Saturday, July 27, 2024

Reports: David Ospina to start FA Cup ahead of Petr Cech

It’s being reported this afternoon that Arsene Wenger has decided to play David Ospina in tomorrow’s FA Cup final against Chelsea.

The Colombian is the de facto cup keeper, but having lost Laurent Koscielny to suspension, Gabriel to injury and with the Gunners unlikely to have Shkodran Mustafi available, it seems odd to add to the instability at the back.

Cech has been in outstanding form in recent weeks, and has contributed in a big way to our recent defensive improvement. The move to the back three has been seen as the main factor, but the form of the former Chelsea man has made some crucial saves and played a major part.

He would have expected, rightly so, to keep his place based on recent form alone, and the fact that Ospina is going to leave the club this summer anyway.

It’s a mind-boggling decision. Against the best team in the country you play your best team, and Cech is our best keeper.

This is madness but of course Wenger has form in this regard, playing Lukasz Fabianski ahead of Wojciech Szczesny in 2014, and then having dropped the Pole in 2015 for the Premier League game recalled him for the 4-0 win over Aston Villa before loaning him to Roma.



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Cech at CB then?

Third Plebeian

Cech is injured. Just reported in the Guardian. That’s why Ospina’s starting. Wenger’s got no choice here.


When it rains it pours.


dont be surprised to see Cech on the bench in which case the shitstorm still stands.

Too Drunk To Be Offside

If this is true then fine, no issues. However, if Cech ends up on the bench, then just for starting Ospina over Cech, Wenger should be shown that door, mid-match if possible, post-match definitely.




Don’t worry they’ll lighten the mood when they announce a new contract for AW after the game…..


Makes sense as we’ll be playing an untested defense. That’s just what we need to remove whatever defensive solidity remained.

I vote we should start Sanogo too.


Sanogo at CB then? always thought he had his future there

Hank Scorpio

May as well tap into Sanogo’s incredible ability to ensure the ball goes nowhere near the goals when he’s in the box


Add to that, cech might know a thing or two about the likes of Hazard & Costa. But I guess we can afford to be a bit casual considering the amazing season we’ve had. If we had our usual players like koscielny, Mustafi, Gabriel etc, I could maybe get behind Ospina starting. But we have a young 20 year old, as good as he has been but this will be the biggest game of his career, another player who hasn’t started a game all season, ox coming back from injury probably playing in an unfamiliar lwb position. And you remove… Read more »


Aaarrgghhh .. Don’t give Arsene new ideas !!


Out of curiosity why would anyone down-vote this post? (What’s the counter argument?)


Counter argument? Cech is injured. Don’t be too quick to judge. Gather proper info first.

Terry Neill - never again

The counter argument? Arsenal 2-1 Ch€£$ea and Arsene has won 7 FA Cups, the latest included opposition from his own ‘fans’ – he’s a legend.


He promised Ospina he would play the cup games…so what. As admirable as it is keeping your word to players your first loyalty should be to winning things for your club and fans.


He’s just a bad manager at this stage


He’s injured…


got a knock in training, not injured,

Terry Neill - never again

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha – knob.

Indian Gooner

What the hell? I hope not..with our already existing defensive crisis at the moment.


This is so stupid.


I don’t get it. Okay, if Ospina stays, then yes, I can maybe understand it. But I think it’s pretty obvious he’s going to leave so there’s absolutely no point in playing him.

Cech has been tremendous in the past month or two and he’s definitely the one who could at least stabilise our unusual back line a little bit tomorrow.

But no.

Kwame Ampadu Down

Even if Ospina stays, I still don’t get it. You don’t pick a decent keeper ahead of a world class one for a cup final. Especially not when you’re under huge pressure. And especially not when you’re already stretched defensively.

IF this is true, it’s not just a poor decision. It’s simply a very stupid one.


I mean this is a game that can somewhat salvage the shitfest of a season we’ve had. And we’re not playing so many first choice players, some due to compulsions and some due to choice.


Agree. I haven’t been in the Wenger out camp at all, but this would be a stupid decision to start Ospina. Makes me wonder what Wenger is thinking — and perhaps if he might need to be a bit more ruthless and worry less about player loyalty


Fabianski was leaving when he started the final. Why are we all so shocked??


This is insane.


Loosing all interest on watching this game!!! Does anybody want my ticket?

Toure motors

This is the Ebola lining on the puke ended tip of the shittiest stick of a season…

David C

This is a Wenger out decision for me. You don’t need to have that much loyalty to a bloody backup keeper. Cech has been on fire as of late…bad decision if true.


Classic Wenger. I expect Giroud to start up front too, even though it doesn’t work, and he knows it doesn’t work. Oh well.


If this happens this is pure madness. With the defense already weakened it will be a self inflicting blow to have Ospina as keeper over cech. This is a very important match for the players and the fans. Playing Ospina over Cech doesn’t make any footballing sense. If Wenger does this, he has lost the right to manage the team anymore.

Ex-Priest Tobin

Perhaps Wenger thinks Cech has divided loyalties. I always thought the secret agent rumors had some truth; perhaps this news is confirmation of that.


pretty much guaranteed L


Definite victory now.
Ospina is going in the summer.
Last two final victories have come with keepers that then leave a few weeks later.
What could possibly go wrong?


Sounds like a wind up.

Little Mozart

I’m quite angry about this.


So everyone sees it criminal not playing our best keeper but most of you will be hoping we bench our best striker against the best team in the country


So… He’s already planning for it to go to penalties?


Good decision. With BFG in the team the average height of defence will be more and Ospina can play his game confidently. His dynamism and acrobatics will come in handy in a game like this. In games like these you have those moments when a keeper comes rushing out and makes a great save to stop the counter when we go all out attack. Cech is a bit static and plays the positional game compared to Ospina who i think is perfect for this game.

Kwame Ampadu Down

Ramgooner, that’s one of the daftest comments I’ve ever seen on here. (And that’s saying something!)


Lovely piece of satire

Daft Aider

sarcasm or drugs?,
I can’t decide……..


Even if what you said were true, it’s clearly not the reasoning behind this decision, which is just about blind loyalty and lack of ruthlessness, as always with AW (he’s got previous).


Trying to fathom some logic to this madness. Perhaps he is thinking he will have to play BFG so wants someone who is quicker off the line. But yes, basically it’s crazy. Surely a 5-0 type result tomorrow will do for Wenger? Cannot see how they are going to style out a new contract for him if we are humiliated


So, so sick of all of this now. We can (rightly) talk about Kroenke dragging down the club, but he isn’t forcing Wenger to make these fucking baffling selection decisions on a regular basis. Ospina is leaving, he’s a shit keeper, fuck him, no idea why we owe him anything.


Whereas I would prefer to have Cech as the goalkeeper, on the other two occasions Blogs mentions we did win the trophy…

Yes, I know Hull and Villa were slightly different opposition.

dr Strange

Stupidity of the highest order.

Fuhgedaboudit l

Choosing Ospina I think means AW is going back to a 4/2/3/1.


This is just classic Wenger if true. You pick your best players in the biggest games – especially when they are in great form. Instead he’s worried about hurting Ospina’s feelings.


Can’t believe you’re linking to Mirror articles, Blogs (shaking head)


This type of thing may be Wenger’s biggest flaw. Principles and faith over ruthless pragmatism too often. Players love him for it, but when it’s time to return the favour they too often let him down. Either with poor performances or by leaving. Where’s the benefit?

Can of course still win games with David Ospina. Come on Arsenal.


Ospina starts, makes a big mistake, we lose 1-0.

Wenger post game; “well you have to understand Petr had a drumming accident and hurt his right index finger while playing Bon Jovis critically acclaimed second LP ‘New Jersey’, he was simply rocking too hard man. And frankly, I can’t blame him. I’m a big Joves fan myself.”

Reporter: “How long do you expect him to be out?”

AW: “3 months, tops.”

*Petr Cech enters room*

*Petr Cech falls to his knees screaming “fuck you Bon Joveeeeesss!!”*

*Petr Cech dies*

Merlin\'s Panini

Suicidal. We’re going to be destroyed.


Hellava gamble. If Ospina saves a penalty or wins us the cup in the penalty shootout, i tell you everyone’s gonna say Wenger’s a genius.


Guardian is reporting Cech injured?

nimble foot

No, I can tell you for sure that they won’t. The story will probably go that Wenger stumbled on the decision to play Ospina. This has always been the case my friend, as far as its Wenger, people never believe it was intended, it’s always accidental, never a stroke of genius

Kwame Ampadu Down

For some extremists, yes. For others, it’s always a stroke of genius, never accidental.
Both are just as bad as each other.


Maybe it’s because the “B” unit should play together? Still, it would be a big (and scary) decision, if true!


Wenger keeps his word. No matter what.


Everyone — Cech is injured.

nimble foot

No, it’s just Wenger being idiotic and trying to cover it up with reports of an injury to Cech. Isn’t it? Isn’t it? The man has lost the plot, hasn’t he? Hasn’t he?


has to an injury to cech surely ? would he really be playing Ospina so he stays theres been some crazy desicions this seasons for sure i dont rate him on crosses and corners! shot stopper yes! what hope i had has been diminished further


If this is a decision made to piss off the fans then well played Mr Wenger. Well played indeed.

Surrey Gooner

There’s an injury to Cech

Surrey Gooner

The Guardian are reporting an injury to Cech


I’d play Gunnersaurus, before that lot. This is not going to be pretty.


It’s all a “Cunning Plan” – lull the chavs into a false sense of security. They’re so busy wetting themselves laughing at our cock-ups and misfortunes, self-inflicted and otherwise, that they will be ridiculously over-confident and won’t be able to concentrate on Snr Conte’s game plan, or string more than three passes together, and then we’ll have them…



Lets do it!


Ooooospina is a g-o-o-o-o-d keeper
This may welbeck his last arse
and we’re not winning this in a month of blue mondays so..
wtf not?
may as well take the piss…

Stick Kroenke in at CB

see what he’s made of.


“the manager has form..” so it’s not exactly mind-boggling then. Even if Cech was fit I wouldn’t have been surprised if Ospina started. That’s how managers roll these days.

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