Saturday, July 27, 2024

Jack Wilshere joins Bournemouth on loan

Jack Wilshere has signed for Bournemouth on a season-long loan deal.

The England international is understood to have pushed for the move with a view to getting his career back on track with regular first team football.

As has been well documented, the 24-year-old has struggled with injuries since breaking into the Gunners first team in 2008, making only 25 appearances in the two campaigns prior to this.

Wilshere is the fouth player to leave Arsenal on loan during the transfer window. Wojciech Szczesny, Joel Campbell and Calum Chambers will also spend the year away from the Emirates, while Serge Gnabry made a permanent move to Werder Bremen earlier today.

Wilshere turned down the chance to go to Crystal Palace (good decision), and reportedly was keen on a move to Roma to meet up with old pal Wojciech Szczesny, but Arsenal rejected the Italian side’s approach for the midfielder.

How Wilshere and Szczesny might have looked in Rome
How Wilshere and Szczesny might have looked in Rome

Arseblog News wishes Jack all the best at Dean Court – and working with a progressive young manager like Eddie Howe is far preferable to Alan Pardew.

Let’s hope he gets the game time he needs and comes back even stronger next season.

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Aleksander Włodarz

Best of luck, Jack.


Good luck Jack. Hope this goes as well as his Bolton loan. Very good side intent on attacking football, and lacking a number 10 at the moment. Looks a very good fit. I’ll have Jack on my fantasy team then.

MrBrain + Ozil's vision

Good luck Jack.

Tears for Beers

stick in Jack! We’ll miss you…and roster depth

Trixie Bird

Roster depth? What’s that?!

Andy Mack

I think that may be a ‘merican’ term for squad depth, but I’m not 100% on that.

Ducks sake

Fabian Depth’s older brother


yeah, i’m not really pleased with these loan deals at all. we should have held onto wilshere, chambers, and campbell, at least until everyone else is fit and our season is humming along. when per and welbz are back, then maybe it would make sense to let chambers and joel go out, but not before.


Oh Jack, where did it all go wrong?

All the best to him


Its a good move for the club. As much as I like Jack, he doesnt have a position locked down as his own.


not at all convinced. i was really happy when it seemed like we had plenty of depth. i would have kept all three of campbell, chambers, and wilshere until january and then loaned them if everyone else was healthy and they weren’t getting game time. how many injury crises have we had in the past decade? every year it’s either we’re out of forwards and arshavin plays up front or we’re out of cbs and sagna/monreal play in the back or we’re out of fullbacks and djourou plays out wide or we’re out of center mids and… i’m fucking tired… Read more »


It’s safer for him to stay in England to try and regain form and confidence than to travel to an Italian club to acclimatize and get his game back.

Hope all goes well for him and he’ll be back in the red & white soon enough with some spectacular plays.


Good move. Good luck jack


The winner of this Window at Arsenal is Walcott. All his competition is now gone, bar an out-of-form Ox and unknown-quantity Lucas. When I think of all the good contract renewals he’s had and now this, I think I should join his house of worship!

What a man!


I actually think the bigger winner is Girou.. But Perez could surprise me


And his agent!

Stewart Robson's therapist

Do the names Iwobi or Welbeck ring a bell?


Wrong side


If they play does the name Alexis ring a bell?
Danny can play on the right as well.


I know we’ve said it before he but I think Walcott is finally happy with his position. He now needs to continue chasing back and i’m sure goals will come


There’s more to being a wide attacker at a club like Arsenal than tracking back and scoring goals. Like, I don’t know, dribbling past defenders, crossing, picking a pass, rapid combinations with teammates in tight areas, receiving the ball and holding onto it despite pressure from defenders. All of this, and more, is typically beyond Theo.

He’s the great survivor, the teflon man. No matter how disappointing he is one season, he’s back front and centre in the manager’s plans at the start of the next. We’ll be stuck with him until he’s 37 at this rate.


Some people are intent on bringing every comments section back to Walcott. He was good, then got injured, came back strong, then got injured and then had a shit year. Now he’s back and he’s being good again. Move on.


PFo scoring goals at any football club is important. So if he scores the goals that win us games I have no problem with him staying. You just looking for an excuse.


he is also good at making smart runs and stretching defenses. if he does that plus scores goals and tracks back, i can live without all those other things. alexis can provide them from the other side.

Sir Stan's whiskers

A lucky fellow indeed sir and no mistake. And mark my words my good chap he does not deserve it – in fact he’s a bit of a rotter!


Good luck to him. Make or break, last chance saloon, and all that jazz.

No but genuinely, Bournemouth is a great chance for him to restart fresh. Hopefully next season we get back the Wilshere of a few years ago who ran the Barcelona midfield ragged.

Indian Gooner

Good luck to the lad!
On the other news, is Mustafi injured?
Are you fucking kidding! This is exactly why I hate the International breaks! Nothing good ever happens.. Aargh…!


Now I’ll have even more reason to follow Bournemouth. Let’s hope that Jack gets a lot of game time and find his form again.


I’m surprised it’s a season long loan considering our injury record, i.e. Assuming he is injury free for the season (maybe it’s the water).


Jack : “shall I go to play for an utter fuckpig and Lviv in Crodon, or shall I play for Howe, who seems like a decent bloke”?.

It’s a tough one.


I really hope it goes well fitness wise. I mean, I LOVE Jack’s style of play, I really thought he’d be as important to us in his prime as a Vieira, a Fabregas or Pires (obviously all very different players). But fitness has let him down. I think it’s a good move. If he is injured yet again while at Bournemouth, I would say it’d be difficult to get him back in the team. This genuinely is a HUGE moment in his career. However, if he stays fit for a whole season and shows his class on a regular, what… Read more »


Live in Croydon.
Although anywhere in Ukraine must be nicer than Croydon.


Is Ukraine still a warzone?


East of it, pretty much still. But we keep fighting.

Andy Mack

I don’t know, but Croydon certainly is!


Good luck Jack! Its great to hear he’s working with Eddie Howe at Bournemouth where he can get playing time and with a progressive manager. I just hope he stays fit and kicks every club’s arse helping Arsenal win the league this year! He may not be at Arsenal this season but he can definitely contribute this way.


Perhaps he can assess Eddie Howe as a potential replacement for AW while he’s there?


I don’t know about this. If Ozil gets injured, my heart would have been more relaxed with wilshere taking that spot rather than iwobi. May be the manager thinks Ramsey or cazorla can tar that position too…its going to be weird seeing wilshere in another team…


Worse is if Cazorla and Ozil get injured at the same time, not at all a crazy scenario. Last year in the middle of the season we struggled because all of our creative types were out bar Ozil, and the likes of Ramsey and Walcott (our “runner,” high-risk-high-reward types) in particular struggled as we couldn’t control the ball and give them good service (I believe Tim Stillman wrote a nice piece about this at the end of the year). We have more deep passers (Xhaka, Elneny) now, but for creativity we’ve lost Rosicky, Arteta, Campbell, Jack, and Gnabry, so if… Read more »


Yes, that’s the issue for me. I think Wilshere is the only energetic player that I trust with that position after Mesut of course. What happens if Mesut gets injured for 3 months or so (hopefully not). Santi can play there but he is too old and rather slow to be relied on as a creative hub for 15-20 games. Ramsey is still a little erratic to me. Iwobi is young… Jack will have been ideal- he is explosive, has a very accurate pass (unlike ramsey) with his magic left foot, and seems to make the better decisions than Ramsey.… Read more »


I have quite the faith in Iwobi. He’s a very intelligent player. Always a bonus when a young player makes the right decisions.


I am convinced this is a bad move for arsenal but an absolute lottery for Bournemouth. Hope he is injury free, because that’s pretty much what is holding him back from achieving greatness.


Eddie Howe could take Wenger’s position. Anyway good luck Jack


It’s a season long interview for Eddie Howe.


“Can you do this on a tight budget and still keep Stan happy?”

Da Oli G Show

Should have been a loan till January rather than full-year one.
Well I hope he at least helps take lots of points from the Manchester clubs, Spurs, Chelsea, Liverpool, Everton, Leicester, etc.


Talent never been in question, just hope his body doesn’t let him down in a side where he’ll be the best player by a distance. Good luck to you.

I like the comment about Theo being the winner in this window, I thought he was out this summer but he survives again. He’ll probable push Welbeck down the stairs in December just to make sure.

Cyprus Goonatic

Oh that last bit! You naughty boy!


Have you just cracked the injury mystery? But why is he banjaxing defenders as well?


James Olley tweeted that the move was a surprise for Jack. When fit he is a great player, are we strong enough that we can loan off our great players. Last year, we were so strong, we didn’t need any new outfield signings…..this year we are so strong, we can loan off Jack. I’m long past understanding the logic. I see Jack, Santi and Ozil as our three creative central players filling two spots in most matches. We plan on having 60 games this season and our injury record wouldn’t be fantastic….ahem. Anyway, very best wishes to Jack….I think he… Read more »


We have Ozil, Santi, Xhaka, Ramsey, Elnenny and Coq. 6 players for 3 positions, and others like Iwobi who can play number 10 as well.

Midfield is one area we are not short, although its not unknown for us to have 6 players who can all play in a position all injured at the same time …

Tony g

Good for jack, could cause us some problems as the season progresses though. I’m more disheartened by serge gnabry, such a shame he left for good.


What’s happening with Debuchy?

Merlin's Panini

What’s happening is he’s a douche.
I’d imagine he could still go out on loan as his wages are probably so high no one wanted to buy him, but he may be being kept around at least until Jenkinson is fit seeing as we’ve loaned out Chambers.
If he stops being a twat and playing like a twat then Debuchy is a decent option but I think his ship has sailed.


I don’t get it. We’ve let go Wlishere, Gnabry and Campbell, all of which were genuine options for RW, which was (I thought) a weak spot for us the last few seasons. And that leaves us with Iwobi, Ox, Theo, Ramsey, all of which either jave form/fitness issues, play better in other positions, or are inexperienced, and two of which are currently injured.

Seriously, I would have thought Wilshere would slot in at RW as soon as he could last 60mins.

Andy Mack

No mention of Alexis or Perez (or DW when he’s back) who can both play LW or RW. Also Jeff will need to play a few minutes.


A move that makes perfect sense for all parties involved. And yet it has made me a bit sad. Hope Jack returns a better player in a year’s time.

ramsey's spirit

good for club and player really, i hope there is a cant play against own club clause. i know arsene doesnt aprove of them but it would help the club. if he stays fit he sould be a guarenteed starter.
do you reckon we just have injury prone players? or a flaw in training?


Thats quite a cull of midfielders/ forwards from last years squad. Flam. Arteta tr7 jack. Serg. Joel.
And 2 in. Thats impressive for a injury prone squad.


Flaming – really not good enough. Arteta – spent last year injured. Rosicky – spent lots of every season injured. Jack – Ditto. Gnabry – on loan after spending a season injured. Only Campbell represents a regularly available resource who has left.


Hope the loan will get Wilshere back to his best. Btw, who is this c*nt named Chris Sutton? Why does he keep moaning about this loan??? What a joke pundit!

Crash Fistfight

This is potentially a great move for Wilshere and all around. He gets to play every week, assuming fit, and can become a big fish in that team, something he never did at Arsenal. Howe gets another leader on the pitch and a team changing player who will grow as he is looked up to by his peers seeking to tap into his experience. Arsenal get a fit and mature Wilshere back in a year, who is ready to start for the champions after his huge season on the south coast. Or he’ll get injured, holding on to ball too… Read more »




No, worse, here’s what’s going to happen: 1. Jack Wilshere gets over his injury problems and has a brilliant season at Bournemouth 2. Jack then returns to Arsenal a coveted player around Europe and with only one year left on his contract 3. We want to offer him a new one, but we’re now in a terrible bargaining position 4. City, or some other team like that (but who are we kidding, it’s going to be City), can offer him way more wages if he signs for them 5. He knows this, so refuses to sign with us 6. City… Read more »


PS No recall clause in the contract makes absolutely no sense.


This is all based on nothing, such bullshit. You love Jack, we get it. Guess what, he hasn’t cut it as yet for Arsenal – hopefully this move will help and he’ll return a better player. If he has as much ‘passion’ as he has proclaimed for Arsenal he’s not going to desert the club that has stood by him through so much injury. If he does, well then it is what it is. On the flip side if no progress is made, then sure, let City have him. As an Arsenal player he should be held accountable for his… Read more »


Dear Johan, a little less sneering condescension and knocking down straw men arguments would be welcome, thanks. 1. Of course I’m only speculating about what *could* happen–saying it’s going to happen was tongue in cheek–but neither is it “bullshit”, but based on how many transfer sagas have gone this way in football in recent years (players running contracts down to get more wages elsewhere, clubs having to sell cheap because of this, players at hometown clubs choosing personal ambition/money over club loyalty, etc). 2. I don’t “love” Jack any more than I love every quality player in our squad (true… Read more »


Wilshere probably has a recall clause and Gnabry a buy back clause


Nope and nope.

Andy Mack

If it’s a genuine season loan then it’s not possible to call him back (only possible with GKs).
It’s possible with short term loans, but you can have a ‘rolling’ short term loan however that’s not called a season loan…

Hleb's dancing feet

Oh jack, where did it all go awry?


please stay fit and show every idiot that thinks you are overrated just how good you are jack.


He is very overrated.
But good luck to him.


That thing big Ivan said about how we could compete financially with anyone?

That was clearly bullshit, eh?

Seems clear that the prof is still operating within a budget. Lots of outs to balance the ins.

Merlin's Panini

Yep what Ivan said was a little bit the bullshit but, other than getting the pittance we have for Gnabry where else have we made money?
There will be fees from the loan deals but I doubt anything extortionate. Maybe a couple of million here and there.
Our outlay is definitely far more than our income this summer.


The pittance for Gnabry makes the decision to sell him for that all the more incomprehensible.


Gnabry wanted to leave and pushed for the move, he had a year left on his contract – what choice did Arsenal have? Other option is let him wind down his contract, have a player on the roster who wasn’t happy and didn’t want to be here and let him leave for free next year.

And if you’re going to use the Olympics as a gauge of how good a football player is well…just look at who was in the German squad and who wasn’t – its a glorified youth tournament.


Straw men again Johan. 1. I never said anything about the Olympics, but it’s hardly a youth tournament when Neymar is playing for Brazil (everyone knows it’s U-23 plus a few extras). 2. Arsenal had a choice to make him see out his contract, obviously. The point of my comment was that the fact that we got so little for him means we would have only been giving up pocket change (relative to the club’s overall wealth) to keep him for the season. Hardly a huge loss, and the benefits of having him, in terms of performances on the pitch,… Read more »


Of course the manager is operating within a budget. Try running a business without having a budget.
Give me strength.

Corona X

Blogs, what’s with all the Palace hate? Is it just Pardew, or am I missing something?
One might think you’re talking about Spurs, the way you lay into’em!


It’s Pardew.


Can he play against us? Would be awkward.


No, he can’t

Merlin's Panini

I know who’s going to be in my fantasy team in the morning!
Good choice of club for him. The right style of football, not too far away from home and a chance to get proper minutes under his belt.
I’d rather he stayed but 20 minutes here and then doesn’t really help to build form.
Maybe we can nab him back in January if there’s a recall clause, he’s still fit and back on form.


Please the number 10 shirt should be given to the more deserving Mesut Ozil.


Myyyyyyyyyy old maaaaaaan, said to be a Tottenham fan…


I feel like I am bidding farewell to a little brother with this transfer lol, I’ve watched him progress from around age 16 or so. (I’m 28, so not old enough to say a son haha) I think this is a good move for him but only time will tell how good it is for Arsenal. Bournemouth are the least cunty option available and they play nice enough football. You see when he comes on for us that he can play. Jack has ability in spades but it is purely his body that lets him down, year on year. He… Read more »


jeez, I can’t believe the blind faith that many Arsenal fans have in him.
He’s got serious technical limitations – like many English players – not to mention how injury prone he is.

Ducks sake

He had a great game once 8 years ago someone will tell us in a few moments I’m sure. Therefore he’s the best players ever.

Ox in the Box

I trust Xavi’s opinion more than yours. Jack is amazingly technical midfielder.


All the best to you Jack. Joining up with Benik!


Best of luck to him. A rare talent indeed but far too often injury has blighted his career thus far. He needs a long stint in a first team getting at defensive lines. Bournemouth is perfect for him and, i think for Arsenal. If he can get through a season without injury and regain his magic he”ll be a great addition in 2017. A selfless decision by Arsene and perhaps a reminder of why sometimes Arsene’s principals can at once annoy and delight.

Big Dave

Jacks best Arsenal moment…… What do you think of Tottenham? Look forward to seeing you back in a years time after Ozil leaves.

Alan smiths

How it went down
Ed Howe: I’d rather jack than fleetwood Mac
Jack: Ooh I do like to be beside the seaside

Merlin's Panini



We know how Arsene views players over 30.
Whether Arsene will still b ard next season or not, Jack could come in to take over santi next season.
Loan deal still doesnt make sense to me though

Andy Mack

His problem with ‘over 30s’ is about giving them long contracts, not about their ability.


As soon as i heard bournemouth were interested in him all i could think about is, future arsenal captain playing under future arsenal coach. With the talk of Eddie replacing arsene wenger in the future, its probably a good move to hear from someone that has been in his locker room for a season that hes a good candidate.


I read somewhere that we blocked the move to roma because of how they acted when we enquired about kostas manolas. Is there any meat on them bones or is this pure speculation? Id find it a little bit hard to believe we have that bad a relationship with roma but let them keep woj for another year, but i think the source of that story was the BBC so there may have been something to it.


So is there a recall on his loan? And if not why not??


Didn’t know counties could be moved lol Wiltshire (Wilshere) goes to Bournemouth!!!

Thierry Walcott

Mesut for the number 10 jersey? I’m allowed to dream…


Haha Blogs, what has ‘Pards’ ever done to you. Haha

Dancing aside of course, I think that one scared most people.

Merlin's Panini

I believe what “Pards” has done is be a total cunt every time we’ve played one of his sides, dance like a creepy dad, head butt people, use rape as an allegory for someone dribbling past their opponent when analysing on match of the day…

Crash Fistfight

I think you might mean ‘analogy’.


Some believe Jack is overrated but I have seen him put in some wonderful displays. Unforgettable games vs Barcelona, Swansea and more. However, it will be strange that he has to go out on loan at this age and stage of his career but I’m sure he knows where he stands in the pecking order of that chocked up lot in CM.

Ducks sake

Bendter had some wonderful displays. So did Djourou. Good players have something called consistency.

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