unfortunate for Campbell, as a player of his quality & vision should be playing first team football every week.


Alexis reaction after substituted is a cause for concern, I just hope Wenger won’t force our star players out of the club, Due to his favouritism for Ramsey & Giroud.

Dale Cooper

I doubt the two are related.


If bayern are truly interested in Alexis, then hes leaving. Why waste his peak with a team who clearly don’t want to win anything.


Not like he’s one of the guys responsible for winning anything. Let’s be honest, he didn’t play good this season, no need to defend him all the time and crucify players like Ramsey.


No, he has done better than 80 percent of the team.

Ex-Priest Tobin

You really are a great ‘facilitator of the beauty in mankind’ with these sort of displays, Arsene.


Lovely goal for Dat Guy Welbz, what a buildup to it! Let’s support the team for the remaining games.

Petits Handbag

We’ll enjoy the Villa game at least

The Gooch

As i have said before there is something going on with the Wenger Ramsey relationship.
For him to be playing in front of Coq is beyond stupid.
Girould starting over Welbeck just as bad.
This has to be pure arrogance on Wengers part when everyone else can see it.


Let’s bash Citeh they won’t park the bus!

Gbenga philips

Wenger philosophy is completely outdated. I think Arsenal need a new ideology.

Bergkamp 3:16

I can see Ozil staying but without reading too much into things, Sanchez is an unhappy puppy 🙁


Sanchez has always been selfish and lost the ball a lot. That was considered OK when he was also scoring goals, but for a lot of games he’s been a bit rubbish and should have been subbed. His attitude when he was subbed was awful, and I wouldn’t be upset if we let him go and replaced him with more of a team player. Mesut won’t go yet, in his quiet way he’s more of a winner, he’ll first try to drive this team forward. Remember Arsene saying he’s very demanding of his teammates, and I think he’s waiting to… Read more »


Only 2 behind $pur$ result


Bazza! That “$pur$” thing looks far too classy, please use “Spuds”, “shit” or a less classy one of your own choice in future.
Thank you. 🙂


Wtf was that from Sanchez, and the protests were an absolute disgrace.

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