Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gabriel arrives in Valencia ahead of medical and transfer

Gabriel has arrived in Valencia this afternoon ahead of his proposed move to the La Liga side.

It’s believed Arsenal will receive a fee of around €11m for the Brazilian, and he was greeted by press and fans at Valencia airport.

Valencia airport is really quite a crap airport. Don’t get me wrong, the city itself is fantastic and I recommend it to anyone. I know a really good kebab place if anyone’s looking too, but the airport itself is a bit … well … Luton, is the best way I can put it.

Perhaps in time there’ll be some investment in the infrastructure there, but for now those of you who travel there will have to put up with it.

One thing you could do, however, is fly to Barcelona and get the train from Sants – a first class ticket is really quite cheap and they give you a meal and mini bottles of booze like on aeroplanes. It’s something to consider.

More on the Gabriel move when we have it.

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Chambers staying then.

Mein Bergkampf

Love that the Sun have just put an article out entitled “Arsenal fans fume as Matuidi joins Juventus.” I think quite honestly, with absolutely no irony, that there have been few transfers all season that I care less about. Maybe I’m missing something. Anyone else fuming about this?

Clive St Helmet

We were in for Matuidi?


Fuming that you read the Sun

Mein Bergkampf

I just love tits and right wing propaganda. What’s a boy to do?


Nope so that’s err..2


Definitely not fuming but I wouldn’t mind Matuidi.


He’s 30, would have been an excellent signing two seasons ago.


The Sun would be left fuming if someone like Pjanic joins us in a sort of rebound 😀


I’ve always been asking for Matuidi. I’m surprised a lot of people don’t mention him.

Keeping it real

Matuidi who???

Terry Henry

Who’s our 2nd right back / wing back if the ox goes?




I’d prefer Jenkinson, though.


Niles or reiss Nelson. Although that’s not their best position, you gotta take what you can when you’re trying to break into a team. Plus we know how much Wenger likes to play a midfielder wide before moving him central.

Dan Gunn

Ox isn’t leaving.


Disappointed. He’s currently a far more flexible and developed player than CC. Left, right centre, he doesn’t mind. Think he will thrive in Spain.


Totally agree.


Not sure exactly what the rules are but I think it may have something to do with meeting the home grown quota.


I’ve been surprised by the reaction of most to his transfer. I never knew there was such a big ‘Gabriel Out’ contingent in our fanbase.

High gunner

Im sad he is leaving.. sometimes you miss players just for their way of being humans.. they dont have to be “world class” or what ever you wanna call them.. just look at eboue :)) anyway, gabriel had nice vibes about him on and off the field.. best of luck to him, and now lets go get stoke


It saddens me too, to see him go, to be honest. I like his no fuss style in the dressing room and his ever smiling visage, even if he doesnt get considered for games, as often as he would like. While at his former club, he was in and about the Brazil squad but lost out when he wasn’t getting enough playing time. So, it may be better that he leaves to a club where he will play and stand a chance to be named for the World Cup squad. I won’t forget his close marking style and how he… Read more »

Tasmanian Jesus

Actually, I think the first time he was picked for Brazil was after he had joined us. Didnt get any game time though.
Now we need a new brazilian, no top team is complete without one.


….* keep “danger men” quiet…*


Despite being at Arsenal for so short, he’d walk through a brick wall for Arsenal.

Lord Bendnter

Tell me about it. I don’t know if I would be able to watch Arsenal’s YouTube channel if the Ox leaves


I agree. Thought he was a good player especially in the new system

Heavenly Chapecoense

In a couple of weeks, Wenger will be forced to play El Neny in a CB position.


Such a lovely human being. He doesn’t watch TV, doesn’t read any books. Probably has no parasite called an agent.

That I just guessed because nobody was in the press urging us to sell nor was there any fuss when he joined us.


Never particularly wanted him out but he never quite met the required standard. At least this was true before the switch to back 3, after he looked better to be fair.

Santi\'s Smile

Especially for someone who will be best remembered for red cards.

Kwame Ampadu Down

I’ve been surprised too. I never knew there was such a big ‘Gabriel In’ contingent in our fanbase.

Dan Gunn

Nor is there a huge Gabriel in contingent. Wenger finally selling mediocre players and clearing the squad.

Mesut O\'Neill

Thanks for your service Mr Paulista.

Guess this means Chambers stays.

Kostas Greek Gooner

He went on a mission. To DESTROY this Diego the c*** Costa!


Hmmm … crab? cagy? clod? Chav!?


Mixed feelings on him going. Thought he did very well last season in patches especially when forced to RB. On the other hand he never quite looked like he would press on and become consistently good enough. Plus he never learned a word of english which couldn’t have sat that well in the dressing room.

Hopefully this means chambers is staying, a real talent in my eyes and should develop well in a back three during the cup runs.

Good luck gabi


You’ve got it dead right. I really appreciate that he gave his heart and soul to the club. Think about him celebrating on crutches at Wembley! But he’s not too top quality.

Hopefully we’ll now keep ChMbers. Or better yet, go grab Van Dyke from under the noses of Liverpoo and Chelski.

Heavenly Chapecoense

What teams will get Seri and Lemar under our nose ?


Any team that wants them more than we appear to! I think we may have given up on Lemar. I’d like to see us get Seri. No reason we can’t afford Seri and VVD. Think big AW!!


We desperately need a player like serri who can control the midfield . at this point it doesn’t look like we are getting him though . but we do look short on quality options in midfield . my best guess in Wenger is considering to give chance to ox or Maitland Niles instead of buying one.


Intently watched series yesterday in their champions league game against Napoli and frankly don’t know what the fuss is all about. Would rather keep wilshere to be honest. One match u may say, but there was nothing to be excited about

A different George

I was going to mention him celebrating after the final, hopping around, taking pictures on his phone, obviously happy to be part of the club. A pretty tough guy, from a pretty tough background–I hope he does well at Valencia and, if we ever play them, he gets a great welcome.


And you think Alexis speaks English?


Alexis can get away with anything .. even if he messed up Hector’s hair

Harish P

What about if he did the impossible and messed up Arteta’s hair?


He does, after a fashion


I agree that not picking up English may have hurt his chances


Always seemed a decent but limited player. Never really going to be a first choice starter. Hope this means Chambers gets to stay and play in some cup games to get back in the good books of the boss.

Daniel V

Now is the time, give Chambers his playing time. I would like to see him with Koscielny and Mustafi in 3 at the back.


And we keep the ever injured and never satisfying Wilshere and Oxlade-Chamberlain.

John Lukic

Well, who wants to buy a perma-crock?

Original Paul

Thanks for your efforts especially that Chelski game! Good luck Gabs!

Ramsey\'s Slippy boots

He still owes Costa one, and he will follow him to whichever league he plays, until retribution is truly exacted. I will miss this guy.


No. Chambers should go too. Holding looks the likelier one to turn into something


That’s why Chambers kept Holding out of the England U21 team. Like both of them.


They’re the future of the Arsenal and England defence.


Either way, both is staying this season. We’re not getting rid of another CB.

No way

We should keep them both.


So where’s this kebab place?


Cheers Gab. I thought you were hilarious.


All the best to you Gabriel!


Good luck Gab…

Chippys chip

Bit suprised as he has more bite and experience than Holding and Chambers but hey ho Arsene knows.

Ted E.

Well, didn’t he just say that playing young centre backs will cost you points? At least we know what to expect…

Third Plebeian

I hate airports.

Joel Carter

The one in Wroclaw in Poland is fantastic…


Maybe, but the connection’s not. No train link so spent 2 hours in a baking bus just to get there from the centre.

Lord Bendnter

If you had a truckload of gold and were an Premier Emirates Frequent Flyer, you wouldn’t.

– fyi I hate airports too


Yup they suck. There are a few gems though. for example, at opposite ends of the spectrum Chang-I hub where I honestly believe you could live out your whole life wanting for nothing and Koh Samui where the departure “lounge” is an open sided log structure and the runway is dripping in bouganvilia. On the serious black list Chicago Medway is a hole.

Isaiah Rankin

If there isn’t a Wetherspoons to smash four pints and a full English at 6.45am, is it really right to call it an airport at all?

Big Dave

Nice bloke and thanks for everything you’ve done but I’d rather see Kos, Per, Mustafi, Holding or Kolasinac in the back three ahead of him so it’s the right thing to do if we’re trimming the squad.

It Is What It Is

Monreal too

Harish P

Kola was great in his attacks but was defensively weak as a CB. If he was disciplined we could’ve stopped a goal or two from Leicester. I’d rather Kola from the wing and maybe practise being a CB behind the scenes for now, he’s too enjoyable from left to not be there.

No way

I agree, kolasinac at wing back!

Nacho Cheese Kalevra

Damn…. I loved Mr Paulista. That tackle on lukaku I think in that Everton match is still my fave memory of him.
Have his heart and maybe some of his soul. Shame he could never really push on to the heights we thought he would achieve.
Goodluck Mr Paulista. I wish you the best in all you do.


I have to apologise to you mate. yesterday saw this on your Twitter and i thought it was a clickbait.sorry mate ?


Maybe he’s just thinking of buying a timeshare in Denia.


So our out and out centre half options are Mert/Kos/Mustafi/Holding/Chambers. Two of which are very young and raw, one of which is one season away from retirement. I know Monreal and Kolasinac can both sub in as centre half but its not their bread and butter. Taking into account EPL, Europa, FA Cup, EFL, for me thats not sufficient numbers, assuming we get injuries which we all know we definitely will. This seems risky to me, I know Gabriel wasnt everybodys favourite but you could do a lot worse as a squad member centre half, and with improving English skills… Read more »


I agree with this. I’d have definitely kept Gab ahead of Chambers. He is so much more versatile and experienced. Chambers has potential but also a fragile confidence. It’s an area we needed to strengthen in the transfer market in my opinion.


We might not send Bielik on loan now so he wud be another CB or DM option


I did forget about Bielik actually, he has some talent and could definitely step in when it comes to EFL games.


Hopefully this starts the exodus of fringe players we’re looking to offload and opening the checkbook for the few incoming we’d like to see.


Hopefully, but it’s an odd place to start if you ask me.


We wud have had to give him a new contract this year if he stayed or he wud be into his final 12 mo ths next season..not sure he really did enough to warrant one

Stuck on repeat...

Would love to agree with you Ghost…just don’t see it happening especially on anyone else incoming unfortunately.

Sad to see Gab go & wish him well. As others have said though, it should mean we keep Chambers which is good.

Think we may also be keeping Gibbs. He won’t play much except in probably some cup & Europa, but with Monreal & Sead potentially having to fill in at CB at times, am ok with too…as I think is Gibbs.


I don’t think he felt comfortable in England. Whatever his efforts were to learn the language, they didn’t seem enough. Never seen communicating with non Spanish speaking players in YouTube videos or games etc. Ultimately it wasn’t talent( or the lack of it) in my opinion. When there’s a heavy squad and you can’t trust a talented yet uncomfortable player it’s the right thing to do.


I think you’re right, and probably his family would be happier in Spain. The approach came from the manager who knows him and rates him, so although I don’t think he was unhappy at Arsenal it’s probably a good opportunity for him. He had some difficult games but also some excellent ones, and seems like a good guy, so I wish him all the best.

Inanimate carbon rod

Maybe he and the family are just there on holiday…and it’s a complete misunderstanding on the part of the local press.

Or maybe he just really dislikes Valencian doctors and needs moral support.

In any event, quite odd to take family on a business trip!

Lord Bendnter

71.098% of this article is regarding the Valencia Airport. Credit where it’s due, this site does cater to Arsenal fans with all different kinds of interests, including frequent flyers.

Just hoping that Debuchy, Gibbs, Jenkinson deals could go through as fast as Gabriel’s :S


and campbell and perez


Joel’s done his knee. Doubt he’s going anywhere this window.


Well Gabriel’s leg is not exactly A1 right now, what with being banjaxed and everything.

I wonder how he is going to pass that medical.


In fairness I think the comments regarding Valencia airport were a bit harsh. Sure it’s small, but when I went through the passport checks a few days ago it was all very fast and effective, much like I hope our strikers will be this year 🙂


Good luck Gabriel! Seemed like a great team player and could have been useful as a squad player, but he always seemed to have one big mistake in him per game which could be costly. I think our cover for this position is fine considering the manager likes to play Monreal and Kolasonic there in emergency situations.
His attitude was always great even if his limitations were obvious. He will get much more playing time at Valencia and can at least speak Spanish. Good luck mate!

The new Bendtner

Get yourself to Humberside, now that’s a shitty airport


It feels wrong, and probably is, to reflect on this now but Gabriel’s message after the chapecoense disaster was one of the most heartfelt and humanising moments I can remember from my time following Arsenal.

It’s just football, and he seems like a good man. Let’s all just live our lives. I hope we win.


Trying to think of a favourite Gacriel moment and I’m leaning towards the last clip of Wenger and BFG passing questions between each other where both agree that the last person in the team they’d fight is Gabriel. Not being the biggest or most imposing figure there is a look to him which I guess comes from his background. The boy from a Sao Paolo favela can handle himself and the BFG knows it.


I’m a crap detective, but I have no idea what’s up with Chambers. Is he training with the team. He didn’t play the U23 game although he could have. There is just not any news. Can anyone here enlighten me?


Doesn’t seem smart to let him go now with Per in his last year (and only having played in one match last year), Kos having so many various injury issues that could flare up again, etc.. Definitely prefer him in any position to Chambers.


Disappointed. He’s a decent player, 100% commuted and Keown like in the looks department.

An Ox-sized Coq

Could be several reasons why he left…(not enough playing time, language barrier, more comfortable in Spain, etc)…but most importantly, he left on a high and had some pretty great matches towards the end of last season.

Jung Beans

What’s wrong with Luton? Oh, right…


After sp*rs success picking up players I hope we’ve already scouted the Ajax defender they’re chasing. If he’s any good I’m sure we could offer more wages to grab him off them.


He is quality..i.d like him at Arsenal..and his teammate Dolberg

Ed the Red

How can he pass the medical, he’s still injured isn’t he? I’m no doctor but I think that might show up at some stage? That said it never seemed to affect Duncan Ferguson’s movements.


Shame. TBH I quite liked him even though he made mistakes.didn’t take no shit and had some good games.
Good luck to him.


Why are sp*rs who already have two excellent CB’s getting a free run at Davinson Sánchez when we need a new CB? Hope we gazump them. First Sol & now him ?


I don’t get this move at all.

I\'m Professor Ignorance, on this subject

This is aggravating. Gabriel is a valuable squad player who is still young and improving, and he can’t be questioned as far as “wanting it more” or failing to stand his ground in the face of intimidation, unlike some more accomplished players on the team.

It’s daft to let him go for 11 mil while demanding similiar (or more) money for players who we need gone.


Calum Chambers is a solid prospect along with Holding. I didn’t think we would sell Gabriel till January but I couldn’t see us letting go of Calum so easily. BOTH Calum and Holding can push each other to greater heights, both have tremendous near term potential with Per set to step down, Koscielny not getting younger (to some extent Monreal although different position-wise) Chambers was unnoticed in pre-season bc many assume he was being sold but I thought he had a solid performance comparable to Holding. Hope he grabs this opportunity to step up. He has great pre-requisites to do… Read more »

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