Saturday, July 27, 2024

Szczesny sings Szpurs a szong

Wojciech Szczesny, known for his enjoyment of Tottenham’s misery, certainly seemed to take great pleasure in what happened today.

The Polish stopper, on his way back to the one team in North London after a successful loan spell at Roma, posted a couple of videos on Instagram in the wake of our second place finish.

Oh, and their collapse. First up, he sang them a little song:

Then he reflected on how he’d made some mistakes in his life, in the context of the 5-1 at Newcastle.

He does love a good Sp*rs collapse – just like the rest of us, I guess!

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Red Cannon

F-ing brilliant!

Danger Mouse

Ha ha ha ha. Well done Szczney. O.k we all wish we’d won the league and no one is saying second is great ( fuck you Piers Morgan) but this is surely the best Totteringhams day of all.

Dingo John

The Lasagna incident and “It’s 1-1 at Newcastle” are the only ones that come close to this. Lasagna might be better just because we were saying goodbye to Highbury then too.

St Totteringham

better than the 1-1 at Newcastle- only cause they were beaten by a 10 man Newcastle


Morgans points aren’t wrong, it’s just like he choses to make them in a way designed to make him look like an edgy keyboard warrior (otherwise known as a dick). We should enjoy what was one of the most epic St. Totteringhams of all time but we shouldn’t be satisfied about our season because of that. I think every Arsenal fan is aware of that mixed bag of emotions though and it was funny to see them mirrored in Gunnerblogs on the whistle: The joy: “this is fucking hilarious, we’re second and Spurs shit the bed!” -> The overbearing cloud… Read more »


Oh my aching szides! What a beauty!

Anonymous Kumquat

Hahahaha, what a legend! All we need now is for the club to get him and Wilshere to do one of those unclassic commentaries on the game. It’s not been a season with many feel-good days, so I’m all for enjoying today to the max!

Brendan Rodgers' self-portrait

Best St. Totteringham’s Day since chef Jens Lehmann cooked up a batch of his finest lasagna.




Wait till you hear what DENCH has to say about all this.

Lone Star Gunner

Those alone mean he should get another chance at Arsenal. Absolute comedy genius.


He’s such a knob lol


Banter king.


In the context of our mini capitulation, coming second and ahead of the Spuds (again) made me feel better than I have been for a while. So piss off Pierso and lets enjoy St Totteringhams day, again !!!

PS. Szzo is always a Gooner, whether in Rome or Helsinki.


What do we think of shit?


Absolute quality!

Dan Hunter

Were you answering OneBeatOff’s question?


Some media commentators and their woolly headed thinking…fnishing above Spurs doesn’t mean much? Ask yourself the reverse question. What if we finished behind Spurs this season? 1) Same media will make a massive meal out of how the Spurs are better than Arsenal (Put them in their team of the year…if not already prematurely). 2) Some fans will decry our attitude and the current teams lack of fight. 3) Something about first time ever in two decades or North London is changing etc etc. Utter bollocks from the media. Cos it matters. It aint the big prize but will take… Read more »

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