Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Ornstein: Unai Emery has suggested to Ozil it’s best for him to leave (audio)

Unai Emery has told Mesut Ozil that it would best for him to leave Arsenal, a view which is shared by the board.

That’s according to David Ornstein who spoke on BBC 5 Live last night about the German and the ongoing saga regarding his situation.

Despite such a clear bombshell from the head coach, Ozil has no intentions of leaving and has apparently put in extra training – keen to win his place back in the side.

This is the exact transcript of what David had to say when asked about the rumours of a breakdown between him and Emery.

“They’re not just rumours. Unai Emery has suggested to Mesut Ozil that it would be best for him to leave the club. And the hierarchy of the club feels that they would like him to move on.

“I think that’s mainly financially driven for a player earning £350,000 per week but also related to that is the fact he is not performing anywhere near the level when he has played on a consistent basis as we know he can produce from the past.

“He has no desire to leave, Mesut Ozil, so he won’t be leaving in the January transfer window. I’m told he’s working extremely hard to get himself fit. Reports coming out of London Colney is that he’s now doing extra gym work and he has a positive demeanour. He’s determined to work his way back into the side.

“The word was he wasn’t doing a lot of the extra work most players were, and he is now. I’ve heard positive things about his behaviour, his commitment, his relationships with the teammates.

“I don’t think that’s ever been a problem, but he’s clearly out of favour with the manager and that’s a very expensive problem for the club to have.”

So, the manager doesn’t want the player, the club would be ok with the player moving on, the player doesn’t want to leave, and we have a £350,000 a week impasse.

Lovely stuff.

Ornstein 5 Live Audio

Thanks to @49undefeated04 for the heads-up.

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Faisal Narrage

Impending chaos in 5…4….3…2…1…

Faisal Narrage

I mean I gotta be honest, I’m not Ozil’s number 1 fan by any stretch, and I do feel football has evolved beyond that type of player. HOWEVER if the cost of Emery’s vision is at the expense of Ozil AND Mislintat, all to bring in Denis Suarez and Banega, then consider me literally at the precipice of “Emery Out” because I can hope on Ozil leaving if Sven finds the next new Ozil, but in all honesty in my heart of hearts, I simply cannot believe that the additions of Banega+Suarez is equal to or greater than the sum… Read more »

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

What exactly has Ozil done for the club that is even worth 150K a week ? Unai already achieved 20 games without defeat. Instead of supporting him to get the team back to that situation, you want him out.

jack jack jack

“Unai already achieved 20 games without defeat”

Playing absolutely bollocks football to be fair

Faisal Narrage

“Unai already achieved 20 games without defeat”

I’m sorry, do they give trophies for that now?


“What’s he done?” Well, he has 41 goals and 73 assists across 214 games in all comps since he arrived. That’s 114g+a in 214 games, or 0.53 g+a/game, which is a top-notch scoring contribution and his per-90min figures would be even better since those 214 games include a fair few where he did not play the full 90. Not to mention there was at least one season where the people he made key passes to dramatically underperformed on the resulting shots in terms of actual goals vs the number of goals you would expect based on the shots generated from… Read more »

Dave Cee

To be fair..the suggestions are that Sven fell out with Raul, not Unai


Exactly, but people who have already turned against the coach would prefer to believe the latter rather than the former.


If you are at the precipice of saying a manager should go, please take a few steps back. See the bigger picture of what is going on here. If Emery wants Banega and Suarez it’s because they will do the work that he requires. We can’t afford to carry any players in this squad…we certainly can’t afford a player on £350K a week not pulling his weight. As for Sven, the fact he is allegedly proposing we buy players that every person and their dog know about then the hype around him being this scouting guru appears to be out… Read more »

A Different George

I think the problem that Faisal Narrage is identifying is that if Banega fits the manager’s vision of what he wants the club to be, and Mesut Ozil does not, then that vision is of a good second-rate side, a Europa League contender.

If financial reality makes it difficult to emulate the Manchester clubs and Chelsea, then the model I want to follow is not Sevilla, but Liverpool and Dortmund–clubs that want to win the league.


What is the source of this persistent myth that Liverpool are some kind of plucky underdog unearthing hidden gems? Liverpool are every bit in the same category as City Chelsea and United with some of the fees they are throwing about. If they win the title it’ll be bought, much like every title in the past decade save Leicester’s has been. Sevilla, on the other hand, massively outperformed their financial reality and expectations. If we could become that kind of side, winning the Europa and outperforming our expected league position, we can build on that with the money that will… Read more »


If dennis saurez & Banega is what the management team, board & Unai what to bring in to “make his mark”, The whole lot should go now.


To be fair, Liverpool have been really efficient in their transfer dealings. From their big-ticket sales to middling players that were cast-off, their incoming transfer fees offsets their purchases. Having said that, the fact that Arsenal haven’t followed the same mold is definitely not on Emery. Just pointing out that is a worthy goal to set.

Overall, I think the scrutiny has to be on the people around Emery. Unfortunately, fans have little influence over that sphere.

A Different George

Liverpool are not a plucky underdog, and neither are we. Both are very big clubs, but not anything like as rich as the other three. Dortmund loses its best players, typically to its biggest rival (losing Aubameyang to us instead of Bayern could be seen as a sort of victory for them) and yet–well, look at the table in England and in Germany. There is no financial reason we can not do as well as Liverpool.


Sevilla had an outstanding scouting/technical director setup, it was not emery picking their signings.

Liverpool were in a worse position than us in this decade but turned it around thanks to way smarter team building. They identify the players who are likely ti work well for them and then get them. We dither and futz about. We should turn recruitment over to ted knutson and then maybe we would see some results.


Maybe I’m changing my mind about Ozil. Still don’t see where he fits into our team but love the idea that he actually wants to try, rather than the media portrayal that he can’t be bothered and just wants money and an instagram following.

Who knows? Emerys mind games might turn him onto the player we need. Maybe even a player who can justify 350k a week. If the alternative is selling him and subsidising his wages just so we can buy a sub par alternative – sounds good to me..


I think I agree with you and would go slightly further: we have Ozil, he’s earning a wage that we, albeit with different decision makers, agreed to pay him. He’s a wonderful player, he’s also approaching his last good years. This plus his salary means we cannot afford to move him on. Surely the brief for Emery has to be “find a way to make the team fit around Ozil (and i’d Add Aubameyang to that)”. If we have to extract value from the players who have long contracts, making Ozil central to our plans is the only sensible way… Read more »


But if hes doing the work, does that not mean that this is possibly an internal tactic that might be working?
He’s not gonna leave cos he knows he won’t get the same money anywhere else. If he’s not playing then that affects “his brand” and he’s not playing internationally any more so he’s kind of hamstrung if he doesn’t play well enough to keep himself in the team. It’ll be interesting to see how he plays the next time if he’s given the chance.

Irrational Gunner

Let’s not forget that his brand is our brand since the club thought it would be best to award him a contract based on jersey sales as well as performance.


Or good surprise. Ozil is buffing up and will come back bullying the defences (Wishful thinking)!
On another note I’d like the look of a James Rodriguez in a Red and White shirt!! (again another wishful thinking, I’m on wish fire today)

Faisal Narrage

The article clearly states that Emery wants him out regardless of his effort, not that he’s been given an ultimatum.

Also no on James Rodriquez, fan’s need to stop falling for this big name nonsense just for the sake of it. If Emery has issues with Ozil’s effort, then what do you think Rodriguez is gonna be doing?


Ah, James! A guy who warmed the bench in Real, was loaned to Bayern, to warm the bench in Bayern and idolised by the Arsenal fans.


That Colombia volley though…


Oh, yes, once upon a time. Like for Wilshere: this game 8 years ago against Barca! The rest…


Maybe but I’d still give him a shot before Suarez and Churascco. Might a career resurrection a la Berkamp!! This James Dude has it all and it would be the opportunity for him to have a team built around his talent

Crash Fistfight

That Churrasco fella is smoking hot.


He has so much all that Real loaned him to Bayern who wants to loan him to us! LOL But yes, i know Arsenal fans love the players they don’t have thanks to Youtube best ofs.


And this is the real problem with our fan base. It’s full of fickle people who literally flip flop between wanting a player one moment to saying he’s sh*t and not good enough the next.


I assure you this is not unique to our fanbase….

Faisal Narrage

Sigh, you’re literally saying this in a thread about Ozil being pushed out due to low work-effort, without any sense of irony.

What other big names not fulfilling their promise do you want? Maybe Freddy Adu can to a Bergkamp here too.

However about we give the opportunity to Smith-Rowe, Saka, etc? Not as exciting as another big name, but you know…makes more sense?

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Freddy Adu, I knew for certain he was the new Pelé even better than Pelé.

Dave Cee

Where i heard that before? Oh yeah,,,,ozil


Im sorry, but stating that Rodriguez was there to warm the bench is ridiculous and proves you don’t know what your on about. This season he’s been on the fringes but still 3 goals out of 8 games and 11 assists and 7 goals out of 23 for a midfielder are decent numbers. Yes he wasn’t undisputed, but benchwarmer?! Plus the guys a baller man! Don’t know nothing about his conduct of attitude but as a player any day any time i would take James.
But i would prefer Özil to get his spot back!


What i know is that this guy isn’t wanted by Real and Bayern. Bayern is not stupid club: if they have a genius, they keep him. Soon you’ll be calling him a Real & Bayern reject as you said it for Özil and Sanchez after praising them to heaven.


Not being funny but we aren’t exactly Real or Bayern right now are we?? If we aren’t willing to take players that can’t get into their teams than who the F are we supposed to buy? Modric?


Delusions of grandeur is the thing that will kill this club. We’ve been spoilt over the years with some of the players that graced our club, and yet some of them weren’t household names when they came…we made them.

Anne Noyd

If we stay in the Europa League, these James Rodriguez dreams will stay just that.

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

James belongs to Europa League. That’s his level. In fact, he is one for Russia or China.

Thomas b

And all our offensive midfielders would warm that same bench in Madrid and Bayern, the only difference is that they would never get there in the first place…

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

Ozil is idolised by yourself the exact same way.

Danny Boy

Join the discussion.If we take anything from Emery’s comments yesterday he doesn’t want to get rid of him no matter what, he wanted a response, and it seems he’s getting one. Definitely not my favourite motivation tactic, but if we get a highly motivated Ozil in the squad this is great news…


On £350K a week he shouldn’t really need motivating, but then maybe it was the size of his new contract that was the problem. His performances have dropped off and I defy anyone to argue with that. Same for Sanchez when he got his big pay day.


I can see what you see but the statement released yesterday on giving tough love to some players, hoping to provoke a reaction, coincides with Ozil positive behaviour. I’m not reading further into anything and won’t speculate on Emery’s future decision making.


Absolutely, this is the right attitude. All the endless speculating over every major or minor issue is exhausting.

To be fair to Emery, any coach who is taking steps to blow up this squad has my backing.


Yeah I think it’s a positive thing if true. In my head this was the situation except Ozil was just sat sulking. I’m not being funny but it’s not exactly an impossible skill to learn (being high intensity/ pressing opponents), it’s just will and fitness. It’d be a massive surprise if he changed his game at this age but I’ll not rule it out yet. Hope he turns it around.


It now seems Unai won’t play him, regardless of his efforts. What a shame.


I do get people’s desire to offload Mesut ASAP given his wages but I personally don’t think we need to throw the baby out with the bath water. The guy earns 16m a year and if he sees out his contract will earn around 40m over the next two and a half seasons. If those funds were reassigned what does that actually get you in the market place? Certainly not a world class (granted, on his day) playmaker. From today’s gossip column 40M gets you a Callum Wilson or Michy Batshuayi. If you’re lucky. And that’s without wages. If Emery… Read more »


I agree with HelderHughes. We’ve got to look at value replacement at this stage and it’s all on Emery. Regardless, nothing is likely to change until summer transfer season at the very least, so why don’t we do whatever experiments required the rest of the season and decide what happens after.


Ozil, Ramsey, Lacazette, Aubameyang is a Champions League quality forward line. Why and how are we f*cking this up? Just play all four of them every week and focus on the defensive work in training.


This is what I don’t understand. This is what we should’ve been starting whenever fit and we’d be miles ahead of where we are now, and actually have a chance. Instead Emery did it for like a game or two and then gave up…I honestly think fans need to understand how big of an issue this is. Blow it up in the summer if you have to, but to come right in and try to get rid of Ramsey and Ozil mid-season…This is like the one masterpiece that Wenger left us and Emery just shoved it in a closet ..


Suggesting that shoving a bunch of players with overlapping roles and occupation, in one XI as the optimal solution is stupid.
In one way that happen last season, and look how bad we were.
Ppl should be more aware of their players shortcomings. The so-much-hyped-all-of-a-sudden- fan heroes of players, were always here, playing heartless performances, complacent and plain terrible.


Apparently Emery, aka ‘the Dude’ likes to create friction between players, so they can play better. If this crazy idea was not a hoax, then that should be how we are going to fuck this up!


Woah there. Excuse me, what?
Playing all 4 is exactly what Emery did at the start of the season and it didn’t work at all. Ozil and Ramsey both ran off the ball, looking for space in the middle. While Auba and Laca were also attracted to the center. Not only did they step on each other’s toes. There was very little width, dribbling ability and absolutely no tracking back in the final third.


I like all of those players but this is mostly true in my opinion. I’ve never seen Ramsey and Ozil occupy the same pitch harmoniously. Ramsey wants the same spaces and channels as Ozil. Unless one is put on the wing and told to stay out there, it just doesn’t work. The number of times I watched Ramsey basically run right into Ozil as Ozil is moving with the ball is ridiculous at this level of football. In fairness to Ramsey that’s just his natural style of play cutting across the lines, just as Ozil ghosting between them is. The… Read more »


I should add, I hope I’m wrong about Emery not playing Ozil. And if I am, I hope Ozil gets more than a single match played in a position that suits his strengths to get back into the chemistry on the pitch. And that he takes the opportunity and plays well.

From there, if it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.


Personally, I’d be happier if our defenders and defensive midfield players were the ones doing the tracking, leaving outlets for passes to forwards when they regained possession.

Don’t have your CBs pushing forward, have your creative players doing that. How often do you see Virgil van Dyk getting out of position?


I don’t think its a good sign that ; A. After 6 months we can’t see what Emery is trying to do stylistically (See Sari and pardon me for using him as an example on this platform) B. Emery couldn’t find a way to fit in our most creative players( Ozil and Ramsey) into his ideal team and yet he strongly believes (Banega and Suarez ) would be perfect? what kind of football ideology does that even look like? With that kind of quality? C. That our collective defending looks a lot worse than under Wenger that we all know… Read more »

Cannon and Ball and Arse'n'all

I think he is going to use the same system as Klopp and sarri, with three all-round CM’s (as opposed to two deep lying and one creative no.10). Every central midfielder for both Liverpool and Chelsea can attack and defend. Ramsey cannot defend, Mesut Ozil cannot defend. He recruited Torriera and Guendozi to sit alongside Xhaka. All can play technically, all can technically defend. It seems like a pretty clear strategy to me, and I am confident it will work if he can get the front 3 right. Ozil could play front 3, but you’d want pace down the flanks… Read more »

Dave Cee

It is not that simple as. Ozil has been poor under Wenger and Emery. He is a bad investment. Simple as.


His rate of goals+assists/90min as an arsenal player suggests otherwise.


Iam fan of arsenal I was not happy to see such coach in arsenal I was watching the game between PSG v barcelone he was not managed his team PSG that night
And now he started to destroy the team arsenal , he is ignored our best player Ozil , he is preferring such as crazy like iwobi and other dum players it is not time to find midfielders , we need to find back side


Mark my words: Ozil is going to flourish coming months. Once he returns to the team, he will be determined to show his magic again. Most assists 18-19: Mesut Ozil.

Lucky Osunde

Seriously, I can’t wait the see Ozil back to his best

Dr Nick Riviera

Is that like he was determined to show us at the start of the season after his dispute with the German national side? Or will this be a new, improved type of determined 🙂

Dobby the house elf

And then will we praise the manager a bit for pushing him out the comfort zone he’s been in for the last few seasons?


If that is really what happens, I certainly will.

I’m not against Emery and want him to succeed.
But I’ll also certainly feel free to question things I don’t understand.


He needs to. I don’t get why he has been blameless in all of this. As a professional he should be working hard to win over his new boss and be respectful to his team mates. I can’t personally stand playing with people who think they are better so don’t need to work as hard as everyone else.


Great post word for word Hurensohn, I’ve been singing this song on here for a while, really nice to see someone else agrees!


Not sure which of the British parliament and Arsenal Football Club is the biggest shambles right now. We send Mesut Ozil 350 a week – let’s fund our NHS instead.


#Mexit? But should we leave with Oh-Zeel, or listen to Unai Remainery? My work here is done.


Can’t believe this has no thumbs up! Allow me to be the first.


Theresa May and Unai Emery job swap – at least UK would stay in the EU, and Ozil would get a game every week.

Stephen Shale

Jeremy Corbyn couldn’t score in an open goal, so who cares if our defence is shit.

A Different George

You know, of course, that Corbyn is both Arsenal’s own MP and a serious, genuine supporter for decades? (Bercow too.)



Tim Miller

Terrible. Terrible at so many levels. Whatever the situation is, it is being handled as poorly as it’s possible. Say what you want about Arsenal, we have a reputation, one that has been build over the years with commitment and yes, sacrifices. This doesn’t do it any good.


One could equally argue that such a shambles of contract management is entirely in keeping with our hard earned reputation, but maybe that’s just me.

Dave Cee

And you think Ozil represents commitment and sacrifice??

pierre-unai emeryang

I think during the consistent criticism Emery is getting for this whole situation, what he is trying to achieve is summed up by the following:

“The word was he wasn’t doing a lot of the extra work most players were, and he is now. I’ve heard positive things about his behaviour, his commitment, his relationships with the teammates.”

And when Emery said that friction gets the best out of some players, it seems to me that, if you are to believe Ornstein, then it seems to be working.

Faisal Narrage

I hope this is the case and it does show up, but if it’s a case of Emery is done with him, then it’s a concern.

The last time our manager wasn’t willing to give a 2nd chance to a player who put the work in and improved it was Wenger and Sczcz, and I think in the long term we definitely suffered with that one.

Northern Gooner

I don’t believe we suffered because Szczesny left. At the time, both parties were ready for a change, I think.

We suffered because we failed to find a suitable replacement and our goal keeping planning (is there such a thing?) was diabolical.

We kept Cech, who came to us at the end of a rather glittering career and Ospina, who was never a better goalie than Szczesny.

Back to the Ozil situation……Maybe things have got stale and a change is required?


One of the key points about suffering after Szczesny left is the fact that we didn’t get a suitable (better) replacement. Same situation here. Does it look like we’re ever going to get a better player than Ozil after he leaves?


Not convinced by Sczcz. His mistakes were central to Man U beating Juve in the Champions League in November


Perhaps. You can only say it’s worked if he returns to the side and starts consistently putting in good performances. Otherwise, it’s just squandering large quantities of talent and money when we’re short on both. So we’ll have to wait and see.

Northern Gooner

The trouble with Ozil is that he doesn’t perform on a consistent enough basis.

There is no doubt about his talent.

Irrational Gunner

The trouble with Arsenal is that he doesn’t perform on a consistent enough basis.


In the meantime, how many pts have we dropped? Not saying Mesut would have changed that, but you could win that argument better if our points tally in this period of managerial ‘strategic ostracising, more stick than carrot’ wasn’t such a cause for concern.

Aneesh Chandoke

Loves the club so much. haha. Will prefer not playing and earning massive money.


Fuck off.He is an Arsenal player.


Don’t worry, Aneesh is the kind of fans who loved Wilshere for has supposed passion for the club despite him leaving to Bournemouth and then to West- Ham because he didn’t play to fight for his place.


Don’t go there Alex.People can be a fan of certain players,that’s fine.He just questioned someone’s integrity and that too of on of our own player with clear vitriol and zero proof.That’s just not acceptable.


Questioning someone’s integrity? Sometimes fans should ask themselves if they’d be happy one of their players come and question their integrity.


Hence I said its not acceptable :/ sheesh dude..


So you think Ozil would rather not play? You clearly dont have a clue what motivates the most successful footballers…

Faisal Narrage

Reports coming out of London Colney is that he’s now doing extra gym work and he has a positive demeanour. He’s determined to work his way back into the side. “The word was he wasn’t doing a lot of the extra work most players were, and he is now. I’ve heard positive things about his behaviour, his commitment, his relationships with the teammates If all this is true and not some kind of Ozil PR plant (doubt it, considering its from The Ornacle), then this could end up spectacularly backfiring on Emery. It’s one thing if he was still not… Read more »


You’re creating a story out of the reporting of a story?? Robbie? AFTV is not enough for you??


Isn’t it the opposite of backfiring if Ozil does as he’s asked and becomes the player the manager needs?

Wenger had to win over an entrenched English team that were suspicious and mocking of him. That took him til November of his second season, when he famously made the English and French cohorts air their differences.

Emery doesn’t have a year to sort the Ozil problem. He has til summer.


Ozil is NOT the problem! The problem is financial and the stupidity of a coach unable to see his new tactics with 7 defending players and no creator doesn’t get us wins and clean sheets!


Ozil has never been any problem in the dressing room. Looks happy with team mates at training. Emery should start him, let him create the chances, then judge him.


He has already done it and won us games this season (Leicester, Burnley). Have Iwobi/Nketiah do more so that they get a place in front of Özil?

bossman bill

Alex, he’s been at the club for 5 years, he’s done some incredible things, but ultimately he’s gone missing for large parts of this time. yeah we should have had a better defence, and yeah we probably should have had someone more prolific in front of goal than giroud to convert his chances, and yeah, it’s a shame Santi was injured for so long as Mesut played his best stuff with Santi, but think, really think, when over the last 5 years has Mesut made us better over a continual, sustained period of time, not just intermittently? And if he… Read more »


Cheers for acknowledging the conditions of the surrounding team and overall state of the club in relation to Ozil’s performances. Those are no small things and they make a big difference in how all of the players perform. His wage packet doesn’t make that any different.

As Emery says, he’s another player like the rest. He’s affected by the overall state of the team just like anyone else.

John C

His wage makes a big difference, firstly, it’s a massive dent in our budget, secondly, it acts as a marker in contract negotiations with other players, whether renewing or new signings.

It must be making new signings very difficult.

Kwame Ampadu Down

Is referring to Emery’s stupidity ‘hate’ then Alex ? Just curious…cos you have called others out for their ‘hate’ for saying much milder things than that.


I think what Faisal was referring to was the fact that he’s already putting in the work and is still not being played. That means team selection is no longer on merit and just personal dislike of the player which may not go down well with the rest of the team, especially when they’re aware the player is actually putting the work in. Just clarifying.

Irrational Gunner

Right. When is he going to get a game? We seem to have this belief that if he behaves well/trains hard he will be in the lineup. The bigger message is “Unai Emery has suggested to Mesut Ozil that it would be best for him to leave the club. And the hierarchy of the club feels that they would like him to move on.” This relationship is kaput!


And its not like he wasn’t doing the required stuff before.Extra personal training is on you as a player and sometimes even the great players start taking things for granted.So I’m glad to see that he is opting for changing himself rather than throwing toys out of the pram.Also maybe goes to show all the talk of him not wanting to be a sub is clear BS. I won’t say he must start the next match but if are gonna name 3 fullback as sub,I solemnly hope Emery at least gives him a spot there instead.I think we all can… Read more »


We know from what Arsene has said about Ozil’s stats in recent years that he was already one of the hardest working players at the club, even if the hard work wasn’t always visible to the naked eye. If he is now working even harder, then all well and good, although, at 30 years of age, Ozil is probably already aware of what motivates him, and doesn’t need any manufactured friction from Unai, which, in employment terms, could be construed as bullying. However, if the real issue is financial, and the Arsenal simply want Ozil off their payroll no matter… Read more »


There’s no way that Ozil could win a constructive dismissal case if for no other reason than Arsenal can’t fire him (baring him breaching some morality clause in his contract). His contract is fully guaranteed = he can stay at Arsenal as long as he has a contract and Arsenal can’t make him leave. They don’t have to play him if they choose not to and he can choose to just stay and see out his contract if he so desires.

Crash Fistfight

That’s not how constructive dismissal works.


As long as they let him train he has no basis for constructive dismissal. He can’t resign without voiding his contract which there is literally no chance of him giving up that much money. He can’t be sold against his wishes – he can simply refuse to move. There is literally no court anywhere that would support a constructive dismissal charge, especially one where it’s so easy for the Club to simply say he doesn’t fit what we’re trying to do. Sports tend to get a lot wider birth than other businesses. If Emery were abusing him based on his… Read more »

Dave Cee

Earning that much, the effort in training is the least i would expect


Think we need to get a move on with these supposed loan deals…If Fulham can sign Ryan Babel within 17 days, why can’t we get one player in on loan in the same timeframe?

Faisal Narrage

Because it’s Ryan Babel.
I’d imagine getting better quality players would be more difficult.


who’s that?


Liverpool’s finest player ever.


I know that.Just wondering if there is any “better than Ryan babel +available on loan” player..


You mean like Denis Suarez, the Spanish Ryan Babel?

A Different George

Mainstay of the Dutch national team, the ones who were in the group stage with Italy, Chile, and the USA.

Teryima Adi

Ozil can’t resist our £350,000 p/week. That’s where the whole impasse is— money.


Carlos Tevez earned over £600,000 p/week in China. He barely played (20 games in a year or so, just 16 in the league) & then left for Boca on a free. If all Ozil cared about was counting his money & bunking off training to play Fortnite, surely he would have left for the Chinese Super League by now?


China is definitely as appealing as London! My dream move!


M8, Southeast Asia is not some dystopian post-industrial wasteland. If Ozil’s primary motivation is money, what difference does it make to him if he is sat in front of his gaming console in a London penthouse or in a luxury apartment in Beijing, Shanghai, or Guangzhou? He can always come back to London in the off-season. Also, why do so many people seem to assume that living outside of Europe is such a dreadful, unappealing option (even for multi-millionaire footballers who spend most of their professional lives away from their hometown)? I’ll admit that I haven’t visited urban China –… Read more »

Anne Noyd

Spot on. The best thing about London is Arsenal. A hugely overrated and dare I say, arrogant city.

bossman bill

I don’t think it’s possible for a city to be arrogant.


Are you sure? Have you asked it?


The rhetoric is sensible and you’re definitely not stupid but there are large differences between the places you mentioned and Chinese mega cities. Living in one of those giant ivory towers in an overly populated city , with a completely different culture and away from family and friends. Don’t get me wrong, I love China but for holidays only. Now if you tell me to swap London for Berlin or Munich (or Lisbon or Stockholm or Buenos Aires or Budapest or Belgrade…) where they want me on the pitch, I’d jump on a plane in a bat of an eyelid.


He’s living in London on 350k a week. That’s way better than 600k a week living in the Guangzhou district #MesutKnows

SB Still

With ManU back to form, we are now the club supplying all the negative headlines. Sigh!

Ramsey’s contract was withdrawn. Ozil is sidelined and asked to leave. Mislintat seems to be sidelined as well. All for what, to get Ever Benega? Very worried indeed. I’m not the biggest fan of Ramsey or Ozil but one of them plus Mislintat are absolute necessity for us.


It’s all a bit shit, on and off the pitch, at the mo.


Yeah, it’s not even “sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit”… It’s just shit. I hope he puts Özil on the bench at least against Chelsea. At home he is more likely to shine and to prove to the supporters that he is up to the challenge. However, I feel he is more likely to be an unused sub when on the bench. Also, I find it a bit odd that Özil is criticized as much considering he didn’t even play that many games this season. I find it hard to make a real assessment. Also when he has been playing… Read more »

Northern Gooner

We beat spurs without Ozil in the squad, never mind the bench.

No doubt he’s a great player and I’d like to see him play too, but he needs to perform on a regular basis.


Yes, we did. And what happened a couple of days after that? What happened against Southampton or West Ham or even Huddersfield (Yes, we won, but that could easily have been two dropped points if we were not saved by Lucas Torreira’s genius improvisation – and it wasn’t a surprised we lost the next game to the team at the bottom of the league.) Also, could you please mention a single Arsenal player that has been performing on a consistent basis? If his major grievance with Ozil is his non-performance, why is he not picking a fight (or whatever this… Read more »


I am not sure why no one has picked on this. But even though Arsenal played good against Spurs, Spurs looked damn tired in the second half. They were playing same full team every 3 days and we had one whole weeks of rest. I was so evident to me atleast..
Its always good to win and some banter, but lets not get too much ahead of ourselves.

Irrational Gunner

Balls for this posting. Doesn’t our game against the homeless feel like an aberration given out last performances?

Lord Bendnter

I know the perfect solution that would work for all parties involved. A food fight!!!


Queensbury rules, put ’em up!!


Emery acting with the courage of his conviction and fair play to him. Not good enough or trying hard enough? You’re out. Think your bigger than the club? – off you go. Definitely not Arsene, but dare i say it, much more like old red face from up there.

There’s also an art to putting your foot down and not coming across like a complete wanker ie. Mourinho.

Dave Cee

Thank you Rezatron


It’s surely time to stop focusing on his wages. I get it’s not easy as Özil’s been injured quite often in 2018 but we have to respect and cheer for our players who get physical problems. Do not think it’s easy for them either! Other players in PL get higher wages and in other clubs more than one player is highly paid. If Arsenal want to enter the final 4, they have to cash in. Torreira and Guendouzi are bargains? Yes, but how long will they stay at the club when they’ll get higher offers from City, Chelsea, United, Real…..… Read more »


I don’t mind the vote down, guys, but well, mark my words.

Peter Story Teller

There is also an argument to say that if Ozil had left at the same time as Alexis would the few decent players that have arrived subsequently bothered looking at Arsenal as employers?
But it is not just about attracting world class players with a big transfer fee payout but retaining them and getting them to perform consistently.

bossman bill

who’s arrived since mesut signed who wouldn’t have joined anyway?


I believe Ozil’s weaknesses should be ignored and he should be played regardless of whether or not he works to the direction of the coach. I believe he has been amazing (see games against Burnley and Leicester) and even though Iwobi has been amazing in more parts this season, that should not be mentioned. I believe that our poor run of form has coincides with Ozil being left out of the team, even if the defense had suffered many absentees in the same time and Mesut had been in the team with us fucking up. I believe Mesut gets us… Read more »


If this is someone falsifying their identity to have a go, that is not OK at all.

Irrational Gunner



Ornstein is usually on the money…. I’d prefer that Ozil left, but at least he’s reportedly trying to come back with hard work and commitment, if he can show some consistency in his effort? win his place back on merit? and then continue with that level of commitment? Then Emery has played a blinder, A fired up and consistent Mesut Ozil would be LANS……

I’m not hopeful of a happy ending, Ozil hasn’t looked interested for a long time, but you can’t fault a positive reaction to adversity.


Ozil or not, let the Wengerball live !


Without Özil, it’s already dead. But this is the new Arsenal motto.


So he has spent over half the season not putting in all the extra work that is being required that every other player is putting in and the fault lies with Emery? What would you do if someone was undermining your authority like that? Allow it and others join the revolt and you have no hope for success. Not sure Ozil left Emery much choice. A fit, in-form Ozil is exactly what we could’ve used this year. Shame that he felt the need to refuse to join in.


It’s not really extra work if all the other players are doing it, is it?


Even more reason he should have been doing it then


Then don’t call it “extra”!




It makes sense financially, tactically and for the sake of a talented player, it would be the best way to go. Ozil is a player that should be playing week in, week out, and right now there isn’t a possibility for him to play. For the team, Ozil leaving would boost the wages or it might cost us to finance a move away. We could then build based on the vision of Sven if he is still around. It would be bad if we lost a marque player who is a pull for other players and we would have to… Read more »


Depressing, I’d rather he was in our team but if we back the manager, it would be hard to find a buyer anyway, harder still to find one he will want to go to. We will probably have to pay him to go. Free transfer too.
If he stays and doesn’t play, will surely be toxic for team spirit(already evidence of that)
Just hope that Emery backs down.
Amazing to think its less than 7 weeks since we beat Spurs in the league.
At least Harry Kane is crocked.


The below is just speculation but looks entirely possible: Since the club is being run on a self sustainable basis, Emery doesn’t get new players until he clears up a few old guards and who better than the most expensive one (in fact, Ramsey too). In Ozil’s wages he could probably fit 2-3 players in different positions and improve the squad overall. Ozil could work his arse off and still not be in favour – in fact, I don’t think he’s been anymore guilty than Kola for not defending or Xhaka & Mustafi in mistakes resulting in goals, Guen for… Read more »

Dobby the house elf

Glad the board are backing emery on this but it shows how stupid Ivan Gazidis was giving Ozil a contract worth 350,000 a week in the first place.

If Ozil is doing extra work now and trying to respond to get back in Emery’s side that doesn’t strike me as the worst thing in the world tbh. If he lights a fire under him and we see the Ozil we’d all like to, and haven’t seen regularly enough, then that’s good.

John C

If Spurs can get £11m for Dembélé from a Chinese club we must be able to do the same with Ozil.

Ozil’s a decent player but not £350,000 a week good and we could definitely get a greater return for that money splitting it between 2 probably equally as good players


The difficult part is with transfer values currently we’d pay twice his total wages just in transfer fees to get anywhere near the quality.

John C

His supposed quality is wildly overstated, he’s hardly delivering massive numbers of assists or goals to justify his wages.


Ozil’s contract is 20 something. Suarez is rated at 22 m Euro, and Pulisic cost Chelsea 64m. Mustafi cost 35m…

Have any opinions of Ozil you like. We’re not getting anywhere near his quality for less than double the cost of his remaining contract in transfer fees alone, then new player wages on top of that.

John C

20 something what? £350,000 a week equates to £18.2m a year!!

If he’s got 2 and a half years left that’s £45.5m, a massive chunk out of any potential replacement.

I bet the club would let him go on a free such is the cost of his contract and the inflationary problem it’s causing the club.

A Different George

Do you think it is relevant that Dembele wants to go to China and Ozil does not? I mean, you know, contracts.

John C

It is relevant but you don’t play him and tell him he has no future at the club, which appears to be happening.

My guess is that the board want him gone as much if not more than the manager. My best guess is that they regret giving him that deal and it’s making signing new players very difficult as every players wage demands go through the roof as a result, same goes with Mhykitaryan and to a lesser extent Aubameyang

Hank Scoprio

IF this is true I hope Ozil sees out his contract and changes his name to Mesut Bogarde for the duration of it just to take the piss.

Dave Cee

Fuck off Hank

Hank Scoprio

Thanks for your kind words Dave. Here’s a shiny green thumbs up just for you.


I’m a big Ozil fan, but if Emery doesn’t rate him at all, then it’s better for him to leave.

Pradeep Kachhala

It’s probably too late for him to start doing the extra work that others have already been doing. I suspect the issues aren’t just with his physical fitness but also as Pires hinted some personal issues going on. It’s a shame that it seems he will be off as he never really fulfilled the promise of his initial arrival. I can see us doing a deal where we even pay a portion of his wages just to get him off our books. Not convinced we have any adequate replacements either in the current squad or on the transfer rumour mill… Read more »


Pires didn’t say anything and is a good friend of Mesut. The article you refer to was an interview in the Mirror by Manu PETIT, one of many ex-Gunners with no current connections to the club who consistently come out with speculative bullshit in an attempt to keep themselves relevant. The article in the Mirror was then copied by some tit who doesn’t even know their Pires from their Petit and put up as facts. IT’S ALL LIES AND BULLSHIT. Mesut is in a very good place personally and has no issues off the pitch. Fans like you read the… Read more »

John C

What makes you an authority on Ozil personal life?


He’s a favourite player so I look at his twitter and instagram posts and pay attention to other legitimate news stories. It’s easy to get good news if you’re interested, only most people seem to prefer speculation, and lies that suit their own agenda.

John C

Because no one in the world has ever manipulated their social media to make their lives look wonderful?!?

Dearly me! ?‍♂️


Oh fuck off, some people actually have nice things happening in their lives, but you’re so miserable you probably find that hard to understand.


I expect no less than Emery to challenge players not pulling their weight. Like everyone, I would be delighted to see Ozil turn up in 7 out of 10 matches, but that has not been the case for a long time.

To be honest, this team really needs a three in midfield and Ozil’s position is a luxury when the team are not on top form. Emery tried Ramsey win that position at the beginning of the season and it didn’t work then either.

Stephen Shale

It seems to me Ozil wasnt putting in the extra effort that the other players were / that Emery expected, hence not on the team sheet; so that’s fair enough. Now he is starting to work as hard as the others, so let’s just see if Emery’s stance changes. I cant see past Ozil’s inconsistency, hence not on the team sheet; so again, that’s fair enough, but understandable that his wages will become the sticking point in all that. If Arsenal were truly getting value for money week in week out, none of this would be happening. But ultimately I… Read more »


Well first, it’s Auba, Mkhi and Özil making up almost a third of our wage bill.

Secondly, how many chances has Özil had this season? He’s been constantly left out of the squad for whatever reasons…

If we’re talking about consistency this season alone, I don’t think he was worse than Mkhi for example.

Don’t know why we haven’t tried to play in a 4–2-3-1 with Özil as no. 10 more often, at least against smaller teams.


Finally someone mentioning the fact that he hasnt got enough chances to prove the critics wrong. If Emery wants results or something like an impact, he should give him the chances on a regular basis. Hope he chooses him to play against Chelsea.

Stephen Shale

Why should you be given the chance when you aren’t pulling your weight behind the scenes, when other players are? What example would that set, if you can (supposedly) train less than other players, yet still walk into the squad? You just set Ozil up for even more criticism, something along the lines of “an overpaid untouchable”. Don’t get me wrong, I totally agree he hasn’t played enough to be able to show consistency, but he has to deserve his place.


I wonder if Ozil would take a pay cut will he start more often?

Monkey G

It would be better if Emery left. #EmeryOut


Emery favor hard work over talent . He won’t last a year once our most talented players, Ozil and Ramsey are out and Arsenal is clinging on 6 th place. Poor choice by our board and AC Milan’s CEO…


Forgive me bit its 1124pm and I am full of craft beer after drinking all night down the local bowlo,,, but wtf? Ozil is still a player capable of delivering some great football. I am surprised a manager would say ‘see ya later pal’. If he is working and busting his guts at training, isnt that the kind of pkayer we want at arsenal? Seems to me he is prepared to work hard to be a part of the club and the team and make a difference. I cant figure it out. Seems to me Emery has decid3d Ozil is… Read more »


I say Emery Out.


I rather keep ozil and kick unai if he is planning on replacing him with banega or some other average player.


Mesut is magical sure, but if he is working less than the other players he shouldn’t be played.

Ramsey meanwhile is leaving and had his contract offered retracted. Which was definitely agreed to by Emery and he is still getting played a lot.

This whole Emery is being a dick and just not using Ozil out of some misplaced ego is manufactured. The good news is if Ozil is putting in the extra work, he will emerge back in the team.


It’s like Man U as they descended into chaos

Cultured determination

That’s why i always felt we should have sold alexis and ozil when thry had 2 years left on their contracts and didnt sign new ones at reasonable salaries. We should have thrown in xhaka and mustafi to ‘entice’ buyers.


If I was getting £350,000 for doing nowt I wouldn’t want to leave either. He needs to do the decent thing and go


I really dont believe this article! I see it a Ozil’s Propaganda machinery. It is time he realised he is a footballer and not a Hollywood actor and produce on the football field!! He has failed to produce the goods under Emery and Emery has the right to force him out!!This question of his 350000 per week should not be an issue and I am sure Arsenal can and should pay him off and let him leave the club.


Can’t think of anything ornstein has made up. Always has been a reliable source of information. “Özil propaganda machine”… Get a grip mate. But u already said it, you don’t WANT to believe.

Bob's Mexican Cousin



FFS, Just because the Mourinho Pogba show is over it doesn’t mean we have to fill the void. Both men are contracted to the club. WORK IT OUT! Behind closed doors preferably.


I feel a bit sick in the stomach to tell you the truth. Emery is also being paid a lot of money and his job description probably reads something like ‘get Arsenal back in top 4 minimum and Champions League ASAP’. We need to strengthen our club not weaken it and that means defence! As already mentioned Ozil/Lacazette/Aubameyang is a top drawer front 3 but it needs time to gel. How can it make sense to tell your most talented player you want him to leave after playing him only 16 times? Pragmatist my arse, no system, playing players out… Read more »


Say what you like about Wenger leaving Emery an unbalanced squad, but he did at least leave him 5 legit champions league quality players (Ozil, Ramsey, Aubameyang, Lacazette and Cech*). Seems a bit careless to be happy to let 3 of them go…

* Remember his early season form

John C

The problem is you can only play any three at one time


I don’t understand Arsenal fans. Ozil is like a high end vehicle that doesn’t work and is always in the shop. Arsenal continue paying high monthly payments yet not being able to enjoy this high end vehicle. I too would want to get rid of it if I’m not getting what I paid for. This is clearly a way to motivate Ozil because he was in fact not putting in the work like the others.


It might sounds weird but im kinda relieved it’s out now. We knew something was wrong, they tried to hide, everybody was upset. Now we know that Emery left him out because he thought Özil didn’t work hard enough. Now Mesut fights for his place by putting in extra shifts. For me thats good news because the situation was fucked up before, and now at least one of them trying to solve it. Or am i naive?! Why not try to back our players who are in doubt? Except the leicester game Mesut didn’t provide much on the pitch, it… Read more »


I think we could read this in a way, that Emery doesn’t want Özil, IF he will not put in the extra work on the training ground, in the gym and on the pitch. We only see him on the pitch obviously, but that didn’t convince me that he gives 100%.
Maybe Emery will look at him differently, if he will contribute to the team more regularly than he does now.
It’s not a coincidence he doesn’t pick him. To me it tells, he think Özil is not fit enough phisically or mentally to do the job.


Emery is, what Brendan Rodgers was to Liverpool.




The Brendan Rodgers that almost won them the PL title….


And is he the only non performer? If non-performance was the issue, then no Arsenal player should make it to the first eleven on match days. And don’t give me that “he doesn’t press enough” dribble either. I don’t get where we got this idea that Arsenal has magically transformed into this high energy team that is always pressing opponents because that’s a massive lie. Our gameplay is lethargic and passive, and blaming that on the player that should be creating chances is not just ridiculous, it is laughable. The truth is, this team currently has zero direction and no… Read more »


Don’t ever try to compare Emery and Mourinho. Mourinho is an egocentric narcissist. Emery is trying to build a team that will work hard together and for each other. I love how everyone is happy to overlook Ozil’s lukewarm performances last season if it makes it easier to wield a big stick against the new coach.


Ozil made 26 appearances in the league last season. He scored a couple of goals and also had eight assists in that period. Do you really think it was a coincidence we had our worst season the one season he made the least appearances? This a player that has topped the “chances created” charts alongside Lionel Messi for the past couple of years. Yes, he doesn’t round a bit like a certain Milner, but if you think this Arsenal team is better without Ozil than it is with him, then you need to reconsider why you started supporting this beautiful… Read more »


Ozil has been more functional for us than Mhkitaryan. The problem is his wages at 350K, you’d expect far more. BUT if that wasn’t the issue, it would be better to keep Ozil than the Armenian. The problem is that Mslintat has not been supporting either Wenger or Emery properly. His purchases to some extent have been ‘lazy’. And they do not take into total account the strategic needs of the team. Unai wants something done is all he is saying. There are many ways to skin the cat but it depends what Mslintat is doing. He has thus far… Read more »

Dave Cee

If u had Ozil , Xhaka and Auba i the team how wpuld instigate a high press?? Maybe Unai was wromg for this group of players..but maybe they are wrong for our club too


very proud of Ozil, he is now putting in extra work like “most players were/are”.


So did Ozil’s entry in Emery’s famous dossier just say: “Sell after 6 months” ?!!


Pretty sure the dossier was a complete invention by Ivan…funny how so many people believed what a man who famously told us we would be competing with Bayern said.


He said we would be competing. He didn’t say we would be winning. We were in CL for quite a stretch. Not any more. Ivan’s main function is to ensure there is money and keep us financially solvent. He’s done that. He also brought in Sanheli and Mslintat. That said, he is ntot a micro manager and these two have been less than convincing in recent years, conspiring to saddle the wage bill further with older players on high salaries and low resale value (compounding the Ozil issue) Gazidis has nothing to do with this lets be clear and not… Read more »


Players hold all the power these days, so trying to force someone out is simply not going to work. Ostracizing your star player did not work for Mourinho, and it won’t work for Emery — unless his plan is to create that “friction” and transform this Ozil into that Ozil, the one that wows week-to-week. But this will happen only if he gives Ozil the chance to prove himself in a position in a side that is set up to excavate his talents. Putting him on the right wing and tasking him with considerable defensive duties is not going to… Read more »


I don’t think Ozil is an issue as you said if we play him just behind a front 2 but with a solid midfield partnership supporting behind him. That partnership should be Granit and Torreira. BUT midfield depth is an issue because Guendouzi is still young. Torreira has been far from stellar in recent games conspiring to give the ball away 5 times against Soton, BHA and Liverpool 3 of which led directly to goals. So we need more options there. Elneny (hopefully) can be rid of to free up some wages. One of Ozil, Ramsey, Mhki should be sold,… Read more »


Well said, and I think returning to a back four with Torreira and Xhaka creating/defending from deep will result in fewer turnovers and pressurized mistakes as we’ll have that elusive “control” Emery demands. The team has been poor the last few games, but let’s hope they all perform better in the second half of the season. Emery has options in the midfield, but he doesn’t use them. Ramsey will likely play out his contract with us and that means we should use him. He can run all day and is a solid creative link between defence and attack. Guendouzi is… Read more »


It’s impossible to sell Ramsey because is off on a free at the end of the season. by all accounts it’s a done deal. His contract is out, none on offer, and we get no money for him.

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