Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Mustafi ‘agrees’ Inter Milan move

According to Sky Sports, Shkodran Mustafi has agreed to join Inter Milan, although a deal between the two clubs has yet to be completed (which is obviously the key factor).

The German international signed from Valencia for £35m at the end of August last year, and was a fixture in the side throughout the season. However, it seems something has drastically changed with his situation since his return from his extended holidays after the Confederations Cup.

It’s rare for a club to buy a player for such a substantial fee and move him on less than 12 months later.

The report suggests he would go to Inter on loan, with a fee agreed for a permanent move at the end of it, but it remains to be seen if that is the case.

When asked about Mustafi’s future at his press conference on Thursday, Arsene Wenger was somewhat equivocal about it, saying, “It’s difficult for me to speak about any individual cases, you know.

“We’re now in the final seven days of the transfer market and it’s always very difficult to predict what will happen there.

“You have to make quick and sharp decisions and you cannot plan that and come out in a press conference with how you will respond to any solicitation.”

It’s a long way from how he has spoken about Alexis Sanchez and Oxlade-Chamberlain, players he definitely wants to keep at the club.

While there’s reason to be cautious about Sky Sports, whose track record regarding transfers is increasingly bad, it’s understood that Arsenal are prepared to let Mustafi go, as well as Oxlade-Chamberlain (with interest from Liverpool and Chelsea) and Kieran Gibbs who is linked with Watford.

The Lucas Perez situation remains ongoing, but as it stands right now, the club are not close to adding to the squad in any way.

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Charlie Davis

Let’s hope there’s some method to the ‘madness’….


There isn’t.

Original Paul

Are you sure Butters? 😉

Original Paul

You say that there is no method but there must be one that’s already in place? I can’t believe it’s not butters…

Easy tiger

We are in a real mess mate.


Looks like Arsene may be the true professor chaos!

Alexis lacozil

I have a good feeling about this actually. If all the pieces fall in place we could get a certain dutch cb. Mind you this is Arsenal.

Terry Henry

Can you really see Wenger spending 60 mil on a CB??

Third Plebeian

The method? I imagine this is Wenger telling us he’s returning to a back four, so he needs to trim our collection of CBs. You just know it’s not because he’s about to buy a shiny new defender. We better pray that Koscielny’s Achilles tendon holds out for the season or else we’re totally screwed.


What a shiny collection it is. Atleast we have some LB we can use.

Third Plebeian

If Wenger quotes the name of Monreal (or, God forbid, Elneny) as a backup when justifying why he’s just sold two good centre-backs, I will absolutely lose my shit.

Preparing to lose my shit.


And at the end of the season we will always be short of 2 squad or first team player that we hope will get added next season but no we will be 4 player short the coming season and the saga continues.


You’re absolutely right. Selling Ox and Mustafi will leave us in surplus for now, but with the need to invest £200 millions next summer.


The worst part to that is, our core will also be gone due to contracts expiring next season considering everything goes the way it is so far. Which it fucking is it seems.


And when they don’t Wenger will find some bullshit excuse and try to deflect the questioning away from his ridiculous mismanagement.

Stuck on repeat...

Even with a back four, there is no excuse for being short on dedicated CB’s. There’s plenty of games available between all competitions.

It feels like the club (Aw) have decided with no CL there’ll be less games this season, where really nothing has changed with Europa replacing those game (& some longer journeys for the games). I feel we could actually stand a chance in Europa if we went for it, just get the impression many within the club see it as a walk in the park.


This is mismanagement on a criminal level. If Wenger goes into Liverpool with the back line that was on display against stoke they will get torn to pieces.

Little Mozart\'s Require in Dm

I think it’s obvious Koscielny will be involved…

It Is What It Is

The ownership is more of an issue, no? If I were Wenger, after being abandoned by all those he started with, overseeing an epic move, doing three peoples jobs, and then left with an unambitious owner, I’d happily return things to the way I found it….if I woke up on the wrong side of bed, and had enough of the media and fans. Every body wants to win. There can be only one winner….we should have done better with results, performances and tactics. But, the players do not escape scott-free either…so many let downs. In the interest of any fragile… Read more »


I am reading your comment a day after and u are prophet


You were too right mate


So last summer, when we went into the season knowing we’ll play with 4 at the back, why exactly did we bring 2 new CBs (Mustafi and Holding), yet suddenly we’re getting rid of two?

I’m quite ok with Monreal being LCB in 3 in the back system, but if he plans to play last year’s Bundesliga TOTY LB/LM as a CB, then! I will absolutely lose my shit.

team news

Wenger refuses to rule out Mustafi departure ,
Lemar deal is ‘dead’ as Monaco dig in,
Report: Mustafi ‘agrees’ Inter Milan move,?????

Keep Mustafi and buy Van Dijk anyway we need quality defensive.
And buy a midfielder we still haven’t come close to replacing Santi. Seri
Two decades for Wenger’s thoughts now and a season with a new idea…26/27/28/29/30/31 August.
Buy instead of selling the best players…


Selling Mustafi is literally fucking bat shit crazy at this point. Even if we’re returning to 4 at the back that only leaves us with Koscielny, Mertersacker, Holding and Chambers. So two senior first team players, one of them who played like 1 game last year? And Koscielny has had his injury problems so I doubt we’re going to get a full season out of him.

This could be a fucking shite season.


I have an idea what that method is. We are Arsenal, we aren’t in the business of being competitive.

Laughing Stock

Watch it mate admin deleted my comment earlier because I said that. Not allowed on here, #wengerin


Hoping for a spending spree, ended up having a selling spree. I dont see we are challengin for the title. More like a cost saving initiative…


A few years ago I would have thought the same, but now, no I don’t think there is tbh. I imagine scouts, the stats muppets, etc are finding players, I just think the boss is paralyzed about making decisions.


I think arsenal is undergoing massive transformation, the loyalty factor which has branded AW era has been largely sacrificed and i expect more (culling) to take place this summer and in the two upcoming transfer windows (winter and next summer).


I don’t know about any massive transformation where the club is just selling, not buying, the current players refusing to sign contracts no matter the amount offered and fans dying. You can Google it “an Arsenal fan slumped and died when stoke won last Saturday in Owerri, Imo state Nigeria.


We don’t yet know if we will sign more players or not.


we know, don’t we?

Original Paul

No we don’t.


Wasn’t that supposed to happen this summer?
We’ve signed two players.
And sold two players.
Loaned out 4 players.
Hardly squad culling?
We’ll probably lose players we want to keep.
Be stuck with ones we don’t want because we’re paying them too much….and then loan them until their contracts expire.

And Refuse to compete for top talent.

Under this ownership and manager this is our Arsenal.

I’m not really sure what we can do? Other than support the players we’ve got.

I think we’re screwed


That sums it all up.

Stuck on repeat...

Agree completely. We’re now in the process of getting rid of two players just a year after buying them, & that’s not cause for concern? Sure, there’s an arguement for saying that if we buy a player, & he doesn’t workout how we wanted, it’s good to move on. But, were Perez & Mustafi both really that bad? Could they be improved on? Possibly. Are we actually going to improve on them? Unlikely. If we do get someone it will undoubtedly be of a similar standard. Selling 1 CB, I can just about understand (not necessarily agree with, but understand).… Read more »

Dave M

This is not real right?! And I am waking up in 3…2…1…



If we were to sell Mustafi, Chambers and Sanchez getting van Dijk, Seri and Draxler instead, that wouldn’t necessarily make us stronger. I do believe it would add balance to the squad for relatively cheap (we’d spend no more than 15 mln on top of sales proceeds).
However, that’s very unlikely to happen. Arsenal wouldn’t have such a clear and ambitious agenda, would they?

John C

We have 30 odd first team players we won’t add until we end up with a squad of 25 so we need 6 or 7 to go before we buy


Then sell Gibbs Lucas Debuchy and Walcott,not Mustafi for fuck’s sake! What’s the point of buying good players if you’d only do so by selling the ones we’ve already got first?


Seri signed for Barca about a week ago didn’t he??


Na they pulled out last minute.

Mein Bergkampf


Cultured determination

Yup. They pulled out n went for the legendary paulinho!


Also hardly the right message to be sending out to sanchez and ozil is it. Sign a new deal boys while we sell the team around you and leave ourselves short again

Cultured determination

Smore likely we replace them with bielik, niles and reiss nelson. Have a feeling kronke is running us like a business and just milking profits. #kronkeout

Dan Hunter

Just a feeling?


We are all emotional. Some of this players play with the fans emotion. Against Stoke, where was the urgency to make amends? Those guys are too layed back. Arsenal pay some of the best wages around or how do you explain someone who wants to play football refusing to go elsewhere where his football it’s guaranteed with lower wages knowimg full well that there’s no place for him in the team.

Teryima Adi

It’s not of our making,it’s the way the club wants to be run and it has come to bite them on the butt.
Who gives average players such contracts? Your guess is as good as mine.
So now the boss wants to sell the good the bad and the ugly. Great days are ahead of us.


Cucking funts

andre santos

we’re collpasing like a pack of cards.
Although i feel the club have a better Cb lined up already otherwise there s no point in this sale.


van Dyk? He’s absent from today’s Southampton match squad. I wouldn’t feel as bad if we signed van Dyk instead. If we signed no-one though….

Original Paul

We do like doing business with Southampton. What a kick in the teeth for Liverpoo it would be!


Hes going to Liverpool. Klopp or aw? Tough

Original Paul

Who is “Hes”?

Original Paul

Rather than “Klopp” (with a capital letter) or “aw” (no capitals showing disrespect imo)) how about the question should be “Arsenal or Liverpool”? I know which one I would pick.

My Wig smells cheesy

Get over other people’s grammar Paul. Haven’t you got anything better to do?

English Teacher



Paul are you Piers Morgan in disguise?


Feel for you fella you need to get laid


Surely if we we’re going to loan out a centre half? Holding would be the better one to leave for a season? Then we can monitor Holding’s progress, and make a decision next summer on whether he’s mature enough to replace an established German international? Koscielny has an ongoing Achilles injury. Per has said himself he can’t play three times a week. Chambers has disappeared off the face of the planet. Leaving a Raw 21yr old as your only centre half is suicide. WTF is going on? Surely our opening two fixtures haven’t convinced Arsene that two left backs at… Read more »


I think Holding was better than Mustafi last season. But this seams very strange anyway.


Mustafi is a class above Holding as promising as he is which makes this decision totally unbelievable

Mesut Ozzle

He may well be but that didn’t translate on the pitch. Both seem quite raw in some respects and if I had to choose I’d pick back Holding, in all honesty. I have no problem seeing mustafi leave but that would be on the condition of replacing him.. which I don’t think we will

Stringer Bell

Mustafi is a liability


Yeah, we need fewer of those German players with a wining mentality.

Third Plebeian

Mustafi makes fewer errors than Holding. Fact. It’s strange when the same people who express anger when Arsenal drop points or about the state of the squad then at the same time express a preference for youth and inexperience over dependability, even if the latter isn’t perfect.


Agree I think we can replace him with one of Holding/Chambers.


I like Holding. But 40+ games for a championship club would allow him to grow. Playing in the current environment without experience to help him along is hanging him out to dry. Expecting him to thrive in a back three alongside two left backs. With our right back and LWB and our right winger and RWB is going to do his development more harm than good. If your going to give youngsters a chance in central positions? You need to bring them into a stable and experienced environment. Can’t say I’ve been convinced by Mustafi either, but this is his… Read more »


Can’t see us playing that stoke match backline ever again. We could play Holding/Chambers-Kos/Mertesacker-Monreal.

Or a back four Bellerin-Holding/Chambers-Kos/Merte/Monreal-Kolasinac


If Ox, Chambers and Mustafi leave, we have 6 genuine first team players (Bellerin, Kos, Holding, Per, Nacho, Kolosinac) for 5 positions and we’re already two weeks into the season. Absolute madness!


Agree, surely Mustafi going means Chambers stays though?


As if that’s enough!


It’s okay. We’ve got loads of full back to play at centre half. And maybe Cech can double up.

Lord Bendnter

Hahahaa Last Man Back or Flying Goalie! I like that 😀


Sweeper keeper!

dr Strange

Holding is better than Mustafi. Mustafi is poor at best.

Chippys chip

And what does that say about whoever paid £35m for him?


When you look at his performances it’s understandable. He has simply never looked competent against good opposition for us. When you look at the squad, and lack of apparent interest in replacing him with a purchase, it’s not understandable at all. Presumably he was brought in to be a starter at 35m. If we sell and don’t replace with a marquee CB… I don’t know what they’re doing. It’s like we just go around and ask players if they want to go (like Giroud), and if they don’t AW is ‘happy’ about it. And we end up with what we… Read more »

John C

Bollocks it’s our midfield that’s the problem and always has been

Mesut Ozzle

Our midfield doesn’t account for mustafi diving off his feet, his poor positioning and suspect passing in games


so we get rid after one season with no chance to improve and no bedding in period to get used to the premier league, we have afforded many other the same chance but not this guy? Whatever spin you put on this its utter madness unless we sign an adequate replacement. if not then this club has lost the plot and Wenger will deserve all the abuse that will inevitably come his way this season, no defending whats going on at the club unless something drastic happens in terms of arrivals but i just can see that happening with out… Read more »

John C

Yes it does, because the defending is always desperate as massive gaps have to be covered

John C

And what about Kos and his diving in or does that not count?


He has been excellent and improving. An established German international who I believed would have been as good at least as Kos. It is incomprehensible to sell him.


Well I think it’s a matter of opinion. Thought early record of being in winning side masked his problems. He goes to ground too often- without getting the ball, he’s not overly dominant in the air, he isn’t particularly quick across the ground. He struggles against players who face up and take him on. I want to rate him, I want him to work out and believe that he could improve. But that’s not the same as him being good enough right now. I don’t think we should sell him either, especially if we don’t replace with a high profile… Read more »

John C

You could say the same about the overrated Kosielny, you can add weak with Kosielny too which you can’t accuse Mustafi of


Koscielny has grown into an outstanding centre-half. To state he is over-rated is ridiculous.

John C

He many be the best we have at the moment but he’s not in the same bracket as Adams, Keown or Campbell


@johnc, Are you referring to Kozza? Weak? He holds the defence, it falls apart without him or Mert… He is one of our most valuable and consistent players..
Overrated,, nah…

John C

Yes weak, physically weak for a centre half. Off the top of my head i can point to him brushed off the ball in the Euro final against Portugal, for Hazard’s goal last season he was weak on about three occasions, starting off with him losing out to Costa in the air etc etc etc


Some of you are forgetting that Mustafi almost got relegated with Valencia the season before he signed for us. Whether he’s a German international or not, it was always a huge risk to sign him for that amount to *play in our system*.


Unless you think Mustafi is completely rancid and irredeemable, the debate about his qualities, whether he was good last season, whether he’s better or worse than Holding, etc, etc, etc, are all BESIDE THE F*CKING POINT. The bottom line is it’s crazy for us to be selling another CB, especially one we bought for 35m just a summer ago, unless we’re going to bring someone else in better (and even so surely we still need cover and can afford to have both…). And this is especially true given that we’ve already sold Gabriel for pocket change and are, last I… Read more »


I get it mate, but it’s a year later and we’re trying to offload him so him being a risky signing is precisely the point.

All I meant was it was a risk to sign him for that fee to play in a no-DM system that regularly exposes defenders who make rash decisions because they can’t rely on their athleticism to get them out of trouble.

Fingers crossed we sign two good defenders and a DM before the window shuts or THIS IS INSANE will be the theme of our season.

John C

It doesn’t matter which defenders we have if we’re going to play a no DM system, they’ll all look bad and they’ll all have to play on the edge.

FFS Kosielny is only just coming back from suspension for making a rash challenge himself or does that not count because there’s no talk of him leaving?


Does anyone remember Koscielney’s first season with us? I do, and he was awful. Now, he’s our strongest central defender and totally world class (my initial judgement has thankfully been proved wrong!). Mustafi has played one season with us and IMO has played well in the majority of his matches, albeit with a couple of wobblers here and there. If Koscielney’s anything to go by, we shouldn’t be letting a player go when he’s shown so much potential and is regularly in the German national team – he can only get better! This loan/transfer makes no sense!!! 🙁


I remember Koscielny’s first season and it wasn’t awful save the red card. He got the same praise as Holding, raw but full of promise.

Hereford gooner

I disagree. I remember not only having to listen to my mates mock koscielny, but I mocked him myself. He looked bad, laughably bad. He is now one of the best, and that is a great thing to see. What probably bought Kos more time was that he did not come with a hefty price tag or the same pressure as mustafi. He is only 24 and as such, does not have the experience to match his potential. Any defender makes more mistakes in the first half of their career. Even defensive midfielders don’t traditionally become renound until their mid… Read more »


I absolutely do not get this. Mustafi is far from perfect, but you can see there is a player in there. i would say the same for Gabriel, but you could also see the rationale in moving him on given our options. I don’t get this at all.

Dave M

So that confirms it Kolasinic is a centre back for the rest of the season. Great. Completely negate a guy who looks like a beast going forward by stifling him in the back three.


Get ready for M’bappe. I think Arsene can do it. Selling Mustafi,Ox/Theo+80 million = Madness happening.
Arsene playing high stakes poker. Hopefully.
You all owe me a caramello if M’bappe comes here.

dr Strange

Yeah great and how is a kid playing as a striker/winger going to sort out our midfield and defence?


Alexis Lacazette and M’bappe swapping those front 3 positions between themselves. Ozil feeding them and Xhaka passing through the lines.
We don’t really need Ramsey bombing forward with that kind of quality upfront. Whoever plays alongside Xhaka can be a bit more conservative.
Point is we don’t really defend, do we? Why waste money on a defender when we are fundamentally setup to attack. I’ve given up on our defending skills.
I would pay to watch that front 3 even with a shit defence. It worked for Barca. Why not us?


Honest question: could letting Mustafi go be the board’s way of mitigating losing Alexis for free? Both are among the more substantial wage earners. If Alexis isn’t to be sold this would help to alleviate against the cost of keeping him.


If the cost of keeping Alexis for one year and then losing him next year is us having to raise 50m plus in transfer fees this year I would rather sell him yo city and go get a couple of players. Let’s be honest – we’re scrapping for 4th at best


Exactly. There appears to be no strategy. No plan. Just fucking chaos.

Kostas Greek Gooner

chaos is a ladder


This and this.


Nope, alexis has only 1 year left on his contract. With arsenal getting worse each season, hes gone when his contract is up unless arsenal show signs of winning the league. This transfer here is suicide with our current defence options. How is this mentality to the squad going to convince him to stay?


Did i read the wrong article?? Thought it said that Mustafi agrred terms with Inter..not that Arsenal have agrred to sell him


It seems to point in that direction, doesn’t it? I have to think they either have a new confidence in Holding or Chambers or they’re bringing someone else in. But I don’t see how Chambers is possible given we’ve seen nothing of him yet (is he still on break or recovering from something?) and Holding’s recent performances tell us he’s good, but not yet consistent, which is to be expected from a young defender. As pointed out elsewhere, we’d be down to two age limited backs, and two young and not ready yet backs. No Good. If there is no… Read more »


But if we’re in rebuild mode what was the point of keeping Wenger? Better to just blow the whole thing up if that’s what we’re doing in slow motion anyways


Your guess is as good as mine. And I’ve got no idea why we’ve started cutting the squad with Gabriel and Mustafi (if this is true). Seemed the last place to begin to me. I can only hope those two going means they’ve got someone lined up, but I’m preparing for the worst.

Bendtner\'s ego

I read somewhere that Callum is recovering from a groin injury.


At this point, with this owner and this increasingly out of touch manager, we’ll be lucky to “do a Liverpool.”


I too believe this is Korenke forcing us to balance the books because we didn’t make CL and refuse to sell Sanchez. Some clubs (*cough* Manchester United *cough*) invest heavily to get back into the CL asap. Some clubs are owned by Kroenke.


Honestly in terms of buying players this looks like a lot of Wenger windows. The only difference is he’s let so many players run down contracts that he’s being forced into decisions regarding sales when he traditionally doesn’t really sell anyone. This year was always going to come in terms of sales


Hang on. I thought that manure were owned by a bunch of greedy window fitters who did nothing but take money out of the club?
Has something changed, or have they just learned to live with their American leeches?

sixteen swans

Gabriel gone.
Mertesacker not considered.
Holding in the doghouse.
Chambers on the way out.
Mustafi off to Inter.

Can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?


I doubt it. There doesn’t seem to be any grand plan here. It seems to be manager mode on Fifa and an 8 year old has the controller.

Dave M

Its like you had some mates over and got drunk and decided to go to bed early and you wake up and your FIFA or Champs manager team is now just your youth players as your mates decided as a laugh to sell everyone on your team

Lord Bendnter

Hahaa been there, getting bored of fifa career mode, so end up selling all the top players and releasing as many players as possible, until you get the message, “You do not have enough players to sell”

Lord Bendnter

Or bidding 50m on a player such as Liam O’Brien from Portsmouth

Me So Hornsey

Funnily enough I just bought my boy Fifa manager for his 8th birthday and can confirm he is performing considerably more competently than the real life version is at present.

Original Paul

Is Wenger about to use wildcard button? 🙂


Subterranean Arsenal Blues there sixteen 😉

Xhaka\'s left foot

This is happening only if van dijk is coming in. With the number of matches we play this season you need to have good depth.gabriel who was not on the list of outgoing players left and all the ones who are supposed to leave are still here. What is happening?

John C

This would be Wenger logic 101, sell the only central defender a week after you deem him the only one good enough to play dispite having 4 fit.

If this is even remotely true Wenger has to be removed as a matter of urgency.



Original Paul

“Thanks from the studio David”

Original Paul

Only older persons would know who David Coleman was and his catchphrase “remarkable”.




I really wonder what had happened behind the scenes to hasten Mustafi’s departure. If this report is true, I wish Shkodran all the best.


Sky sports is pretty legit when it comes to transfer news. They get it right almost all the time. Not sure how their track record is “increasingly bad”


I didn’t understand the criticism of sky sports either, blogs explain? The stories I see up here are sourced from the papers half the time and sky sports are easily more credible than them.ESPN is 10x more rumoured based than sky sports, BBC are quite good but they seem to wait until all the i’s and t’s are crossed.If they all did that we would be bored without any stories at all


Sorry but that’s nonsense. They are just there to provide Skybet with a steady stream of mug punters. They are no more reliable, on average, than any other media outlet.


I was thinking the same thing, sky is usually pretty legit. Always mention their sources, and “sky sources” get it right far more often than not. Sounding a little “fake news”ish on here with that.


Please stop this madness.
I can’t take anymore.

A Gunner with Psychic powers

So Shkodran and Ox are gonna leave this window , Ozil and Sanchez next window , we will probably finish mid table , fans will not buy any tickets , that joke of an owner named Kroenke will not profit enough so he will try to sell Arsenal but nobody is willing to buy and then we are officially the definition of screwed.

Akè breaky heart

What the utter fuck!? How is this a rational move?


I assume kroenke and the other cunts put it this way: you want to keep sanchez and oezil? fine, then bring us the equivalent $ from somewhere else. Hence gabriel, mustafi and ox will leave and we will go for the good old ‘internal solutions’. No van dijk, no lemar, no seri-sorry Folks.


Seri is not good enough anyways. Was s*** against Napoli.


yes, because we all know that no good players ever have one bad game.


The board takes a lot of flak (some deserved) but really Stan just sits back and let’s Wenger do his thing. There’s an assumption that the issue is that Wenger simply doesn’t have the money to spend vs Wenger simply isn’t willing to spend it. Not clear to me that Wenger is being held back by the board


In this case, none of us have any idea what’s going on.


Isn’t sky one of the more credible sources?

Anyways, i personally think that this is a good move for arsenal, if we can get a bigger cb, someone who compliments koscielny (our by far best cb), i think we will see a defence that will be more well balanced. Besides i don’t really rate mustafi: neither quick, strong or tall, not really ideal for a cb.


They are more credible than most, but most of the others are not credible at all.

I have noticed an increasing amount of bullshit coming out of Sky this year, although the fact Wenger didn’t come out and deny it suggests there might be something in it. He has been pretty adamant he didn’t want to lose Alexis, Ozil and Ox for example.


Ozil is the most overrated player in the history of football and as long as he is in the team Arsenal will never win EPL.
Mark my words.


so not prone to hyperbole, then.


@hello, rubbush, absolute BS..




We are getting no one. Just watch.


Are we getting another CB? I doubt it


Wtf is going on???


Only makes sense if we are adding another defender. Van Dyke anybody?


I think Mustafi will probably make a very good defender but he seems like he has some way to go. Perhaps that is the logic considering what we paid for him.

Then again perhaps we’ll sell him and not replace him, which would be nuts.


Are we folding up or something? What’s the thinking inside the club, and how are this decisions made? It seems we are doing everything in our capacity to be as shit as sp*r.


Spurs are eclipsing us. Do not fool yourself. They just bought a 40 m defender while they have alderweild amd vertongon.


My point isn’t just about this season or last, I mean previous seasons actions and the overall direction of the club. Every horrible decision made this season or last only highlights how little of importance we are becoming as a club.

Dave M

Wenger doesn’t like his hand. Fold. Someone needs to tell him you don’t just get dealt a new one

I Am Gunnaaaaa

Sorry boys, love this club but Wenger has ruined it. Everyone who said he deserved to stay should be biting their tongue. It’s like people think he is the only guy out there who could run a club.


Just need to sell oxidade chamberlain and Sanchez now and our summer transfer business will be complete

John C

Don’t forget a bumper new contract for Theo


Arsenal Knows.
Yikes !


Definitely getting a new CB. Don’t think Wenger is stupid enough to sell Mustafi and not replace him. Kos is getting old, Per is retiring. Chambers and Holding are inexperienced…this is a damn joke. A week left and we’re looking like a 6th placed team. Pathetic


Yes he is!


“The club is not close to adding to the squad in any way “.

This us pure conjecture, unhelpful and kind of annoying. Arseblog News is not David “Orny” Ornstein and has no real insight to the club’s transfer dealings.

Aside from this, I find this Mustafi business fucking weird. Who is playing CB next season if he goes? Holding and Kos and…some full backs?

Original Paul

Has Arsene Wenger’s brain gone “under the radar” that’s what I want to know!? Seriously I am beginning to feel he may have lost the plot!


I wonder if this is anything to do with the price we bought him for. £35m for a defender is really not like Wenger. 6m for Kosc, 10 for Mert, 8 for Gabriel, Holding, wow. Correct me if I’m wrong on those stats – but it doesn’t seem a like a position that Wenger really wants to spend £35m on.

The only way I’m rationalising this is if that money can be better spent elsewhere. Ie, sell on for £35m plus, buy a defender for around £10m and spend the rest on attacking players. That would seem like classic Wenger.


I agree and I feel this was a signing people in the board wanted.


Kos was £10m
Mert was £7.5m
Gabriel was £15m
Holding was £2m

Did you just make those figures up? but yes unlike Wegner to spend so much on a defender.


Thanks 🙂

Kostas Greek Gooner

dont compare price from 5 years ago with nowdays


So two summers signings from last year are now no longer wanted at the club.

Makes you wonder who really sanctioned the signings of Perez and Mustafi.

This has been a very odd transfer window so far.c


He seems to be one of the signings made with the help of the much talked statDNA. Had a decent spell for some months but never really convinced.

If the clear sale of these players signed with the statcrap means that Wenger is getting the team he really wants I’m all for it. Time for the club to be more ruthless and also get rid of the players who don’t want to play for the club (Sanchez, Ox, Ozil).

Still hoping we get 1-2 replacements in before the window shuts.

Original Paul

Good (if true) I have never been impressed with him and after selling Gabs surely we have a replacement lined up?

Big Dave

I think the way things have been going of recent times it’s clear that the Arsenal board are not Arsenal fans. The board have obviously told Wenger to sell some players to trim the wage bill but the big question is are we going to see anyone else come in over the next five days? Wengers caught in a trap and in interviews he’s just speaking on behalf of the board. There’s so many rumours of players leaving or actually leaving and hardly any of players coming in. I’m gutted Mustafi’s leaving I think he’s a great player. Looks like… Read more »


Has it ever occurred to you that maybe Wenger is the one at fault here? Maybe?

Dave M

Dude they’re all at fault. There are massive problems at our club. Clearly a divide is happening between Wenger and the board. Both to blame. And then kroenke man don’t get me started there. People used to use the argument that we are a club of morals and running things like they should be done. But this is a farce. We are up shit creek without a boat let alone a paddle. The club is run by rich people that are making a shite load of cash for those same rich people. Add long as the cash keeps coming in… Read more »


Roll up roll up for the great 2017 Arsenal fire sale.
Only things not being sold are pitchforks and flaming torches. Don’t worry, we’ll find them elsewhere and bring them to the next home game, Stan, Ivan and Arsene.


Maybe Arseblog can sell them. Whatdya say Andrew?


We could upgrade on mustafi 100% constantly fouls, jumps in to tackles, no pace!! Really don’t have a problem with him going!
Van dyke to come in I’m positive of it!
That would leave us with kos van dyke holding chambers plus Monreal has proved he can do a job at centre half.
The ox has had 10-15 good games in 7 seasons so yet again not bothered if he stays! With 35mill being offered I’d snap there arm off for it whether it’s Chelsea Liverpool or Anyone else

Crash Fistfight

Anyone remember when we were linked to van Dijk and Victor Wanyama when they were still at Celtic? 🙁

Dave M

Yep so guess we thought they weren’t good enough. Just more examples of how our scouting team, once lauded across Europe is now rubbish. All we do is but analytics players who the boss refuses to play. What a farce we’ve become…

The worst part of this implosion is its making these moron pundits look right for bashing us relentlessly for so long.




Ah fuck it…I’m drinking.

Gunner Tej

Honestly, I am trying to see how this makes sense and how this benefits the club. How you would sell Gabriel & Mustafi in the same window thus leaving BFG & Kos (both over 30) as our main CBs is baffling. I know Chambers and Holding are in the wings but is this how we intend to “win the league”?! I hope there is a solid game plan behind all this!

A Gunner with Psychic powers

It will only benefit Kroenke , We should get this piece of trash of our club.


Why has all this been left to the last minute. Ridiculous. I know transfers are complicated etc but this should’ve all been sorted before. Potentially we could see Mustafi, Sanchez and Chamberlain leave before this time next week and Ozil is out of contract next summer. We won’t have a lot of time to replace any departures and teams will bump up the price of any player we go after. Gazides said finishing 5th was the ‘catalyst for change’ yet nothing has changed. Whilst I don’t think we’ll ever win the league under Wenger again, the board have to take… Read more »


Doubt we will sells all of those players without bringing anyone in.


I’m sure we’ll get someone. It’s just the panic buying that frustrates me. Should’ve learnt from previous failings and get out ship in order by the start of the season.

Thomas Reynolds

As long as replacements come in I’m not that bothered about Mustafi or the Ox going. Not impressed with either of them anyway

Big Dave

I’d rather see Monreal and Walcott leave.


Monreal? Really??


but what makes you think replacements are coming in????????????????


Say we sell Mustafi, who does that leave us with? Mertesacker who is slow and retiring once the season is over. Koscielny who is prone to injury and fuck ups. Holding who I just don’t feel is ready to be playing week in week out just yet and then Chambers who just doesn’t look good enough to be a centre half for a team challenging for the league. Guess we’re going to stick the full backs in at centre half or Elneny. Why not throw Iwobi in there too? Don’t see us signing anyone else this window either.


I am left to wonder: what the flying fuck is going on at the Emirates?


What are they smoking at the Emirates?

Original Paul

The British Medical Journal Reports:
“Following on from playing players out of position, Arsene Wenger eliminates all centre backs from his team?”…

crazy gunner

I thought the cull was supposed to be on players that were deemed surplus to requirement now Wenger is just selling anybody that any club is willing to pay money for

Gabriel and mustafi were not on the list..

We will end up with a fire sale to get rid of those players on the cheap..


Just because we need to move players on doesn’t mean we should sell players we actually need at the club. Mertesacker and Koscielny are not getting any younger and we are selling Gabriel and Mustafi, at a time when our Defence looks brittle. This is unacceptable!


Even when we buy players early our summer transfer policy is an omnishambles.


If this is true then Wenger must’ve really gone senile. 2 left backs as centre backs, right backs on the left…. Depressing


“quick and sharp decisions”

That’s pretty rich coming from Wenger.

California Gooner

All you Gooners reference the “board” the “board” is “WENGER! He decides who is bought and sold. And right now he is ruining his legacy and the club. We all know he isn’t buying any replacements. How many times have we heard “we’re always in the market for special players…blah blah blah” only to watch him buy no one? Or some 3 tier player you need to Google? Is it any wonder Ox refused this improved contract – Money he probably won’t get at Chelsea or Liverpool; but wants to leave nonetheless. And it looks like Alexis and Özil will… Read more »

Original Paul

“all you Gooners”? So I presume you aren’t a Gooner then?

Rwandan Gunner

All the players slamming the door in front a man who promises air just. Time will tell


I was gonna say “what the fuck”, but yhen I thought maybe Arsene has decided to switch to a new system – defending is for cowards, we switch to None At The Back and just try to go on scoring spree, Liverpool style.

Tasmanian Jesus

If he goes, we need Van Dijk, and one more CB…in my opinion.
Kolasinac should start at left wingback, and we should play maximum 1 fullback in the back 3.
Not sure i believe in this back 3 system anymore.
Boosted us in the spring, but doesnt do much now.


Of course it “doesn’t do much” if the manager plays two left backs as centre backs…


What the he’ll is going on at this club?

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