Saturday, July 27, 2024

Video: Martial could still be the new Henry – United are just his Juve

Fairly spurious reports have suggested that Arsenal could make a bid for Anthony Martial.

The Manchester United striker is rated at around £40m, and a deal seems pretty unlikely all things considered.

Still, James takes a look at this one in his latest Gunnervlog. Please subscribe and like his channel, it gives him warm tingly feelings.

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Unlikely but could work for us if the other transfers don’t come off.


i’m so down for this. its difficult to prise him away from united but if we get him i think it’d be a steal . we’re essentially buying a top talent for half of the money we need for mbappe and we could even use rest of the money to buy lacazette and a centre midfielder .

obviously the only problem here is that mourinho cunt . he already tried his best not to sell petre cech to arsenal , a player he didint even need . its difficult but definitely worth a try


No chance it going to happen. If it does happen, with the crazy market value today and considering Martial age, I doubt if united will sell less than £80m


0 chance that they will sell to us


The reality is the Premier League is paying such inflated fees relative to the rest of Europe that increasingly if the top teams want to move on players they will have to either be willing to sell to each other or take massive hits on the fees.


United are the richest club in the world tho


United are still a business and when your choices are selling a player you don’t particularly want for a 15m loss to another PL team or a 30m gbp loss to a foreign team – most businesses will choose the 15m loss.


if it were just a business i would agree but they are also cunts and their manager is a cunt


Not Utd. This is a team that paid £89 for their own youth team player, a £30m loss is peanuts to them.
When was the last time they sold to any of their rivals, let alone Arsenal, anyway? Only Arsenal strengthen their opponents.


We’ve got Welbz, do I need to remind you what his last two goals against United achieved???


Really?…they love selling junk to us. Silvestre.


Silvestre was the new Dessaily.


I like him. The issue here will be Mourinho the cunt.


Petr Cech anyone?


Petr cech was allowed to leave because abramovich intervened. It wasnt down to mourinho

Mein Bergkampf

Would be great to take a failing United player and turn him into an Arsenal legend. Like that time we bought Mikael Slivestre.

Heavenly Chapecoense

We also bought Welbeck. Lot of injuries but in front of goal this year, not much.


Welbeck was worth a punt. *Might* still come good and useful to have on the pitch even if he isn’t banging the goals in.


I think if welbs doesn’t push on this season, he’s time should be up for us. We will need a new striker.

To me, he has not done enough to suggest he is natural succesor to even Giroud.

Granted he adds more mobility but he misses sitters in front of goal.

Hopefully he improves for us. He has good requisites.


My God, Welbeck has had the chance to work with sir Alex, Van gaal and Wenger and he’s still not improved his finishing. What he lacks is the desire to improve. Sanchez (our best finisher) practices shooting right after trainings. The basic difference between world class and average

Big sheezy

When did welbeck ascend to average status? I must’ve missed the announcement.


Mourinho would never sell us anyone who could improve us. Only a fool would strengthen a rival.


Petr Cech won the Golden Gloves in his first season with Arsenal, after leaving Chelsea. So, there’s that.


Someone is desperate to sell.

I remember laughing when they signed him (for a lot of money) and proclaimed him the “new Henry”.

Mbappe anyone?:D


Some exciting talent coming through for Germany.


Demirbay was excellent today. Would be an excellent buy for our midfield. Sell Elneny, Jack.

Granit, Demirbay, Ramsey, Coquelin possibly Iwobi (and if fit Santi) would be a decent midfield.

Lord Bendnter

I have been a huge fan of Martial. And I hate how man utd have been wasting his talent and potential. My only problem with Martial is that he’s now as physical of a player as we need right now. Many years ago I would be so happy with his signing, but right now our club is in shambles and we need a strong physical central striker that can keep off defenders, can run fast, play one twos, get into positions, actually score from those positions. Basically, a Giroud with pace and more skill. Martial will be pushed over too… Read more »


Lord bendtner.i agree . Martial would be a great signing for us. Wenger should go for him. I have united fans as friends and even they say Jose isnt the man to develop martial. Take a look at lukaku and more embarrassingly de Bruyne who wasn’t given a chance by Jose. Martial will take a bit of time but pulling off that signing could be a factor for Sanchez to stay .


“A Giroud with pace and more skill”

Does something like that even exist? Lukaku comes close but he doesn’t have half the skill and touch Giroud has.

Lord Bendnter

There was once such a man, a Legend. Tall man with beautiful blonde hair


Martial is both bigger, stronger and faster than lacazette. Martial stands 184 cm, while Lacazette is 175 cm. Your statement couldnt possible make less sense.

Lord Bendnter

Yes, but Lacazette is stockier than Martial. Despite the height difference, both weigh about the same. If Martial was more aggressive in the center forward position, mourinho would use him much more. This is what Lacazette can give us.


Lol @Lord Bendnter’s “club is in shambles”…
Not to be confused with your career mate

Faisal Narrage

I said on here on a previous comment that Martial would be my ideal choice and I got negged for it.

He can be our Henry.


Isn’t Henry our Henry? Or was that a tongue in your cheek?

Faisal Narrage

Our “new” Henry, I meant.

Wright on the money

If Mbappe doesn’t happen which I don’t think it will then Martial would be a great alternative but can’t see Mourhino selling to us.


Mourinho would rather advance his imminent 3rd Season Sacking Syndrome by a year than do business with Wenger


Who sold Cech to Arsenal?

nimble foot

Errr Abrahimovic I guess? If Mou had his way, he’d sell Cech to Bolton

we\'ve done it again

So we’ve gone from mbappe to lacazette and now we are moving on to martial.

Let me know when we get to vardy.

Phil Senderos

I’m a tad worried arseblog news is becoming gunnervlog views. No issue with the videos or James, but they are pretty much his daily opinion on transfer tittle tattle. I’d love a bit more structure, we’ve a load of players on international duty could we not talk that more? Or youth prospects? Or calm the schedule a bit on the transfer videos to every other day?


Couldn’t really agree on this. If I want to read his post,then i will go his blog. And that’s the reason why I’m at arseblog. Collaboration with another site doesn’t mean we need to see their content so frequently


Lave Arseblog off, hes sound out


*IF…IF* this were to happen, it would be negotiated by Ivan Gazidis and Ed Woodward, so it is said, to bypass the animosity between Arsene and Mourinho.


or that could be just some shit that somebody made up


Utd are more likely to sell Martial back to Monacco at a loss as part exchange for Mbappe. Greater chance of that happening than Arsenal getting either.


Martial needs his manager’s trust so this could work out for him. I doubt 40m is enough though. Something like 60m might only start make them think.


If we can actually get him for 40m, I would go for it without even looking back, if Wenger actually believes in him. Wenger plus a talented Premier League ready Martial, with Mourinho’s psychological conditioning, equals the next coming of the King. You know what they say about form and class (and playing on the wings when you are a striker…).


Kill me, but I honestly don’t think he’s that great. Get Lemar that guy does more

Matt P

Yeah I don’t think he’s that great either. Like Lacazette, I’d be thoroughly underwhelmed if we sign Martial.
Aubameyang, please.

Big sheezy

More clickbait, maureen wont be selling to arsenal. Funny how athletico sign world class strikers year after year and we end up with park and gervinho and asano. Either we arent ready to pony up the funds necessary or noone wants to come here anymore. Either way, another grim summer for the arsenal. Be ready for another 17 year old who will go on loan for five years until he fades into obscurity.


Might as well just kill ourselves now and be done with it

Big sheezy

No, but this was the one site i trusted every summer not to spread every bullshit rumour. Usually blogs is a bit cynical and a realist when it comes to bullshit. I dont think there will be any world class business this summer, im just hoping the squad is improved before we fall farther behind.


Yeah – it’s a totally ridiculous policy to sign really good youngsters from foreign clubs. I mean, it’s not as if they’ve uncovered the likes of Fabregas, Belerin, Van Persie, Holding,……..

Ooh To Be

A past it Torres, Mandzukic who lasted a year after his worst season, and Jackson Martinez who failed so bad he went straight to China are all world class strikers year after year, are they?


More like the new Welbeck.

banjo string

Le click bate.

Rohith J

I think there is a great player in there. Would be more excited about this than Lacazette. But Man U is not going to sell to us.

Godfrey Twatsloch

If we could bring Martial back to the level he was at in the 15/16 season he’d be a fine addition indeed.


These Vlogs are the worst, to be honest.. I’d rather read it than listen to it.. It’s a terrible way of spreading your opinions.

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