Saturday, July 27, 2024

Torreira: I’m happy and satisfied with this year

Lucas Torreira says he’s been pleased with his development on the pitch over the course of his first year in English football but admits, off the pitch, life hasn’t been as enjoyable as his time in Italy.

Having played in a World Cup, made a big money move to Arsenal, scored a cracker of a goal against Sp*rs and a enjoyed a run to a major European final, the 23-year-old has barely had time to catch his breath in the last 12 months.

As if he didn’t have enough on his plate he’s even the subject of rumours linking him with a move to AC Milan, who’ve just appointed his former Sampdoria coach Marco Giampaolo as head coach. We’re ignoring those because we think they are guff.

Ahead of Uruguay’s opening game of the Copa America against Ecuador on Sunday, our diminutive midfield terrier reflected on the highs and lows of his journey.

“I went from the Italian championship to a totally different style of football and life,” he told Uruguayan outlet Ovacion [quotes translated by Football 365].

“We all know what England is about and what the Premier League is about. I made a very important jump at a football level.

“At Arsenal we played four competitions, while in Sampdoria I was used to playing in only two – the Serie A and Coppa Italia.

“There were many more matches. I had to get used to playing every three days, which is very hard.

“Unfortunately, we were not able to qualify directly to the Champions League, and we played in the final of the Europa League. Losing that final was very hard, not only for us but for the club.

“But for me the balance was positive and I am satisfied and happy with what I did during the year. I played 50 games, practically twice as much as I played the season before.

“As you gain experience and have different partners by your side, you will learn a lot. I have learned a lot, especially how to handle the matches and their different situations.”

For all the positives, Torreira admits that his lack of English and the UK’s shitty weather have made it harder to settle than he’d like. It’s not a new phenomenon, plenty of players have come here and struggled on that front, it doesn’t mean they want to leave immediately.

“I don’t know if there are many things that I enjoy,” he said. “I think I had a better time in Italy.

“England is a totally different world. The language (barrier) has stopped me being able to relate with my team-mates and the people. It is very difficult when you can’t have dialogue.

“And then there is the weather. You go out in the morning and it is cloudy, you arrive at your house in the afternoon and it is cloudy.

“We are from here (Uruguay) and we are used to always – or almost always – having the sun. But as the years go by, I’m going to adapt.”

We’d like to highlight that final line to Ivan Gazidis.

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Rostock Gooner

I have the feeling that he’s gonna be huge and one of our most important players. Unlike other players at this club, he’s not taking anything for granted (e.g. CL football) and is always so so hungry for the next good moment.


I love his attitude, he’s here to work and improve… and if his life outside work isn’t ideal? Then it doesn’t matter, because he’s here to work and improve.

Ozil is in London collecting overinflated wages because he loves London, he couldn’t care any less whether he’s playing or not…. and certainly doesn’t hesitate in throwing a sicky, rather than travel too far away and ruin his weekend.

If we had 22 players with the tenacity, determination and professionalism of Torreira? We’d smash this league…..


Oh yes and lil Lucas doesn’t like clouds in the sky… poor lil one.


Rich, mate, you are a caricature of yourself.


Not sure why you needed to drag ozils name through the mud for this


I think it’s a valid comparison. There’s never any noise around Ozil being upset about not playing, the only noise coming out of his camp is: “He’s happy with his life in London, and doesn’t want to leave London” It’s also clear that he thinks he’s too good to sit on our bench, in spite of the fact he usually just stinks the place out when he gets any chances on the pitch. If Ozil had any ambition to keep improving? or any professional pride? He’d be talking like Torreira, it’s absolutely clear Emery doesn’t fancy him, and yet he… Read more »

A Different George

Almost everything in this post involves your assumptions about how Ozil and Torreira feel about playing, not playing, transfers, the weather, etc. To me, at least, it sounds like these assumptions have more to do with how you personally feel about the world than about anything you have actually seen or learned. As the man said, you are a caricature of yourself.


An assumption is simply a theory, and this is an Arsenal opinion and comments section. So if you’re annoyed by people making calculated assumptions? This probably isn’t the place for you to keep your likely high blood pressure under control…. I think Ozil is the definition of a player who’s just cruising through the motions. And judging by your comment, you think that my assumption is wrong. I’m choosing to believe the stories of Ozil storming out of training in a temper tantrum, and also of him pulling sickies after learning he wouldn’t be starting, I also believe his tweet… Read more »


“But as the years go by…”

Stirring stuff!


Buy the man a sun bed ? do what ever it takes to keep hold of our future!


Buy this 50 kpw guy a single ticket back home. No need of whining guy. Imagine Özil saying this.

Kwame Ampadu Down

Alex, mate, you are a caricature of yourself

A Different George

I think Alex was joking. I hope so.

Kwame Ampadu Down

Given his history on here, almost certain he doesn’t do jokes. Even if he was, his one player obsession is frighteningly boring.

Terry Henry

Interesting read in light of just listening to your conversation with Philippe Auclair. Worrying that various players are giving hints to the media that they aren’t particularly happy for one reason or another.
I would be very surprised if we sell Torreria this summer, genuinely one of our best players.


Shitty UK weather. Ruining the cricket world cup too..

Ko Aunglinn

We need every player to play like him.U R the best LUCAS TORRERA???

Leno me, I’ll be your friend

Oh god… this means ‘you know who’ is currently amassing a wall like comment with highly inaccurate facts(?) such as ‘don’t forget Torreira directly cost us 4goals against X,Y,X’, ‘not as great as some people like to think… reality much?’ and the usual tired spam ‘sven wasn’t great/don’t forget the much lauded Sok&Kos cost us goals against Wolves/low hanging fruit/panic loan era/Mustafimustafimustafi ad infinitum’ whilst completely ignoring the fact that Torreira in his FIRST season at Arsenal had to pretty much single-handedly (no offence to Xhaka but let’s be honest, he gave LT a lot of off the ball work… Read more »



The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

@leno: I get you, man. “That person” is annoying on a different level. I don’t know why, aside from freedom of speech, that what he posted were never considered as spams because he rarely stick to the topic nor he engage in a good discuesion with us

Leno me, I’ll be your friend

Totally mate, he’s just plain rude, hugely disrespectful to the majority of honest fans here and for the most part massivley wrong when it comes to important details. At least he has to wait 15 hours for his comments to pass moderation, all those downward thumbs do sprinkle a little magic ?
Funnily, if you put his name into your own comment it in turn takes hours to be moderated. Not sure why that is, but weird nonetheless! Perhaps Laca-Sead is correct, and the name alone is more powerful than we dare fear…!


Who that? I will stick to this topic, its a favorite of mine. I’m not sure what the point is comparing Granit’s first season to Torreira. They are different types of players. OTOH my observation based on facts still stands. Torreira did give the ball away in critical areas in midfield or was robbed of it 5 or 6 times in matches against BHA, Soton (away), West Ham, United, 4 of which led directly to goals against. And had those involved Granit instead, you wouldn’t hear the end of it. Again if you are too lazy to watch matches that… Read more »


…with all due respect.;)

Leno me, I’ll be your friend

Hook, line, stinker ? “I’m not sure what the point is comparing Granit’s first season to Torreira.” I didn’t. The point I have made before is that you defend Mustafi in his third season despite his blatant failings and despicable attempts at blaming his team-mates, whereas the younger Torreira playing in a more difficult position (given our defence and Xhaka’s limitations) you’ve no problem scapegoating. “Torreira did give the ball away in critical areas in midfield or was robbed of it 5 or 6 times in matches against BHA, Soton (away), West Ham, United, 4 of which led directly to… Read more »

Leno me, I’ll be your friend

*I happily watch old games
Actually, in hindsight, may I have permission to remove ‘happily’ from that sentence? ?

The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

Okay, that’s new. The guy did reply to your Comment. Maybe he’s changing a bit? Wishful thinking, i know

Faisal Narrage aka Mr. Project Youth 2.0

You are, if anything, bloody consistent

The only sp*rs i like is san antonio

Seriously, though. It’s not a rocket science to see who is the bigger fool. to make the same comparisson between torreira’s first season mistakes (which were not that much) with granit’s three season stagnation and regression, you sure you’re not drunk everytime you write about this?

Arsenala Vista Baby

U should write for Arseblog


The English weather is not going to be a surprise! And you would think had been vectored into the decision to join in the first place.


You’re not serious?

Cultured determination

You’ll be a beast next year!!

Leno me, I’ll be your friend

Really does show how the red top papers have next to no credibility. All week they’ve been paraphrasing this interview and tying it in with AC Milan’s managerial appointment to make it seem a foregone conclusion that Torreira is going to leave asap. Doing this whilst on the opposing pages praising United chiefs for ‘becoming favourites in de Ligt race/becoming Griezmann’s preferred choice/Bale to be announced’ and so on. Not a single scrap of truth, Griezmann’s off to Barca, Bale doesn’t want to leave Real and de Ligt, the most promising CB, in Europe definitely isn’t dreaming of teaming up… Read more »


Pricks in Jonalistic clothing. I despise them and their hounds like style of Jonalism.


I was laughing so much at the Phil Jones comment I almost forgot to thumb you

Leno me, I’ll be your friend

Haha it’s okay, I spend a lot of time laughing at Phil Jones and forgetting to do things too ?


When he mentions playing twice as many games, it is understandable why he flagged a little mid-season. I like his honesty and hope he stays though.


Probably the reason for his mini collapse mid season. BUT it does point to deficiencies in the squad still in deep midfield. We had the asset found in Ramsey later on when Unai switched the Welshman to a deeper role more out of desperation. Emery’s main concern was who to partner Granit but Torreira later got injured as well. With Ramsey we had a mini revival as we again found a bit better balance in the midfield. The issue with the team is myriad. BC we spend more time on the front foot trying to break down teams sitting compact… Read more »


One left field option for CM (if we are considering Carrasco for wing), is Bakayoko. He’s been on loan and had a rough start to Milan tenure but got better toward the end. I think he awaits who the new gaffer at Chelsea would be and how his cards stack up thereafter. He could be rehabilitated like some players have,sometimes the environment for them doesn’t click and they lose their way but there is a rough gem for someone to polish if they feel they can manage the lost asset. BUT I’m not sure about his mentality. This is and… Read more »


I don’t think you’re wrong in identifying the central midfield as a key problem area for Arsenal. I don’t see us investing much in anyone who isn’t young and unproven, however, so I hope we begin promoting from within to give us a different look. Losing Ramsey is huge, and we won’t find a guy that can do what he does, so we need to clear that off the table — instead, we should turn to someone like Bielik (I suppose Chambers did a fine job for Fulham, too) who has the size and ability to shield the backline. He… Read more »

Man Manny

Most refreshing last line I have read in a long while.
However, getting newsworthy info on Arsenal right now is as easy as finding a democrat who supports Trump.

Dublin gooner

So what you’re saying Blogs is that the red tops are lying bags of shite?


Torriera has bigger balls than his diminutive size suggests, I love this guy, has grit and determination. He’s quality, he’s exactly what we needed since Santi Casorla. Might even have been a great pairing.

Thierry Bergkamp

If he doesn’t enjoy the city, he’ll be gone soon. Maybe 1 season more, maximum.

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