Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Arsenal 3 – 0 Chelsea (inc goals)

Arsenal: Cech, Bellerin, Mustafi, Koscielny, Monreal, Coquelin, Cazorla, Walcott, Ozil, Iwobi, Alexis

Subs: Ospina, Holding, Gibbs, Xhaka, Oxlade-Chamberlain, Lucas, Giroud

In a rare and delightful turn up for the books, Arsenal romped to a 3-0 win against Chelsea at the Emirates. The Gunners’ last Premier League win against the Blues came in October 2011, though this was a rather more routine affair than that dramatic 5-3 triumph at Stamford Bridge.

Arsene Wenger went with the same team that beat Hull last weekend, with Granit Xhaka left on the bench despite his long-range rockets against Mike Phelan’s side and Nottingham Forest in the midweek. Despite widespread calls for his inclusion, Arsenal certainly didn’t miss him in the opening period of the match.

The game started predictably enough, Chelsea sitting back and allowing Arsenal to have plenty of the ball. There was a good chance in the third minute when, having stroked a pass to Hector Bellerin on the right and received a return ball, Santi Cazorla curled a shot on target, only to see it palmed away by Thibaut Courtois. Things settled down a little after that, before Alexis Sanchez sent a half chance sailing over the bar from the edge of the box. Then, in the 11th minute, there was a breakthrough. Sanchez caught Gary Cahill in possession, bore down on goal and, at the perfect moment, lofted the ball over Courtois. 1-0.

Chelsea began to sit off even further, and it cost them once again almost immediately. After a fluid passing move, Alex Iwobi set Bellerin away on the right, and he crossed for Theo Walcott to slot home from close range. Conte’s defensive gameplan was in tatters and, with only 15 minutes on the clock, Arsenal were in an ideal position. If Chelsea had been intending to control the game from deep, they had made pretty much the worst start imaginable.

Five minutes later, Chelsea had their first real chance of the match. Eden Hazard pulled the strings on the counter attack, setting up Willian in a good position on the right. He fired low, and watched as his shot zipped past the far post. It was something of a wakeup call for the home team, and a reminder that Conte’s side still had a quivering sting in the tail.

Arsenal were forced into a spell of defending after that, but almost caught Chelsea on the counter around the 30-minute mark. Sanchez was instrumental in a quick breakaway, before Branislav Ivanovic brought Iwobi down with a clever tug just outside the box. He received a caution, and it could have been worse for Chelsea. Sanchez saw his sweet free kick deflect off the Chelsea wall, but not before Courtois had dived frantically towards the top right.

Having picked up a knock in an earlier challenge with N’Golo Kante, Coquelin was replaced by Granit Xhaka a couple of minutes later. Arsenal took a little while to get back into the swing of things, though they continued to edge Chelsea in possession, and press them high up the pitch without the ball. It was impressive play from the home side, who seemed generally confident in both attack and defence, and more balanced than in any other game so far this season. That confidence showed once more when, on 40 minutes, Mesut Ozil pivoted beautifully in the middle of the park, charged up the pitch, exchanged passes with Sanchez and then scuffed the ball past Courtois and in off the post. Christ, this was Arsenal against Chelsea, and it was 3-0 before half time.

With a half chance for Eden Hazard, the first half came to a close. Chelsea regrouped somewhat in the interim and initially put Arsenal under pressure. The home side could have scored on the counter attack once again, however, with Walcott breaking on the right before clipping a cross just over the head of an onrushing Sanchez. Cesc Fabregas departed to a mixed reception in the 53rd minute, Conte bringing on Marcus Alonso in an attempt to reshape the back four into a back three.

That didn’t seem to help the visitors much, with Arsenal rampant for the next 10 minutes or so. Despite tearing through the Chelsea defence time and time again, Ozil, Sanchez, Walcott and co. were lacking a killer final ball. Chelsea regained a bit of composure after that, but the home side continued to defend well when called upon. Theo Walcott had another good chance in the 68th minute but, having got behind the Chelsea defence, his low shot was saved at the feet of Courtois.

The fantastic Alex Iwobi came off immediately afterwards, replaced by Kieran ‘all the full-backs’ Gibbs. While Arsenal could have been forgiven for going fully defensive at this point, they continued to look for opportunities on the counter and make problems for the shambolic Chelsea defence. The visitors tested Petr Cech a few times in the last 10 minutes, which was more than they had managed up until then.

Olivier Giroud had a half chance in added time, but his effort was blocked at close range. That brought an end to the game, with Arsenal receiving a standing ovation for their efforts. With the win heralding Arsene Wenger’s 20th anniversary at the club, we think it’s safe to say this match will be more fondly remembered than the last milestone he marked against Chelsea. After all, beating the West Londoners is always really, really nice.

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Armchair Expert

Verry good win gays!!! 😀


sure sure. but what did you think of the match?


The performance was so good I cant tell if we were just that awesome or Chelsea just have shit players and no chemistry at the moment.

Every player was magnificent. And my word what a game from Ox, he made all the difference today.

Clock End Mike

Yes, Mike, we were that awesome! The Walcott goal especially — I love to hear the pundits describe great moves like that as “typically Arsenal”, “sublime Arsenal-style”, and the like.
It was a lovely anniversary present for Le Prof, who’s always championed entertaining football above everything else. And there’s nothing more entertaining than a first-half performance like that against a Chelsea team that’s falling apart.


The Ox was an unused subtitue

Psycho Gooner



I have wished a few times I could edit my comment only seconds after posting. That said, ‘u’ isn’t anywhere ‘a’ on my keyboard. 😛


It’s an Andres Santos joke

Cornelius P. Snuffington III

I have wished a few times that jokes hadn’t gone flying over my head! 🙂

I Rony



Second and third goals are indeed beautiful. Look at Walcott run for the second….and look at ozil close control of the ball while sprinting down the field. Great one touch from ozil to finish too!


And they are the Arsenal. More of that please!!!!

The comment that didn't get published on Arseblog News

Seriously, what the fuck is going on? Alexis up front again? Xhaka on the bench again? Why does ardent refuse to learn?? Guess he isn’t an arsene learner. This is retarded shit. The manager just wants to prove his point. Alexis to score and he would go “I told you say” with a wry smile. I don’t get it regards Xhaka. Is he giving him the Joel treatment? I was really hoping we’d get to see Lucas start today upfront. Feels like getting a new toy for Christmas but having no batteries to play with it.. I’m desperately hoping this… Read more »


Goalivier Giroud

you… know we won right?


iwobi is a fucking beast!


Men on the pitch now. All were great though I’d have preferred to see Perez on the pitch rather than Giroud who is too slow.
Mutafi looking like a top player, Kos great, Bellerin a great recovering tackle.
Iwobi MOTM, Walcott looking like he is in shape and putting in a shift. Coq great hope his knee is OK.
Gabriel and Elneny not even on the bench!
Great result, next 8 matches we have a great chance to win.
Onwards and upwards.


wengerball at its finest

Stringer Bell

Mustafi and Kos played Costa superbly


I literally got so much satisfaction from Costa’s misery haha

Inspector norse

Kos Was Thundergodlike today and Mustafi was not far behind.

Good Omens

Loki or Low-key ? 😉

Santi's Smile

Thought Nacho and Bellerin were phenomenal as well. Three goals and stand out performances from all four defenders. More please.


That Bellerin sprint and perfectly timed tackle on Pedro.. Shiver me timbers!


Very pleased with Walcott as well.


Holy cow! That was mightily enjoyable. What a emphatic victory. Utterly dominant, precise, and devastating sexy football at it’s best.

Walcott looks like a man reborn. Iwobi, that guy is something special for sure. The composure and calmness that he has on the ball and the way he reads the game is incredible for someone at his age. Defense was rock solid, Kostafi partnership is looking really really good. Immense satisfaction seeing the cunt Costa not getting an inch all night. Play like this consistently and we can dream BIG


Sanchez up front looks great! Let’s keep this up, I’m buzzing!!!


I had doubts about Alexis in front but I can’t complain anymore. Something like the Man Utd match last year. Same scorers, or Theo joined in anyway! This is satisfying, so satisfying


Arsene Wenger. Part of my family. 20 years. Have I cursed you? Yes. Do I love you? Again, yes.


This last summer I became very vexed at Wenger’s stubbornness. I freely admit to it. But when it all comes down to it, there’s only one thing I can say:

“I wish I knew how to quit you, Arsene.”

(With apologies to Annie Proulx)


Coqueline playing instead of xhaka
Signing of mustafi and Perez
Sanchez playing as striker

For all the flak Wenger got I think he got all decisions absolutely right

DB10's Air Miles

one person doesn’t agree…….. some people, eh.

DB10's Air Miles

nope, the thumb downers are right, I stand corrected, Wenger got it all wrong……… if he’d have been better we would won 20-0.

Andy Mack

Maybe someone thinks he should spell coquelins name correctly?

Old Father Time

I’ll be honest : I thought Arsene was wrong to exclude Xhaka from the start, and I still think we would get even more from Alexis if he had a world-class striker next to him. But NO team has the perfect set of players…and should never do ! The important thing is that WE THRASHED CHELSEA. This was the most important achievement – a massive psychological boost, essential to send us on our way to seriously challenging for the Premiership.


Am I dreaming?
Comfortable victory against Chelshit, no heartburn or squeaky bums during the course of the match.
Is this for real?

new guy

What a thoroughly enjoyable evening. Well played boys.

Mein Bergkampf

The sliding challenges, oh the sliding challenges! Committed, organised, clinical. What a performance from our back four. The goals weren’t bad either…God I love you Arsenal FC.


Especially mustafi sliding challenges how we missed this type of defender going in every challenge like this one, he reminds me of toure glorying days for us. I don’t need to comment on Kos the boss he commanded the defense line and that stuck in to costa and push after the challenge was pure joy to watch, and after costar running and screaming like headless check and getting booked, jizzzzz.


10/10 for all the 11 players today?

I’m very pleased for Theo, put in a wonderful shift

It was brilliant football by The Arsenal today – tipping the hat 🙂

Armchair Expert

Absolutely! Not a single bad performance today, long may it continue.


You’re fucking shit, you’re fucking shit …


Our new song


Loved the win! Off to celebrate!:D


Wenger was right after all… We are men now! Absolutely dominating performance!

Hope coq comes back soon. Doesn’t deserve to be out!

David C

and Xhaka or Elneny are ready to step in! Great depth this year. Hope all is well with le Coq.

Carl Jenkinson's Dad

mustafi and Kos… Jesus. Mustafi looked so impressive. Bullied Costa completely which so many struggle to do. Kos was Kos, as always.


That felt amazing!


Loved every minute of it. Hope our Coq is okay.


Loved every minute of that. Blew them away and also very disciplined


Loved the performance. Hats off to the team. Looked like a team of men today.2 most memorable events for me today were that Bellerin sprint and tackle, and Kos just dismissing Costa which led him to go berserk.COYG


I’m just so happy

kuro kari

And that recover from bellerin…super sexy

kuro kari


Ozil's Brother

Still playing in my mind like a GIF. Barca…hands off our BELLE!


Alex “internal solution” Iowbi?
Top, top quality.


I jizzed in my pants a little.


It’s about damn time!

'desi'gner gooner

Arsenal 3 – 0 Thundercunts
Completely outplayed them in all departments. Top top top quality on the night.


Bellerin is incredible

Sinbad So Good

Perhaps a comment by Lee Dixon on the American broadcast best sums up the game. Concerning Conte’s decision to substitute both Hazard and Willian…

“If I was Conte here I’d try and sneak on these two extra players without taking anyone off”

Brilliant. COYG


I love the duo of Le Saux and Dixon. Two consummate professionals, champions, with long careers at the top, self-deprecatingly pretending they were both shit fullbacks. Too funny. Good commentators, also.


Yes for Dixon, no for Lesaux. He’ll always be Chelsea and when he comentates solo he’s biased as hell.


I was watching an American stream until the last 5 minutes or so, and I have to say it was the best commentary I can remember hearing in ages. Probably helps that for once there was nothing possible to say but how glorious the Arse is and how shite Chelsea was!


Lee Dixon my favourite, something he said “they shouted to me don’t shoot” in reference to Xhaka “shoot!” Chants.

Ragnar Goonerson

When you fuck so hard your Coq is bound to get hurt!

Mein Bergkampf

After losing the Coq last season, didn’t we miss him so badly? Nothing changed when he left the field today. That’s squad depth for you. Speedy recovery Francis but don’t stress, we got you covered this time.


Worries me that one, Xhaka is a ready made replacement but there are a lot of games between now and Xmas.






Worse case scenario, we’ve got Ramsey to make shift.

(Ramsey as worse case scenario! – oh how far we’ve come)


Clean sheet. Brilliant. For me Man of the match was Theo. He covered back so much and got stuck in all up the pitch. Fair play to him and Wenger. At the end of last season Theo’s position looked completely untenable but he already looks to have vindicated the decision to keep him.


Only 3-0 against Chelsea? Boooooo! Wenger out! Walcott is shit! Özil and Sanchez will leave in January! Wenger can’t buy good players!

Have I missed anything?


You’re so smart. You could’ve predicted this before the season start or after Liverpool loss? L


It’s not about predicting anything. It’s about offering support to the players/management when they are going through a rough patch, and not just when they’re going through a good patch.


Everyone was superb to a man. Unbelievable quality and although Iwobi got man of the match (and rightly so) I want to single out Walcott for praise. To come through the abysmal performances from the end of last season, the abuse he has gotten from the stands and online (here!) and in the media, and perform like he has this season is just fantastic. Incredible work rate and energy and you could see how knackered he was at the end of the game. Not everything he does comes off but you can see why Alaba thinks he’s one of his… Read more »

George Wang

The only thing I’m unhappy about is why the hell are Maureen’s Manure in front of us in the MOTD running order when all they did was to beat a very average Leicester side at home.


Simple. Because Paul Pogba finally scored for Manure and the people over at BBC are biased.

Arsenal's Vardy

I thought it was Sky’s job to suck Pogba’s cunt

Andy Mack

They take it in turns.
One round the front and one round the back…

George Wang

But then again, we only beat a distinctly average Chelsea side at home so.

Antispuds returns

Yes right? Before the game they were our nemesis. A big team we cannot perform against. After the game, they are an average team and we are at home. Well never mind

Bring Back Seaman

Watching Bossielny push Cuntsta over, then watching the twatbag chase down the ref in outrage, realise what he is doing, and then pretend to be actually chasing The Boss as he canters away all smug, was to my mind, poetic to a level John Keats, W.B.Yates and William Shakespeare would have appreciated.

Certainly brought tears (of hysterical laughter) to my eyes.

Appears Michael Oliver also appreciates the finer arts and rewarded him for his amateur dramatics with a thank you (yellow) card.

Godfrey Twatschloch

I get the impression that Costa’s antics is a spent force since that scandal of a game we had against Chelsit last year. There’s no PL ref who gives him the time of day anymore except to card him for whinging. Like their game against Leicester last season where everyone, even the Leicester youngsters, kicked him to fuck and the ref looked the other way. It’s as if he’s fair game since the Gabriel incident. Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bloke.


How good was Mustafi today? I know everyone was excellent, but Mustafi had probably his biggest test so far as an Arsenal player and did wonderfully.


It was like having another kos


Cant give a better compliment there.


He’s gelling with Kos far quicker than I expected. This is pretty obviously going to remain the first choice partnership, with Gabriel and Holding in reserve and the BFG out of the club next summer (with thanks for his terrific service, his partnership with Kos when he first came to the club was an order of magnitude above anything we’d had since Sol and Kolo).


Was disappointed not to see Elneny on the bench, but interesting to see Holding there instead of Gabriel. Hope Coquelin will not be out long, but am glad Xhaka got a chance, really like his game especially his passing. One of Ozil’s best games of late in my opinion and great one from Walcott was well. I far prefer when we press and play at a high tempo, I know we can’t do it the whole game, but you can see how we can overrun teams when we do play like that. That’s one big advantage of having Alexis at… Read more »


It’s almost like I know what I am doing!

Andy Mack

Gabriel is still injured.


He played midweek in the EFL game so I doubt it…

My name is Jeff

Walcott!! After everything, what a fanstasic game!


Absolute fucking dreamland with that performance! Excuse my French but absolutely buzzing to beat that mob so convincingly. So proud of the team, and the clean sheet was the cherry on top.
Everyone was immense. Conquelin injured? Xhaka just slips in, so much depth.
Even Gibbs coming on with next to no minutes under his belt was so comfortable.
Happy gooner. Enjoy everyone.

A Different George

A few minutes after Gibbs came on, it became apparent how really good this
squad is.

Make mine a Swiss miss

Great to stick it to them today, I’ve always hated chavski. And glad we kept a clean sheet at the end. Best we’ve played in a while, well done all the lads today


I don’t know in which post I commented this week when I said that I have strange feeling that we will win against chelasea with conte, and today when game started I watching first 5 minutes and saying to my self this tactic and pressing is very familiar to man.utd home gameand said we are winning this one for sure and couple of minutes later we were 2-0 up . Brilliant tactic and brilliant execution. Hope Coq is ok every one was calling xhaka to start but now I hope we will not miss coq in midfield, also we have… Read more »

Granit(e) hard!

What an effort, well played lads!…my thoughts. I am beginning to buy into this alexis striker thing because when you play a striker and he scores in every game, and he is getting better each game, what more do you want?….Lucas and Giroud has definitely got a problem with Alexis in this kind of mood and form. Iwobi?….boy, have we got a player on our hands..the pace, the power, the vision, the technical ability and composure on the ball is amazing for player so young. Scary thing is he is getting better every game, and the evidence he won man… Read more »


We put three past a mid table team at home. That’s the least we should expect *widegrin*. Awesome performance, take a bow boys. We really could have had more


Well we didn’t do that last year and certainlly not the last 9 PL games.

Last year we beat utd this year finally we beat chelsea and now we can play without any fear or handbrake because we know we are better than them we jus needed to win against them to break the duck.


We were just brilliant across all the departments today, in attack, midfield, defense and goal today – reminds me of (dare I say) the Invincible Arsenal.

The tackles were simply superb, how the midfield tamed their opponents was just fantastic. Just brilliant all around.

Hats off, Mr. Wenger and congratulations on your 20th anniversary.


Fuck yeah!! COYG!!
Finally Walcott playing well and how!


Our overall game was stupendous! Pressing, passing, defending, finishing and……Theo!!
Well played!


Some chump thumbing down stuff for the sake of it


has to be fatgooner.


Or Tobin.


He only comes on here to whinge when things are going wrong


Won’t miss him, then.

Godfrey Twatschloch

In fairness to Fatgooner he comes here and whinges when things are going well too.

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