Saturday, July 27, 2024

Campbell linked with Sporting…again

Portuguese publication O Jogo claim that Joel Campbell is once again a target for Sporting Lisbon.

It’s not the first time the Portuguese giants have been linked with the Costa Rican attacker, a couple of years ago a similar story did the rounds but it ultimately came to nothing.

Campbell was a mainstay of Arsene Wenger’s squad during pre-season but, somewhat surprisingly, didn’t even make the bench for the season curtain-raiser against Liverpool.

Having established himself as a bona fide first team option last campaign – and in light of our transfer market inertia – it would be a bit of a surprise if Campbell were to leave in the next couple of weeks.

That said, it’s us. And we’re weird these days.

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Electric scant

Still don’t understand how Walcott gets in over this guy.
Wenger has lost it


I don’t think anyone does. He offers more work rate, another dimension to our game where he can drift inside and leave Hector out in the wing, he can spot a pass, very good with the ball at his feet, and is also (though not as fast) quick.


Walcot costs £140k per week, maybe that’s why AW plays him. He expect some return from the 140k weekly investment.


Wenger working on his legacy. He wanted to be remmebered for building a core group of English players.
Thats why people like Campbell have to suffer despite playing far better football. Thats why Walcott is chosen ahead of him, time and time again. T0 Campbell I say…leave.

broken red army

ooh so that was the reason all along


To be fair Walcott finished off the preseason strong and got a goal against Liverpool. Wenger’s faith wasn’t entirely misplaced…same with Ox.


Why why why is Campbell going know loan? Seriously what is wrong with Wenger?
On a serious note I’m not trying to be funny.

Can't think of a name

It pains from inside not seeing him play. He has been a true sportsman and respected every decision by Wenger. Won’t be surprised if he leaves us and becomes a star


It’s sad really seeing a talented player like him being treated like this. It will be understandable from his point of view if he leaves but inexplicable from the manager’s point of view. And it’s becoming really difficult nowadays not to think that Wenger promotes favouritism in the team.

Robert Schon

one of the best we currently have imo.
works hard, keeps trying, always makes a difference.
oh, the strange world of arsene wenger’s mind…

The Transfer Adjudicator

You may stay.

El Capitan

I just miss Rambling Pete.

215 Arse

And its Arsene, Arsene Wenger
The most annoying manager London has seen
Arsene, Arsene Wenger FC
The best 4th place winner ever seen

broken red army

no other manager has been frustrating their “own fans” like he has. I give you that. and not only in London. and then not only in football.


Even more than his obvious talent which I rate pretty highly, another reason I would love to keep him is he seems like the perfect type of player you have on the bench. Someone who is good enough to do a job and won’t kick up a fuss if he doesn’t get to play as the better players. Players like that are really rare


I only downvoted you because I think he is more than an option from the bench. He deserves a place in first 11. I think that he still hasn’t shown us what he can do, he still can grow. Wenger has never truly believed in him, if he gave him a quarter of chances he have to Walcott or even Ramsey he would become a true world beater with us.


Although you did say you rate his talent.

Gudang Bedil

He makes Bellerin a better winger.


If Campbell goes and Walcott stays something is wrong.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Wenger has this weird concept of protecting a player to the detriment of another. I sold Ashley Cole to allow Clichy’s development, I opted not to bring back Anelka because he could have prevented Adebayor’s development. What is it going to be for selling Campbell ?

Electric scant

Yea. The manager is what would be wrong. I’m at a complete loss as to Wenger’s reckoning.

Kanu's big feet

Still love the pooping, can’t get enough. Hope Joel stays, he’s a great option off the bench and you could argue he should be starting over ox/theo with the performances he’s put in when afforded a chance.


I only read Arseblog news in the pot so I can poop while pooping.

Campbell needs to stay. He has worked his ass off, put up with all the loans, is a CONCACAF guy where fighting hard in adverse conditions is normal and has real talent.

Is there a chance he might not fit in with the cool kids? Maybe he does not get on well “with the lads”?

Because I can’t think of any other reason.

Indian Gooner

A terrific player who is young but still doesn’t get an opportunity to start, while Walcott starts instead.What Wenger has been doing these days has been quite surprising! For a manager of such caliber he seems to have lost the plot completely.
Wouldn’t be surprised if Joel leaves but it would be quite sad to see a talent of such caliber high gone.

Indian Gooner

A terrific player who is young but still doesn’t get an opportunity to start, while Walcott starts instead.What Wenger has been doing these days has been quite surprising! For a manager of such caliber he seems to have lost the plot completely.
Wouldn’t be surprised if Joel leaves but it would be quite sad to see a talent of such high caliber gone.

The Blerch

Get out while you can, Joel!

(Sarcasm font)

Lone Star Gunner

I love Arsenal, but watching this pre-season and season opener has been like observing a very bizarre performance art piece.


Its been said before by peeps, what does Campbell have to do to play in the starting 11?


Find those Wenger nudes that Walcotts obviously got somwehere


He has to be on the club for a long time, demanding wage rise everytime his contract is about to expire, only perfom when this happens to have the said wage rise, score some goals here and there but being invisible for 89 minutes per game.


Not sure why Wally starts ahead of this guy!
This guy has an eye for a pass too


Ya Joel vs Walcott is like 10 years and 200+ PL games, 50+ international games vs 1 year and 20 PL games, 5 – 10 international games…and Wenger has lost it…lol


We should have a petition to play Campbell more!


Like many others posting here, I really hope this is an unfounded rumour! [Thinks to himself: Maybe if I type this out it will make it more true than if I just shake my head and say it to my computer screen?]


Bit of a vicious circle here, because Wenger was the one who kept pushing him despite many calls from this same community to replace him with a bigger talent. Now that he’s kind of come good, there’s been an about-turn.

I’m still not convinced Joel is giving us enough in terms of goals and assists, which is critical for the front three, but maybe he hasn’t had enough chance? Theo is actually a very sharp finisher once he’s found his groove.


AGree with the first part but disagree about walcott. We just can’t be so dependent on him anymore. He has shown what he is able to do. He can be an impact player from the bench or start when in form but we really need a player who performs week-in week-out.


Arsene has lost if. For how long are we going to support the failed Walcott project? It’s been ten years already! And the Ox project? Five years and running! As long as English players refuse to go abroad and play in the best leagues (la liga and bundesliga) and craft their skills but prefer the bpl crazy money over. It’s a dead end! Campbell gives work rate, skills, assists , and goals but cant make the bench most of the time.He ‘s got what it’s lacking in this team :Hunger. It says a lot about Wenger these days . In… Read more »


I hope he stays but he is a fringe player.

California Gooner

Sell him. At least he’ll be able to play. He deserves more than rotting on our bench and having to sugger the indignity of watching Walcott play ahead of him.


Consummate professional who plays with hunger every time he’s on the pitch. Doesn’t kick up a fuss about playing time in public. And gets rewarded with watching Theo Walcott continually underperform ahead of him. I want him to stay, but if he’s going to have to struggle to even make the bench when The Jeff and Akpom have now risen to first team status, then it’ll be very unfortunate.

The full descriptionof wengers last decade in full. Favouritism over performance.


I hope he leaves and goes to a club with a modern, positive and ambitious manager who will respect him and make him an important part of the squad as he deserves.

Here at Arsenal, current manager (he won’t be here forever) favours mediocrity and underperfomance as shown by still having and playing guys like Walcott, Giroud (though I agree, he would be a good option B from the bench) and at many times Ramsey who had moments of brilliance but has shown them in rare patches.

Yes, get out while you still can, Joel.


The same people who say Wenger has lost it are the ones who put no faith in Campbell and said he should ‘get out while he can’ because he wasn’t “Arsenal Quality”.:D

The same people who derided Dick Law for romping through the Costa Rican jungle at Wenger’s behest to secure Campbell signature for a mere 1m +

These people apparently know more than Wenger about transfers and development.


Mistake!!! He’s better than Walcott. He’s better than the Ox. He must stay!


I think Wenger has a good problem on his hands on the wing. He has plenty of options. Alexis is a confirm starter on one wing. But the other is open for competition. There is the Ox who when he is on song brings something special to our attack. He needs to focus on consistency which comes with games but he obviously makes a tremendous impact when on the pitch. There is Iwobi with his awkward gangly style hands on his side swaying like a zombie but also another with good touch on the ball and can make a difference.… Read more »


If Wenger does sell him he lost his opportunity after Campbell’s strong WC showing when his value was at its highest. I would hate to see him leave as many have said he is a strong player with a great attitude and brings a great workrate every time. He looks to get involved, tries to create things, can hold the ball, makes great passes, works hard defensively, etc.. In effect he is the direct opposite of Walcott.


I had hopes that Campbell was going to be in the starting 11 at the beginning of the season, based on his pre-season performances. He had the most goals plus assists in pre-season. He should’ve had more assists if Walcott had not botched a bunch of peaches of a pass from Campbell. But against the MugMashers he’s not even on the bench. Actions speak louder than words – and Wenger has spoken by not even including him in the team sheet. I hate to see him go, but he’s a great, quality hard working kid that deserves a shot at… Read more »

Buy Curious

Joel may be our current best alternative Center Forward option when Giroud is unavailable and until Welbeck is back with us

broken red army

sell him. I had a vision that on his 12th year here Walcott will reach his destiny and become our next Thierry Henry. no actually he will be so good we would call Henry our last Theodor. this is the year he will make it. ooh god


Why is it we are talking about letting players go when we desperately need to bring at least two in!!!


He should be a starter in our team. Always makes stuff happen when he comes on and we immediately look myore dangerous.

But Wenger don’t seem to rate him, must be personal issues I figure or relation issues within the squad.


maybe fans should be fans instead of being manager and don’t ruin Cambell chances at ARSENAL because it seems fans are making it more difficult for the player. Wenger decides who plays and not the fans… COYG

Larry Grayson

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