Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Mesut Ozil turns down loan move to PSG

According to, Mesut Ozil has turned down an approach from PSG to join them until the end of the season because he does not want go out on loan.

The Ligue 1 side have been hit with the news that Neymar will be out until April, having fractured a metatarsal, and with Champions League a big priority for the owners, they appear to have tried to tempt the out-of-favour 30 year old from Arsenal.

It sounds a bit mad, but in terms of the source our resident tactics columnist Lewis Ambrose who is based in Germany says of Süddeutsche Zeitung, “Reliable newspaper, definitely not the sort to just make stuff up.”

Despite captaining the side in last night’s 2-1 win over Cardiff, all has not been well between Ozil and head coach Unai Emery, and when he was taken off last night there was no interaction between the two men, no handshake or back slap that usually accompanies a player’s departure.

Earlier this month, Emery made it clear to Ozil that it would be best for all parties if he were to leave the club, and you would think that PSG is the kind of club he’d be keen to join in terms of its profile and its ability to cover his salary.

Whether this is something they’ll revisit in the summer we’ll have to just wait and see, and with Arsenal interested in PSG midfielder Christopher Nkunku there might be some crossover in that regard.

In the meantime, Arsenal have completed the loan signing of Denis Suarez from Barcelona who will join until the end of the season.

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wow…not sure what to make of this.
If true, seem like the perfect opportunity for Ozil. if he can’t make the first team now, what’s gonna happen when Suarez and Perisic/Carasco joins the field?

SB Still

With a better prospect of winning some titles too.

Taking Naymar’s position would be perfect role for Ozil – focus on supplying Mbappe and Cavani, without worrying about putting in a defensive shift for Emery.

It would have freed us some cash too.


The assumption here is that Özil is unhappy because he’s not starting every single game.

Despite the rumours and people badmouthing him at every opportunity, Ornstein said the other week Özil has been training hard to get over his physical problems, and Emery still hands him the armband.

And now he’s turned down a move to FC Neymar. Maybe the man just wants to do his best for Arsenal?


@kaius It’s a bit of an odd one given Ozil has detractors and those who rush to defend him no matter what. Emery appears to have given everyone a clean slate and as long as a player is willing to do what is asked of him, Emery appears to have an open mind (see Lacazette earning his way into the starting lineup or even how much Ramsey is playing despite him leaving at year end). So we have to assume that for Emery to have told Ozil its best that he leave the club, there is something going on behind… Read more »


Maybe we also have to assume that Emery has a history of being unable to deal with intelligent, creative players. Possibly Emery has the issues, there are no documented instances of Mesut being a troublemaker. If Emery can’t manage to fit our most creative player into the team he’s a poor manager as far as I’m concerned, and I’m starting to think he’s a mistake.

Faisal Narrage

Intelligent players? Like who? Mata? Who calls him The Maestro till this day?
I’m hoping you’re not associating “Intelligent” with partyboy scumbag Neymar as your example?


Emery and intelligent…hahaha.You joking right….


He meant intelligent on the pitch, obviously. Ozil is obviously that, whether or not his actual IQ is all that great. Mata is apparently intelligent both on and off the pitch, but he’s such a nice guy that he put up with being frequently left out of the side by Mourinho–and all the other typical Jose crap–during the peak years of his career, rather than push for a move to a club that would fully appreciate his considerable (remember, before Jose arrived back and Chelsea and pushed him out of the club, he had been there best player and one… Read more »


Emery brought through a slew of creative players during his time at Valencia like David Silva and Mata and then Banega at Sevilla but because he expected Neymar and Özil to track back he has a problem? Frankly this is Emery’s team now. If he wants to keep creative players on the bench to make us tougher to beat then you lot can whinge about it all you want. But we tried it Wenger’s way and we barely functioned as a team without Özil and Sanchez. It’s about time we learnt something new and if some of you actually had… Read more »

Bould's Eyeliner

Thank you! Tactical diversification is something that should bring more out of the entire Arsenal squad, while giving Ozil a regular but occasional break from competitive play (which his footballing brain honestly seems to require).

I bet it’s something about those chameleon eyes and how much information he processes on instinct, to make those passes. Honestly, Ozil never ceases to fascinate me, even if his results aren’t the greatest, simply because he’s such an atypical player. 20 years out of style, still pretty effective in the modern game.

Bould's Eyeliner

doesn’t mean Emery’s not good* with creative types.
And yeah the hell does Mourinho know about creativity. He just sits in the shadow of a great player (Drogba, Hazard), and then throws the team under the bus when things don’t go his way.

Teryima Adi

Same way Klopp couldn’t cope with Coutinho at Liverpool? I’m curious @Vonnie


He is a jackass straight up. He is a another of the knocked in the head managers plaguing modern football such a turn-off from the game. Everybody forgets this guy had issues coaching the most talented player on the planet. When he was appointed to Arsenal I hoped for the best but as someone pointed out elsewhere he has had issues with the star player of every team he has ever coached. I think he’s wasting Arsenal’s time and will be elsewhere in two years. With about two solid years left to his career at the highest level Ozil should… Read more »



Alex I

Yeah, you’re not wrong. Give him (Emery) this season and next, and we’ll see what he’s made of. I don’t doubt the man’s talent, but maybe Arsenal are too big for him?

Bould's Eyeliner

If anything, the professional poise he has held in the face of the ridiculous English tabloid media, coupled with the results he has managed for Arsenal in his first season, there is no reason to be anything but optimistic.

This is the usual Arsenal gooner torches and pitchforks clamour after a lackluster result. Nobody is safe. Everyone needs to go have a damn pint and wait for this season to blow over. While driving traffic here for the Andrews. Up in the Andies.

God bless Edgar Wright.

Bould's Eyeliner

We’re starting to think that you’re making a mistake with your eyes. In what way is Gendouzi not an intelligent, creative player? Ozil has always been difficult to fit into a team, because he’s the last component. Having a team built around you is a multi-hundred million dollar exercise, and only the top $$$ clubs do it regularly. Arsenal are managing the best they can, if you really look at the financial ley of the football world.


Where is the evidence that Emery told Özil it’s best for him to leave? Outside of tabloid rumours, there isn’t any. Neither has Emery said Özil “isn’t suited to playing against top teams”. What he does is leave him out for “tactical reasons”. And you know what? That’s fine. There was a time when Wenger wanted to play Cazorla and Arteta in midfield away from home but we kept losing games and he eventually had to go with one or the other plus a more combative player like Coquelin or Ramsey. We’re paying guys like Elneny and Jenkinson 50-100k who… Read more »

Michael Bolton Wanderers

Often it has been mentioned how poorly or wage structure is and has been. People have been shaking their heads at this since before bendtner got 52k a week.
We’ve always had average players earning too much, but at the same time, if you exclude Henry, our most valuable players didn’t have insane wages on top of that


Özil’s wages aren’t insane. Do you know how much we had to pay Auba as a signing bonus that represented compensation for not being in the CĹ? It was a lump sum of 5m pounds according to Football Leaks.

If we want to discuss football economics, let’s talk about all our high-earners and stop singling out Özil.

Bould's Eyeliner

5 mil is not much, compared to Ozil’s wages which make that every other month. It’s not really about economics; it’s more of a fictional contractual demand. The fans have a ‘sense’ of ownership in the team because matchday revenue used to matter. The club needs to represent that ‘sense’ and honor that tradition, because without those fans, they won’t get advertising/sponsorship/TV revenue. Football has become a republic, rather than direct entertainment. We pay money for other people to enjoy the games and tell us how they went. So, “fans ‘voted’, and Ozil is our lead star–we want success.” When… Read more »


@kaius Ornstein reported that Emery told Ozil it is best if he leaves. Ornstein is regarded by virtually everyone as the gold standard source for Arsenal


atom, Ornstein also told us Arteta was the front-runner for the Arsenal job. The gold standard for what Unai Emery says is Unai Emery.

And you don’t tell a player it’s best if you leave and then him the captain’s armband. It just doesn’t happen.


Arterta very likely was the front runner until the end. Ornstein is widely regarded as the mouth piece for the club.


I would also point out captain at Arsenal tends to mean far less at arsenal than at other clubs. We currently have 5 captains with 1 leaving at year end (Ramsey), 1 a retiring back up goalie and another who has been told its best to leave. Don’t read anything into him bring captain last night, particularly as none of the other 5 started

Reality check

Kos won’t be anywhere close to the first from next year so he might also look to move in the summer. That will leave us with only one regular captain in Xhaka..


Agree. Kaius comment that we would never have name a player captain for a game who we’ve told can move on flat out is wrong – see Ramsey. We’ve publicly said there will be no new contract yet he still has captained the side. I get there’s a lot of massive Ozil fans but at the end of the day I support Arsenal and if the manager doesn’t think a player fits the team then I’m not really in the camp of let’s fire the manager then.


atom, your inference was that Emery told Özil to leave because he doesn’t need him. What Emery’s actually said is he sees Özil as a valuable part of the squad and wants to find the best way for him to help the team.

You guys are free to believe Ornstein. I’ll go with Emery’s own words.


Arteta was never the “front-runner” to be Arsenal coach because it defies all logic. He was on a shortlist, same as Vieira and Henry, but some of you love his Lego hair so you immediately assumed he would be a great coach. What happened was the club used his name as cover to keep what was actually going on secret and it worked brilliantly. As Gazidis said about that process “those who know don’t speak” but some of you still harbor the fantasy that Arteta was the favourite as if any top-six club would hand such a role to a… Read more »


Kauis. You sure seem to know a lot about the inner workings of Arsenal to keep saying Ornstein is wrong about this or that. What’s not debatable is Ozil right now is a squad player. He doesn’t play in our biggest games regardless of what emery says about him being a valued member of the team etc. I like Ozil but I’m an arsenal fan, not an Ozil fan which is where I disagree with about half the people on this thread. If emery believes our best team going forward doesn’t involve Ozil then I’m not in the camp a… Read more »


atom, Ornstein’s not an employee of the club, so he relies on sources, and sources have their own agendas.

He’s a 1000% better at his job than other “Arsenal insiders” like clickbait merchant John Cross. I’m just saying things change fast in football and he can’t be 100% right all the time with Arteta being one example.

And when Unai Emery, an actual club employee, speaks then what he says has more weight than any journalist.


Kaius – do you think from Emery’s actions that Ozil is a key member of the squad? I certainly don’t – he’s never picked for big games anymore. When asked about Ozil’s playing against United Emery simply responded “he played, I can play other players too”.

I don’t know how you can seriously look at this and argue that Ozil somehow is a key member of the squad and all is well.


atom – let me put it this way. You look at Özil and the first thing you see is 350,000 grand a week. Unai Emery looks at Özil and sees a football player with a distinct set of attributes and deficiencies. In Emery’s squad, everyone is a team player. If they fit the tactical plan for a particular opponent, they start. If not, they ride the bench. As long as players remove their egos from the equation, there’s no problem in the dressing room. And Özil’s done exactly that so far, which is why Emery still gives him the armband… Read more »


Kaius The difference between us and many on this thread is I’m an Arsenal fan – not an Ozil fan. I really don’t care if Ozil plays or not – nor any other player for that matter. Emery clearly has decided that Ozil is not among our best 11 when playing against top teams. Given we are a club with tight resources it simply doesn’t make sense to have the 2nd highest paid player in the PL as a squad player. His reputation is much larger than his output the past few years. If Ozil is happy to stay and… Read more »


We’re all Arsenal fans here. Everyone just wants us to win, people just have different opinions about the best way to do it. My opinion is – it’s not our primary job as fans to try and micromanage the club’s wage-bill. To me, Özil’s salary is as irrelevant as Guendouzi’s. And it’s clearly irrelevant to Emery, who doesn’t have sole input over who plays for the club anyway. He’s a coach, not an accountant. Purely in terms of chances created Özil has made 501 since his Premier League debut, so saying his reputation is larger than his output is debatable.… Read more »


kaius – there are a lot of people on this thread saying Emery should be fired b/c he isn’t starting Ozil. That’s crossing the line IMO to Ozil over Arsenal.

The past 2 years Ozil isn’t in the top 15 in assists, goals and also lags several players in chances created. That’s damning when you consider:
Ozil is virtually the only #10 in the PL who hasn’t had defensive responsibilities
Ozil also takes a lot of our corners/ free kicks

His contribution has been waning the past several years

Bould's Eyeliner

And he’s doing what at where, being rated by whom? Calm down…


I don’t know, sounds odd not to be able to include a playmaker with some of the best stats across all leagues in Europe. If his method was to use “friction” to get the best out of Ozil and it has not worked(it also did not work for Germany at the worldcup) then maybe the issue is not the player but the handling of the situation and the one doing the handling. And I say this even as a person who is not an “Ozil Fanboy” Just play your best squad. You could argue he has been doing that by… Read more »

Reality check

It also didn’t work with Lucas Moura at PSG.


He also apparently didn’t think much of Isco when at Valencia.


And where do you think a Lucas Moura would fit in a formation that has Neymar, Mbappe, Draxler, Di Maria ….etc all much better than him.

Bould's Eyeliner

Pretty sure we want Ozil on the pitch with Perisic and Carrasco on the wings. PRETTY DAMN SURE. Otherwise, what’s the point of having Ozil at all? These are Emery’s acquisitions for Ozil, because he can’t seem to figure out something he likes that suits how to get the best out of Ozil that he wants. It’s very different from Wenger’s plan, and I admire Unai Emery’s patience in building his squad, rather than working with Wenger’s remnant team.

Best results we could have asked for this season, so far, in my opinion.


Ozil is a problem we’ll probably be stuck with for a while, I think he’ll likely go to Miami this time next year to sign for Beckham’s franchise.

Football is no longer his priority, and hasn’t been for a long time, he’s been finished as a player for a long time


This is the same sort of fantasy airy fairy perception that prefers to believe Ozil was applauding the fans last game because he is off rather than perhaps he is just acknowledging their support of him.

Dan Hunter

Saying it like it is


Open a sooth sayer’ll make a fortune.”rich the all knowing arse”


You obviously have a very close relationship with him as he has clearly told you what his priorities in life are. Stop talking rubbish, you have no idea what he thinks and you are unable to see what he does.


I cannot see Emery playing Ozil much more this season especially with Suarez and potentially another winger coming in, which is a shame because it was great seeing him play again last night.


Neither Suarez nor Carrasco are better than Mesut maybe except for their dribbling skills. The mere suggestion that either could replace one of the best no. 10s in football is crazy. I personally want him to stay because we’ve sold too many players who have a connection with the club.


Honestly, there are fewer and fewer teams now that play with a classic #10 in their team. Arsenal definitely do not play with a #10 and haven’t for some time now.


By “haven’t for some time” you mean “not since the last time Emery played a 4-2-3-1”? And the whole “most teams don’t play a pure 10 nowadays” comment is (a) not a clever or remotely original comment (b) not a good argument for thinking that we shouldn’t still play Mesut at 10. Just because fewer teams are doing it, doesn’t mean they’re right; football goes through trends, just like the rest of society, but those trends are rarely as inevitable as those living through them assume in the moment, and they inevitably come to an end. Also, if we don’t… Read more »


I think he has a happy, stable life in London and he likes playing for Arsenal. He’s not just suddenly gonna move to France you know.


Oh, for Christ’s sake! Does Özil want to play or not? In Ligue 1, he could probably shine. And he’d play with Neymar eventually. I don’t get it…


It does seem a little foolish on Özil’s part. Who knows what’s going through his mind though. It could be that he genuinely wants to work his way back into the first team which isn’t impossible. It could be that he’s hoping for Emery to be sacked at some point and maybe a new manager would prefer him. Or he could simply not care and be content to collect his massive wages and watch from the bench. What a sad (beginning of the) end to his Arsenal career. He’s given us some sublime moments and I’ve always liked him.


Swap for Nkunku?

I’d rather things worked out with Ozil here, but it doesn’t seem like it’s going to.


So you want to swap for an unproven young player?

Makes a lot of sense.

I’d rather loan them Mhkitaryan.


Didn’t say I want to. In fact, I said the opposite. “I’d rather things worked out with Ozil here”

I’m merely bringing up the idea of using a player that management doesn’t seem to want in order to bring in a player with which the club has already been linked.
Lemonade from lemons sort of thing.

Much like the Sanchez for Mkhitaryan swap since you mentioned him. However, I don’t think PSG would be too interested in Mkhitaryan.


Gosh – its almost as if someone, say, Nkunku’s agent mentioned such an idea to the journalist…



Why move when you can earn 350k a week for sitting at home or on the bench. He doesnt seem like the type to stand up and prove himself to a new manager (who would like some changes in his play to fit his system) anyway. Hes happy collecting his retirement fund in london, would be too much effort to go to another place and fight for a place as will be expected there (and is at arsenal now which is why his PR is in overdrive).

Faisal Narrage

The thing is, the loan didn’t fail because Ozil and Arsenal couldn’t agree on how much of his wages needs to be covered, it didn’t even get that far, he rejected it from the start.

Maybe he doesn’t like a loan as it make him seem like he’s a reject/damages his brand, but not sure I buy that either.


Or maybe, just maybe, he doesnt like the prospect of proving himself to someone else because it’s just too much darn work. He chose $350k to do nothing vs $350k to work back up from the start at another place. That was my whole point in the first place.
It took him a massive PR + agent investment to get that weekly wage by taking advantage of arsenals contract mismanagement. I doubt anyone would have paid him that much in normal circumstances.


Boy, tell us how you really feel Dan. Sheesh. It never ceases to amaze me how football fans feel entitled to judge the personal character of people that they’ve never met in their life.

It’s yer Da’s ol’ favorite: “that guy’s a fancy pants foreigner who doesn’t want to roll up his sleeves and put in a proper shift” crap. Give it a rest.


Lol. In that case the personal character of Hitler, Stalin and Trump are unknown then right?
Or maybe humans judge other humans based on their actions and not just by a personal connection with them.
Jeez you people will go to illogical lengths to defend the guy.

Yankee Gooner

Blogs, for all the accolades this site rightfully earns, no one acknowledges the vast amounts of money your collective readership saves employers, what with everyone lining up to take voluntary pay cuts or outright leaving their jobs if they feel their best effort just isn’t up to someone’s “world class” standards 100% of the time. In these troubling times, this kind of self-denial brings a tear to my eye.


Yes, because the CEO of your company puts in the same shift as everyone else and contributes the same value as the regular employee right?
Hes paid the big bucks for a reason. But maybe with your özil blinders on you chose to ignore it. If the CEO’s performance is deemed unsatisfsftory (hes paid the big bucks to earn the company big bucks) he will be moved on. This seems to be a concept you cannot grasp for some reason.


And here’s a concept that you seem unable to grasp: that the people in charge of “the company” may be wrong in their assessment that their highest paid employee’s performance is “unsatisfactory”–at least relative to the performances of the other Arsenal players, and of other players we could realistically buy to replace Ozil. Just because Emery doesn’t like him, doesn’t mean Emery’s right. Personally, I’ve seen little to give me unshakeable faith in Emery’s judgment, and a lot to worry me. No doubt you think Emery’s doing great (he’s getting the players to run around lots, after all), and Ozil’s… Read more »


And you’re the judge of “the company” being wrong ?
Just like it’s not enough for a CEO to “not be the worst of the employees” it’s not enough for ozil to be “not the worst”. You do realize with big wages come big responsibility and absolutely nothing ozil has done in the past couple of years makes him deserving of it.
Your entire thinking process and subsequent arguments are centered on the fact that ozil cannot be at fault. Maybe, just maybe, he is.


Questioning a professional players professionalism like this…Do fuck off.cheers 🙂


How long will it take for people to realize özil owes the club performances worth $350k a week and not that the club owes him for turning up to train like everyone else (without the special treatment, which is well documented, he recieved under Wenger)?
Özil is employed by Arsenal and not the other way around. Though his powerful PR might give a very different perception.


Based on what? By many accounts he’s been working hard to get properly fit and earn his place back in the team. I know he earns a lot, we’ve heard that to death, but in isolation and without tabloid chatter this looks like a player that doesn’t fully have the trust of the manager and a player staying to fight for his place. What I don’t hear enough is why Emery wouldn’t set up his team to offset Ozil’s obvious weaknesses. Surely when selecting Arsene’s successor they must have asked candidates “We have this player, most valueable asset at the… Read more »


Have you considered the possibility that maybe such a system is not possible without enormous resources to buy those types of players?
Your thinking is özil centric when I’m thinking from the point of view of arsenal. Hence you find fault in everyone and everything else but özil.


And you only find fault in Ozil. You’re as uncharitable towards him as others are eager to defend him. Maybe your biases are at least as bad as theirs?


No one to admit Özil is a fighter who wants to prove his worth despite UE attitude? No one to praise his faithfulness to the club and respect to his contract? No one to say he’s from what we’ve seen better than the newcomer (s) and it’s down to the newcomer(s) to prove his (their worth) and not the opposite? No one to say he loves the badge and is a Gonner? No gratitude? You say Ramsey is a legend but he didn’t sign his contract when offered and leaves… Go figure…


Thank you


I do believe that Ozil loves Arsenal and enjoys London life. If he wants to fight for his place and win trophies at Arsenal, how is that bad? Frozen out by Emery, but still wants to stay. Players with his skills are rare. I hope he wins his creative role back and we can get better performances from everyone.


Ramsey is no legend he is should have been sold long time ago, he is selfish player and wastes to many changes before he scores in my book good riddens


Ramsey will always be a Legend for scoring the winner that ended our 9 year trophy drought. I don’t care what anyone thinks cause taking shit from other fans during that period was a serious nightmare it was glorious on the day to end that drought. It lifted alot of gloom from the fans and the club and shut the other fans up for a day or 2, until they moved the goal post and it became “100yrs without a prem title, the FA cup is rubbish……..1000 yrs without CL….rinse repeat”. Good luck Rambo thanks for the memories.

Faisal Narrage

Not that I’m claiming him a mercenary or anything, but “respect to his contract” is considerably easier to do when you’re making £350k a week.


We gave him that contract tho?At that point he was (and he still is a great player) our only world class player after sanchez moved on,So we had to do that.If a guys superiors lose it and gives him an astronomical pay rise tomorrow cause he is being head hunted by other clubs and a year later he isn’t actually repaying the astronomical expectation,who the hell will move on “for the good of the company” and lose his job and eventually end up at some hedge farm somewhere working for peanuts? ? if so,thats a kind bugger.


‘our only world class player’


“At that point”.We have Auba and Laca this season is also WC.


Good points, and I always wonder why fans don’t show players the same loyalty those players show the club. I understand taking it out on them when they leave, but all the negativity and armchair criticism when he’s one of the captains of our side? I thought Ozil played rather well last night (nothing too flashy, but making things happen where he could) and if Emery ever sets us up so as to maximize our attacking potential, Ozil will be deadly. That game against Leicester earlier this season – wow.


Too many fans don’t know what they are watching or don’t care to know. They already decided their opinions on certain players with no real basis set in reality : Case in point Ozil but also Iwobi whom many like to gripe about when he has last two matches been key to providing critical pass for goals against United and then to Kolasinac which ended in the penalty against Cardiff. There is a reason why everything good is coming from our left at the moment. Yet many prefer to imagine he is useless and would want him gone before they… Read more »


why do ppl always bring up the Leicester game? so what, he never comes up big when it really matters. tbh, jesse lingard has had more great games than ozil, and i hardly watch man u


I can see it years to come, “dad tell us about the Leicester game again”, “no son”, “ahh come on, tell us, please!”


lol. Sad times for the Ozil brigade.
Tbf he put on shift last night, played with drive. I think he wants to fight for his place for many reasons. Maybe not all are footballing ones.

Emery’s ‘attitude’ with the squad is great. Every player, even fringe players like Jenko get a fair chance to show their worth. The squad seem motivated in every match against every opponent. Regardless of how good or bad the performances are, they are all buying into his ideas and are committed to the system. No doubt about that.


Oooooo…do tell.I hate cliffhangers.What are the other reasons??? ??????


Great comment Alex.

I think some of Özil’s tackling and tracking back has been disgraceful at times but he’s responded well to being sidelined and deserves some credit.

food for thought

can you imagine the number of goals PSG will score if they have ozil just sitting in the hole and supplying balls to runners in neymar, mbappe and cavani? it’s insane! but he’s rejected the chance to go to PSG. oh well, looks like we’ll just have to loan Mbappe and Cavani from them then.


Can you imagine the number of goals Lacazette and Auba will reap if we can find a way to maximise Ozil in the hole for us?


…food for thought…oh well.


He was around last 2 seasons, very much indulged by the former manager, and we were pathetic. There’s nothing to wonder when it comes to Ozil’s performances, we’ve seen the good and the bad. And in recently seasons it was mostly bad.


WATCHING THE MATCH AGAIN, I actually thought Ozil was pretty decent for us against Cardiff. He moved the ball well and made a couple of excellent feints and back heels to get us going quicker. Also tracked back a number of times to help in defense. I think he is an asset that Emery has to figure out how best to employ until such time he is sold. Otherwise his hefty pay package, age and the general perception of his demeanor does not lend itself to too many bidders. Not sure if we are going to let Ramsey out early… Read more »


His turns and half turns on receiving a pass create so much space, no one else on the team does it as well as he does.

Corona X

There’s a dude named PIMP in that Twitter conversation. How can anything be taken serious from that screenshot? 😀


Ozil is clearly still a hugely talented footballer, who’s just lost his way at time when we’ve a new manager who, expected to achieve near-miracles with a below par squad, hasn’t the time nor the inclination to indulge him. Last night’s starting XI couldn’t be described as being anything but a mixture of first team, and fringe players, and it’s hard not to think that Ozil now falls in the latter category. Had he agreed to go out on loan, at least he would’ve been spared the further ignominy of newspaper headlines and finger pointing. This is turning out to… Read more »


What a mess!! I don’t want Mesut going anywhere… but I think UE has other ideas..think I’d have more respect for UE if he came out and said Ozil’s crap and isn’t part of my plans for the future. To keep dropping him completely and then play him for an hour or so and give him the captain’s armband is madness!! Ramsey is going yet I think he’s played more!! Sheesh!!


– Mesut, since there seems to be little playing time for you here at Arsenal, maybe you would like to play for the richest club in the world, together with Mbappe, Veratti and Neymar?
– Nope.
– Ok, then. Fancy some chewing gum?


Or since we’re playing make believe, how about: ‘Mesut, we have a way out of this cesspool of backstabbing supporters- you can live in Paris for a while, play in a quality, winning team that will deliver you a championship trophy, better weather, more tolerant culture. They want you, so they must understand and appreciate the quality you bring to the pitch.’ – “No. I play for the Arsenal. I said I love the Club, and I love London. I will stay here regardless of the shit opinions and coach that doesn’t seem to know how to harness my contributions.… Read more »


He should be desperate for a Loan deal, at a CL club would be jackpot. If he has such possibilities, and still chooses to stay he is not doing that for football reasons, personal pride maybe


Emery is an absolute a**hole. Arsenal is going to achieve nothing with him. We have had this odd wins against Chelsea and City earlier also. One thing I am sure off is, he is going to destroy the Arsenal way of playing by buying too many bulldogs who run thier lungs out all over the field but will never dominate like city or Liverpool. Doesn’t matter how many seasons or players he buys in and sends out.


That’s an astute assessment of his style of play and player management. His tactics seem to be reactionary to the opponents rather than foundationally strong.

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