Saturday, July 27, 2024

Report: Leipzig reject €60m Arsenal bid for Dayot Upamecano

According to Bild in Germany, RB Leipzig have rejected an offer from Arsenal in the region of €60m for Dayot Upamecano.

The French defender was the subject of interest from the Gunners earlier this summer, with Rafa Honigstein reporting for ESPN that he was a target although no bid had been made at that point.

This came before the Europa League final against Chelsea, a game which could have given us Champions League football and a bigger transfer budget, but as we all know that didn’t pan out.

The latest update suggests that the 20 year old Frenchman is seen as a key player for Julian Nagelsmann, but perhaps an improved offer ahead of Thursday’s deadline would tempt them.

There’s also the possibility that Arsenal could throw in a player on loan, with Emile Smith Rowe an option – going back to the club he joined temporarily last season. Reiss Nelson might also be an attractive prospect, particularly as Nagelsmann worked with him with some success at Hoffenheim last year.

Unai Emery definitely needs a centre-half before the window shuts. With just Sokratis, Calum Chambers and Shkodran Mustafi available, we’re short on numbers and quality.

Laurent Koscielny remains determined to leave, Rob Holding is still making his way back from a cruciate knee ligament injury, while Dinos Mavropanos is sidelined with another recurrence of his groin problem.

With just three days left to complete any incoming deals, let’s hope Raul and co can get something over the line.

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That’s more like it.


Ffs, don’t play with my heart Arsenal!!! Someone wake me up when the window closes, my heart can’t take this anymore!


Clearly with the amount of money we have spent in the last week, we are going balls out for the top 4. Mustafi will cost us 10 points this season if he is a main stay in the squad, and like last season, a 10 point swing will be the difference between us getting in the Champions League places and not.

So its paramount we get a center half in before the window closes. If we don’t, it almost renders spending the other money completely pointless.


To be accurate, or pedantic, it was just the one point we missed out on 4th by. But yes, with such fine margins involved, we really need some more quality in our defense.



I was just doing a rough estimation in my head how many mistakes I can remember Mustafi making last year, and I made it about 10 points.

Which obviously would have made the difference.


Ah I see. Well then yes, if we could have kept hold of those 10 points we’d not be having this conversation, with having been sat convincingly 3rd last season. God I hope we sign some defenders!

Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

We should perhaps spend tenth of the money to hire a great defensive coach instead. We hired Sanllehi and we are seeing the difference. Sanllehi and Edu in turn should explain to Unai he needs help for the coaching of defence.


@Eternal Titi Berg Pat Nostalgia

A defensive coach? Mate we’re not in the NFL


We cannot get rid of kos and go into this season with the defence we have.
We have done good work this window but the defence is an ongoing sore and has been for years and not to address it with the forward line we have would be criminal and could undo everything.
I just cannot believe the club would let this continue. The need is beyond obvious.

Freddie’s Red Mohawk

Curious… when Kos leaves, do we wish him well ?
What a shite way to end your legacy


Technically speaking we haven’t spent anything more than 25-30 mil pounds. If we are offering another financed deal we will not end up spending more than 45-50 mil pounds in this window. A job well done! However, this approach will increase our debt.


Seems we are acting like a big club for a change


Raul has me all hot and bothered!

Petit's Handbag

This would be an unbelievable signing (according to football manager and FIFA)


Anyone seen him in real life? I know absolutely nothing about him (my shunning of the FIFA franchise in recent years has seen me even lose this priceless avenue for learning)


I watched the pair of them in the U21 Euros and I personally like Konate a little more. I didn’t watch a lot of their games in the Bundesliga last season, so who knows?


Caveat: Judging by the youtube highlights only.
Upamecano stays on his feet more, seldom goes to ground.
Appears more controlled.
Equally rapid and tackles much better with his left foot.
Hell, he reminds me of Sol Campbell in his prime and we all remember how that worked out!…


only remember when he played in Austria with 17 yrs, his physis was sick considering his age. Good in the air, stays mostly on his feet, solid passer. and screw the FIFA franchise(except they bring back the old football manager, like football manager 13).


> stays mostly on his feet

Keep going, I’m close


Too short for the PL. His CB partner konate is who we should be going for.


He’s 6’1 and built like a tank


Also, in all seriousness, who do we start against Newcastle at CB? Sokratis and Mustafi or Sokratis and Chambers? ?


Sokratais and Chambers


I’d say Chambers is ahead of Mustafi in the order now. And since we have until early September to sell Mustafi, we shouldn’t play him and risk injury.

Cultured Determination

if we dont sell him by early september he might still be due for a move in January, or June, so we still shouldnt play him.

Christopher Gatt

This a trick question? Mustafi is every Arsenal fans nightmare -_-


We can start with Chambers and then if we need to ship some comically bad goals we can bring in Mustafi to “Shore up” *winkwink* the defence.


Given the paucity of options, I think he’ll start with a back 3. Most likely Sokratis, Monreal and Chambers.


Sokratis and Steve Bould


At least for once in ages, we are showing some hunger and desire to do something positive this term but I certainly agree with you lot… defense defense defense is our biggest problem. Just look at the number of goals we concede not to mention the schoolboy manner in which we repeatedly do it. Geeez?


Arsenal won’t make an opening bid in that amount. I smell BS.


He has a 90 million release clause so


Ole Solksjaer – Chequebook manager
Unai Emery – 0% Finance over 48 Months manager


We may have to, ahem, Up our bid.

Dispossessed by Torreira

Fuck!!! Arsenal actually want to be competitive. This is a new feeling

Dispossessed by Torreira

Pardon the language

Reality check

This is how much CL means to the club as a brand. Once we are there, Lets hope they have the will to go a step further and go for the trophy. Thats what the frustration was in late 00s and early teens. I hope these last couple of years were the metaphorical step becackwards necessary to go two step forward..


I’m confident Raul will have his way. This is admission that a CB needs to come in.


I’m wondering if the discussions regarding a CB are along the lines of “what’s the point of getting a stop gap CB? Might as well bring in a top young player, who along with Saliba can potentially make up our back line for next 10 years.”

Fuck me, what has happened to this club and Kroenke??? Maybe he went an ayahuasca journey?

Make Arsenal Great Again

Saliba and Holding will also be very good.


upamaceno with saliba can be a beast of a defence.. although emery still needs the right help in getting the most out of his defence

Del Boy

Yes Arsenal! Go spend that Adidas cash!


Unfortunately, the new money from the new kit deal is the difference between the old deal we had and the new one – like when you get a pay rise (if you get one). As we’re losing at least £25 million a season by not being in the CL there’s not a huge sum left from the old deal money to start with.


I get the sneaking suspicion that Arsenal are targeting structured deals with long-term payments (so paying against future anticipated transfer budgets). There’s nothing wrong with this in principle, but it does mean that the owner is putting little of his cash in. It also means that a lot is riding on CL qualification.

Summary: the owner might still be shit

My Cousin Vinai (Formerly Faisal Narrage)

Literally almost every deal, bar straight up paying for a player’s release clause, is a structured deal.

You can trigger a release clause with a structured deal even

T h

Depands on contract


Always wondered about this

Yes of course, but there are degrees.


There’s no possibility of Kroenke putting money in, as you say. He never has and never will as far as I can see. Also, there’s nothing sneaking about your suspicion – we are going for extended instalment deals. By the way, almost all transfers are paid by instalments, we’re just trying to extended the timescale in our deals to reduce the up front payment. You’re absolutely correct about CL qualification. We’re losing at least £25 million a season by not being in the CL. If that continues and we also have to find large sums for transfer instalments that will,… Read more »


Give the man and the club a break. This is a club showing ambition and the desire to be successful on the pitch! I for one am thankful to see ambition and a joined up thinking return. COYG.

Raul's cock

60mn + mustafi? I mean, I wouldn’t, but they might…

Merlin's Panini

perhaps chuck in Kos as well?


How about 55 mil +Mustafi + Xhaka + Jenkinson + Elneny?


Leipzig are a Champions League team, why would they want Arseenal’s Dross?


You must be fun at parties…


60mn + mustafi = 50mn


Would any sane negotiator want Mustafi included? Nope.


If any sane negotiator WOULD want Mustafi, why haven’t we been able to sell him? Hmmm.


Clearly we need to find an insane negotiator


He’s a German international and world cup winner.. isn’t he?


Trigger the release clause and throw in Mustafi as well so they have to accept, flawless plan.

Mentally Drained Gooner

If this gets done I’ll have to change my name and if we still finish outside of top 4 arsenal will have to change the manager


This took an odd turn but can’t argue

Glen Helders left foot

I like Raul’s cunning plan of out smarting the market by starting to act like a big club, genius

My Cousin Vinai (Formerly Faisal Narrage)

“Reiss Nelson might also be an attractive prospect…”

No. He stays.


You have spoken – now we know what will happen.

My Cousin Vinai (Formerly Faisal Narrage)

He stays, that’s what.

North London is Redder

No Ornstein no dice sadly


Bild+ is actually a fairly reliable source.

North London is Redder

I don’t doubt it! I’m just never willing to get excited until it’s on his Twitter.


Fair enough!

Merlin's Panini

Would love it if we brought in Upamecano. Exactly the type of centre back we need.
Young, but already experienced and performing well in a strong league. Having him, Saliba, Holding and Chambers as the future of our defence would be really promising.


Konate would be fine as well.


If dayot Upamecano doesn’t work out,then go for Ibrahima konate,jonathan tah or skriniar!!

Please Raul help us!!!!!

Merlin's Panini

they’re good on Football Manager, I take it?


I don’t know those players except for Tah. He looks like a unit and plays for DFB. Could work out.

But we still have 6 CBs. We need to get rid of Kos and Musti quickly.


If Upamecano doesn’t work out, there’s absolutely no chance we’d get Konate from them. He’d be even more expensive.

Dave Cee

Actually Upamecano usually keeps Konate out of the team. Konate played at the back end of last season as Upa was injured then


Konate is the far better player.

Mayor McCheese

I think people just looked up their respective heights on Wikipedia and pick Konate because he’s three inches taller.

Konate is not “far better.” That’s an absurd thing to say. Both he and Upamecano are considered the future of the France national team.


Guarantee you that saliba will be better than both of them


Well I think Jonathan tah is also very good and more experienced than the both of them..we should go for him then


If true, no indication of terms. If it’s an extended instalments deal then that could potentially complicate things so close to the deadline, as would add-ons.. Obviously no loan back.

Given money is tight, I wonder if this means we’re close to selling a player or even two? Sales have been very disappointing so far – only raising around £10 million or so. Too much to hope that Mustafi will be on his way – Christmas really would be early – but it could be the likes of, say, Jenkinson and/or Elneny.

The clock is ticking…


Up and atom!!

Up and at them…


I hear he’s a good upamecoming centre back


I’ll grab your coat


My eyes! The googles do nothing!


$60mill for a 20yr old with only 77 appearances, who isn’t a full international, is absolutely crazy.

But if we pull it off? No one can accuse us of not giving it a crack.

For those expecting a 20yr old novice to fix our problems? I think they may very well be left disappointed.

However this is exciting nonetheless.


Unrelated, but does anyone know why Gabriel Martinelli does not feature on either the first team or the academy players list on the Arsenal website?

Iron Ljung

That is curious


Because he’s DEAD


That headline hit me like a grenade out of no where…… BOOM!!!


This feels like BS


Raul with all the moves!


We haven’t got him yet.


Ridiculous. Konate is the one we should go for. Not the fake Umtiti

Mayor McCheese

Either one would be fabulous. There really isn’t much between them in terms of numbers.

Arsene's Zipper

With Raul in charge I wouldn’t be surprised if we signed Sergio Ramos on loan for 5m. How times have changed…

Jason daniels

Give mustafi plus 30 million. I cant believe we getting beaten by the same diagonal cross balls and over the top.drops. suarez was standing alone with chambers and mustafi ball watching. Basic football like mark your man. As for a.m.n he cost us the europa league and yesterday he showed how weak he is. I think jenko is better

Jason daniels

We could have bought de ligt

Mayor McCheese


De Ligt had very specific reasons for choosing Juventus over every other club in Europe who wanted him (and could have afforded the fee).

Dave Cee

De ligt is on Ozil money and has his choice of Man U, Barca, PSG and Juve. So no, I don.t think he was ever realistic. I.d quite like van de Beek though


Isn’t he Turkish?


Wow. If that amount is anywhere near reality it is totally unexpected. Of course I can’t judge the player since I ve never heard of him and could turn out to be a Mangala, but Red Bull has a good record the recent years.


That’s a big fee for a 20 year old. To be honest never heard about him, but to turn down that fee looks like a smokescreen or they really must be greedy. Sell them Mustafi, we can add German premium tax like English players get valued in the Premier league.


Could we do a twofer, Konate and Upemecano?

Oh well

Who would’ve thought that a shrek-lad like Maguire would inflate the CB-market! I think we are to late to go after a decent CB.


If this news is true that Leipzig has rejected 60m for developing defender than it is a scary for arsenal. I am fearing that clubs like them are audaciously thinking about fees close to 70m for average defenders and world record fee for above average ones. In this stage getting a loan deal for now and precontracting a world-class defender before january window is probably the best option.


Currently on the defensive roster: Koscielny, Sokratis, Mustafi, Holding, Chambers, Mavropanos, Bellerin, Jenkinson, Monreal and Kolasinac. Koscielny has one foot out of the door and is as good as gone… Need to sell Mustafi and Jenkinson pronto… Chambers needs one season to prove himself worthy of the long-term project, failing which he can be put up for sale next summer… Monreal should be looking at his last season at the club; he is too slow to be an LB anymore, and not strong or tall enough to be a CB… If we were to sign an Upamecano or a Konate… Read more »


Currently on the defensive roster: Koscielny, Sokratis, Mustafi, Holding, Chambers, Mavropanos, Bellerin, Jenkinson, Monreal and Kolasinac. Koscielny has one foot out of the door and is as good as gone… Need to sell Mustafi and Jenkinson pronto… Chambers needs one season to prove himself worthy of the long-term project, failing which he can be put up for sale next summer… Monreal should be looking at his last season at the club; he is too slow to be an LB anymore, and not strong or tall enough to be a CB… Mavropanos might need a season on loan if Emery isn’t… Read more »


Thumbs up just for the vacate the No 4 shirt quote!!!

Laca New Signing

He looks like a younger version of N’golo Kante


I don’t know why we bothered with Saliba if we are going in for a 20yr old in Upamecano. There are two Cbacks who have clocked more time in first team competition than Saliba worth considering at Liepzig. Ibrahima Koyate is the other. BOTH have been consistent and the German team only conceded 29 goals all last season. As I mentioned before, we are best of to throw all available money to get either one or test Barca’s resolve on Umtiti. I don’t see the need to bother with Tierney at the moment. Cback is not good enough (regardless of… Read more »


We’ll, here’s a tired voice about Mustafi. Why are you seeking to justify his continued presence to the extent of apportioning blame by percentages between players in a friendly game? Are you his agent? The majority of Gooners who think he should go do so on the evidence of his lamentable overall performance across many games he’s played. For example, I’ve seen him, as a season ticket holder, in every home game he’s participated in. Have you, or are you going by TV highlights of occasional games? He just isn’t up to the job and no other “top six” team… Read more »


It’s Santori. You downvote and move on.


Cost of good quality CBacks clearly high. a) Supply is limited b) We have the inconvenience of our transfer window closing earlier. Seller has other options on continent and can keep price high. c) Its common knowledge we need a defender. Which is why I mentioned any pursuit for Tierney is distraction. We need to put all remaining money into the best Cback we can get. Another 25m to Tierney will dissipate our resource in a high price market. The only reason why I think we are in for Tierney is bc the club felt (rightly) Monreal was getting on… Read more »


I would also consider less glamorous but well blooded options existing in PL like Dunk or Tarkowski.

Of course the way we play (out of the back), I’m not sure if these players necessarily fit our bill but there’s something to be said about a no nonsense approach.


I dunno why we even bother to throw Mustafi their way as make weight for their 70m evaluation on Upamecano. We are prepared to pay 55m. Maybe throw in Mavropanos on loan with option to buy (since we will have Saliba plus Upamecano is still barely 21yrs) Or if they (I don’t blame them) want Mustafi then Chambers maybe. He’s got more potential but frankly he hasn’t been exactly the answer for us yet either. Yesterday’s goal from Suarez equal if not more culpability on Chambers who was in a position to see Suarez and adjust positioning close space to… Read more »


..or other permutation could be we use Mhkitaryan as a make weight (10m value) plus Mavro on loan. Upamecano to us at 45m plus add ons to make up to 55m. Option to buy for them on Mavro etc.

I’m reluctant to send Smith-Rowe out there again but we have plenty of options to send out.

We can get creative get this deal done. We’ve been dealing with Liepzig, maybe we can strike a good long term relation with them sending some of our better young prospects there on strong loans.

Flavoured Rice

Anytime I see someone raise their hand, I get awful PMS (post Mustafi syndrome) attacks. Symptoms are: uncontrollable rage, flat out disbelief, followed by a long, depressing acceptance that I was wrong with to ever have dreams, expectations or standards.

That is what watching Mustafi week in, week out has done to me. I’m tired of suffering from PMS and would gladly take any other centre back in the world to replace him.

I don’t care who, but just replace him and get it done, Arsenal!


Emery is quite a clever chap. I’d imagine that having agreed to let an unhappy Kos leave, and also looking to ship the Corporal out. With having let Bielik go, and our only defensive signing this summer loaned back, using a midfielder as a RB… I would imagine, like to think, hope, that he has a few targets lined up. Maybe left-field ones that no one is expecting us to sign as we did with Pepe? Or is this reductive reasoning on my part?

I need a lie down. Fetch the Gin!

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