Saturday, July 27, 2024

Arsenal 4-2 Sp*rs – player ratings

Arsenal went ahead, then went behind, then battered Sp*rs back into their box with three second half goals to win 4-2. While all of us should try and help the homeless this Christmas, these rancid vagrants need to be reminded of who they really are, and goals from Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang, Alexandre Lacazette and Lucas Torreira did just that.

Read the Arsenal 4-2 Sp*rs report and watch the goals here


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my name is bob

I’m officially in love with torreira.
He somehow does everything coqzorla did but he comes in a single 5’5″ package.


Modern technology mate, things get smaller but more efficient


This needs to get more upvotes!




Well ladies and gents, it appears I’ve peaked. I’ll never see upvotes like this again, so I’m going to leave on a high and never post again. That’s it from me, goodnight everybody!


He embodies the spirit in the whole team. We’ve needed him for a long time. Such a great player, look forward to seeing him bloom further.

Pat Rice and Beans

Kante is now known as the French Torreira.


As Andy gray once commentate, “you don’t buy them, they don’t come in packets”


I never fell in love so fast with a player as I did with Torreira


I guess if you aren’t giving them all 10s these ratings will do. Brilliant match.


I was more than happy to dish outl 10/10 for everyone, Blogs should change it and give the option of 11/10 on days like today.
That was the most enjoyable performance since we beat Chelsea in the FA cup final, Torreira taking his shirt off and celebrating like he’d just won the World Cup, and Kolasinac celebrating with the flag are moments will live long in the memory, thoroughly enjoyable, The adrenaline is still pumping


Right down Mike Dean being, well, the pedantic, biased, egocentric fukka that is Mike Dean, and booking him for the celebration. He is an embarassment to the beautiful game. But nice that even he couldn’t spoil yesterday – although he did his level best, as usual

David C

I totally thought Blogs was going to give everyone 10’s as well!!!! haha.

Mike Dean – we have won the last 4 North London Derby’s when he is the ref. Why do we worry about him? haha.

Rambo – was that 2 assists as a sub? I really wish we could trade his contract with Mhki’s.

I have a few Sp*ds mates at work, can’t wait to see their sad little faces tomorrow.

Great entertainment all around.


We were so defensively solid today, if it wasn’t for the penalty, you would not know Harry Kane was even playing today, and it took two refereeing decisions to help Spurs out. 10s deserved all round.


Apparently, he had just 5 successful passes all match


1000/10 Lucas Torreira’s goal celebration. Man on the verge of tears. Everything you need to know about the player.

Gary Baldy

Man on the verge of tears. Everything you need to know about the fan.

I feel I’ve overshared . . . I’m sorry . . . I couldn’t stop myself. What a player . . . if you are going score your first goal for us, make it a good one by all means, but make it against that lot as well ? . . .

Dammit, I’m welling up again. Sorry, I have to go . . .


My eyes have only stopped watering 5 mins ago.


Where is ozil?


How to spoil the mood.

He didn’t play today, so let’s give him a break.


sorry mate, i just don’t read anything about football lately and my wife ask me that question.. GREAT WIN by the way, love being arsenal fans from indonesia..

Gary Baldy

He was having his back unspasmed. I hope this helps.


He’s not needed against the little homeless teams!


hahaha.. How so true, we dont need our best #10 for those cocks shit.


Loved everything that happened today. Homeless freaking goblins got what they deserve. Lets make it 20.

My Arse-nal

Totally agree. How funny was it to see their supporters going mental when they went 2-1 up then having their cold black hearts smashed to pieces by us! Anyone else get seriously pissed off with the commentry team not even mentioning their first goal being off side? Also never a fucking penalty, but they all said it was!


My least favorite thing ever. The commentators say “there was a touch”, who fucking cares? that touch never brings him down. Call a dive a dive for fuck


I don’t need to get into it I’m sure, but I’ve said again and again the only thing that’s going to reduce the dives is the option of retroactive punishment. Even in game video review doesn’t work because it is still the Ref making the call.


there has to be someone willing to punish it, though…


The Sky boys both agreed no pen in a milion years during the half-time chat. And if every ‘contact’ was a pen, we would never finish any corner kick without one!!


First 10/10 I’ve given for years.

Torreira what a little belter


Let’s make it simple. 10 for everyone and 11 for Torreira and Emry


I ll give everyone a 10. Beat Manchester United and see Mourinhio Get sacked will be a good weekend..

Gudang Pelor

No, I want him to stay, so he can experience beaten by us all over again.

Rectum Spectrum

singing “Jose Mourinho, we want you to stay” with us leading into the last few mins would be an especially special moment.


I’m 8 hours ahead across the world, but I beg those that will be going to the stadium to do so.


Why sack him when you can give him a lifetime contract instead?


Agent Jose is working fine with Agent Alexis…


They were made for each other.

A Different George

These mid-table sides can be tricky.


10/10 for arsenal showing some bite


The ratings almost always seem too dependent on the outcome, can’t imagine some of the high numbers if the game had petered out after the 2-2. however, that’s a fuck not needing to be given today. so happy to be a gunner on days like these. also, i think we’ll miss rambo much more than we’d miss özil if he left.

i loved everything about this game. in retrospective, that is. conceding twice after dominating was fking awful


Yeah and they’d of got even lower if we’d of lost .. what a strange comment!


So for instance, everyone deserved a 6 at 2-2….

but the team combined (tackling/intercepting/passing/shooting) to create the extra 2 goals, which takes the players ratings up surely?


I think they deserved high scores even if the result did not come, we were tearing them apart and they could not deal with our press, passion and commitment all game, I wish they do exactly that every week.


Our win today has made us to be feared by every team in the EPL great guys hopefully next season is ours our pride is finally back


But that is why everyone is so happy about the game right? We dominated, let them back into it, and then instead of letting the game petter out at 2-2 (which wouldn’t have been a terrible result for a NLD) we went ahead and smashed the fuckers.

Liam Pirosicastle

Bet you’re fun at parties.

Faisal Narrage

It’s almost like a team performance is somehow linked to outcome.

craszy gunner

Damn Ozil has gone missing again in a big game!

dawid niedzwiadek

15 people just can’t take sarcasm




24 @ 3 am GMT


Go to sleep


I love Torreira

Never Happen

Great day, great heart from the boys
in North London Red.
Torreira is the signing of the season
without doubt.


Easily the best match from Arsenal this season …you really made my day COYG


Did you know that Mike Dean is a prick?


What!?! News to me.

DB’s first touch

And here I thought he was a cunt…or is it possible to be both simultaneously?


It’s possible but you sure wouldn’t leave the house much…


Well that was some performance. Kudos to Unai Emery. The half time substitutions changed the dynamic of the game. I’ve not felt this confident heading to Old Trafford in years

Aleksander Włodarz

Serves them right the fuckers !!!


I’m one of the fence sitters on Ramsey but have to give it to him, he was superb when he came on,made such a difference. I love Aubameyang so much the way he runs is pure poetry and that second goal woahhhh.
As for Torreira – his goal, his celebration. Just unforgettable. An Arshavin v Barca type moment.


Ramsey was superb before he came on too. Check the replay of the scuffle.


Did anyone notice the radical change in the team when Miki and Iwobi went off… I really like Alex but, after a brief flicker of realising his potential, he seems to have gone back to running around a lot with zero defensive shift. No doubt, he’s good going forward – but profiligate finishing still a problem and he does way too little work when he doesn’t have the ball. Under Emery, that laziness sticks out a mile unfortunately


I’ve been getting for a while now to no one in particular that Iwobi needs to go. Flashes of brilliance 5-6 times a season is not deserving of an Arsenal kit when there are 50-60 games a season. I’m not saying every Arsenal player puts in a m-o-m performance every game, but Iwobi’s shooting is horrendous and his passing is only slightly better than his running, which too is just awful. I’m trying to think of anyone in Emery’s 18 man squads this season that had performed worse than Iwobi and I’m drawing a blank. Even the youngsters show more… Read more »


10/10 for torreira taking his shirt off for the celebration as if to say, game over..


10/10 again Emery.
Mesut is learning about passion and in a way that is not insulting to him……..just learning.
I can guarantee you he will play at No 10 on Wednesday.
Emery is a fucking genius.


Blogs, you need to include a separate rating for Emery, as you did for Wenger.


Guendouzi, Laca and Ramsey not even on the pitch but still not putting up with any cuntery from Ali or Dier was my favourite thing about today.

Don't boo Paul Davis

Don’t forget Lich. He started it. Dirty little gooner bastard. Get in!


I certainly wouldn’t square up with him. He’s nearly as mad as Jens!


Upthumbed this twice and it counted.


Once again, we’ve roasted some spuds on a Sunday afternoon.

Alex James legend

Every player passion, skill and a certain gritt just to do what was needed for uncle unai and most importantly the fans today it’s not about ppoints it’s about pride they know how to talk that club but arsenal now how to deliver. The manger has got the lads playing but reminded some or all its about hard work passion then skill to win we had all 3. Love the passion from the swizz nutcase on the sidelines for the deir goal. A legend leaving and a 19 year Frenchmen as subs in the middle of that melee working and… Read more »


Give Torreira a lifetime contract says I! And oh what a difference it makes to have 2 quick dead eye finishers in your team! Can’t wait to see what Unai does with this team in a few transfers to come.

Back to your swamp dwellings you homeless bottlers, and do take Mike Dean with you


Arsenal will get slaughtered in the Press again for not helping the homeless at Christmas?

Can we have a few comments about the pre-match debate between Merson and Sherwood – the former saw no way we could avoid defeat (just like he did v Liverpool) whilst the latter could find no place in his composite team for any Arsenal player.

Much like the England team for which they provide so many players, Spudz cannot live with the pressure of class opponents.


I love this team. Everyone just loves and fights for everyone, fantastic! ❤️


If I were playing for another team against this Arsenal side, I’d never celebrate winning the first half. It’s really crazy!
This game was just everything Arsenal has represented to the fans – the highs, the lows, then the exhilarating! I love this club!
We’re gradually erasing that mentality of cowering against big teams (not that spuds count though, but…) Two of our best games this season now against the Mugdmashers and the Homeless Goblin. Can’t wait to see what Wednesday brings. We’ll miss Xhaka though.
And… Torreira! Auba! Laca! I love this team!


Not sure we’ll miss Shakes that much on Wed – he was guilty of a number of sloppy passes today. I have a sneaky that Guendouzi will have his ‘coming out’ party and come good on Wed… Remember Fab vs Patrick in that wonderful Juve game?


What did kane do apart from the pen….SoKratis was exceptional and hilariously roasted Kane for pace towards the nd.


Aging cb, just played almost 90 minutes of football…outpaces England’s best striker.
Shouldn’t be happening… Maybe they need a manager who gets them to run hard.


Yeah. I was laughing my face off as I remembered all the cunty commentary this season claiming he was slow. He’s actually not to bad chasing back.

Charlie Georgious

Wow looking forward to playing one of the big teams


What team?


The mighty Sp*rs! 6 wins on the bounce. Destroy Chelski. Beat Inter. Hailed for showing maturity and passion. Surely they would turn over the Gunners who were lucky to be on an unbeaten run. Balance of power has surely shifted….


This kind of passion, workrate and physicality is what made me fall in love with this club in the first place. And the credit starts with Emery. Today was the definition of perfection.


Torriera was class, the substitutions were inspirational, no Ozil – forgetful. Should we be keeping Ramsey and getting rid of Ozil? Too late now, I know. Ramsey has made his bed….unfortunately.


Did anyone take note of lacazette on the wing, nice leg work


Can we give some props to Bellerin? He was ramped up and in their face every time there was a dust up. Great to see that passion.

Don't boo Paul Davis

Bellerin is absolutely top drawer. Big part of the personality of this team. Love him.

Uba Ngenegbo

Apart from that errant cross-field pass I thought Bellerin was absolutely brilliant!


That and the not marking for their 1st goal.. But 2 mistakes aside he was outstanding

Ya gooner

All 10s for everyone today, even against this shit team


Mike Dean is a prick. Why is he allowed to ref our matches. I recorded the match so now I get to watch it a second time!


Arseblog has to say something negative about Xhaka every time, no matter what. Gets tiresome.

A Fleeting Glimpse

Arseblog has agendas. Just like mike Dean ?


Will have to change my name but in fact he has supported Xhaka when others have berated him so I can’t go along with your comment


Will have to disagree. We all have our favourites, but he persists with criticism of Xhaka and Mustafi no matter what, yet will not have a bad word said about Ramsey


he did praise Mustafi though!


And that’s the only thing you took from yesterday’s momentous display????


Why can’t they play like that all the time!!!???!!!


Wrong time to avoid getting down votes Reincheck but I agree that had we played like against Wolves we would have trounced them. We will now face more teams who sit back and defend against us at home so need to put full pressure on.


Do you really need to ask yourselves why Arsenal can’t play against wolves like they do against spurs? It’s always different in a derby match and wolves didn’t set up with any intent to win the game. Spurs did, they were just sh*te

Giuseppe Hovno

Can someone put together a highlights reel for today’s match? I was in the pub and didn’t really see what started the brawl but loved our sides reactions! I reckon it should be about 85 minute long


10/10 Eric Dier for shushing the crowd 30 minutes into the game then watching his own fans slink away before the game had even ended after deflecting it into his own net for our 3rd and then losing Torreira for our 4th. Haha, what a wanker.

Paul Roberts

We’ve come a long way from nobody reacting to Alexis getting shoved into the camera pit. With hindsight though…? 🙂

Pat Rice and Beans

What a performance from Auba (his last 10 shots on target resulted in goals) and Torreira!

F*ck Dele Alli, f*ck Dier, f*ck Mike Dean!

Yankee Doodle

Anybody see Sokratis tell Son he dived, after the match? Was hilarious!


Defintely saw that. Brilliant.

Obama Young

Fantastic game, the most enjoyable since beating Chelsea in the final for F-ing Arsenal’s Cup.
Torreira is amazing and the ideal addition to this team.
Now we just need to add the Torreria of central defenders and we’ll really be in business: young, but already proven and ready to step right in; aggressive; strong; skilled; quick; smart; and tough.


Are you describing Rob Holding? Ticks many boxes there.


North London is red.


A video link/GIF of Xhaka laughing at Winks would be absolutely terrific. Anyone seen one…?


10/10 for everyone for a deserved beatdown of the Spuds. Also kudos to Mike Dean for more or less did the job he’s supposed to.


I have a funny feeling that your final comment may get you some thumbs down!

Three Steps Sideways

Thought it best to mention that the link to the main article takes us to the Vorskla match report.

Samir Gelb

Sorry to mess with the averages but
I gave everyone 10. North London is Red


Ramsey looks like he’s leaving but until he does he gets in this side all day long!!!
The arsenal were blinding today, yeah my roast dinner is cold and her indoors has got the ump but it’s worth it!!
Up the arsenal

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