Saturday, February 8, 2025

Stan Kroenke up his Arsenal stake with share purchase

Arsenal’s majority shareholder, Stan Kroenke, has increased his stake-holding in the club after purchasing a further 22 shares at £28,000 each.

A statement issued by the London Stock Exchange reads:

On 23rd January 2018, Arsenal Holdings plc (the “Company”) received notification that on 22nd January 2018, KSE UK Inc, wholly owned by Stanley Kroenke, a director of the Company, acquired 22 ordinary shares of GBP1.00 each in the Company at a price of GBP28,000 per share.

Taking into account such acquisition, KSE UK Inc, wholly owned by Stanley Kroenke, has a beneficial interest in, and controls voting rights over, 41,743 ordinary shares in the Company, representing 67.09% of the Company’s issued ordinary shares.

It’s a sign that the American has no plans to divest any of his shares in the club, and has tightened his grip, perhaps ahead of rumoured changes at board level in the coming months.

There have been tit for tat bids between Kroenke and the second largest shareholder Alisher Usmanov, with neither man prepared to sell to the other but the 70 year old holds all the power because of his controlling share.

However, the Russian billionaire may find life over the coming months uncomfortable if he’s named by the US Treasury as one of the oligarchs close to Vladmir Putin and thus subject to sanctions on his business dealings.

The murky world of billionaires, the 1% of the 1% and the people who own our football club. Lovely stuff.

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Donald\'s Trump

Poo tin

Twisted cuntloks

what a fuckin c*nt, why can’t he sell up, fuck off, leave us alone and go buy some more baron land somewhere


What’s “baron land”? Is it land owned by minor royalty?

Twisted cuntloks


Twisted cuntloks

Obviously a typo… Predictive shite lol

Twisted cuntloks

That predictive shite also changed ‘ lovely american chap’ to c*nt

Frank the Gooner

Oh for fucks sake fuck off you tosser


F*k me
This guy is starting to make roman abromvich look good


He did that long ago – at least Abramovic turns up, he takes interest as well as money!

Sunil T

losing the love for the game with all this bullsh*t money!


losing the love for the game with all this bullsh*t club

Cliff Bastin

Who keeps selling shares omg

Reality Cech

If I was going to get £22k per share I would have sold too. Just saying


Sorry it was me……I bid for his shares but the cunt wouldn’t sell so I sold my 28


Finally, a positive news story this transfer window!

*straps on tin hat*


Transferring a few out of the board might not be such a bad thing


Stan Kroenke – get the fuck out of our club!

Charles Charlie Charles


Just when I was starting to enjoy the Mikhi signing stuff, Stan comes out from under his bridge.


Technically its like 68% his lol



pradeep kachhala

what rumors of board level changes? tell us more?

Sunil T

Lets hope its Ivan OUT!

A Different George

Not Sir Chips! A name invented by Monty Python cannot leave the club!


Making way for Wenger?
One can only hope.

Andrew Vale

Usmanov Departing am guessing ?


In all my life, working in various organizations, if the top most management is unambitious, it trickles down to the deepest depths of an organization. Why do we expect Arsenal to be any different?

The consistent lacklustre results that we get, with flashes of brilliance here and there, is a representation of who controls the club. A lacklustre board, and a formerly brilliant manager.

Maybe I’m being too negative, but I have been in love with our club for so long, the steady decline just makes me feel negative.

Sorry for the rant. COYG.


Not a rant my friend but an articulate response to some sad news. Wholeheartedly agree. Take a look at his U.S. sports teams and what he’s reduced them to. It’s frightening.

Girouds Lovely Locks

The Rams are actually looking pretty good. Young, talented team with their best players under contracts, an extremely gifted 31 year-old head coach with a new stadium on the way.

Andy Mack

Don’t let facts get in the way of a good moan by people with their mind set.


That would be the Rams who’s owner Kroenke slaughtered the fans for not turning out in numbers after yet another pathetic season. He then relocated the team to Los Angeles. Nice guy eh?


They hate him in St. Louis– and with good reason.

Andy Mack

In 1995 Los Angeles hated the previous owners when they moved the club from LA to St Louis, and before that Cleveland hated the owners when they moved from Cleveland to LA in 1946.
It’s the way they do things in the states…


I’m sure he doesn’t care.


Who wouldn’t relocate your business? LA>STL. Financially speaking. He just increased his teams value with that move without much investment. IF he actually builds off this winning season and sustains it for a 3-4 years the value keeps going up.

Pro-Reg needs to come to American sports. Scrap this franchise shit. Kill “amateur” college football once and for all. Coaches making millions and student athletes don’t deserve more?

Bould\'s Eyeliner

Yeah but the NFL draft system actually gives a fair chance to all teams to find the talent they need to compete. As opposed to FIFA… with their balls so deep in dirty money, slave labor, and other unconscionable acts that you wonder what difference there is between the Roman Coliseum and modern sports. There’s still plenty of death, even (Qatar WC?!), just not shown to the audience. Getting real sick of the boards (of whatever) being the only things that get bigger and better. I don’t want a moral problem in supporting my club. Not sure how this will… Read more »


Draft is horrible system. Reward the worse teams with the best prospects. Forcing players to play for teams they have no interest in. Contracts that aren’t guaranteed. Players getting cut and no one gives a shit while if a player wants to renegotiate his contract he gets vilified.


I must say I was surprised by the Rams this season–which probably means Silent Stan is more interested in the NFL than the EPL.


I hate defending the guy but I will a little. Its a business. As long as he’s making money I’m sure he’s going to be happy. He won’t care what we say. He’s a fuckin billionaire you think he gives shit what we think about him? Any of AMerican sports fans on here know that American sports system is vastly different. Franchise system pretty much guarantees the owners pathway to financial success. There are limits on how much you can spend on players placed there by the owners themselves. Its perfect for a business owner. Nuggets or Avs can spend… Read more »


Bring back David Dein!


David Dein isn’t all he’s cracked up to be, and he was the one who sold out and landed us with this mess. He also didn’t want the new stadium, he wanted to share Wembley, that would’ve worked out just fine, not. David Dein has somehow become this mythical figure of good when actually he was just a greedy cunt like all the rest. And he’s history, no coming back, thank God.

Andy Mack

Having the 2 main shareholders hating each other is a bigger problem than any ‘perceived’ lack of ambition. Only when either Kroenke or Usmanov sells their shares will we know if whoever remains is actually unambitious or not for certain. Until then we’re treading water whilst neither wants to invest anything that will assist the other (and that includes Usmanov who stated that he wants a return on any investment).

Public Elneny Number One

YAY, it’s good news week!!!


There can be no denying that Kroenke is a complete and utter cunt of epic proportions.


Damn. So there’s no way of getting rid of it!


Maybe a boycott of the club wouldn’t be the worst idea…

Pablo Escobar

I’ve been boycotting since late 2015, it is the only way to purge ourselves of this leech. Sadly there is enough zombie fans out there to keep us in profit which is all that matters to the Kroenke virus.

On the positive side soon you’ll be able to get a season ticket whenever you want, though quite why you would want one is another question.


1. There’s still a long waiting list for STs
2. They’re building extra seats into extended Club level all the way round the ground because they know they can sell them.
3. We buy tickets because we enjoy the game live
4. Players are taking even more out of the game (and us) now


Nah. Kroenke would then just move the team to Horseshit, Mississippi.


Worst thing to ever happen to Arsenal football club

Easy tiger



The world of rulers and the world of the ruled.


The revolution starts here! Viva les Gunners.


Since 41,743 shares represents 67.09% of the club, each share is worth about 0.0016% – so Kroenke just bought an additional 0.035% of the club. Insofar as he already held more than two-thirds of the shares, this purchase is almost completely meaningless, except that it demonstrates that Kroenke must regard the club as a sound investment.

Personally, while I agree that the bigger picture here is a long way from being positive, I am choosing to regard this show of confidence as a display of ambition by the club owner!

A Different George

We need more optimists. You may even be right (he said trying desperately to talk himself into it).




The longer Kroenke is majority owner the less chance Arsenal have of winning what a football club of Arsenal’s stature should be aiming for: the league title. Forget the Champions League for now, we are many decades away from coming close to winning it at this rate. Besides, why appear in a competition we have no intention of winning?..

In case I wasn’t clear: Kroenke is a disgusting parasite and Arsenal Football Corporation is regressing rapidly under his daggy ownership.


Correct, we are the 5th or 6th richest club in the world and what do we do when we finish 5th in a league campaign, make a fucking profit in the transfer market. Then they wonder why we’re in this mess in January. These cunts at the club are not incompetent like we all think, there just there to make loads of money and nothing else, we will slip further and further away from winning the league until everyone from the owner down is out of this club.


I don’t know what richest means to you. I think we are valued greatly. We also don’t make a profit in every transfer window. AW would never sell a player unless he absolutely has to. He will hold on to them until they have lost most of their value.


The problem is were in a league where there are 3 other clubs that spend more money and with that have more room for error. Does that excuse Arsenal? Hell no but to just sit there and think its ownerships problem is far from it. Most owners suck that own football clubs in the Prem? At least he tells the football people what the budget is and do their jobs. You can still be ambitious within those guidelines.


*crunches numbers*

At that price, the whole club is valued at about 1.74 billion GBP.

Bould\'s Eyeliner

It’s valued at more, much much more; that’s just a projection of expected profits.


I’d like Stan to invest in a razor blade company if he hasn’t already. And use the company’s products. Now, where is Aubameyang?

Wenger is breaking my balls



Usamov is not a better option.


Please describe how Kroenke, in any capacity, shape or form, is the superior option, then.

The Club is aiming for 50 years of mid-table dog shite under Kroenke. Enjoy!


What is midtable? They have finished in the top 4 every year he’s owned the club except for the past season. I think we can agree its a mediocre top 4 finish. Nice way to finish but not the way you want to play during the season.


I must admit in days of yore, like most gooners I guess, I never really gave a tinker’s cuss about the ownership/board of The Arsenal. Now, whenever I see a picture of Enos Stanley Kroenke, I wish to take that wig and ram it where the sun don’t shine. How such a complete and utter knobmoomin was allowed to take control of The Arsenal, I’ll never know.


Because the so-called ‘custodians,’ under Hill-Wood, sold out to the fecal parasite. Let’s also be clear here: they never put their hands into their pockets to invest into the club. Wenger and his lackeys can harp on about sustainability and spending what the club earns and stadium debt, the only reason any of this is able to happen is the automatic £100 million donated every single season by arsenal supporters in gate receipts alone. Sure – sustainable for Kroenke to literally invest nothing and harvest the growth in value, meanwhile Arsenal supporters get shafted propping up the biggest scam in… Read more »

Declan M

I’ll consider giving up my red membership. That’ll learn em.

gee bird

A more pressing concern is how long it takes to say Ainsley Maitland-Niles, if this isn’t resolved quickly, I’m afraid he’s got to go.

Billy Bob

I didn’t need to read the article to say BOOOOO HISSSS

Art Van\'Delay

Good Old Stan!


The abominable Dr Phibes strikes again


Oh, good.


Fuck off Plonker! ?


Kroenke ‘s nfl team was in the knock-out match. At the kickoff he was eating a hotdog. It was the most important game of season and he was eating.
It made me bitter. Such a rubbish mentality! He doesn’t give a sh*t about Arsenal.

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