Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Arsenal set to seal Edu return as Technical Director

According to very credible reports in Brazil, Arsenal are set to seal a deal to appoint former Gunner Edu as Technical Director.

The departure of Sven Mislintat in February was followed by a failed attempt to reunite Unai Emery with Monchi after he’d been sacked by Roma. Despite expectations he’d be joining the club, he decided to go back to Sevilla at the 11th hour, leaving the club with a serious gap in its executive structure.

Since then, it’s been fairly quiet with Arsenal insisting this would have no impact on our summer transfer business. But this morning, via highly respected Brazilian journalist Juca Kfouri, comes news that we’ll be giving the job to Edu.

The 40 year old is currently the General Coordinator for the Brazil national team, but is expected to move to London to take up his new position after this summer’s Copa America.

Edu is well regarded for his work with Brazil and previously with Corinthians, so let’s hope there’s real truth to this story as we need that position filled, and having one of the Invincibles back behind the scenes is an interesting proposition as the likes of Freddie Ljungberg and Patrick Vieira continue their coaching careers.

It’s also worth considering whether or not the rumoured signing of a young Brazilian forward has been influenced by him in some way.

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Like him a lot, hope he can do the job well, we need someone special.


well put. i liked him a lot and was surprised to just find out that he was here for only four years


Anyone else thinking that 5 – 1 defeat at Anfield this season was actually a damn good result?

Dave Cee

No. It wasn.t


Not to be a naysayer here — but does anyone know if Edu is actually any good? Are there really no better candidates out there who can do a better job than him? It just all feels a bit Man United to me, like right down the Ed Woodward checklist ..’of what to do when the pitchforks are being sharpened for me..’ ‘1) In attempt to try and quell the unhappy locals, quickly employ a former player from the golden generation into a position of significant importance at the club.’ Personally I was hoping that we would try and lift… Read more »


Well he’s done a good job with Corinthians and he’s seemingly well respected in the brazil set up.

But most compellingly he is not Mr. A.N.Other than fills the role currently.
Neither is he Rauls hand puppet or Josh Kroenke’s Soccer Whizz.

Paul Mitchell could be an answer to the Diamond Eyes hole that Sven Left behind.

Director Of Football
Head Coach – Head of Recruitment – Head of Academy

Emery – Mitchell – Per

Let Raul and Vinai do their thing and build this structure on the playing side.

Faisal Narrage

“Well he’s done a good job with Corinthians”

But has he? Goober makes fine points and supports evidence for why he wants Mitchell.

From a player recruitment perspective (and consider Corinthians are one of the power houses there), what has he specifically done? I’m not being facetious, I genuinely want to know, because I know nothing.

Like, who was his biggest and best recruitment? etc.


He has – they won the title (Twice?) and the South american Champions League and a cup. This Directory of Football Role is not a head of recruitment – if it where Sven would still at the club. It is a position that articulates a footballing vision – then it and drives that through the how the team plays and though recruitment and academy. The Director of Football needs to have a vision and be able to get Unai Emery to enact that on the pitch – Emery is a pure head coach – the reason he doesn’t have a… Read more »


Think you’re missing the point of Double98’s comment – he’s saying Arsenal has positions open for both Edu (DoF, a new position at the club) and Paul Mitchell (Head of Recruitment, Sven’s old job). Edu would be taking up a new role – he’s not a ‘replacement’ for Sven. The two roles get conflated a lot (this article does it too) but they’re not the same. Different clubs interpret the roles differently and they can overlap, but we have two positions to fill. So no reason why Paul Mitchell can’t also happen – except Utd & Chelsea want him too.… Read more »


@Double98 I guess my skepticism is founded on the basis that I just do not trust anyone who is in a position of power at the club to make the right decision anymore. There have been so many examples this year alone to show us all none of them can be trusted and are capable. As I commented on another article a few days ago. A very good friend of mine works in football — in fact he was a guest of Andrews on one of the Arsecast’s in 2018. So he has his ear very close to the ground… Read more »


The good thing is, Vinai has almost nothing to do with the playing side. And under his commercial leadership, we’re ditching Puma for a monster Adidas deal. Our club hasn’t won a European trophy yet. We haven’t played CL football for 3 years and basically humiliated ourselves in our last two campaigns. We replaced Alexis, a global superstar (at the time anyway lol) with Mkhitaryan, leaving a fading Özil as our only genuine world-class talent. Let’s face it, we’ve been a bit of a tough sell lately, and self-sustaining has equalled self-defeating. KSE worry me far more than Vinai or… Read more »

Pat Rice and Beans

He oversaw a trophy ladden period with Corinthians, but we must consider he had the money to improve an already strong squad that he inherited.

His job with Brazil NT is ok at best. He joined the NT as technical coordinator in 2016 for the World Cup cycle. Despite making the qualifiers a walk in the park, Selecao’s performance in the WC was deemed a failure here in Brazil.

A Different George

I suppose Brazilians are disappointed whenever they do not actually win the World Cup, but I thought they probably had the third strongest team in Russia, much improved over their disaster at home. They had the bad luck to be in the hard half of the draw, losing to the second strongest team, Belgium. I thought they were much better than Argentina or Croatia and whoever was the other semi-finalist.

Owl faced Deeney's cojones

He wasn’t the manager or playing for the national team. He wasn’t.


He’s not good

Owl faced Deeney's cojones

Problem is Sanllehi is overriding everybody in the club including the manager. The proof? Emery said two months ago he wanted to keep Welbeck and gave homegrown player as one of reasons. Who decided Welbeck had to leave ?


could be a money decision? high wage plus injury stricken player with no potential increase in future value – probably the club decided to cut their losses?


Maybe Welbeck…


Interesting and appreciated post

David Marshall

If this is true then it sounds like good news, especially if it cheers Arseblog up. He’s been a right miserable **** the last few weeks.


Haven’t most of us 😉

David Marshall

True, but he then takes it out on us with 2 hour podcasts- I can’t take much more 😉


Your talking yourself into a 4 hour podcast mister


If Deeney hadn’t been sent of we would probably have got 1 point in 18 (and that v Brighton, who were almost relegated). And none of those matches against the other of the top six. CL qualification via the top 4 should have been easy for us, with just a couple of wins.

Doesn’t he and the rest of us have the right to be miserable?


Good news if true. Joining us after Copa America is not encouraging though. The final (according to wikipedia) is on the 7h of July. Does that mean two more months without this position filled? Hopefully he can start before that.

Leno me, I’ll be your friend

Must admit, given Ajax’s success in the CL I had really start to like the idea of Overmars coming back in. But Edu could be ideal, funds are tight and one of the most affordable transfer markets is the South American, providing players are found before the big Spanish and Italian teams get involved and heavily up the prices (wages are usually more favourable than Europeans’ too). And some South American flair in the squad may address our often anonymous play style… Uh oh, I’ve set him up haven’t I!? Now a certain spam commenter is going to jump in… Read more »


You are talking about mustafi aren’t you…?

Leno me, I’ll be your friend

Haha careful! You say the ‘M’ word three times on a public forum and you run the risk of summoning the spirit of s*****i… I dare not speak his full name… Shhh! …HE’s watching…!

The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

More like santori

John Hall

As long as he doesn’t bring in another Denilson.

Spanish Gooner

The problem is we often can’t get work permits for South American players

Leno me, I’ll be your friend

True but the same can be said about Asian and African players, generally those from other continents. If we can identify a player who is worthy of challenging for a first team role we can try push the deal through based on exceptional sporting merit/potential, the issue is usually (though not exclusively) down to fringe players being brought in by mass loaners (ie Chelsea) in the hope they show further potential whilst out on loan, straight deals tend to be easier. Though with Brexit looming it’s hard to say right now whether it’ll be easier or harder getting players in… Read more »

Bai Blagoi

If Brexit goes ahead, this problem wouldn’t be only with the South American players.

Leno me, I’ll be your friend

Hence me putting “anywhere” ?

Faisal Narrage

I’d prefer not to look at the club’s performance but their record in recruitment.

Ajax are doing well, but it’s mainly on the back of their academy development, something that had nothing to do with Overmars really. His recruits have been hit or miss, as I’ve been told.

Guys like the guy who’s at Lille or one of the french clubs, the one that used to be at Monaco, now he interests me, as his record shows something in terms of successful recruitment.


True, but also Dusan Tadic has been a revelation for them, and not the type of signing they normally make. That one signing along with their incredible youth talent has put them over the top this year I think

Leno me, I’ll be your friend

Sorry Faisal you’re absolutely right, I was thinking it may give us a better chance at bringing in some of the fantastic young talents currently in the squad, but in regards to Overmars actual recruitment he’s likely to be the right man for us. Blind and Tadic were shrewd buys but not what would suit us, albeit Blind could be useful, and barring Tagliafico and the odd other it’s arguably not the best example of recruiting. Been decent on a budget though to be fair to him, but relative to Erdevisie standards.

Leno me, I’ll be your friend

*’not be the right man for us’ was what I meant.


David Neres is the name that springs to my mind

Dave Cee

Van de Beek for me, to replace Ramsey


I completely understand van de beek in to replace ramsey, my comment was more in relation to Overmars’ recruitment success being questioned, citing only tadic and tagliafico as shrewd signings and forgetting neres

Leno me, I’ll be your friend

Wasn’t that I forgot him I just simply didn’t feel the need to list every signing, hence me putting “barring Tagliafico and the odd other”.

The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

I don’t care even if he scored the winning goal in the Europa final, Getting rid of Mustafi has to be one of the main agenda in the summer. I still have mixed feelings about Xhaka, but if we can get rid of him too, i won’t argue.

I don’t mind if we didn’t spend much as long as we spend smart just like last summer. Bar lichtsteiner, the rest of the signing hit the ground running. With leno as my “steal of the season”


Yes, we need a clear out, and he is top of the list. But If the reports are as serious as I think they are then we should also sell Lacazette to Barcelona. The two players they are talking about including in the deal are both desperately needed by us. How many people have complained about our knack of letting players go for free? How many look to what Liverpool did when offered some cash for their best player? It is often forgotten but it was probably the most important player sale in our history, we sold Anelka the day… Read more »


Fully agree that we should sell some big players but please let it not be either Auba or Laca. Laca’s goals have won more points than any other player in the league.

Who are the two Barca players mentioned?


André Gomes and Samuel Umtiti. Thats easy $80m worth of players there and both solid in positions we need to fill.

The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

@aussiegooner: if what you said is true then I would considered it as smart spending even though we will lost laca so badly


AussieG, we know Umtiti is loved at Camp Nou. But even they accept he’s too injury-prone.

And Andre Gomes is pretty much the same calibre player as Denis Suarez. Very good on his day, but he’s having his best season in years on-loan at Everton, and has 1 goal and 1 assist in 26 games.

Make Arsenal Great Again

I won’t sell Lacazette. There are 2 reasons I won’t consider it.

1 – He is much younger than Aubameyang, who we’ll need to replace in the next 2-3 years.

2 – We can’t afford a comparable replacement. How much do you think lacazette will cost in today’s market?


But our problem is the catch 22 where having both our strikers is wasted when our midfield isn’t capable of giving them the ball. Without serious spending we just can’t give them the service. If we had the money to spend it wouldn’t be an issue but we are in the position of having to raise money first and I just can’t see how anyone is ever going to pay us anything for anyone else in our squad. I liken it to selling Anelka for a reason, it was gutting to see him go because at the time he was… Read more »


Actually was $23m, not $30m. Amazing how much money that seemed at the time. Anelka’s sale paid for our new training ground and the leftover $11m went on Henry. Imagine how things would have turned out had we stayed firm and kept Anelka and watching him wall away on a free two years later. Now isn’t the time to keep players, now is the time to try and build a squad capable of competing. I would rather be Leicester City or Everton at the moment than Arsenal. At least they have a squad full of players who try to win… Read more »


Agreed! I think it’s pretty damn clear that we’re not going to have the funds to strengthen how we’d like to this summer (which is unbelievable considering how much cash there is) so it’s imperative that we sell well and buy smart.

I’m hoping that Edu knows of a few unknown gems that we can pick up relatively cheap – maybe Martinelli is the start of that…

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Martinelli isn’t unknown if you know about him. If we want to catch a diamond in the rough then he’s going to have to be under the radar of all of our competitors. If you know about him then they all know about him. Thus he will be too expensive for us.


Xhaka was atrocious in the game against brighton… Scholes, fabregas etc pass and follow the ball – Xhaka positioned himself constantly behind a brighton midfielder thus taking himself out of the game.. that’s as cowardly as mustafi’s ending his involvement by going to ground, or stopping and waving his arms.

The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

If you compare the two, both Xhaka and Mustafi have obvious flaws, especially their focus and concentration which cannot be tolared in top premier league football. And especially for me, the good in Mustafi (statistically speaking) cannot be used as the reason to keep him in the squad anymore. I’d rather we keep chambers than we keep mustafi


I’d rather have thrush than keep mustafi.


Just to bring some levity to this discussion.

Torreira in a period either side of Christmas cost us 4 critical goals leading to 11 points dropped against BHA, Soton, West Ham and United (also Liverpool)

Giveaways in midfield with poor passes, robbed off the ball, poor clearances.

But no complains about him.


Granit is a decent player but not the full article. OTOH his passing range is an asset. Some decent balls in from corners against Brighton but we failed to take advantage of them. Also against Valencia, another very good assist for Lacazette (albeit he started poorly with passes) I don’t think Torreira is as good as some would prefer to believe. Bottom line is we do not have the full package in midfield and Guendouzi is still learning. Torreira (despite height similarities) is NOT Santi. We don’t have someone who can control the ball and carry it up the spine… Read more »

The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

@santori: i know you probably wont reply this but here is the thing. You said Xhaka is not full article and guendozi is still learning but you forget that torreira is still young too and barely finish his first season in premier league, unlike Xhaka who has been here for several seasons and much older than torreira and guendozi. I don’t know how you can be more bias than this….sigh

Dave Cee

Torriera hasn.t had 4 seasons to sort out his dismal mistakes!


How can 4 goals lead to 11 dropped points? I mean, lets give you the benefit of the doubt and say he did and then take them one by one Brighton – 1-1 so instead of 3 points we get 1 – loss 2 points Southampton – 3 – 2 So instead of 1 point we get 0 – loss 1 point West Ham 1-0 So instead of 1 point we get 0 – loss 1 point United 2-2 so instead of 3 points we get 1 – loss 2 points that’s 6 points. Combative midfielders sometimes lose challenges or… Read more »

Toure Motors

Was at the game on Sunday. On two occasions mustafi literally pushed torreria into aerial contests with Glen Murray. Then when Murray went off Mustafi started contesting again. very strange at best, cowardly at worst

Monkey Joe

Things are looking up. Now need to sign decent manager and we will be all right. #EmeryOut


Too harsh, Joe. I’ve been critical of the manager too but he needs another year.


Unai Emery is not the Manager – he is the Head Coach – he needs to coach the players to a strategic vision. There is none so he coaches them tacticly for each match.
Just like last year – the problem is not Emery any more than was not Wenger.

Hopefully Edu has the vision and force of personality to drive it through.
Emery is fine.

Bai Blagoi


Gutbukkit Deffrolla



Can we not just put him in midfield in place of Xhaka?


Notwithstanding the fact that I don’t really rate him, I do remember earlier in the season when the talk on here was how we missed Xhaka when he wasn’t playing.

More of the “Praise for the missing” syndrome which affects the site? Welbz, Mavro, Kos, Aaron, and others have all been better when not playing than on their return.

Crash Fistfight

No, we do miss him when he’s not there, but that is more of an indictment of the rest of the players than praise for him. He’s a great passer of a ball, but he is completely leaden-footed, which goes against the current trend for central midfielders (see the discussion on yesterday’s Arsecast Extra), who are more athletic (but potentially not as good technically as Xhaka). A lot of our squad fall into this kind of player profile (technically good but physically poor). It is why I’m not particularly confident in the types of player that Sanllehi (with Emery’s input)… Read more »

Crash Fistfight

By that I mean, they seem like they want players more weighted towards being good technically (Suarez, Carrasco, Perisic (maybe not him, but he’s getting on a bit)) but don’t give me the impression they want athletes.

Gus Caesar

I’m not really clear whether the Technical Director role is effectively the head of our scouting network (i.e. Mislintat’s old role) or a new wider role meaning that we still need to replace Mislintat’s eye for players? Should we also expect to see someone like Cagigao promoted?


I’m with you Gus (but wouldn’t call for your return to our defence?). We seem to have a line of people we’ve never heard of coming in to do vaguely-titled jobs that we’ve never heard of.


The Technical Director should have an overarching strategic role. they should have a vision of the type of football we play, the types of players we buy to suit that vision and how the academy sets up to support it. They then work with the board, Unai, Per and the scouts to deliver.
Everything beneath the technical director then becomes dispensible.
he should provide a 5-7 year reign that delivers a distinct approach and is resilient to players and managers…
think Dortmond, Southampton etc


Wenger did both roles once Dein left and it was beyond him…

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Yeah, the weak point is that bit where they have to work with the board.


I’d like to try the Ajax approach next season, with Overmars or Edu, where we back the kids to perform with a few senior players around them.

I’m disinclined to be spending small fortunes on lower level internationals (we can’t afford top draw apparently) with pumped up wages just because it’s PL.

If that takes two seasons to bear fruit, so be it.


i would love it if we take a 5 year approach and clean the club out from top to bottom.
Bring a crop of kids (men actually – Nelson, Willock, Maitland-Niles, Chambers, Bielik, Mavropanos, NKetiah, Holding) through and challenge for a title in 4 years… rather than zombie on with highly paid crud.

With the exception of chambers getting a roasting against swansea once, playing out of position, i can’t remember every regretting seeing these guys play over a first teamer


don’t forget emile smith rowe!

Jean Ralphio

I really like this idea. I hope Emery promotes youth and for that reason I was hoping Welbeck would not be offered another contract.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

If we do go this way it won’t be as a policy choice. It will be forced on us by Kroenkonomics.


Anyone able to backup these so called achievements? I hope he can make a difference but let’s not be blinded by the fact he is a former player, there are many many better people out there. Just like our manager and player recruitment we settle for bang average so europa league and top 6 is all we should expect.

Crash Fistfight

Yes, I’m surprised at how well this is being received to this point. His role at the moment is nothing like the role he’s supposedly going to be recruited for. What evidence is there that he’s likely to be any good at it?

John C

What achievements have been claimed?


Europe has overtaken South America in recent years in producing talent on mass, hopefully his knowledge of the markets isn’t solely based around just one market. Yesterdays report on the most valuable young players had Jadon Sancho as the most valuable, and Guendouzi in second, both were Sven Mislintat signings for their respective clubs. Think we’ll need patience, Torreira+Guendouzi were brilliant signings for £33million, but were 22+19 when we signed them, and their inexperience has shown at times this season, but that’s to be expected. I find it unlikely we’ll sign any ready made players who’ll improve us in any… Read more »


This story has been bubbling away in the background for a while now, I’d be happy if it’s true. I didn’t want Monchi because he is too close to Emery and I don’t want a Spanish triumvirate embedded at the club so it becomes difficult to get rid of them. This seems more balanced, and it’s worth waiting a while to get the right person rather than just signing up someone because they’re available. I know that Bloggs and a lot of fans are not fond of the owners, and the financial situation does seem a bit odd, but you… Read more »

Faisal Narrage

Actually that’s all due to Gazidis, who dragged the academy from the dark ages by force and also chose to invest a lot into the women’s team. But blogs really never wants to hear any praise for Gazidis, as his hatred for him blinds us from the good work he’s done. I think even blog is beginning to realise that Gazidis played a bigger role than he’s given credit for. At the very least, he was a CEO with a vision and tried to execute on it. Some saw him running of to AC as the coward chasing money, but… Read more »

A. Hunch

He overplayed his hand by plumping for Arteta last summer, only to find the board aghast when the ex-player’s unsuitability became obvious. His quitting was inevitable once he was overruled.


Gazidis was the one who implemented a new hierarchy with a Coach (instead of an old-style manager in charge of everything) and a Head of Recruitment and separate Director Football to co-ordinate everything. What makes you think he would then choose a new manager by himself, or that anyone at Arsenal has that kind of power? We know Gazidis respected Arteta and spoke highly of him. But why would he quit over someone City had no intention of ever releasing? That makes no sense. Gazidis left because he was done with the Kroenke’s, and the new ownership at Milan (who… Read more »

Faisal Narrage

We’re not allowed to be objective with Gazidis here. It was he that decided to completely revamp our academy, as it was lagging way behind. He invested into our complex, our scouting network, our medical and performance facility (first team and academy), into our ladies, etc. He changed our structure (almost gone unnoticed that, barring our 3 major injuries, we’ve actually done well injury-wise this season), he bought StatDNA and had a vision to be the leading analytics club. Whether you like or agree with that vision or not, at least he had one and was able to communicate it.… Read more »


Yeah the void in leadership has been a big factor this year.

I think proper strong leadership from KSE would’ve resolved whatever issues Sven had. Tell him what he needed to hear, but do not let that kind of talent walk out of the door.

On the other hand, Sven isn’t blameless, and the fact that no big club swooped in for him speaks volumes.

Faisal Narrage

I think plenty wanted him as head of recruitment, but he clearly doesn’t want to be that, he want’s to be a technical director. Much in the same way big clubs didn’t want him as chief scout at first, so went to a lower club (at the time) to show his vision for it. Now he’s going to a lower club to prove his worth as a Technical Director with complete control. Seems clubs generally don’t select non-footballers/coaches as TDs, which is what Sven would be, and nobody wanted to take the risk to have a “none footballer” defining a… Read more »


Kroenke going with the cheapest possible option then. No surprise there.


I would go for overmars, look at the job he did at ajax.


Good news and, to be honest, I’m quite happy that he’s not too closely linked to emery like Monchi was. Bit of objectivity at least. Also, if Edu doesn’t look at our midfield and immediately sell Xhaka I’d be surprised.


We don’t need no EDUcation.

Naked Cygan

This is bad news for us, first his lack of experiance is a big concern. 2nd, historically majority of the south American players struggle in England, and I am afraid he will try to find more deals from south America.


Vamos lá Edu! Let’s go Edu!


I think we should be targeting Luis Campos at Lille. He was the one who orchestrated the Monaco team in recent years. He’s now doing good things at Lille. Aside from him Ralf Ragnick at Liepzig or Michael Zorc (The real genius behind Dotrmund not the imposter Mslintat) BUT the Arsenal always trying to do things on the cheap. Also not sure why we need Raul And the new bloke. Too many cooks. Prefer to get rid of Raul as well or kick him upstairs. Edu has some experience in Brasil maybe but insufficient IMO in the European market. Very… Read more »


Diego Godin is leaving Atlético on a free – the first thing Edu can do is sign this guy on a 1 or 2 year playing contract with a view to becoming a defensive coach after he retires. Godin and Koscielney coaching our next generation of defenders is rather appealing.


We need a younger Cback, 24yrs++

I don’t think Koscielny should be relied on next season. Durability issues.

Plus just bc you were a legend doesn’t necessarily mean you are a good coach. See Adams. Bould hasn’t helped. Nor Koscielny currently. He’s in and amongst the pidgeons and no difference.


Joining after the summer cup??

I’ve said it before, but I sure hope we’ve already got our transfer targets lined up for this window.

If our initial targets don’t work out, do we have anyone capable of making decent assessments?? I have my doubts given the winter window results.

Between this and the rumors of a tight budget it could be an ugly one.


The penny pinching is the worry. Doing things on the cheap. If we don’t make CL it’s self perpetuating. Which is what I mentioned before when some people preferred Wenger outside top 4 so he could win cups. Don’t think either Sven or Raul have done the club any favours. If anything Wenger flattered to deceive bc he is generally brilliant in market. Whether he buys enough or short changes himself (mostly in defense) is another issue. What needs to be done is some pressure on Raul and some strong executive decisions from high up. Not sure Venkatasham and partner… Read more »


Good we have somebody. But is he an upgrade to Sven?


Links are just what they are. They could be fishing a wide range of names. Some maybe less visible to media so I won’t take these reports as be all and end all.

Certainly Edu does not seem entirely the best option but stranger things have happened (See Wenger who?)

Its a healthy does of skepticism for me and wait and see.


I don’t think so.
Sven left not because he ain’t good but he doesn’t have the same voice with Raul Sanllehi/Unai Emery.
I still find his departure a big loss to Arsenal.
He brought Aubameyang, Sokratis, Bend Leno, Lucas Torreira to us. It was just a begin.


Wow just wow.

We better be VERY careful with the return leg.

I dunno what Klopp did to ignite his players but with out Salah and Firmino, they pasted Barca 4 nil…no excuses.

Determination pure determination, and shots at goal, took their chances, got the psychological strangle hold of the match.

Well done.

We better take a lesson from that. That would have surely Whet the appetite and belief of Valencia for a come back.

SB Still

Off topic:

No Salah, no Firmino, 3 goals down against serial winners. Liverpool score 4, keep a clean sheet and go through to the finals!

I hope Emery is our Klopp (doesn’t have the same track record so will be a huge step-up). However, where was the foresight from our club, how did we miss out on Klopp? Wenger would have left in much better circumstances. Sigh!

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Klopp would have recognised the signs at Arsenal. We aren’t a Club that attracts top managers. Our ownership and management do not shout “AMBITION” to top managers (or technical directors and/or heads of recruitment). We look like a Club that is slowly sinking because it is top heavy with idiots.

Billy Bob

Just when you thought football couldn’t get any worse poxy liverbore beat Barcelona!!! Next spuds will somehow manage to beat Ajax, chavski will hammer Frankfurt and Valencia will put a nasty turd on top of it all by finishing us off!!!!


Liverpool just beat Barcelona 4-0 without their 2 best players to get to the CL final. Yet another magical European night at Anfield *pukes. Ask yourself this…in our lifetimes can you ever envisage that Arsenal will ever have such a moment with KSE set to stay for the next 50 years and our current pack of cowardly weaklings? It seems like the teams around us have at least one of these moments a season. Just need an Arsenal capitulation and spuds to reach the CL final now to cap off the season.


Just seen it as well, still trying to believe it. It’s a culture thing, a willingness to run and run and run, matched with real footballing talent. Liverpool have it, City have it, we don’t. It’s not just about what you spend in fees and wages, United are proof of that. It’s about bringing in a select group of players that can set their egos aside, fit a system and buy into that kind of vision. No more overhyped cast offs, no more players signed for big money who refuse to improve, no more bargain bin trolly dashes. If we… Read more »


That’s correct. But we have to allow that system to be built. I’ll try to explain it simply. Liverpool, City and Tottenham (taken as an example, as supportive argument) all changed their squads totally since they changed managers. I don’t have time to google it but I think I am more or less right about this. I think that noone left in City today compared to the day when Pep came. I think it’s the same with Tottenham and Liverpool. We don’t have the privilege to change managers and players like socks, but since they appointed Unai then, okay, let… Read more »

Wilsheres Middle Finger

Hear Hear. ????

Rome wasn’t built in a day.


We should look at Liverpool book.
But remember guys, Liverpool fans were fighting very hard to get rid of those greedy liars Tom Hicks and Gillet.
Rome isn’t built in one day but if you don’t put an effort then it will never happen.
I don’t see we are improving since Kroenke took over Arsenal.

Gutbukkit Deffrolla

Kroenke is just the virus we caught when we were at our weakest. Our problem stems back to the irreconcilable differences between David Dein and The Board. When he was forced to resign we lost the only board member with any vision. If the Board had realised they were holding the Club back and resigned instead then we probably would not have made the sequence of errors that led us directly to Kroenkonomics that may very well turn out to be worse than anything Mike Ashley has done to Newcastle United. We’ve been in trouble ever since “We don’t want… Read more »


I like Edu, but this seems like a trolley dash as the first two people we were reportedly after (three if you include Raul’s buddy) all turned us down.
Edu won’t be able to do anything for awhile, either, and feels like Emery is going to have more on his plate this summer after the club’s inaction in replacing Sven…
The situation seems as though KSE are setting Emery up for failure in this regard as he won’t be able to manage the squad while trying to do two jobs.

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