Saturday, July 27, 2024

Henry coy on suggestions he might replace Arsene Wenger

Thierry Henry has once again reiterated his desire to manage Arsenal, but says his respect for Arsene Wenger means it’s hard for him to discuss that possibility.

The club’s all-time leading goalscorer is currently assistant to Roberto Martinez with the Belgian national team, and is still learning his trade.

However, with increased speculation over the the future of the manager, Henry’s name has been put forward once against as a candidate should Wenger call it quits at this end of this season.

“It doesn’t depend on me, there are things to be respected, it’s my club of heart,” he told Canal Plus.

“My name is quoted to succeed Wenger, I hear that. But it’s hard for me to talk about it I have a lot of respect for everything the coach has done.

“Am I ready? I don’t know and nobody knows, but I also need to learn my job. Right now, I’m in learning mode.”

Current odds at a leading bookmaker make him one of the favourite former players to take over.

Patrick Vieira – 13/2
Thierry Henry – 16/3
Dennis Bergkamp – 20/1
Mikel Arteta – 25/1
Freddie Ljungberg – 40/1
Bob Lockett – 50/1
Randolph Mortimer – 100/1
Luke Atambolz – 150/1
IP Freely – 200/1

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Of those names I think Arteta is going to be the best manager wherever that may be


Spanish managers just aint made for PL. Even Guardiola (with Artetas “help”) arent doing a grear job.
Itilian mentality on the other hand have always been a hit around here. Ranieri Mancini Ancelotti and safe to bet on Conte on his debut season.
If we’re going for a new manager we should take someone who knows how to handle a big club in transition stage. And our ex goons are no where near exprienced. Id love me some Allegri.


Oh please no, why would people even suggest this. Why would we replace our longest-serving and most successful manager of all time with a rookie who has no management experience?
As for the odds quoted above, I’m tempted to have a quid on IP Freely

canon 10000

I read elsewhere that he is not even sure of a long career in management. He’s just getting his ego massaged. He misses the adulation I guess.

Bould\'s Eyeliner

Although the above reflects a little negatively, many people have remarked that he is in fact someone with the personality of a star–both good and bad. He likes the attention, which is probably a cornerstone of why he drove himself to be one of the world’s greatest strikers of all time. So yeah, I think so too… misses the spotlight. On the other hand, Arsene Wenger also seems to love the spotlight… why else would you bring back up Suarez? Deflecting criticism from his currently lackluster team? Or bringing up ‘his greatest hits’ haha. If there’s one thing Henry knows,… Read more »

Heavenly Chapecoense

All former teammates and coaches Henry had, talk about his professionalism and obsession about football tactics and football knowledge in general. These are main ingredients to become a good coach even though he is not ready for Arsenal as of today.


Its amazingly dissapointing how fans have no idea what their favorite clubs best of all time is capable of. Im 22 and live in China still I know much more. For instans I read more than a couple of invincibles say how Henry analysed every next opponent in different perspectives and not only played his runs with different plans but gave many tips to his mates. Wenger as well as Lehmann and Vieira said on multiple occasions that every monday after the weekend when the team was on phisycal recovery and had a look at next match, Henry contributed more… Read more »

canon 1000

Thaigoon, thank you for the history lesson and telling us you are 22.

Now that much is clear. Please note. Henry is my favourite striker of all time bar none. He is a legend absolutely. I don’t question his intelligence, his ability with the ball or his place in the Arsenal pantheon. But that doesn’t give him the license to walkover the current staff and players in his role as a Sky puppet. He has done this too many times already now. Doesn’t make him less of a legend. Just too immature to manage a club.



The currnet staff? Lol they havent won a single league in the 13 years after the King. They are making the exact same mistakes over and over and noone can question them? They have all the rights to be walked over. The fact that he is this rash in talking the truth exactly makes him closer to being ready. He has his own ideas and says them. Specially about his favorite club. After all he was only proved right everytime he criticized. Mature means sticking to this lovely staff which doing so well and dont question them? Ok good way… Read more »

Twiddlythumbs McTwatbasket

If we’re getting a new manager (I think he’s staying), my money would be an a motivator / disciplinarian, rather than a nice guy from the above. I could see Vieira becoming that guy, in a Simene mould. We’re gonna end up with Redknapp, aren’t we?


Why would you even say that? Just the thought ruined my breakfast


which part, the Simene or the Redknapp bit

Vincent Adultman

Redknapp? Harry or Jamie? Actually Louise would be the better bet.

Harry or perhaps Jamie? Would the board know the difference? How about a punt on Nigel Pearson. He’s available.


or Nigella Lawson even…the team will be well catered for…

Nelson Vivas

I love you Thierry but behave.

canon 10000

You know what in all fairness I never thought Zidane would be a great manager because a great player doesn’t necessarily mean a great coach. Plenty have fallen by the wayside. But Zizou, though in a very privileged position, went about it the right way. Under Antichrist he was kind of a show pony. In Carlo’s reign he was both a first team assistant and later(/previously?) director. Then he went to lead the youth side. Look at him now. Still privileged (legend, huge support, outstanding resources) but continuously doing what it takes – improving, focused and humble. Now let’s consider… Read more »


Zidanne. Mega player. Mega character. A man who would speak when the ball weighed the heaviest. Not miss sitters when his team needs him the most. Class. Aristocracy. Genius Mind and Footballer. Calm person. Away from cameras and gossip tabloids. The antithesis of Henry really…..

Heavenly Chapecoense

Did Henry miss sitters ? Does Henry like gossip tabloids ? The man in only selling the name he made for himself in english football. That’s why he makes that much money not because he is always saying on TV: Like I said before…. Like I said before…To date, no other strikers have matched the way he dominated the PL and we Arsenal fans should be proud of that.

David Hillier\'s luggage

I think you highlighted the differences in Zidane’s situation in your post. He has been in and around the club in an official capacity club since about 2010, and as you stated, being a show pony, sporting director and fist team assistant, as well as reserve/youth coach. I’m not slagging off Theirry (we all love him to bits) or questioning the path he’s taking, but Zidane didn’t choose being a pundit on Movistar Partidazo or beIN Sport over a full time coaching role. When Zidane took over he was already part of the fabric of the club form a coaching… Read more »


That’s why we should bring in Dennis. He is our Zidane. Calmness personified. The Iceman for fucks sake !!!
Dennis would command that type of respect and also would know what it takes to put a championship winning side together.
But what’s his current status on flying…. ?

David Hillier\'s luggage

Still grounded 🙁


When it comes to the Spanish super clubs, I don’t think you can always say that the managers that manage those teams, are always truly great managers, if that makes sense. Look at Pep as prime example, he had it all his way in Spain (and in Germany) but now at City he is struggling to make it work as well for him as it did over in those two leagues. So I don’t know if you took Zidane out of Madrid whether he would actually be able to cut it at another club in the Spanish leagues, let alone… Read more »

canon 10000

My point was – Henry like Pep (at Barca) and Zidane (at Real) is a legend (at Arsenal) and hence in a privileged position – big clubs, loyal support, etc. The difference is in how Pep and Zizou have approached their careers so far. Reg. Pep. He spent a whole lot of time learning German and winning the treble-winning Bayern team over. They still speak highly of him. It’s not as simple as Spain vs England (Messi on a rainy day in Stoke, eh?). He has shaken up Man City and not all of it has clicked, but I don’t… Read more »

Bould\'s Eyeliner

I think the most telling difference is that Man City has rival clubs around them, whereas Bayern and Barca have about one opponent who can seriously give them a challenge.

canon 1000

If you have ever played Football Manager you will know that managing a top club has it’s own challenges. Very different from managing a club battling relegation but difficult nonetheless.

As a test: Who would you say sleeps better these days? Big Sam or Wenger?

Sir Henry Norris\'s Brown Envelope

I really think Big Sam would do a better job with the talent we have. I am sure he would knock somebody’s block off for not performing while Wenger seems to go in for half time introspection sessions

canon 10000

Big Sam over Wenger? Cheers mate. I just don’t see things the way you do.

gooner of Oz

Of course Wenger he earns almost £8.5 millions per year for almost winning nothing and is satisfied enough to renew every couple of years. No other manager have been paid as much since the move to Emirates.which happen to be the era we dont win nothing.


Yeah – I see what you’re saying, but I genuinely don’t think Pep will do much at City until he spends an insane amount of money. Which again; can you really then say he’s an amazing manager because he’s spent a bazillion pounds on getting City’s squad to where it needs to be to play the ‘Pep way?’ – I donno, I don’t dispute that he is probably a better manager then Big Sam, Hughes, Pulis, Redknapp etc.. but then those guys are never going to get the call to manage at Barcelona, because there idea of good football is… Read more »

canon 1000

Zidane (who batted hard for Makelele) has made Casemiro (a non-ornamental DM) his lynchpin and the bloke is flourishing under his management. He has wonderful players at his disposal in every position – true. But they adore him and he keeps it consistent and functional. Takes tough calls and keep players that don’t fit his system out, no matter how much they cost. Gives them confidence to make a difference in big moments. I’d love to see the same approach at Arsenal. Wish Henry / Bergkamp / Vieira / Pires / Ljunberg were ready and able to do the same… Read more »


Henry might be my overall favourite player of all time but I don’t want him for our manager, at least not at the moment. I do feel he should be starting a little further back and showing what he can do.


Wouldn’t mind him being part of the coaching set up but, and it’s a big but, he would have to give up the punditry for me. If Arsene does step down, I’d love to see Bergkamp return, as mentioned elsewhere on the site: Arsene, 2 more years, with a view to oversee and set us up for transition. Appoint Pires as Director of football, and bring Bergkamp back as Academy Coach but with a very close relationship with the first team, present at training etc. In 2 years, Bergkamp to take the reign as Manager backed up by Pires and… Read more »

Spanish Gooner

Love Thierry, but you don’t go from assistant manager for an underperforming Belgium team to head coach at The Arsenal just like that

Billy Batts

Amanda Hugankiss, I need Amanda Hugankiss.

Lord Bendnter

Disappointed that the Lord’s name was not included here
Experience, talents, looks, fame, flair, aggression, compassion, discipline, love, power, what more do you need?

canon 10000

He’s innovative too. How many have ever thought of advertising on their undies?

Bould\'s Eyeliner

Or sliming those undies onto taxi cabs?


If and when we come to that bridge.. i.e.


what about the Lord?


The completely irrational part of my brain can’t help but go a bit soft-focus at the thought of Thierry as Arsenal boss. But the larger, colder, deader, cynical rational part of my brain knows this would be a crazy choice. If he was still working with the club, on a full time basis, this wouldn’t be such a leap


Henry is a club legend. Whenever you think of Arsenal, your mind always thinks of images of him steam rolling teams at Highbury on his own – well, that’s what my mind does at least. And as much as it would be so romantic to see Henry step up and take over from Arsene and lead us to domestic and European glory, it just isn’t going to happen realistically. Its impossible to gauge how good a manager Thierry is now, but we 100% should not be the club for him to experiment with. He needs to go learn and hone… Read more »


Alternatively, he could have accepted the club’s offer to help him in this regard as a part of the academy setup, but he prioritized his media job.


I have a horrible feeling – and I do mean horrible – that Wenger will step down after the 2018 World Cup and Roberto Martinez will replace him with Henry as his number 2.


He needs to prove himself somewhere else before being considered for the job.

Gus Caesar

I never understand this obsession with ex-players becoming manager. It’s pure heart over head stuff. Heading an organisation as big as The Arsenal requires proven skill and experience of the highest standard. You wouldn’t make your Dad your doctor just because he was great to you and made sure you were healthy when you were younger.


What about Tony Alexander Adams?


I mean the odds…

Lord Nicki B

Big Tone has proven himself to be a half arsed manager. He wasn’t good enough at Portsmouth or Wycombe. Maybe a defensive coach alongside Bouldy, or a man to come into the dressing room and say “Alright, this is the Arsenal crest, and this is what it should mean to you” , but nothing more

Sir Henry Norris\'s Brown Envelope

Absolutely not. Tony Adams is not a good manager

Silent G

I wonder who is managing Grampus 8 now?

Crash Fistfight

Apparently it’s Yahiro Kazama. He’s only been in place since 4th January and the team’s in the J2 league after getting relegated the previous season. You never know though…

Crash Fistfight

Who is Bob Lockett? I don’t get it 🙁


Bring in Zizou. Perez will sack him eventually it ‘s the natural road when you coach RM. It gives the club time to put a new set up in place with a sporting director.

J singh

As much as once upon a time it was Arsene who remember he had managed at 3 clubs before becoming AFC manager. ,i can’t see us recruiting a manager with no real experience. Thierry we all love u ,& want u one day to come home and manage … But please learn your trade . Tbh I don’t think any of our ex premiership era players are ready for the job . But i hope one day ,Dennis, Patrick , Thierry ,Freddie all come back . Even think big personalities like keown , Adams , Lehman should be coaching at… Read more »

Superswede Limpar

I believe Keown could be “our own Simeone”. He has that same Crazy about him. 🙂

Lord Nicki B

Oh Bergkamp no, I get the sentiment behind it, but please no, assistant manager sure, but his punditry has made it clear to some of us, he’s not ready yet, don’t fast-track him just because he was a great footballer, he desperately needs time at a smaller side first.

Need to earn your way as a manager Titi. It isn’t time for you to manage a big club just yet.

I hope you do, eventually, but not now.

If it’s any of our former players, I’d much rather have have Vieira.


The fact that he’s even ruminating about it means he’s not ready. I mean, that’s just a lack of awareness entirely.

At least he said he’s in learning mode, but that mode needs a few more goes ’round the sun at minimum.


As much at I love TH, I don’t think he’s the right guy to be our next manager.


If this isn’t the most flipant suggestion. It’s endemic of some of the frankly loose thinking that surrounds some in the fan base. Henry needs to do his homework before he even gets a shot. Media punditry is easy…theory. Practical experience is another thing. Gary Neville did it. He put his money where his mouth was and tried (unsuccessfully) at management. Not as easy as it looks Gary but kudos for doing it. No experience in market won’t help either. And some fans will seriously consider this alternative…may as well get Martinez, lauded by his fellow pundits, can’t cut it… Read more »

Third Plebeian

Amazing player, but I don’t remember him being a very good captain. There’s probably a thin correlation between captain and manager, but, you know, leadership and stuff…


Surely you meant ‘Randolph duke’ or ‘mortimer duke.’

Henry was the goldenboy

Everyone needs to give Henry some respect he is the best striker arsenal have ever had and likely to have. People have to start their manager career somewhere why not at arsenal where it as already started falling apart.

I think bring Henry is as a manager and Bergkamp as the assistant we don’t have much to lose.


At 200/1 I’d be willing to spend a penny on IP Freely


Let’s at least appoint someone who’s been a manager before…


New York City, just how I pictured it. Skyscrapers and everything…

Henry’s nose is about to be put right out of joint.

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