Saturday, July 27, 2024

Gazidis insists club not going backwards at ‘heated’ fans forum

Ivan Gazidis met with fans at the pre-arranged fans forum at the Emirates today, and denied that Arsenal as a club are ‘going backwards’.

The mood was described as generally good but ‘heated’ at points, and from our pal Sam (@the_cannon), come some of the bullet points from the chief executive.

  • Loaning players isn’t always why you read it is. It can be because we still rate the player or think his value could increase. Wenger likes Perez.
  • Good comparison on RvP vs. Alexis sell/keep situations. The fans will be upset either way! Alexis was a football decision over finance.
  • Lots of changes st the club, just because no new manager doesn’t mean no change. Darren Burgess from Adelaide (fitness), Jens Lehmann added to first team coaching staff, Per Mertesacker’s academy move.
  • Dick Law – as reported – is going back to USA to spend time with family so there will be a contract team restructure.
  • Stat DNA isn’t just for new signings, used for contract decisions, fitness and opponents (60 page document on Bournemouth for today)
  • “We want to win the Europa League, it could be a great piece of glory for the club”. However there will be more rotation vs the Champions League, and chance for youth players to impress.

Gazidis said he wished he could speak to fans completely openly over a beer about the club but obviously he can’t. He stayed for an hour after the meeting talking more candidly with a few that stayed behind.


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Teryima Adi

Is this for real? Or is it a lesson on wit?

Sheffield Gooner

Haha. “Wenger likes Perez”.

That’s a joke, right? If not, I’d hate to get on the wrong side of that guy.

Clive St Helmet

I rather suspect that Wenger likes Perez now he plans to cash in on Sanchez.

Lord Bendnter

Gaz…Gazidis..? Who that? Nope, never heard….


No excuse for this not being heated,
the embarrassment at the top of this club just pushes down (not aimed at any one person)

La Défense



Gazidis is smooth.. fair play to him for coming out.
I’m not suggesting he’s competent.
But has the art of talking without actual saying anything nailed down.
However if he genuinely thinks we’re not falling behind?
We’re in a world of bother.

La Défense

A win against Bournemouth will paper over the obvious cracks.


What do you want them to do, lose and lay bare the obvious cracks?




To be fair I think he does the best he can and wouldn’t be surprised if he is looking for a new role

Terry Neill - never again

He knows sweet FA about football and does nothing for $3 million a year, there aren’t any sinecures that attractive so he won’t go unless he’s pushed. Can’t believe he fools so many with his silver plated tongue. Gazidis out.

Big dave

At the very least he should admit the club aren’t moving forward and keeping up with the big boys.


By not going backwards: Did he mean we are not getting back on defense? If so I agree.

Heavenly Chapecoense

One of those guys who prefer communication over actually achieving things.


Gazidis masterclass at fans away


Maybe we are not going backwards. But we are going sideways which isn’t good enough especially after finishing 5th.


Get out of our club.


‘Nothing to see here, move along’ Sod off Ivan


I can’t stand that dry lunch!talks a hell of a lot without saying anything, infuriating fans in the process!


And there you have it

Nothing has changed at all

Gazidis rolls back into Highbury house high fiving Wenger and kroenke saying yesssss the fans have bought it and we can get away with this for another season


Laughing Stock

The Perez one is a fucking belter. Dropped him after scoring a hatrick then took his shirt number away leaving it to his nan to tell him when she read it on Teletext. BUT HE RATES HIM!!!!!!!!!!!!

Unbelievable stuff from Gazuseless, the words of a man who honestly thinks our fans are retarded.


In fairness, many of them are pretty thick – and those who aren’t tend not to rant on social media.


Piss orf Ivan

Faisal Narrage

“Loaning players isn’t always why you read it is. It can be because we still rate the player or think his value could increase. Wenger likes Perez.”

Tell that to Chez.
This is bullshit anyways. If the asking price was met, he would’ve been sold.

Faisal Narrage

“Alexis was a football decision over finance.”
I don’t think Ivan is aware of the Ornstein link.


This guy is as slippery as a politician, and I trust him just about as much as one too.


We ant to win Europa. So were playing our shit players.

Gooner Sam

Either they think we (fans) are stupid or they genuinely think we are doing well as a club. I’m not sure which is worse to be honest.


What a cunt.


Bloody liar the club don’t needs people like you piss off.


after this years complete bollox up with players contracts the managers contract and making 27 gillionz in the transfer market and still 2 players short of competing seriously for the league Gazidis thinks everything is rosie blah blah we are 3 forward and 2 back as usual. i suspect if perez does well this year he will come back with sanchez on the move and looking like Ozil will be hounded out by the so callled legends, fans, journo’s and match of the day pundits. then we get to next year and 5 or more players on one year deals,… Read more »

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