Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Wilshere considering permanent exit in January

According to The Times (£), Jack Wilshere could try and leave Arsenal in January to boost his chances of making England’s World Cup squad.

First team minutes have been limited for the midfielder so far this season – he’s been reduced to two starts in the Europa League and Carabao Cup  – but he’s still confident a run of games, whether at the Emirates or elsewhere, could turn the head of Gareth Southgate.

Wilshere hasn’t featured for the Three Lions since coming on as a substitute in the humiliating defeat to Iceland in the 2016 European Championships. Despite the long-term absence his creativity, when fully fit, is something that the England backroom staff are refusing to discount.

England play Germany and Brazil in November before taking on Italy and Holland in March as part of their final preparation for the World Cup in Russia next summer.

It’s claimed that Arsenal will not sanction a loan deal for Wilshere in January as he’ll be a free agent at the end of the season. While Arsene Wenger continues to big up his protege he’d rather cash in on the 25-year-old rather than lose him on a free alongside Alexis Sanchez and Mesut Ozil.

In contrast to today’s report, the Mirror claimed earlier in the month that the Gunners are weighing up offering Wilshere a new four-year contract. The player has also gone on record saying he’s happy at Arsenal.

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Preston Parkway

A difficult one. I love him and think he has quality but is he really deserving of a new contract or a run of games?


It’s obviously too early to say whether he deserves a new contract but I think Jack can quite reasonably be aggrieved at not having been given even a chance in the Premier League. He’s been the best player on the pitch in the two games he’s started and yet in both subsequent league games hasn’t been given a single minute, whilst Elneny and Maitland-Niles, whose performances vs Doncaster and BATE were considerably inferior to Jacks, have been. I don’t think he’s demanding to start every game immediately but given that he has performed very well when picked, he’s perfectly reasonable… Read more »


@james. He was so knackered after the 2 games that he started, I don’t think he would have recovered to play in the league. If he did, surely he’d have been in that infamous “red zone”.


Part of the reason he’s had so few starts this year is that he spent the first several weeks of the season still recovering from a broken leg. I think this is crap, clickbait journalism, creating a story out of whole cloth.

Jack’s still getting back to full match fitness. In fact, he’s just about there now, and I expect him to play a big part in our next run of games.




Run of games? Absolutely. New contract depends on if he can stay healthy over the next couple months. It’d always be a risk but in his case it’s worth it, especially as we’d hardly get lots of cash if we sell him in January.


To be fair to the player a sale in January is probably the smarter move. If you are Jacks agent you would push for it because when you consider his injury stricken career, it is a seriously risky gamble to not have the cushion of a longer contract in place. If the worst were to happen, and Jack gets another lengthy injury which takes him past the end of his current Arsenal deal – then that could very well be the end of his footballing career. And if Arsenal cant offer him anything until the end of the summer, and… Read more »


Except this media soecukation is rubbish and he will be given a new contract


If you are Wenger why would you give Jack anything other than a pay as you play type deal? And if you are Jack why would you accept that?

Neil #2

What about a 2-year extension? I’d be on board with that.

Little Mozart

For what it’s worth, I’d be incline to keep Jack if he would accept a two-year deal. Also, England will come knocking for him because they need someone like him and there is, as of now, nobody else. He just needs to play well when he can, not necessarily often, and Southgate will take him.

Kran Stoenke

Does he assume he can just walk into the first team at arsenal after spending majority of the last 2 years injured and being mediocre in a mediocre bournemouth team?
Every single news about arsenal seem to be annoying me lately. The manager, the legends the current players, everything! Rough times indeed.

Andy Mack

He wasn’t ‘mediocre’ at Bournemouth, he was their best team player.
He was involved in pretty much everything positive they did when he was playing.
But as you say, being their best player doesn’t automatically mean a 1st team position with us.
Now it appears his fitness is returning I can see him getting much more game time with us, provided he doesn’t get injured.


Bournemouth were more successful without him. This is fact.


No it’s not. Howe says how much they miss him and look where Bournemouth is now. How come he played in most of their matches before his injury?


He was actually dropped before he broke his leg at bournemouth


Only for an odd game. He was their best player as Howe and their players say.


No wonder he broke his leg of Bournemouth kept dropping him.

Andy Mack

There’s a big difference between being rested for the odd game and being dropped for a few games. He was rested for the odd game…

Jimbo Jones

You didnt watch Bournemouth much last season I take it?

Andy Mack

If you’re referring to me, I did watch a few, but I mainly rely on my Cherries supporting mate that watched pretty much every game last season. He said they’d have loved to keep him as they played much better with him. He kept the game flowing and advancing better than any other player in their squad. He was gutted when he got injured.

DB10\'s Air Miles

Maybe you need a new hobby?

The Ghost of Peter Storey

He’s a fantastic player – when fit. We said the same about Cesc and he’s been relatively injury-free since he left. Let’s not forget that Jack is still only 25, so I’d take the risk of offering him a new contract and hope that his worst injuries are behind him.


Is he though? He didn’t exactly set the world on fire at Bournemouth and in the end dropped him even. I feel like comments like this are more nostalgic than realistic. He has missed so much time to develop and to be frank he has been very average at best for a long time.

Andy Mack

They didn’t ‘drop’ him. He got injured…

Loo roll messi

Dropped for a broken leg?


I really don’t care how he did at bournemouth. What matters is what he can offer us in the future. He seems to be fit now, He’s shown encouraging signs in the little time he’s spent on the pitch this season, and he brings something we lack right now in midfield. And he’s one of our own ffs!


Well he was their best player and look where they are now without him


He wasn’t, he ready wasn’t.


He was their player of the month three out of the first four months of the season. Then he got injured.

Andy Mack

He really was!


We were very excited at Bournemouth when Jack arrived,he stayed fit,worked hard and was a real pro on and off the field,the occasional glimmer of his undoubted skill,but he did not suit our play,& to be honest we were better when he came on as an impact sub.
I wish him good luck & hope he gets back for England.

Andy Mack

That’s not what my Cherries mate says, and I believe him.


He’s done nothing to warrant a new 4yr deal.
If we get any offers in Jan?
Then sell.
Same with Ozil.


This is about Wilshere and Özil comes to mind… Ah, Özil… Nothing to say about him and Sanchez and Ramsey out of the World Cup?


Yeah let’s get rid of all our creativity at once. Great idea.


Positive Rich strikes again


Pragmatic Rich strikes again*

Making Arsenal Great Again

He obviously didn’t learn anything from last season


Exactly this! Was a mistake for him to leave last season, would be no different this time around. With so much football between now and January he’s sure to get minutes, he just needs to stay fit and fight for his place. Were he to do that then I’d be thrilled if he were offered a new contract.


Totally agree. If he can’t compete for a place in a squad bereft of midfield ingenuity in conjunction with more games available then any previous season, then both he and his advisers have lost the plot. I’m a huge fan of Jack but his decisions over the last 18 months have been naive at best, but ultimately self destructive. A fit Jack could be transformative for us but if we aren’t his priority, he should definitely not be ours.

Joel Carter

Shame then that no one would buy him or even have him on a free transfer and pay his current wages.

He needs to get some perspective.


If discussions over a new contract really have begun I imagine this is just rubbish leaked by his team as they try to secure a good deal. Really hope things work out but he should be happy with whatever he can get given injury record.


What perspective? He hasn’t said anything yet. Do you believe everything the press print?


I think he’s played pretty well since he came back, working hard etc. Itd be a big hit to the team if Sanchez, Ozil AND Wilshere left within the space of six months as well as god knows who else, Mertesacker for one. Thats a lot of players to replace with a wallet tighter than a really tight thing.


A ducks arse?

Post January Blip

Also known as the arse quack. Sorry, just hand the coat over


Maybe a gnat’s chuff?

bob davis

I still think he’s got a lot to offer and I hope he stays. Still plenty of football for him to play between now and January transfer window!


Borders something resembling full fitness and then angles for a move. Disloyal turd of a boy.


I fucking hate it when people form their opinions and get offensive on the back of newspaper gossip.

Don Cazorleone

Yup. A week ago when he says he wants to stay and play for us, all the comments were about how he’s what we need right now, how he’s looked so good since getting fit, he’s the future etc etc.

Now the rumour is he wants to leave, and all of a sudden he’s shit, can’t stay fit, is disloyal etc etc.

Fuck me, get a hold of yourselves.

Aman Ali

Agree again

Aman Ali

Agree on that note. It’s just a wild report that has no basis. Sure he is excited to see he is needed on the back of England’s laborious display that had no punch. I believe given a run of games, he will get his thrust back.

David Hillier\'s luggage

This isn’t the first time he’s angled for a move the get back in to the England set up – wasn’t that a major reason for him moving to Bournemouth? For some reason playing for England seems to be his priority, not Arsenal. If that’s what he wants he should head to a mid table side like West Brom or Southampton and never progress as a player.

Andy Mack

Is it true? or is it just bollocks thought up by a ‘hack’ who’s desperate for a story?


I suspect this is his agent putting pressure on the club for minutes and a new contract


We need a CM yet we’re considering selling Jack? Wenger would be stupid to let him go unless he gets a good enough CM in Jan which is totally impossible. Think he should be given a 3 year deal then sell if he doesn’t do well next season. He has a chance of breaking into the team with Ozil’s uncertain future and Santi out.


It’s okay Jack, you can leave.


Constantly injured, not very intelligent, never fulfilled his potential. Sell him.


Not very intelligent – what? Pure nonsense.

Lord Bendnter

I would not sell him in January. Would rather that he leaves on free. Clearly we won’t be buying any players in January, so why would we cash in on someone we clearly need this season.

Loo roll messi

Offer a 1 or 2 year deal…. why 4 year?


Where’s this story come from? If it’s the Wilsh camp then it’s the height of stupidity and shows a clear lack of self-awareness. It’s not ONLY the injuries that have held him bacl


How does the story rate on the poo-o-meter


Only slightly short of infinity.

Dutch Gooner

At this point I’d rather see wilshere in the starting 11 than ozil. Hope jack gets his chance to earn a new deal.

Andy Mack

Ozil isn’t fit, but neither is Jack, so yes.


Honestly, Jack’s best option, to make WC squad, is to shine in Europa and make appearance in PL. That why he can manage his fitness better. If Wenger can build the cup and Europa around me like he has(ish) in the last two games and we go the distance, no reason why he shouldnt be selected


The basic question bere is tactics which are down to AW. For a number of years our forwards have been waiting for the ball over the top and it has never come ( OG. AS, TW and so on), because AW likes ticky tacky above all . This is because our midfielders have lacked the vision and accuracy (the exceptions being MO, JW and AS when he drops back) . Now we are in the position of losing all three in 1 season- absolutely crazy.

Crash Fistfight

Not starting games doesn’t seem to have done Oxlade-Chamberlain’s England prospects any harm.

Windell Wignal

I would hate to see Jack leave Arsenal because looking back RVP had similar injury problems but finally got fit and delivered late on but left us and won the league….its a tough one.


For me, RVP always was a level above Wilshere in terms of talent and mentality. Whilst RVP seemed to learn and improve, Wilshere has stood still, repeating the same mistakes.

Winterburn Wanderers

He has done well to establish himself as a sort of ‘Captain of the B Team’, and the opportunity is there for him now to have a run in the league. He’s not done as much as Iwobi to earn a place and he’s only now looking ready to try and nail down a place.

Andy Mack

This season he’s only now looking fit enough to get a place…

Mesuts Ozil

Offer him a 2 year contract. If he can stay fit for 12 months then give him a long term deal


You cant argue with his talent, what he can bring or his history with the club. He does however need to show it 90 min every week. Sell and buy-back clause??

Would be a surprise though.


That’s fine if he finds something good. Until then if he can step up for us, great. Its the nature of the business these days to expect this sort of (non) commitment. Clubs have to learn to deal with it and get the best out of the player whilst they can. We can see it also as an opportunity to rejuvenate the midfield if need be. Chris Willock looks like great potential and we will need to make some room for younger players coming through but I feel midfield can also benefit from experience (Particularly) without Santi). Someone who can… Read more »

Andy Mack

Chris Willock doesn’t play for AFC!!!!
Keep up…


Be patient Jack. England are shit and will come to you. There’s a very good reason why the Boss is handling you with kid gloves.


where would he go to be guaranteed game time on a high enough level? no other top 6 club would put him right into their starting lineup i guess he could try everton


its same with Ozil. Nobody wants to pay the price he demands so he either stays at arsenal or takes a pay cut. so he most likely stays.


A four year contract. You’ve got to be joking.


Bye! Put a buy-back clause and Bye. He should of been sold years ago. Sentimental feelings has extended his Arsenal career for too long.


Will be a stupid decision to leave Arsenal for a chance to play in a world cup England cannot win given that he will have to be at a smaller club for a regular place

Chris Kiwomya

I don’t believe a word of this story. He’s been getting games and is slowly and carefully coming back to fitness. Every game I’ve seen him play this season he’s looked great, that missing piece that Cazorla use to fill.
He’s not been overplayed, so he’s building on fitness. So rather than rush him and break him again, Wenger’s taken a measured approach. You never know, he’ll more than likely make the WC Squad if he stays fit and features in Arsenal latter in the season, plus he’ll be fresh. Good luck Jack.

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